Gluckman, Max (MS 496)

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GLUCKMAN, Max (1911-75) [MG], Various Papers


Handwritten and typewritten.


The material has been arranged into the following sections:-


/1 Personal and University Papers

   /1 Personal Papers

   /2 University material

   /3 Poetry by MG, 1928-32


/2 Notebooks and Field Notes

   /1 Exercise books

   /2 Notebooks

   /3 Field Notes


/3 Barotse, Lozi and Zulu Material

   /1 Barotse Material

   /2 Lozi Material

   /3 Zulu Material

   /4 Lectures


/4 Essays, Articles, Reviews, Offprints etc.

   /1 Published Essays, Articles, Reviews etc.

   /2 Writings by MG

   /3 Writings by other writers

   /4 Miscellaneous Printed Matter


/5 Miscellaneous

   /1 Kinship Survey, 1944

   /2 Peters Survey, 1949-60

   /3 Documents relating to Mau Mau, 1954

   /4 East Africa Royal Commission, 1955

   /5 RLI Applications, 1956

   /6 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1957-58

   /7 Law Seminar, Addis Ababa, 1966

   /8 Information about Tribes

   /9 Miscellaneous


MS 496

References to associated photographs, in the RAI Photographic Collection, are included, with the prefix ‘phot.’


/1 Personal and University Papers


/1 Personal Papers


 /1  MG, birth certificate (printed and autogr.)


[Number 2 omitted in error]


 /3  MG, curriculum vitae when applying for Special Lectureship in Native Law and Administration in the Dept. of Bantu Studies. 5 leaves (mimeo.)


 /4  Annexure A – Qualifications in Social Anthropology. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /5  Annexure B – List of testimonials. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /6  L.H. Dudley Buxton, Bursar, Exeter College, Oxford, 1 Jan. 1937 – testimonial for MG (tp.)


 /7  Major D.R. Hunt to MG, 12 Jan. 1937 – on a testimonial; if MG gets the lectureship he will be able to teach the rising generation very much; he is at the beginning of the new science. 2 leaves (autogr.)


 /8  MG to the Registrar, University of Cape Town, 20 Jan. – wishes to apply for the lectureship in Native Administration; encloses medical certificate, CV and testimonials; gives further names of those who could supply testimonials (tpc.)


 /9  Registrar, University of the Witwatersrand, 1 June 1938 – certifies that MG attended and completed courses for the degree of Bachelor of Laws; lists the subjects (tp.)


/10  Registrar, University of South Africa, to MG, 1 July – refers to MG’s letter of 20 June [not held]; on exemptions in the subjects to be examined for the LL.B[?] (tp.)


/11  Ibid., 5 July – he must apply for admission to the status of BA before he can be admitted to the LL.B. examination (tp.)


/12  R.R. Marett, 8 Nov. – testimonial for MG on his application for the post of lecturer at Rhodes University College (autogr.)



MS 496


 /1/1/13    C.K. Allen to the Registrar, Rhodes University College, 9 Nov. – instead of giving an open testimonial, writes direct in support of MG; mentions the Rhodes Scholarships; recommends MG highly (tp.)


/14  Prof. S. Herbert Frankel to whom it may concern, 18 Nov. – testimonial for MG on his application to the Department of Bantu Studies at Rhodes University College; recommends MG highly (tp.)


/15  Audrey I. Richards to the Registrar, Rhodes University College, 25 Nov. – writes gladly in support of MG’s application (tp.)


/16  E.E. Evans-Pritchard to whom it may concern, 27 Nov. – testimonial for MG; has no hesitation in recommending him (autogr.)


/17  C.M. Doke to the Registrar, Rhodes University College, 28 Nov. – MG did very well; considers that he would do good work as a lecturer (tp. copy)


/18  A.R. Radcliffe-Brown to the Registrar, University of Witwatersrand, 20 Dec. – recommends MG very strongly for the post in Native Law and Administration; on MG’s qualifications (autogr.)


/19  C.K. Allen, 21 Dec. – supports MG’s candidature for a lectureship in Native Law and Custom at the University of Witwatersrand; mentions Rhodes Scholarships; thinks MG would be a good and successful teacher (tp.)


/20  [Prof. S. Herbert Frankel] to whom it may concern, 22 Dec. – testimonial for MG on his application to the lectureship in Native Law and Administration at the University of the Witwatersrand; recommends him highly. 2 leaves (mimeo.)


/21  L.H. Dudley Buxton, ibid. – testimonial for MG (tp.)


/22  Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard to […?], 2 Jan. 1939 – supports MG’s application for a post in Ethnological Jurisprudence; recommends him highly (autogr.)


/23  MG, 6 Sept. 1945 – Application for lectureship in social anthropology [at Edinburgh]. 10 pages (tp.)


/24  Ibid., nd – list of publications. 3 leaves (tp.)


/25  MG, Curriculum Vitae, Dec. 1946. 5 leaves (tpc.)


/26  Ibid., nd – ‘Biography and Publications – Education and Posts’ [CV]. 18 leaves (tp.)


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 1/1/27    MG, nd – brief Curriculum Vitae. 2 leaves (tp.)


/28  Ibid., 30 Sept. 1974 – ‘Summarised Curriculum Vitae’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/29  MG, 5 Feb. 1974 – list of addresses, educational achievements, membership of societies etc. 5 leaves (tp.)


/30  List of addresses (tp.)


/31  Mary Gluckman[?], list of addresses, membership of societies etc. (tp.)


/32  Obituary of MG by William H. Newell, from Oceania, Vol. XLVI, No. 1, Sept. 1975 (photocopy)


/2 University Material

[see also 5/9/416-419]


 /1  MG, ‘The Influence of Modern Psychology on Current Moral Codes and Institutions’, inscribed ‘Philosophical Society Essay Prize March, 1931’. 24 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /2  MG, ‘A Description of the History and Effect of European Contact on the Culture of the Cape Hottentot’. 26 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


 /3  Ibid., ibid. (another version), inscribed ‘September 1930’. 26 leaves (tp.)


 /4  Ibid., ibid. (a few disjointed pages). 6 leaves (tp.)


 /5  MG, nd – notes headed ‘Bahmann’[?] on Hottentots[?] 30 leaves (autogr.)


 /6  Ibid., ibid. – miscellaneous notes. 9 leaves (autogr.)


 /7  One notebook with notes [on Roman Law?] (autogr.)


 /8  One notebook, headed on first page ‘Comparative Bantu’ (autogr.)


 /9  Notebook marked ‘I’ on the spine, labelled ‘Constitutional Law’ (autogr.)


/10  Notebook marked ‘II’ on the spine (autogr.)


/11  Notebook marked ‘III’ on the spine, labelled ‘Roman Law’ (autogr.)


/12  Notebook marked ‘IV’ and ‘Constitutional Law – 2’ on the spine (autogr.)


MS 496


1/2/13     Examination book with MG’s notes on ‘Primitive Mentality’ by Lévy-Bruhl (autogr.)


/14  Notebook labelled ‘Stayt Earthy Cook – Bomvana Gibson J.R. Brown Gardiner Caspalis Martin Watts Harries Bryant – MSS.’, notes on various books[?], first page dated June 1934 (autogr.)


/15  Exercise book marked ‘I Book references near N. Rhodesia’, 2 pages with pasted-in references, the remainder of the pages blank


/16  Exercise book marked ‘II Book references Zulu’, ibid.


/17  Exercise book marked ‘III Books – references – African general’, some references autogr., some pasted-in


/18  Exercise book marked ‘IV Book references S. & N. Rhodesia’, ibid.


/19  MG, nd – notes headed ‘Constitutional Law’. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/20  Notes on definitions of purchase and sale. 4 leaves (not consecutive) (tp.)


/21  Sheets of text on Roman Dutch Law[?] 2 leaves (tp., incomplete)


/22  MG, nd – notes on legacies. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/23  ‘Sale. Selected Legal Latin Texts’. 11 leaves (tpc., inscribed ‘Colin Gluckmann’ on first leaf)


/24  MG, nd – notes [on Briffault?] 8 leaves (autogr.)


/25  Ibid., ibid. – notes inscribed ‘B’s criteria of matrilocality’. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/26  Ibid., ibid. – sequence of notes. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/27  MG, nd – Index to Bryant’s Dictionary. 23 pages (autogr.)


/28  MG, nd – notes on Goldenweiser, ‘Evolutionary Theory’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/29  Notes on Morris Ginsberg, ‘Sociology’. 9 leaves (tp.)


/30  Text dated 25 Aug. 1935, on Ginsberg. 6 leaves (tpc.)


/31  MG, 13 Apr. 1933 – notes headed ‘Native Law – Administration Law’. 12 leaves (autogr.)


/32  15 Mar. 1933 – notes on ‘Native Law and Administration’ (tp.)


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1/2/33     MG, 16 Mar. 1933 – rough notes headed ‘N.L.O.A.’ 6 pages (autogr.)


/34  nd – notes headed ‘Lecture 3’. 4 leaves (tpc.)


/35  MG, 22 Mar. 1933 – notes headed ‘Native Law’. 7 leaves (autogr.)


/36  Damaged notebook without cover, headed on first page ‘Schapera Ethnologist in the Field’ (autogr.)


/37  Damaged notebook without cover (autogr)


/38  MG, nd – notes on ‘Southern Africa’ by F. Fleming, and other works. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/39  Ibid., ibid. – notes on the social significance of beer. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/40  Ibid., ibid. – notes on ‘Andaman Islanders’ by Radcliffe-Brown. 2 double leaves (autogr.)


/41  Ibid., ibid. – rough notes. 6 pages (autogr.)


/42  ‘History of Roman Dutch Law Book II’ (tpc. booklet) [torn cover]


/43  ‘Codifications of R. Law’. 115 leaves (autogr., not MG’s hand)


/44  nd – notes on law. 7 leaves [non-consecutive, some pages missing] (tp.)


/45  Text [damaged pages] beginning ‘Barbaric Invasions’. 20 leaves (tp.)


/46  Text beginning ‘The Meaning of the Term “Roman Dutch Law”’. 71 leaves (tp., pages missing)


/47  Notes headed ‘Property’. 8 leaves (autogr.; Mary Gluckman’s hand?)


/48  MG, nd – rough notes. 3 pages (autogr)


/49  Notes on Hugo de Groot (Grotius). 5 leaves (autogr.) [MG’s hand?]


/50  Index cards with notes on ‘The System of Native Administration in Tanganyika’ by M.F. Perham and ‘Native Land Tenure in East Africa’ by L.P. Mair. 5 cards (autogr.)


/51  MG, nd – notes headed ‘Ankerman: West African Culture’. 10 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


1/2/52     Map of Africa annotated by MG (printed with autogr. annotations)


/53  Page of maps, including one of Africa with annotation (printed)


/54  MG, nd – notes on ‘West African Kulturkreis’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/55  Notes on ‘Ank. W.A.C.’ 3 leaves (autogr., including drawing of map of Africa)


/56  MG, ‘Thesis on the Economics of Native Life, presented for Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Social Anthropology’; ‘A Comparative Study of the Economic Position of the Chief in Certain Southern Bantu Tribes’. 145 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/57  Note about famine (autogr.)


/58  MG, nd – notes from Schapera, Ency. Brit. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/59  Ibid., ibid. – notes from Stayt, ‘BaVenda’ 7 leaves (autogr.)


/60  24 Sept. 1932 – notes on ‘Professor Lestrade on Bantu Chieftainship’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/61  MG, nd – ‘A Comparative Study of the Economic Position of Chiefs in Bantu Society’, plan of the thesis (tp. with autogr. notes)


/62  ‘Chiefs who get into Debt’ (newspaper cutting)


/63  ‘Natives on the Mines’ (newspaper cutting)


/64  Notes headed ‘Economic Position of Chiefs’, notes from Buell, ‘The Native Problem of Africa’ (tp.)


/65  MG, nd – brief notes relating to thesis. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/66  Ibid., ibid. – notes for letters to Hunt, Welsh and Lugg (autogr.)


/67  ‘Oral Sorcery among the Bakxatla’, by Schapera[?] (tp.)


/68  MG, nd – notes headed ‘Lestrade Some Notes on the Political Organisation of the Bechwana’. 8 leaves (autogr.)


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1/2/69     Magistrate’s Clerk to MG, 22 Sept. 1932 – refers to MG’s letter of 15 Sept. [not held]; Mr Lugg will be pleased to help him on the question of Native Chiefs; he shall be pleased to meet MG in Pretoria after 1 Oct. (tp.)


/70  […?], Office of the Chief Magistrate, to ibid., 27 Sept. – refers to MG’s letter of 13 Sept.; gives information about chiefs in Pondoland being members of District Councils; on Chiefs demanding a tribute; chiefs play no role in the Churches; on stipends; on taxes; chiefs do not levy labour, nor help in recruiting labour; on lobola; on jurisdiction. 2 leaves (tp.)


/71  J.H. Sims[?] to ibid., ibid. – refers to MG’s letter of 19 Sept.; minor disputes over land and grazing rights have always been common in this native territory; local chiefs may or may not be on good terms; native peasants have little excitement to provide an outlet from their agricultural pursuits; such outbursts are only natural (tp.)


/72  […?], Office of the Chief Magistrate of the Transkeian Territories, to ibid., 24 Oct. – refers to MG’s letter of 12 Oct. [not held]; on the personnel of the General Council and District Councils; on the number of chiefs on the Councils (tp.)


/73  Leaflet on Transkeian Territories, General and District Councils (printed)


/74  Sunday Times, 19 Nov. – ‘Inefficient Chiefs’ (newspaper cutting)


/75  MG, nd – notes on witchcraft[?] 2 leaves (autogr.)


/76  Ibid., ibid. – notes (autogr.)


/77  Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Evans-Pritchard Ritual and Mystic Ideas of Azande’. 26 leaves (autogr.)


/78  Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Bryant, A.T. “Olden Times in Zululand & Natal”. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/79  E.J. Braatvedt, 2 Apr. 1939 – testimonial for MG (tp.)


/80  Dolly Goldberg, South African Jewish Board of Deputies, to MG, 13 Dec. 1936 – Dr Sonnabend asked her to forward the enclosed (tp.)


/81  Documents from the Comitato Italiano per lo Studio dei Problemi della Popolazione. 4 leaves (printed)


/82  MG, nd – text entitled ‘The Origin and Function of the Belief in Mortality’. 17 leaves (autogr.)


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1/2/83     Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘Religion’. 16 leaves (autogr.)


/84  Ibid., ibid. – text entitled ‘Variation of Death Ceremonies with Social Status among the Southern Bantu’. 23 leaves (autogr.)


/85  May 1936, MG, ‘The Realm of the Supernatural among the South-Eastern Bantu’, being a thesis presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Oxford, Vol. 1, inscribed to E.-P. in another language (bound)


/86  Ibid., Vol. 2 (bound)


/87  Hardback notebook containing another copy of MG’s thesis ‘The Realm of the Supernatural among the South-Eastern Bantu’, Chapter I to Chapter III; loose leaves inserted, including notes headed ‘Umkosi’, ‘From Miss Killie Campbell’ (tp. with autogr. additions)


/88  Ibid. containing Chapter IV to Chapter VIII; loose leaves inserted (tp. with autogr. additions)


/89  Hardback notebook, with text beginning ‘Chapter II. – Modes of Ritual Behaviour among the South-Eastern Bantu’ (autogr., many blank pages)


/90  Loose pages inserted in the notebook: notes on ritual (tp.); various rough notes. 4 leaves (autogr.); text headed ‘Non-ritual behaviour and the Place of Ritual Behaviour in South-Eastern Bantu Social Life’. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/91  MG, ‘Abstract of Dissertation on “The Realm of the Supernatural among the South-Eastern Bantu”’, presented for degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Oxford, May 1936. 16 leaves (tpc.)


/92  MG, ‘Chapter II – Modes of Ritual Behaviour among the South-Eastern Bantu’. 71 leaves (tp. with autogr. diagrams and autogr. corrections)


/93  Ibid., nd – notes headed ‘Factitive Ritual’. 4 pages (autogr.)


   /94  Page of text on a ritual cleansing (tp.)


/95  MG, nd – notes on approaches to the problems of ritual[?]. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/96  Diagram showing non-ritual behaviour and ritual behaviour (autogr.)


/97  Notes on Linton, ‘The Study of Man’. 2 double leaves (autogr.)


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1/2/98     Draft of ‘Introduction’ to MG’s Ph.D. thesis. 30 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/99  Draft of Chapter I of MG’s Ph.D. thesis, ‘The Land and the People’. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections, incomplete)


/100 Draft of Chapter 2 of MG’s Ph.D. thesis, ‘South-Eastern Bantu Culture’. 21 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/101 MG, nd – text headed ‘Chapter III – South-Eastern Bantu Magic’. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/102 Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘Magicians, Diviners, Witchdoctors and Exorcists’. 27 leaves (autogr.)


/103 Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘Chapter VII – Magicians, Wizards and Gods’ (autogr.)


/104 Text headed ‘Cosmogony and Creation’ [Chapter VII, 3 of the thesis]. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/105 MG, nd – draft of ‘Chapter VIII – South-Eastern Bantu Ritual (i) Modes of Ritual Behaviour’. 25 leaves (autogr.)


/106 Ibid., ibid. – draft of ‘(ii) South-Eastern Bantu Magic’. 18 leaves (autogr.)


/107 Ibid., ibid. – draft of ‘(iii) The South-Eastern Bantu Ancestral Cult’. 32 leaves (autogr.)


/108 Ibid., ibid. – draft of ‘(iv) South-Eastern Bantu Substantive Ritual’. 24 leaves (autogr.)


/109 Ibid., ibid. – draft of ‘(v) South-Eastern Bantu Factitive Ritual’. 12 leaves (autogr.)


/110 Ibid., ibid. – draft of ‘(vi) The Functioning of South-Eastern Bantu Ritual’. 28 leaves (autogr.)


/111 Ibid., ibid. – draft of ‘Chapter IX – Comparative Summary of South-Eastern Bantu Ritual’. 22 leaves (autogr.)


/112 MG, nd – notes headed ‘Primitive Religion to Faculty of Theology’. 5 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/113 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘SEB Ritual’. 9 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/114 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘S.E. Bantu Ritual – 5 – Morphology of Magic’. 2 double leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


1/2/115    Notes headed ‘Central Africa Ritual: Religion: Magic: Witchcraft: Divination’, notes for a lecture[?] 8 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/116 MG, nd – notes headed ‘S.A. – III’. 3 double leaves (autogr.)


/117 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘S.A. IV’. 7 leaves (autogr.)


/118 MG[?], nd – ‘Political Aspects of First Fruits Ceremonies in Africa’. 6 leaves (tp. and autogr., leaf 3 missing)


/119 MG, ibid. – notes headed ‘SEB Ritual 6 – Belief in Immortality’. 7 leaves (autogr.)


/120 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘SEB Ritual – VII – Sacrifice & Anc. Cult’. 7 leaves (autogr.)


/121 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘SEB Ritual – Constitutive Ritual – VIII’. 1 double leaf and 4 leaves (autogr.)


/122 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘SEB Ritual – IX – Factitive Ritual’. 11 leaves (autogr.)


/123 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘SEB Ritual – X – Functioning of Ritual’’. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/124 Ibid., ibid. – rough notes (autogr.)


/125 Ibid., ibid. – text entitled ‘Zulu Hysteria’. 4 leaves (autogr.) [leaf 1 missing]


/126 MG, nd – rough notes. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/3 Poetry by MG, 1928-32


 /1  MG, July 1931 – untitled poem (tp.)


 /2  Ibid., nd – ibid. (autogr.)


 /3  Ibid., June 1928 – poem, ‘The Beast’ (autogr.)


 /4  MG, Mar. 1932 – poem, ‘Insanity’ (tp.)


 /5  Ibid., Sept. 1931 – poem, ‘Unknown’ (autogr.)


 /6  Ibid., Nov. 1932 – poem, ‘Unknown’ (autogr.)


 /7  Ibid., nd – poem, ‘Regrets’ (tp.)


 /8  Ibid., June 1931 – poem, ‘I Dreamt of Thee …’ (tp.)


 /9  Ibid., 24 May 1932 – poem, ‘Desire’ (tp.)


/10  MG, Sept. 1931 – poem, ‘Dross’ (autogr.)


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1/3/11     Ibid., nd – poem, ‘Cold Beauty’ (tp.)


/12  Ibid., Dec. 1931 – poem, ‘Phantasms’ (autogr.)


/13  Ibid., nd – untitled poem. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)


/14  Ibid., nd – untitled poem. 5 leaves (autogr. draft)


/15  Ibid., ibid. – untitled poem (autogr.)


/16  Ibid., ibid. – untitled poem (autogr.)


/17  Ibid., ibid. – poem, ‘Lyric’ (autogr.)


/18  Ibid., ibid. – poem, ‘Lyric’ (autogr.)


/19  [MG], Dec. 1931 – poem, ‘Love – Magic’ (tp.)


/20  MG, Sept. 1931 – poem, ‘Unmeeting’ (autogr.)


/21  Ibid., nd – untitled poem (autogr.)


/22  [MG], Dec. 1931 – poem, ‘Night Dreams’ (tp.)


/23  MG, nd – untitled poem (autogr.)


/24  Ibid., Sept. 1932 – poem, ‘Naked in the Sun’ (tp.)


/25  Ibid., June 1932 – poem, ‘Maori Genesis’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/26  Ibid., Jan. 1931 – poem, ‘Memory’ (tp.)


/27  Ibid., Dec. 1931 – poem, ‘Star Dreams’ (tp.)


/28  Ibid., Jan. 1932 – poem, ‘An Artistic Artistic Lament’ (tp.)


/29  Ibid., Sept. 1932 – poem, ‘Doubt’ (tp.)


/30  Ibid., Oct. 1932 – poem, ‘Forgotten’ (autogr.)


/31  Ibid., 15 Dec. 1932 – poem, ‘Plan’ (tp.)


/32  Ibid., 26 Dec. 1932 – poem, ‘Ghosts’ (tp.)


/33  Ibid., nd – poem, ‘The Criminal’ (autogr.)


/34  [MG?], 1 Jan. 1933 – ‘A Note on Tragedy’. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/35  MG, ‘American Football Song’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1932 (cutting)


/36  Ibid., ‘The Ballad of Andrew May’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1932 (cutting)


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1/3/37     ‘These Modern Detectives’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1931. 2 leaves (cutting)


/38  MG, ‘The Black Bat’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1932. 3 leaves (cutting)


/39  Ibid., ‘An Elizabethan Neo-Modern Love-Lyric’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1932 (cutting)


/40  ‘Plums from the Editor’s birthday cake’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1932 (cutting)


/41  MG, ‘Glory Reflected – Which Way?’ (cutting)


/42  ‘An Address to the Casual Reader’, ‘Noah’s Beard’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1932 (cutting)


/43  ‘Impressions of a Motor Car Journey from Cairo to the Cape’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1931 (cutting)


/44  ‘That Knowing Miss’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1932 (cutting)


/45  ‘Yet Another Song of our Yellow Press’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1932 (cutting)


/46  ‘Further Song of our Yellow Press’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1931 (cutting)


/47  ‘Sell to them Futures Futures’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1931 (cutting)


/48  ‘The Song of our Yellow Press’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1931 (cutting)


/49  MG, ‘The True Perspective’, June 1931 (cutting)


/50  ‘The Editor’s Lament’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1932 (cutting)


/51  MG, ‘The Witches’ Sabbath’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1931 (cutting)


/52  Ibid., ‘Impression of the Opera’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1931 (cutting)


/53  Ibid., poem ‘Zero’ (cutting)


/54  ‘A Brush with the Profession’ (cutting)


/55  ‘Cliolanthe, the Belle of Benoni’, Wits’ Wits, Sept. 1932 (cutting)


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/2 Notebooks and Field Notes


/1 Exercise Books


 /1  Exercise book, Book I, inscribed June-July 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


 /2  Exercise book, Book II, inscribed ‘Musialela’, nd – text (autogr., mostly in another language)


 /3  Exercise book, Book III, inscribed ‘Ishee Kamabanda Mwa BuLozi’, 2 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


 /4  Exercise book, Book IV, inscribed ‘L. Musialela’, nd – text and kinship diagrams (autogr., in another language)


 /5  Exercise book, Book V, inscribed ‘Simusialela July 40’ – text and kinship diagrams (autogr., in another language)


 /6  Exercise book, Book VI, inscribed ‘Simusialela July 40’ – text and diagrams (autogr., in English and another language)


 /7  Exercise book, Book VII, inscribed Muwanenwa Clerk – […?] Kuta Njoko River … Oct. 42’ – text (autogr., in another language)


 /8  Exercise book, Book VIII, inscribed ‘Edward M. Story Lukonga My work in the Kuta 24.4.45’ – text (autogr., in another language)


 /9  Exercise book, no number, no inscription – text (autogr., in another language)


/10  Exercise book, Book IX, inscribed ‘David Kalimosho 26.4.45’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/11  Exercise book, Book X, inscribed ‘Some Siluyana Sayings & Phrases by Mobu Muyumbana Maltaa’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/12  Exercise book with no cover, Book IV – text (autogr.)


/13  Exercise book, Book V, inscribed ‘E.M. Glory Lukonga Marriages in Barotseland & Watch Tower Movement’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/14  Exercise book, Book VI, inscribed ‘E.M.N. Glory Lukonga About Marriages in Barotseland’ – text (autogr., in another language)


MS 496


2/1/15     Exercise book, Book VII, inscribed ‘E.M. Glory Lukonga Mubuso wa Kale ni Kashenu[?] mwa Bulozi’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/16  Exercise book, Book VIII, inscribed ‘E.M. Glory Lukonga Christianity in Barotseland’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/17  Exercise book, Book IX, inscribed ‘E.M. Glory Lukonga Schools in Barotseland’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/18  Exercise book, Book X, inscribed ‘E.M. Glory Lukonga Making living in Barotseland’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/19  Exercise book, Book XI, inscribed ‘E.M. Glory Lukonga Mishiku mwa Bulozi’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/20  Exercise book, No. I, inscribed ‘A.M. Lewanika Diary’, dated on first page 28 July 1947 (autogr.)


/21  Exercise book, No. II, inscribed ‘A.M. Lewanika Diary’, dated on first page 15 Aug. 1947 (autogr.)


/22  Exercise book, No. III, inscribed ‘A.M. Lewanika Diary’, dated on first page 26 Sept. 1947 (autogr.)(


/23  Exercise book, No. IV, inscribed ‘A.M. Lewanika Diary’, dated on first page 30 Nov. 1947 (autogr.)


/24  Exercise book, No. V, inscribed ‘A.M. Lewanika Diary’, dated on first page 19 Feb. 1948 (autogr.)


/25  Exercise book, No. VI, inscribed ‘A.M. Lewanika Diary’, dated on first page 24 Aug. [1948] (autogr.)


/26  Exercise book, No. VII, inscribed ‘A.M. Lewanika ‘Mwenemutondo’s Case’, dated on first page 12 Dec. 1947 (autogr.)


/27  Exercise book, No. VIII, inscribed ‘A.M. Lewanika, Saa Sikalo Council Debate’, dated on first page 14 Nov. 1947 (autogr.)


/28  Exercise book, No. IX, inscribed ‘A.M. Lewanika Mwene Mutondo’s Case in Saa-Sikala Kuta’, dated on first page 27 Oct. 1947 (autogr.)


/29  Exercise book, No. X, inscribed ‘Albert Singumbe Kafunya Diary’, dated on first page 6 Sept. 1948 (autogr.)


/30  Exercise book, No. XI, inscribed ‘Albert Singumbe Kafunya Diary’, dated on first page July [1948] (autogr.)


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2/1/31     Exercise book, No. XII, inscribed ‘Albert Kafunya Diary’, dated on first page 28 Jan. 1949 (autogr.)


/32  Exercise book, No. XIII, no inscription, dated on last page Aug. 1948 (autogr.


/33  Exercise book, Book I, inscribed 11 July 1940 – MG notes; text in another language (autogr.)


/34  Exercise book, Book II – MG notes; very many blank pages (autogr.)


/35  Exercise book, Book VI, inscribed ‘Munamato Sikololo Composition’, 2 Mar. 1943 – text (autogr., in another language)


/36  Exercise book, Book VII, inscribed ‘Silapelo Sikololo Composition’, 2 Mar. 1943 – text (autogr., in another language)


/37  Exercise book, Book VIII, date on first page 12 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/38  Exercise book, no number – text (autogr., in another language)


/39  Exercise book, Book IX, inscribed ‘D. Kalimosho’, date on first page 1 July 1947 – text (autogr., in another language)


/40  Exercise book, Book X, inscribed ‘D. Kalimosho Maila’, date on first page 28 June 1947 – text (autogr., in another language)


/41  Exercise book, Book XI, inscribed ‘D.K. Maila’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/42  Exercise book, Book XI cont., inscribed ‘D.K. Maila’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/43  Exercise book, Book XII, inscribed ‘Albert Kafunya’ – text on ‘Scale of pay for African teachers’ (autogr.)


/44  Exercise book inscribed ‘Simbotwe Ikaiana’, 18 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/45  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Kabanda Kalaleika’, 8 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/46  Exercise book inscribed ‘Nwanangombe St. III’, date on first page 26 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


MS 496


2/1/47     Exercise book inscribed ‘Kanyata’, 8 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/48  Exercise book inscribed ‘Situmbeko Ikaiana’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/49  Exercise book inscribed ‘Enoke’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/50  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Silombwana Standard III Lozi Composition or Science’, 20 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/51  Exercise book inscribed ‘Mukelabai’, 3 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/52  Exercise book inscribed ‘Government Book. Adabondo Mukelabai St III’, on first page 27 Sept.  1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/53  Exercise book inscribed ‘Simasiku C.’, 12 Dec. – text (autogr., in another language)


/54  Exercise book inscribed ‘Kandandu’, 24 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/55  Exercise book inscribed ‘Lubasi’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/56  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Malikana Muzungu’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/57  Exercise book inscribed ‘Muyanda III’, 20 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/58  Exercise book inscribed ‘Walubita’, 18 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/59  Exercise book inscribed ‘H. Mubita Nalishuwa St IV’, 4 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/60  Exercise book inscribed ‘Musialela’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/61  Exercise book inscribed ‘Mwendawelu’ – text (autogr.)


/62  Exercise book inscribed ‘A.M. Lewanika’ – text (autogr.)


/63  Exercise book inscribed ‘Indala’, 11 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/64  Exercise book inscribed ‘Kabika History of family and their works’, 3 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


MS 496


2/1/65     Exercise book inscribed ‘Namukulo Munalula’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/66  Exercise book inscribed ‘Namukulo Munalula’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/67  Exercise book inscribed ‘Wamuwi[?] Sitali Maloko & Civics’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/68  Exercise book inscribed ‘P.B.L. Muketoi History of Toka’, 4 Nov. 1940 – text (autogr., mostly in another language)


/69  Exercise book inscribed ‘B.F. Richard Hand Work Science’, 11 Aug. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/70  Exercise book inscribed ‘Nganga Mubondo History’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/71  Exercise book inscribed ‘B.R.P. Daniel Malungwe Mubita’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/72  Exercise book inscribed ‘Mututwa Nalishuwa Nature of People’, 7 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/73  Exercise book inscribed ‘Nola Noola Zey munzi wa hesu’, 5 Nov. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/74  Exercise book inscribed ‘Siluka Sitaba za mwa hae’, – text (autogr., in another language)


/75  Exercise book inscribed ‘Liyungu’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/76  Exercise book inscribed ‘Nuwana’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/77  Exercise book inscribed ‘Daniel Composition’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/78  Exercise book inscribed ‘Filipi’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/79  Exercise book with no cover, on first page 9 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/80  Exercise book inscribed ‘Lubulwa’, on first page 5 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/81  Exercise book inscribed ‘Waluka History’, 24 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/82  Exercise book inscribed ‘Muyengo’, 29 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


MS 496


2/1/83     Exercise book inscribed ‘Mukuni Masiye History’, 4 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/84  Exercise book inscribed ‘Mamunda Sikololo Composition’, 3 Mar. 1943 – text (autogr., in another language)


/85  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Mabuna Sikololo Composition’, 2 Mar. 1943 – text (autogr., in another language)


/86  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Sikolopani’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/87  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Siyanya’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/88  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed […?] – text (autogr., in another language)


/89  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Tubesebo Wakumelo History’, 7 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/90  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Kaongolo’, 7 Oct. – text (autogr., in another language)


/91  Exercise book with loose covers inscribed ‘Mwenda’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/92  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Kafunya Kafunya Za Sibaka se ni pila’, 20 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/93  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Samuel Juzaza’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/94  Exercise book with no covers – text (autogr., in another language)


/95  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Bernard Simbotwe Ikaiana’, 18 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/96  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Mate Mande’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/97  Exercise book with loose covers inscribed ‘Liswaniso Maabuto Mukoma’, 20 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/98  Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Kapelwa Mwanangumbi’, Feb. 1944 – text (autogr., in another language)


MS 496


2/1/99     Exercise book with loose cover, many pages missing, inscribed ‘Kakulubalwa’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/100 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Muyenga’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/101 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Liomba’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/102 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Kalaluka’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/103 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Silumba Sikolo Composition’, 2 Mar. 1943 – text (autogr., in another language)


/104 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Mundia Malumino’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/105 Exercise book inscribed ‘Elias’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/106 Exercise book inscribed ‘Mwanangombe Banford To know the life of the people’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/107 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Sitali I History’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/108 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Mundia Malumino Malozi History’, 7 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/109 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Muyanda’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/110 Exercise book with no covers – text (autogr., in another language)


/111 Exercise book with loose cover, many pages missing – text (autogr., in another language)


/112 Exercise book with loose cover, many pages missing, inscribed […?] – text (autogr., in another language)


/113 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Sikopo’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/114 Loose page from an exercise book (autogr., in another language)


MS 496


2/1/115    Exercise book with loose cover, many pages missing, inscribed ‘Nbindo’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/116 Exercise book inscribed ‘Nwangala Ikaiana History’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/117 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Siopano’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/118 Exercise book with loose cover inscribe ‘Kakoma’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/119 Exercise book with no covers, 20 Aug. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/120 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Kashumba’, 20 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/121 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Daniel Shebo’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/122 Exercise book with no covers, 20 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/123 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Sifweti Bupilo bwa ma-Lozi’, 20 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/124 Exercise book inscribed ‘Siyambango Science’, 20 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/125 Exercise book inscribed ‘Munjita L., Imatoa[?] History of my Village’, 30 Oct. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/126 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Sawila Mwilu’ – text (autogr., in another language)


/127 Exercise book, pages missing, inscribed ‘Mukena Mwangana Science’, 20 Sept. 1940 – text (autogr., in another language)


/128 Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga / Book I About M.M. Matauka 1925-37’; text in another language (autogr.)


/129 Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga / Book II About M.M. Matauka 1925-37’; text in another language; some blank pages (autogr.)


/130 Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga / The Keeping of a diary Book 1’; on first page 21 July 1947 – text in another language (autogr)


MS 496


2/1/131    Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga / The Keeping of a diary Book 2’, nd – text in another language; some blank pages (autogr.)


/132 Exercise book inscribed ‘Albert / Diary: January-March 1948’ (autogr.)


/133 Exercise book inscribed ‘Albert Singumbe Kafunya / No. 1 Diary’, 1947 (autogr.)


/134 Exercise book inscribed ‘Albert S. Kafunya / No. 2 Diary’, 1947(autogr.)


/135 Exercise book inscribed ‘Albert S. Kafunya / No. III’, 1947 (autogr.)


/136 Exercise book inscribed ‘Silumesii Sianga’, dated 19 Feb. 1941, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/137 Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga’, date on first page 1 Aug. 1940, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/138 Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga’, date on first page 19 Aug. 1940, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/139 Exercise book with loose cover, many pages missing, inscribed ‘Silumesii Sianga’, ‘Genealogy’, dated 22 Nov. 1940, kinship diagram (autogr.)


/140 Exercise book with loose cover, many pages missing, inscribed ‘Sianga Origin […?] etc., date on first page 21 Feb. 1941, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/141 Exercise book, pages missing, inscribed ‘Max Gluckman Sianga’, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/142 Exercise book inscribed ‘Sianga’, dated 14 July 1942, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/143 Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga Book 4’, dated 6 Oct. 1940, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/144 Exercise book, many pages missing, inscribed ‘Gluckman’, nd, kinship diagrams and notes in English and another language (autogr.)


/145 Exercise book inscribed ‘Gluckman self & Sianga’, kinship diagrams and notes inside in English and another language (autogr.)


/146 Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga’, nd, text inside in another language (autogr.)


MS 496


2/1/147    Exercise book with loose cover, pages missing, inscribed ‘Silumesii Book 1A Lusika’, dated 18 Nov. 1940, kinship diagrams (autogr.)


/148 Exercise book with loose cover, many pages missing, inscribed ‘Silumesii Book B Lusika’, dated 18 Nov. 1940, rough notes (autogr.)


/149 Exercise book inscribed ‘Induna Mukoti Maloko’, dated 20 Nov. 1940, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/150 Exercise book with loose cover, pages missing, inscribed ‘Silumesii’, dated 26 Nov. 1940, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/151 Exercise book inscribed ‘Silumesii Sianga’, dated 4 Feb. 1941, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/152 Exercise book inscribed ‘Silumesii Sianga’, dated 8 Feb. 1941, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/153 Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga’, dated 23 Jan. 1941, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/154 Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga’, nd, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/155 Exercise book inscribed ‘D.S. Sianga Book 3’, dated on first page 11 Sept. 1940, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/156 Exercise book inscribed ‘Sianga Imwiko’s Installation 1944-1945’, text inside in English (autogr)


/157 Exercise book inscribed D.S. Sianga, Barotse Works, 16 Apr. 1941, text inside in another language (autogr.)


/158 Exercise book inscribed ‘Musialela Miulwe’ – kinship diagrams[?] and text in another language (autogr.)


/159 Ibid. – ibid. (autogr.)


/160 Exercise book inscribed ‘Lialui Estimates Debate 1942’ (autogr. notes)


/161 Exercise book inscribed ‘Makolo Malapa’, notes (autogr.)


/162 Exercise book inscribed ‘Mukoboto’, text inside headed ‘Mambunda’s Chieftainship’ (autogr.)


/163 Exercise book inscribed ‘L.D.F. Mukoboto – Mambunda History’ – text inside headed ‘Mambunda Chiefs and Heirs’ (autogr.)


MS 496


2/1/164    Exercise book inscribed ‘Leslie David F. Mukoboto – Mambunda History’ (autogr.)


/165 Exercise book with loose covers, inscribed ‘Fortescue Kumalo’, notes inside, some in another language, some blank pages (autogr.)


/166 Exercise book inscribed ‘Interviews’, notes inside and 17 loose leaves inserted, numbered in sequence (autogr.)


/167 Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’, ‘Diary to 9/1/38’, text in another language (autogr.)


/168 Exercise book inscribed ‘Magisterial Records – Nongoma’, entries with various dates 1888 and 1892 (autogr.)


/169 Exercise book, nd, notes, many blank pages (autogr.)


/170 Exercise book inscribed ‘Hlati […?]’, nd, notes headed ‘Hlati’, many blank pages (autogr.)


/171 Exercise book, nd, notes and text in another language, very many blank pages (autogr.)


/172 Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’, date on first page 1 July 1938, text in another language, very many blank pages (autogr.)


/173 Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’, date on first page 10 Mar. 1938, text in another language (autogr.)


/174 Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’, date on third page 23 Feb. 1938, text in another language (autogr.)


/175 Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’, date on first page 29 Aug. 1938, text in another language, many blank pages (autogr.)


/176 Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’, date on first page 31 Aug. 1938, text in another language (autogr.)


/177 Exercise book with loose cover, inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’, date on third page 9 Dec. 1937, text in another language (autogr.)


/178 Exercise book inscribed ‘Max Gluckman’, date on third page 26 Mar. 1938, text in another language (autogr.)


/179 Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’[?], date on first page 20 July 1938, text in another language (autogr.)


/180 Exercise book inscribed ‘UPhilemon UZungu’, date on first page 11 Jan. 1938, text in another language (autogr.)


MS 496


2/1/181    Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’, nd, text in another language (autogr.)


/182 Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’[?], date on first page 10 Sept. 1938, text in another language, some blank pages (autogr.)


/183 Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Zungu’, date on third page 11 Mar. 1938, text in another language (autogr.)


/184 Pages headed ‘Philemon Zungu’ from an exercise book with no covers[?], date on first page 14 Oct. 1938, text in another language (autogr.)


/185 Pages, some headed ‘Philemon Zungu’, from exercise books with no covers[?], date on first page 26 Sept. 1938, text in another language (autogr.)


/186 Exercise book with loose covers, inscribed ‘Various Quotations from Records’, nd, notes and text, some loose leaves, some blank pages (autogr.)


/187 Exercise book inscribed ‘UPhilemon UZungu’, date on first page 19 Jan. 1938, text in another language (autogr.)


/188 Exercise book inscribed ‘Old Records, Nongoma’, nd, text (autogr.)


/189 Exercise book inscribed ‘Max Gluckman’, nd, very few notes, majority of the pages blank (autogr.)


/190 Exercise book inscribed ‘Notes on Blue Books’, nd, very few notes, majority of the pages blank (autogr.)


/191 Exercise book, nd, notes in another language (autogr.)


/192 Exercise book, nd, notes in another language (autogr.)


/193 Exercise book inscribed ‘Philemon Ita Dinuzulu’, nd, notes in another language (autogr.)


/194 Exercise book inscribed ‘1931 Miscellaneous Notes’, notes (autogr.)


/195 Exercise book inscribed ‘ZSP – B’, nd; notes (autogr.)


/196 Exercise book inscribed ‘ZSP – C’, nd; notes; some blank pages (autogr.)


/197 Exercise book inscribed ‘Ntshoweni’; many blank pages (autogr.)


/198 Exercise book inscribed ‘Mona 9th & 10th Dec. 36’ (autogr.)


MS 496


2/1/199    Exercise book inscribed ‘Mona[?] 9.xii.36’; many blank pages (autogr.)


/200 Exercise book with loose pages inscribed ‘Mona 10.3.37’; notes of owners, prices etc. (autogr.)


/201 Exercise book marked ‘Cattle owned at dips’; many blank pages (autogr.)


/202 Exercise book inscribed ‘Somkele – 11.xii.36’ (autogr.)


/203 Exercise book inscribed ‘Somkele 12.3.37’; some loose pages (autogr.)


/204 Exercise book inscribed ‘Somkele Cattle Sale 8-12-37’; some loose pages (autogr.)


/205 MG, Aug. 1941 – exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Makishi Paper’; text inside headed ‘Public Circumcision Ceremonies of the Lubale-Mbunda tribes and associated masks and costumes’ (autogr.)


/206 Ibid., nd – exercise book inscribed ‘Makishi 4’; text inside on dances and songs[?] (autogr.)


/207 Ibid., nd – exercise book inscribed ‘Makishi 5’; text inside on dances and songs[?] (autogr.)


/208 Ibid., nd – exercise book inscribed ‘Makishi 6’; text inside on dances and costumes[?] (autogr.)


/209 Ibid., nd – exercise book inscribed ‘Kishi costumes’; notes inside on dances and costumes[?] (autogr.)


/210 Exercise book inscribed ‘Makishi Costumes I’, nd (autogr.)


/211 Exercise book inscribed ‘Makishi’, nd (autogr.)


/212 Exercise book inscribed ‘Mali’, nd (autogr.)


/213 Exercise book with no inscription, nd (autogr.)


/214 Part of an exercise book inscribed ‘Law’, with loose pages – notes (autogr.)


/215 Exercise book, pages missing, inscribed ‘Zulu Change’; notes (autogr.)


/216 Part of an exercise book with no front cover, pages missing; notes (autogr.)


/217 Loose pages from an exercise book; notes (autogr.)


MS 496


2/1/218    Exercise book, just ‘Processes of Social Change’ written in it (autogr.)


/219 Exercise book inscribed ‘ZSP’ – on third page: ‘Some Processes of Social Change illustrated with Zululand Data’ (autogr.)


/220 Exercise book inscribed ‘Mwandawika[?] – What heard of Siikalo debate on Katengo Katengo minutes’; inside ‘Notes on the Sikalo Council’s Katengo’, 6 leaves (autogr.) and ‘The First Sitting of the Barotse Katengo Council’, 34 pages (autogr.)


/221 Exercise book inscribed ‘Paper 9 The Barotse’, text in MG’s hand, many blank pages (autogr.)


/222 Exercise book with inscription ‘Lealui – July 1940’, two leaves of rough notes, the rest of the pages blank (autogr.)


/223 Exercise book with name ‘Indala’, subject ‘Maloko’, text inside mostly in another language (autogr.)


/224 Exercise book inscribed ‘Mbasiwana’, ‘Old Marriage Law’, 13 Jan. 1941; text inside in another language (autogr.)


/225 Exercise book with loose cover inscribed ‘Suu’, with ‘Answers to questions of letter dated at Katongo the 17 XI. 40’ (autogr.)


/226 Exercise book inscribed ‘Book references Theory’; many blank pages (autogr.)


/227 Exercise book inscribed ‘BM – Sexual Life of Savages’, some notes but many blank pages (autogr.)


/2 Notebooks


 /1  Large hardback notebook labelled ‘F’ on front cover and ‘G’ on back cover, some loose leaves inserted – autogr. field notes, some dated 1937, 1938, 1940, 1942; some kinship diagrams; tp. leaves inserted headed ‘Rough Sketch of the History of the Malozi Mokolo System’


MS 496


2/2/2   Large hardback notebook labelled ‘G’ on front cover, some loose leaves inserted with autogr. notes on gardens in another language; autogr. field notes dated 1940, some in another language; autogr. texts in another language dated 1941; loose leaves inserted with autogr. lists of produce with prices; tables showing percentage of money spent on food; slips of paper about beer consumption; loose leaves with tp. text headed ‘Analysis of 6 African Diets in Livingstone; notes on various people in tabular form; a number of blank pages


 /3  Large hardback diary with ‘Mary Gluckman 1939-1940’ inscribed on flyleaf; some autogr. entries in MG’s and Mary Gluckman’s hands but the majority of the pages are blank


 /4  Large hardback diary for 1940, entries in both MG’s and Mary Gluckman’s hands, some blank pages


 /5  Large hardback notebook labelled ‘A’ and ‘New Katengo Boyd-Wilson’ – some loose leaves, some headed ‘Barotse Political Organization’ and ‘Katengo’; autogr. text headed ‘Barotse Political Organisation’; more autogr. text, some seems to be record of question and answer session with ‘B-W’; autogr. notes headed ‘New Katengo’, dated 7 July 1947; autogr. notes starting at the back of the book headed’ Induna histories’


 /6  Large hardback minute book, labelled ‘C’ – some autogr. loose leaves headed ‘Sianga 1942’; autogr. text with various dates in 1942 in another language; kinship diagrams; many pages blank


 /7  Very damaged notebook with no covers, date on first page 22 June 1933, other dates in 1931, 1932 and 1933; case notes with judgments (autogr.)


 /8  Very damaged notebook, date on first page 29 Apr. 1931, other dates in 1931; case notes with judgments (autogr.)


 /9  Damaged notebook, date on first page 7 May 1935, other dates in 1935 and 1936, case notes with judgments (autogr.)


/10  Damaged notebook, date on first page 26 Apr. 1933, other dates in 1933, case notes with judgments (autogr.)


/11  Very damaged notebook with no covers, date on first page missing, dates in 1931, case notes with judgments (autogr.)


/12  Notebook, date on first page 15 July 1930, other dates in 1930 and 1931, case notes with judgments (autogr.)


MS 496


2/2/13     Loose cover page with notes [not sure which notebook it belongs to, if any] (autogr.)


/14  Notebook, Book I, inscribed ‘By T.W. Azariah’, dated 1944 – text (autogr., in another language)


/15  Notebook, Book II – text (autogr.)


/16  Notebook, Book III – text (autogr.); inserted – index cards with tp. and autogr. notes


/17  Notebook with loose cover dated 2 Mar. 1943 and loose pages. 14 pages (autogr. in another language)


/18  Notebook with loose cover dated 22 Feb. 1943 and loose pages. 30 pages (autogr. in another language)


/19  Notebook with loose cover dated 2 Mar. 1943 and loose pages. 3 leaves (autogr. in another language)


/20  Notebook, nd (autogr. in another language)


/21  Notebook with 12 loose pages (autogr. in another language)


/22  Loose cover with one page (autogr. in another language)


/23  Notebook with no covers, some loose pages, with notes in MG’s hand headed ‘The Whore’ (autogr.)


/24  Notebook with loose cover and some loose pages, date on first leaf 24 Feb. 1942 (autogr. in another language)


/25  Notebook with notes on court cases[?] (autogr.)


/26  Notebook, Book III – MG notes; very many blank pages (autogr.)


/27  Notebook, Book IV – MG notes (autogr.)


/28  Notebook, Book V – MG notes (autogr.)


/29  Notebook, Book I – notes; many blank pages (autogr.)


/30  Notebook, Book II – text, headed ‘Introductory Notes’ (autogr.)


/31  Notebook, Book III, inscribed ‘Kalamba – Lukona April-May, ‘42’ – notes (autogr.)


/32  Notebook – text (autogr., in another language)


MS 496


2/2/32a    MG notes, loose pages [unclear where they belong]. 8 pages (autogr.)


/33  Notebook marked ‘Notebook 1’ – notes of payments; other notes; many blank pages (autogr.)


/34  Notebook marked ‘Notebook 2’, inscribed ‘Kafunya’ – text (autogr. in English and another language)


/35  Notebook with no covers; notes and text in English and another language (autogr.)


/36  Notebook with loose cover – notes and text in English and another language; includes glossary of Siluyana, Sikololo and English (autogr.)


/37  Notebook inscribed ‘Barotse – Diary Additional’ – notes and text (autogr.)


/38  Notebook without covers[?]; text in another language, date on first page 29 July 1942; includes some kinship diagrams (autogr.)


