The conference takes place in the Whova web app, so you will not be getting emails with Zoom links to panels - you must access all conference content via Whova.

Remember that you have to be registered and paid up to access sessions. All registered delegates need then to create a Whova account and use that to log into Whova each day of the conference. Whova contains the full conference agenda, networking options, exhibitor booths etc. As Whova "wraps around Zoom", there is the option, once inside Whova, to enter any live event (panels, plenaries, social events etc) via Zoom. 

If you wish to only listen in/watch any sessions, you can download and use the Whova mobile app for whatever mobile device you have. However if you are presenting or highly involved in a session as a convenor, chair or a discussant, you should use a computer/laptop and participate via the Whova web app in your internet browser - we recommend using Chrome, but Firefox and Safari also work. 

Please follow the link below to get your account ready in Whova:

  1. A) If you have not yet created an account in Whova: 
  • Click the 'Sign up here' option, below the 'Login' button
  • Use the same email address we’re writing to (and which you registered to the conference with)
  • Enter your name and email address and choose a password for your account.
  • Upload an avatar/photo of yourself (if you wish), add your affiliation and/or few interests - entering this data is optional but facilitates networking.
  • Having created your account, you will enter the Whova event main page where you will see the RAIMed2022 logo      
  1. B) If you have already created your Whova account then simply log into Whova with your email and password and you should land on the Whova event main page where you will see the RAIMed2022 logo..

Once logged in:

In the vertical menu on the left hand side, click on 'Agenda'.

You will now see two tabs: 

  • ‘Full agenda’ for the whole event (N.B. we are still working on it, so some details you see on the conference website are yet to be added)
  • My agenda: when you favourite certain sessions/events, these will appear here

To find a panel session use the 'search' function above the agenda tabs. Enter your session reference number (for example: P05a or Lab04) and click on the session title.

How to join a session once it is live?

Having clicked on the session title, you will see the options of joining the session via Zoom (you must have the Zoom app installed on your computer) or via the Whova web app. We strongly recommend that presenters and convenors use Zoom for their sessions.

If listening in/watching as an attendee (not presenting/convening/discussing) you will probably find it more useful joining via Whova rather than Zoom, as that will allow you to stay inside the interface with all its fancy bells and whistles! 

If you are experiencing difficulties, please email the conference address for assistance or use the chat function we will activate for conference hours on the RAIMed2022 website.

How to network during breaks?

One of the most beloved aspects of conferences for most scholars is the coffee break and lunch chats one can have - meeting old friends, making new ones, discovering unexpected connections, getting good advice (and ignoring the bad one - or vice versa!). It is not possible to replace the serendipity of these moments in the virtual world, but we are still going to give it a try. 

For (coffee and lunch) breaks during the conference days, we have opened up a room for you to mingle in. The links are in the agenda in Whova. Do make use of this as a meeting tool, an opportunity to hang out with your panel/section colleagues and to make new friends. The software is incredibly easy to use, but just in case, here's a link to a video showing its main functionalities.

How to find out more about the programme

While we have imported all essential info into Whova about each and every event, panel and presentation, the RAIMed2022 conference website still offers more detailed info (for example, full paper abstracts). See the RAIMed2022 Timetable page or the "All panels" view for more info.