We have various advertising and sponsorship options available to help organisations promote their products and raise awareness of their brand and company profile.

About the conference

The Royal Anthropological Institute is pleased to announce the  major conference entitled “Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change” which will take place at the British Museum organized in conjunction with the British Museum's Department for Africa, Oceania and the Americas.

Dates: 27-29 May 2016


The conference will attract a truly interdisciplinary mix of 500-600 international delegates. Participants will include anthropologists, curators, teachers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, representatives of NGOs and media, decision-makers, corporate bodies and members of the general public.


The conference will be held at the British Museum’s Education Clore Centre. Details of the Centre can be found on the following website. For a map of the venue click here.

Programme Ads

The conference programme is a perfect place to put a prominent display ad. All delegates will see your company’s profile each time they look up information about workshops, sessions and activities. A full page B&W advertisement in the A5 programme is £250 (ex VAT), half page £120 (ex VAT).

Conference Reception

There is an opportunity to sponsor the conference drinks/reception. The conference reception is open to all participants and is a chance to meet attendees and delegates and increase recognition of your activities. Sponsorship benefits include:

  • Recognition of sponsorship in all printed and web publicity, the conference catalogue and at the venue
  • An invitation to the reception and formal thank you announcement
  • Free registrations for the conference

For further information please contact: Emma Ford at education@therai.org.uk  Tel: 020 7387 0455