/39  Hardback notebook labelled ‘D’, with some loose pages, headed ‘Sianga’, inserted; other notes and tables (autogr.)


/40  Hardback notebook with some loose pages inserted; notes, including ‘Kuta Copy Provincial Administration, Native Treasury Approved Estimates 1940’; notes on ‘Central Treasury’; a number of blank pages (autogr.)


/41  Hardback minute book with some loose pages inserted; notes, various dates 1940 and 1942; includes ‘Memorandum on Barotseland … Sept. 1932’ (autogr.)


/42  Minute book with notes (autogr.)


/43  Hardback notebook with notes (autogr.)


/44  Hardback notebook labelled ‘N.’, notes in another language with various dates in 1942 (autogr.) 42


/45  Hardback notebook, notes with dates 1918-23; 1936-37; tables; loose pages inserted (autogr.) 43


/46  Hardback notebook labelled ‘M.’, some text and notes with various dates in 1942, majority of pages blank (autogr.) 44


MS 496


2/2/47     Hardback notebook labelled ‘I’, includes tp. list of questions about marriages and children; example answers to the questions; answers to the questions; texts on betrothal, pregnancy, birth, umbilical cord, names, miscarriages, succession of the village headman, death of the village owner, death of the hunter or the diviner and Lozi proverbs; many blank pages (autogr.)


/48  Hardback notebook labelled ‘J’, some loose pages inserted; notes with various dates in 1937 and 1938; [starting from the back of the book:] notes on ‘Law of Property / Land Tenure’ and many other subjects [back of book labelled ‘K’, ‘Questions on Law II’] (autogr.)


/49  Hardback notebook labelled ‘L’, pages cut out; notes on inside covers in English and another language (autogr.)


/50  Hardback notebook, notes; tables; some text in another language; some kinship diagrams (autogr.)


/51  Notebook dated 11 June 1937, some notes, headed ‘Hunter’ on first page; many blank pages (autogr.)


/52  Notebook inscribed ‘Holub’ – notes on a book [by Emil Holub?] (autogr., unknown hand)


/53  Large hardback notebook labelled ‘Cash Book’ and inscribed D.S. Sianga; contains tables of census information[?]; many blank pages; some loose leaves inserted (autogr.)


/54  Loose leaves inserted into /2/2/53 – ‘Work for the African Assistant Staff on the Agricultural Survey until my Return on July 24th’ and other notes (tp. and autogr.)


/55  Large hardback notebook with notes; some tables of population and tax statistics (autogr.)


/56  Hardback notebook with ‘Record Book Private Office’ written on spine, autogr. entries dated 1888-92, about half of the pages blank; loose pages inserted: correspondence bearing upon the territorial settlement recently effected in Zululand, 1887 9 pages (printed); letter from Malcolm Manqele to MG, 27 Mar. 1940 (autogr.)


/57  Notebook inscribed ‘N14 Law at Mapopa[?]’, various dates 1936, 1937, 1938, notes (autogr.)


/58  Notebook inscribed ‘N17 Diary (2) 14th Nov. ‘36’, various dates 1936, 1937, notes (autogr.)


MS 496


2/2/59     Part of a notebook with no covers, front page inscribed ‘N11 Zulu Society’, notes (autogr.)


/60  Notebook with no covers, front page inscribed ‘N13. Misc’, some dates 1938, notes (autogr.)


/61  Notebook with no covers, inscribed ‘N13a’, various dates 1937, notes, (autogr.)


/62  Notebook inscribed ‘Weddings N16’, notes (autogr.)


/63  Loose sheets marked ‘N16a N16b. Weddings (cont.) Courting’, notes. 18 pages (autogr.)


/64  Notebook inscribed ‘N4 Politics’, various dates 1937, notes (autogr.)


/65  Notebook with no covers, on first page ‘Politics’ and ‘White & black’, notes, some dates in 1937 and 1938 (autogr.)


/66  Notebook inscribed on cover ‘N5’, notes, some dates in 1937 (autogr.)


/67  Notebook with no covers, inscribed on first page ‘N17’, notes, some dates in 1936, from back some pages of vocabulary (autogr.)


/68  Notebook inscribed on cover ‘N18’, notes, various dates in 1937, many empty pages (autogr.)


/69  Notebook inscribed on cover ‘N19’, notes, various dates in 1938, some empty pages (autogr.)


/70  Notebook, some notes, headed on first page ‘Owen’s Diary’, but the majority of the pages blank (autogr.)


/71  Notebook labelled ‘Mofolo / 1905 Commission / 1881 Bluebook’, notes, many blank pages (autogr.)


/72  Notebook labelled ‘Bryant Mss. (cont) / Fleming / Maclean / Soga – Amaxosa / Cole / G.M. Theal Records’, notes, some blank pages (autogr.)


/73  Notebook with no covers, front page inscribed ‘N1’, various dates 1936, 1937, 1938, notes (autogr.)


/74  Notebook with no covers, front page inscribed ‘N2’, various dates 1936, 1937, 1938, notes (autogr.)


/75  Notebook with no covers, front page inscribed ‘N3’, various dates 1936, 1937, notes (autogr.)


MS 496


2/2/76     Notebook with no covers, front page inscribed ‘N6’, some loose pages, dated on second page 11 Jan. 1938, notes (autogr.)


/77  Notebook with no covers, front page inscribed ‘N7 – Bokwe’, various dates 1937, notes (autogr.)


/78  Notebook with no covers, front page inscribed ‘N8. Izangoma. Therapeutics. Death Pastimes & Songs Feasts’, various dates 1936, 1937, notes (autogr.)


/79  Notebook with no covers, front page inscribed ‘N9 Economics’, various dates 1936, 1937, 1938, notes (autogr.)


/80  Notebook with no covers, front page inscribed ‘N20 Notes by Zama’, no dates, mostly notes in another language (autogr.)


/81  Notebook with no covers, loose pages, front page inscribed ‘N21 Various historical notes Material Culture More Historical notes’, notes (autogr.)


/82  Various loose pages, various dates 1936, 1937, 1938, notes. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/83  Hardback notebook with some loose leaves, including a printed map of Natal with Zululand drawn on; some kinship diagrams dated in 1937; census form for Nongoma, 1936; in the notebook notes and diagrams (autogr.)


/84  Hardback diary for 1937, dates changed to 1938; entries of varying lengths, some blank pages (autogr.)


/85  Hardback notebook with some notes, date on first page 1 Nov. 1937, many blank pages (autogr.)


/86  Notebook inscribed ‘S.A.J.S.’, with references (autogr.)


/87  Large hardback notebook labelled ‘Cattle Sales Pastoralism’; many blank pages (autogr.)


/88  Large hardback notebook with no label, ‘Law Records’ inscribed on edge of pages; some blank pages (autogr.)


/89  Notebook with no covers, rough notes (autogr.)


/90  Hardback notebook inscribed ‘Zululand – Notes from Letters & letters to’ (autogr.)


/91  Hardback notebook with notes on P.J. Schoeman, ‘The Savage’; notes on many other books [listed at back of book] (autogr.)


MS 496


2/2/92     Hardback springback folder, contains text headed ‘Persistence of Social Organisation’, pieces of text stuck in, loose leaves inserted (tp. and autogr.)


/93  Hardback notebook with notes by MG headed ‘Dec. 1965’, two loose leaves inserted, many blank pages (autogr., loose leaves tp.)


/94  MG, nd – notebook inscribed on cover ‘Notes on South Eastern Bantu’, inscribed on first page ‘Callaway. – The Religious System on the Amazulu’, some loose leaves showing kinship diagrams (autogr.)


/95  Ibid., ibid. – notebook containing notes on various tribes (autogr.)


/96  Large hardback notebook, many blank pages, with notes (autogr.)


/97  MG, notebook containing notes from various books (autogr.)


/98  Notebook with notes on ‘A.I.R. Land Labour & Diet in N.R.’ (autogr.)


/99  Notebook, on first page heading ‘Miulwe’ (autogr.)


/100 Large hardback notebook labelled ‘H’, some loose pages, notes headed ‘Lialui’, 27 July 1942 (autogr.)


/101 Large hardback notebook labelled ‘N3’, some loose pages including picture of MG and text ‘On Baldness’ (tp.); text on Makishi by T.W. Azariah (tp.); notes (autogr.)


/102 Large hardback notebook, diary of D.S. Sianga, 1947-48 (autogr. in another language)


/103 Diary for 1942 (autogr.)


/3 Field Notes


 /1  5 Sept. 1942 – field notes on ‘Sikwela’s Affairs’ (tp.)


 /2  14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Individual Histories’ (tp.)


 /3  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Personal Histories Mwamalushia, hospital dispenser’ (tp.)


 /4  18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Personalities’ (tp.)


 /5  23 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Individual Differences’ (tp.)


 /6  4 June 1940 – ibid. on ‘Politics Individual Histories’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/7   24 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Personal Incidents and Character Sikwela’ (tp.)


 /8  20 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Histories Sikwela’ (tp.)


 /9  18 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Malomba Children and Work’ (tp.)


/10  7 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘School Meeting at Katongo’ (tp.)


/11  14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘The District School’ (tp.)


/12  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Christians’ (tp.)


/13  18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘The Teacher’ (tp.)


/14  nd – ibid. on ‘At Winterbottom – May’ (tp.)


/15  29 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Writing’ (tp.)


/16  24 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Boys’ (tp.)


/17  19 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Schools’ (tp.)


/18  24 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Schools Status of Teachers’ (tp.)


/19  11 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Schools’ (tp.)


/20  10 Apr. 1940 – field notes on ‘Crops Groundnuts’ (tp.)


/21  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Dearth’ (tp.)


/22  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Lozi Classifications of Soil’ (tp.)


/23  14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Agriculture and Whites’ (tp.)


/24  16 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’ (autogr.)


/25  26 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/26  18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Crops’ (tp.)


/27  23 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Land’ (tp.)


/28  20 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’ (tp.)


/29  19 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Landterms’ (tp.)


/30  20 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’ (tp.)


/31  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Agricultural Production’ (tp.)


/32  1 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’ (tp.)


/33  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Ploughs’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/34  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘European Growths Trees’ (tp.)


/35  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’ (tp.)


/36  25 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘New Agriculture’ (tp.)


/37  10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Kinds of Crops’ (tp.)


/38  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Methods of Agriculture’ (tp.)


/39  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Dangers to Crops’ (tp.)


/40  Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Crops and Food’ (tp.)


/41  10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Agricultural Ceremonies’ (tp.)


/42  20 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Flood Effects Crops’ (tp.)


/43  18 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Planting Times’ (tp.)


/44  11 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on Agriculture Malubale’ (tp.)


/45  Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’ (tp.)


/46  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Growing of Medicines’ (tp.)


/47  19 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’ (tp.)


/48  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’ (tp.)


/49  19 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Crop Rotation’ (tp.)


/50  25 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’ (tp.)


/51  Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Gardens’ (tp.)


/52  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Crops’ (tp.)


/53  10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Crops Taro’ (tp.)


/54  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Crop Pests’ (tp.)


/55  Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Lozi Knowledge of Agriculture’ (tp.)


/56  nd – ibid. on ‘Commercial Crop Growing Kafue Flats’ (tp.)


/57  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Improvement Lozi Agriculture’ (tp.)


/58  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Improvement Native Agriculture’ (tp.)


/59  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Native Agriculture Lower Valley System’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/60  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Subia Agriculture Subia History in Lozi Kingdom compared with Ila Variant of Upper Valley Agriculture’ (tp.)


/61  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Agriculture Emigrant Lozi’ (tp.)


/62  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’. 6 leaves (tp.)


/63  13 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Crop Observations at this Season’ (tp.)


/64  28 Oct. 1940 – field notes on ‘Fishing – Land Tenure’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/65  Rough sketch map (autogr.)


/66  2 May 1940 – field notes on ‘Fishing Insects’ (tp.)


/67  6 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Otter’ (tp.)


/68  20 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Sitindi’ (tp. with autogr. notes)


/69  23 & 24 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Sitindi’ (tp. with autogr. additions)


/70  14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Litindi’ (tp.)


/71  16 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing’ (autogr.)


/72  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Game’ (autogr.)


/73  26 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing’ (tp.)


/74  10 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Lituwa Fishing’ (tp.)


/75  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Lituwa and other Economics’ (tp.)


/76  18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing’ (tp.)


/77  29 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Masa Ownership and Fishing’ (tp.)


/78  28 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing Methods’ (tp. with diagrams)


/79  18 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing Seasonal’ (tp. with autogr. notes)


/80  20 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing in Lilomba (Canals)’ (tp.)


/81  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Katamba Fish Traps’ (tp.)


/82  25 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing’ (tp.)


/83  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Fishing’ (tp. with autogr. addition and sketch)


MS 496


2/3/84  10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing Litindi’ (tp.)


/85  13 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Skill at Stabbing Fish’ (tp.)


/86  1 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Making Fish Traps’ (tp.)


/87  4 June 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing Methods’ (tp.)


/88  6 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing in Lakes’. 8 leaves (tp.)


/89  18 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing Milapo and Lilomba’ (tp.)


/90  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Fishing Litindi’ (tp.)


/91  1 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing Bualelo’. 2 leaves (tp. with diagrams)


/92  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Seasonal Fishing’ (tp.)


/93  10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Calendar’ (tp.)


/94  12 Feb. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Cosmology New Moon’ (tp.)


/95  10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Cosmology’ (tp.)


/96  20 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Direction Finding’ (tp.)


/97  29 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Physiological Knowledge’ (tp.)


/98  Ibid. – ibid. on ‘What is a Man? The Bushmen’ (tp.)


/99  18 Sept. – ibid. on ‘Philosophy’ (tp.)


/100 25 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Variations of Knowledge’ (tp.)


/101 28 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Maloko – Praises’ (tp.)


/102 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Fire’ (tp.)


/103 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Drainage Canals’ (tp.)


/104 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Nyambe – God’ (tp.)


/105 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Measuring Distance’ (tp.)


/106 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Cosmology and Philosophy Fire and Water Men and Women’ (tp.)


/107 13 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Praises Maloko’ (tp.)


/108 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Philosophy’ (tp.)


/109 6 Sept. – ibid. on ‘Philosoophy’ (tp.)


/110 2 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Maloko’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/111 26 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Philosophy of Life’ (tp.)


/112 25 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Maloko’ (tp.)


/113 23 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Suspiciousness of Malozi Obsequiousness’ (tp.)


/114 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Fatalism’ (tp.)


/115 24 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Dreams’ (tp.)


/116 3 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘New Moon’ (tp.)


/117 13 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fall of Flood (Rate)’ (tp.)


/118 12 Apr. 1940 – field notes on ‘Cattle Kinds and Colours’ (tp.)


/119 21 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Cattle’ (tp.)


/120 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Cattle Inoculation Campaign’ (tp.)


/121 6 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Living Conditions’ (tp.)


/122 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Cattle’ (tp.)


/123 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Cattle’ (tp.)


/124 13 Sept. – ibid. on ‘Knowledge of Dogs’ (tp.)


/125 29 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Dogs’ (tp.)


/126 24 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Dogs’ (tp.)


/127 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Various Terms’ (tp.)


/128 20 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Mafisa Cattle’ (tp.)


/129 19 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Cattle’ (tp.)


/130 2 Feb. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Barotse’ (tp.)


/131 13 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Ecology and Cattle’ (tp.)


/132 12 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Cattle Attitude to’ (tp.)


/133 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Cattle Milking (Kuhama)’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/134 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Cattle Distribution of Milk’ (tp.)


/135 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Cattle Herding’ (tp.)


/136 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Cattle Milking’ (tp.)


/137 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Cattle Ownership’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/138 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Cattle Staking’ (tp.)


/139 27 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Beerdrinks’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/140 16 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Eating Groups’ (tp.)


/141 11 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food Seasonal’ (tp.)


/142 29 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Fishing Methods – Tribal Differences and Gardens’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/143 29 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food Busunsu’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/144 28 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food’ (tp.)


/145 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Eating Habits Indunas’ (tp.)


/146 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘White Foods’ (tp.)


/147 6 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Hunger’ (tp.)


/148 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Tobacco’ (tp.)


/149 28 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food’ (tp.)


/150 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food Supplies in Trade’ (tp.)


/151 22 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Supplies of Bupi’ (tp.)


/152 24 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food’ (tp.)


/153 10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food Tastes’ (tp.)


/154 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Food Savouries’ (tp.)


/155 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food’ (tp.)


/156 20 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Drunkenness’ (tp.)


/157 4 June 1940 – ibid. on ‘Busunsu the Fixing of Prices’ (tp.)


/158 19 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Eating Groups’ (tp.)


/159 1 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food Tribal Diff[erence]s’ (tp.)


/160 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Snuffmaking Food’ (tp.)


/161 10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food Minor Ones Tastes’ (tp.)


/162 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Smoking’ (tp.)


/163 16 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Food Insects’ (tp.)


/164 10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Salt’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/165 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Food Use of Sugar Cane and Reed’ (tp.)


/166 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Food Use of Groundnuts’ (tp.)


/167 25 May 1940 – field notes on ‘Village Life after Fuluhela’ (tp.)


/168 2 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Village Life’ (tp.)


/169 13 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Shitting in Flood’ (tp.)


/170 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Veldburning’ (tp.)


/171 24 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Grass Cutting’ (tp.)


/172 27 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Ecological Balance’ (tp.)


/173 13 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Economic Balance’ (tp.)


/174 3 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Activities’ (tp.)


/175 27 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Activities’ (tp.)


/176 28 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Litindi’ (tp.)


/177 27 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Activities in Bulozi Proper’ (tp. with autogr. additions)


/178 23 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Activities’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/179 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Demography’ (tp.)


/180 19 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Huts and Flood’ (tp.)


/181 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Constitution of Villages’ (tp.)


/182 10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Demography Split of Families’ (tp.)


/183 25 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Demography’ (tp.)


/184 13 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Hutbuilding’ (tp.)


/185 25 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Demography’ (tp.)


/186 1 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Flood Demography’ (tp.)


/187 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Villages Batuke’s’ (tp.)


/188 27 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Modern Family’ (tp.)


/189 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Demography’ (tp.)


/190 24 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Demography’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/191 17 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Population Problems’ (tp.)


/192 13 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Changing of Homesteads’. 3 leaves (tp. with diagrams)


/193 9 Sept. 1942 – field notes on ‘Change in Chief’s Economy’ (tp.)


/194 16 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘DC who Grabbed Milk and given Girls’ (tp.)


/195 4 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Modern Authority Concepts’ (tp.)


/196 5 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Attitudes to Tax Paying’ (tp.)


/197 6 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘New Politics’ (tp.)


/198 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Jail’ (tp.)


/199 1942 – ibid. on ‘Modern Politics’ (tp.)


/200 17 Oct. 1941 – ibid. on ‘Modern Economics and Politics’ (tp.)


/201 28 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Modern Politics’ (tp.)


/202 27 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Modern Politics’ (tp.)


/203 29 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Prestige of Chief and Mubusisi’ (tp.)


/204 17 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Anti-Government Movements’ (tp.)


/205 16 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Drafting of Estimates’ (tp.)


/206 14 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Cattle and Govt. Ideas of Time’ (tp.)


/207 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘The War’ (tp.)


/208 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘White Administration’ (tp.)


/209 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘White Administration’ (tp.)


/210 28 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Barotse Agricultural Show’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/211 21 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘District Commissioner’ (tp.)


/212 29 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Work of Administration’ (tp.)


/213 30 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘White Administration’ (tp.)


/214 4 June 1940 – ibid. on ‘White Taxation’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/215 1 Feb. 1940 – interview with DC Crawford-Benson (tp.)


/216 Apr. 1940 – field notes on ‘White Administration’ (tp.)


/217 2 Nov. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Second Conversation with Suu on Lubale Dispute’ (tp.)


/218 30 Oct. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Relations with Govt Lubale Dispute’. 3 pages (tp.)


/219 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Modern Economics’ (tp.)


/220 15 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Work for Whites’ (tp.)


/221 12 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Visit with Georges and Mary to Yeta’ (tp.)


/222 15 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Modern Work’ (tp.)


/223 17 Oct. 1941 – ibid. on ‘Labour’ (tp.)


/224 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Whites and Blacks’ (tp.)


/225 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Whites in Barotseland’ (tp.)


/226 24 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Modern Conditions’ (tp.)


/227 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘My Relations’ (tp.)


/228 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Interview with Ngabela’ (tp.)


/229 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Litino Legends and Whites’ (tp.)


/230 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Visit from Mukuwakashiku’ (tp.)


/231 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Whites and Blacks’ (tp.)


/232 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Whites and Language’ (tp.)


/233 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘My Relations’ (tp.)


/234 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Blacks and Whites’ (tp.)


/235 1 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘And Cats and Whites’ (tp.)


/236 31 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Work for Whites’ (tp.)


/237 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Recruiting’ (tp.)


/238 19 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Visit to Princess Mbuywana’. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. kinship diagrams)


/239 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Whites and Blacks’ (tp.)


/240 3 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘My Home Kuta’. 2 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/241 24 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘White Relations’ (tp.)


/242 11 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on Whites and Blacks Money’ (tp.)


/243 17 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘W.N.L.A. Labour’ (tp.)


/244 6 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘My Relations’ (tp.)


/245 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘My Relations’ (tp.)


/246 27 Aug. – ibid. on ‘Servants’ (tp.)


/247 13 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Relations with Whites’ (tp.)


/248 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Blacks and Whites’ (tp.)


/249 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘My Relations’ (tp.)


/250 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Church Service’ (tp.)


/251 26 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘The War Men and Women’ (tp.)


/252 23 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Whites and Blacks’ (tp.)


/253 28 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Whites and Blacks’ (tp.)


/254 20 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Our Relations with Malozi’ (tp.)


/255 29 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Servants’ (tp.)


/256 15 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Labour Flow’ (tp.)


/257 20 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Whites and Blacks’ (tp.)


/258 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘My Position’ (tp.)


/259 24 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Accepting Knowledge from Whites’ (tp.)


/260 25 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Attitude to Photography’ (tp.)


/261 11 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Education White Case Reaction to’ (tp.)


/262 10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘White Relations’ (tp.)


/263 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Blacks in Administration’


/264 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Hospitals’ (tp.)


/265 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Hospitals’ (tp.)


/266 3 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Leechcraft’ (tp.)


/267 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘European Medicines’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/268 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Hospital’ (tp.)


/269 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Disease Sisongo’ (tp.)


/270 26 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Leechcraft’ (tp.)


/271 27 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Hospitals and Healing’ (tp.)


/272 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Divination and Doctors’ (tp.)


/273 23 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Leechcraft’ (tp.)


/274 31 Mar. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Disease Incidence Ideas of Beauty’ (tp.)


/275 20 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Health’ (tp.)


/276 17 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Hospital’ (tp.)


/277 10 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Sisongo’ (tp.)


/278 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Leechcraft’ (tp.)


/279 29 Dec. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Political Organisation’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/280 21 Oct. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Old and Past Bulena’ (tp.)


/281 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Relationships in Politics Change in Rule’ (tp.)


/282 13 Aug. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Creation on New Likolo’ (tp. with autogr. notes)


/283 11 Aug. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Jurisdiction Kuliulula’ (tp. with autogr. notes)


/284 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Old Jurisdiction Damage by Fire and Water’ (tp.)


/285 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Makolo Names of Commoners?’ (tp.)


/286 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Mayenda Nakapo Ng’amba’ (tp.)


/287 31 Oct. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Balovale Dispute’ (tp.)


/288 28 Nov. 1942 – field notes on ‘Indunas and people’ (tp.)


/289 29 Nov. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Various’ (tp.)


/290 23 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Political Organisation’ (tp.)


/291 29 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Relations with Mambunda in Bulozi Ceremonial’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/292 9 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Inter-Tribal Feeling – Mukushangu’ (tp.)


/293 nd – ibid. on ‘Mawiko Settlement’ (tp.)


/294 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Inter Tribal Relationships’ (tp.)


/295 13 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Strangers and Relatives in Minzi and Gardens’ (tp.)


/296 29 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Butanga’ (tp.)


/297 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Lunda-Luvale vs. Malozi’ (tp.)


/298 28 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Inter Tribal’ (tp.)


/299 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Portuguese Immigration’ (tp.)


/300 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Inter-Tribal Relationships’ (tp.)


/301 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Inter-Tribal Relationships’ (tp.)


/302 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Inter-Tribal Relationships’ (tp.)


/303 6 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Inter-Tribal’ (tp.)


/304 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Inter-Tribal’ (tp.)


/305 16 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Tribal Differences – Material Culture’ (tp.)


/306 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Tribal Integration’ (tp.)


/307 23 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Tribal Differences – Opinions on Transhumance’ (tp.)


/308 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Reading’ (tp.)


/309 29 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Language Inter-Tribal’ (tp.)


/310 23 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘District Specialisation’ (tp.)


311  25 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Malozi vs. Malubale’


/312 2 July 1940 – ibid. on ‘Economic Prices’ (tp.)


/313 19 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Sales of Fines’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/314 24 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Money’ (tp.)


/315 26 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Prices’ (tp.)


/316 13 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Trade Fishing’ (tp.)


/317 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Prices’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/318 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Prices at Lealui’ (tp.)


/319 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Money Relationships’ (tp.)


/320 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Money’ (tp.)


/321 23 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Makishi Sales Likoma’ (tp.)


/322 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Servants of Natives’ (tp.)


/323 20 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Money in the Family’ (tp.)


/324 17 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Economics’ (tp.)


/325 1 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Servants Terms’ (tp.)


/326 28 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Trade’ (tp.)


/327 23 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Lozi and Money’ (tp.)


/328 13 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘European Employment’ (tp.)


/329 16 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Bupi Trade’ (tp.)


/330 2 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Money Buying at Stores Food’ (tp.)


/331 23 Oct. 1940 – ‘Notes by H.J.’ [no other text] (tp.)


/332 6 Sept. 1940 – field notes on ‘Trade’ (tp.)


/333 nd – ibid. on ‘Internal Trade Wood Manufactures’ (tp.)


/334 nd – ibid. on ‘Woodworking Inter-Tribal Trade’ (tp.)


/335 14 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Prices’


/336 nd – ibid. on ‘Native Trade’ (tp.)


/337 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Trade’ (tp.)


/338 23 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Industries and Trade’ (tp.)


/339 2 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Modern Economics Trade’ (tp.)


/340 29 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Modern Economics’ (tp.)


/341 30 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Modern Economics’ (tp.)


/342 24 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Purchases from Whites’ (tp.)


/343 18 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Store Purchases’ (tp.)


/344 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Price of crops’ (tp.)


/345 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Hutbuilding and Costs’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/346 3 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Stores’ (tp.)


/347 4 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Trade’ (tp.)


/348 3 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Circus’ (tp.)


/349 5 July 1940 – ibid. on ‘Calendar’ (tp.)


/350 3 July 1940 – ibid. on ‘Suckling of Children’ (tp.)


/351 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Trick Dancing’ (tp.)


/352 24 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Ecology’ (tp.)


/353 13 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘The Administration’ (tp.)


/354 4 July 1940 – ibid. on ‘Ecology’ (tp.)


/355 3 July 1940 – ibid. on ‘Individual Work for Whites’


/356 29 June 1942 – ibid. on ‘Sionda’ (tp.)


/357 Oct.-Nov. – ibid. on ‘Sex Relations’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/358 11 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘The Law’ (tp.)


/359 2 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Current Famine and Drought Lightning’ (tp.)


/360 24 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Men and Women Schools’ (tp.)


/361 26 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/362 24 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/363 18 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (autogr.)


/364 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Sex Magic’ (tp.)


/365 16 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (autogr.)


/366 14 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Sipelu Dance’ (tp.)


/367 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage Rules’ (tp.)


/368 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Sex Relations’ (tp.)


/369 2 Nov. 1940 – field notes on ‘Divorce Law Kinship Family Ownership’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/370 31 Oct. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Sionda Laws Barrenness’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/371 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Help to pay Sionda Marriage’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/372 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage Laws’ (tp.)


/373 1942 – ibid. on ‘Sionda Marriage’ (tp.)


/374 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Sionda Marriage’ (tp.)


/375 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Goods to Indunas’ (tp.)


/376 6/11 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Bridewealth and Divorce’ (tp.)


/377 1 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Money Sionda’ (tp.)


/378 20 Aug. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’. 11 pages (tp.)


/379 1942 – ibid. on ‘Husband and wife’ (tp.)


/380 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/381 nd – ibid. on ‘Dissolution of Engagement’ (tp.)


/382 1 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Divorce’ (tp.)


/383 4 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/384 6 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Men Women Marriage Divorce etc.’ 5 pages (tp.)


/385 19 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Is a Woman a Servant?’ (tp.)


/386 15 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Divorce’ (tp. with autogr. note)


/387 3/7 Sept. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Sex’. 3 pages (tp.)


/388 28 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/389 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/390 24 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Marriage Age’ (tp.)


/391 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage Divorce’ (tp.)


/392 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage Sianga and his Wife’ (tp.)


/393 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Situational Status of Women’ (tp.)


/394 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Divorce’ (tp.)


/395 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Sionda Blacks marry Whites’ (tp.)


/396 19 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Marriage Sikwela and his Wife’ (tp.)


/397 1 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Love’ (tp.)


/398 25 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Men and Status of Women’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/399 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/400 27 Nov. 1942 – ibid. on ‘Marriage and Divorce’ (tp.)


/401 19 Nov. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Family Economics’ (tp.)


/402 6 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Divorce Laws’ (tp.)


/403 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/404 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/405 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/406 14 Apr. 1940 – field notes on ‘Language Noun Class’ (tp.)


/407 28 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Etiquette’ (tp.)


/408 15 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘New Words’ (tp.)


/409 Apr. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Language Word Associations’ (tp.)


/410 18 Sept. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Language Wena and Mina’ (tp.)


/411 5 July 1947 – Rhodes-Livingstone: Research Officer, field notes on ‘Kuta’ (tp.)


/412 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Settlement’ (tp.)


/413 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Eating Intertribal’ (tp.)


/414 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Death’ (tp.)


/415 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Myself’ (tp.)


/416 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Campfire plus Kayama’ (tp.)


/417 2 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/418 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Foreign tribes’ (tp.)


/419 2 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land & Chief’ (tp.)


/420 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Individuals’ (tp.)


/421 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘War and Hunting’ (tp.)


/422 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Christianity’ (tp.)


/423 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Politics of Past’ (tp.)


/424 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Mafisa’ (tp.)


/425 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/426 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Wiko’ (tp.)


/427 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/428 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chief and Indunas’ (tp.)


/429 Ibid. – ibid. on Medicine (tp.)


/430 2 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chief and Kuta’ (tp.)


/431 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Royal Wives’ (tp.)


/432 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Myself’ (tp.)


/433 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kuta Kinship’ (tp.)


/434 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘National Ceremonies’ (tp.)


/435 2 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Royal Salutes’ (tp.)


/436 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘People and Chief’ (tp.)


/437 3 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Blacks and Whites Work’ (tp.)


/438 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship and People’s Movements’ (tp.)


/439 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘People and Indunas’ (tp.)


/440 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/441 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chiefly Succession’ (tp.)


/442 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Disease’ (tp.)


/443 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘DC Lemon’ (tp.)


/444 Ibid. – ibid. on Political History (tp.)


/445 10 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘The Lozi’ (tp.)


/446 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics’. 3 pages (tp.)


/447 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Drummers’ (tp.)


/448 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Titles’ (tp.)


/449 13 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Litino’ (tp.)


/450 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Villages Chief’s Cattle’ (tp.)


/451 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Money’ (tp.)


/452 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Reform’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/453 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘War Makolo’ (tp.)


/454 9 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Lion’ (tp.)


/455 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Villages’ (tp.)


/456 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chief’s Land’ (tp.)


/457 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Installation of Chief’ (tp.)


/458 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/459 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Limbuwa Cattle’ (tp.)


/460 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Litino’ (tp.)


/461 11 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Villages’ (tp.)


/462 12 July 1947 – ibid. on […?] 2 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/463 11 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Litino’ (tp.)


/464 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Cattle Chiefs Whites’ (tp.)


/465 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Fishing’ (tp.)


/466 11 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Divining’ (tp.)


/467 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Ecology’ (tp.)


/468 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/469 Ibid. – ibid. on […?] 4 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/470 9 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘King can do no wrong?’ (tp.)


/471 9/10 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Whites’ (tp.)


/472 10 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Death’ (tp.)


/473 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/474 11 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta New Chief’ (tp.)


/475 8 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Askari’ (tp.)


/476 9 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Election Indunas’ (tp.)


/477 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘New Katengo’ (tp.)


/478 8 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Adultery’ (tp.)


/479 9 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Herding Cattle’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/480 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chiefs Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/481 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Administration’ (tp.)


/482 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Myself Witchcraft’ (tp.)


/483 10 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land’ (tp.)


/484 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Work’ (tp.)


/485 9 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Reform’ (tp.)


/486 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chief’ (tp.)


/487 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Litino’ (tp.)


/488 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Education Colour Bar’ (tp.)


/489 8 July – ibid. on ‘Cooperation Boyd Wilson’ (tp.)


/490 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land’ (tp.)


/491 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Myself’ (tp.)


/492 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Poverty’ (tp.)


/493 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Administration’ (tp.)


/494 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Character’ (tp.)


/495 9 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/496 13 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Crocodile’ (tp.)


/497 14 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Trade’ (tp.)


/498 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chief and People’ (tp.)


/499 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Tax and Social Services’ (tp.)


/500 14 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Responsibility for Reporting of Offences’ (tp.)


/501 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Fishing’ (tp.)


/502 13 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sitino’ (tp.)


/503 14 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Villages’ (autogr.)


/504 15 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Intertribal Movements’ (tp.)


/505 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Economics’ (tp.)


/506 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/507 nd – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/508 15 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Education’ (tp.)


/509 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Environment’ (tp.)


/510 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Village Splits Witchcraft’ (tp.)


/511 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Government’ (tp.)


/512 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Indunaship’ (tp.)


/513 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/514 16 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/515 9 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure Sinonge Vs. Batuke’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/516 Notes headed ‘Sinonge Vs. Batuke’. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/517 Rhodes-Livingstone: Research Officer, field notes on ‘Sinonge Vs. Batuke’. 6 pages (tp.)


/518 11 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Offerings Ancestors’ (tp.)


/519 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Ecology Gifts’ (tp.)


/520 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Beer’ (tp.)


/521 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Jokes’ (tp.)


/522 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kuomboka’ (tp.)


/523 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Prices’ (tp.)


/524 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Labour Migrants’ (tp.)


/525 9 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Ancestors Medicines’ (tp.)


/526 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Canals Whites’ (tp.)


/527 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Sacrificial meat & other’ (autogr.)


/528 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Mukunda’ (tp.)


/529 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/530 10 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/531 9 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Working for Whites Individuals’ (tp.)


/532 10 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Litino’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/533 9 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/534 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/535 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/536 nd – ibid. on ‘Cheiftainship’ (tp.)


/537 8 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/538 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure Sinonge vs. Batuke’ (tp.)


/539 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Fish Dams’ (tp.)


/540 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Villages’ (tp.)


/541 7 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Education’ (tp.)


/542 8 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Royal Graves’ (tp.)


/543 7 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Education’ (tp.)


/544 8 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Circus’ (tp.)


/545 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Individuals’ (tp.)


/546 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Astronomy’ (tp.)


/547 7 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure Family Relations’ (tp.)


/548 nd – ibid. on […?] (autogr.)


/549 7 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage Conception Witchcraft War Magic Hunting Magic Etc’ (tp.)


/550 6 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuomboka’ (tp.)


/551 nd – ibid. on ‘Litino’ (tp.)


/552 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kuomboka’ (tp.)


/553 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Crops’ (tp.)


/554 5 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land and Names’ (tp.)


/555 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Immortality Christians’ (tp.)


/556 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Money’ (tp.)


/557 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Royal Things’ (tp.)


/558 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Mukunda’ (tp.)


/559 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Wages’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/560 6 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/561 nd – ibid. on ‘Disease Muba’ (tp.)


/562 6 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Omboka’ (tp.)


/563 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Royalty’ (tp.)


/564 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Indunaship’ (tp.)


/565 6 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sacrifices Royal’ (tp.)


/566 7 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Foreign Tribes’ (tp.)


/567 6 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/568 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Villages’ (tp.)


/569 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Money’ (tp.)


/570 7 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land People of Royals’ (tp.)


/571 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Govt.’ (tp.)


/572 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land and People’ (tp.)


/573 17 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sitino’ (tp.)


/574 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/575 15 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Canoes’ (tp. and autogr.)


/576 17 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Wiko’ (tp.)


/577 14 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/578 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Mbowanjikana Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/579 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chiefs’ (tp.)


/580 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chiefs and Councillors’ (tp.)


/581 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/582 5 July 1947 – field notes on ‘Mad Dogs’ (tp.)


/583 5 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Contracts of Work Damages’ (tp.)


/584 nd – Rhodes-Livingstone: Research Officer, field notes marked ‘Matters to write about’ (tp.)


/585 2 June 1947 – Rhodes-Livingstone: Research Officer, field notes marked ‘Land at Royal Villages’ (tp.)


/586 15 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/587 3 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Fishing Rights’ (tp.)


/588 2 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Luu Villages’ (tp.)


/589 15-17 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Govt.’ (tp.)


/590 5 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Goods’ (tp.)


/591 18 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/592 24 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Witchcraft’ (tp.)


/593 25 May – ibid. on ‘High Court’ (tp.)


/594 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Namalya Kuta’ (tp.)


/595 1940 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/596 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Executory Contracts’ (tp.)


/597 nd – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/598 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/599 1947 – ibid. on ‘Law’ (tp.)


/600 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Divorce’ (tp.)


/601 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Trespass’ (tp.)


/602 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/603 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Royalty and Land and Villages’ (tp.)


/604 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta’ (tp.)


/605 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chief and People’ (tp.)


/606 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Indunaship Discharge’ (tp.)


/607 6 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Goods’ (tp.)


/608 2 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/609 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Executory Contract’ (tp.)


/610 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship and Marriage’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/611 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Divorce’ (tp.)


/612 1 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Reform’ (tp.)


/613 16 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Akawi’s name’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/614 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Self’ (tp.)


/615 1 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/616 30 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Goods’ (tp.)


/617 1 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Wiko Immigration’ (tp.)


/618 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage Sikwela’s Death’ (tp.)


/619 11 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage and Affines’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/620 6 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage Men and Women Witchcraft’ (tp.)


/621 15 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Rights of Co-Wives’ (tp.)


/622 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Inherited Marriage Etc.’ (tp.)


/623 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Man and Wife Kinship’ (tp.)


/624 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Inheritance Kinship’ (tp.)


/625 3 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Status of Wives’ (tp.)


/626 4 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/627 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Men and Wives’ (tp.)


/628 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Watchtower’ (tp.)


/629 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘MB and ZS’ (tp.)


/630 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship Inheritance’ (tp.)


/631 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/632 21 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship Mishiku’ (tp.)


/633 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/634 14 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/635 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Women’s Medicines in Marriage’. 4 pages (tp.)


/636 16 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/637 15 May 1947 – ibid. on […?] (tp.)


/638 1947 – ibid. on ‘Legitimacy’ (tp.)


/639 8 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship Whites’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/640 5 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Witchcraft Men and Women’ (tp.)


/641 6 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/642 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/643 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Witchcraft’ (tp.)


/644 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Responsibility of H and Parents for Wife’ (tp.)


/645 5 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Witchcraft’ (tp.)


/646 17 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Villages and Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/647 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Family’ (tp.)


/648 14 June 1947 – ibid. on various puberty and marriage rites. 4 leaves (tp.)


/649 15 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Work and Marriage’ (tp.)


/650 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/651 16 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Courts’ (tp.)


/652 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/653 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Indunaship and Chiefship’ (tp.)


/654 5 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/655 16 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship Children Men and Women’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/656 1 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Circumcision’. 5 pages (tp.)


/657 2 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship Whites’ (tp.)


/658 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Ritual of Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/659 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/660 5 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage Betrothal’ (tp.)


/661 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/662 5 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/663 4 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Food’ (tp.)


/664 17 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship Men and Wives’. 9 pages (tp.)


/665 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Wives’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/666 15 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/667 7 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Family Relations’ (tp.)


/668 11 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’. 3 pages (autogr.)


/669 26 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/670 29 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/671 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Consummation of Marriage’ (tp.)


/672 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/673 1942-47 – ibid. on ‘Cowives’ (tp.)


/674 29 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage Kinship Politics’ (tp.)


/675 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Widows’ Inheritance’ (tp.)


/676 28 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Myself’ (tp.)


/677 29 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/678 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/679 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/680 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage Kinship’ (tp.)


/681 31 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/682 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage and Bridewealth’ (tp.)


/683 May-June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage Divorce’ (tp.)


/684 25 Apr. 19[47] – ibid. on ‘Men and Wives Politics of Yeta’ (tp.)


/685 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Yeta and his Wives’ (tp.)


/686 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/687 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Women’ (tp.)


/688 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Work for each other Kinship’ (tp.)


/689 21 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/690 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Temper’ (tp.)


/691 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Women and Cattle’ (tp.)


/692 31 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage Royal’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/693 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/694 5 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/695 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/696 16 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sikwela’s Illness and Affairs’. 6 pages (tp.)


/697 2 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Foreign Tribes’ (tp.)


/698 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Foreign Tribes’ (tp.)


/699 11 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/700 9 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’. 4 pages (tp.)


/701 15 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/702 9 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Rights of Sisters’ (tp.)


/703 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/704 14 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Father and Son’ (tp.)


/705 15 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Inherited Marriage’ (tp.)


/706 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Status of Wives’ (tp.)


/707 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Children’s Property’ (tp.)


/708 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/709 nd – ibid. on ‘Seduction’ (tp.)


/710 11 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/711 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Lubale Marriage and Initiation’ (tp.)


/712 9 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Inheritance’ (tp.)


/713 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Inheritance’. 6 pages (autogr.)


/714 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Family Relations’ (tp.)


/715 5 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Family Relations’ (tp.)


/716 6 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage: Men and Women’ (tp.)


/717 14 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/718 11 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/719 7 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage Law’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/720 9 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/721 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kinship Myself’ (tp.)


/722 25 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/723 11 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship Relations’ (autogr.)


/724 17 May 1947 – ibid. on female puberty rite (tp.)


/725 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/726 25 May 1947 – ibid. on marriage (tp.)


/727 26 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage Kinship’ (tp.)


/728 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘False Accusation’ (tp.)


/729 23 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Appeal Court’. 22 pages (tp.)


/730 16 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sianga Kinship III’ [page[s] missing?] (tp.)


/731 15 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sinonge vs. Batuke’ cont. (tp.)


/732 28 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sinonge vs. Bautke’ [Batuke?] (tp.)


/733 15 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Leechcraft’. 6 pages (tp.)


/734 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/735 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Parenthood’ (tp.)


/736 25 Apr. 1947 – ibid. on ‘Atanga’s Jealousy Continued’ (page[s] missing?) (tp.)


/737 15 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Domestic Work and Eating Groups’ (tp.)


/738 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/739 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/740 6 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Political Organisation Land Makolo Lilado’. 5 pages (tp.)


/741 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Attitudes’ (tp.)


/742 7 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘New Katengo (tp.)


/743 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Stewards’. 4 pages (tp.)


/744 6 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/745 7 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Work’ (tp.)


/746 4 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Reform Kuta’ (tp.)


/747 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Funeral at Capital’ (tp.)


/748 26 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Balobale puberty and childbirth rites’. 6 pages (tp.)


/749 25 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Women and Social Life’. 6 pages (tp.)


/750 26 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Puberty Instruction’ (tp.)


/751 6 July 1947 – ibid. on various people (tp.)


/752 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Death of Kamenda’s B+D’ (tp.)


/753 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/754 5 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Taxes’ (tp.)


/755 7 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/756 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Myself’ (tp.)


/757 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Disease’ (tp.)


/758 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Litino’ (tp.)


/759 6 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/760 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Industries’ (tp.)


/761 7 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Religion’ (tp.)


/762 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Governement’ (tp.)


/763 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘New Katengo’ (tp.)


/764 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kuta Seating’ (tp.)


/765 4 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Myself’ (tp.)


/766 nd – ibid. on ‘Witchcraft’. 4 pages (tp.)


/767 4 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Death – Murder and Witchcraft’. 8 pages (tp.)


/768 14 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta’ (tp.)


/769 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Reform’ (tp.)


/770 18 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Administration’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/771 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Namuso and Lwambi’ (tp.)


/772 31 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Passing Risk on Delivery’ (tp.)


/773 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Death of King’ (tp.)


/774 24 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘DC and People’ (tp.)


/775 nd – ibid. on ‘Fishing Rights’ (tp.)


/776 nd – ibid. on ‘Land and People’ (tp.)


/777 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/778 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage and Kinship’ (tp.)


/779 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sionda Price Control’ (tp.)


/780 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Hunting Python’ (tp.)


/781 25 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/782 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/783 18 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/784 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta and Chief Reform’ (tp.)


/785 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kuta Titles’ (tp.)


/786 nd – ibid. on ‘Kuta Reform’. 9 pages (tp.)


/787 nd – ibid. on ‘Kuta Organisation’ (tp.)


/788 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta Reform’ (tp.)


/789 nd – ibid. on ‘Kuta Reform’ (tp.)


/790 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta Personnel’ (tp.)


/791 2 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Attitude to Money’ (tp.)


/792 nd – ibid. on ‘Kuta Schemes’ (tp.)


/793 nd – ibid. on ‘Mongu Kuta’ (tp.)


/794 5 Feb. 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta Reforms’ (tp.)


/795 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Men and Women’ (tp.)


/796 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kuta Reform’ (tp.)


/797 nd – ibid. on ‘Kuta’ (tp.)


/798 nd – ibid. on ‘Kuta Org.’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/799 nd – ibid. on ‘Political’ (tp.)


/800 nd – ibid. on ‘Kuta Reform’ (tp.)


/801 nd – ibid. on ‘Kuta’ (tp.)


/802 nd – ibid. on ‘Kuta Reform’ (tp.)


/803 4 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/804 5 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Procedure’ (tp.)


/805 2 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Administration’ (tp.)


/806 30 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship Inheritance’ (tp.)


/807 1 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Death Witchcraft’ (tp.)


/808 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sex’ (tp.)


/809 4 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Children Suu’ (tp.)


/810 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/811 25 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/812 30 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/813 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Status’ (tp.)


/814 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Affineship’ (tp.)


/815 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Titles’ (tp.)


/816 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘People Indunas and Chief’ (tp.)


/817 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kuta and Govt.’ (tp.)


/818 21 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Village Kinship’ (tp.)


/819 25 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Reform’ (tp.)


/820 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Capital Hygiene’ (tp.)


/821 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land and King’ (tp.)


/822 nd – ibid. on ‘Land and Royalty’ (tp.)


/823 2 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Tax’ (tp.)


/824 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Marriage’. 9 pages (tp.)


/825 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Procedure’ (tp.)


/826 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Education’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/827 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/828 2 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship Money’ (tp.)


/829 2 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta Reform’ (tp.)


/830 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/831 15 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/832 29 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/833 15 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Garden Magic’ (tp.)


/834 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Affineship’ (tp.)


/835 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sikwela […?] be jealous and litigious’. 6 pages (tp.)


/836 29 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Political Riches’ (tp.)


/837 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Courts’ (tp.)


/838 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘People and the Law’


/839 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chief’s Generosity’ (tp.)


/840 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure Chiefs’ (tp.)


/841 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/842 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Famine Politics’ (tp.)


/843 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chiefs’ (tp.)


/844 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Political Appointments’ (tp.)


/845 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chiefs Drums’ (tp.)


/846 29 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Royal Dancing and Drums’ (tp.)


/847 26 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics and Kinship’ (tp.)


/848 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Foreign Tribes’ (tp.)


/849 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Christianity Native Religion’. 3 pages (tp.)


/850 May-June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Famine in Mulonga’ (tp.)


/851 31 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Harvest Feasts’ (tp.)


/852 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Dances for Chief’ (tp.)


/853 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Gestation’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/854 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Money’ (tp.)


/855 31 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship in Kuta’ (tp.)


/856 1 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Very Old Lozi Rule’ (tp.)


/857 31 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/858 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chiefs and Indunas’ (tp.)


/859 31 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Inheritance of Bakwae’ (tp.)


/860 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Clothing’ (tp.)


/861 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Lottery Business’ (tp.)


/862 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Subject Tribes’ (tp.)


/863 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘DC’s Knowledge’ (tp.)


/864 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Spreading of Rumours Myself’ (tp.)


/865 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chiefs and Princes’ Wives’ (tp.)


/866 29 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘MF and DD’ (tp.)


/867 31 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Hunting Python’ (tp.)


/868 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kuta Work’ (tp.)


/869 4 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/870 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sense of Time’ (tp.)


/871 24 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Shanjo Lion Medicine Hunting’ (tp.)


/872 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Cattle’ (tp.)


/873 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Further note to can Prince inherit Commoner’ (tp.)


/874 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Environment Politics’ (tp.)


/875 23 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Agriculture’ (tp. and autogr.)


/876 Ibid. – ibid. on omen (tp.)


/877 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Royal Relationship to commoners’ (tp.)


/878 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kuta Organisation’ (tp.)


/879 19 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Muba’ (tp.)


/880 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/881 18 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Whites and Blacks’ (tp.)


/882 21-22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Royal Villages’ (tp.)


/883 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Cleanliness’ (tp.)


/884 26 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Ngambela’ (tp.)


/885 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Politics Blacks and Whites’ (tp.)


/886 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Work for Chief’ (tp.)


/887 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Environment’ (tp.)


/888 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Eating Group Work’ (tp.)


/889 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Magic Fisheagle’ (tp.)


/890 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Hunting’ (tp.)


/891 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Religion’ (tp.)


/892 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Hunting Taboos’ (tp.)


/893 21 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Political Organisation’ (tp.)


