The Anthropological Index Online (AIO) is a comprehensive, user-friendly online bibliography of anthropology-related journals held in the Anthropology Library and Research Centre at the British Museum, London. It provides an indispensable service for libraries and for individual researchers, teachers and students of anthropology and archaeology throughout the world. Supported for many years by grants from the W.B. Fagg Charitable Trust, the AIO now aims to be financially self-sustaining. For full information and to access the Index, click here.
The Anthropological Index Online (AIO) proudly announces a new service for its users. As of January 2012, anyone using AIO will be able to search for RAI films online via keywords, directors or area of coverage. Default searches will show simultaneously both articles and films. Users will have the choice of searching films only. Film titles will be marked with a distinctive icon that identifies them among articles appearing on the same page. This new service is the result of a collaborative project between AIO and the Film section of the RAI that aims at highlighting its resources among fellows, subscribers, and independent users. Film lists will be updated twice a year.