Application Form

Home Joining Application Form

Many people from all over the world are affiliated to the RAI. We welcome anyone with an interest in the subject, whether working in an academic institution or not. Our affiliates include academic specialists, students, those working in fields where anthropology has practical applications, and those whose interest is captured by the subject matter of anthropology. The membership structure has been designed as far as possible to suit all interest groups. The RAI is constantly looking for ways of improving its structure and services, and welcomes all suggestions.

You can go straight to the application form here. This application form is for all categories of affiliation.

On the application form you should click “login” and enter your email address and name.  If your details are already on our system it will ask you to update these.  If you are new to the RAI please click “add a record” at the upper right. 

If you encounter any problems please contact