/894 Ibid.  – ibid. on ‘Magic of Subject Tribes’ (tp.)


/895 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chief’ (tp.)


/896 20 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kufuluhela’ (tp.)


/897 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Environment’ (tp.)


/898 21 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/899 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Law Affiliation’ (tp.)


/900 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Environment’ (tp.)


/901 Ibid. – ibid. on money (tp.)


/902 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Mukanda Whites and Blacks’ (tp.)


/903 19 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Contracts’ (tp.)


/904 20 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Ritual of Chief’ (tp.)


/905 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Education Girls’ (tp.)


/906 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Political Organisation’ (tp.)


/907 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Ecology’ (tp.)


/908 Apr. 1947 – ibid. on ‘Rebellion’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/909 20 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Crocodiles’ (tp.)


/910 28 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Installation of Chief’ (tp.)


/911 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/912 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Labour Migration’ (tp.)


/913 28 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Money to Chief’ (tp.)


/914 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/915 28 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Myself’ (tp.)


/916 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Two Capitals’ (tp.)


/917 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Foreign Tribes’ (tp.)


/918 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Food’ (tp.)


/919 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kuta Reform’ (tp.)


/920 28 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chief’ (tp.)


/921 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Princely Villages’ (tp.)


/922 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chief’ (tp.)


/923 28 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘White and Black Administration’ (tp.)


/924 29 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Time’ (tp.)


/925 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Food’ (tp.)


/926 29 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Cattle Chief’ (tp.)


/927 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Indunas and People’ (tp.)


/928 May-June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Imwiko and Yeta’. 4 pages (tp.)


/929 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Namuso and Lwambi’. 3 pages (tp.)


/930 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Yeta and Imwiko’ (tp.)


/931 30 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Taboos’ (tp.)


/932 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Imwiko’s Departure’ (tp.)


/933 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Hunt’ (tp.)


/934 29 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘European Goods’ (tp.)


/935 28 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Royal Drums’. 3 pages (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/936 16 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Mourning’ (tp.)


/937 17 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/938 14 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Royalty’ (tp.)


/939 16 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Disease’ (tp.)


/940 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘School’ (tp.)


/941 5 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Trades’ (tp.)


/942 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Education’ (tp.)


/943 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Villages’ (tp.)


/944 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/945 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land Tenure’ (tp.)


/946 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Religion’. 3 pages (tp.)


/947 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Affiliation’ (tp.)


/948 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta’ (tp.)


/949 14 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship Myself’ (tp.)


/950 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Missions’ (tp.)


/951 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship Myself’ (tp.)


/952 11 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Litino’ (tp.)


/953 12 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Family’ (tp.)


/954 9 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Herding Cattle’ (tp.)


/955 nd – ibid. on reports (tp.)


/956 5 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta Makolo’ (tp.)


/957 nd – ibid. on ‘Whites’ (tp.)


/958 8 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Makolo’ (tp.)


/959 14 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Fishing’ (tp.)


/960 18 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Muba Sikwela’ (tp.)


/961 24 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Sitino Sacrifice cont.’ (tp.)


/962 22 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Tribal Contributions’ (tp.)


/963 14 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Work’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/964 20 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Cleanliness Goods of Whites’ (tp.)


/965 29 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Myself’ (tp.)


/966 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Imwiko’s Arrival at Nalolo’ (tp.)


/967 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Goods and Sale’ (tp.)


/968 1942 – ibid. on ‘Balovale Dispute’ (tp.)


/969 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kuta’ (tp.)


/970 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/971 25 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Labour Migration’ (tp.)


/972 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘White Black Politics’ (tp.)


/973 24 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Makolo and Lilalo’ (tp.)


/974 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘DC Lemon’ (tp.)


/975 25 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Food’ (tp.)


/976 26 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Business’ (tp.)


/977 25 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Lozi and Whites’. 3 pages (tp.)


/978 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Royal Barges’ (tp.)


/979 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chiefs Cattle’ (tp.)


/980 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chief and Kuta’ (tp.)


/981 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Drummers’ (tp.)


/982 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Mashi’ (tp.)


/983 25 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics Intrigue’ (tp.)


/984 June 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics’. 5 pages (tp.)


/985 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Land’ (tp.)


/986 25 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Litino’ (tp.)


/987 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Diseases’ (tp.)


/988 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chiefs Pach and MM’ (tp.)


/989 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chiefs’ Works’ (tp.)


/990 26 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Work’ (tp.)


/991 16 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Muba and Sisongo’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/992 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Whites and Blacks’ (tp.)


/993 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Individuals’ (tp.)


/994 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kokoya’s Dance’ (tp.)


/995 25 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Makolo’ (autogr.)


/996 27 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Political Appointments’ (tp.)


/997 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Environment’ (tp.)


/998 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Business’ (tp.)


/999 Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Royal Drums’ (tp.)


/1000    nd – ibid. on ‘Royal Marriage’ (tp.)


/1001    26 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Chief’ (autogr.)


/1002    25 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Paramount at Senanga’ (tp.)


/1003    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Settlements’ (tp.)


/1004    23-25 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Paramount’s Visit to Senanga’ (tp.)


/1005    24 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Status Foods’ (tp.)


/1006    25 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Politics Kinship’ (tp.)


/1007    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship Blacks and Whites’ (tp.)


/1008    nd – ibid. on ‘Politics’ (tp.)


/1009    18 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Royal Burial’ (tp.)


/1010    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Paramount Chief’ (tp.)


/1011    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Sacrifice for me at Namalya Sitino’. 6 pages (tp.)


/1012    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Health Hospital Disease’ (tp.)


/1013    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Witchcraft Whites and Blacks’ (tp.)


/1014    14 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Mukanda’ (tp.)


/1015    15 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Garden Magic’ (tp.)


/1016    17 May 1947 – ibid. on ‘Mukanda’ (tp.)


/1017    nd – on Ngulu (tp.)


/1018    6 May 1947 – notes on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/1019   5 June 1947 – notes on ‘Marriage’ (tp.)


/1020    Ibid. – notes on ‘Administration’ (tp.)


/1021    Ibid. – notes on ‘Kuta Reform’ (tp.)


/1022    5 May 1947 – notes on ‘Law’ (tp.)


/1023    5 June 1947 – notes on ‘Development Blacks and Whites’ (tp.)


/1024    Ibid. – notes on ‘Lozi and Police’ (tp.)


/1025    Ibid. – notes on ‘Foreign Tribes’ (tp.)


/1026    3 June 1947 – notes on ‘Kuta Reform’ (tp.)


/1027    5 June 1947 – notes on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/1028    10 Aug. 1940 – field notes on ‘Ikanjiwa’ (tp.)


/1029    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Strike over cooking in Normal School’ (tp.)


/1030    11 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘White attitude to Blacks & Gov. relief of Leprosy’ (tp.)


/1031    10 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Labour Migration’ (tp.)


/1032    12 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Malozi Avarice’ (tp.)


/1033    11 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Malozi and Children’ (tp.)


/1034    10 Aug. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Difficulties of Girls Schools’ (tp.)


/1035   Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Soap Strike’ (tp.)


/1036   Ibid. – ibid. on ‘School Fees and Struggle with Gov.’ (tp.)


/1037    nd – field notes on ‘Village Life’ (tp.)


/1038    30 May 1940 – ibid. on ‘Missions’ (tp.)


/1039    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Missionaries’ (tp.)


/1040    17 June 1940 – ibid. on ‘Singing Troubador’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/1041    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Dancing’ (tp.)


/1042    26 July 1940 – ibid. on ‘Hospital’ (tp.)


MS 496


2/3/1043   July 1947 – Rhodes-Livingstone: Research Officer, field notes on ‘Kinship and Marriage’ (tp.)


/1044    18 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Hospital’ (tp.)


/1045    July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Children’ (tp.)


/1046    18 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘School Money’ (tp.)


/1047    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship’ (tp.)


/1048   Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/1049    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Chieftainship Money’ (tp.)


/1050    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Koyoya’ (tp.)


/1051    July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Theft’ (tp.)


/1052    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Goods’ (tp.)


/1053    nd – ibid. on ‘Units of Time Measurement’ (tp.)


/1054    18 July – ibid. on ‘Kinship Missions’ (tp.)


/1055    Ibid. – ibid. on ‘Villages and Kinship’ (tp.)


/1056    July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Land’ (tp.)


/1057    nd – ibid. on Muyunda’s village etc. (tp.)


/1058    28 July 1947 – ibid. on ‘Kinship’ (tp.)


/3 Barotse, Lozi and Zulu Material


/1 Barotse Material


 /1  ‘A Report on the Present State of Education in the Barotse Province’. 8 pages (tp.)


 /2  nd – ibid. on ‘Develt of Agricultural Products’. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /3  Programme of the Barotse National Agricultural Show to be held on 4 Oct. 1939 (printed booklet)


 /4  Ibid. of the Second Barotse National Agricultural Show to be held on 27 Sept. 1940 (printed booklet)


 /5  ‘Note on Barotse Gardens from Ecological Survey’. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /6  nd – sketch maps[?] 2 leaves (autogr.)


 /7  Notes headed ‘Various notes – Katongo Camp’. 2 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


3/1/8   Text headed ‘Indala’s sayings’, some in another language (tp. and autogr.)


 /9  13 Nov. 1940 – notes headed ‘Various milolo from Indala’ (autogr. and tp.)


/10  The Livingstone Mail, 17 Feb. 1940 – ‘The Pleuro-Pneumonia Campaign in Barotseland’ (newspaper cutting)


/11  Ibid., ibid. – ‘Tribal Schools in Northern Rhodesia’ (newspaper cutting)


/12  Maps of the Mongu-Lealui District, 1940. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/13  MG, nd – notes headed ‘Key to Silalo Map’ (autogr.)


/14  Veterinary Department Statistics of Cattle forms. 15 leaves (printed forms with autogr. entries)


/15  Notes headed ‘Veterinary Reports’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/16  MG, 30 Aug. 1940 – notes headed ‘Mongu-Nalinaza’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/17  Ibid., nd – notes headed ‘Sindindi’[?] (autogr.)


/18  Notes, 31 July 1940, in another language, headed ‘Katongo Camp’; autogr. notes on verso (tp.)


/19  Notes, 31 July 1940, in another language. 3 pages (autogr.)


/20  MG, 20 Aug. 1940 – rough notes. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/21  Notes, 22 Aug. 1940, in another language (autogr.)


/22  23 Aug. 1940 – notes on crops and grasses[?] 3 leaves (autogr.)


/23  22 Aug. 1940 – notes on grasses and cattle[?] 8 leaves (autogr.)


/24  MG, 4 May 1942 – notes headed ‘Lukona’, notes on huts[?] with diagrams. 9 leaves (autogr.)


/25  Ibid., nd – rough notes (autogr.)


/26  Text headed ‘Mongu-Ilundu tour end May 1942’. 9 pages (tp.)


/27  14 May 1942 – text headed ‘Luungo Kuta Kalonga’s Kalamba’. 4 pages (tp.)


/28  14 May 1942 – text headed ‘Kuloba Mwabutoia’ (tp.)


/29  nd – text headed ‘Lukona campfire group’ (tp.)


MS 496


3/1/30  27 May 1942 – kinship diagrams headed ‘Mawawa’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/31  26 May 1942 – text, diagrams and notes in another language, headed ‘Mawawa’. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/32  28 Apr. 1942 – notes headed ‘At Libone’s’ (tp.)


/33  MG, most leaves 5 May 1942 – notes and diagrams headed ‘Lukona’. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/34  Ibid., 6 May 1942 – notes and diagrams headed ‘Lukona’. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/35  Ibid., 7 May 1942 – notes and diagrams headed ‘Lukona’, some text in another language. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/36  Ibid., 8 May 1942 – notes and diagrams headed ‘Lukona’. 11 leaves (autogr.)


/37  8 May 1942 – notes in another language and diagrams headed ‘Lukona’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/38  MG, nd – rough notes. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/39  ‘Questions re agriculture to be investigated’ (tp. with autogr. notes)


/40  List of ‘Photographs on Rolliflex’ and ‘Zeiss’ (tp.)


/41  List of ‘Spools sent’ (autogr.)


/42  MG, nd – rough notes. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/43  Ibid., 8 Oct. 1940 – notes, partly in another language. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/44  Ibid., nd – rough notes. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/45  Notes headed ‘Mongu District Notebook’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/46  Text in another language headed ‘Mubuso wa ba bansu sikiliti sa Sesheke’ (tp.)


/47  Pages torn from an exercise book, inscribed ‘Sianga Lealui 1940’, diagrams and text in another language. 9 pages (autogr.)


/48  MG, one leaf 1 Apr. 1940 – rough notes and diagrams, much crossed through. 13 pages (autogr.)


/49  6 July 1942 – report of Native Authorities conference. 4 pages (tp.)


/50  List of tax symbols (tp.)


MS 496


3/1/51  MG, nd – rough notes (autogr.)


/52  Notes headed ‘Watch Tower Literature’ (tp.)


/53  Notes headed ‘C.O. Confidential Memo. on B’land 1932’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/54  List of ‘Officials of the Mongu-Lealui District’ (tp. with autogr. additions)


/55  List of tribes with their Indunas etc. (tp.)


/56  1 Feb. 1940 – ibid. on ‘Various Points by Europeans on Natives’ (tp.)


/57  MG, Aug. – ‘Lozi reaction to possibility of my leaving’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/58  [MG?], 6 July 1940 – account of a journey to Butoye, Nukana and back. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/59  Extracts from letters from 1920s and earlier, on Lunda Chiefs: Canoe Cutting; on Shinde and Shima; on the proposed settlement of Maloval near Kabompo-Donwe confluence etc. 9 leaves (tp.)


/60  The Bulawayo Chronicle, 29 Jan. 1941 – ‘The Passing of Munalula’ (newspaper cutting)


/61  Notes from Mongu District Notebook, 26 July 1926 – list of subsidies to indunas in Lialui District 1927-8 (tp.)


/62  Lewanika Proclamation 1906 on Free Labour. 5 leaves (tp.)


/63  Kololo version of the proclamation – text in another language (tp.)


/64  Notes from Mongu District Notebook – on Nalikwanda; on Native Industries; on Native Government. 5 leaves (tp.)


/65  Notes on Election of New Ngambela by R.S. Hudson. 4 pages (tp.)


/66  Notes on the name of the indunaship Muyumbana (tp.)


/67  List of the children of Sipopa etc. (tp.)


/68  List of Paramount Chief’s Fishing Places in Ila country (tp. with autogr. notes)


/69  Notice from Yeta, the Paramount Chief, that selling cattle for anything but cash is prohibited (tp.)


/70  MG, nd – rough notes headed ‘Lialui’. 9 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


3/1/71  Ibid., 17 Oct. 1942 – rough notes headed ‘Lialui’. 7 leaves (autogr.)


/72  Notes (tp.)


/73  24 Oct. 1942 – ‘Copy of documents given me by Suu’ on Barotse Form of Government. 7 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/74  MG, nd – rough notes. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/75  Text headed ‘Kuomboka 4th April, 1942 Good Friday’ – an account of the ceremony. 3 pages (tp. with autogr. additions)


/76  29 June 1942 – notes headed ‘Kufuluhela’ (tp.)


/77  MG, nd – notes taken from a book or books, some on Kololo; first leaf headed ‘NZT’ [‘Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries’?]; leaf 7 headed ‘Livingstone – Missionary Labours’. 16 leaves (autogr.)


/78  Accounts by Chitambo, Lupoko a Headman and Mumana Headman of a visit by Livingstone who had a light-skinned boy with him; the accounts signed by T. Fox-Pitt. 9 leaves (tp.) [phot. 115941-115943]


/79  ‘Ethnography of Central Africa: Select Bibliography’. 10 pages (tp.)


/80  ‘Litaba za mwa hu totela’, text in another language. 6 pages (autogr.)


/81  Text headed ‘Journey to Mongu via Whore’s Way (cont.)’. 72 leaves (tp.)


/82  Notes headed ‘Continuing diary of Molobezi trip’, 26 Jan. 1942 (tp.)


/83  Notes on ‘Fish Rights’, 28 Apr. 1942 (tp.)


/84  Notes on conversations with informants on various topics, 28 Apr. 1942 (tp.)


/85  Notes on ‘Reaping of Mbuywana’s Maize Garden’, 24-5 Apr. 1942. 3 pages (tp.)


/86  MG, nd – rough notes (autogr.)


/87  ‘White Book African (South) No. 552 (Colonial Office Dec. 1898). Further correspondence (1897: 6 May to 31 December) relative to Affairs in the Bechuanaland Protectorate and Rhodesia’. 29 leaves (tp.)


NS 496


3/1/88  ‘Bibliography from Social Change and the Notion of Culture’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/89  Text headed ‘Mambunda’s Chieftainship’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/90  Text headed ‘Mambunda Chiefs and Heirs’. 12 leaves (tp.)


/91  Another text about the Mambunda. 3 leaves (tp.)


/92  Text headed ‘Muranambuiyi[?] 2 leaves (autogr.)


/93  MG, nd – note about returning borrowed meal (autogr.)


/94  Pages torn from a notebook, containing text in another language, headed ‘Nalumino ni musalahae Muyuwana’. 19 leaves (autogr.)


/95  Text headed ‘Wat[ch]tower Church’, in another language. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/96  Text headed ‘Mo ba fumanela mali’, in another language. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/97  Text headed ‘Miulwe Za Mileko’, in another language. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/98  Text headed ‘Likomu mwa Miulwe’, in another language. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/99  Text in another language. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/100 Notes on ‘Croquis du Zambeze’ by Casalis. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/101 Note with a quotation from ‘Croquis du Zambeze’ (tp., in French)


/102 A.M. Lewanika, 6 July 1948 – ‘Paramount Chief’s Imwiko’s Death’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/103 Compliments slip from the Provincial Commissioner, Barotse Province (printed)


/104 ‘Installation of the New Paramount Chief Mwanawina III of Barotseland’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/105 ‘Address of Ngambela Wina’ (tp.)


/106 Acting Provincial Commissioner’s reply to the Ngambela’s address (tp.)


/107 Text headed ‘Book No. 2’, various dates in 1942, accounts of cases, laws, anecdotes etc. 15 leaves (tp.)


/108 Text headed ‘Book 3’, ibid. 33 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


3/1/109 Village diagrams. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/110 Forms headed ‘Village Economic Survey’. 12 double leaves (tp. forms with autogr. entries)


/111 Proofs of ‘Seven Tribes of British Central Africa’, ed. Elizabeth Colson & MG. 63 leaves (printed with autogr. corrections) [incomplete?]


/112 Lists of corrections to a text. 2 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/113 One random page of text, about witchcraft (autogr.)


/114 MG, nd – bibliography (autogr.)


/115 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed Martin Richter, ‘Kultur und Reich der Marotse’. 5 pages (autogr.)


/116 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Holub’. 9 pages (autogr.)


/117 Text headed ‘The Religion of the Barotse’. 17 leaves (tp.)


/118 MG, nd – notes on ‘Les BaRotsi’ by Robert Dieterlein (autogr.)


/119 MG, nd – notes headed ‘Hohfeld’. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/120 Notes in another hand. 7 leaves (autogr.)


/121 Miscellaneous notes. 12 leaves (autogr., some in MG’s hand)


/122 ‘With Pushbike and Canoe on the Zambesi’, from Cape Argus, 4 Nov. 1933; ‘Mission Work among the Barotse’, from Cape Times, 30 Apr. 1934; ‘Barotse Chief’s Meeting with Prince George’, from Cape Argus, 2 Apr. 1934; ‘Barotse Chiefs meet Prince’, from Star, 2 Apr. 1934; notes from Stirke, Holub, Bertrand, Coillard, Macintosh, Decle, Vulliamy, Kuntz, Balfour. 23 pages (tp.)


/123 Barotse Genealogies. 3 leaves (tp.)


/124 Miscellaneous notes. 2 leaves (tp.)


/125 MG[?], Dec. 1965 – notes made at Abercorn, on witchcraft. 2 leaves (tp.)


/126 Ibid., ibid. – notes made at Mongu, on witchcraft (tp.)


/127 Incomplete text (pp. 2, 5-8) on witchcraft. 5 leaves (tp.)


/128 MG[?], nd – text on the outbreak of witchcraft accusations in 1957-58. 31 leaves [incomplete – breaks off abruptly] (tp. with autogr. corrections)


MS 496


3/1/129 The Guardian, 13 Apr. 1960 – MG, ‘The Barotse migration’ (newspaper cutting)


/130 ‘Proposals for the Improvement of the Barotse Native Government – Proposed Constitution’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/131 Notes on the Proposed Constitution. 2 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/132 Memorandum headed ‘The following facts elaborate the Five points which were submitted to the Resident Commissioner in protest of the Paramount Chief Mwanawina’s unconstitutional rule and dictatorial Policy’. 8 leaves (tp.)


/133 ‘Barotse National Society’, notes on a Memorandum beginning ‘The following facts’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/134 Map headed ‘Angola: Tribal and Linguistic Divisions (autogr.)


/135 ‘Mongu District Notebook Selected Notes’ on ‘Distribution of Tribes’ (tp.)


/136 Mongu District Notebook, notes on Subia (tp.)


/2 Lozi material


 /1  Text headed ‘Information from Mulena Mukwae and Ishee Kwandu’, (tp.)


 /2  Text, pages 1 and 2 missing[?] 8 leaves (tp.)


 /3  Table headed ‘Functions’ (tp. and autogr.)


 /4  MG, nd – ‘List of chiefs’ (autogr.)


 /5  Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Lilalo – Lialui’ (autogr.)


 /6  Text headed ‘Lozi Politics’. 9 pages (tp.)


 /7  Text headed ‘These things are what I was told by the Mulena Mukwae Mulima and Ishee Kwandu’, 1 Dec. 1942. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /8  Text headed ‘Comment on information by Ishee Kwandu’ (tp.)


 /9  Text headed ‘People of Mbanga’, 8 leaves (tp.)


/10  2 Mar. 1943 – Mukolo’s compositions. 3 leaves (tp.)


/11  Text headed ‘Explanation of the Paramount Chief’s Feast Songs or those sung daily in his Yard or in the Court by the Drummers’. 11 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


3/2/12  Text with headings ‘The First Lesson’, ‘The Second Lesson’ and so on up to ‘The Fourteenth Lesson’. 16 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/13  Text beginning ‘The whole world is divided according to its bigness’. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/14  Text headed ‘By Mubyana Lutangu’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/15  ‘H.C. to Lew. 24th Feb. 1908’ [pages missing] (tp.)


/16  Text headed ‘1944 – My Plan Kuta Reform’ (tp.)


/17  Note on Casalis, ‘Croquis du Zambeze’ (tp.)


/18  Text headed ‘Provincial Administration and Technical Men’ (tp.)


/19  Notes with headings ‘Sesheke 21.6.44’ and ‘From DC’s Sesheke files 20.6.44’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/20  Notes with heading ‘Livingstone 21.4.44’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/21  2 Aug. 1939 – Margery Perham, ‘Future of the two Rhodesias’ (newspaper cutting)


/22  Notes, partly in another language (tp.)


/23  Text headed ‘Bupilo Bwa Mutu wa Mulozi mwa hae’, in another language. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/24  Text headed ‘Sesongo. Malengwafuba or Rheumatism’ (autogr.)


/25  MG, 11 Mar. 1942 – notes headed ‘Tende’s Katongo’. 6 pages (autogr.)


/26  Ibid., 17 Mar. 1942 – notes headed ‘Batube’. 5 pages (autogr.)


/27  1942 – notes headed ‘Muyanga’s relationship to Masangu’ (autogr.)


/28  MG, 1942 – notes on Ishee Kwandu and genealogy of Nikambwas Mulamata. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/29  Ibid., 18 May 1943 – notes on white government (tp.)


/30  1942 – notes on Mooli’s Gardens, Mowanjikana in past, Liloko – political, various words, Mskishi, political taboos, new words, marriage, commoners related to royalty, war and politics, women, modern politics, stories of Sipamukela, modern wealth, modern work, story of Mbuywana, government administration, status of Ngambela, the members of an Nduna’s likolo are not his Mayenda. 17 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


3/2/31  nd – miscellaneous notes, some in another language. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/32  Notes on court cases[?], some with judgments, dated 1930, 1931, 1933, 1936. 46 pages (tp.)


/33  Ibid., dated 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1936, 28 pages (tp.)


/34  Ibid., dated 1930, 1931. 27 pages (tp.)


/35  Ibid., headed in pencil ‘Lozi Old Court records’, dated 1931, 1932, 1933, 1936, 1944, 115 leaves


/36  Diagrams showing Lozi and Zulu terms for cognates and affines (autogr.)


/37  MG, nd – notes headed ‘Costs to producer’ (autogr.)


/38  Text headed ‘Praises of Title at Mwandi’, partly in another language. 3 leaves (tp.)


/39  Text headed ‘Formation of District and District Officers’, inscribed ‘Extracts from Sesheke District Notebook’, signed ‘M. Gluckman’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/40  MG, nd – rough notes (autogr.)


/41  MG, ibid. – note marked ‘File Lozi Marriage’ (autogr.)



/42  Drawing book containing some diagrams of villages[?] but mostly blank pages, some loose leaves (autogr.)


/43  Document headed ‘1942 – from Mulena Mukwae and Ishee Kwandu’ (tp.)


/44  Business card for Dr Wm. Y. Turner (printed with autogr. note on verso)


/45  Notes on an article[?] concerning land tenure and fishing rights. 2 leaves (tp.)


/46  Letter to the Livingstone Mail, 29 Nov. 1946 – responds to a letter by MG in issue of 1 Nov. (newspaper cutting)


/47  ‘Mass Education in African Society (Colonial No. 186)’. 7 leaves (tp.)


/48  ‘Memorandum submitted on behalf of the Northern Rhodesian Mine Workers Union (N.R.M.W.U.) by Mr. J. Purvis (Member of the General Council and Chairman of the Roan Antelope branch of the Union’. 6 leaves (tp.)


/49  ‘Mass Education in Africa’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/2/50  Torn piece [of a kinship diagram?] (autogr.)


/51  ‘Genealogical Tree of the Baushi Paramount Chiefs and other important chiefs of the Bena-nglubi totem’ (autogr. on greased paper, very poor condition)


/52  MG, nd – notes on headmen (autogr.)


/53  ‘Genealogical Table of the Barotse Family’, 14 Aug. 1947. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/54  Sheets with kinship diagrams. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/55  Page of text in another language (autogr.)


/56  MG, 28 June 1940 – notes headed ‘Wiko immigration’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/57  Ibid., nd – notes headed ‘Miulwe’ 2 leaves (autogr.)


/58  Pages of text in another language. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/59  Table of prices in ‘Ancient Years’ and ‘Modern Years’ (autogr.)


/60  MG, 3 Aug. 1940 – note on cattle (autogr.)


/61  MG, 20 Oct. 1940 – note on the earnings of various people (autogr.)


/62  MG, nd – notes on various things. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/63  Note in another language with note by MG (autogr.)


/64  Notes on payments made to various natives. 2 leaves (autogr., not by MG)


/65  2 May 1941 – text in another language. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/66  Text headed ‘Mongu District Notebook. 1927 – Transport Rates for Native Passengers’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/67  28 Sept. 1942 – Notice by Vaux regarding unclaimed property in the possession of the Detachment Commander (tp.)


/68  List of ‘Unclaimed Property deposited at Mongu Police Station’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/69  Note headed ‘Maloko my people’, Apr. 1943 (tp.)


/70  21 Oct. 1940 – text entitled ‘Maloko a Nyambe’. 14 leaves (tp., in another language)


/71  Notes with name ‘Indala’, subject ‘Maloko’ (tp., in another language)


MS 496


3/2/72  Notes headed ‘Pinayandwa’ (tp., in another language)


/73  Notes headed ‘Hunting Song Pina Yamuzumi’ (tp., in another language)


/74  Notes headed ‘Mongu School Concert’ (tp., in another language)


/75  nd – text in another language. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/76  MG, nd – notes headed ‘Water supplies?’ (autogr.)


/77  MG, 8 July 1940 – notes headed ‘Miulwe’ (autogr.)


/78  Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Names’ (autogr.)


/79  ‘Questions put by me to Mulena Mukwae and Ishee Kwandu, Dec. 1942’ (tp.)


/80  Notes in another language (autogr.)


/81  Kinship diagrams. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/82  Text in another language; kinship diagram on verso (autogr.)


/83  5 Dec. 1942 – text in another language, headed ‘Numwa ni ba Katongo’, with note by MG ‘Sianga, writing from Sikwela & Mbasiwana’ (autogr.)


/84  ‘Translation of Numwa ni BaKatongo’ (tp.)


/85  MG, nd – notes headed ‘Kushwanisa’. 2 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/86  Lists of words in three languages – Lozi, Lubale and Mbunda. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/87  Notes from informants on marriage and on catching fish (tp.)


/88  MG, nd – very brief notes (autogr.)


/89  Sianga’s expenses sheet, May 1940 (autogr.)


/90  Brief notes headed ‘Barotse 1940’, on measurements, snakes and putting leaves on the face to prevent disease (tp.)


/91  Notes headed ‘February-March 1943 – visit to the mines’ (autogr. with tp. heading)


/92  Notes headed ‘Various matters not fully noted’ (tp.)


/93  Notes headed ‘Northern Rhodesia Labour Conditions’. 3 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


3/2/94  ‘Some Types of African Songs and Dances and how they are made’ (tp.)


/95  MG, nd – brief notes (autogr.)


/96  MG, 3 Feb. 1940 – notes headed ‘Villages of royal family’. 7 leaves (autogr., some in another language)


/97  Text in another language (autogr.)


/98  MG, nd – notes headed ‘Crop rotation’ (autogr.)


/99  Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Fishing’ (autogr.)


/100 Ibid., ibid. – notes seemingly about the hunting of birds; some text in another language in another hand (autogr.)


/101 Ibid., ibid. – notes and kinship diagrams. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/102 Ibid., 25 Nov. 1940 – notes headed ‘Kubuluku mutu’. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/103 ‘Lialui Kuta Case on man claiming from wife married to another’, 17 Oct. 1940. 3 leaves (tp.)


/104 MG, 8 Oct. 1940 – notes on adulterine child, fines, divorce etc. (autogr.)


/105 ‘Note on divorcing a wife, and returning her to her home’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/106 Text in another language headed ‘Ku yanga’, 8 Sept. 1941 (autogr.)


/107 ‘Copy of love-letters in case Lealui Kuta, 4.xi.40’ (tp.)


/108 Zalanih[?] Mawere to Alufeyo, 24 Mar. 1941 – on giving a woman money for sex; mentions the going rate (tp.)


/109 26 Oct. 1942 – note in another language headed ‘Mwangal ni musala Lac Kashweka’ (autogr.)


/110 Notes on ‘Marriage and Adultery Law’. 3 pages (tp.)


/111 Text on the control of Chigoe Fleas (tp.)


/112 Text headed ‘Litaba sa sichaba sa Wankie’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/113 Kinship diagrams. 2 double leaves (autogr.)


/114 Kinship diagrams with remarks. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/115 Notes on villages and kinship diagrams, headed ‘Simbondwe of Simbuwa’. 17 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


3/2/116 ‘Mabili Kuta Statistics’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/117 List headed ‘Old likolo and induna’ and ‘New likolo and induna’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/118 Extract from L’Anthropologie, 1930, Vol. XL, p. 112 – article[?] by M. Ellemberger on Mbunda masked dances. 4 leaves (tp., in French)


/119 Notes on rainfall and temperature at various places. 11 leaves (autogr.)


/120 Note on items worth publicity of the Journal (autogr.)


/121 Notes on Mujiga Settlement, from a conversation with Philip Malome, Tebele leader. 3 pages (tp.)


/122 Page of text in another language (autogr.)


/123 Sheet marked ‘[Questions] 2’, on moving to make new villages (tp.)


/124 Northern Rhodesia Government requisition slip (printed)


/125 Notes on various subjects – political organisation, kinship organisation, land tenure, questions to agricultural demonstrators, family organisation, list of law questions, rights to crops. 13 leaves (autogr.)


/126 Notes on essays by European and Zulu children (autogr.)


/127 Rough notes on cattle herds (autogr.)


/128 23 Jan. 1949 – Mashekwa Mwanauke’s Life History. 2 leaves (tp.)


/129 Essay by Lisulo Malumo. 2 leaves (tp.)


/130 Essay by Imena Kwibisa Mukena. 13 leaves (tp.)


/131 Essay by K. Mushashu. 24 leaves (tp.)


/132 Essay by Mukelabai Simbotwe. 19 leaves (tp.)


/133 Essay by Kabalanyana Mayungano. 6 leaves (tp.)


/134 3 Feb. 1949 – essay by D.N. Muttendango. 3 leaves (tp.)


/135 17 Jan. 1949 – essay by Kwalombota Mulonda. 21 leaves (tp.)


/136 Essay by N. Mundia. 12 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


3/2/137 Notes headed ‘Extracts from Sesheke District Notebook’, includes notes on Formation of District and District Officers, tribes, letter from P.E. Hall, Resident Magistrate, 14 Oct. 1925, on reed cutting, notes on subsidies, native organisation, chiefs, tax register etc., European population, list of traders, river levels, roads, travelling times, prices of native produce, rainfall, marriage law and adultery law, missions, vaccination, cattle, letter from Athlone, High Commissioner, to the Acting Governor of Northern Rhodesia, 21 Apr., 1927 on the permission granted to certain Barotse natives to cultivate a portion of the Caprivi Strip, etc. 69 leaves (tp.)


/138 Notes headed ‘Study of the African in the Army’. 2 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


/139 Notes headed ‘Plan for Joint Book on Witchcraft’ (tp.)


/140 Notes on ‘MaSubia’ (tp. with two maps, printed)


/141 Text headed ‘Mwandi Imwiko and Kuta 24.1.44’ (tp.,)


/142 […?], text on ‘Barotsi History’. 7 leaves (autogr.)


/143 Davidson S. Sianga, text on ‘A short summary of Barotse History’. 18 leaves (autogr.)


/144 Text entitled ‘History of the Livingstone District (compiled by ex-Head messenger Seluvezwa[?]’ 17 leaves (tp.)


/145 Bibliography headed R.E.S. p. 229’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/146 Notes headed ‘The Wanyamwezi’ (autogr.)


/147 Notes headed ‘Notes on Moore Responsibility’ (tp.)


/148 Untitled text on feuds[?] 9 leaves, numbered 29-37 (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/149 Note on Moore (autogr.)


/150 Notes on S.F.C. Milsom (autogr.)


/151 Notes on Gulliver. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/152 Notes on various law topics. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/153 Notes on Gulliver, ‘Social Control’. 11 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/154 Notes on ‘Maine? Ancient Law’. 2 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/155 Notes on P.G. Osborn, ‘A Concise Law Dictionary’ (tp.)


MS 496


3/2/156 Notes on MG, ‘JPB 2nd. edition’ (tp.)


/157 Notes on Paul L. Bohannan, ‘Tiv Economy’. 2 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/158 Notes on Laura & Paul Bohannan, ‘The Tiv of Central Nigeria’ (tp.)


/159 Notes on Gulliver, Introduction, in ‘Part I: Case Studies of Law in Non-Western Societies’ (tp.)


/160 Notes on Gulliver, ‘Neighbours and Networks’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/161 Notes on MG, ‘Comments on Ndendaule’ (autogr.)


/162 Notes on Stewart Macaulay, ‘Non-contractual relations in business: a preliminary study’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/163 Notes on ‘Pospisil? Anthropology of Law’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/164 2 Case Records, reviewed 7 Dec. 1940, text in another language. 2 leaves (printed and autogr., autogr. notes by Tommy Fox-Pitt on verso)


/165 Notes headed ‘1946 Glennie’ (tp.)


/166 Notes headed ‘1946. Namutoho Vs. Mbuyawana’ (tp.)


/167 MG, nd – notes on various topics. 11 leaves (autogr.)


/168 Ibid., 4 June 1947 – notes on ‘Chieftainship’. 15 leaves (autogr.)


/169 Kinship diagram. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/170 Kinship diagram (autogr.)


/171 Text headed ‘Mukanda’. 4 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/172 Notes headed ‘Saa Court – Lealui 27.8.42’. 6 pages (tp.)


/173 Notes headed ‘An Appeal from Yuka Kuta’, 25 June 1947 (tp., mostly in another language)


/174 Certificate for Albert Singumbe (printed and tp., in another language)


/175 26 June 1947 – notes on ‘Kuta’. 13 pages (tp.)


/176 6 June 1947 – notes on Sikwela’s illness. 3 pages (autogr. and tp.)


MS 496


3/2/177 4 June 1947 – notes on marriage (tp.)


/178 Two maps of districts[?] 2 leaves (autogr.)


/179 ‘Reforms affecting Silalo Indunas’. 9 leaves (tp.)


/180 ‘Mongu-Lealui District Kuta. Expenditure Estimates’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/181 ‘Mukumbuta Muleta Nanguya versus Kwanga Muleta Nanguya’. 5 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/182 ‘An Appeal from the Libonda Kuta Case No. 84.’ 3 leaves (tp.


/183 Notes headed ‘[…?] greeting songs’, various dates in 1940. 17 pages (autogr., some in another language)


/184 MG, nd – various notes. 13 pages (autogr)


/185 Ibid., 2 Apr. 1940 – notes on Sisongo. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/186 Ibid., nd – rough notes mostly on cows and related matters. 9 pages (autogr.)


/187 MG, nd – notebook with no covers, various notes (autogr.)


/188 Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (autogr.)


/189 Ibid., ibid. – various notes, some in another language. 43 leaves (autogr.)


/190 ‘Proceedings of the Session of the National Council held at Lealui, in the Saa-Sikalo Kuta during the month of November 1947’. 6 leaves (tp.)


/191 ‘Memorandum for Barotseland to become a Protectorate under the King’s High Commissioner’. 6 leaves (tp.)


/192 Affidavit dated 28 Sept. 1948. 4 leaves (tp.)


/193 ‘Statement made and taken at Lealui on 21/9/48, by A.M. Lewanika, in Sikololo’. 5 leaves (tp., in another language)


/194 27 Nov. 1948 – ‘Answers from letter dated 5th July 1948’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/195 1 Nov. 1948 – ‘Ans. to questions from letter dated 1st Oct., 1948’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/196 nd – ‘Ans. to questions from letter dated 22nd Oct., 1948’. 4 leaves (autogr., in another language)


MS 496


3/2/197 17 Nov. 1948 – ‘Walubita Namutoho Genealogy’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/198 nd – notes headed ‘Remarks’. 2 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/199 Ibid., ibid. – ‘Answers to Questions given by the Director’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/200 ‘Answers to the Director Dr [Gluckman’s] letter dated 23/3/49’ (tp., incomplete)


/201 Notes headed ‘Minutes BTF Meeting 16.1.28’; ‘Meeting of 30/9/35’ (tp.)


/202 Notes headed ‘DC’s tour Report (by Wright) April 35’. 3 leaves [?] (tp.)


/203 Account of ‘Chiefs and Teachers Course held at the Jeanes School, Mazabuka in June 1937’ by C.I. Tyndale Biscoe, Director of Native Education. 5 leaves (tp.)


/204 ‘Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of the Board of Management of the Barotse Fund held at Mongu on the 1st October 1934’. 8 leaves (tp.)


/205 ‘Musebezi wa Likolo’ (tp., in another language)


/206 Notes on various topics. 8 leaves (tp.)


/207 Pages from Mutende, No. 273, July 1948 (newspaper pages in English and another language)


/208 Notes on ‘Watch Tower Movement’. 3 pages (tp.)


/209 Notes on ‘Copper Belt Riots, 1935’. 10 pages (tp. and autogr.)


/210 nd – note on Sitino Sacrifice (tp.)


/211 May 1947 – notes on ‘Political Appointments’ (tp.)


/212 Village diagram[?] showing location of various people (autogr.)


/213 MG, nd – notes headed ‘Ngambela above I.K.’ 12 leaves (autogr.)


/214 MG, 1940 – notes headed ‘Winterbottom’ (autogr.)


/215 ‘Minutes of the Proceedings at a Meeting with Lewanika at Sesheke: 30th September, 1907’, marked ‘Paper I’. 10 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


3/2/216 ‘Report of Talk by Registrar of Cooperatives (L. Boyd-Wilson – below ROC) to meeting of Maliz at Limulunga Kuta, 5th July, 1947’, marked ‘Paper II’. 7 leaves (tp.)


/217 Notes on C.P. Fitzgerald, ‘The Tower of Five Glories’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/218 MG, nd – miscellaneous notes. 21 leaves (autogr.)


/219 Notes on issues of Man (tp.)


/220 Notes headed ‘Case of Theft in Kuta’ (tp.)


/221 Diagram of Ndandanda[?] village (autogr.)


/222 Notes headed ‘Key to Ndandanda’. 5 leaves (autogr., some in another language)


/223 Notes headed ‘Note 1’ (autogr.)


/224 Table headed ‘Barotse Villages and Health Cleanliness 1943’ (autogr.)


/225 Text headed ‘The exact status of batanga in the old days’ (autogr.)


/226 Table headed ‘Note 2’ (tp.)


/227 Rough notes, leaf 1 headed ‘Nawala’s Villages’; includes kinship diagrams. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/228 Maps[?] 2 leaves (autogr.)


/229 Genealogical Table of the Barotse Royal Family (autogr., very poor condition)


/230 Ibid. (another version) (autogr.)


/231 Rough notes, leaf 1 headed ‘Mbusiwana’s genealogy 27.3.40’; includes kinship diagrams; some text in another language. 19 leaves (autogr.)


/232 Rough notes, includes kinship diagrams. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/233 Text in another language, headed ‘Katongo’, 2 June 1942, with kinship diagrams. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/234 Kinship diagrams, headed ‘Katongo’, 21 Jan. 1943, with remarks, some in another language. 18 leaves (autogr.)


/235 Kinship diagrams, headed ‘Katongo’, 12 Jan. 1943. 39 leaves (autogr.)


/236 Kinship diagrams with some remarks. 20 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


3/2/237 Kinship diagrams and village diagrams. 40 leaves (autogr.)


/238 Kinship diagrams headed ‘Native authority staff’ with some remarks. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/239 Kinship diagrams headed ‘Mwanjekapeta’s Village’ with some remarks. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/240 Kinship diagrams headed ‘Chabala’s Village’ with some remarks. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/241 Text ‘Ku Liso Ya Mwana’. 14 leaves (tp., in another language)


/242 Text ‘How a Child is Brought Up’. 11 leaves (tp.)


/243 Text headed ‘The Barotse’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/244 Text headed ‘Sipelu’, some text in another language. 17 leaves (autogr.)


/245 Text headed ‘Fables’. 23 leaves (tp.)


/246 Ibid., another version almost identical. 13 leaves (tp.)


/247 Ibid., partial version. 22 leaves (autogr.)


/248 ‘Lozi Maloko Collected by Mwanamulena Mubukwanu Mataa’. 23 leaves (tp.)


/249 ‘Translations of Siluyana Phrases & Sayings’. 3 double leaves (autogr.)


/250 MG, ‘Problem of Economics of Primitive Society’, notes. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/251 Central African Post, 2 Nov. 1950 – ‘The British Govt. and Fort Jameson’. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)


/252 Central African Post, 9 Nov. 1950 – ‘The Truth about Fort Jameson’ (newspaper cutting)


/253 Central African Post, 5 Oct. 1950 – ‘Settlers Alarmed in Fort Jameson’ (newspaper cutting)


/254 Central African Post, 12 Oct. 1950 – ‘The Friction in Fort Jameson’ (newspaper cutting)


/255 Central African Post, 19 Oct. 1950 – ‘Fort Jameson Troubles’ (newspaper cutting)


/256 Central African Post, 26 Oct. 1950 – ‘Fort Jameson Problems’. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/2/257 Rough notes, leaf 1 inscribed ‘Notes for “Economy of Central Barotse Plain’. 8 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


/258 Notes on vocabulary [Lozi language?] 31 leaves (autogr.)


/259 MG, nd – miscellaneous notes. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/260 ‘From “The Cheyenne Way”’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/261 MG, nd – notes on ‘BM – “The Foundation of Faith and Morals” (autogr.)


/262 Ibid., ibid. – rough notes (autogr.)


/263 [MG?], nd – text (tp. with autogr. additions, numbered ‘2’)


/264 MG, ibid. – text. 11 leaves (autogr. draft, numbered 5-15)


/265 Drawings, headed ‘Barotse Material Culture’ (autogr.)


/266 MG, nd – notes headed ‘Junod’. 23 leaves (autogr.)


/267 ‘A “Noah’s Ark” of Africa’ and other notes. 5 pages plus printed map (tp.)


 .1  Note pinned to previous item, ‘Ba Rotse Collected Notes’ (autogr.)


/268 List of publications on the Barotse (tp.)


/269 MG, nd – notes on M.K. Goy, ‘Alone in Africa’ (autogr.)


/270 Ibid., ibid. – rough notes on a card (autogr.)


/271 ‘Index to Barotse Native Government Proclamations, Orders and Rules in Force at 1st March 1947’. 18 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/272 Case Record (printed and autogr., in another language)


/273 Rough notes on the back of an envelope (autogr.)


/274 Odd page of text on Lozi law (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/275 Odd pages of text on Lozi law. 9 leaves (autogr.)


/276 MG, nd – rough notes. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/277 MG, nd – brief notes on beliefs about sex (autogr.)


/278 Text in another language. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/279 MG, nd – rough notes. 5 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


/280 Text headed ‘Lozi queries’. 3 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


3/2/281 MG[?] to John […?], 2 Dec. 1954 – answers the queries made in previous item. 6 leaves (tpc.)


/282 Notes on North American Indians. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/283 MG, nd – text [obviously part of something much longer]. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/284 Notes on ‘From the Mountains of Basutoland to the Plains of the Zambezi’ by Daniel Couve, on the subjects of early contact with whites; Yeta and Malozi; flight of Mawiko from Portuguese territory; Lozi and dying traditions; Malozi and tradition; Native gov.; slavery; Malozi and Christianity; forced labour for chiefs abolished in 1925. 9 leaves (tp.)


/285 Notes on ‘Ombres et lumieres’ by M. K[u]ntz, 1913, on the subjects of ‘Bush and Town Natives; Education, an attitude towards; Gratitude; Contact with whites and civilization[?]; Contact with Natives; Illness; Malozi habits; Malozi Childhood. 8 leaves (tp.)


/286 Notes on ‘Un Roi Zambezien’ by T.B., on the subjects of Position of Kingship in the Zambesi; Double Monarchy; Questions of Government; Relations of King and Mokwae; Sacrificial Beasts; Arrival of new King; Housing of new King; Ceremony of Coronation of Yeta; secret Ceremonies of Coronation; Position of Chiefs; Positions of Nalolo Mokwae and Consort; Eating; Death of King; Royal Drums; Medicines for Hunters; Monogamy of Christian King; Difficulties of Christian King over Pagan People; Difficulties with Pagan Ceremonies; Attitude of Christian King; Defection of Yeta from Christian ranks. 21 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/287 Notes on ‘Terre d’Afrique’ by M. Kuntz, on the subjects of Burial Customs; Links with other Civilisations; Legend about Death; Lewanika’s Burial. 5 leaves (tp.)


/288 Brief notes (tp. pc)


/289 Text [part of something longer, numbered 54-56]. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/290 Scrappy notes. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/291 13 Mar. 1945 – information on Rights of Adulterer and Seducer to Child (tp.)


/292 Notes beginning ‘Hilda mss.’ (tp.)


/293 Kinship diagrams. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/294 Kinship diagrams headed ‘Zulu’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


3/2/295 Notes on marriage, with note on leaf 3 ‘R-B’s notes’. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. note)


/296 MG, nd – notes. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/297 Tables showing reasons for divorce, headings only. 6 double leaves (autogr.)


/298 ‘Kinship among the Swazi of the Protectorate’. 30 leaves (tp.)


/299 Notes (autogr.)


/3 Zulu Material


 /1  Copies of newspaper articles[?], dating from 1926, 1929-31. 23 pages (tp.)


 /2  Ibid., dating from 1931, 1932, 1934. 14 pages (tp.)


 /3  ‘Visit to Mhalbatini District’, 9 July 1938, ‘Texts by Paulus Zama’, nd, etc. 12 leaves (tp.)


 /4  ‘Visit to Matunjwa’, 22 July 1938. 20 leaves, with diagrams (tp.)


 /5  ‘Zulu Magic and Witchcraft’. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /6  ‘Labour for Europeans’. 7 leaves (tp.)


 /7  ‘Texts by Nkala’. 4 leaves (tp.)


 /8  ‘Interview with Braatvedt’. 3 leaves (tp.)


 /9  Text headed ‘Fortescue Kumalo’, numbered 16-17. 2 leaves (tp.)


/10  Notes headed ‘To Eshowe to see Prince’, ‘Hilda’s paper’, etc. 18 pages (autogr.)


/11  Miscellaneous notes. 22 leaves (autogr.)


/12  Various notes, some in another language. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/13  Text headed ‘A.D. Ntshangase’, on agriculture, herding etc. 13 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/14  Text headed ‘M. Manqele (N.M.A.)’ on politics, laws and customs, magistrates, etc. 16 leaves (tp.)


/15  ‘Texts by N.M.A. Manqele’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/16  N.M.A. Malcolm Manqele, ‘Solomon and the Natives’. 26 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


3/3/17  ‘List of Accused’ (tp.)


/18  Miscellaneous notes, dated 1937, 1938. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/19  Miscellaneous notes, dated 1938. 11 leaves (autogr.)


/20  Miscellaneous notes, dated 1938, some in another language. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/21  Notes headed ‘Juda Zulu’, in English and another language. 4 leaves (tp.)


/22  Notes headed ‘Daniel Vililozi Dec. ‘37’; in another language. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/23  Notes – vocabulary[?] 3 leaves (autogr.)


/24  List of items with prices. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/25  Miscellaneous notes, dated 1938. 7 leaves (autogr.)


/26  Translation of letter from Paulus Zama to [MG?], Jan. 1939, with notes following. 4 leaves (tp.)


/27  ‘Iziga – War Ref[r]ains’, in English and another language. 7 leaves (autogr.)


/28  ‘The Five Divisions of the Army’. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/29  The Star, 20 Apr. 1933 – ‘Murder through Superstition’ (newspaper cutting)


/30  ‘Law 19 of 1891’, 15 Aug. 1891. 8 leaves of Index plus 36 leaves of the Code itself (tp.)


/31  ‘Texts by Richard Ntombela’, in another language. 2 leaves (tp.)


/32  Text headed ‘Daniel Vililozi’, in another language. 4 pages (autogr.)


/33  Text headed ‘Change brought about by schools in the life of the Zulu people’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/34  Ibid., with additional heading ‘Fortescue Kumalo’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/35  ‘Texts by Manqele’ (tp.)


/36  ‘Texts by Philemon Zungu’, in another language. 2 leaves (tp.)


/37  Text headed ‘Nqabayembube of Kwabangimefa (Mncwango)’ (tp.)


MS 496


3/3/38  Text headed ‘Matolano & Nqaba Mncwango of Kwabangimefa’ (tp.)


/39  Text headed ‘Umfundisi Mhlongo’ (tp.)


/40  MG, various dates in 1936 and 1937, rough notes. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/41  Notes in another language (autogr.)


/42  Notes, mostly in another language. 4 pages (autogr.)


/43  Notes relating to statement of expenditure[?] 5 leaves (autogr.)


/44  MG, various dates in 1937 and 1938 – notes on expenditure. 12 pages (autogr.)


/45  Various receipts, invoices etc. 34 leaves (autogr.)


/46  South African Institute of Race Relations, ‘Extract from the Union of South Africa Year Book 16’ (tp.)


/47  ‘Native Service Contract Bill’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/48  South African Institute of Race Relations, ‘The Finance of Native Education’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/49  South African General Missionary Conference, ‘Memorandum on Native Education’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/50  List of 50 questions about the Zulu nation. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/51  List of answers to the 50 questions. 9 pages (autogr.)


/52  MG, various dates in 1936 and 1938, notes, some in another language. 18 leaves (autogr.)


/53  ‘Disease Rife in Sekukuniland’ (newspaper cutting)


/54  ‘British Settlement with India’ (newspaper cutting)


/55  Sunday Times, Johannesburg, Transvaal, 31 Aug. 1930 – ‘The Vanishing Aborigines’ (newspaper cutting)


/56  11 June 1938, ‘Zulus Pay Homage to Sir Patrick Duncan’ (newspaper cutting)


/57  ‘The Transkei of Today – Black “State” within the Union’ (newspaper cutting)


/58  Rand Daily Mail, 26 Oct. 1933 – ‘The Transkei of Today – An Unknown S. African Capital’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/3/59  ‘The Golden Stool’ (newspaper cutting)


/60  ‘The Task of Social Anthropology’ (newspaper cutting)


/61  Sunday Times, Johannesburg, Transvaal, 18 Sept. 1932 – ‘Small Scale Wars’ (newspaper cutting)


/62  Star, 25 Aug. 1931 – ‘Affairs in Bechuanaland Protectorate’ (newspaper cutting)


/63  ‘The Crying Need for Native Doctors’ (newspaper cutting)


/64  Star, 4 Nov. 1931 – ‘Collecting Native Taxes’ (newspaper cutting)


/65  Daily Mail, Johannesburg, 27 May 1932 – ‘A Challenge to the Union’, ‘Mr. E.T. Stubbs retires’ & ‘Natives in the Selborne Hall’ (newspaper cutting)


/66  Star, 4 Nov. 1931 – ‘Bantu Celebrities’ (newspaper cutting)


/67  ‘Colour Schemes wrought 4,000 Years ago’ (newspaper cutting)


/68  Star, 23 Sept. 1931 – [Ce]ntenary Meeting of British Association’ (newspaper cutting)


/69  ‘World Problem of Colour’ (newspaper cutting)


/70  ‘Merits of Bunga System’ (newspaper cutting)


/71  Star, 20 June 1931 – ‘The Bored Stones in South Africa’ (newspaper cutting)


/72  ‘Attack on Government Native Policy’ (newspaper cutting)


/73  Sunday Times, 13 Jan. 1935 – ‘A “General Election”’ (newspaper cutting)


/74  Star, 10 May 1934 – ‘Some “Modern Theories”’, on an address by MG (newspaper cutting)


/75  ‘Snake Worship Sect’ (newspaper cutting)


/76  Star, 3 Oct. 1932 – ‘Native Arts and Crafts’ (newspaper cutting)


/77  Rand Daily Mail, 12 Oct. 1932 – ‘Developing Nyasaland’ (newspaper cutting)


/78  Rand Daily Mail, 5 Oct. 1932 – ‘Poison Plants of Africa’ (newspaper cutting)


/79  Rand Daily Mail, 18 May 1932 – ‘Black and White in South Africa’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/3/80  Sunday Times, 10 Mar. 1935 – ‘In the Maluti Mountains’ (newspaper cutting)


/81  Copy of the newspaper Bantu World for 21 May 1932 (printed)


/82  MG, miscellaneous notes. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/83  Text on ‘History of Nongoma’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/84  MG, nd – rough notes (autogr.)


/85  Loose page of text, page[s] missing (tp.)


/86  Report on the Meeting of the Usutu Tribe held on 13 Feb. 1932 (tp.)


/87  The Zululand Times, 16 Mar. 1933 (newspaper)


/88  Portrait of Solomon ka Dinuzulu, with dates of birth and death (printed)


/89  Umteteli wa Bantu, 11 Mar. 1933 – ‘Solomon Passes’ (newspaper cutting)


/90  The Natal Mercury, 11 Mar. 1933 – ‘Probable Regent of Usutu Tribe’ (newspaper cutting)


/91  ‘White Ox Hide Shroud for Solomon’ (newspaper cutting)


/92  9 Sept. 1931 – ‘What Solomon Thinks’. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)


/93  ‘Important Meeting of Zulus’. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)


/94  11 June 1938 – ‘Zulu Broadcasts to South Africa’ (newspaper cutting)


/95  ‘Union of Tran[s]keian Chiefs’ (newspaper cutting)


/96  Umteteli wa Bantu, 18 July 1931 – ‘Pact of the Chiefs’ (newspaper cutting)


/97  Text in another language. 5 leaves (tp.)


/98  ‘Deed of Trust: Inkata ka Zulu: Alterations’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/99  Poster[?] in another language, headed ‘Isimemezelo sakwaZulu’ (printed)


/100 Text headed ‘Petty Police spying, also by officials’ – on Solomon’s expenses[?]; suggestion that his salary be increased etc. (tp.)


MS 496


3/3/101 Certificate from the Zulu National Training Institution, Nongoma (printed)


/102 Information about Inkata ka Zulu, Zulu National Council – preamble, objects, meetings, office bearers, membership. 7 leaves (tp.)


/103 List of the assets of the late chief Solomon (tp.)


/104 List of exhibits from ZNTI for show (tp.)


/105 List of practical exam results, 1934 (autogr.)


/106 Table of criminal cases, Nongoma District, 1936 (autogr.)


/107 MG, nd – miscellaneous notes. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/108 Text headed ‘Philemon Zungu’, in another language. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/109 MG, nd – rough notes. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/110 Ibid., 12 Apr. 1938 – notes headed ‘Bogwe’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/111 Ibid., ibid. – notes on various books. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/112 Consolidated Cattle Census Returns, 31 Dec. 1938 and 31 Dec. 1939, various areas. 6 leaves (tp.)


/113 MG[?], nd – text with first page missing (numbered 2-7), on Zululand politics, education etc.; on people he knew; this is evidence that it is a lie that he made a bad impression of the officials; on the Europeans; thanks him[?] for comments on his paper. 6 leaves (tpc., badly copied so some text is missing)


/114 10 Sept. 1909 – List of Dinuzulu’s Kraals for the year 1907 for which Hut Tax has been paid. 9 leaves (mimeo.)


/115 ‘Annual report on Native Affairs for the Division of Ndwandwe for the Year ended 31st December 1909’. 11 leaves (mimeo.)


/116 ‘Return of Revenue Collected by Magistrate Ndwandwe, Province of Natal, during the period – November 1910 to October 1911’ (tp.)


/117 […?], Magistrate’s Office, Ndwandwe Division, to […?], 30 Jan. 1909 – returns attached form; makes some remarks; on the Usutu strength in the Division; lists Tribes in Zululand from which Dinuzulu could receive some support; on the Mandhlakazi Tribe; on the Umpikanina Tribe; on marriages which have led to the Batweni Section of the Usutu breaking away. 4 leaves [some missing?] (tp.)


MS 496


3/3/118 MG, nd – rough notes. 13 leaves (autogr.)


/119 ‘Natives Oppose Plan to limit Stock’ (newspaper cutting)


/120 Star, 28 Feb. 1938, ‘Swaziland and the Union – I’ (newspaper cutting)


/121 Ibid., 1 Mar. 1938 – ‘Swaziland and the Union – II’ (newspaper cutting)


/122 Ibid., 2 Mar. 1938 – ‘Swaziland and the Union – III’ (newspaper cutting)


/123 Natal Daily News, 22 Nov. 1938 – ‘Problems of African Development’ (newspaper cutting)


/124 Sunday Times, Johannesburg, 26 June 1938 – various articles including ‘Foot-&-Mouth Disease Scandal in Natal’ (newspaper page)


/125 Loose leaves inscribed ‘N15 NHC Cases Cases at Magistracy’, on second leaf ‘Native High Court’, notes. 19 leaves (autogr.)


/126 Diagrams [village diagrams?] 6 leaves (autogr.)


/127 Diagrams [village diagrams?] and notes. 29 leaves (autogr.)


/128 Note relating to D. Malcolm, Chief Inspector of Native Education (autogr.)


/129 Zulu National Training Institution, Term Reports for various students. 22 leaves (printed and tp.)


/130 [MG?], nd – text on Zululand. 30 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/131 Ibid., nd – text on Zululand. 7 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/132 Page of text, damaged (tp.)


/133 […?], University, Cape Town, to MG, 25 Jan. 1940 – gives references to works which mention attitudes to chiefs; on the position of the chief in the urban community; on the attitudes of men living temporarily in the town; on Africans permanently settled in urban areas; on trade unionism and chieftainship; further details. 3 leaves (tp.)


/134 Information about Zululand[?], history, topography etc. 45 leaves (tp.)


/135 Page headed ‘Schapera in politics seminar’ (tp.)


MS 496


3/3/136 MG, nd – rough notes [plan of an article?] (autogr.)


/137 List of subjects concerning Zulus (tp. and autogr.)


/138 MG, nd – text on ‘Southern Bantu Chieftainship’. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/139 20 Aug. 1946 – ‘One Killed, 9 Wounded in Zulu Clan Fight’ (newspaper cutting)


/140 28 Aug. 1946 – ‘Resignation of Zulu Regent’ (newspaper cutting)


/141 Notes headed ‘Reports of Secretary for Native Affairs’. 9 leaves (autogr.)


/142 MG, nd – rough notes (autogr.)


/143 Rough notes. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/144 Text entitled ‘The Research Situation’ – an analysis of the historical development of Zululand polity up to 1938. 13 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections; one leaf autogr.)


/145 ‘Black-White Hostility and Co-operation in Zulu Church and State’. 11 leaves (tp.)


/146 MG, nd – notes on Christianity. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/147 Notes on ‘Economics (Firth’s seminar)’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/148 ‘U.N.E.S.C.O. on Race’, article from Man, Oct. 1950, no. 220. 2 leaves (printed)


/149 MG, nd – ‘S-E Bantu Ritual’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/150 Index cards with notes. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/151 Permission slip from Faber & Faber Ltd. regarding use of extract from ‘Adamastor’ by Roy Campbell (printed and tp.)


/152 Text headed ‘Foreword – Research data and the Plan of the Book’. 10 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/153 ‘The Zulu Girl’ by Roy Campbell (tp.)


/154 MG, nd – notes. 11 leaves (autogr.)


/155 Application slips from the Public Record Office. 7 leaves (printed and autogr.)


/156 MG, nd – notes. 7 double leaves (autogr.)


/157 Note with name and address of Mrs Talman (autogr.)


MS 496


3/3/158 Note referring to missionaries (autogr.)


/159 MG, nd – notes. 2 double leaves (autogr.)


/160 List headed ‘Some of Solomon’s Widows’ (autogr.)


/161 Ikwezi, July 1928 (newspaper, in English and another language)


/162 20 Oct. 1937 – ‘Farm Schools to Solve Poor White Problem’ (newspaper cutting)


/163 Mercury, 30 Apr.[?] 1937 – letter from Edgar R. Brookes on Bantu education (newspaper cutting)


/164 Ilanga Natal, 29 Jan. 1938 (newspaper, in English and another language)


/165 ‘Problems of African Development’. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)


/166 Rand Daily Mail, 23 Apr. 1937 – ‘Evil Powers attributed to Native’ (newspaper cutting)


/167 ‘Communism among the Natives’ (newspaper cutting)


/168 Natal Advertiser, 16 Oct. 1936 – ‘Sang hymns to recover lost horse’


/169 ‘Alleged murder for “medicine”’ (newspaper cutting)


/170 ‘Licensed Native Medicine Men’ (newspaper cutting)


/171 Sunday Times, Johannesburg, Transvaal, 11 Feb. 1934 – ‘Killed and Cut into Pieces’ (newspaper cutting)


/172 Daily News, 29 Sept. 1937 – ‘South African Must Not Become Entangled in Affairs of Europe’ (newspaper cutting)


/173 Daily News, 1 Oct. 1937 – ‘Increase in British Birth Rate’ (newspaper cutting)


/174 Daily News, 26 Jan. 1938 – pp. 5 & 6 [not clear which article is significant]


/175 Sunday Times, Johannesburg, Transvaal, 6 Jan. 1935 – ‘Hamlet as a Man of Action’ (newspaper cutting)


/176 2 Nov. 1937 – ‘Native Council to meet on December 6’ (newspaper cutting)


/177 ‘Mr. H.A. Fagan opens Native Representative Council’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/3/178 Daily News, 18 Oct. 1937 – ‘Restoring the Desert’ (newspaper cutting)


/179 Mercury, 25 Oct. 1937 – ‘Natives Tackle Soil Erosion’ (newspaper cutting)


/180 Sunday Times, Johannesburg, Transvaal, 19 Aug. 1938 – ‘Stock Slaughter Causes no Hardship’ (newspaper cutting)


/181 13 Oct. 1937 – ‘Natives Refuse to Pay Tribal Levy to Chief’ (newspaper cutting)


/182 Sunday Tribune[?], 10 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native Fined for Posing as “Royalty”’ (newspaper cutting)


/183 Sunday Times, Johannesburg, Transvaal, 10 Oct. 1937 – ‘Kinship Claim with Zulu Royal House’ (newspaper cutting)


/184 27 Oct. 1937 – ‘Natal Archivist’s Objective’ (newspaper cutting)


/185 Daily News, 14 Oct. 1937 – ‘Wireless Culture for Colonies’ (newspaper cutting)


/186 Star, 9 Oct. 1937 – ‘Archives’ Secret Hoard’ (newspaper cutting)


/187 Daily News, 28 Oct. 1937 – ‘Non-Europeans at Universities: Result of Student Vote’ (newspaper cutting)


/188 Daily News, 14 Oct. 1937 – ‘“European is Land-Grabber and a Conqueror” – Radio Interview’ (newspaper cutting)


/189 Daily News, 28 Oct. 1937 – ‘Zulus at the “Mike”’ (newspaper cutting)


/190 Daily News, 21 Oct. 1937 – ‘Marriage the Crown of Life to Native Women – Mrs. Sililo “On the Air” – Views on Fashion’ (newspaper cutting)


/191 Mercury, 13 Oct. 1937 – letter from R. Muir Ferguson on Native place-names (newspaper cutting)


/192 Daily News, 25 Oct. 1937 – ‘Natives and the Post Office’ (newspaper cutting)


/193 Mercury, 25 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native Life-Saving Squad’ (newspaper cutting)


/194 Daily News, 21 Nov. 1938 – ‘Native Dancing Arena Scheme for Durban’ (newspaper cutting)


/195 Daily News, 19 Oct. 1937 – ‘Plea for Alliance between German and French Youth’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/3/196 1 Oct.  1937 – ‘Municipal Beer for Native Women’ (newspaper cutting)


/197 7 Oct. 1937 – ‘Mr. Shepstone and Native Beer’ (newspaper cutting)


/198 13 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native Location for Verulam’ (newspaper cutting)


/199 Star, 3 Sept., 1934 – ‘“When Life Stands Still” – Significance and Solemnity of the Ihlambo Ceremony’ (newspaper cutting)


/200 Sunday Times, Johannesburg, Transvaal, 25 Feb. 1934 – ‘Great Zulu Ceremony’ (newspaper cutting)


/201 ‘Voortrekker Wagons enter Natal To-Day’ (newspaper cutting)


/202 Natal Mercury, 4 Feb. 1938 – pp. 17 & 18 [not clear which article is significant]


/203 Star, 2 Oct. 1937 – ‘Pastor of the Voortrekkers’ (newspaper page)


/204 16 Oct. 1937 – ‘Natives Guilty of Faction Fighting’ (newspaper cutting)


/205 Mercury, 26 Oct. 1936 – ‘Spraying Huts of Natives’ (newspaper cutting)


/206 Daily News, 29 Sept. 1937 – ‘Bantu Child Welfare Society’s Good Work’ (newspaper cutting)


/207 Cutting on ‘Infant Mortality’ etc.


/208 28 Jan.[?] 1937 – ‘Malaria Experiments in Zululand’ (newspaper cutting)


/209 Daily News, 21 Feb. 1937 – ‘Malaria Control in Natal’, ‘Tried to Help Prisoner by Witchcraft’ (newspaper cutting)


/210 Mercury, 30 Oct. 1937 – ‘Venereal Disease Fight’ (newspaper cutting)


/211 ‘One Killed in Reef Mine Accident’ (newspaper cutting)


/212 ‘Health of Natives Threatened’ (newspaper cutting)


/213 Daily News, 18 Oct. 1937 – ‘Heart Disease Causes Most Deaths’ (newspaper cutting)


/214 ‘Natives much less Healthy’ (newspaper cutting)


/215 Star, 2 Oct. 1937 – ‘Indians’ Plight on the Rand’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/3/216 Mercury, 6 Oct. 1937 – ‘Degradation of the Native’ (newspaper cutting)


/217 Mercury, 6 Oct. 1937 – ‘Hofmeyr Rules The Roost’ (newspaper cutting)


/218 18 Oct. 1937 – ‘“Fascism and Nazism Have Become a World Outlook”’ (newspaper cutting)


/219 Daily News, 26 Oct. 1937 – ‘Trusteeship of the Native People: Report of Commission’ (newspaper cutting)


/220 Sunday Times, Johannesburg, Transvaal, 26 Sept. 1937 – ‘There is Comic Relief in S.A. Politics’ (newspaper cutting)


/221 Star, 2 Oct. 1937 – letters’ page


/222 Daily News, 6 Oct. 1937 – ‘Nationalist Party Policy: Union Must Be Independent’ (newspaper cutting)


/223 Daily News, 7 Oct. 1937 – ‘Mr. Hofmeyr explains his “Liberal” Attitude’ (newspaper cutting)


/224 Daily News, 28 Oct. 1937 – ‘“Genuine Attempt Must Be Made To Find Germany A Colonial Field”’ (newspaper cutting)


/225 Daily News, 28 Oct. 1937 – ‘Germany and Africa’ (newspaper cutting)


/226 Daily News, 26 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native Administration: Report Submitted to Minister’ (newspaper cutting)


/227 Daily News, 16 Oct. 1937 – ‘Behind the Headlines of the News’ (newspaper cutting)


/228 18 […?] 1937 – ‘Extension of Markets for Farmers: Pleas For State Aid At Commerce Congress’ (newspaper cutting)


/229 Daily News, 19 Oct. 1937 – ‘Ministers Refer to Alleged “Split” in Cabinet’ (newspaper cutting)


/230 Mercury, 13 Oct. 1937 – ‘Dutch and English Contracts’ (newspaper cutting)


/231 Daily News, 14 Oct. 1937 – ‘The Political Platform – General Smuts on Long-Range Policy to Make Union Bilingual’ (newspaper cutting)


/232 Daily News, 15 Oct. 1937 – ‘The Political Platform: – Powerful Appeal by General Smuts for Development of Tourist Industry’ (newspaper cutting)


/233 Daily News, 20 Oct. 1937 – ‘Copyright in Sugar’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/3/234 Daily News, 20 Oct. 1937 – ‘Change in French Colonial Policy’ (newspaper cutting)


/235 Daily News, 19 Oct.[?] 1937 – ‘Behind the Headlines of the News’ (newspaper cutting)


/236 Daily News, 16 Oct. 1937 – ‘The Buried Talent’ (newspaper cutting)


/237 Mercury, 25 Oct. 1937 – ‘Widening Native Authority’ (newspaper cutting)


/238 Daily News, 1 Nov. 1937 – ‘Native Affairs Report Criticised’ (newspaper cutting)


/239 Daily News, 21 Oct. 1937 – ‘Conference to “Save” Afrikaans Workers and Children’ (newspaper cutting)


/240 Daily News, 21 Oct. 1937 – ‘“Why Should Germany Not Have Colonies?”’ (newspaper cutting)


/241 Daily News, 21 Oct. 1937 – ‘“Keep Sugar out of Politics”’ (newspaper cutting)


/242 Daily News, 21 Oct. 1937 – ‘A Roman Empire’ (newspaper cutting)


/243 Daily News, 16 Oct. 1937 – ‘“Italians are Bad Settlers”: Dominions Prefer Germans’ (newspaper cutting)


/244 ‘Rule in Southern Rhodesia’ (newspaper cutting)


/245 Star, 9 Oct. 1937 – ‘Dr. Malan At Klerksdorp’ (newspaper cutting)


/246 Star, 9 Oct. 1937 – ‘An Apostle of Peace’ etc. (newspaper cutting)


/247 Daily News, 11 Oct. 1937 – ‘Farmers’ Protest Against Native Policy’ (newspaper cutting)


/248 Sunday Tribune[?], 10 Oct. 1937 – ‘Farmers Protest Against Land Purchases’ (newspaper cutting)


/249 Daily News, 2 Nov. 1937 – ‘Duke of Gloucester on White Trusteeship in Africa’ (newspaper cutting)


/250 MG, nd – rough notes on Chiefs’ Council cases[?] 19 leaves (autogr.)


/251 ‘Contract and Assisted Voluntary Natives’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/252 ‘Native Remittances Paid’ (tp.)


/253 ‘Voluntary Deferred Pay’ (tp.)


MS 496


3/3/254 ‘Medical Examinations and Rejections for the Year 1938 (All Offices)’ (tp.)


/255 ‘Deserters’ (tp.)


/256 ‘The Corporation has Buses at the Following Points’ (tp.)


/257 ‘Feeding of Natives’ (tp.)


/258 ‘Compensations’


/259 MG to Mary, nd – letter in another language, with translation (autogr.)


/260 MG, nd – notes in another language (autogr.)


/261 Notes, dated 26 Feb. 1937, headed ‘Richard The meeting held Nongoma’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/262 Text in another language. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/263 Text in another language, headed by MG ‘Malaria’; answers to questions. 5 pages (autogr.)


/264 Johnson J. Njoko, Native Malaria Assistant, answers to questions on malaria; text in another language. 15 pages (autogr.)


/265 MG, nd – notes, some in another language. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/266 Notice from African Methodist Institute (mimeo., in another language)


/267 ‘Tribes in Natal and Zululand, with Districts’. 7 leaves (tp.)


/268 ‘Alphabetical List of Native Chiefs: Natal and Zululand’. 14 leaves (tp.)


/269 ‘List of Native Chiefs in Natal and Zululand’. 10 leaves (tp.)


/270 Statistics relating to the distribution of the native population in South Africa (tp. with autogr. notes by MG)


/271 Lists with prices, permit numbers, districts and owners [relating to cattle?] 16 pages (autogr.)


/272 Lists in another language. 9 leaves (autogr.)


/273 Cover note with lists of owners and permit numbers. 3 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


3/3/274 Notes. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/275 Notes headed ‘Philemon Zungu’. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/276 Notes. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/277 Notes headed ‘Lugwele Kumalo’ (autogr., in another language)


/278 Notes (autogr., mostly in another language)


/279 Notes headed ‘Matelana 15.ii.38’ 2 leaves (autogr.)


/280 Notes headed ‘Inyatha Zulu (19.ii.37)’ (autogr.)


/281 Notes headed ‘Jomela on Mshiyana’s Ingina – July 1937’. 3 leaves (autogr., mostly in another language)


/282 Notes. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/283 Notes headed ‘Matelana 5.XI.37’ (autogr.)


/284 Text headed ‘Statement about Natives’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/285 Notes headed ‘12.12.37’. 7 leaves (autogr.)


/286 Notes headed ‘9.XII.37’. 14 leaves (autogr.)


/287 Notes headed ‘8.XII.37’. 15 leaves (autogr., in English and another language)


/288 Notes headed ‘Ujamela (4.XII.37) – 1st Attempt at Free Association’. 3 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/289 Texts on Kambi affair. 4 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/290 Notes headed ‘Kishwehaya Nkubela[?]’ 2 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/291 Notes headed ‘Text from Mleno’ (autogr., in another language)


/292 Notes headed ‘U Daniel U Vilalozi etc.’ 6 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/293 Notes headed ‘Matelana on Daniel Vililozi’ (autogr., in another language)


/294 Notes with numbers (autogr.)


/295 Notes headed ’21.XI.37’ (autogr., in another language)


/296 Notes headed ‘Manozulu Mabanga’. 6 leaves (autogr., in another language)


MS 496


3/3/297 Notes headed ‘Matelana’. 3 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/298 Notes headed ‘Mfungelwa’. 6 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/299 Notes headed ‘First Free Association’ (autogr., in another language)


/300 Notes. 2 leaves (autogr., in another language)


/301 Text headed ‘How Native People Live’. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/302 Documents concerning cattle sold, owners’ names and permit numbers, with reference to Mona Sale. 13 leaves (printed and autogr.)


/303 Lists of cattle sold at Mona Sale. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/304 Table of owners’ names with number of cattle and permit numbers. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/305 MG, nd – note on cattle movement (autogr.)


/306 Tables showing return of transfers of cattle[?] 12 leaves (autogr.)


/307 Lists showing cattle transfer return[?] 4 leaves (autogr.)


/308 Tables showing return of transfers of cattle. 4 pages (autogr.)


/309 Tables showing transfers of cattle. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/310 Tables showing return of transfers of cattle. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/311 Tables showing return of transfer of cattle. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/312 Table showing transfer of cattle (autogr.)


/313 Tables with headings in another language. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/314 MG, nd – note on dips (autogr.)


/315 Lists of owners with numbers of cattle. 11 leaves (autogr.)


/316 Table showing transfer of cattle (autogr.)


/317 Lists of cattle sold at Mona Sale. 9 leaves (autogr.)


/318 Documents recording names of owners, numbers of cattle etc. 5 leaves (printed and autogr.)


MS 496


3/3/319 Tables with headings in another language. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/320 Report on cattle sold at Gwedhla Sale (autogr.)


/321 Lists of owners[?] with number of cattle and number of permits; headings in another language. 7 leaves (printed and autogr.)


/322 MG, lists of cattle sold at Mona Sale, 21 Oct. 1936. 22 pages (autogr.)


/323 F.W. Wright to MG, 14 Dec. 1936 – sends lists of cattle sold at Mona[?] Sale of 21 & 22 Oct. 1936 and Sompele Sale of 23 Oct. 1936 (autogr.)


/324 MG, notes on cattle sales[?] 2 leaves (autogr.)


/325 List of names (autogr.)


/326 List of names headed ‘Cattle owners’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/327 List of names. 10 leaves (autogr.)


/328 List of names headed ‘Name of the owner’ etc. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/329 List of names. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/330 List of names. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/331 List of names with number of cattle. 1 double leaf (autogr.)


/332 List of names headed ‘name of the owner’. 7 pages (autogr.)


/333 List of names headed ‘Names of People and their No. of Cattle’ (autogr.)


/334 List of names with numbers of cattle (autogr.)


/335 List of names with prices and permit numbers. 12 leaves (autogr.)


/336 Page of text on Zulus, numbered 11 (tp.)


/337 ‘Index to Bryant’s Zulu-English Dictionary’. 3 double leaves (autogr.)


/338 Notes on AmaZulu and other topics. 48 pages (tp.)


/339 Notes on AmaZulu and other topics. 8 pages (tp.)


/340 MG, nd – text, numbered 9-16 [no no. 12]. 7 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


3/3/341 Mail, 12 Aug. 1937 – ‘Drastic Proposals to Secure Farm Labour’ (newspaper cutting)


/342 Mercury, 6 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native Wage Position’ (newspaper cutting)


/343 Daily News, 29 Sept. 1937 – ‘Mass Native Request for Higher Wages’ (newspaper cutting)


/344 1 Oct. 1937 – ‘Bonus For Native Employees’ (newspaper cutting)


/345 Rand Daily Mail, 1932 – ‘Want Higher Wages’ (newspaper cutting)


/346 Daily News, 19 Oct. 1937 – ‘Higher Wages for Natives: Minister of Labour Welcomes Durban Initiative’ (newspaper cutting)


/347 Natal Mercury, 26 Oct. 1936 – ‘Recruiting of Natives’ (newspaper cutting)


/348 19 Oct. 1937 – ‘Food Chest for War Needs: Suggestion by Mr. C.E. Orpen’ (newspaper cutting)


/349 Daily News, 28 Jan.[?] 1937 – ‘Northern Zululand Settlers not to be Bought Out: Protest Meeting’ (newspaper cutting)


/350 5 Nov. 1937 – ‘Natives Complain to Labour Committee about Bad Treatment by Farmers’ (newspaper cutting)


/351 15 Oct. 1937 – ‘Mine Workers Strike For Higher Pay’ (newspaper cutting)


/352 2 Nov. 1937 – ‘Natal Policemen who Cannot Speak Zulu’; ‘Umvoti Farmers Meet at Greytown’ (newspaper cutting)


/353 1 Nov. 1937 – ‘Labour Shortage on Natal Coal Mines’ (newspaper cutting)


/354 25 Oct. 1937 – ‘Labour Shortage on Farms’ (newspaper cutting)


/355 28 Oct. 1937 – ‘“Farmers Must Take off their Coats and Work and Forget Politics”’ (newspaper cutting)


/356 27 Oct. 1937 – ‘Big Increase in Gold Mines’ Demand for Native Labour’ (newspaper cutting)


/357 20 Oct. 1937 – ‘Farm Labour Committee at Eshowe’ (newspaper cutting)


/358 Natal Mercury, 13 Oct. 1937 – ‘No Native Wage Commission’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/3/359 13 Oct. 1937 – ‘Farmers Alarmed by Shortage of Native Labour’ (newspaper cutting)


/360 Rand Daily Mail, 23 Nov. 1937 – ‘Objections to Impo[rtation] of Natives’ (newspaper cutting)


/361 Mercury, 30 Oct. 1937 – ‘Abolition of Poll Tax Advocated’ (newspaper cutting)


/362 Mercury, 30 Oct. 1937 – ‘The Shortage of Native Labour’ (newspaper cutting)


/363 Weekend Natal Advertiser, 26 Oct. 1936 – ‘Fierce Faction Fight’ (newspaper cutting)


/364 Mercury, 6 Oct. 1937 – ‘Two Faction Fights’ (newspaper cutting)


/365 Mercury, 6 Oct. 1937 – ‘Compound Faction Fight’ (newspaper cutting)


/366 Daily News, 28 Oct. 1937 – ‘Faction Fight at Chaka’s Kraal’ (newspaper cutting)


/367 Daily News, 28 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native Taxation: Sharp Criticism by Commerce Spokesman’ (newspaper cutting)


/368 Daily News, 20 Oct. 1937 – ‘Big Round-up of Tax Defaulters to be Started’ (newspaper cutting)


/369 Rand Daily Mail, 23 Apr. 1937 – ‘Native Tax Collecting Grows Increasingly Difficult’ (newspaper cutting)


/370 Daily News, 19 Oct. 1937 – ‘Universal Reduction of Native Poll Tax Suggested’ (newspaper cutting)


/371 Daily News, 16 Oct. 1937 – ‘“The Government is Determined to stop such Lawlessness”’ (newspaper cutting)


/372 Mercury, 13 Oct. 1937 – ‘Vereeniging Riot Inquiry’ (newspaper cutting)


/373 Daily News, 29 Sept. 1937 – ‘A Square Deal’(newspaper cutting)


/374 Daily News, 29 Sept. 1937 – ‘“Sympathisers” who do harm to Natives’; ‘Constable Attacked by Natives’; ‘Moving of Native Institution: Appeal to Government’ (newspaper cutting)


/375 Daily News, 6 Oct. 1937 – ‘“Insidious and Dangerous Propaganda”’; ‘Home Brewing Rights for Natives?’ (newspaper cutting)


/376 Daily News, 6 Oct. 1937 – ‘“Subversive Propaganda among Natives”’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/3/377 ‘[F]or Expulsion of persons who incite Natives’ (newspaper cutting)


/378 Daily News, 16 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native Sentenced at East London’ (newspaper cutting)


/379 Daily News, 13 Oct. 1937 – ‘German Interests in Zululand Iron Ore Deposits’ (newspaper cutting)


/380 Daily News, 16 Oct. 1937 – ‘Cattle Values Recede’ (newspaper cutting)


/381 Daily News, 28 Oct. 1937 – ‘Starving Cattle Too’ (newspaper cutting)


/382 ‘Did Not Heed Magistrate’s Warning’ (newspaper cutting)


/383 2 Nov. 1937 – ‘Farmers to Take Over Meat Export from Government?’


/384 Daily News, 19 Oct. 1937 – ‘Commerce Talks Sense’ (newspaper cutting)


/385 Daily News, 26 Oct. 1937 – ‘Johannesburg’s “Monopolistic Extortions”’ (newspaper cutting)


/386 Natal Daily News, ‘Alleged Attack by Native’ (newspaper cutting)


/387 ‘Native Sentenced to Death’ (newspaper cutting)


/388 Daily News, 25 Oct. 1937 – ‘Prison and Lashes for Two Natives’ (newspaper cutting)


/389 Daily News, 15 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native Faints when he hears Sentence’ (newspaper cutting)


/390 Daily News, 1 Oct. 1937 – ‘“Attacks by Natives on Police must Cease”’ (newspaper cutting)


/391 Daily News, 19 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native Assaulted: Said Girls should not wear Trousers’ (newspaper cutting)


/392 Daily News, 26 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native High Court at Estcourt’; ‘Kraals Burnt near Estcourt’ (newspaper cutting)


/393 Daily News, 13 Oct. 1937 – ‘Evidence of Plan to Smash Police Van’ (newspaper cutting)


/394 Daily News, 28 Oct. 1937 – ‘Natives Guilty of Disobeying Orders’ (newspaper cutting)


/395 Daily News, 25 Oct. 1937 – ‘A Stern Sentence’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/3/396 Daily News, 25 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native Alleges Murder Confession was “Forced from him”’ (newspaper cutting)


/397 Daily News, 18 Oct. 1937 – ‘Native High Court: Arrangements for Counsel’; ‘Natives sent to Prison for Murder’ (newspaper cutting)


/398 Natal Mercury, 3 Feb. 1938 – ‘Compensation for Stock Theft’; ‘Felled Trees Without Permission’ (newspaper cutting)


/399 Natal Mercury – ‘“Treat Natives less Harshly”’ (newspaper cutting)


/400 Daily News, 20 Oct. 1937 – ‘Miner in Court on Allegations of Murder: Story of Shot Fired from Motor Car’ (newspaper cutting)


/401 Daily News, 15 Oct. 1937 – ‘Fifty-Nine Natives Committed for Trial’; ‘Constable Alleges Pre-Arranged Attack’ (newspaper cutting)


/402 Daily News, 21 Oct. 1937 – ‘Child Brutally Tortured by Grandparents for Killing A Fowl’ (newspaper cutting)


/403 Daily News, 2 Nov. 1937 – ‘Natives Guilty of Assaulting Constable’ (newspaper cutting)


/404 Mercury, 13 Oct. 1937 – ‘Sticks Carried by Natives’ (newspaper cutting)


/405 Daily News, 1 Nov. 1937 – ‘The Rope for Rape’. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)


/406 Daily News – ‘Minimum Wage for Natives: Durban Resolution C[…?]’ (newspaper cutting)


/407 Daily News, 19 Oct. 1937 – ‘Miner on Murder Allegation’ (newspaper cutting)


/408 Daily News, 6 Nov. 1937 – ‘Rhodesian Committee to Protect Whites’ (newspaper cutting)


/409 Mercury, 6 Oct. 1937 – ‘Case Referred for Reopening’ (newspaper cutting)


/410 Mercury, 6 Oct. 1937 – ‘Natives in Riot Case’ (newspaper cutting)


/411 Sunday Times, 26 Sept. 1937 – ‘Called Pondo “Umfaan”: Fatal Fight’ (newspaper cutting)


/412 Daily News, 29 Sept. 1937 – ‘Natives will be Made to Abide by White Man’s Laws’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


3/3/413 Sunday Times, 26 Sept. 1937 – ‘Border Drama’ (newspaper cutting)


/414 Daily News, 5 Oct. 1937 – ‘Judge-President Criticises Magistrate: “Ignorant Natives who Plead Guilty”’; ‘Segregation of Asiatics Urged’ (newspaper cutting)


/415 Daily News, 29 Sept. 1937 – ‘Welgedacht Mine Riot: Trial of Seven Natives’ (newspaper cutting)


/416 Two non-consecutive sheets of text. 2 leaves (tp.)


/417 MG, nd – disconnected notes. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/418 Text headed ‘Note on the Study of Changing Social Systems’ (tp.)


/419 Rough notes. 4 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


/420 Notes headed ‘Dynamics of clanship’. 7 pages (autogr.)


/421 MG, nd – notes headed ‘Schapera’s lecture’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/422 MG, nd – notes. 7 double leaves (autogr.)


/423 Text headed ‘The Period before Shaka’s Time’. 24 leaves (autogr.; not MG’s hand)


/424 Draft text with non-consecutive numbering. 17 leaves (autogr.)


/425 Text on ‘The Analysis of Social Change’ by G. and M. Wilson. 3 leaves (tp.)


/426 MG, nd – rough notes. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/427 Part of a text, numbered 175-204. 31 leaves (tp.)


/428 Page of text headed ‘Some illustrations from Zululand of the application of those processes’ (autogr.)


/429 Two pages of text, numbered 13-14. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/430 Incomplete text, pp. 12-31, 36-61. 47 leaves (tp.)


/431 Incomplete text, pp. 58-60. 3 leaves (tp.)


/432 Incomplete text, pp. 25-57. 33 leaves (tp.)


/433 Incomplete text, pp. 30-35. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


MS 496


3/3/434 Odd pages, numbered 62-63, 27, no number. 4 leaves (tp.)


/435 ‘Bomvana Initiation’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/436 ‘Zulu Initiation’. 7 leaves (tp.)


/437 MG, – notes on I. Schapera, ‘Customs Relating to Twins in South Africa’. 9 pages (autogr.)


/438 Note from the New York Times, 13 Feb. 1972, on gangs (tp.)


/439 Times, 1 Dec. 1971 – ‘Zulu struggle for power could destroy credibility of Bantustan policy’ (newspaper cutting)


/440 New York Times, 20 Nov. 1971 – ‘Zulu Town Braces for Coronation Crowd of 50,000’ (newspaper cutting)


/441 Guardian, 6 Dec. 1971 – ‘Leopard skin struggle’ (newspaper cutting)


/442 MG, nd – brief notes on chiefs[?] (autogr.)


/443 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Bird’, ‘B.AN’ and ‘B.A. Natal’ [possibly notes from ‘The Annals of Natal’ by John Bird]; also notes from Fynn’s ‘History of Dingiswayo and in part Shaka’. 24 pages (autogr. and tp.)


/444 Notes on Form and function (tp. with autogr. comments added)


/445 Bibliography of works relating to Zulus. 2 leaves (tp.)


/446 Notes [part of something longer?]. 6 pages (autogr., not MG’s hand)


/447 Notes (autogr., not MG’s hand)


/448 MG, nd – rough notes headed ‘Illustrate social change’ (autogr.)


/449 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Usuthu & Mandlakazi’. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/450 Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘Memorandum’. 4 pages (autogr.)


/451 Harold D Lasswell, ‘Conflict, Social’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/452 MG, nd – notes on the social field. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/453 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Start[?] RB’s analysis of levels’ (double leaf, autogr.)


/454 Ibid.[?], nd – notes on ‘Fortes – Dynamics – Minor Points of Criticism and Query’. 8 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


MS 496


3/3/455 MG, nd – list of chapters or lectures[?] (autogr.)


/456 Ibid., ibid. – list of books (autogr.)


/457 Text, part of something longer, numbered 22-30. 8 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/458 MG, nd – text, part of something longer, numbered 54-104. 37 leaves (autogr.) [some double leaves]


/459 Notes relating to Shaka Zulu. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections, incomplete?)


/460 [MG], nd – text on Shaka Zulu. 3 leaves (tp.)


/461 Pages from a text, numbered 47-60 (no p. 57). 13 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)


/462 Pages from a text, numbered 6-7. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/463 Sunday Times, 3 Sept. 1939 – ‘“Bantu Cannot Live on Maize Alone”’ (newspaper cutting)


/464 [MG?], nd – pages of text, part of something longer[?] 16 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/465 Various unconnected sheets of text. 18 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/4 Lectures


  /1 Notes headed ‘Northern Rhodesia – Lecture 1’ (tp.)


  /2 Text headed ibid. 16 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /3 Text headed ‘Northern Rhodesia: Lecture 2’. 19 leaves (leaf 12 missing) (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /4 Text headed ‘Northern Rhodesia – Lecture 3 (Economic Organization in relation to social class)’. 17 leaves (leaf 16 missing) (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /5 ‘Addendum to Lecture 3 – Ila Political Organization in Relations [to] Economics’ (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /6 Errata slip (tp.)


  /7 Notes headed ‘Northern Rhodesia – Lecture C.A. 5-4 Village Settlements in Relation to Kinship Organization and Political Structure’. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


MS 496


3/4/8 Notes headed ‘Central Africa – Lecture 4. Bemba Succession and Civil War. Lecture 5 – Chiefly Administration and the Village’. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /9 Notes headed ‘N.R. Lecture 6 Know states and stateless societies’. 5 leaves (tp.)


 /10 Bibliography headed ‘Northern Rhodesia – Lecture 6 – Some Problems of Political Organization’ (tp.)


 /11 Bibliography headed ‘Northern Rhodesia – Lecture 7 – Modern Organization’ (tp.)


 /12 Notes headed ‘Kinship in Central Africa’. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /13 MG, nd – rough notes for the lectures[?] 25 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


 /14 List of titles of a course of lectures on ‘Social Change in Zululand’; lecture III entitled ‘The Germs of Black-White Zululand’ (autogr.)


 /15 MG, nd – notes for Lecture 1. 6 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


 /16 Ibid., ibid. – notes for Lecture II. 4 leaves (autogr.)


 /17 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Zulu lecture 3’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


 /18 Ibid., ibid. – ‘The Germs of Black-White Zululand’. 15 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


 /19 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Zulu lecture 4’. 8 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


/20  Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Zulu lecture 5’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


 /21 Ibid., ibid. – notes for Lecture 6, ‘Religion’. 7 leaves (autogr.)


 /22 Ibid., ibid. – notes for Lectures 7 & 8. 7 double leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


/4 Essays, Articles, Reviews, Offprints etc.


/1 Published Essays, Articles, Reviews, Offprints etc.


  /1 MG, ‘The Kingdom of the Zulu of South Africa’ in ‘African Political Systems’, ed. M. Fortes & E.E. Evans-Pritchard (offprint)


  /2 Ibid., ‘Kinship and Marriage among the Lozi of Northern Rhodesia and the Zulu of Natal’, from ‘African Systems of Kinship and Marriage’, ed. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown and C.D. Forde (offprint)


  /3 MG & Fred Eggan, ‘2 Political Systems and the Distribution of Power’ in ASA Monographs (offprint)


  /4 MG, ‘Rituals of Rebellion in South-East Africa’, the Frazer Lecture, 1952 (offprint)


  /5 Ibid., ‘Anthropological Problems arising from the African Industrial Revolution’ in Special Studies (offprint)


  /6 Ibid., ‘Social Anthropology in Central Africa’ in Rhodes-Livingstone Journal XX, Sept. 1956 (offprint)


  /7 Ibid., ‘Social Beliefs and Individual Thinking in Primitive Society’ in Memoirs & Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 1949-50 (offprint) [see 496/4/2/76]


  /8 Ibid., ‘African Land Tenure’ in Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, June 1944 (offprint)


  /9 Ibid., ‘How the Bemba make their Living: an Appreciation of Richards’ Land Labour and Diet in Northern Rhodesia’ in Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, June 1945 (offprint)


 /10 Ibid., ‘Property Rights and Status in African Traditional Law’ in Special Studies (offprint)


 /11 Ibid., ‘The Peace in the Feud’, in Past and Present (offprint)


 /12 Ibid., ‘The Philosophical Roots of Masked Dancers in Barotseland (Western Province), Zambia’, In Memoriam Antonio Jorge Dias, Separata do Vol. I – Lisboa, 1974 (offprint)


 /13 Ibid., ‘The Technical Vocabulary of Barotse Jurisprudence’, American Anthropologist (offprint)


 /14 J.H.C. Clarke, ‘Nutrition of School Boys in the Mongu-Lealui District of Barotseland’, East African Medical Journal, June 1944, 21, 164 (offprint)


MS 496


4/1/15  […?], nd – ‘Diet and Health of African School Boys’, review of the previous item (tp.)


 /16 MG, review of ‘Liebala (Sweetheart)’, a film by Margaret Hubbard, American Anthropologist, Vol. 77, No. 3, Sept. 1975(offprint)


 /17 Bengt Sundkler, ‘Response and Resistance to the Gospel in a Zulu Congregation’, contribution in ‘Basileia Tribute to Walter Freytag’, 1959 (offprint)


 /18 I.I. Potekhin, ‘Clan Relations in the System of Social Relations of the Present-Day African Village’, 1956, from ‘Papers presented by the Soviet Delegation at the V International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences’ (offprint, in Russian and English)


 /19 Ibid., ‘Some tasks of the African studies in connection with the All-African Peoples’ Conference’, 1959, from Soviet Ethnography (offprint, in Russian)


 /20 A.I. Pershits, ‘The Problems of the History of Primitive Society in Soviet Ethnography’, 1956, from ‘Papers presented by the Soviet Delegation at the V International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences’ (offprint, in Russian and English)


 /21 Phyllis Kaberry, ‘Primitive States’, Sept. 1957, from the Journal of Sociology (offprint)


 /22 [E.R. Leach], ‘Aspects of Bridewealth and Marriage Stability among the Kachin and Lakher’, chapter from a book. 5 leaves (photocopy)


 /23 George Peter Murdock, ‘Family Stability in Non-European Cultures’, in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 272, Nov. 1950. 6 leaves (photocopy)


 /24 MG, ‘Prefix Concordance in Lozi, Lingua Franca of Barotseland’, offprint from African Studies, June 1942


/25  Ibid., ‘Analysis of a Social Situation in Modern Zululand’, from Bantu Studies, Mar. & June 1940, pp. 1-30, 147-154 and 169-174 (offprint with autogr. additions)


 /26 Ibid., ‘Some Processes of Social Change illustrated from Zululand’, from African Studies, Dec. 1942 (offprint)


 /27 Ibid., ‘Spouse, child, parent or sibling – who should be saved? The disputed passage in Sophocles’ “Antigone”’ 13 leaves (printed proofs with autogr. corrections)


MS 496


4/1/28  A.N. Allott, A.L. Epstein and MG, ‘Introduction’ to ‘Ideas and Procedures in African Customary Law’ ed. MG, 1969 (printed booklet)


 /29 MG, ‘Ethnographic Data in British Social Anthropology’ in the Sociological Review, Vol. 9, No. 1, Mar. 1961 (offprint)


 /30 Ibid., ‘Anthropology and Apartheid: The Work of South African Anthropologists’ in Studies in African Social Anthropology, Jan. 1975. 9 leaves (printed proofs)


 /31 MG, ‘A Bandwagonload of Monkeys’, review of ‘The Imperial Animal’ by Lionel Tiger and Robin Fox, for the New York Review of Books. 16 leaves (tp.)


 /32 Sherwood L. Washburn and David A. Hamburg, letter to the New York Review of Books on MG’s review. 5 leaves (tp.)


 /33 Robin Fox and Lionel Tiger to MG, 3 Nov. 1972 – on MG’s review (tp.)


 /34 Ibid. to the Editor, New York Review of Books, 10 Nov. – answer some specific points raised by MG in his review. 3 leaves (photocopy)


 /35 R.B. Silvers to MG, 10 Nov. – on the enclosed letter from Tiger and Fox; asks if he will want to reply (photocopy)


 /36 E. Donald Gustafson to A. Whitney Ellsworth, Publisher, New York Review of Books, 15 Nov. – on MG’s review. 3 leaves (photocopy)


 /37 Robin Fox to MG, 24 Nov. – on MG’s review. 5 pages (autogr.)


 /38 Ibid. and Lionel Tiger to Robert Silvers, New York Review of Books, 8 Mar. 1973 – refers to letter they wrote about MG’s comments on their book; on MG being invited to reply; are concerned about the delay (photocopy)


 /39 R.B. Silvers to MG, 9 Mar. – wonders whether he would like to reply to the letter of Fox and Tiger (tp.)


 /40 MG, review of ‘Sebei Law’ by Walter Goldschmidt, in International Journal of Comparative Sociology (offprint)


 /41 MG, ‘The Utility of the Equilibrium Model in the Study of Social Change’, in American Anthropologist (offprint)


 /42 Ibid., Chapter 12, ‘The Tribal Area in South and Central Africa’ (offprint)


MS 496


4/1/43  ‘Civil War and Theories of Power of Barotseland: African and Mediaeval Analogies’ in the Yale Law Journal (offprint)


 /44 Robert E. Cooper, Yale Law Journal, to MG, 30 Aug. 1963 – sorry that he was unable to finish work on MG’s manuscript until just now; encloses a duplicate of the copy sent to the printer; has deleted the last few paragraphs; explains why; is honoured by MG’s request to footnote his name in connection with the editing of the article; has a policy against the appearance of any student names; has heard many comments on how interesting the article is (tp.)


 /45 A. Hermann to ibid., 9 Sept. – refers to MG’s letter of 14 Aug. [not held]; is pleased to have his confirmation that he will attend the meeting in Addis Ababa; has been impressed by his document; should be pleased to meet him if he comes through Paris (tpc.)


 /46 Robert E. Cooper to ibid., 22 Oct. – issue 8 of the Journal is finally out; on his copies; apologises for the final tampering with the article; has heard numerous favourable comments concerning the article (tp.)


 /47 MG to R.E. Cooper, 8 Nov. – refers to his letter of 22 Oct.; there were only a couple of occasions where the meaning of his article was distorted; on the offprints; should be grateful for the return of the manuscript; sorry that he cannot acknowledge his help with the editing; hopes to return to Yale in the next couple of years (tpc.)


 /48 MG, ‘Natural Justice in Africa’ in Natural Law Forum (offprint)


 /49 Ibid., ‘African Jurisprudence’, MG’s Presidential Address to Section N (Sociology) of the British Association meeting, in the Advancement of Science (preprint)


 /50 Ibid., ‘Psychological, sociological and anthropological explanations of witchcraft and gossip: a clarification’ in Man, vol. 3, no. 1, Mar. 1968 (offprint)


 /51 Ibid., ‘Social Aspects of First Fruits Ceremonies among the South-Eastern Bantu’ in Africa, vol. XI, no. 1 (offprint)


 /52 MG & I. Schapera, ‘Dr. Winifred Hoernlé – an Appreciation’ in Africa, vol. XXX, No.3, July 1960 (offprint)


 /53 Meyer Fortes, ‘Primitive Kinship’, from Scientific American, June 1959 (offprint)


 /54 MG, ‘The Rise of a Zulu Empire’, from Scientific American, Apr. 1960 (offprint)


MS 496


4/1/55  Ibid., ‘Judicial Process: Comparative Aspects’ from ‘International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (offprint)


 /56 Ibid., ‘The Nature of African Marriage’ in the Anti-Slavery Reporter and Aborigines Friend, May 1954 (offprint)


 /57 Nation, No. 53, 24 Sept. 1960 (printed magazine)


 /58 The Journal of Education of New Africa, Vol. 1, No. 9, Apr. 1964 (printed magazine)


 /59 Trek, Vol. X, No. 8, 19 Oct. 1945 – article by MG on p. 13 (newspaper)


 /60 Lloyd Fallers, ‘Customary Law in the New African States’, published as the Autumn 1962 issue of Law and Contemporary Problems (offprint)


 /61 Nature, 2 Sept. 1961 – reference to MG’s Presidential Address to Section N (Sociology) of the British Association meeting, pp. 991-2 [cross ref. to the article]


 /62 The Listener, 22 Oct. 1959 – MG, ‘Man the Social Animal’, pp. 677-8


 /63 The Listener, 29 Apr. 1954 – MG, ‘The Magic of Despair’, pp. 724-5, 737


 /64 The Listener, 19 Feb. 1959 – MG, ‘Football Players and the Crowd’, p. 331-2 (newspaper page)


 /65 MG, ‘The Magic of Despair’. 9 leaves (tp.)


 /66 MG, ‘An Anthropologist Speculates on Mau Mau’, headed ‘Draft broadcast’; a version of the previous item. 8 leaves (tp.)


 /67 MG, ‘Gossip and Scandal’, Current Anthropology, June 1963, (offprint)


 /68 Ibid., ibid. 41 leaves (tp. draft?)


 /69 Observer, Vol. 3, No. 20, 1 Oct. 1960 – MG, ‘The Scandal Mongers’, pp. 5-7 (newspaper)


 /70 Libertas, Mar. 1946 – MG, ‘Human Laboratory across the Zambesi’, pp. 39-49 (printed magazine)


 /71 Ibid., July 1945 – MG, ‘Zambesi River Kingdom’, pp. 20-39 (printed magazine)


 /72 MG, ‘Studies in African Land Tenure’ in African Studies, Mar. 1944 (offprint)


MS 496


4/1/73  Ibid., ‘Malinowski’s Contribution to Social Anthropology’, in African Studies, Mar. 1947. 6 pages (offprint)


 /74 Ad. E. Jensen, ‘Die Staatliche Organisation und die historischen Überlieferungen der Barotse am oberen Zambesi’ (offprint[?], in German)


 /75 MG, ‘As Men are Everywhere Else’, the Listener, 22 Sept. 1955. 2 leaves (newspaper pages)


 /76 Ibid., ibid. 9 leaves (tp.)


 /77 Script, ‘As Men are Everywhere Else’, review of ‘Livingstone and Africa’ by Jack Simmons and ‘The Way to Ilala’ by Frank Debenham, for a broadcast on the BBC on 26 Aug. 1955. 10 leaves (tp.)


 /78 Sylvia M. Howell, BBC, to MG, 2 Sept. 1955 – his talk on Livingstone will be on 18 Sept.; gives the draft billing for the Radio Times; encloses copies of his script; asks about publication date of ‘Custom and Conflict’ (tp.)


 /79 MG, ‘Freud and Anthropology’. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /80 Ibid., ‘The Rhodes-Livingstone Institute and Museum’ (offprint)


 /81 Ibid., ‘Bantu Land Tenure’. 25 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /82 Script for a BBC schools broadcast entitled ‘Among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia’ by MG, broadcast on 13 July 1956. 13 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /83 MG, nd – notes relating to the talk. 2 leaves (autogr.)



 /84 MG, 6 Jan. 1955 – script for ‘The Reasonable Man in Barotse Law’. 7 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /85 Ibid., ‘Race Relations’, script of broadcast recorded 11 June 1946. 7 leaves (tp.)


 /86 MG to the Editor, Trek, 30 Nov. 1946 – wonders if he would be interested in publishing the enclosed script of a broadcast given from Durban last July; on the Editor of the Natal Witness who first said it was too long, and then that it is now too late to use it (tp.)


 /87 Editor of Trek[?] to MG, nd – Trek has suspended publication (printed slip with autogr. note)


MS 496


4/1/88  MG, ‘Northern Rhodesian Tribal Prejudices in relation to the Northern Rhodesian Regiment’. 18 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /89 Vernon Brelsford[?] to MG, 11 Nov. 1949 – encloses his broadcast talk; on publishing it (tp.)


 /90 Central African Broadcasting Station, Broadcast Series on Bantu Tribes, No. 1, ‘Introductory Talk’ by A.M. Kittermaster, 7 Feb. 1950. 6 leaves (tp.)


 /91 Ibid., Series of Talks on the Bantu Tribes, No. 2, ‘The Yao’ by T. Thompson, 12 and 14 Feb. 1950. 6 leaves (tp.)


 /92 Ibid., Talks on the Bantu Tribes of Africa, No. 3 ‘Lengge’ by E. Dora Earthy, 15 Feb. 1950. 4 leaves (tp.)


 /93 Ibid., Series of Talks on the Bantu Tribes, No. 4 ‘The Nyasaland Angoni’ by J. Barnes, 28, 26 & 29 Mar. 1950. 6 leaves (tp.)


 /94 Ibid., Bantu Tribes, No. 5 ‘Nsenga and Kunda’ by the Rev. J.T. Munday. 6 leaves (tp.)


 /95 Ibid., Broadcast Talk on ‘Recording in Northern Rhodesia’ by Michael Kittermaster, 27 Oct. 1950. 3 leaves (tp.)


 /96 MG to A.M. Kittermaster, 17 Jan. 1951 – refers to documents about Listener Research; should be interested to see the results; thanks him for copy of his talk on recording in Northern Rhodesia (tpc.)


 /97 A.M. Kittermaster, 2 Oct. 1950 – information sheet about Listener Research; specimen questionnaire and specimen replies are attached; on the numbers of people returning questionnaires; the findings have been extracted onto the attached graph; on the graph; a further questionnaire dealing specifically with music was forwarded to 150 selected Africans; the results of the two questionnaires give a good idea of the tastes of educated or semi-educated Africans; on the difference between listeners in their own home and listeners listening to a community set; on a ‘Listeners’ Club’ which has been formed; instructions are being forwarded to members; one of the functions of members will be to collect opinions from rural Africans; on taking wireless sets while on tour in the villages. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /98 Graph showing Northern Rhodesia Listener Research, Jan.-Oct. 31st 1950


 /99 Specimen replies to questionnaire. 6 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


4/1/100 27 July 1950 – questionnaire relating specifically to music; contains instructions for filling in the answer sheet stating which kinds of music the listener prefers (tp.)


/101 28 Sept. 1950 – answer sheet relating to types of music (tp.)


/102 2 Oct. 1950 – Results of music questionnaires. 2 leaves (tp.)


/103 A.M. Kittermaster to Member of the Listeners Club, Oct. 1950 – encloses instructions and forms (tp.)


/104 List of Instructions for Members of the Listeners Club. 5 leaves (tp.)


/105 Listeners Club questionnaire 1. 2 leaves (tp.)


/106 Listeners Club questionnaire 2. 4 leaves (tp.)


/107 Prof. C.L.N. Brooke, script for ‘Marc Bloch’, broadcast on 3 Aug. 1961. 11 leaves (tp.)


/108 MG, script for ‘The “Feudal Society” – an anthropologist’s reaction’, broadcast on 14 Oct. 1961 9 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/109 Ibid., ‘Rituals in Animals and Man’, broadcast by Canadian Broadcasting Company, Apr./May 1973. 22 leaves (tp.)


/110 MG, review of ‘Justice and Judgment among the Tiv’ by Paul Bohannan. 4 leaves (tp.)


/111 Ibid., review of ‘Kinship and Marriage among the Nuer’ by E.E. Evans-Pritchard. 13 leaves (tp.)


/112 Ibid., review of ‘Mau Mau and the Kikuyu’ by L.S.B. Leakey. 3 leaves (tp.)


/113 Ibid., review of ‘Wayaleshi’ by Peter Fraenkel. 4 leaves (tp.)


/114 Ibid., ibid. (another version). 2 leaves (tp.)


/115 [MG?], review of ‘The South African Treason Trial’ by Lionel Forman and E.S. (Solly) Sachs. 3 leaves (tp.)


/116 Ibid., review of ‘Old Africa Rediscovered’ by Basil Davidson. 3 leaves (tp.)


/117 MG, ‘Amateurs in Anthropology’, review of ‘From Ape to Angel’ by H.R. Hays, and ‘The Harmless People’ by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, in New Statesman, 11 July 1959 (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


4/1/118 Ibid., ibid. 3 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/119 MG, ‘No Brazilian Adventures’, review of ‘A World on the Wane’ by Claude Levi-Strauss, in New Statesman, 26 May 1961 (newspaper cutting)


/120 Ibid., review of ‘Livingstone’s Private Journals 1851-1853’, ed. I. Schapera, in the Listener, 11 May 1961 (newspaper cutting)


/121 Ibid., review of ‘A Minority in Britain: Social Studies of the Anglo-Jewish Community’, ed. Maurice Freedman. 3 leaves (tp.)


/122 Ibid., review of ‘The Birth of a Dilemma. The Conquest and Settlement of Rhodesia’ by Philip Mason. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/123 [MG?], review of ‘Livingstone the Doctor, his Life and Travels: a Study in Medical History’ by Michael Gelfand. 4 leaves (tp.)


/124 MG, review of ‘David Livingstone: Family Letters. 1841-1856’, ed. I. Schapera. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/125 Ibid., review of ‘The Bantu of North Kavirondo’, vol. 1, by Günther Wagner. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/126 Ibid., review of ‘Prohibited Immigrant’ by John Stonehouse. 4 leaves (tp.)


/127 Ibid., review of ‘Central African Witness’ by Cyril Dunn. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/128 Ibid., review of ‘Races of Africa’ by C.G. Seligman (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/129 Ibid., review of ‘The Principles of English/Zulu court Interpretation’ by R.R. Mayne (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/130 [MG?], review of ‘Tribes without Rulers: Studies in African Segmentary Systems’, ed. John Middleton and David Tait. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/131 MG, review of ‘Rituals of Kinship among the Nyakyusa’ by Monica Wilson. 6 leaves (tp.)


/132 Ibid., review of ‘The Tragic History of the Sea 1589-1622’, ed. C.R. Boxer. 2 leaves (tp.)


/133 Ibid., review of ‘David Livingstone: Family Letters. Volume 1, 1841-48; Volume 2, 1849-56’, ed. I. Schapera. 3 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


4/1/134 Ibid., review of ‘Chisungu, a Girls’ Initiation Ceremony among the Bemba of Northern Rhodesia’ by Audrey I. Richards. 3 leaves (tp.)


/135 Ibid., review of ‘Medicine and Magic among the Mashona’ by M. Gelfand. 2 leaves (tp.)


/136 Ibid., review of ‘Indigenous Political Systems of Western Malaya’ by J.M. Gullick (tp.)


/137 Ibid., review of ‘Primitive Peoples Today’ by Edward Weyer. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/138 Ibid., review of ‘Independent African: John Chilembwe and the Origins, Setting and Significance of the Nyasaland Native Rising of 1915’ by George Shepperson and Thomas Price. 5 leaves (tp.)


/139 I. Cunnison, review of ‘Anthropology in Administration’ by H.G. Barnett. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/140 William Plomer, ‘A Pursuit of Power’, review of ‘Shaka Zulu: the Rise of the Zulu Empire’ by E.A. Ritter, in New Statesman and Nation, 23 July 1955 (newspaper cutting)


/141 [MG?], review of ‘The Tribe and its Successors’ by William Rayner. 4 leaves (tp.)


/142 Ibid., ibid. 4 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/143 MG, review of ‘The Social Organization of the Gwembe Tonga’ by Elizabeth Colson (offprint)


/144 Ibid., ibid. 2 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/145 Ibid., ‘Bantu Bureaucracies’, review of ‘Bantu Bureaucracy’ by L.A. Fallers and ‘Alur Society’ by A.W. Southall, in Manchester Guardian, 11 Jan. 1957 (newspaper cutting)


/146 [MG], review of ‘Fijian Village’ by Buell Quain, in the Listener, 31 Mar. 1949 (newspaper page)


/147 Ibid., ibid. – marked ‘Man’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/148 Ibid., review of ‘The Heathens: Primitive Man and his Religions’ by William Howells. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/149 MG, review of ‘Survey of African Marriage and Family Life’, ed. A. Phillips, in the Law Quarterly Review, Vol. 70, Apr. 1954, pp. 285-6


/150 Ibid., review of ‘Male and Female: A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World’ by Margaret Mead, in the Manchester Guardian, 14 Feb. 1950 (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


4/1/151 MG, ‘Cross-Examination and the Substantive Law in African Traditional Courts’, the Juridical Review, 1973, Part 3 (offprint)


/152 Rebecca V. Colman, ‘Reason and Unreason in Early Medieval Law’, the Journal of Interdisciplinary History, IV: 4 (Spring 1974), inscribed to MG (offprint)


/153 MG, nd – rough notes on previous item (autogr.)


/154 Leopold Pospisil, ‘Anthropology of Law: a Rejoinder to Lowy’, American Anthropologist, Vol. 75, No. 4, Aug. 1973 (offprint)


/155 Robert F. Meagher, ‘Law and the Development Process’, Nov. 1971. 18 leaves (tp.?)


 .1  Compliments slip (tp.)


/156 Sally Falk Moore, ‘Law and Anthropology’, in ‘Biennial Review of Anthropology’, ed. B. Siegel, 1969. 25 leaves (photocopy)


/157 MG, ‘Limitations of the Case-Method in the Study of Tribal Law’, Law and Society Review, Vol. 7, No. 4, Summer 1973 (offprint)


/158 P.H. Gulliver, ‘Negotiations as a Mode of Dispute Settlement: towards a General Model’, ibid., inscribed to MG (offprint)


/159 Sally Falk Moore, ‘Law and Social Change: the Semi-Autonomous Social Field as an Appropriate Subject of Study’, ibid., inscribed to MG (offprint)


/160 Charles L. Black, Jr., ‘The Supreme Court, 1966 Term – Foreword: “State Action,”, Equal Protection and California’s Proposition 14’, Harvard Law Review, Vol. 81, No. 1, Nov. 1967, inscribed to MG (offprint)


/161 I. Schapera, ‘Some anthropological concepts of “crime”’, the British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 23, No. 4, Dec. 1972 (offprint)


/162 G.C.J.J. van den Bergh, ‘Qui habet comoda ferre debet onera – Contributions à l’histoire d’une maxie juridique’, Flores Legum, 1971 (offprint, in French)


/163 Kees Schuyt, ‘Law, Order and Civil Disobedience’, summary (printed)


MS 496


4/1/164 G.C.J.J. van den Bergh, ‘Rechtstaal en Rechtsvinding’, Opstellen over Recht en Cultuur, 1970 (offprint, in Dutch)


/165 Ibid., ‘Studentenbeweging en Crisis der Universiteit’, Overdruk uit Universiteit en Hogeschool[?], Vol. 16[?], No. 5, 1970 (offprint, in Dutch)


/166 Ibid., ‘La justice populaire et le pluralisme juridique’, extract from ‘Le pluralisme juridique’ (offprint, in French)


/167 Ibid., ‘Le pluralise juridique en Droit Romain’, extract from ‘Le pluralisme juridique’ (offprint, in French)


/168 Leopold Pospisil, ‘Law and Societal Structure among the Nunamiet Eskimo’, in ‘Explorations in Cultural Anthropology: Essays in Honor of George Peter Murdock’, ed. Ward H. Goodenough, 1964 (offprint)


/169 Proofs of Appendix and Bibliography [of what?] 2 leaves (printed)


/170 Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, No. 1, June 1944 (printed)


/171 Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, No. 2, ‘Human Problems in British Central Africa II’, Dec. 1944 (printed)


/172 Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, No. 3, ‘Human Problems in British Central Africa III’, June 1945 (printed)


/173 Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, No. 4, ‘Human Problems in British Central Africa IV’, Dec. 1945 (printed)


/174 Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, No. 14, ‘Human Problems in British Central Africa XIV’, nd (printed)


/175 Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, No. 16, ‘Human Problems in British Central Africa XVI’, nd (printed)


/176 MG, ‘Social Anthropology in Central Africa’, Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, No. 20, Sept. 1956 (offprint)


/177 Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, No. 28, ‘Human Problems in British Central Africa XVIII’, Dec. 1960 (printed)


/178 ‘Handbook of the David Livingstone Memorial Museum’, nd (printed)


/179 The Occasional Papers of the Rhodes-Livingstone Museum, No. 1, 1948, ‘The Material Culture of the Fort Jameson Ngoni’ by J.A. Barnes (printed)


/180 Ibid., No. 2, 1948, ‘African Dances of Northern Rhodesia’, by W.V. Brelsford (printed)


MS 496


4/1/181 Ibid., No. 3, 1948, ‘The Material Culture of the Lunda-Lovale Peoples’ by C.M. White (printed)


/182 Ibid., No. 4, 1949, ‘African Music in Northern Rhodesia and some other places’ by A.M. Jones (printed)


/183 Ibid., No. 5, 1949, ‘Trade Routes, Trade and Currency in East Africa’ by A.H. Quiggin (printed)


/184 Ibid., No. 6, 1949, ‘Life among the Cattle-Owning Plateau Tonga’ by E. Colson (printed)


/185 Ibid., No. 7, ‘The Discovery of Africa’, 1950, by E.H. Lane-Poole (printed)


/186 Ibid., No. 8, 1950, ‘Some Pioneer Missions of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland’ by C.W. Mackintosh (printed)


/187 Ibid., No. 9, 1950, ‘David Livingstone – A Short Portrait of the Great Missionary-Explorer’ by I.M. Fletcher (printed)


/188 Ibid., No. 10, 1950, ‘Lunda Rites and Ceremonies’ by V.W. Turner (printed)


/189 ‘The African Native Market in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland’, 1954 (printed)


/190 ‘Report of the Committee to review Native Taxation’, 1948 (printed)


/191 ‘Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into the Administration and Finances of Native Locations in Urban Areas’, nd (printed)


/192 ‘Report of the Commission on Higher Education for Africans in Central Africa’, 1953 (printed)


/193 ‘Vegetation-Soil Map of Northern Rhodesia with accompanying Memorandum’, 1948 (two sheets in cardboard folder, printed)


 .1  Notes on the previous item (printed booklet)


 .2  Map of Angola (printed)


/194 ‘Department of Agriculture – Annual Report for the Year 1953’, 1954 (printed)


/195 ‘African Education – Annual Report for the Year 1953’, 1954 (printed)


/196 ‘African Affairs – Annual Report for the Year 1954’, 1955 (printed)


MS 496


4/1/197 Ibid. for 1951, 1952 (printed)


/198 Ibid. for 1952, 1953 (printed)


/199 ‘Report on the Census of Population of Northern Rhodesia held on 15th October, 1946’. 1949 (printed)


/200 ‘Report on the Census of Population 1951’, 1954 (printed)


/201 ‘Report on the Committee to Inquire into the African and Eurafrican Housing Position in Lusaka’, 1953 (printed)


/202 ‘Study of an African Swamp’, 1952 (printed)


/203 ‘Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the Advancement of Africans in Industry’, 1948 (printed)


/204 ‘General List of Chiefs’, Jan. 1954 (printed)


/205 ‘Report on the Development of Secondary Industries in Northern Rhodesia’, 1945 (printed)


/206 ‘Native Administration and Political Development in British Tropical Africa’, report by Lord Hailey, 1940-42 (printed)


/207 ‘Report of the Commissioner appointed to examine and report upon the whole question of the past and present relations of the Paramount Chief of the Barotse Nation and the Chiefs resident in the Balovale district both East and West of the Zambezi River, with special reference to the ownership of land and the methods by which the tribes have been governed, and to make recommendations for the future’, Nov. 1939 (printed)


/208 ‘Ten-Year Development Plan for Northern Rhodesia’, 1947, (printed)


/209 ‘An African Soldier Speaks’ by R.H. Kakembo, 1946, (printed)


/210 ‘Hints for Officers’, 1930 (printed)


/211 ‘Native Customs in Nyasaland. No. 1. Marriage, Divorce, Succession and Inheritance’, 1930 (printed)


/212 Ibid., No. 2, 1937 (printed)


/213 ‘The Soils, Vegetation and Agriculture of North-Eastern Rhodesia’ by C.G. Trapnell, 1943 (printed)


/214 ‘Report of Forestry in Barotseland’ by J.D. Martin, 1941 (printed)


MS 496


4/1/215 ‘The Soils, Vegetation and Agricultural Systems of North Western Rhodesia’ by C.G. Trapnell & J.N. Clothier, 1937 (printed)


/216 ‘Ngoni Land Utilisation Survey 1954-1955’ by M.J.S.W. Priestley & P. Greening, 1956 (printed)


/217 ‘Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into the circumstances leading up to and surrounding the recent deaths and injuries caused by the use of firearms in the Gwembe District and matters relating thereto’, nd (printed)


/218 ‘Department of Agriculture. Annual Report for the Year 1933’, 1934 (printed)


/219 ‘Explanatory Notes on Native Treasury Accounts’, 1939 (printed)


/220 ‘Report of the Commission on the Civil Services of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1947’ by T. Fitzgerald, 1947 (printed)


/221 ‘Interim Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Cost of Living’, 1947 (printed)


/222 Report of the Committee on Further Secondary Education for European Children’, 1944 (printed)


/223 ‘Report of the Native Land Tenure Sub-Committee of the Native Development Board’, 1944 (printed)


/224 ‘Note on the Law relating to the Employment of Natives’, nd (printed)


/225 ‘Report of the Native Land Tenure Committee Part II – Mazabuka District’, 1946 (printed)


/226 ‘Syllabus for Primary Schools 1943’, nd (printed)


/227 ‘Report on the Bangweulu Swamps’ by Prof. F. Debenham, 1946 (printed)


/228 ‘Economic and Statistical Bulletin’ [No. 1, Apr. 1948] (tp. with printed cover)


/229 ‘Economic and Statistical Bulletin’ [No. 2, July 1948] (tp. with printed cover)


/230 J.R.H. Shaul, ‘Notes on the Problem of Sampling African Populations’ etc. 42 pages (tpc. and printed tables)


/231 John […?] to MG, 27 Feb. 1950 – on Shaul’s work; does not think the papers suitable for the RLIJ; explains why; on his thesis. 4 pages (tp.)


MS 496


4/1/232 Dennis Humphrey, ‘Colonial Law-Enforcement’. 22 leaves (tp.)


/233 Ibid. to MG, 31 Aug. 1948 – cover letter sent with the essay (autogr.)


/234 J.C. Mitchell, ‘Preliminary Report on the Social Structure of the Malemia Report’. 53 leaves, loosely bound (tp.)


/235 MG, rough notes entitled ‘summaries of some NR Bluebooks’. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/236 Rhodes-Livingstone Institute Plan of Research, Oct. 1944, including paragraphs on the Colonial Social Science Council, the present extent of sociological knowledge of the region, the proposed plan for extended research, the economist’s role in the plan, the writing programme, notes on particular areas to be studied, government cooperation, tables of comparative problems, demographic research, medical and nutritional research, legal research, colonial administration and history, linguistic research, psychological research, relations with agricultural and veterinary work, effect of plan on knowledge over territory, Nyasaland, Southern Rhodesia, Tanganyika, collaboration in social research throughout Africa, government’s practical problems, sociological help to government officers, personnel, finance and estimates of costs and income. 29 leaves (tp.)


/237 Errata slip (tp.)


/238 Addenda to the Plan of Research (tp.)


/239 MG, Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, ‘First Annexure to the Research Plan Dec. 1944’. 8 leaves (tp.)


/240 Hubert Young, President, Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, 15 Dec. 1937 – report of the response to an Appeal for funds; memorandum to the Trustees of the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute by Godfrey Wilson (printed)


/241 International African Institute, cover note (tp.)


/242 Notice of ‘Conference on African Anthropological and Linguistic Research and Meetings of the Executive Council of the International African Institute July 2nd-4th 1947’; summaries of the reports and papers read, and a copy of the Director’s Report to the Executive Council on the activities of the Institute since 1939 are appended (tp.)


/243 Prof. Daryll Forde, ‘Report on Recent Anthropological Researches in British West African Territories’, summary (tp.)


MS 496


4/1/244 Prof. M.J. Herskovits, ‘African Anthropology in America’, summary (tp.)


/245 Dr A.E., Meeussen, ‘Suggestions of the “Kongo-Overzee” Group about the Handbook of African Languages’, summary (tp.)


/246 Dr A.N. Tucker, ‘Introspections of a Linguistic Research Worker in the Field’, summary (tp.)


/247 Dr Meyer Fortes, ‘The Prospects for Anthropological Research in Africa’, summary (tp.)


/248 Prof. M. Griaule, ‘Resultats des travaux dans la boucle du Niger’, [summary], (tp., in French)


/249 Michel Leiris, ‘L’Activité de l’Office de la Recherche Scientifique Coloniale et du Musée de l’Homme dans le Domaine de l’Ethnographie, de la Géographie humaine et de la Linguistique Negro-Africaines depuis la fin de la guerre’, [summary]. 4 pages (tp., in French)


/250 Prof. M. Griaule, ‘Sur les Activités des Institutions Universitaires et Sociétés savantes’, summary (tp., in French)


/251 ‘Résumé de Rapport sur l’Organisation de l’Institut Français d’Afrique Noire, ses Travaus et ses Projets touchant les Recherches ethnologiques en Afrique Noire Française’ (tp., in French)


/252 Prof. E. de Jonghe, ‘Plan d’Exploration Ethnographique et Ethnologique systematique du Congo Belge’, [summary]. 3 leaves (tp., in French)


/253 Prof. S. Hofstra, ‘Holland’, summary (tp.)


/254 Prof. Vinigi L. Grottanelli, ‘Italy’, summary (tp.)


/255 Prof. G. Lindblom, ‘Sweden. Current Research Work on Ethnology, Sociology and Languages of Africa’, summary (tp.)


/256 Prof. A.A. Mendes Corrĕa, ‘Recent Anthropological and Linguistic Research in Portuguese Africa’, summary (tp.)


/257 Sir George Tomlinson, ‘Report on the Recent Progress of African Studies in the United Kingdom, their present position and future possibilites’, summary (tp.)


/258 Dr A.I. Richards, ‘Research in progress in South, Central, and East Africa’, summary. 3 pages (tp.)


/259 G. Letele, ‘The African’s Contribution to Linguistic Research’, summary (tp.)


MS 496


4/1/260 G. Janson-Smith, ‘Report on Linguistic Research in the Southern Sudan’, [summary] (tp.)


/261 International African Institute, ‘Organisation and Activities during the War’, ‘Events and Developments since April 1944’, ‘Present Position: June 1947’, notes on an essay competition, on meetings and discussions; on Africa; on research, on publications, on the library, on visitors, and on the London office. 15 pages (tp.)


/262 Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, ‘Application for a Research Grant to the Colonial Research Advisory Committee’. 17 leaves (tp.)


/263 ‘The Rhodes-Livingstone Institute Research Scheme 1956-1960’. 28 leaves (tp.)


/264 J.C. Mitchell & A.L. Epstein, Dec. 1956, ‘Power and Prestige among Africans in Northern Rhodesia: an Experiment’. 19 leaves (tp.)


/265 J. Clyde Mitchell, ‘Urbanization, Detribalization and Stabilization: a Problem of Definition and Measurement’. 23 leaves (tp.)


 .1  Cover note (autogr.)


/266 Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Quarterly Newsletter No. 3, July 1954. 5 leaves (tp.)


/267 Ibid., ibid. No. 4, Oct. 1954. 10 leaves (tp.)


/268 Ibid., ibid. No. 5, Jan. 1955. 12 leaves (tp.)


/269 Ibid., ibid. No. 6, Apr. 1955. 10 leaves (tp.)


/270 Ibid., ibid. No. 7, July 1955. 10 leaves (tp.)


/271 Ibid., ibid., No. 8, Jan. 1956. 11 leaves (tp.)


/272 Janet Longton & J. Clyde Mitchell, ‘A Social Distance Study of Scholars attending Munali Secondary African School, Lusaka’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/273 A.A. Nyirenda, 29 June 1955 – ‘The Role of African Markets in Northern Rhodesian Urban Areas’. 10 leaves (tp.)


/274 [J. Clyde Mitchell], ‘Conflict of Roles in Intercalary Statuses: a Problem of Leadership’. 16 leaves (tp. with diagrams)


 .1  Cover note from Clyde Mitchell to MG (autogr.)


/275 ‘Extract from The Central African Post, Friday, April 10, 1953’, on sociology. 3 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


4/1/276 J. Clyde Mitchell, ‘The African Middle Classes in British Central Africa’. 10 leaves (tp.)


/277 […?], text on kinship and lineages [first two pages missing]. 19 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)


/278 MG[?]. ‘Village stability and matrilocality’. 10 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/279 MG, nd – notes [possibly relating to two previous items} (autogr.)


/280 […?], ‘The Peoples of Northern Rhodesia’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/281 MG, 16 Nov. 1947 – ‘Report on Research, 1946-7’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/282 Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, report of the seventh conference of research officers, Oct. 1953. 27 leaves (tp.)


/283 Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, report of the ninth conference of research officers, Mar. 1955. 15 leaves (tp.)


/284 MG[?], ‘African Improvidence’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/285 John Waddington & MG, Rhodes-Livingstone Institute and Museum, Report 1941. 4 leaves (tpc.)


/286 [MG?], notes on the ‘Status of African Women’. 5 pages (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/287 Ibid., ‘Studies of Primitive Women’, review of ‘Aboriginal Woman, Sacred and Profane’ by Phyllis M. Kaberry, & ‘African Women’ by Sylvia Leith-Ross. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/288 The Cambridge Review, Vol. LIX, 14 Jan. 1938 – article on the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute on pp. 172-3 (printed)


/289 Lists of people to whom ‘The Judicial Process’ and the Frazer Lecture should be sent. 2 leaves (tp.)


/290 Quotation from the Guardian referring to Mr Tom Williamson (tp.)


/291 Sheet of text, p. 24 (tp.)


/292 University of Cape Town, Communications from the School of African Studies, I. Schapera and D.F. van der Merwe, June 1942 – ‘Notes on the Noun-Classes of Some Bantu Languages of Ngamiland’. 107 pages (tpc., with paper cover in very bad condition)


MS 496


4/1/293 Ibid., I. Schapera, Apr. 1943 – ‘The Native Land Problem in the Tati District (Bechuanaland Province)’. 64 pages including two maps (tpc., in paper covers)


/294 Ibid., I. Schapera, June 1943 – ‘The System of Land Tenure on the Barolong Farms (Bechuanaland Protectorate)’. 45 pages (tpc.)


/295 Sketch map of the Barolong Farms (photocopy)


/296 University of Cape Town, Communications from the School of African Studies, I. Schapera, Nov. 1943 – ‘The Land Problem in the Batlôkwa Reserve (Gaberones District) of the Bechuanaland Protectorate’. 26 pages (tp.)


/297 Ibid., I. Schapera, Oct. 1945 – ‘Notes on Some Herero Genealogies’. 42 pages (tpc., in board covers)


/298 Ibid., E.H. Ashton, Sept. 1946 – ‘The Social Structure of the Southern Sotho Ward’. 39 pages (tpc., in board covers)


/299 Ibid., Ruth Levin, Sept. 1947 – ‘Marriage in Langa Native Locations’. 127 pages (tpc., bound)


/300 Ibid., V.G.J. Sheddick, Aug. 1948 – ‘The morphology of residential associations as found among the Khwakhwa of Basutoland’. 63 pages (tpc., bound)


/301 Ibid., H.E. Lambert, Feb. 1950 – ‘The Systems of Land Tenure in the Kikuyu Land Unit’. 191 pages (tpc., bound)


/302 Ibid., B. Bernardi, Apr. 1950 – ‘The Social Structure of the Kraal among the Zezuru in Musami, Southern Rhodesia’. 64 pages (tpc., bound)


/303 Ibid., D.H. Reader, 1954 – ‘Makhanya Kinship Rights and Obligations’. 41 pages (tpc., in board covers)


/304 Cover sheet for A.J.H. Goodwin, ‘The Bored Stones of Southern Africa – Part IV: A. Cape of Good Hope B. Elongated types’ [no text] (printed and tpc.)


/305 Loose sheets of text. 5 pages (tpc.)


/306 The Times Literary Supplement, 6 July 1973, special issue on ‘The State of Anthropology’, including ‘Fifty Years of British Anthropology’ by E.E. Evans-Pritchard, ‘Ourselves and the Others’ by Edmund Leach, ‘The Exclusion of Economics’ by Mary Douglas, ‘Prospects and Impediments’ by Rodney Needham, and ‘the Library of the RAI’ by Lucy Mair (newspaper)


/307 MG to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, 24 July – letter in response to the special issue. 6 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


4/1/308 Ibid., 3 Aug. (newspaper cutting)


/309 [MG?], nd – text on swans (tp.)


/2 Writings by MG


 /1  [MG], ‘Conflict and Cohesion in Zululand – I From Grass Palace to Concrete Bridge’. 29 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /2  [MG], ‘Conquest to Defeat’. 28 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /3  [MG], ‘The Interlocking of European and Zulu Societies’. 33 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /4  [MG], ‘The Development of Modern Alignments’. 25 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /5  [MG], ‘Political Structure of Modern Zululand’. 26 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /6  MG, ‘Hostility and Amity in Pagan Sacrifice and Christian Church’. 26 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /7  Ibid., ‘Conflict and Cohesion in Zululand (1500-1938) An Historical Study in Social Organization’. 139 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /8  Ibid., ibid. – another copy of pp. 11-95. 84 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /9  Ibid., ‘Conflict and Cohesion in Zululand’, summary of the chapters. 10 leaves (tp.)


/10  MG, ‘Kinship and Marriage among the Lozi of Northern Rhodesia and the Zulu of Natal’. 58 leaves (tpc. with autogr. corrections)


/11  [MG?] – text headed ‘The Argument/Lozi marriage is unstable’. 64 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/12  [MG?], nd – notes on kinship. 2 leaves (tp.)


/13  MG to Terence Jones, nd – on adding a footnote to the preface to the second edition of ‘The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence’; gives details (tp.)


/14  [MG], nd – ‘Preface to the Second Impression’. 13 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/15  ‘Chapter V: Legal Sanctions and other Constraining Pressures’. 90 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


MS 496


4/2/16  ‘Chapter 6: The Importance of Obligation in Contract’. 33 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/17  ‘Chapter VI: Individuals and the Law’. 21 leaves (tp.)


/18  Ibid. 69 leaves (autogr. draft)


/19  MG, ‘New Africa – Old European Problems’. 7 leaves (tp.)


/20  Ibid., ‘Theory and Comparison in Legal Anthropology’. 32 leaves (tp.)


/21  Ibid., ‘“Honest Men fear Burglar Alarms”: the Effect of Ritual, Trial and Debate on Sentiment and Behavior’. 24 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/22  MG[?], nd – ‘Young men growing up’, article on Teddy-boys. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/23  Ibid., ibid. – ‘Restriction of output’, article on factory workers. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/24  Ibid., ibid. – ‘Man as a Social Animal’. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/25  MG, article headed ‘9th Talk – please choose title’ – on the subjects he has covered in the past 8 weeks in a series of anthropological studies; now he reflects personally on the significance of those studies. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/26  Ibid., nd – text headed ‘Essays on the Social History of Central Africa – I. David Livingstone as an Observer of African Life’. 45 leaves (autogr.)


/27  Kinship diagram of the Bemba royal house[?], 2 copies (autogr.)


/28  Kinship diagram showing succession of Bemba chiefs (autogr.)


/29  MG, nd – ‘British Central Africa – One Common Hero’. 12 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/30  Ibid., ibid. – ‘Essay on the History of Northern Rhodesia’. 27 leaves (autogr. draft)


/31  Ibid., ibid. – ‘Bemba Political Organisation – An Exercise in Anthropological Theory’. 27 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/32  MG, ‘The Rôle of Courts in Barotse Social Life’. 88 leaves (autogr. draft)


/33  Appendix [incomplete?] 4 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


4/2/34  MG, ‘Book 2 The Rôle of Courts in Social Life’, beginning with ‘Chapter VI – The Origin and Settlement of Cases: the Judicial Duties of Rulers’. 112 leaves (autogr. and tp. draft)


/35  MG, ‘Visit to Barotse at Rand Mines, February-March 1943’. 2 pages (autogr.)


/36  Ibid., ibid. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions) [not the same text]


/37  MG to Michael [Stephens], nd – encloses his script on ‘The Logic of Witchcraft’; on whether it is the right length; has had to drop some of the stuff which he thought best broadcast material; the piece is number 4 in a series of six; on recording schedules (tp.)


/38  MG, ‘Custom and Conflict in Africa 5. The Logic in Witchcraft’. 31 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/39  MG, ‘Custom and Conflict in Africa 1. The Logic in Witchcraft’, marked ‘2nd draft’. 35 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/40  ‘Custom and Conflict in Africa 4. The Logic in Witchcraft’, marked ‘3rd draft’. 34 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/41  MG, ‘Custom and Conflict 4. The Logic in Witchcraft’, another draft. 33 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/42  MG, ‘Custom and Conflict in Africa 1. The Logic of Witchcraft’, another draft. 31 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/43  Script for MG’s talk on ‘The Logic of Witchcraft’, to be recorded 4 Mar. 1955. 25 leaves (tp.)


/44  Various loose pages with notes on witchcraft. 12 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/45  MG, ‘The Lozi of Barotseland in North-Western Rhodesia’. 105 leaves [some double leaves] (tp. and autogr.)


/46  Ibid., ibid. 93 leaves (printed proofs[?] with autogr. corrections)


/47  Ibid., ‘The Origins of Social Organization’. 15 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/48  Ibid., nd – ‘Anthropology at Close Quarters’. 7 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


4/2/49  Ibid., ‘Some Processes of Social Change illustrated with Zululand Data’. 27 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/50  Ibid., ibid., another version. 15 leaves (leaf 3 missing) (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/51  Ibid., ibid. 10 leaves (tpc.)


/52  Ibid., ‘Processes of Social Change in Zululand’. 30 leaves (autogr. draft)


/53  Ibid., ‘Processes of Social Change in Zululand’. 38 leaves (leaf 37 missing) (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/54  Ibid., ‘Processes of Social Change in Zululand’. 11 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections, incomplete)


/55  Ibid., ‘Analysis of a Social Situation in Modern Zululand’ concluded, ‘C. Note on the Study of Changing Social Systems’. 9 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections; incomplete?)


/56  Ibid., ‘African Systems of Succession in Relation to Marital Stability’. 9 leaves (tp. and autogr.) [see 496/4/2/75]


/57  Ibid., ‘The Zulu’. 40 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)



/58  [MG], nd – text, consisting of ‘Chapter I. The Early Polity of Small Tribes (1500-1800)’ and ‘Chapter II. The Rise of the Zulu State’. 205 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections and comments in another hand)


/59  [MG], nd – another copy of ‘Chapter I. The Early Polity of Small Tribes (1500-1800)’ and ‘Chapter II. The Rise of the Zulu State’. 210 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/60  [MG], ‘Shaka Zulu: the Rise of a Tyrant’. 12 leaves (tp. with a few autogr. corrections; leaf 12 is a map)


/61  Ibid., ibid. 11 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/62  [MG] to Denis Flanagan, Editor, Scientific American, 23 Dec. 1959 – encloses draft of his article ‘Shaka Zulu: the Rise of a Tyrant’; is sending two copies so that one can be sent back with any suggested amendments; has drafted a rough map; suggests some illustrations; adds biographical note. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/63  Illustrations relating to article on Shaka Zulu[?] – including drawings, diagrams and maps; numbered 4-12. 11 leaves (printed)


/64  Notes on some of the illustrations[?] 3 leaves (tp., incomplete)


MS 496


4/2/65  Various loose pages of text. 7 leaves (tp.)


/66  [MG?], ‘The Individual in a Social Framework: the Rise of Shaka Zulu’. 56 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/67  MG, nd – ‘Zulu Remarks on Ideals of Chiefly Behaviour’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/68  Ibid., ibid. – ‘The Kingdom of the Zulu of South Africa’. 26 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/69  Ibid., nd – text headed ‘The Period of European Rule’. 11 leaves (tp.)


/70  Ibid., ibid. – text entitled ‘IX. The Period of European Rule’. 21 leaves (autogr. draft)


/71  Ibid., 1 Nov. 1937 – ‘Memorandum on the Problem of Farm Labour, submitted to the Commission enquiring into the Shortage of Native Farm Labour’. 14 leaves (tp.)


/72  Ibid., ibid. – ibid. 30 leaves (autogr. draft)


/73  Ibid., nd – ‘How Black sees White’ (Sup[p]ort for Hilda Kuper)’. 8 leaves (mimeo.)


/74  [MG?], nd – ‘XII. The Individual and Social Change in a Society of Heterogeneous Culture-Groups’. 12 leaves (tp.)


/75  MG, ‘African Systems of Succession in Relation to Marital Stability’. 19 leaves (autogr.) [see 496/4/2/56]


/76  MG, ‘Social Beliefs and Individual Thinking in Primitive Society’. 11 pages (tp.) [see 496/4/1/7]


/77  Sixteenth Conference on Science Philosophy and Religion in their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, Challenges to Traditional Ethics: Government, Politics and Administration, Section I: The Setting: The Changing Conditions and Prospects of Political Success, ‘The Crisis in the Folk Societies’, 1960, by MG. 47 pages (tp.)


/78  MG, nd – text on the Lozi. 10 leaves [incomplete] (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/79  MG, ‘The Village Headman in British Central Africa’, ‘Introduction’; J.C. Mitchell, ‘II. The Yao of Southern Nyasaland’; J.A. Barnes, ‘III. The Fort Jameson Ngoni’. 17 leaves (tp.)


/80  MG, 1 Sept. 1969 – ‘Introduction’ [to a book by Coillard, probably ‘On the Threshold of Central Africa’ with a new introduction by MG, 1971]. 28 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections; p. 3 missing)


MS 496


4/2/81  Alastair Everitt, Frank Cass & Company Ltd., to MG, 15 Sept. 1969 – thanks him for the introduction to Coillard’s work; mentions Prof. Rotberg (tp.)


/82  MG, nd – text headed ‘Chapter VIII – The Significance of Judicial Action in Political Organization’, numbered 406-19. 14 leaves (autogr.)


/83  Ibid., ibid. – notes from Saa Katengo Kuta, July & Aug. 1942, numbered 420-48. 29 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/84  Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘III’, numbered 449-62. 14 leaves (autogr.)


/85  Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘IV’ and ‘V’, numbered 463-88. 29 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


/86  Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘VI’, numbered 489-99. 11 leaves (autogr.)


/87  Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘VII’, numbered 500-19. 20 leaves (autogr.)


/88  Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘VIII’, numbered 520-49. 32 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


/3 Writings by other writers


 /1  ‘Part of the Diary of George Westbeech Hunter and Trader Barotse Country. 1885-6-7-8.’ 61 leaves (tp.)


 /2  Ibid. 36 leaves (tp.)


 /3  A.D. Jalla, ‘History, Traditions and Legends of the Barotse Nation’, 1909, rev. 2nd ed. 1921. 106 leaves (tp. with loose board covers)


 /4  Ibid., ibid. 66 leaves (tp.)


 /5  C.S. Davies, ‘The Barotse’, Oct. 1926. 18 leaves (tp.)


 /6  Ibid., ibid. 14 pages (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


 /7  D.S. Levyns, ‘The Barotse’, 15 Oct. 1926. 20 leaves (tp.)


 /8  Ibid., ibid. 18 pages (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


 /9  H.H.S. Billing, ‘The Barotse’, 14 Oct. 1926. 13 pages (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)


/10  D.S. Levyns & H. Bulbring, ‘The Barotse’. 18 leaves (tp.) [text almost identical with previous item]


MS 496


4/3/11  D.S. Levyns, 15 Oct. 1926 – ‘The Barotse’. 27 leaves (tp.); D.S. Levyns & H. Bulbring – ‘The Barotse’. 18 leaves (tp.); C.S. Davies, Oct. 1926 – ‘The Barotse’. 23 leaves [these three loosely bound together]


/12  J.A. Barnes, ‘Law as Politically Active’. 26 leaves (tp.)


/13  ‘He Bore his Yoke Right Well – the Journal of Arthur Baldwin Pioneer Missionary in Northern Rhodesia’ ed. with an introduction by Edwin W. Smith; Editor’s Preface, 11 leaves (tp.)


/14  Ibid., Chapter 1, ‘How it all Came About’. 17 leaves (tp.)


/15  Ibid., Chapter 2, ‘From Aliwal North to Khama’s Town’. 19 leaves (tp.)


/16  Ibid., Chapter 3, ‘Through the Thirstland’. 21 leaves (tp.)


/17  Ibid., Chapter 4, ‘Buckenham is Rebuffed’. 12 leaves (tp.)


/18  Ibid., Chapter 5, ‘Sojourn at Sesheke’. 24 leaves (tp.)


/19  Ibid., Chapter 6, ‘Still at Sesheke’. 31 leaves (tp.)


/20  Ibid., Chapter 7, ‘From Sesheke to Sefula’. 31 leaves (tp.)


/21  Ibid., Chapter 8, ‘The Labyrinthine Lewanika’. 36 leaves (tp.)


/22  Ibid., Chapter 9, ‘Hope Deferred’. 23 leaves (tp.)


/23  Ibid., Chapter 10, ‘Fair Winds after Stormy Seas’. 31 leaves (tp.)


/24  Ibid., Chapter 11, ‘The Final Trek Begun’. 29 leaves (tp.)


/25  Ibid., Chapter 12, ‘Journey’s End’. 35 leaves (tp.)


/26  Ibid., Epilogue. 12 leaves (tp.)


/27  Rev. H.M. Phiri, ‘Vinyau’ – notes on girls’ puberty ritual and dance. 8 leaves (tp.)


/28  ‘Regulations with Regard to the Vinyao Dance’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/29  Text headed ‘Initiation of Girls (Chinamwali)’ (tp.)


/30  M. Sikatema, ‘Summary on Types of Native Marriages’. 13 leaves (tp.)


/31  ‘Ethnographical Notes in Tonga dictated by Natives’, an excerpt from ‘A Comparative Grammar of the South-African Bantu Languages’ by J. Torrend. 10 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


4/3/32  Leslie Daniel Fanyanga Mukoboto, ‘The Mambunda Historical Novel’. 93 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions, marked on leaf 1 ‘Duplicate’)


/33  Gervas Clay District Officer, ‘History of the Mankoya District’. 42 leaves (tp.)


/34  Fred E. Katz, ‘Social Participation and Social Structure’. 7 leaves (photocopy) [chapter from a book?]


/35  C. Turner, ‘Conjugal Roles and Social Networks: a Re-Examination of an Hypothesis’. 17 leaves (photocopy)


/36  Philip Garigue, ‘Population, land and food production in Zululand’. 6 pages (tp.)


/37  W.A. L[ewis], ‘Economics as a Subject’. 15 leaves (tp.)


/38  A. Grandjean, ‘L’invasion des Zoulou dans le sud-est Africain’, pp. 63-135. 73 leaves (photocopy, white print on black background, in French)


/39  D.H. Reader, ‘Marriage among the Makhanya’, 1954, from International Archives of Ethnography (offprint)


/40  Unknown author, [‘The Origin of the Class State in the Light of The Zulu Conquests’], Part I. ‘The Rise of the Matabele’, Part II. ‘Nature of the Matabele Caste System’, Part III. ‘Origin of the Caste System’. 14 pages (tp.)


/41  Rev. J. O’Neil, S.J., ‘Zambesi Mission Record – Habits and Customs of the Natives of Mangwe District, South Matabeleland’. 41 pages (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/42  B.M. Gough, ‘Native Superstition in Matabeleland’. 4 pages (tp.)


/43  H.C.M. Fourie[?], ‘History of the Amandebele Tribe’. 33 pages (tp.)


/44  J.E. Griffiths – report headed ‘Information obtained while working under a Research Grant made by the Department of African Life and Languages of the University of Cape Town’. 34 pages (tp.)


/45  Ibid. – text headed ‘Marriage – Mtimba’. 33 pages (tp.)


/46  ‘Family tree of Tulwana Nzuza’ (autogr.)


/47  ‘Family tree of Nyonikalakangani Ntuli – Usuta – Regiment Ume[?]’ (autogr.)


/48  ‘Family tree of Ndabokanye’ (autogr.)


MS 496


4/3/49  Receipts for hotel, railway etc. for J. Griffiths (tpc.)


/50  P.C. Lloyd, ‘Kings in Crisis – A Study of the changing roles of the Yoruba oba’. 30 pages (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/51  Ibid., ‘The Vocabulary of Conflict in Anthropological Theory’. 32 pages (tp. with autogr. notes)


/52  Gwyn Prins, paper on the history of post-war wars, presented at the MAPW Conference on the Human Cost of Wars since 1945, 16 Oct. 1982. 13 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/4 Miscellaneous Printed Matter


 /1  ‘Report by Major A. St. H. Gibbons, 3rd East Yorkshire Regiment, to the Director of Military Intelligence, on the Position and Conditions of the Western and Northern Limits of Marotseland’. 25 pages (printed revise)


 /2  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 30 Dec. 1899; Intelligence Division to Foreign Office, 13 Dec. 1899; Major Gibbons to the Director of Military Intelligence, 31 Aug. 1899. 6 pages (printed revise)


 /3  High Commissioner Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, recd. 4 May 1901; Administrator, North-Western Rhodesia, to High Commissioner, North-Western Rhodesia, 31 Jan. 1901; Copy of Report by Major Gibbons to Major Coryndon, British Resident, Barotseland; A. St. H. Gibbons to Major R.T. Coryndon; Interview with Mukalengi, a Mampukushu emissary from Lebebe to Lewanika, at Lealui, July 11, 1899. 6 pages (printed proof)


 /4  High Commissioner Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, 3 Jan. 1901; R.T. Coryndon to the High Commissioner for South Africa; Concessions executed by the Barotse Council, 17 Oct. 1900. 7 pages (printed proof)


 /5  The British South Africa Company to Colonial Office, recd. 9 Feb. 1901 (printed proof)


 /6  Ibid., recd. 19 Dec. 1900 (printed proof)


 /7  Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 15 Sept. 1900 (printed proof)


 /8  Colonial Office to the British South Africa Company, 14 Sept. 1900 (printed proof)


 /9  The British South Africa Company to Colonial Office, 17 July 1900. 3 pages (printed proof)


MS 496


4/4/10  Colonial Office to the British South Africa Company, 8 May 1900 (printed proof)


/11  Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 8 May 1900 (printed proof)


/12  Law Officers to Colonial Office, 7 May 1900 (printed proof)


/13  Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 19 Apr. 1900 (printed proof)


 /14 British South Africa Company to Colonial Office, 9 Apr. 1900; ibid. to Foreign Office, 11 Oct. 1898; King Lewanika to Capt. the Hon. Arthur Lawley, 25 June 1898; Foreign Office to British South Africa Company, 31 Oct. 1898. 4 pages (printed proof)


/15  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, recd. 3 Sept. 1900; Mr R.T. Coryndon to Governor, 12 July 1900. 7 pages (printed proof)


/16  The Director of Military Intelligence to Colonial Office, 24 Apr. 1901. 7 pages (printed proof)


/17  Colonial Office to the British South Africa Company, 13 May 1901 (printed proof)


/18  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, recd. 26 Dec. 1900 (printed proof)


/19  Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 21 Dec. 1900 (printed proof)


/20  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, 10 Oct. 1900 (printed proof)


/21  Colonial Office to the British South Africa Company, 20 Sept. 1900 (printed proof)


/22  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, recd. 17 Sept. 1900 (printed proof)


/23  Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 13 Sept. 1900 (printed proof)


/24  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, recd. 10 Sept. 1900 (printed proof)


/25  Ibid., recd. 13 Aug. 1900 (printed proof)


/26  The British South Africa Company to Colonial Office, 16 July 1900. 7 pages (printed proof)


/27  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, recd. 14 May 1900 (printed)


MS 496


4/4/28  Colonial Office to the British South Africa Company, 11 Apr. 1900 (printed proof)


/29  Colonial Office to Treasury, 12 Apr. 1900 (printed proof)


/30  Treasury to Colonial Office, 4 Apr. 1900 (printed proof)


/31  Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 2 Apr. 1900 (printed proof)


/32  Colonial Office to Treasury, 31 Mar. 1900 (printed proof)


/33  The British South Africa Company to Colonial Office, 22 Mar. 1900 (printed proof)


/34  Colonial Office to the British South Africa Company, 19 Mar. 1900 (printed proof)


/35  Treasury to Colonial Office, 10 Mar. 1900 (printed proof)


/36  Colonial Office to Treasury, 28 Feb. 1900 (printed proof)


/37  Treasury to Colonial Office, 19 Jan. 1900 (printed proof)


/38  Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 16 Dec. 1899. 3 pages (printed proof)


/39  Colonial Office to Treasury, 30 Nov. 1899 (printed proof)


/40  Ibid. to British South Africa Company, 25 Nov. 1899 (printed proof)


/41  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, recd. 17 Nov. 1899 (printed proof)


/42  Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 14 Nov. 1899 (printed proof)


/43  Law Officers to Colonial Office, 9 Nov. 1899. 4 pages (printed proof[?])


/44  British South African Company to Colonial Office, 8 Nov. 1899 (printed proof)


/45  Treasury to Colonial Office, 22 Sept. 1899 (printed proof)


/46  Colonial Office to British South Africa Company, 4 Oct. 1899 (printed proof)


/47  Ibid. to Treasury, 14 Sept. 1899 (printed proof)


/48  British South Africa Company to Colonial Office, 22 Aug. 1899 (printed proof)


/49  Ibid., 19 Aug. 1899 (printed proof)


MS 496


4/4/50  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, recd. 1 Sept. 1899 (printed proof)


/51  Ibid., recd. 14 Aug. 1899 (printed proof)


/52  Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 1 July 1899 (printed proof)


/53  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 21 June 1899 (printed proof)


/54  Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 17 June 1899 (printed proof)


/55  British South Africa Company to Colonial Office, 29 May 1899 (printed proof)


/56  Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 12 Apr. 1899 (printed proof)


/57  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, 5 Apr. 1899. 4 pages (printed proof)


/58  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 22 Mar. 1899 (printed proof)


/59  Ibid., 11 Mar. 1899 (printed proof)


/60  Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 4 Mar. 1899 (printed proof)


/61  Ibid., 17 June 1899 (printed proof)


/62  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 31 May 1899 (printed proof)


/63  Ibid., 27 May 1899 (printed proof)


/64  Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 27 Oct. 1899 (printed proof)


/65  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 16 Oct. 1899 (printed proof)


/66  Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 4 Oct. 1899 (printed proof)


/67  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 19 Aug. 1899 (printed proof)


/68  Ibid., 22 May 1901 (printed proof)


/69  Ibid., 21 May 1901 (printed proof)


MS 496


4/4/70  High Commissioner to Mr Chamberlain, 17 May 1901. 5 pages (printed proof)


/71  Ibid., ibid. 4 pages (printed proof)


/72  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 16 May 1901 (printed proof)


/73  Mr R.T. Coryndon to Colonial Office, 1 Apr. 1901 (printed proof)


/74  Colonial Office to the British South Africa Company, 12 Mar. 1901 (printed proof)


/75  Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 1 Mar. 1901. 3 pages (printed proof)


/76  Ibid., ibid. 3 pages (printed proof)


/77  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 16 Feb. 1901 (printed proof)


/78  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, 13 Feb. 1901. 5 pages (printed proof)


/79  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 20 Dec. 1900 (printed proof)


/80  Ibid., 29 Jan. 1901 (printed proof)


/81  The British South Africa Company to Colonial Office, 19 Dec. 1900 (printed proof)


/82  Foreign Office to ibid., 29 Nov. 1900. 4  pages (printed proof)


/83  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, 28 Nov. 1900 (printed proof)


/84  High Commissioner to ibid., 24 Oct. 1900 (printed proof)


/85  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 15 Aug. 1900 (printed proof)


/86  Ibid., ibid. (printed proof)


/87  Ibid., 13 Aug. 1900 (printed proof)


/88  Ibid., 9 Jan. 1900. 3 pages (printed proof)


/89  Ibid., 13 Dec. 1899 (printed proof)


/90  Ibid., 2 Dec. 1899. 3 pages (printed proof)


/91  Ibid., 30 Sept. 1899 (printed proof)


MS 496


4/4/92  Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 7 July 1899 (printed proof)


/93  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, recd. 20 June 1899 (printed proof)


/94  Ibid., 23 May 1899 (printed proof)


/95  Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 13 May 1899 (printed proof)


/96  Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 8 May 1899 (printed proof)


/97  Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 3 May 1899 (printed proof)


/98  Colonial Office to Foreign Office, 21 Apr. 1899 (printed proof)


/99  Sir Alfred Milner to Mr Chamberlain, 8 Apr. 1899 (printed proof)


/100 Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 13 Feb. 1899 (printed proof)


/101 Ibid., 7 Feb. 1899 (printed proof)


/102 Ibid., 30 Jan. 1899 (printed proof)


/103 Sir W.F. Butler, recd.18 Jan. 1899 (printed proof)


/104 Foreign Office to Colonial Office, 17 Jan. 1899 (printed proof)


/105 Mr Chamberlain to Sir Alfred Milner, 16 Jan. 1899 (printed proof)


/106 W.F Butler to Mr Chamberlain, recd. 27 Jan. 1899 (printed))


/107 Ibid., recd. 16 Jan. 1899 (printed proof)


/108 Northern Rhodesia – ‘Barotse Native Courts Chapter 160 of the Laws 1948 Edition’. 19 pages (printed booklet)


/109 Northern Rhodesia – ‘Barotse Native Authority Chapter 159 of the Laws 1951 Edition’. 14 pages (printed booklet)


/110 Northern Rhodesia, ‘An Ordinance to provide for the restriction of movement of certain persons; to provide for the holding of a judicial inquiry into the cases of such persons, and for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith’. 5 pages (printed with autogr. notes)


MS 496


4/4/111 Northern Rhodesia, ‘The Native Courts Ordinance’, ‘The Service of Process outside Jurisdiction Order, 1956’. 6 pages (printed with autogr. notes)


/112 Northern Rhodesia, ‘General List of Chiefs’ June 1940 (printed booklet)


/113 ‘Lu Ka Tusa Cwangi Mwa Ndwa?’ (printed)


/114 ‘Taba ya Maherero’ (printed)


/115 Proof relating to a Chart [not held] showing tribes of Barotse kingdom, with notes (printed)


/116 Map of Africa (printed)


/117 Map of the tribal areas of Northern Rhodesia (printed)


/118 Brochure advertising an exhibition of Mbunda Makishi Dancing (printed with autogr. additions)


/119 Maps of North Eastern Rhodesia, Barotseland and Lozi Land (printed)


/120 Programme for ‘Seven Keys to Baldpate’ (printed with autogr. inscription by MG)


/121 Education Department, Natal, ‘Syllabus of Work for Native Schools Standards V and VI’, issued Mar. 1933 (printed booklet)


/122 Ibid., ‘Primary Syllabus for use in Government and Government-Aided Native Schools’, issued Dec. 1933 (printed booklet)


/123 Ibid., ‘Teachers’ Fourth Class Certificate T.4.’, issued Jan. 1934 (printed booklet)


/124 Ibid., ‘Teachers’ Fifth Class Certificate T.5’, issued Jan. 1934 (printed booklet)


/125 Ibid., ‘Teachers’ Sixth Class Certificate T.6’, issued Jan. 1934 (printed booklet)


/126 Province of Natal, ‘Regulations Governing Government Native Schools’, published 5 July 1934 (printed booklet)


/127 Ibid., ‘Native Schools Standard VII’, issued Feb. 1935 (printed booklet)


/128 Natal Education Department, ‘Teachers’ (Pre-Matriculation) Third Class Certificate T.3’, issued Jan. 1937 (printed booklet)


MS 496


4/4/129 Prospectus of the Zulu National Training Institution for Sons of Chiefs and Headmen, 1932 (printed booklet)


/130 Prize List of the 7th Annual Show to be held in the Native School Buildings, Nongoma (printed booklet)


/131 Prize List of the 8th Annual Show to be held in the Native School Buildings, Nongoma (printed booklet)


/132 Regulations Governing Native Aided Schools, issued Mar. 1931 (printed booklet)


/133 Race Relations News, Mar. 1944 – ‘Social Services: their Scope and Cost’ (printed leaflet)


/134 Province of Natal. Report of Zululand Game Reserves and Parks Committee, June 1937 (printed booklet)


/135 Flyer advertising Mr C. Napier, Medical Herbalist (printed, in another language)


/136 Flyer concerning Dr Edgar Harry Brookes (printed, in another language)


/137 Card (printed, in another language)


/138 ‘Directions for the Prevention and Treatment of Malaria’ (printed leaflet, in English and Afrikaans)


/139 Leaflet in another language [Zulu?] (printed)


/140 Leaflet in another language (printed)


/141 Booklet in another language, on malaria (printed)


/142 Leaflet in another language (printed)


/143 Leaflet in another language and English, on quinine (printed)


/144 C.A. Wheelwright, 5 Oct. 1918 – notice in another language (printed)


/145 Map to illustrate the Native Trust and Land Act, 1936 (printed)


/146 Flyer for the Josiah Mason lectures, autumn term 1953, to be delivered by Dr Ian Hogbin (printed)


/147 Flyer for the Josiah Mason lectures, spring term 1955, to be delivered by Mrs Barbara Wootton (printed)


MS 496


4/4/148 Barotse Native Authority, June 1957 – ‘Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the Constitution of the Barotse Native Government together with the comments thereon of the National Council’ (printed)



/5 Miscellaneous


 /1  Kinship Survey 1944


  /1 Completed questionnaire forms on family life (Kinship Survey). 124 leaves (tp. with autogr. entries, nearly all dated 27 Nov. 1944)


  /2 Notes relating to the survey[?] (autogr.)


 /2  D.U. Peters, ‘A Survey of Agriculture in Barotseland’, and related correspondence, 1949-60


  /1 D.U. Peters, Agricultural Officer, ‘A Survey of Agriculture in Barotseland’, Contents etc. and Chapter One, ‘The Background’. 26 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /2 Ibid., ibid., Chapter Two, ‘The Agricultural Systems of Barotseland’. 33 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /3 Ibid., ibid., Chapter Three, ‘Land Usage on the Central Barotse Plain’. 15 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /4 Ibid., ibid., Chapter Four, ‘The Results of a Quantitative Study of Agriculture on and about the Barotse Plain’. 13 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /5 Ibid., ibid., Chapter Five, ‘The Land and the People’. 39 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /6 Ibid., ibid., Chapter Six, ‘The Improvement of Agriculture in Barotseland’. 27 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


  /7 Text headed ‘Additional Notes’. 8 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


  /8 Table marked ‘Appendix (A) I.’, ‘Annual Livestock Census African Owned’ (tp.)


  /9 Table of ‘Labour and Population Statistics’ (printed and tp.)


 /10 Table of ‘Native Livestock and Agriculture’ (printed and tp.)


 /11 Table of ‘Tribal Distribution’ (tp.)


MS 496


5/2/12  D.U. Peters, Agricultural Officer, ‘A Survey of Agriculture in Barotseland’, Contents etc. and Chapter One, ‘The Background’. 16 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /13 Ibid., ibid., Chapter Two, ‘The Agricultural Systems of Barotseland’. 20 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /14 Ibid., ibid., Chapter Three, ‘Land Usage on the Central Barotse Plain’. 11 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /15 Ibid., ibid., Chapter Four, ‘The Results of a Quantitative Study of the Central Kalahari Plains System of Agriculture on and about the Barotse Plain’. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /16 Ibid., ibid., Chapter Five, ‘The Land and the People’. 21 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /17 [Ibid., ibid.,] Chapter One, ‘The Background’. 13 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /18 [Ibid., ibid.,] Chapter Two, ‘The Agricultural Systems of Barotseland’. 19 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /19 [Ibid., ibid.,] Chapter Three, ‘Land Usage on the Central Barotse Plain’. 11 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /20 [Ibid., ibid.,] Chapter Four, ‘The Results of a Quantitative Study of the Central Kalahari Plains System of Agriculture on and about the Barotse Plain’. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /21 [Ibid., ibid.,] Chapter Five, ‘The Land and the People’. 23 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /22 [Ibid., ibid.,] Chapter Six, ‘The Improvement of Agriculture in Barotseland’. 3 double leaves (autogr.)


 .1  Note concerning the manuscript (autogr.)


 /23 [D.U. Peters, ‘A Survey of Agriculture in Barotseland’] Chapter Six, ‘The Improvement of Agriculture in Barotseland’ [another version]. 5 double leaves (autogr.)


 /24 Notes towards Peters’ Chapter Six, with explanatory note by MG. 17 leaves (tp.)


 /25 C.G. Trapnell, nd – note relating to the previous item (autogr.)


 /26 D.U. Peters, nd – ‘Improvement of Agriculture in Barotseland’; parts of the text as typed by MG at 5/2/24. 5 double leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


5/2/27  D.U. Peters, nd – notes for Chapter Six, ‘The Improvement of Agriculture in Barotseland’. 3 double leaves and one leaf (autogr. with autogr. additions by MG)


 /28 W. Allan, MG and C.G. Trapnell, Preface to ‘Land Usage in Barotseland’ by the late David Urlin Peters, ed. N.S. Smyth. 15 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /29 D.U. Peters, nd – miscellaneous notes. 22 pages (autogr.)


 /30 Map for Frontispiece, with note describing it (transparency and autogr. leaf)


 /31 Map 1, with note describing it (transparency and autogr. leaf)


 /32 Map 2, with note describing it (transparency and autogr. leaf)


 /33 MG, nd – rough notes [on Peters’ manuscript?] (autogr.)


 /34 David Peters to MG, 25 Jan. 1949 – is in Barotseland with John Blunden; on difficulties in his camp; on his travels; intends to do a land usage survey on Tonga and Serenje lines; on Sianga helping him do village censuses; asks if MG thinks Sianga could combine work for both of them; on the villages where he would like a census; thinks Sianga is the only man who could help him; on MG enjoying Oxford; hopes to see him when he comes home on leave; on the drought; on printing the Serenje Report; thinks he is going to enjoy Barotseland; wishes the idea of a Research Department had come off; asks for a list for taking budgets. 6 pages (autogr.)


 /35 MG to David Peters, 24 Feb. – refers to his letter; should like Sianga to work with him; shall be content with genealogies in his sense of the word; on the drought; on the RLI possibly printing the Serenje report; sends budget lists which Phyllis Deane used; would like copies of his stuff as he does it; he and Mary are enjoying Oxford; he misses N.R., she does not; looks forward to seeing him (tpc.)


 /36 […?] to [David] Peters, 8 Apr. 1953 – sends his figures; gives more details (autogr. memorandum)


 /37 Ibid., notes headed ‘Areas in Square Miles’ (autogr.)


 /38 John Tenby[?] to David [Peters?], 11 Apr. 1953 – refers to Collin Rawlins[?]; gives approximate answers to his questions; on cattle population; on owners of the cattle (autogr.)


 /39 Mrs Lettsie Peters to MG, 18 Oct. [1954] – refers to MG’s letter [not held]; David is in hospital; gives details; the doctor thinks time is very short (autogr.)


MS 496


5/2/40  Ibid., 23 Oct. 1954 – on MG writing to David; on his condition; on visiting (autogr.)


 /41 Ibid., 1 Nov. – sends Mr Lynn’s address; will let him know if there is any change in David’s condition (autogr. pc)


 /42 MG to Mr C.W. Lynn, 3 Nov. – David Peters has told MG he is in England; hopes they might meet; has worked with members of his department; mentions Allan; on the question of the publication of David’s report of his work in Barotseland; gathers that it is only the conclusion and the final pulling together of the whole which remain to be done; offers to do anything he can to help; suggests that Allan might be asked to handle the agricultural part of the report (tpc.)


 /43 C.W. Lynn to MG, 9 Nov. – refers to MG’s letter of 3 Nov.; thinks it a splendid suggestion that he and Allan prepare Peters’ paper on Barotse for publication; he will go through the papers quickly and pass them to MG and Allan; hopes they can meet while he is on leave (autogr.)


 /44 MG to Billy [Allan] and Jean, 15 Nov. – on their visit; on the death of David [Peters]; encloses copy of a letter from Lynn and his reply; on Steward’s monograph (tpc.)


 /45 Ibid. to C.W. Lynn, ibid. – on David Peters’ manuscript; on his funeral; glad to hear that he is willing for MG and Allan to work on the manuscript; on Allan seeing it before he goes to Cyprus on 20 Nov.; on whether the report should be published through the NRG or as a Rhodes-Livingstone Institute paper; looks forward to seeing him; asks if he will give a talk (tpc.)


 /46 Ibid. to Billy Allan, 19 Nov. – on discussing David’s manuscript and his own work; on his being underpaid; the more firmly their work is based on the agricultural situation the better it will be; sends good wishes for Cyprus (tpc.)


 /47 Ibid. to C.W. Lynn, ibid. – on meeting him; on Allan; on what he thinks has to be written in to the manuscript; asks if he could write an introductory note as a tribute to David (tpc.)


 /48 C.W. Lynn to MG, 23 Nov. – refers to MG’s letters of 19 and 15 Nov.; on meeting with Allan; on Allan being released after a tour in Cyprus for work on peasant agriculture; is sending David Peters’ papers; on his report; publication would be preferable as an RI publication; on the politicians splitting away European from African agriculture in Northern Rhodesia; on MG writing an introductory note; is sending all the paper including maps; on Chapter 6 which is of particular interest to him (autogr.)


MS 496


5/2/49  Mrs Lettsie Peters to ibid., 26 Nov. 1954 – thanks him for letters, telegram and flowers; is glad that David’s survey will be published; on personal news (autogr.)


 /50 Carey to ibid., 21 Jan. 1955 – gives Colin Trapnell’s address; on MG’s secretary (autogr.)


 /51 Colin Trapnell to ibid., 9 Apr. – sorry not to reply to him sooner; on David Peters’ death; will do what he can to help with the manuscript; hopes the introduction will include some account of the valuable practical work which David accomplished in Barotse agriculture; on MG’s book on the Barotse; family news (autogr.)


 /52 MG to Colin Trapnell, 15 Apr. – on David’s death; has now got the manuscript typed; has not yet looked through it; hopes to post the manuscript around the third week of May; on the introduction; the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute will publish the paper; hopes to get it into press by mid-July (tpc.)


 /53 Carmel Margolis, Secretary to Prof. Gluckman, to Mr C. Lynn, 19 Apr. – MG has asked her to write about the Peters manuscript; the typing was not an easy task; Mr Trapnell is anxious that Peters’ practical work be mentioned in the introduction; MG hopes to post the manuscript to him around the third week of May; on the maps (tpc.)


 /54 C.W. Lynn to Carmel Margolis, 18 May – refers to her letter of 19 Apr.; had realised that Peters’ manuscript would need considerable editing before it would be suitable for publication; looks forward to seeing the corrected manuscript as soon as it is available; will return it as quickly as possible (tp.)


 /55 MG to Mrs Lettsie Peters, Mr C.W. Lynn, Mr W. Allan, Mr C.G. Trapnell, & Director, RLI, 8 Aug. – circular letter on the progress of David Peters’ manuscript; on the reasons for delay; makes some general comments; on the Tables; on Chapter VI; asks for comments (tp. with autogr. note)


 /56 Ibid., nd – on failing to find manuscript for Chapter VI; has now found this; it will be typed and posted; on maps; there is nothing in the report on David’s rice-growing experiments; asks if it would be worthwhile to print an account of these (autogr.)


 /57 Ibid. to C.W. Lynn, 11 Aug. – encloses the circular letter; refers to his letter of 23 Nov. 1954; explains why he has not replied sooner; has not yet tried to tidy up the whole report; glad that he agrees MG should write an introductory note; on vegetation soil methods; on Chapter VI; on meeting (tpc.)


MS 496


5/2/58  Mrs Lettsie Peters to MG, 27 Sept. 1955 – refers to his letter [not held]; refers to the circular letter; has moved house; on the new house; hopes he will visit; sorry he had so much trouble with David’s manuscript; on family news. 3 pages (autogr.)


 /59 C.W. Lynn to ibid., 26 Oct. – refers to MG’s letters of 10 & 11 Aug.; has found it difficult to get down to a study of David’s paper; thinks it unsuitable for publication in its present form; thinks it should be duplicated for local use and an Agricultural Officer could bring it up-to-date next year; MG may think the material sufficiently valuable to warrant its publication as a Rhodes-Livingstone paper; if this is so he will not object and will write a Foreword; has an account of rice growing experiments written by David’s successor Durocher Yvon (tp. with autogr. PS)


 /60 MG to C.W. Lynn, 14 Nov. – refers to his letter of 26 Oct.; expects to have to do a lot of work on the manuscript; on the main difficulty; thinks it an excellent idea to have it duplicated for local use; on an appendix on the rice growing experiments; does not yet despair of producing a report in a publishable form (tpc.)


 /61 Billy Allan, Cyprus, to MG, 14 Dec. – sorry that he has not written about David’s paper; explains why; on his wife having a narrow escape from terrorist bombs; on other bomb attacks; finds it difficult to decide the best thing to do with David’s paper; gives his opinion on it; thinks on balance that it would be best to publish the paper as it is, as an unfinished draft; has made notes on the typescript; will hold it unitl he hears what MG has decided; sends seasonal greetings. 4 pages (autogr.)


 /62 MG to Bill Allan, 23 Dec. – on the situation in Cyprus; thanks him for comments on David’s paper; outlines what he sees as the way forward with the manuscript; asks if this is his final tour; if so, asks if he is free to accept a fellowship; on the appointment of Fosbrooke as Director of the RLI (tpc.)


 /63 Ibid. to Mr Laurance, 26 Jan. 1956 – has come across a reference to his article on ‘Namushakende Development Centre’ in the Community Development Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 3 (June 1953); asks if he has a copy MG could have; refers to working over David Peters’ manuscript on Barotseland agriculture (tpc.) [see 5/2/73]


 .1  Note referring to ‘Namushakende Development Centre’ in the Community Development Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 3 (June 1953) (autogr.)


MS 496


5/2/64  Colin Trapnell to MG, 6 Feb. – has posted to him David’s manuscript with his comments; on personal matters; is glad he is getting it published; sad that David could not finish the Plains section; on his movements (autogr.)


 /65 MG to Colin Trapnell, 7 Feb. – thanks him for his comments on David’s manuscript; sorry it took so long to reach him; is glad he thinks it is worth trying to do something with it; encloses copies of letters from Bill Allan and Lynn; will work over the manuscript as soon as he can; on other work; on arranging a meeting (tpc.)


 /66 Colin Trapnell to MG, 29 Feb. – refers to MG’s letter of 7 Feb.; from Lynn’s comments it seems that some cutting down of David’s manuscript may be indicated; on narrowing down the field of the subject matter to the Central Plains region; on the section on improvement within the Plains area being lacking; the main field investigation in the Plains region is the core of the matter for publication purposes; on Jean’s nasty experience in Cyprus; the chances of him coming to Manchester are very slim. 3 pages (autogr.)


 /67 J.G. Lawrance to MG, 1 May – on MG trying to trace his address; is anxious to see the Peters Survey; on his role (tp.)


 /68 Colin Trapnell to ibid., 7 May – refers to MG’s letter of 8 Apr. [not held]; on failing to see him; on David’s manuscript; on taking out the section on the Plains account and publishing it separately; then sending him the residue and he will decide what is worth keeping as an appendix (autogr.; page[s] missing)


 /69 MG to Colin Trapnell[?], nd – is increasingly in favour of the idea of stripping David Peters’ manuscript down to the Central Plain material; makes some suggestions as to how they might proceed; hopes they can meet to discuss the problem (tpc.)


 /70 Ibid. to Mr J.G. Lawrance, 8 May – refers to his letter of 1 May; the Director of Agriculture has a copy of Peters’ manuscript; perhaps he could ask to see it then send his comments; will rewrite the survey then decide whether to publish it or not; on asking about the article on Namushakende development project (tpc.)


 /71 Ibid. to Colin Trapnell, 23 May – refers to his letter; on not meeting; will try to cut the manuscript down to the story of the Plain; on Trapnell going through the residue to see what could be made of it (tpc.)


MS 496


5/2/72  J.G. Lawrance to MG, 4 Aug. 1956 – refers to MG’s letter of 8 May; has written twice to the Director of Agriculture about the Peters survey; the Deputy Director promised him a copy by the end of Aug.; encloses the article which MG mentioned; also enclose an extract from the Namushakende Notebook; on the general situation now in Barotseland (tp.)


 /73 ‘Namushakende Development Centre’ in the Community Development Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 3 (June 1953), pp. 59-62. 4 pages (printed)


 /74 Extract from Namushakende Notebook on ‘Drainage Canals in Central Barotseland’. 3 pages (tp. with autogr. note)


 /75 MG to J.G. Lawrance, 5 Nov. – refers to his letter of 4 Aug.; he and William Allan have just completed looking over David Peters’ manuscript; a copy should have been sent to him; the conclusion is that it is impossible to get the manuscript into a state in which it may be printed; on reproducing the manuscript by cyclostyling or verityping; is anxious to have a report on the development of rice production by drainage works; asks if he could turn out some such report; on food production in the Barotse Plain (tpc.)


 /76 Mrs Lettsie Peters to MG, 11 Jan. 1960 – thanks him for sending the preface which he and Bill have written for David’s manuscript; he would be so pleased it is going to be published; she and her children are flourishing; it would be nice to see him (autogr.)


 /77 Ibid., 20 Nov. – kind of him to tell her that David’s manuscripts have been published; expects a copy will arrive soon from Rhodesia; on her family news; should love to see him (autogr.)


 /78 [MG] to Mrs Lettsie Peters, 25 Nov. – refers to her letter of 20 Nov.; on her being sent a copy of David’s paper; glad they are all well; on her job; on the difficulty of making personal arrangements; will see her soon (tpc.)


 /79 David [Peters] to Collin […?], nd – on some population figures; on the number of absentees (autogr. note)


 /80 Colin […?] to David [Peters], nd – on population figures (autogr. memorandum)


 /81 MG, nd – notes on ‘loose pages of notes we found, which seem partly to be drafts which have been drawn into the text’ (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /82 Notes, many headed ‘D.U. Peters MSS’ or ‘D.U.P.’ 20 leaves (autogr.)


 /83 Notes, headed ‘D.U. Peters’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


5/2/84  Notes headed ‘D.U. Peters File’. 5 pages (autogr.)


 /85 D.U. Peters, rough notes. 3 leaves (autogr.)


 /86 Map [of part of Northern Rhodesia?] (printed)


 /87 Davidson Silumesii Sianga, 26 July 1950 – ‘Report on my Survey Work with Mr. D.U. Peters at Namushakende 20th May, 1949-31st March, 1950’. 33 leaves (tp.)


 /3  Documents relating to Mau Mau, 1954


../1 Hardback notebook labelled ‘File on Mau Mau’ with newspaper cuttings pasted in, as follows: the Guardian, 19 Mar. 1954, ‘The Mau Mau Oaths’; ibid., ibid., MG, ‘The Mau Mau Rituals’; ibid., 10 May 1954, ‘Mau Mau’; ibid., ibid. Sir Philip Mitchell, ‘The Mau Mau Rituals’; ibid., 14 May, letter from Asa Briggs, ‘Mau Mau Rituals’; ibid., 3 June, letter from A.T. Culwick, ‘The Character of Mau Mau’. Loose leaves inserted as follows: MG, ‘Kenya’s Crisis’, review of ‘The Trial of Jomo Kenyatta’ by Montagu Slater (printed); the Listener, 10 Jan. 1957, review of ‘Bantu Bureaucracy: A Study in Integrations and Conflict in the political Institutions of an East African People’ by Lloyd A. Fallers (printed page, damaged); other autogr. notes in the notebook, mostly lists of books; a number of blank pages


  /2 Kenya Weekly News, 21 May 1954 – ‘The Causes of Mau Mau’. 2 leaves [one damaged] (newspaper cutting)


  /3 MG, ‘Mau Mau Rituals’, marked ‘For Manchester Guardian’, a version of the article as printed [see 5/3/1]. 8 leaves (tp.)


  /4 Ibid., ibid., another version. 11 leaves (tp.)


  /5 Ibid., ibid. 12 leaves (autogr. and tp. draft)


  /6 Patrick Monkhouse, Manchester Guardian, to MG, 11 Mar. 1954 – he and Wadsworth have talked over the proposed African religions and their perversions; the best thing would be one leader page article, supplemented if necessary by a leader; on the pros and cons of one or two leader page articles; returns the article ‘Religion and Magic in Modern Africa’ [see 5/3/20] and draft of BBC talk [cross ref. to Essays, Box 42]; suggests that the leader page article takes the Mau Mau oaths as its text; the books could receive a review (tp.)


MS 496


5/3/7   Ibid., 11 May 1954 – refers to MG’s letter of 10 May [not held]; on Mitchell’s point of fact; asks if it is true to say that the practices described in the appendix were normal in African religious practice; on a possible meeting between MG and Granville Roberts, the Kenya Government’s public relations man in London (tp.)


  /8 A.T. Culwick to ibid., 13 May – refers to meeting 20 years ago; has seen an account of the controversy between MG and Sir Philip Mitchell regarding the origins of Mau Mau; cannot agree that it is an anti-White rising by oppressed people; quotes from MG’s article; on the Kikuyu people; on the leaders of Mau Mau; gives his personal views as an anthropologist on the spot; on Jomo Kenyatta; feels that lack of background and inferiority complex lies at the bottom of the troubles; one has to delve deep into African psychology to realize where the trouble lies. 2 leaves (tp.)


  /9 Patrick Monkhouse to ibid., 24 May – refers to irate letter from Mitchell; refers to copy of letter from Culwick to MG: does not see that this invalidates what MG has said (tp.)


 /10 MG to Patrick Monkhouse, 25 May – refers to his letter of 24 May; on Mitchell; on Culwick’s letter; encloses copy of his reply; on Culwick’s final argument about digging deep into African psychology; feels that in compressing his own argument he overstated the case on modern disparities of the Kikuyu; refers to Humphrey’s report on the land situation; thinks he is right that they should centre on the anthropological issue (tpc.)


 /11 Ibid. to A.T. Culwick, ibid. – is sorry that he does not agree with MG’s interpretation; refers to Culwick’s quotation, which does not occur in his article; his phrasing was somewhat involved; the article arose out of a review of two books on African religion; does not think the Mau Mau can be studied as a movement in isolation; it has to be looked at in terms of the background; on the Kikuyu; on some of the leaders; on social conditions; puts forward his qualifications for tackling the problem (tp. with autogr. additions)


 /12 Lucy Mair to MG, 27 May – congratulates him on his interventions on the subject of Mau Mau; on an article in the Times on the Kikuyu; hopes a good many of the Times readers read the Guardian as well (autogr.)


 /13 Dr Leslie Sohn, the Cassel Hospital, to ibid., 28 May – refers to MG’s letter in the Manchester Guardian referring to an earlier paper; asks about the date of that paper (tp.)


MS 496


5/3/14  Patrick Monkhouse to ibid., ibid. – Hill, the Editor of the Kenya Weekly News, has sent a copy of the leader he has written on the MG-Mitchell controversy; he may be interested to see it [see 5/3/2] (tp.)


 /15 MG to Patrick Monkhouse, 1 June – has glanced at the editorial in the East African paper; is thinking of writing a reply; will submit it to him before he posts it (tpc.)


 /16 Merran McCulloch, Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, to MG, 29 June – asks whether the versions of his Mau Mau article in the Listener and the Manchester Guardian were the same; if not, asks that he send a copy of the Guardian article (tp.)


 /17 MG to Asa Briggs, 29 June – thanks him for the support he gave in the Guardian controversy with Sir Philip Mitchell [see 5/3/1]; by compressing an elaborate argument into the space allowed, he had perhaps not put his points very clearly; was valuable to have his independent [support]; hopes to call on him (tpc.)


 /18 E.H. Lane Poole to the Editor of East Africa and Rhodesia, ‘In Reply to Dr Gluckman – Mau Mau a Product of Pagan Africa’; refers to MG’s assertion that Mau Mau is a product of the colonisation of Africa, not of pagan Africa; submits that he is mistaken; on the initiatory ceremonies which can be paralleled by acts of the Bantu secret societies; refers to the attack by the Matabele on the Barotse; Mau Mau cannot be explained by attributing it to colonisation (tp. copy)


 /19 MG to the Editor, Manchester Guardian, nd – has delayed replying to Sir Philip Mitchell’s letter of 10 May [see 5/3/1] in case other letters on the subject were published; Sir Philip has misunderstood his analysis; recapitulates his argument. 6 leaves (tpc.)


 /20 MG, ‘Religion and Magic in Modern Africa’, review of ‘African Worlds: Studies in the Cosmological Ideas and Social Values of African Peoples’, ed. C.D. Forde, and ‘Nupe Religion’ by S.F. Nadel. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /21 Ibid., ‘Religion and Magic in Africa’, another review of ‘African Worlds: Studies in the Cosmological Ideas and Social Values of African Peoples’, ed. C.D. Forde, and ‘Nupe Religion’ by S.F. Nadel. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


MS 496

 5/4 East Africa Royal Commission, 1955


  /1 The Listener, 18 Aug. 1955 – ‘The Royal Commission on East Africa’ by Margery Perham. 5 pages (newspaper pages)


  /2 Times, 21 June 1955 – ‘E. African Tax Review Urged’ (newspaper cutting)


  /3 Eldred Hitchcock to Mary Benson, the Africa Bureau, 9 Aug. 1955 – refers to the letter in the Times of 21 June which gives a resumé of his views; no one will particularly like the Report; suspects that major opposition will come from the Administration; on the low number of Africans employed for wages in Tanganyika and Kenya; on the Report; makes other points. 2 leaves (tp. copy)


  /4 Arthur Gaitskell, text headed ‘Confidential – Notes on East African Report’. 7 leaves (tp.)


  /5 Eric D. Cleaver, ‘Barriers Down in East Africa? I – The Royal Commission’s Report’. 4 leaves (tp.)


  /6 Ibid., ‘Barriers Down in East Africa II – The Royal Commission’s Report’. 4 leaves (tp.)


  /7 Ethel Wix, the Africa Bureau, to MG, 1 May 1956 – a first draft of comments on the Royal Commission Report has been prepared; sends him it; explains the modifications which will be made in the second draft;  would be grateful for his comments (tp.)


  /8 ‘Working Party to prepare Survey on East Africa Commission’s Report – Action decided at Meeting on 9 October 1955’. 2 leaves (tp.)


  /9 ‘Working Party to prepare Survey on East Africa Commission’s Report – Notes of Points mentioned in Discussion at Meeting on 9 October 1955. 4 pages (tp.)


 /10 New Commonwealth, 3 Oct. 1955 – ‘Will East Africa’s “Revolution” Bog Down?’ by C.J.M. Alport, M.P. (magazine page)


 /11 P.J. Monkhouse, nd – ‘Memo. on the Report of the Royal Commission on East Africa’ (tp.)


 /12 ‘Extract from Letter dated 7 October 1955 from Mr Michael Blundell to Miss Benson’ (tp.)


 /13 ‘Report of the Royal Commission on Land and Population in East Africa’, copy of a memorandum by Sir Philip Mitchell. 15 pages (tp.)


MS 496


5/4/14  Sir Charles Dundas, ‘Comments on the Report of the Royal Commission on East Africa’. 4 leaves (tp.)


 /15 Dingle Foot & Colin Legum, nd – ‘Land Tenure’. 3 leaves (tp.)


 /16 ‘Reflections on the Report of the Royal Commission on East Africa’. 80 leaves (tp.)


 /5 RLI Applications for Field Work in Africa, 1956


  /1 11 Sept. 1956 – letter of application from Martin S. Allwood (tp. copy)


  /2 Curriculum Vitae for Martin S. Allwood (tp. copy)


  /3 List of publications of Martin S. Allwood. 2 leaves (tp. copy)


  /4 Gunnar Myrdal to H.A. Fosbrooke, 18 Oct. 1956 – reference for Martin S. Allwood (tp. copy)


  /5 Conrad M. Arensberg to ibid., 23 Oct. 1956 – ibid. (tp. copy)


  /6 24 Sept. 1956 – application from Arnold Seymour Pollock (tp. copy)


  /7 Arnold Seymour Pollock, outline of proposed research among the Ndau. 3 leaves (tp. copy)


  /8 29 Oct. 1956 – application from Robert Earle Popham. 3 leaves (tp. copy)


  /9 Robert E. Popham to H.A. Fosbrooke, 29 Oct. 1956 – letter of application. 2 leaves (tp. copy)


 /10 13 Oct. 1956 – application from Francis Anthony James Ianni. 2 leaves (tp. copy)


 /11 Maurice A. Mook to H.A. Fosbrooke, 6 Nov. 1956 – reference for Dr Ianni (tp. copy)


 /12 Walter E. Boek to ibid., ibid. (tp. copy)


 /13 5 July 1956 – application from Eric Stanley Gargett. 3 leaves (tp. copy)


 /14 O. Wagner to the Director, Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, 22 Oct. 1956 – reference for Eric S. Gargett (tp. copy)


 /15 W.J.P. Carr to H.A. Fosbrooke, 12 Oct. 1956 – ibid. (tp. copy)


MS 496


5/5/16  E. Gordon Ericksen to the Director, Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, 26 Aug. 1956 – on the invitation for applications for projects in the new programme of research in Central Africa; on his availability; asks for application papers; on the salary (tp. copy)


 /17 Ibid., brief Curriculum Vitae (tp. copy)


 /18 Ibid., 15 Sept. 1956 – refers to reply to his letter of 26 Aug.; on sending copies of his publications; on the question of salary; on housing; thanks him for the address of the American Consul (tp. copy)


 /19 15 Sept. 1956 – application from Ephraim Gordon Ericksen. 3 leaves (tp. copy)


 /20 Edward A. Tiryakian to the Director, Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, 15 Sept. 1956 – letter of application (tp. copy)


 /21 Ibid., Curriculum Vitae (tp. copy)


 /22 Doyle Kent Rice to Henry Fosbrooke, posted 30 Oct. 1956 – letter of application (tp. copy)


 /23 Ibid., Curriculum Vitae. 2 leaves (tp. copy)


 /24 Robert W. Janes to Henry Fosbrooke, 18 Dec. 1956 – reference for Doyle Kent Rice (tp. copy)


 /25 2 Oct. 1956 – application from David Roy Howell. 2 leaves (tp. copy)


 /26 Margaret Read to Henry Fosbrooke, 5 Jan. 1957 – extract from reference for D.R. Howell (tp. copy)


 /27 31 July 1956 – application from Raymond James Apthorpe. 2 leaves (tp. copy)


 /6  Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1957-58


  /1 Ralph W. Tyler, Director, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences to MG, 9 Feb. 1957 – on the conditions of his Fellowship (tp.)


  /2 Ibid., 6 Nov. – the Ford Foundation has announce a grant to continue the Center for at least 5 years beyond 1958-59; needs to reconfirm with each prospective Fellow his acceptance for the year beginning 15 Sept. 1958; asks if he can accept a fellowship (tp.)


MS 496


5/6/3   MG to Dr R. Tyler, 7 Nov. 1957 – is looking forward to his visit to Palo Alto; on forms required for obtaining a visa; asks for letter setting out the invitation definitely (tpc.)


  /4 Ibid. to Meyer Fortes, ibid. – on applying for a visa for Palo Alto; needs letters from two referees; asks if he will write such a letter to cover himself and his family (tpc.)


  /5 Ibid. to Prof. Ely Devons, ibid. – on applying for a visa for Palo Alto; needs letters from two referees; asks if he will write such a letter to cover himself and his family (tpc.)


  /6 Ibid. to Prof. G.C. Homans, 8 Nov. – on listening to him give a radio broadcast; on visas, which are not going to go straight through; asks if he, Walter Gellhorn and Margaret Mead would be prepared to sponsor his application; on finding a young anthropologist for an Assistant Professorship; mentions Epstein (tpc.)


  /7 Ibid. to Dr R. Tyler, 11 Nov. – refers to his letter of 6 Nov.; is delighted that the Ford Foundation will continue the Center for another five years; assumes he will come this year; has begun trying for a visa; explains why this is not straightforward; anything he could do to help would be welcome (tpc.)


  /8 Ibid. to Meyer Fortes, 12 Nov. – refers to his letter of 9 Nov. [not held]; is glad he will support the visa application; may ask the Consul to write to George, Margaret Mead and Walter Gellhorn, to vouch for him; on Fortes coming to see him on the way home from Glasgow (tpc.)


  /9 George C. Homans to MG, 19 Nov. – on the appointment in his department; Evans-Pritchard suggested John Middleton; asks what MG thinks of him; on looking for a school for his daughters in California; Ed Shils says he will speak a word for MG to a ‘big-shot’ he knows in the State Department (tp. with autogr. additions)


 /10 Ralph W. Tyler to ibid., 20 Nov. – pleased that he plans to accept a fellowship; tells him what information he must send in order to complete the form for a visa (tp.)


 /11 MG to Dr Ralph W. Tyler, 26 Nov. – sends details of his date of birth and nationality (tpc.)


 /12 Ibid. to Prof. Ed Shils, ibid. – on his difficulty in getting a visa; on the Americans who will speak for him; asks if he might mention his name to the American consul; on the black marks on their record (tpc.)


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5/6/13  Ralph W. Tyler to MG, 9 Dec. 1957 – happy that he is able to accept the fellowship; shall be sending him a housing questionnaire; on the financial arrangements; will send him a list of the other fellows (tp. copy)


 /14 MG to Dr R. Tyler, 18 Dec. – thanks him for letter and form; has some queries about covering the cost of transporting his notes and books; has a query about income tax; is looking forward to coming (tpc.)


 /15 Ibid. to Prof. G.C. Homans, 15 Jan. 1958 – has had a preliminary interview with the American Vice-Consul and is feeling hopeful about the visas (tpc.)


 /16 Ibid. to Dr Alan Ford, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State, ibid. – has had a preliminary interview with the American Vice-Consul and is feeling hopeful about the visas (tpc.)


 /17 Ibid. to Dr R.W. Tyler, 5 Feb. – refers to his letter of 29 Jan. [not held]; is grateful for the clear way in which he has set out the position; on his son being admitted to Stanford University; things are well in train regarding visas (tpc.)


 /18 Ibid., 24 Feb. – is grateful for the trouble he is taking; returns the circular about housing; asks about medical care; discusses transportation of his books and notes; on purchasing household objects; asks about golf courses (tp. with autogr. additions)


 /19 Ibid., ibid. – sends some notes on the education in Palo Alto of his three sons (tpc.)


 /20 Thos. Cook & Son, Ltd., to MG, 1 Mar. 1958 – if he advises as to number and size of packages which will be involved, will be able to give an estimate for shipment to San Francisco (tp.)


 /21 MG to […?], 21 Mar. – refers to his application for visas for himself and his family; asks for an answer fairly soon (tp. with autogr. additions)


 /22 Ibid. to Dr John Ford, ibid. – on delay about his applications for visas; lodged his application some time ago; should be grateful if he could do something to expedite the matter (tpc.)


 /23 Alan W. Ford to MG, 24 Mar. – has made enquiries about the status of his visa application; there is nothing further he can do; cannot predict the outcome; if the opinion recommend that a visa not be issued, outlines what MG should do; hopes the letter is not too discouraging (tp.)


NS 496


5/6/24  Thos. Cook & Son, Ltd., to MG, 25 Mar. 1958 – gives estimate of costs of transporting fifteen cases of technical books to San Francisco (tp. with autogr. PS)


 /25 Ralph W. Tyler to all Fellows, 2 Apr. – on the usefulness of each Fellow providing an inventory of their professional interests, to be distributed to prospective colleagues; gives an outline of the information required; encloses some sample inventories; encloses list of 1958-59 Fellows. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /26 31 Mar. – list of 1958-59 Fellows. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /27 Sample inventory for John Bowlby. 4 leaves (tp.)


 /28 Ibid. for Crane Brinton. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /29 Ibid. for John A. Clausen. 3 leaves (tp.)


 /30 Ibid. for Charles Wagley. 3 leaves (tp.)


 /31 Ralph W. Tyler to 1958-59 Fellows, 3 Apr. – last autumn a bulletin was prepared to answer the queries of Fellows; the following information taken in part from the bulletin might be of use; on library facilities; on the duplicating service; on secretaries; on supplies and equipment; on research assistants; on work space for visiting associates; etc. 9 leaves (tp.)


 /32 Form to be used for paying a Fellow[?] (tp.)


 /33 MG, inventory of professional interests (tp.)


 /34 Jan. 1958 – ‘The Palo Alto Story’ (printed brochure)


 /35 MG to Thos. Cook & Son Ltd, 2 Apr. – thanks them for quotation; on the face value of the books (tp.)


 /36 Thos. Cook & Son Ltd. to MG, 3 Apr. – acknowledge receipt of MG’s letter of 2 Apr.; the quotation given on 25 Mar. will be correct (tp.)


 /37 MG to Prof. G.C. Homans, ibid. – is still waiting for a verdict about his visa; he wrote to an American lawyer about it; encloses copy of his reply; asks his advice about what to do if the visa is refused; is dead keen to go to Palo Alto (tpc.)


 /38 George C. Homans to MG, 10 Apr. – refers to MG’s letter of 3 Apr.; answers his questions as to what to do if the visa is refused; does hope he and Mary can come; names some of the other people who are going to be there (tp.)


 /39 MG to Prof. G.C. Homans, 14 Apr. – refers to his letter of 10 Apr.; is grateful to him; there is no news; is writing to Tyler (tpc.)


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5/6/40  Jane A. Kielsmeier, Assistant to the Director, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, to MG, 16 Apr. – will answer his points in the order in which he mentioned them; on medical care; on schools and transportation; on the shipment of his books; on a house. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /41 Secretary to MG to Mrs Kielsmeier, 23 Apr. – MG is ill with flu; thanks her for her letter; is writing now in case there is a long delay before MG writes (tpc.)


 /42 MG to Dr Alan Ford, 28 Apr. – the Vice-Consul had heard nothing about the visas; would try to hurry them up; has been ill (tpc.)


 /43 Melville J. Herskovits to MG, 6 May – acknowledges MG’s letter of 28 Apr.; asks him to let him know when (if) he wants him to act (tp.)


 /44 Margaret Mead to ibid., 9 May – would be prepared to appeal on his behalf; suggests he send a short briefing letter to each of them who will make the appeal (tp.)


 /45 William O. Brown to MG, ibid. – refers to MG’s letter of 29 Apr.; if an appeal is needed he will write a strong letter; does hope the situation clears up (tp.)


 /46 Ralph W. Tyler to ibid., 13 May – is asking his attorney to make inquiry at the State Department (tp.)


 /47 Ibid., 15 May – asks for the name of his friend in Washington (telegram)


 /48 Flyer about the Blue Cross Plan, medical insurance, for employees of the Center (printed)


 /49 Ralph W. Tyler to 1958-59 Fellows, 15 May – on the Blue Cross plan for prepaid medical and hospital care. 5 leaves (tp.)


 /50 MG to Ralph W. Tyler, 19 May – thanks him for letter and cable; is sorry for delay in replying; hesitated to give Dr Ford’s name before consulting him; should be grateful for a decision one way or the other as he and his wife are becoming anxious about schools and housing etc. (tpc.)


 /51 Ibid. to Dr Alan Ford, ibid. – after some hesitation he gave the Center at Palo Alto his name and address; explains the circumstances; thanks him for sympathy and help; the delay is making things awkward for him and his family; he has also been ill (tpc.)


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5/6/52  Arthur Schiller to MG, 21 May 1958 – learned that he had been invited to Palo Alto; congratulates him; asks if he would like to stay on his way through New York; on an African Studies Association; saw his own reviews in the R-L Journal; would like offprints if possible (tp.)


 /53 Ed [Shils] to ibid., 26 May – spoke to his friend Donovan in the State Department; he will check to see what has happened since his last enquiry; at that time he had a favourable impression (autogr.)


 /54 Walter Gellhorn to ibid., 27 May – refers to MG’s letter of 9 May; of course he will write to the Secretary of State on MG’s behalf; asks him to let him know when he wants him to do so (tp.)


 /55 George C. Homans to ibid., ibid. – asks for news on the visa; has not heard from him for some time; on his address for the summer; on Ely going to the LSE (autogr.)


 /56 Alan Ford to ibid., 30 May – he had no objection to his name being used; nor have his efforts to get information about MG’s visa been successful; will try again next week; is resigning from the State Department at the end of June (autogr.)


 /57 MG to Prof. A. Schiller, 2 June – refers to his letter of 21 May; thanks him for congratulations and for invitation to stay; on the problems with the visas; is sorry that he has not yet got his reprints (tpc.)


 /58 Ibid. to the Vice-Chancellor, 3 June – thanks him for assisting in getting next year off for reading, research and records, and writing; mentions going to London or Rome; Shils has taken up his visa; if he does not go to the States thought he would go to Rome but also work in London (tpc.)


 /59 Ibid. to Prof. E. Shils, ibid. – refers to his letter of 26 May about the visa; it is now five months since he applied and he has not been able to make any arrangements; on losing economics professors; other news (tpc.)


 /60 Ibid. to Dr A. Ford, ibid. – thanks him for not objecting to MG giving his name to the Ford Foundation; is interested to hear that he is leaving the State Department; if they come to Palo Alto shall look forward to meeting him in Los Angeles (tpc.)


 /61 Wanda Dee to MG, ibid. – on taking a house for him; makes some suggestions about how to speed up the issuing of a visa; on places to go when he gets to California; refers to a paper full of clothing and grocery ads (tp.)


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5/6/62  [MG] to Walter Gellhorn, 4 June 1958 – refers to his letter of 27 May; is still waiting for news of the visa; on tentative plans to go to London or Rome instead (tpc.)


 /63 A.V. Symmons, Treasurer, University of Manchester, to MG, 12 June – refers to MG’s letter of 3 June; the arrangements which he suggests seem quite reasonable; spells these out (tp.)


 /64 Wanda [Dee] to ibid., 16 June – on the visa; on the house; on the weather and the way of life; asks him to let her know as soon as he gets the visa (tp.)


 /65 MG to Mr Symmons, ibid. – refers to his letter of 12 June; appreciates the generosity of the University; there is still no news of his visa (tpc.)


 /66 Ibid. to Dr R. Tyler, 23 June – the position about the visas is getting desperate; if he is not going to America is thinking of London or Rome which means house hunting and finding schools; he telephoned the Consul; hopes this has not hurried the State Department into an adverse decision; thanks him (tpc.)


 /67 Ibid. to Wanda Dee, ibid. – thanks her for two letters; is delighted to get more optimistic news about the visas; on his health; has not been able to do anything about passages; asks for suggestions about the route (tpc.)


 /68 Thos. Cook & Son Ltd. to MG, ibid. – should be obliged by his confirmation that he still requires shipping space later in the year (tp.)


 /69 MG to Prof. Schiller, ibid. – has not heard about visas so is not sure how they will travel; would like to stay with him; it will be around 22 Aug. if they do come (tpc.)


 /70 Ibid. to Dr R. Tyler, 25 June – thanks him for telegram; does not feel he can come without his wife and younger sons; does not wish to be away from his children; it would be very hard on his wife to leave her while he goes away to do research; if his wife is refused a visa and he is granted one, asks if it would be possible to appeal on her behalf; he is anxious to come to work at the Center; is filling up the papers about the Blue Cross plan (tpc.)


 /71 Ibid. to Prof. W. Brown, Prof. W. Gellhorn, Prof. M. Herskovits, Prof. G. Homans, Dr M. Mead & Prof. E. Shils, 27 June – has received a telegram saying that he and the children would get visas but not Mary; the Center has offered to pay him enough to run two homes; he cannot come without her; the Vice Consul is going to interview her; he is increasingly keen on going to Palo Alto; gives the reasons why (tpc.)


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5/6/72  Ibid. to Dr R. Tyler, 27 June 1958 – is deeply grateful for all the trouble he has taken; explains why he cannot come without Mary; hopes this does not mean they cannot come at all; on his plans if he is unable to come to the States (tpc.)


 /73 Ibid. to Wanda Dee, 30 June – thanks her for taking trouble over the house; on the state of play with the Consul; on the house; on practical considerations (tpc.)


 /74 Ibid. to Mr Symmons, ibid. – the decision about visas should be taken in the next 10 days; has written to the Vice-Chancellor about it (tpc.)


 /75 Ibid. to the Vice-Chancellor, ibid. – has now heard that a visa has been granted to him but not to his wife; did not feel he could go without her; the Vice-Consul agreed to interview Mary to see if he can recommend reconsideration; has decided to accept the leave granted and go away for the year; has decided to settle the family in London; will also work in archives in Paris and Rome (tp.)


 /76 W. Mansfield Cooper, Vice-Chancellor, to MG, 1 July – refers to his two letters; hopes Mrs Gluckman gets a visa; asks him to keep him informed (tp.)


 /77 William O. Brown to ibid., 7 July – refers to MG’s letter of 27 June; he will be glad to do what MG suggests; he can count on him to do everything possible (tp.)


 /78 MG to Mr A.V. Symmons, 13 July – has had to call off his plans to go to America; his wife’s visa had not been granted or refused; he had to settle the problems of housing and schooling; is going to London; hopes he will thank Council for their generosity (tpc.)


 /79 Ibid. to the Vice-Chancellor, ibid. – writes about his leave; describes the situation with the visas; time is running short for moving the whole family; has taken a house in London; does not think his staff will bother him; London is better for his research; however he is disappointed (tpc.)


 /80 Melville J. Herskovits to MG, 14 July – sorry to learn of difficulties; the decision is ridiculous; shall be glad to support any appeal on Mary’s behalf (tp.)


MS 496


5/6/81  MG to Dr R. Tyler, 14 July 1958 – still has no news from the Consul about his wife’s visa; is now pretty well committed to London; on renting a house there; on schools for his sons; it will not be possible for him to come to the Center; on his disappointment; the delay in deciding on his visa meant that someone else could have accepted the Fellowship; is not withdrawing his application for reconsideration of his wife’s position; this might help in the future; appreciates all that he did (tpc.)


 /82 Ralph W. Tyler to MG, 15 July – is making representation for MG’s wife’s visa as soon as the report from the Vice-Consul arrives (telegram)


 /83 W. Mansfield Cooper to ibid., ibid. – is grateful to be kept informed; has doubts whether London will provide the proper therapeutic influence (tp.)


 /84 A.V. Symmons to ibid., 18 July – refers to his letter of 13 July; notes he will be going to London; on his salary (tp.)


 /85 William O. Brown to ibid., 19 July – refers to his letter of 16 July [not held] and copy of letter to Tyler; is sorry about the situation; hopes his year in London will in part compensate (tp.)


 /86 Ralph W. Tyler to ibid., 21 July – sorry to learn that he is staying in England; it will be a great disappointment; asks if he could come after Christmas instead; is pushing ahead to get action on his wife’s visa (tp.)


 /87 MG to Dr R. Tyler, ibid. – refers to his telegram; hopes he will continue to lend support even if the delay makes it impossible for him to come; would like to clear the matter up in case he ever gets the chance of going to America (tpc.)


 /88 Margaret Mead to MG, ibid. – can see how the waiting was too difficult; is very sorry about all this but not apologetic; on the ex-communists in America; regrets that the Gluckman family are not coming next year; asks him to let her know if Mary’s visa comes through; mentions Louis Miller and Cathy (tp.)


 /89 Wanda Dee to ibid., ibid. – swears; refers to America’s immigrations department as the ‘most miserable batch of bureaucrats’; is so disappointed that they are not coming; relinquished the house; hopes he can come another year; is sure he will have a busy year in London (tp.)


MS 496


5/6/90  MG to Dr R.W. Tyler, 28 July 1958 – thanks him for letter in which he suggests MG come next year for a shorter period; asks if he can think about it; has only just moved house; his wife is exhausted; cannot discuss coming to Palo Alto with her while the question of her visa is still uncertain (tpc.)


 /91 Ibid., 8 Aug. – can now reply to his letter of 21 July; has not had any information about his wife’s visa; he will not be able to come this year; explains why he cannot consider moving in the near future; he cannot disturb the children; repeats how eager he was to get to Palo Alto; mentions the people who would have been there; repeats his appreciation for all that Tyler did for him (tpc.)


 /92 Daily Palo Alto Times, 8 Apr. 1958 – small advertisements for second-hand cars. 2 leaves (newspaper cuttings)


 /93 Ibid., ibid. – advertisements for food and household products. 2 leaves (newspaper cuttings)


 /94 Map of Palo Alto (printed)


 /7  Law Seminar, Addis Ababa, 1966


The correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name, then chronologically within each alphabetical section


  /1 A.N. Allott to Prof. Daryll Forde, International African Institute, 26 Nov. 1964 – refers to his letter of 17 Nov. [not held]; is glad that the plans for an International African Seminar on law have matured; delighted that MG will be taking the Chair; on the list of topics for the seminar; on the language of the proceedings; on people who might be invited to participate (photocopy)


  /2 MG to Prof. A.N. Allott, 11 Dec. – refers to his letter to Prof. Forde; knows the field proposed is large; on people who might be invited to participate; on the problem of language (tpc.)


  /3 Copy of letter from G. D’Arboussier to H. Deschamps, passed to D.F. [Daryll Forde?], 21 Dec. – accepts invitation to take part in the seminar in Jan. 1966; on the Secretariat of O.N.U.; has begun writing (photocopy, in French)


  /4 MG to His Excellency M. G. D’Arboussier, Assemblée Nationale du Sénégal, 10 Feb. 1965 – refers to his letter to M. Deschamps; is delighted that he will accept the invitation; enjoyed meeting him in California; on his rejoining the Secretariat at the United Nations (tp.)


MS 496


5/7/5   Gabriel d’Arboussier to MG, 20 Feb. 1965 – on the seminar; on meeting in California; on his participation in the Secretariat of the United Nations; on going to New York (tp., in French)


  /6 MG to Gabriel d’Arboussier, 8 Mar. – is delighted that even if he goes to the United Nations, he should be able to attend the seminar; on the post to which he is likely to go (tpc.)


  /7 Registration form[?] for Prof. A.N. Allott for the Seminar (tp.)


  /8 [Prof. Daryll Forde], Director, to M. G. d’Arboussier, 1 Apr. – is happy that he is interested in the Seminar in Addis Ababa; attaches an announcement about the programme [not held]; given his responsibilities at the United Nations, realises that he might not be able to participate in the preparatory work; asks if he could attend as an observer; his contribution to discussions would be much appreciated (tpc., in French)


  /9 Ibid. to Prof. J.D. Anderson, 26 Apr. – asks about Miss Krishna Ahooja; Prof. Richard Pankhurst has suggested that she might be a useful participant in the seminar in Addis Ababa; encloses announcement about the scope of the seminar (tpc.)


 /10 Ibid. to Prof. Richard Pankhurst, Director, Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Haile Sellassie I University, Addis Ababa, 26 Apr. – refers to his letter of 13 Apr. [not held]; asks for information about Miss Krishna Ahooja and her work (tpc.)


 /11 MG to Prof. R. Apthorpe, 7 May – explains why he is unable to invite him as a participant in the seminar; hopes he will attend as an observer at his own expense; Miss Margaret Young will be sending him a copy of the general statement on the seminar; mentions Eilam (tpc.)


 /12 Prof. Raymond Apthorpe to Prof. Daryll Forde, 17 May – looks forward to coming to Addis Ababa as an observer (tp. copy)


 /13 Prof. Daryll Forde to Mr Natale Olwak Akolawia, 19 May – is sorry to learn that he does not have research material completed relevant to the subject of the seminar; can only offer participation with provision of transportation to those who have done research within the subject of the seminar and who can offer a paper in advance; should he be free, he could attend as an observer (tpc.)


 /14 Prof. Raymond Apthorpe to MG, 21 May – mentions the interest of Prof. Fallers in the seminar (tp.)


MS 496


5/7/15  MG to Prof. Raymond Apthorpe, 27 May 1965 – refers to his letter about Prof. Fallers (tpc.)


 /16 Prof. Raymond Apthorpe to MG, 8 June – has found half his passage money to Addis so can confirm he is coming (tp.)


 /17 Tony Allott to ibid., 5 July – on the paper he is going to contribute to the seminar (tp.)


 /18 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Raymond Apthorpe, 6 July – is pleased that he has got assistance with travel costs; copies of the papers will be sent to him in due course (tpc.)


 /19 MG to ibid., 15 July – Dr Mazrui will not be able to come to the seminar; therefore he can invite him [Prof. Apthorpe] to contribute a paper; is pleased to have this contribution (tpc.)


 /20 Ibid. to Prof. A.N. Allott, 15 July – refers to his letter of 5 July; on what he had hoped for from the papers at the seminar; on Allott’s title (tpc.)


 /21 Registration form[?] for Prof. Raymond Apthorpe for the Seminar (tp.)


 /22 Tony Allott to MG, 20 July – encloses text of his paper for Addis Ababa; on the paper (tp.)


 /23 Prof. Raymond Apthorpe to Prof. Daryll Forde, 23 July – thanks him for the invitation; it puts him in a difficult position; the seminar clashes with the East African Institute of Social Research Annual Conference; asks if he could attend the IAI seminar just for the last five days (tp.)


 /24 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Raymond Apthorpe, July – refers to his note concerning Prof. Harvey; on inviting him as an observer to the seminar; suggests he write to him (photocopy)


 /25 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde 9 Aug. – refers to Apthorpe’s letter of 23 July; seems best to let him return to status of observer; on the principle that people should attend for the whole course of the seminars (tpc.)


 /26 Ibid. to Prof. A.N. Allott, ibid. – thanks him for the text of his paper; shall be writing about it soon; it falls within the scope of what was asked (tpc.)


 /27 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Raymond Apthorpe, 10 Aug. – is sorry that another engagement has taken priority over his coming to Addis Ababa; hopes he can come for some of the time; on arrangements (tpc.)


MS 496


5/7/28  [MG] to Prof. A.N. Allott, 21 Aug. 1965 – is working through the papers for the Addis seminar; has enjoyed his paper; makes a number of specific points about the paper (tpc.)


 /29 Prof. Raymond Apthorpe to Prof. Daryll Forde, 27 Aug. – refers to his letter of 10 Aug.; will not write a paper but will hope to contribute to discussions (tp. copy)


 /30 Michel Alliot to MG, 13 Sept. – H. Deschamps has not received a letter from Prof. Forde about his participation in the seminar; to save time he sends a biographical notice; it is difficult to suggest a paper without knowing the themes; asks if he [MG] could send a list of themes (tp., in French)


 /31 Biographical notice of Michel Alliot. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /32 MG to Prof. M. Alliot, 20 Sept. – delighted that he can come to Addis Ababa; encloses a copy of the document which sets out the forms he hopes will be covered at the meeting; asks for his article by the middle of Nov.; on length; gives format for footnotes and bibliography; regrets that the invitation was so late in reaching him. 2 leaves (tpc.)


 /33 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – encloses letter from Alliot; asks that he send him the necessary documents (tpc.)


 /34 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. M. Alliot, 1 Oct. – glad that it is likely that he can participate in the seminar; is sorry for the delays in sending him particulars of the seminar plan; hopes he can offer a contribution (tpc.)


 /35 Registration form[?] for Prof. M. Alliot for the Seminar (tp.)


 /36 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Raymond Apthorpe, 6 Oct. – refers to his letter of 27 Aug.; confirms that he will be coming for some part of the seminar; on accommodation (tpc.)


 /37 Tony Allott to MG, 8 Oct. – returns the manuscript of ‘Legal Personality’; has accepted the majority of MG’s suggestions; encloses handwritten comments; responds to some particular points (tp. with autogr. PS)


 /38 Notes on ‘Legal Personality’. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /39 A.N. Allott to MG, 13 Oct. – has checked a reference with Schapera (tp.)


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5/7/40  [MG] to Prof. A.N. Allott, 20 Oct. 1965 – thanks him for cordial reaction to MG’s suggestions on his manuscript; refers to specific points; returns typed copy of his handwritten sheet; refers to his Inaugural Lecture. 2 leaves (tpc.)


 /41 Prof. Daryll Forde to M. le Vice-Gouverneur Général A. Moeller de Laddersous, 21 Dec. – refers to copy of letter sent to Prof. Alliot [not held]; on the background to Prof. Alliot’s invitation; Prof. Alliot did not express a wish to be included until 29 Oct.; papers were already being circulated; Prof. Alliot is ‘furious’ that he is not being considered as a full participant; he [Forde] feels himself bound by conditions laid down for participation in the seminar; M. Alliot would be most welcome as an observer; his accommodation costs could be met; trusts he will feel he has acted correctly. 2 leaves (tpc.)


 /42 Michel Alliot to Prof. Daryll Forde, 22 Dec. – on his invitation to the seminar and the subsequent cancellation of the invitation; on travel plans which he had changed to attend the seminar[?] (photocopy, in French)


 /43 Prof. Daryll Forde to M. Alliot, 24 Dec. – summarises the situation regarding M. Alliot’s invitation; regrets that he will not have the pleasure of his company; as administrative director of the IAI he had to follow the arranged conditions (tpc.)


 /44 Sir George to Daryll Forde, 29 Dec. – he is right about Alliot; MG is entitled to be furious about it; supports the line he has taken (tp. copy)


 /45 MG to Prof. A.N. Allott, 18 July [1966?] – is checking and editing the essays; has some queries about his; remembers the ‘whole show’ with warmth (tp. with autogr. PS)


 /46 Tony Allott to MG, 21 Nov. – refers to his letter about the introduction; has been trying to produce a draft introduction as well; it is not yet complete (tp.)


 /47 MG to Tony Allott, 14 Dec. – refers to his letter of 21 Nov.; is delighted to hear that he has been working on his draft introduction; Forde has been pressing him to get the book complete (tpc.)


 /48 Ibid., 13 Feb. 1967 – was cheered to feel that he and Epstein have started on the job; is now certain they can do one introduction (tpc.)


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5/7/49  MG to Prof. A.N. Allott & Dr A.L. Epstein, 4 July 1967 – apologises for the delay in finishing the draft introduction to the law volume; mentions the Middle East crisis; on his wife’s health; on moving to California; on other reasons for delay. 2 leaves (tpc.)


 /50 Registration form[?] for Prof. P. Bohannan for the Seminar (tp.)


 /51 M. Young, Secretary to Prof. Forde, to Prof. Paul Bohannan, 27 Aug. 1965 – Prof. Forde has gone to Scandinavia; is sure Prof. Forde will be disappointed to learn that he feels unable to come to the Seminar; [to MG:] has not commented on Prof. Bohannan’s suggestion for Gibbs (tp.)


 /52 Kwamena Bentsi-Enchill to MG, 18 Feb. 1966 – was sad not to attend the seminar; would like to know MG’s reactions to the paper he sent him; is coming to London; would like to visit Manchester if possible (tp.)


 /53 MG to Mr Kwamena Bentsi Enchill, 28 Feb. – refers to his letter of 18 Feb.; read his paper with great interest; on discussion of land tenure at Addis Ababa; shall not be able to reproduce his paper in the series but hopes to refer to it in writing the introduction; on meeting him in England (tpc.)


 /54 James S. Coleman to Prof. Daryll Forde, 14 Dec. 1964 – refers to his letter of 17 Nov. [not held]; on the seminar; suggests that M.G. Smith and Paul Bohannan should attend; on these two; also suggests Carol Brewster, Prof. James Paul and Prof. Harvey. 2 leaves (photocopy)


 /55 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. James Coleman, 21 Dec. – thanks him for the useful suggestions; the emphasis shall be on the legal field and procedures at the community level; the number of jurists who can be included will be limited; has written Dean Paul; Mr Justice Ollennu has been suggested; has not heard from either Bohannan or Mike Smith (tpc.)


 /56 Ibid. to Mr S. Chojnacki, 24 May 1965 – mentions the seminar; understands from Prof. Pankhurst that he might like to attend as an observer; sends copy of the announcement which gives an indication of the scope and the arrangements (tpc.)


 /57 Ibid. to Prof. James Coleman, 12 Aug. – on the seminar; he and MG thought he might be free to come to the seminar; can meet accommodation costs; asks if he could prepare a paper to be cyclostyled in Oct. (tpc.)


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5/7/58  Prof. James Coleman to Prof. Daryll Forde & MG, 22 Aug. 1965 – refers to letter of 12 Aug.; will be unable to submit a paper but will attend as an observer; looks forward to seeing them (tp. with autogr. note)


 /59 Secretary to Prof. Forde to Prof. James S. Coleman, 26 Aug. – Prof. Forde is away but will be pleased to learn that he can attend the seminar as an observer; MG will be sending the copies of papers in due course (tpc.)


 /60 MG to ibid., 27 Aug. – refers to his letter; delighted to hear that he will be at Addis Ababa; is working through the papers and thinks something new will be produced (tpc.)


 /61 James S. Coleman to Prof. Daryll Forde, 5 Dec. – is disappointed to tell him that he cannot attend the seminar; it clashes with the EAISR conference which he must attend; thanks him for inviting him (tp. with autogr. note to MG)


 /62 Charles L. Black to MG, 13 Jan. 1965 – on Mr Deng (tp.)


 /63 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 21 Jan. – encloses letter from Charles Black about a Dinka called Deng whom Allott suggested; it does not sound as if he is suitable (tpc.)


 /64 Ibid., to Prof. A.N. Allott, ibid. – has written to a colleague at Yale about Deng; the reply suggests he is not quite at the right level (photocopy)


 /65 H. Deschamps to Prof. Daryll Forde, 20 Feb. – will be present at the seminar; will give a paper on Malagasy law (tp., in French)


 /66 MG to M. le Gouverneur H. Deschamps, 24 Feb. – delighted that he is coming to Addis Ababa; looks forward to hearing what field of Malagasy law he will be covering (tpc.)


 /67 H. Deschamps to MG, 14 Mar. – looks forward to seeing him in Addis Ababa; describes what his paper will be about[?]; asks about Poirier (autogr., in French) [hard to read]


 /68 ‘Coutumes et Codes a Madagascar’ by Hubert Deschamps (tp., in French with autogr. note in English)


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5/7/69  MG to M. H. Deschamps, 24 Mar. 1965 – is delighted that he is coming to Addis Ababa; is concerned lest he is covering too much ground in his essay; on the length of the essays; will ask Daryll Forde to write to him about Poirier; his memory is that they made a preliminary approach to him; does not seem to have had a reply (tpc.)


 /70 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – had a letter from Deschamps which was illegible for him; he wants to cover a whole empire; encloses copy of his reply; on Poirier; thought they had agreed to invite him but has nothing in the files; encloses the original of his letter to Deschamps (tpc.)


 /71 Registration form[?] for M. le Gouverneur H. Deschamps for the Seminar (tp.)


 /72 MG to M. le Gouverneur H. Deschamps, 14 May – Daryll Forde has sent him the draft of the paper which he proposed to give in Addis Ababa; has the feeling that he is trying to cover too much in the available space; asks if he could select a more specific topic and deal with it in greater detail; should be grateful for his reaction (tpc.)


 /73 Hubert Deschamps to Prof. Daryll Forde, 29 June – asks which French members have been invited to the seminar; was surprised to learn that M. Alliot had not been invited as he had suggested his name; French colleagues believe that he himself is the representative of the IAI and will complain to him[?] (photocopy, in French)


 /74 Prof. Daryll Forde to M. le Gouverneur H. Deschamps, 5 July – refers to his letter of 29 June; encloses list of prospective participants; suggestions for participation have been heavy; Prof. Alliot has not been invited but this is the first time he has mentioned his name; previously he [Deschamps] recommended Poirier and d’Arboussier; had not heard that Alliot was engaged on customary law research in Africa; MG had asked for papers to be sent in by the middle of the month; Prof. Alliot would be welcome as an observer (tpc.)


 /75 Ibid. to MG, ibid. – on Deschamps’ request; asks about current research by Alliot; assumes he would be agreeable to him as an observer (tp.)


 /76 Secretary to Prof. Forde to H. Deschamps, 14 July – Prof. Forde thanks him for the paper for the Addis Ababa seminar; asks for a summary; mentions the Tchad volume (tpc.)


 /77 M. Young to MG, 21 July – encloses the paper received from Prof. Deschamps and the summary which she has typed out (tp.)


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5/7/78  MG to Miss Young, 5 Aug. – refers to her letter; is grateful to her for typing the summary; asks if she has a second copy of the paper (tpc.)


 /79 Ibid. to M. le Gouverneur H. Deschamps, 17 Aug. – on Prof. Alliot; would have liked a biography or a list of his works; can only pay his expenses if he contributes to the seminar; should be glad to hear from him as they would like to complete arrangements; thanks him for his paper (tpc.)


 /80 H. Deschamps to MG, 24 Aug. – has been on holiday and did not get the letter from Forde asking about Alliot; gives some information about him (autogr., in French) [hard to read]


 /81 Prof. Daryll Forde to H. Deschamps, 6 Oct. – on previous correspondence concerning Prof. Alliot; trusts their letters have put matters right with Prof. Alliot (tpc.)


/82  [Prof. Daryll Forde] to Dr T.O. Elias, Ministry of Justice, Lagos, 17 Dec. 1964 – thanks him for readiness to participate in the seminar; MG will be writing about other possibilities for participation from Nigeria; on keeping the seminars small; looks forward to hearing from him in the new year (tpc.)


 /83 Registration form[?] for Dr T.O. Elias for the Seminar (tp.)


 /84 Registration form[?] for Dr A.L. Epstein for the Seminar (tp.)


 /85 Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr T.O. Elias, 6 July 1965 – he and MG are disappointed that he cannot attend the Seminar; will keep him informed of progress; he may care to have a set of the papers being prepared in advance; MG would be glad of any comments (tpc.)


 /86 MG to ibid., 15 July – was disappointed that he had to withdraw from the Seminar; shall send a set of the papers; would be grateful for any comments; on family news (tpc.)


 /87 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 24 Mar. 1965 – nominates Prof. M. Fortes for re-election to the Executive Counci l of the Institute (tpc.)


 /88 Prof. Daryll Forde to Mr Yash P. Ghai, University College, Dar es Salaam, 21 Dec. 1964 – is considering with MG the scope and participation of the Seminar to be held in Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; sends a preliminary statement of the arrangements; asks if he would be willing to participate; asks about the scope of his work as relevant to the seminar (tpc.)


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5/7/89  Yash P. Ghai to Prof. Daryll Forde, 9 Jan. 1965 – was interested to read the outlines of the proposed seminar; would be glad to participate; on his work; suggests a paper on the Law of Contract and transactions in Kenya and possibly Tanzania (photocopy)


 /90 Prof. Daryll Forde to Yash P. Ghai, 27 Jan. – is sending his letter on to MG (tpc.)


 /91 MG to ibid., 10 Feb. – refers to his letter; delighted that he will participate in the seminar; his proposed subject will fit in very well with the programme; looks forward to receiving a draft of his paper (tpc.)


 /92 Registration form[?] for Mr Yash P. Ghai for the Seminar (tp.)


 /93 Prof. Daryll Forde to Mr Robert Gardiner, Economic Commission for Africa, 24 May – on the seminar; sends a copy of the announcement in the hope that he and some of his colleagues may be interested; hopes there will be an opportunity to meet at the Economic Commission (tp.)


 /94 Robert K.A. Gardiner to Prof. Daryll Forde, 22 June – refers to his letter; some of them will attend the meetings; adds that there are no lawyers on the staff; will arrange for him to meet for an informal discussion during his stay (photocopy)


 /95 M. Young to MG, 15 July – Prof. Forde asked her to send on the attached letter; he would like MG’s opinion on the suggestion in the third paragraph of Robert Gardiner’s letter (tp.)


 /96 MG to Miss M. Young, 19 July – refers to her letter; is concerned about the second paragraph of Robert Gardiner’s letter; does not want the Seminar to be crowded by a mass of people from ECA; suggests two at most; thinks the third paragraph is addressed to Prof. Forde personally (tpc.)


 /97 Yash P. Ghai to MG, 26 July – encloses copies of his paper and its summary; he is far from happy with it (autogr.)


 /98 MG to Dr Y.P. Ghai, 9 Aug. – refers to his letter; has glanced at the paper and does not think he need be dissatisfied; will write about it (tpc.)


 /99 Ibid., 23 Aug. – has read his paper with great interest; thinks it excellent; has pencilled suggestions for changes on the manuscript; the paper is a little too long; makes some specific points about it (tp.)


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5/7/100 Y.P. Ghai to MG, 2 Sept. 1965 – thanks him for his comments; accepts most of his suggestions; elaborates some of the points made. 2 leaves (tp.)


/101 Prof. Daryll Forde to Yash P. Ghai, 18 Oct. – refers to his letter of 27 Sept. [not held]; notes that he will probably be in India in Jan. 1966; hopes he will be able to attend the seminar; on the fare (tpc.)


/102 [MG] to ibid., 20 Oct. – refers to his two letters; on the business of him being in India; on the fare from India; has transposed the suggestions onto his manuscript; will not reply to specific points but hopes to discuss the issues raised when they meet (tp.)


/103 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 24 Mar. 1965 – encloses copies of letters to Mitchell and Allott about Ibik; thought he would write to Holleman; thought it would be simplest to attach the letter to his; on meeting on 31 Mar. (tpc.)


/104 Ibid. to Prof. J.H. Holleman, ibid. – on the seminar in Addis Ababa; refers to invitation from the International African Institute; hopes he will be able to come (tpc.)


/105 Prof. Dr. J.F. Holleman to MG, 9 Apr. – encloses copy of his letter to Prof. Forde; is disappointed but has no time to work out a paper (tp.)


/106 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – appreciates his invitation to the Seminar; would have loved to attend but cannot write a paper for it; is working on a book; suggests he invite his colleague Jan Keuning instead; thinks he would be prepared to contribute; is disappointed (tp.)


/107 MG to Hans Holleman, 22 Apr. – refers to his ‘disappointing’ letter of 9 Apr.; is sorry to hear that he is not able to come to Addis Ababa (tpc.)


/108 Prof. Daryll Forde to ibid., 26 Apr. – sorry that pressure of commitments will prevent him from participating in the seminar; he and MG will consider Jan Keuning instead (tpc.)


/109 Raymond Apthorpe to MG, 28 June – on meeting Prof. William Harvey who is very interested in the conference; he may be in East Africa at the time (autogr.)


/110 MG to Prof. Raymond Apthorpe, 20 July – refers to his note about Prof. William Harvey; numbers are full but will mentions this to Prof. Forde (tpc.)


/111 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – encloses letter from Apthorpe with copy of his reply; takes it his reply is the right one (tpc.)




5/7/112 P.J. Idenburg to Prof. Daryll Forde, 21 May 1964 – wants to give conclusions in writing about a seminar on Customary Law in Africa; gives a list of provisional topics; suggests participants; MG is in principle willing to preside; had a long talk with Mr Mitchell (photocopy)


/113 Mrs Idenburg to ibid., 5 Jan. 1965 – her husband is in hospital with serious eye trouble; on Köbben; would like to suggest Mr H.W.J. Sonius; on his work; her husband is an expert in Public Law in Africa; no need to give information about Holleman as MG knows him well; her husband is recovering fairly well (photocopy)


/114 A.N. Allott to MG, nd – sends biography of Ibik, the Nigerian he mentioned re. Addis (autogr. note)


/115 Biography of Jacob Ogbonnaya Ibik (tp.)


/116 MG to Prof. A.N. Allott, 22 Jan. – thanks him for note on Ibik; will see whether there is room to get him in (tpc.)


/117 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – encloses note about Ibik; it was decided not to invite him unless someone could not come (tpc.)


/118 Prof. Daryll Forde to Madame Idenburg, 27 Jan. – is sorry to hear that Dr Idenburg has had eye trouble; is passing her letter to MG who will consider the suggestion of including Dr Sonius (tpc.)


/119 Piet Idenburg to MG, 4 Feb. – on his health; on other topics which he would like to see included; should be glad to take part in the seminar although he does not quite fit in; it is necessary to choose the best persons (tp.)


/120 MG to Dr P.J. Idenburg, 10 Feb. – on the letter written by his wife; will bear Mr Sonius in mind; on Holleman; shall leave this question open until they know how his health is progressing (tpc.)


/121 Ibid., ibid. – refers to his letter of 4 Feb.; on his health; on the topic of succession; he and Forde discussed the question of having a special section on Islamic law but decided to stick to Customary law south of the Sahara; on his suggestion of ceding his place to a specialist (tpc.)


/122 Ibid., 24 Feb. – on his health; would like to get settled the question of the seminar’s programme and membership; in view of the uncertainty, regretfully takes up the suggestion that he withdraw; the seminar is rather crowded with people from Europe and America; if he withdraws, MG could consider asking Sonius (tpc.)


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5/7/123 J. Van Velsen to MG, 6 Mar. 1965 – refers to his note of 24 Feb. [not held]; is delighted at the thought of attending the conference; on Allott’s outfit ‘Restatement of African Law’; on legal technicians; mentions Jacob Ibik; Ibik seems ignorant of his book; goes into a lot of technical detail; on his ideas for a paper for Addis Ababa. 3 leaves (tp.)


/124 Piet Idenburg to ibid., 9 Mar. – on his health; MG’s decision that he should not participate in the seminar is right; on participation from the Netherlands; mentions Poirier, Holleman and Sonius (tp.)


/125 MG to Prof. J.C. Mitchell, 23 Mar. – on Ibik; Van Velsen is critical of his work; asks what he thinks of it; this will help him and Forde decide whether to invite him or not (tpc.)


/126 Ibid. to Jaap Van Velsen, 24 Mar. – refers to his letter of 6 Mar.; thanks him for the information on the restatement of Malawi law; on the question of what he will do at Addis Ababa; can send him proofs of his book ‘The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence’; the manner of treating the subject which he sketches is interesting (tpc.)


/127 Ibid. to Prof. A.N. Allott, ibid. – may soon be able to draw up the final list for the seminar; if there is a vacancy shall be considering Ibik; asks if he can see a copy of his draft restatements on Malawi [law]; asks where he will be in Jan. (tpc.)


/128 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – encloses copy of letter from Van Velsen and his own reply (tpc.)


/129 Piet Idenburg to MG, 30 Mar. – on candidates from the Netherlands for participation in the seminar; wishes to mention Prof. Dr J. Keuning; on Mr Sonius; shall be grateful if MG keeps him informed of further developments with regard to the organisation of the seminar (tp.)


/130 MG to Piet Idenburg, 31 Mar. – refers to his letter of 9 Mar.; on his health; it has been difficult to get Africans for the seminar; has invited Poirier and Holleman; this means he cannot invite Sonius; some of his enthusiasm for the Seminar has evaporated; is going on holiday to Paris (tpc.)


/131 Clyde Mitchell to MG, 28 Apr. – on Ibik’s work; gives his opinion of him (tp.)


/132 A.N. Allott to ibid., 4 May – refers to his letter of 24 Mar.; thinks he has already sent copies of Ibik’s draft restatements of Malawi law; on his possible location next Jan. (tp.)


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5/7/133 MG to Clyde Mitchell, 7 May – refers to his letter about Ibik; has read two of his documents; gives his opinion; has decided it would be politic to answer him; has had difficulty getting Africans for the meeting (tpc.)


/134 Prof. Daryll Forde to J.O. Ibik, 10 May – asks if he is interested in participating in the seminar; asks whether he would be available in Africa or England at that time; will not be able to bring participants from North America; encloses a copy of the programme (tpc.)


/135 Registration form[?] for Mr J.O. Ibik for the Seminar (tp.)


/136 Prof. Daryll Forde to J.O. Ibik, 12 May – if he will be in Nigeria or England at the time of the seminar there will be no difficulty in providing for his travel; encloses a formal invitation; encloses notes to supplement the programme already sent (tpc.)


/137 Ibid. to Ato Nerayo Issayas, Ministry of Justice, Addis Ababa, 24 May – on the seminar to be held in Jan.; in addition to participants from Africa and overseas, hopes to have a number of local observers present; therefore calls the seminar to his attention (tpc.)


/138 Ibid. to Mr J.O. Ibik, 6 July – refers to his letter of 4 June [not held]; sorry that uncertainty makes it impossible for him to undertake to participate in the seminar; the Chairman would be glad to have the paper he suggests (tpc.)


/139 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 15 July – thanks him for copy of his letter to Ibik (tpc.)


/140 Prof. Daryll Forde to Mr J.O. Ibik, 20 Oct. – MG has not yet received his paper for the seminar; MG will be away until 10 Nov.; after that there is little time for editing etc. asks him to let MG have the paper without delay (tpc.)


/141 Jacob Ibik to MG, 2 Nov. – sends the papers at last; there was a delay with the typing (autogr.)


/142 Ali A. Mazrui to Prof. Daryll Forde, 1 Dec. 1964 – refers to his letter of 18 Nov. [not held]; is interested in the seminar and would like to participate; makes some observations; suggests persons who should be considered; may be in America for the whole 1965-66 academic year (photocopy)


/143 Prof. Daryll Forde to Ali A. Mazrui, 7 Dec. – thanks him for prompt reply; hopes that he will be in East Africa so that he can participate in the seminar; is grateful for his suggestions (tpc.)


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5/7/144 G. Malengreau to Prof. Daryll Forde, 8 Dec. – has considered the question of persons who could be invited to the seminar; makes some suggestions; will let him know later if he thinks of anyone else (tp. copy, in French)


/145 R.J. to ibid., ibid. – on M. A. Rubbens and M. R. Maes; on Belgian juridical journals (photocopy)


/146 M. Young to MG, 10 Dec. – Prof. Forde has asked her to send enclosed copy of a letter from Prof. Guy Malengreau (tp.)


/147 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Guy Malengreau, 17 Dec. – asks him about M. A. Rubbens and M. R. Maes; has passed his earlier letter to MG (tpc.)


/148 Ibid. to Mr Mohalero, Commissioner for Basuto Courts, 21 Dec. – is considering with MG the scope and participation of the Seminar to be held in Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; sends a preliminary statement of the arrangements; asks if he would be willing to participate; if he cannot take part, Prof. Allott has suggested MG asks whether Mr Rololefe, the Deputy Commissioner, might take part (tpc.)


/149 Ibid. to Mr P.J.M. Mugerwa, Solicitor General to the Government of Uganda, ibid. – is considering with MG the scope and participation of the Seminar to be held in Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; sends a preliminary statement of the arrangements; asks if he would be willing to participate (tpc.)


/150 MG to Guy Malengreau, 29 Dec. – seeks his advice regarding Belgian participants in the seminar (tp.)


/151 P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa to Prof. Daryll Forde, 13 Feb. 1965 – refers to his letters; apologises for delay in replying; hopes to attend the seminar and to deal with topic 8; looks forward to further details (photocopy)


/152 Prof. Daryll Forde to P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa, 18 Feb. – refers to his letter of 13 Feb.; shall be sending further details shortly (tpc.)


/153 MG to ibid., 24 Feb. – refers to his letter; is delighted that he hopes to be able to attend the seminar; on his paper; (tpc.)


/154 P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa to MG, 3 Mar. – looks forward to receiving the document setting out the kind of topics participants should cover; on his address while on leave in Switzerland (tp.)


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5/7/155 MG to P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa, 10 Mar. – refers to his letter of 3 Mar.; hopes he will receive the document before leaving for Switzerland; asks if he is coming to England from Switzerland; would be pleasant to meet him (tpc.)


/156 T. Mohalero to Prof. Daryll Forde, 17 Mar. – refers to his letter of 8 Feb. [not held]; the position in Basutoland is not clear; elections will be held shortly and the first Prime Minister will have extensive powers over dispositions of Permanent Secretaries; he may have nothing to do with Justice; until early May it is not possible to make nominations (photocopy)


/157 Registration form[?] for Mr P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa for the Seminar (tp.)


/158 Prof. Daryll Forde to Ali A. Mazrui, 31 Mar. – is now sending out the announcement concerning the seminar; last Dec. he was uncertain whether he would be away in the States; cannot fund travel from the States; is happy to invite him to participate if he is availablke in Africa (tpc.)


/159 Ibid. to T. Mohalero, ibid. – refers to his letter of 17 Mar.; appreciates the difficulty of his position; on providing for one or two persons later on; suggests he lets him know as soon as possible after the elections whether any suitable person could participate; encloses copy of announcement concerning the seminar (tpc.)


/160 P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa to MG, 31 May – encloses draft outline for topic 8; apologises for delay; submits it for consideration (tp.)


/161 Outline of paper, ‘Status, Responsibility and Liability’. 6 leaves (tp.)


/162 MG to the Hon. Mr P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa, 14 June – refers to his letter of 31 May; all the problems which he presents seem to fall clearly within the scope of the section; wonders whether he can do justice to the whole area of problems raised in his document; perhaps he could take one theme and elaborate it; isolates some such themes; asks him to let MG know how he reacts to this suggestion (tpc.)


/163 Ali A. Mazrui to Prof. Daryll Forde, 20 June – refers to his letter of 31 Mar.; apologises for the inconvenience caused by the delay; he will be in Harvard in Jan.; it is more expensive to import an African scholar than an American one (photocopy)


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5/7/164 Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr Ali A. Mazrui, 28 June 1965 – is sorry his letters were delayed; had hoped for a reply to letter of 7 Dec. before he left for the States; on the difficulty about travel costs; is making arrangements to cover the cost of travel from Boston to Addis Ababa and return; can wait until the end of Aug. for his paper; asks him to let him know by return of his acceptance of the invitation and the proposed topic of his paper. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/165 Ali A. Mazrui to Prof. Daryll Forde, 4 July – refers to his letter of 28 June; has come to the reluctant conclusion that other commitments prevent him from attending the seminar; is grateful for all he has done to make his participation possible (tp.)


/166 Secretary to Prof. Forde to T. Mohalero, 6 July – asks him to let her know the present position in regard to the seminar; is now making final arrangements (tpc.)


/167 Prof. Daryll Forde to MG, 9 July – sends copy of letter from Mazrui; suggests making Apthorpe a participant and letting him do a paper (tp.)


/168 A.M.R. Ramdlefe, Department of Justice, Basutoland, to the Secretary, IAI, 14 July – Mr Mohaleroe is on sick leave; refers to letter of 6 July; confirms that he himself can attend the seminar; shall send title and scope of paper by end of Aug. (tp.)


/169 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 15 July – refers to his letter of 9 July about Mazrui; on Apthorpe; on Alliott (tpc.)


/170 Ibid. to Mr A.A. Mazrui, ibid. – was disappointed that he had not been able to come to the Seminar; hopes to deepen their acquaintance in the near future; on Los Angeles (tpc.)


/171 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – thanks him for copy of letter to Mohalero; hopes he turns up (tpc.)


/172 P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa to MG, 19 July – refers to his letter of 14 June; is grateful for the suggestion that he limits himself to a smaller field; chooses one of the alternatives; will send his first draft by the middle of Aug. (tp.)


/173 MG to the Hon. Mr P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa, 9 Aug. – is glad that his suggestion was helpful; is delighted with the subject he has chosen; will receive the draft by the middle of Aug.; asks for two copies, one for Prof. Forde (tpc.)


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5/7/174 P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa to MG, 10 Aug. – encloses a paper on ‘Status, Responsibility and Liability among the Iteso, Karamojong and the Baganda’; is not enclosing copies of the legislation to which reference is made; this is an attempt to describe a large and complicated subject; asks him to draw attention to any points which require further treatment (tpc.)


/175 MG to the Hon. Mr P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa, 20 Aug. – thanks him for the letter of 10 Aug. with copies of his paper; shall be reading it within a few days; will make any suggestions he can think of; it is not necessary to enclose copies of the legislation (tpc.)


/176 P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa to MG, 13 Sept. – refers to MG’s letters of 25 and 30 Aug. [not held]; encloses a summary of his paper and a draft including MG’s amendments; has not had time to make the paper longer; on prefixes; would like the terminology employed in his paper to be left as it stands; on Abu Myanja (tp.)


/177 MG to the Hon. Mr P.J. Nkambo Mugerwa, 20 Sept. – thanks him for revised draft and summary; has left in the prefixes as he asked; makes a point about Bantu languages (tpc.)


/178 Prof. Daryll Forde to Berthan Macauley, Attorney General to the Government of Sierra Leone, 21 Dec. 1964 – is considering with MG the scope and participation of the Seminar to be held in Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; sends a preliminary statement of the arrangements; asks if he would be willing to participate; if he cannot participate, wonders if he might suggest anyone; mentions in particular Mr Navo, the Judicial Adviser to Native Courts (tpc.)


/179 S.S. Richardson, Director, Institute of Administration, Zaria, Northern Nigeria, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 3 July 1965 – refers to his letter of 28 June [not held]; on his paper; nominates as his substitute Mr J.L. McNeil; on McNeil’s work; thinks it would be worthwhile to invite him; gives his address (photocopy)


/180 Prof. Daryll Forde to MG, 9 July – encloses letter from Richardson; McNeil sounds very worthwhile (tp.)


/181 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 15 July – refers to his letter of 9 July; agrees that McNeil seems a worthwhile participant (tpc.)


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5/7/182 Prof. Daryll Forde to J.L. McNeil, 27 July 1965 – as Prof. Richardson cannot participate in the seminar he has proposed that he [McNeil] attend in his place; understands that he will be able to speak to Prof. Richardson’s paper and also contribute with reference to his own work; encloses a formal letter of invitation; assumes that Prof. Richardson will be sending him a copy of his paper (tpc.)


/183 Sam Richardson to Prof. Daryll Forde, 2 Aug. – refers to his letter of 19 July [not held]; McNeil has resigned and will not be available for Addis Ababa; asks him to consider inviting Mr C. McDowell; on his work; he would be able to present [Richardson’s] paper; on his address (tp. copy)


/184 Prof. Daryll Forde to MG, nd – on the change (tp. compliments slip)


/185 Ibid. to C. McDowell, 10 Aug. – on his work; Prof. Richardson has proposed that he attend the seminar in his place; understands that he will be able to speak to Prof. Richardson’s paper and also contribute generally; encloses a formal letter of invitation; on other details (tpc.)


/186 C.M. McDowell to Prof. Daryll Forde, 19 Oct. – Mr Richardson has spoken to him of the possibility that he represent him at the Seminar; has shown him the outline of its scope; on a paper which he could offer; could submit an outline almost at once (photocopy)


/187 Secretary to Prof. Forde to Mr C.M. McDowell, 22 Oct. – refers to his letter of 19 Oct.; their understanding was that Prof. Richardson was going to write the paper; asks him to clear the situation with Prof. Richardson; the paper would have to reach MG between 10 and 20 Nov. (tpc.)


/188 Prof. Daryll Forde to the Hon. Mr Justice Ollennu, Supreme Court of Ghana, 17 Dec. 1964 – is considering with MG the scope and participation of the Seminar to be held in Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; sends a preliminary statement of the arrangements; asks if he would be willing to participate; Dr Nana Nketsia will be happy to give further information (tpc.)


/189 N.A. Ollennu to Prof. Daryll Forde, 20 Jan. 1965 – refers to his letter of 17 Dec.; is willing to participate in the seminar; looks forward to receiving details; has had a chat with Dr Nana Nketsia (photocopy)


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5/7/190 Prof. Daryll Forde to the Hon. Mr Justice Ollennu, 26 Jan. 1965 – refers to his letter of 20 Jan.; pleased that he will be participating in the seminar; further details will be sent in the spring (tpc.)


/191 MG to ibid., 10 Feb. – Prof. Forde has sent him a copy of his letter of 20 Jan.; delighted to hear that he will participate; will shortly be sending details (tpc.)


/192 Registration form[?] for the Hon. Mr Justice Ollennu for the Seminar (tp.)


/193 S.T. Navo to Prof. Daryll Forde, 26 June – refers to his letter of 5 May [not held]; refers to letter of 8 Feb. [not held]; has been to various conferences so has been unable to reply until now; would like to attend the seminar but cannot give a definite answer; gives reasons (photocopy)


/194 Secretary to Prof. Forde to Mr S.T. Navo, 6 July – on previous correspondence; Mr Berthan Macauley had suggested his participation in the seminar; papers were to be submitted by July; as she has not had a reply, assumes that he is not in a position to attend (tpc.)


/195 Prof. Daryll Forde to ibid., 9 July – refers to his letter of 26 June; is sorry that it has not been possible for him to prepare a paper or to be certain of availability; it is only possible to provide expenses for those participating fully in the seminar; mentions the possibility that he might attend as an observer (photocopy)


/196 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 15 July – thanks him for copies of Navo’s letter and his reply; the only other possibility would be to offer Navo a later date for his paper (tpc.)


/197 N.A. Ollennu to MG, 18 Aug. – forwards his paper and a summary of it; is sorry for delay; is sorry it is too long (tp.)


/198 MG to N.A. Ollennu, 27 Aug. – refers to his letter of a8 Aug.; will be reading his paper in the next few days; Prof. Forde says the paper must be abridged; perhaps he [MG] can make suggestions (tpc.)


/199 N.A. Ollennu to MG, 8 Sept. – refers to his letter of 27 Aug.; the manuscript arrived a day later; on the suggestions MG has made; has provided details of publishers etc. of the works referred to on a separate sheet (tp.)


/200 Bibliography of works by N.A. Ollennu (tp.)


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5/7/201 MG to N.A. Ollennu, 17 Sept. 1965 – thanks him for dealing so promptly with queries and suggestions; is glad he found the suggestions helpful; is returning the duplicate copy of the manuscript in a few days so tht he can turn the first half into a separate article; on making copies; looks forward to meeting him in Addis Ababa (tpc.)


/202 N.A. Ollennu to MG, 4 Feb. 1966 – refers to MG’s letter of 26 Jan. [not held]; it coincidentally arrived whiule he was reading MG’s paper ‘Status to Contract’; he enjoyed meeting him; looks forward to the copy of ‘The Ideas on Barotse Jurisprudence’; it is kind of him to promise a copy of the next edition of the Judicial Process; is honoured that MG should insert the point he made (tp.)


/203 MG to N.A. Ollennu, 10 Feb. – refers to his letter of 4 Feb.; thanks him for his kind words; thanks him for agreeing to his using his analysis; has got all but two sessions of their seminar onto tape; the record of the discussion reads impressively (tpc.)


/204 R.C. Pratt, Principal, University College, Dar es Salaam, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 18 Dec. 1964 – refers to his letter of 17 Nov. [not held]; William Twining would be an excellent person to participate in the seminar; however he will probably be in Yale by Jan. 1966; mentions two other people at Dar es Salaam who have an interest in African customary law, Mr J.S. Read and Mr Kakooza (photocopy)


/205 Prof. Daryll Forde to M. H. Pellegrin, Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Cameroon, 22 Dec. – is considering with MG the scope and participation of the Seminar to be held in Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; sends a preliminary statement of the arrangements; asks if he would be willing to participate (tpc., in French)


/206 Secretary, International African Institute, to MG, 31 Dec. – refers to MG’s letter of 29 Dec. [not held]; on P.J. Idenburg’s Christian names; Prof. Forde is in Devon (tp.)


/207 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 11 Jan. 1965 – encloses copies of correspondence with Malengreau; asks him to issue invitation to Pauwels; on cracking his top plate (tpc.)


/208 Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr R.C. Pratt, 18 Jan. – refers to his letter of 18 Dec.; passed the information on to MG who is looking into the possibility of including Mr Read or Mr Kakooza among the participants; on Twining; they would like to include a representative from the University College; preference may well be given to the other people he mentioned (tpc.)


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5/7/209 MG to Dr R.C. Pratt, 28 Jan.1965 – refers to his letter of 18 Dec. to Prof. Forde; thinks they are full but if a vacancy occurs, will bear in mind Mr Read and Mr Kakooza (tpc.)


/210 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – encloses copy of his letter to Dr Pratt; hopes he approves of it (tpc.)


/211 Johan M. Pauwels to ibid., 8 Feb. – refers to his letter of 27 Jan. [not held] and the invitation; thinks that he can attend the seminar; looks forward to further information; would like to know if the subject of the papers can relate to any of the categories mentioned in the letter (photocopy, in French)


/212 A. Pellegrin-Hardorff to ibid., 24 Feb. – refers to his letter of 8 Feb. [not held]; would like to participate in the seminar and thanks him for the invitation; it is difficult to be certain a year in advance; if he were not free, thinks that a colleague could take his place; asks about the type of studies asked for. 2 leaves (photocopy, in French)


/213 MG to Dr Johan M. Pauwels, ibid. – delighted to learn that he will be able to take part in the seminar; notes that he would like to give a paper on scope and methods of research; asks if he could give a paper under one of the other sections; Prof. Forde will shortly be sending a set of notes on the kind of topics he would like to suggest (tpc.)


/214 Johan Pauwels to MG, 4 Mar. – refers to his letter of 24 Feb.; is afraid that his own letter may have been misinterpreted; did not intend to express the desire to give a paper on scope and methods of research; looks forward to the announced suggestions (tp.)


/215 Prof. Daryll Forde to M. A. Pellegrin-Hardorff, 5 Mar. – refers to his letter of 24 Feb.; is happy to learn that the seminar interests him; understands the difficulty of organising events in advance; hopes in some months he will be able to give a definite answer; does not normally advise substitutes; on subjects to be treated at the seminar (tpc., in French)


/216 MG to ibid., 8 Mar. – Prof. Forde has sent a copy of his letter of 24 Feb.; is delighted that there is a reasonable chance that he will be able to come to the seminar; his suggestion of his contribution seems to be exactly what is wanted (tpc.)


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5/7/217 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – thanks him for copies of correspondence with Pellegrin; encloses copy of his own letter to Pellegrin; on the suggestion that he send a substitute; on correspondence with d’Arboussier; on his movements; asks if they could meet in London 10 to 15 Apr. (tpc.)


/218 MG to Prof. J.M. Pauwels, 10 Mar. – refers to his letter of 4 Mar.; is sorry that he misinterpreted his letter; should shortly be receiving a document which sets out the kinds of problems which it might be profitable to discuss; hopes he will find something which fits in with his interests; on Monsignor Bakoli (tpc.)


/219 Registration form[?] for M. A. Pellegrin-Hardorff for the Seminar (tp.)


/220 Registration form[?] for M. le Professeur Jean Poirier for the Seminar (tp.)


/221 Jean Poirier, University of Madagascar, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 13 Apr. – accepts invitation to participate in the seminar; will send in due course his paper with a summary in English; would like to present a paper on Malagasy contractual law; wonders if Madagascar is included in the programme and if this would be acceptable; if the studies relate to Black Africa he would speak on Dahomey; asks for a quick response so that he can prepare his text; on the trip to Asmara (photocopy, in French)


/222 Prof. Daryll Forde to M le Professeur Jean Poirier, 26 Apr. – refers to his letter of 13 Apr.; is glad that he can participate in the seminar; his choice of Malagasy contractual law is a suitable subject; M. Deschamps also proposed a paper on Malagasy law; on the trip to Asmara (tpc., in French)


/223 Ibid. to MG, 28 Apr. – the Dean Paul business is a ‘near disaster’; hopes they can put the position right; refers to previous correspondence; has written to Dean Paul and Vanderlinden; encloses copies of his letters (tp.)


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5/7/224 Ibid. to Dean J. Paul, Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie I University, Addis Ababa, 28 Apr. 1965 – through a misunderstanding it seems he has not heard earlier about arrangements for the seminar; Prof. Pankhurst advised them to consult him last Nov.; he [Forde] thought MG had done this; sends copies of the programme; seeks to enlist his help with regard to a contribution from one or more of his colleagues; on M. Vanderlinden; his participation would seem most appropriate; is not sure whether his own work fall within the subject of the seminar; if so, should be happy; hope that in any case he would join the seminar as an observer. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/225 Ibid. to Monsieur J. Vanderlinden, Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie I University, Addis Ababa, ibid. – refers to his letter of 6 Apr. [not held]; owing to a misunderstanding, consultations which he intended to have with the Law Faculty at Addis Ababa were not implemented; is writing to Dean Paul; sends a copy of the programme for the seminar; shall be most happy if he participates (tpc.)


/226 MG to Dean J. Paul, 3 May – adds his own apologies to Prof. Forde’s; the fault is largely his own; explains how the misunderstanding came about; hopes he will forgive them and accept Prof. Forde’s invitation to participate in the seminar (tpc.)


/227 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Richard Pankhurst, 6 May – he and MG have reviewed the prospective participation in the seminar; most of those initially invited have accepted; this limits them with regard to further invitations; on local participants; suggests that Mr Chojnacki and others from the Institute of Ethiopian Studies be invited as observers; on inviting one or two from the ECA; asks who to write to as Robert Gardiner may be leaving; on finding an Ethiopian participant; on Dean Habte (photocopy)


/228 Johan M. Pauwels to MG, 10 May – attaches an outline of the communication he proposes to present at the Seminar; thinks his subject fits in the fourth of the proposes themes (tp.)


/229 Ibid., May – ‘The concepts concerning illegitimate birth and their juridical effects according to the native law as applied to Leopoldville’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/230 MG to Dean J.C.N. Paul, 14 May – refers to his kind response to Prof. Forde’s letter; expresses his appreciation (tpc.)


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5/7/231 Prof. Daryll Forde to ibid., 10 May 1965 – thanks him for prompt reply to his letter [not held]; on the development of the Law Faculty; on possible participants in addition to Jacques Vanderlinden; will keep him posted on developments; sends a list of prospective participants (tpc.)


/232 R. Pankhurst to Prof. Daryll Forde, 17 May – refers to his letter of 26 Apr. [not held]; on Miss Ahooja; suggests a tenth topic for the seminar; more on Miss Ahooja; thinks she would be the ideal person to be invited to the seminar; is going to hold a conference of Ethiopian Studies in Apr. 1966; will be writing formally to invite him. 2 leaves (tp.)


/233 A. Pellegrin-Hardorff to MG, ibid. – following the invitation to participate in the seminar, sends the title of the paper he proposes to give; would be grateful if he could let him know if this fits in with the programme (tp., in French)


/234 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. R. Pankhurst, 19 May – has now heard from Prof. Anderson concerning Miss Ahooja; gives details about her work; she will not be in Addis Ababa at the time of the seminar; should she find herself there, she would be welcome as an observer (tpc.)


/235 Ibid. to MG, 21 May – sends copy of his letter to Pankhurst about Miss Ahooja; the suggestion of an additional topic for the seminar is impracticable; asks him to write to Pankhurst letting him know the practical limitations on the scope of the seminar (tp.)


/236 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 26 May – refers to his letter of 21 May; agrees that it is impossible to invite Miss Ahooja; encloses copy of his reply to Pankhurst about the tenth topic; on Van Velsen; is coming to London on 4 June; hopes to see him (tpc.)


/237 Ibid. to Prof. R. Pankhurst, ibid. – refers to copy of his letter to Prof. Forde about Miss Ahooja; if she is to be in London, they cannot afford to invite her to the seminar; on the suggested additional topic; thinks that to add the topic he suggests would be to cover ground already covered, and it would not fit in with the main theme (tpc.)


/238 Ibid. to [A. Pellegrin-Hardorff], ibid. – refers to his letter of 17 May; is delighted that he is able to attend the seminar; his study seems to fit neatly into the general programme; looks forward to meeting him (tpc.)


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5/7/239 Ibid. to Prof. J.M. Pauwels, 27 May 1965 – refers to his letter of 10 May; his proposed paper will fit in with the proposed discussion of the status of the family; looks forward to receiving the full paper (tpc.)


/240 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. R. Pankhurst, 2 July – refers to list of participants; on writing to the President of the University in connection with a grant towards funds and thanking him; encloses copy of the letter he has sent [not held]; on the matter of accommodation; also sends a copy of the letter to the President on the question of a grant to the Institute. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/241 Ibid. to M. Jean Poirier, 27 July – refers to his letter of 23 July [not held] with a text of his paper; they asked for two copies; asks him to send another copy; MG will write to him about the paper (tpc.)


/242 Johan M. Pauwels to MG, 10 Aug. – is sorry that he has not presented his paper in time due to illness; asks if he can send the text in one or two weeks (autogr.)


/243 MG to J.M. Pauwels, 12 Aug. – is sorry he has been ill; asks him to send the papers as soon as possible (tpc.)


/244 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Richard Pankhurst, 19 Aug. – writes to confirm the points in their talk in London; on a secretarial assistant; on entry permits or visas; on the Asmara bus excursion; on planes departing from Asmara for home destinations; on accommodation; MG hopes to have all the preparatory papers cyclostyled early in Oct. when copies will be sent to him; will be away from 26 Aug. to 26 Sept. in Sweden. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/245 Johan Pauwels to MG, 9 Sept. – sends two copies of his paper; is sorry for the trouble of delay; on language mistakes (tp.)


/246 MG to Johan Pauwels, 20 Sept. – thanks him for the article; congratulates him on his English; the article is most interesting but is double the required length; must ask him to reduce it to 5,000 words; suggests he publish it in full in a journal and compress it for the seminar; on format of references in footnotes; asks him to deal with the paper as quickly as he can. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/247 Secretary, IAI, [Mrs Wolfe] to Prof. Richard Pankhurst, 1 Oct. – is sorry that his letters have gone unanswered but Prof. Forde has only just got back and Miss Young is on holiday; on accommodation; on numbers (tpc.)


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5/7/248 Prof. Daryll Forde to ibid., 7 Oct. 1965 – on his absence and Miss Young’s; refers to Mrs Wolfe’s letter of 1 Oct.; will write to Dr Cone; on a secretary-typist; on the costs of the Asmara journey; on Raymond Apthorpe; on Prof. Walter Goldshmidt; MG is cyclostyling and distributing the papers from Manchester; suggests he write direct to MG; on the opening of the seminar. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/249 Ibid. to Dr P. Cone, Business Adviser, Haile Sellassie I University, Addis Ababa, ibid. – Prof. Pankhurst said that he [Cone] was taking care of administrative arrangements  in connection with the seminar; is grateful; apologises for not writing before but was away; on accommodation; would be grateful for an estimate of the all-in cost of the trip to Asmara; would also be grateful for advice concerning visas and/or entry formalities; some participants may have difficulty in making contact with an Ethiopian embassy; looks forward to meeting him. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/250 Prof. R. Pankhurst to Mrs Wolfe, 11 Oct. – refers to her letter of 1 Oct.; on hotel bookings; bookings, visa matters etc. are being handled by the Public Relations Officer Ato Tereffe Wolda Tsadiq; suggests writing to him direct (photocopy)


/251 MG to Prof. Richard Pankhurst, 13 Oct. – his visit to Ethiopia will be shorter than he originally hoped; has got some money to go to Zambia and Barotseland; has some important problems to follow up; goes into other details; Mary is enjoying her degree (tpc.)


/252 Prof. Richard Pankhurst to Prof. Daryll Forde, 14 Oct. – refers to his letter of 7 Oct.; Ato Tereffe has booked hotel rooms; the trip to Asmara is approximately 1,000 kilometres (photocopy)


/253 Ibid., ibid. – the reception is settled; the President would like a note or two on the seminar for his opening address; asks for this (photocopy)


/254 Prof. Daryll Forde to Monsieur A. Pellegrin-Hardorff, 15 Oct. – MG has received nearly all the papers for the seminar; has not received his; on MG’s movements; it is essential that he have the paper by 10 Nov. for editing and roneoing; invitations are offered subject to strict observance of the date limits; asks him to send his text as soon as possible (tpc., in French)


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5/7/255 Johan Pauwels to MG, ibid. – refers to his letter of 20 Sept.; apologises that his paper was too long; is grateful that MG revised the text; has rewritten the article; sends two copies under separate cover (tp.)


/256 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Richard Pankhurst, 19 Oct. – on previous correspondence; thinks there has been some confusion over the booking of accommodation; goes into this; asks if he could ask Mr Ato Tereffe to change the booking; encloses a letter to Mr Ato Tereffe; will write separately on the opening address. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/257 Ibid. to Mr Ato Tereffe Wolde Tsadiq, ibid. – Prof. Pankhurst says he is taking care of arrangements for the seminar; repeats the points from his letter to Dr P. Cone; on accomodation; on visas or other entry formalities; some participants are coming from territories in which there may be difficulty in establishing contact with an Ethiopian embassy; will send a definitive list of participants next month; on the all-in cost of the trip to Asmara; thanks him for undertaking the arrangements. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/258 Johan Pauwels to MG, 24 Oct. – refers to his letter of 13 Oct. [not held]; he sent his paper on 18 Oct. (autogr.)


/259 Richard Pankhurst to MG, 16 Nov. – refers to circular about the seminar; sees that he is down as having a paper outstanding; did not agree to do a paper; is not qualified; Mr Chojnacki asks him to say that he is not qualified to give a paper (tp. with autogr. PS)


/260 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Richard Pankhurst, ibid. – they have so far only arranged in general terms for the timetable of the seminar sessions; on making final arrangements; encloses some notes on these; has heard from Vanderlinden who says that the Law Faculty is able and willing to help with the seminar; suggests he get in touch with him; hopes to hear from them within a week or so (tpc.)


/261 Miss S.J. Perrin, Secretary to MG, to Prof. J. Poirier, 2 Dec. – refers to his letter to MG which she is sending to the IAI; MG is in Zambia; does not appear to have received ‘Etudes de droit africain et de droit malgache’ (tpc.)


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5/7/262 Prof. Daryll Forde to S.S. Richardson, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, N. Nigeria, 21 Dec. 1964 – is considering with MG the scope and participation of the Seminar to be held in Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; sends a preliminary statement of the arrangements; asks if he would be willing to participate; refers to the papers from the Seminar at Ahmadu Bello last year (tpc.)


/263 Prof. S.S. Richardson to Prof. Daryll Forde, 30 Dec. – refers to his letter; is not easy to commit so far ahead but should be available and willing to participate; is working on a book on the native courts of Nigeria; asks if a paper on this subject would be of use; might find July for submission difficult (photocopy)


/264 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. S.S. Richardson, 27 Jan. 1965 – refers to his reply; his subject would seem appropriate to the seminar; is passing his letter to MG; on the papers prepared in advance; a date late in the summer would be in good time (tpc.)


/265 Prof. S.S. Richardson to Prof. Daryll Forde, 5 Feb. – refers to his letter of 27 Jan.; will not be too difficult to produce 4,000 to 5,000 words in a relatively short time (photocopy)


/266 MG to Prof. S.S. Richardson, 10 Feb. – delighted that he is willing to participate; the problem he suggests for discussion is of great importance; hopes he will give such a paper; is coming to Nigeria in Apr. (tpc.)


/267 Prof. S.S. Richardson to MG, 15 Feb. – refers to MG’s letter of 10 Feb.; hopes to see him in Zaria; on having a discussion on the subject matter he would like in the paper (tp.)


/268 MG to Prof. S.S. Richardson, 24 Feb. – refers to his letter of 15 Feb.; hopes he can get to Zaria; would be useful to discuss the paper; Prof. Forde will soon be sending some notes on the kind of topics suggested (tpc.)


/269 Prof. S.S. Richardson to MG, 17 Mar. – refers to MG’s letter of 10 Mar. [not held]; sorry that this means there will not be an opportunity of discussing matters; there is plenty of time; hopes to meet or correspond (tp.)


/270 MG to Prof. S.S. Richardson, 29 Mar. – refers to his letter of 17 Mar.; hopes to get the papers in by the middle of July; on his paper; the subject he suggested fits in well with the general theme (tpc.)


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5/7/271 Prof. S.S. Richardson to MG, 3 Apr. 1965 – refers to his letter of 29 Mar.; cannot undertake to prepare a paper by July; hopes to produce something by the end of Sept. (tp.)


/272 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, 17 Apr. – refers to his letter of 29 Mar. [not held]; has been in touch with MG; certain difficulties now arise which make him have doubts about his ability to attend the seminar; outlines these; it is impossible for him to deliver the completed paper by 12 July; does not think he can attend the whole period of the seminar; suggests Mr J.L. McNeil as a possible substitute; asks for his reactions as soon as possible (photocopy)


/273 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof S.S. Richardson, 26 Apr. – refers to his letter of 17 Apr.; MG shares the hope that he can take part in the seminar; despatch of the paper at the end of Aug. would be satisfactory; on his attendance for the second half of the seminar; an alternative would be if he attended as an observer on his way back from Delhi (tpc.)


/274 James S. Read to Mrs Olga Wolfe, 5 May – heard that the Institute is arranging a conference on African customary law; would be interested to hear more about it; asks her to send full details (tpc.)


/275 MG to Prof. S.S. Richardson, 7 May – summarises previous correspondence; endorses Prof. Forde’s hope that he will attend on his way back from Delhi; hopes he can send his paper by Sept. (tpc.)


/276 Prof. Daryll Forde to MG, 10 May – on J.S. Read who has no details of the seminar; on following up Mazrui’s suggestion of inviting Ghai; it seems as though they have missed the senior person from Dar; suggests inviting Read (tp.)


/277 Prof. S.S. Richardson to ibid., 12 May – refers to MG’s letter of 7 May; suggests holding tight until mid-July when he will know his Delhi schedule; will try to get the paper to him as soon as possible (tp.)


/278 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. S.S. Richardson, 14 May – refers to letters of 1 and 4 May [not held]; it will not interfere with MG’s arrangements if he sends in his paper in Sept.; on travel expenses; on the Vice-Chancellor being taken ill (tpc.)


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5/7/279 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 14 May 1965 – refers to his letter of 10 May; refers to Miss Young’s letter [not held]; mentions Van Velsen, Ollenu and Dean Paul; on the question of J.S. Read; his inclination is not to invite him; on the way the seminar is shaping up; on Deschamps. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/280 Ibid. to Miss Young, 17 May – refers to letter he wrote on 14 May referring to J.S. Read; now feels that he should not be invited; is prepared to accept responsibility for this decision (tpc.)


/281 Prof. Daryll Forde to James S. Read, 21 May – Mrs Wolfe passed on his enquiry; MG understood that he would have returned to SOAS by the time of the seminar; as there is a limited travel budget Mr Ghai was invited to attend; on attendance of observers who provide for their own travel expenses (tpc.)


/282 MG to Prof. S.S. Richardson, 26 May – refers to his letter of 12 May; hopes he will be able to attend the seminar; on Western-trained African lawyers who do not like native courts; on his paper (tpc.)


/283 James S. Read to Prof. Daryll Forde, 27 May – thanks him for letter and details of the seminar; regrets that he has missed the opportunity of participating; he will definitely be in Dar until June 1966; has no funds to attend as an observer; it is vexing to come across the seminar like this (tp.)


/284 A.N. Allott to ibid., 2 June – on Ibik, who feels he ought to withdraw from the seminar; gives the reasons why; has heard from Jim Read who accused him of procuring his non-invitation; summarises the situation; hopes that he did not convey a wrong impression; given Ibik’s withdrawal, perhaps Read could be invited; if he were not available, suggests Eugene Cotran (photocopy)


/285 Prof. S.S. Richardson to Prof. Daryll Forde, 7 June – Dr Alexander has resigned; this means he must withdraw from the seminar as he cannot be absent while a new man takes over; will continue to prepare a paper; perhaps someone form the faculty could present it; if he is interested in this idea, will give a specific recommendation (tp.)


MS 496


5/7/286 MG to J.S. Read, 9 June 1965 – Prof. Forde has passed on his letter of 27 May; on the discussion between himself, Forde and Allott; understood Allott to say that Read would be in Britain at the time of the seminar; on keeping the numbers down; on the considerations which guided the procedures by which people were selected for invitation; on the main emphasis of the seminar; as Mr Ibik has withdrawn, Prof. Forde will send him a formal invitation. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/287 Ibid. to Prof. T. Allott, ibid. – refers to his letter to Prof. Forde of 2 June; deals with the question of Jim Read’s complaints; on the question of Ibik’s withdrawal; on whether he should be replaced; in view of Ibik’s withdrawal, Read will be invited (tpc.)


/288 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – would have liked to discuss the letter from Read; encloses copy of letter from himself to Read; on Ibik’s withdrawal (tpc.)


/289 Registration form[?] for Mr A.M.R. Ramolefe for the Seminar (tp.)


/290 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. S.S. Richardson, 28 June – refers to his letter of 7 June; appreciates the difficulty which Dr Alexander’s resignation creates with regard to the seminar; is sorry that he cannot come; MG concurs in welcoming his paper; asks for suggestions for a substitute from Zaria (tpc.)


/291 Ibid. to James S. Read, ibid. – refers to MG’s letter of 9 June; invites him to participate in the seminar; an announcement and timetable were sent with his letter of 21 May; can extend the time for receipt of texts until the end of Aug.; asks him to confirm his acceptance (tpc.)


/292 Secretary to Prof. Forde [M. Young] to Prof. S.S. Richardson, 19 July – MG is agreeable to Mr McNeil attending in his place at the seminar; an invitation will be going shortly (tpc.)


/293 Prof. Daryll Forde to Mr A.M.R. Ramolefe, 27 July – refers to his letter of 14 July [not held]; is interested to know that he could attend the seminar in the place of Mr Mohaleroe; on his paper; sorry that Mr Mohaleroe has been unwell (tpc.)


/294 A.M.R. Ramolefe to the Secretary, IAI, ibid. – sends details of the topic of his paper (photocopy)


/295 Prof. Daryll Forde to MG, 3 Aug. – asks if they should take this chap (tp. with autogr. notes)


MS 496


5/7/296 M. Young to James S. Read, 10 Aug. 1965 – MG urgently needs to know his topic for the seminar and the date by which he can submit his paper (tpc.)


/297 Prof. Daryll Forde to A.M.R. Ramolefe, 17 Aug. – refers to his letter of 27 July; MG is happy to know that he will submit a paper on the lines of his synopsis; on submitting the text; MG would like it by the end of Sept. (photocopy)


/298 Ibid. to Prof. S.S. Richardson, 15 Oct. – MG has almost completed editing and duplicating of papers for the seminar; on MG’s movements; there is very little time to finalise the arrangements; wonders if he has settled matters at Zaria so that he can attend the seminar; MG would need to duplicate and despatch his paper between 10 and 20 Nov.; asks for a note by return (tpc.)


/299 Ibid. to Ramolefe, Vanderlinden and Van Velsen, ibid. – MG has not received their papers for the seminar; advance preparation of a paper is one of the conditions for participation; on MG’s movements; there is little time left; asks that they let MG have the papers without delay (tpc.)


/300 S.J. Perrin to ibid., 22 Dec. – thanks him for abstract; on an abstract with his name on it which was actually a duplicate of an abstract by Pauwels; apologises for her error; found that there was no abstract for his paper; asked Dr Epstein to prepare one; his abstract arrived too late (tp.)


/301 Abstract of the paper by Ramolefe on ‘The Law of Persons: Heirship’ (tp.)


/302 Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr W.A. Shack, University College, Addis Ababa, 17 Dec. 1964 – is considering with MG the scope and participation of the Seminar to be held in Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; sends a preliminary statement of the arrangements; asks if he would be willing to participate (tpc.)


/303 M.G. Smith to Prof. Daryll Forde, 29 Dec. – refers to his letter; [much illegible]; on topics for the seminar[?] (photocopy)


/304 Dr W.A. Shack to ibid., 8 Jan. 1965 – refers to his letter of 17 Dec.; is willing to participate; is moving to Chicago in July 1965 (photocopy)


MS 496


5/7/305 Prof. Daryll Forde to MG, 27 Jan. 1965 – encloses copies of letters from several participants together with his replies; should be ready to send out definitive invitations by the end of Mar.; is sending the invitation to Pauwels; encloses copy of a letter from M. d’Arboussier (tp.)


/306 Ibid. to Dr W.A. Shack, ibid. – is disconcerted to learn that he will not be at Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; on travel funds to and from Chicago; asks him to indicate the topic on which he would contribute a paper (tpc.)


/307 Ibid. to Prof. M.G. Smith, ibid. – pleased that he will be interested to come to the seminar; is passing on his suggestion for the topic of his paper; expects to send out invitations in the early spring; on Phyllis Kaberry (tpc.)


/308 MG to Prof. Daryll Forde, 3 & 4 Feb. – refers to his letter of 27 Jan. with enclosed correspondence; will write as soon as he can to the various people; it is disappointing that Shack will be in America; on Ghai, Richardson and Idenburg; on C.M.N. White; is delighted that Mike Smith has accepted; thanks him for writing to Pauwels; hopes that d’Arboussier can come; will write to Mr Justice Ollenu (tpc.)


/309 Ibid., 10 Feb. – encloses photostat of letter from Idenburg with copy of his reply; on replacing him with Sonius (tpc.)


/310 Ibid. to Dr W.A. Shack, ibid. – on the difficulty of finding funds to bring him from America for the seminar; asks him to let him know what topic he might speak on (tpc.)


/311 Ibid. to Prof. M.G. Smith, ibid. – is delighted that he can come to the seminar; on his suggestion of new themes for the seminar; on the topic he suggests for his own paper (tpc.)


/312 Dr W.A. Shack to Prof. Daryll Forde, 11 Feb. – refers to his letter of 27 Jan.; on travel funds to get to the seminar; he intends to apply to sources in America; on the topic of the paper; perhaps he or MG could inform him whether it sounds suitable (photocopy)


/313 Ibid. to MG, 16 Feb. – refers to MG’s letter of 10 Feb.; refers to his own letter to Prof. Forde concerning travel funding; on the topic of his paper; is planning to spend three weeks in England in the summer; perhaps they could meet (tp.)


MS 496


5/7/314 MG to Dr W. Shack, 24 Feb. 1965 – refers to his letter; hopes it will be possible for him to come; discusses the topic of his paper; on meeting in the summer (tpc.)


/315 Dr W. Shack to MG, 10 Mar. – on the topic of his paper; gives dates when he will be in England; on Absolom Vilakazi (tp.)


/316 MG to Dr W. Shack, 24 Mar. – refers to his letter of 10 Mar.; on the subject of his paper; if he were interested he could invite him to the ASA meeting at Oxford; on his plans for the summer (tpc.)


/317 Registration form[?] for Prof. I. Schapera for the Seminar (tp.)


/318 Registration form[?] for Prof. M.G. Smith for the Seminar (tp.)


/319 Dr W. Shack to MG, 30 Apr. – on MG’s invitation to the Association meetings at Oxford; most of his time in England will be spent on proof reading; thanks him again for invitation (tp.)


/320 M.G. Smith to ibid., 5 May – on the subject of his paper for the conference; MG’s output leaves him speechless (tp.)


/321 MG to Dr W. Shack, 7 May – refers to his letter of 30 Apr.; on the meeting at Oxford; delighted to hear that his book will be ready; hopes he will get to Addis (tpc.)


/322 Ibid. to Dr E. Ardener, 10 May – has invited W. Shack to attend the ASA meeting; has suggested he writes to him about accommodation (tpc.)


/323 Ibid. to Mr M.G. Smith, 26 May – refers to his letter of 5 May; on subjects for discussion at the seminar; will shortly be sending his book on politics; thanks him for his book (tpc.)


/324 Registration form[?] for Dr William Shack for the Seminar (tp.)


/325 Dr W. Shack to MG, 4 July – sends the paper; on his health; plans to attend the seminar; on the meetings at Oxford (autogr.)


/326 MG to Prof. I. Schapera, 15 July – cannot allow him an extra block of words; shall have to cut about a thousand words; wonders how this can be done; will try to look at his paper before going away (tpc.)


MS 496


5/7/327 Ibid. to Prof. M.G. Smith, 15 July 1965 – on his paper on ‘Idda and Secondary Marriage among the Kadara’; looks forward to reading it; on his letter about the Seminar in Los Angeles [not held] (tpc.)


/328 Sakkie [Prof. Isaac Schapera] to MG, 27 July – encloses the revised version of his paper; has rearranged the material somewhat; on MG’s ‘The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence’ (autogr.)


/329 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Isaac Schapera, 3 Aug. – thanks him for the paper; did ask for two copies if possible; asks if he has a spare copy (tpc.)


/330 MG to ibid., 9 Aug. – thanks him for revised paper; is sorry if his suggestions were not helpful; notes that it is the final version; on seeing Peter off to Zambia (tpc.)


/331 Ibid. to Dr W. Shack, 20 Aug. – refers to his letter of 4 July; on his health; read his paper with great interest; will be sending it soon with a few suggestions for changes (tpc.)


/332 Ibid., 23 Aug. – has now been through his paper; thinks it excellent; finds it most helpful to make as many suggestions as occur to him; makes some specific points on the paper (tp. copy)


/333 Ibid. to Prof. M.G. Smith, 30 Aug. – on reading his essay for Addis Ababa; asks if he could break it up into sections; makes some specific points on the paper; his summary for translation is too long (tpc.)


/334 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, 6 Sept. – encloses photostat of letter from Bill Shack together with his reply; feels his paper is rather general; suggested he might take up a more specific topic; on publishing this second paper (tpc.)


/335 Prof. I. Schapera to Prof. Daryll Forde, 23 Sept. – for health reasons it seems unlikely that he can take part in the seminar; is welcome to use the paper he has submitted; has been advised to rest (tp. copy)


/336 Prof. Daryll Forde to Prof. Isaac Schapera, 30 Sept. – refers to his letter of 23 Sept.; on his health; suggests keeping his place in the seminar open for a month or two; is sure that MG will want to include his paper (tpc.)


MS 496


5/7/337 Prof. M.G. Smith to MG, 29 Nov. 1965 – refers to MG’s note of 22 Nov. [not held]; has to drop out of the Seminar; gives his reasons; has written to Daryll [Forde] to apologise; asks if someone else could be assigned to introduce a session in his place; would be happy if his paper could be included in the Seminar volume; regrets having to miss the meeting; on Vic Turner; on MG’s visa problems (tp.)


/338 Secretary to Prof. Forde to Prof. M.G. Smith, 7 Dec. – refers to his letter of 29 Nov. [not held]; Prof. Forde regrets to learn that he cannot participate in the seminar; he will write as soon as possible (tpc.)


/339 J.-P. Sortais to MG, nd – on his wife’s illness; it will not be possible for him to go to the Seminar; sends apologies (tp.)


/340 MG to Prof. M.G. Smith, 4 Feb. 1966 – refers to his letter of 29 Nov. which made him rather angry; explains why; he enjoyed the seminar and his anger has subsided; will use his paper gladly (tpc.)


/341 Ibid. to Prof. J.P. Sortais, 15 Feb. – on his own health; hopes his wife’s illness was short; sorry that he did not get to the seminar (tpc.)


/342 Prof. Daryll Forde to J. Van Velsen, University College of Rhodesia, 17 Dec. 1964 – is considering with MG the scope and participation of the Seminar to be held in Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; sends a preliminary statement of the arrangements; asks if he would be willing to participate (tpc.)


/343 […?] to [Prof. Daryll Forde?], 23 Dec. – with regret cannot attend the seminar; the CNRS has no funds for travel; would have profited from the meeting; on his work with Prof. Alliot; on a dictionary of juridical anthropology; on MG’s book ‘The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence’; hopes to meet him; as M. Alliot cannot attend the seminar, M. Deschamps will let the members of the seminar know about the dictionary (photocopy, in French)


/344 J. Van Velsen to Prof. Daryll Forde, 8 Feb. 1965 – would be very pleased to take part in the seminar (photocopy)


/345 MG to J. Van Velsen, 10 Feb. – he has not replied to the invitation; has to make final arrangements by Mar.; would be grateful if he would write to Prof. Forde (tpc.)


/346 Ibid., 24 Feb. – refers to his letter of 8 Feb.; is delighted he will participate; on possible subjects for his paper (tpc.)


MS 496


5/7/347 L. Velay, Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, to MG, 25 Feb. 1965 – refers to a letter of 16 Feb. from M. Immanuel Wallerstein; on reprinting an article by MG (tp., in French)


/348 MG to M. L. Velay, 8 Mar. – refers to his letter of 25 Feb.; on the financial arrangements for publication; is writing on the subject to Dr Wallerstein (tpc.)


/349 Registration form[?] for Dr J. Van Velsen for the Seminar (tp.)


/350 Registration form[?] for J. Vanderlinden for the Seminar (tp.)


/351 MG to J. Van Velsen, 7 May – was distressed to learn that he has not replied to letter of invitation; told Prof. Forde that unless he heard within 10 days he should assume he is not coming; hopes he received his book on Barotse law; Schapera is now writing on Tswana contract; would be interesting if he too were to deal with that (tpc.)


/352 Prof. Daryll Forde to M. J. Vanderlinden, Haile Sellassie I University, 12 May – glad to know that he will participate in the seminar; glad to know that he will bring the seminar to the notice of colleagues in the law faculty (tpc.)


/353 J. Vanderlinden to MHG, 5 July – apologises for writing so late; on the situation in Ethiopia; Mr Michael Kindred would like to present a paper to the seminar; on his own proposed subject; has been away from good libraries so does not know if the subject has been dealt with; some colleagues would like to attend as observers (tp. with autogr. PS)


/354 MG to Dr J. Vanderlinden, 15 July – refers to his letter of 5 July; thinks it unlikely that they can agree to Mr Kindred presenting a paper; explains why; on attending as an observer (tpc.)


/355 Ibid., ibid. – now answers the second part of his letter; discusses his proposed subject; mentions some books which might help him; on meeting in England (tpc.)


/356 Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – encloses copies of Vanderlinden’s letter and his own reply; on the offer by Michael Kindred; encloses copy of his letter about Vanderlinden’s subject (tpc.)


/357 J. Van Velsen to MG, 17 July – thanks him for his second Lozi book; on the subject matter of his paper; has given his name as referee for Clyde’s chair (tp.)


MS 496


5/7/358 MG to J. Van Velsen, 27 July 1965 – on the subject matter of his paper; is delighted to be a referee (tpc.)


/359 J. Van Velsen to MG, 28 July – on acting as a referee; on his essay for ‘f/work’ symposium; on his paper for Addis; on MG’s Yale book; on the Ashanti oath (tp.)


/360 J. Vanderlinden to MG, 4 Aug. – refers to his letter of 15 July; thanks him for the proofs; on meeting when he is in England (tp. with autogr. PS)


/361 MG to J. Van Velsen, ibid. – refers to his letter of 28 July; on the matter of the reference; on the fieldwork symposium; on his subject matter for Addis Ababa; on his own Yale book; answers his point about the Ashanti oath; stresses that he should write on what he wants to write on for the seminar. 2 leaves (tpc.)


/362 J. Van Velsen to MG, 18 Oct. – has had a note from Forde which implies that if he does not send his paper now it will no longer be acceptable; is working on it now; would be very disappointed if his name were omitted from list of participants; could let him have the paper by the first week of Nov.; he could have it duplicated if that would expedite matters (autogr.)


/363 MG to Dr J. Van Velsen, 21 Oct. – refers to his letter of 18 Oct.; must have the manuscript by the first week in Nov.; asks for two copies (tpc.)


/364 J. Vanderlinden to MG, 1 Nov. – refers to MG’s letter of 13 Oct. [not held]; is annoyed by what is happening to his contribution to the seminar; explains why; encloses the two last copies of his paper; the University authorities have decided that the Law Faculty should play a more important role in the organisation of the seminar; would be glad of his views (tp.)


/365 MG to Dr Vanderlinden, 16 Nov. – refers to his letter of 1 Nov. with his article; nothing arrived [beforehand]; on the organisation of the seminar; did not get his letter of introduction to his colleagues in Brussels; on his visit to Brussels (tpc.)


/366 Prof. Daryll Forde to ibid., ibid. – refers to his letter of 1 Nov.; the first copy of his paper did not arrive; MG has now received the further copies he sent; on the Law Faculty taking an active part in arrangements for the seminar; has been corresponding with Prof. Pankhurst concerning the plans; has also been corresponding with Mr Ato Tereffe Woldetsadiq; will enclose a copy of a note on the detailed arrangements. 2 leaves (tpc.)


MS 496


5/7/367 MG to Dr J. Van Velsen, 19 Nov. – unless he gets his paper to MG, Prof. Forde cannot send a ticket (tpc.)


/368 Secretary to Prof. Forde to ibid., 7 Dec. – refers to his letter of 3 Dec. [not held]; has received his paper; is pleased that he will be participating in the seminar; on travel arrangements (tpc.)


/369 A.L. Epstein to ibid., 8 Dec. – has just received the typescript of his paper for Addis Ababa; found it interesting; asks him to send the footnotes and bibliography; these are wanted immediately; must hear from him by return (tpc.)


/370 M. Young to S.J. Perrin, 9 Dec. – encloses the footnotes and bibliography for Van Velsen’s paper; [encloses] copies of letters to Van Velsen and M.G. Smith; Dr Epstein will have to arrange for a replacement introducer (tp.)


/371 Prof. Daryll Forde to C.M.N. White, Ministry of Justice, Lusaka, 17 Dec. 1964 – is considering with MG the scope and participation of the Seminar to be held in Addis Ababa in Jan. 1966; sends a preliminary statement of the arrangements; asks if he would be willing to participate (tpc.)


/372 C.M.N. White to Prof. Daryll Forde, 30 Dec. – refers to his letter of 17 Dec.; [almost illegible] (photocopy)


/373 Prof. Daryll Forde to C.M.N. White, 27 Jan. 1965 – refers to his letter of 30 Dec.; appreciates that it is far in advance to commit people; hopes his task of integrating the former native courts will have gone forward to make it possible for him to attend; MG will send him a definite invitation in the spring (tpc.)


/374 MG to ibid., 10 Feb. – refers to his letter of 30 Dec.; sorry to hear that he might not be available to attend the seminar; on a subject for a possible paper (tpc.)


/375 Prof. Daryll Forde to ibid., 26 Apr. – sorry that he will not be able to attend the seminar; sympathises over the pressure of work (tpc.)


/376 Ibid. to Mr Ato Terrefe Woldetsadiq, 19 Nov. – encloses a list of names and addresses of participants and observers at the seminar; mentions various individuals; encloses copy of the circular he is sending out today to participants and observers; on booking hotel accommodation (tpc.)


/377 MG to ibid., 23 Nov. – will be arriving on 31 Dec.; looks forward to meeting him (tpc.)


MS 496


5/7/378 The Ethiopian Herald, 6 Jan. 1966 ‘Seminar on African Law Discusses Principles of Legal Rules in Africa’. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)


/379 MG, hardback notebook containing notes from the Conference[?] (autogr., some loose leaves)


 /8  Information about Tribes


  /1 Map showing location of BaNyengo tribe (printed and autogr.)


  /2 Information about the BaNyengo tribe (tp.)


  /3 Map showing location of BaNyete tribe (printed and autogr.)


  /4 Information about the BaNyete tribe (tp.)


  /5 Map showing location of WaRemba tribe (printed and autogr.)


  /6 Slips of paper with information about the Waremba tribe. 2 leaves (tp.)


  /7 Map showing location of Mankoya tribe (printed and autogr.)


  /8 Information about the MaNkoya tribe (tp.)


  /9 Map showing location of Mbwela tribe (printed and autogr.)


 /10 Information about the Mbwela tribe (tp.)


 /11 Ibid. showing location of Dembo or Ji-Ndembo tribe (printed and autogr.)


 /12 Maps showing location of Bozwa tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /13 Slip of paper with information about the Bozwa tribe (tp.)


 /14 Map showing location of BaHemba tribe (printed and autogr.)


 /15 Slips of paper with information about the BaHemba tribe. 24 leaves (tp.)


 /16 Map showing location of A or Wa Fungwe tribe (printed and autogr.)


 /17 Slips of paper with information about the Fungwe tribe. 2 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


5/8/18  Map showing location of Henga tribe (printed and autogr.)


 /19 Slips of paper with information about the Henga tribe. 7 leaves (tp.)


 /20 Map showing location of Baholoholo or Wahohoro tribe (printed and autogr.)


 /21 Slips of paper with information about the Baholoholo tribe. 7 leaves (tp.)


 /22 Maps showing location of BaIla tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /23 Slips of paper with information about the BaIla tribe. 16 leaves (tp.)


 /24 Map showing location of Kanga tribe (printed and autogr.)


 /25 Slip of paper with information about the Makanga tribe (tp.)


 /26 Map showing location of Bwari or Kabwari tribe (printed and autogr.)


 /27 Slip of paper with information about the Kabwari tribe (tp.)


 /28 Maps showing location of Itawa tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /29 Slips of paper with information about the Itawa tribe. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /30 Maps showing location of Makololo tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /31 Slips of paper with information about the Makololo tribe. 4 leaves (tp.)


 /32 Map showing location of Mbunda tribe (printed and autogr.)


 /33 Slips of paper with information about the Mbunda tribe. 3 leaves (tp.)


 /34 Maps showing location of Mambwe tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /35 Slips of paper with information about the Mambwe tribe. 4 leaves (tp.)


 /36 Map showing location of Aluyi tribe (printed and autogr.)


MS 496


5/8/37  Slip of paper with information about the Aluyi tribe (tp.)


 /38 Maps showing location of VaLuchase or VaLuzaji tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /39 Slip of paper with information about the Lujazi tribe (tp.)


 /40 Maps showing location of Lungu tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /41 Slips of paper with information about the Lungu tribe. 6 leaves (tp.)


 /42 Maps showing location of BaLunda tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /43 Slips of paper with information about the BaLunda tribe. 13 leaves (tp.)


 /44 Maps showing location of BaLovale tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /45 Slip of paper with information about the BaLovale tribe (tp.)


 /46 Maps showing location of the WaLenje tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /47 Slips of paper with information about the Lenje tribe. 4 leaves (tp.)


 /48 Maps showing location of BaKunda tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /49 Slips of paper with information about the Kunda tribe. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /50 Maps showing location of Lala tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /51 Slips of paper with information about the Lala tribe. 3 leaves (tp.)


 /52 Maps showing location of VaLamba tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


 /53 Slips of paper with information about the Lamba tribe. 7 leaves (tp.)


 /54 Maps showing location of Lambia or Rambia tribe. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


MS 496


5/8/55  Slip of paper with information about the Lambia tribe (tp.)


 /56 Slip of paper with information about the WaVinsa tribe (tp.)


 /57 Note on the Ambuela (tp.)


 /58 Note on the Ji-Ndembu (tp.)


 /59 Notes on the Tumbuka from D. Fraser and others (tp.)


 /60 Notes on the Usi and Ba-Ushi (tp.)


 /61 Notes on the SaMpukusu (tp.)


 /62 F. Ter Horst, ‘A Little Island Kingdom – Dishu the Dreadful and his Successor’ [on the Mampukushu tribe]. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


 /63 Ibid., 4 Feb. 1930 – ‘The Mampukushu of the West’. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /64 Ibid., 5 Feb. 1930 – ‘The Little Nero of Andara’. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /65 Notes on ‘VaLamba Kinship System’. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /66 5 May / 30 Apr. 1942 – notes headed ‘Kalamba’. 3 leaves (tp.)


 /9  Miscellaneous


  /1 Notes on Coillard’s diary[?], beginning Aug. 1884. 43 leaves (autogr., Mary Gluckman’s hand)


  /2 Notes on a diary, beginning 1 Jan. 1885. 33 leaves (tp.)


  /3 Notes, beginning 12 Oct. 1886. 14 pages (autogr., Mary Gluckman’s hand)


  /4 Notes headed ‘Vol. II’, dated 7 Mar. 1886. 12 leaves (autogr., Mary Gluckman’s hand)


  /5 Note on ‘Coillard’s Journals’ (autogr., Mary Gluckman’s hand)


  /6 MG, notes from ‘Nouvelles du Zambeze – Supplement au No. 2, juin 1902 – Lewanika Roi de Ba-Rotse – Autrefois – Aujourd’hui. Esquisse Biographe par Adolpe Jalla’. 23 leaves (autogr., partly in Mary Gluckman’s hand)


  /7 List of references from ‘Bulletin de la Société Neuchateloise Geographie’ (autogr.)


MS 496


5/9/8   Notes headed ‘Mission Correspondence 1875-1877’. 18 leaves (autogr., mostly in Mary Gluckman’s hand)


  /9 Notes headed ‘Collection of Brochures’ (autogr.)


 /10 Notes headed ‘Packet marked “Zambeze Documents de Miss Macintosh”’. 24 leaves (autogr.)


 /11 Notes headed ‘Les Missions Catholiques’, 22 Sept. 1882. 3 leaves (autogr.)


 /12 Notes headed ‘Holograph: Coillard’s report on Lealui station to meeting at Kazungala, July, 1894’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


 /13 Notes headed ‘Travail de M. Allier’. 9 leaves (autogr.)


 /14 Notes headed ‘T. Barnier: “Notes d’ethnographie zambézienne”’. 9 leaves (autogr.)


 /15 Notes headed ‘Journals of Madame Christina Coillard during the Expedition of 1877-9 to the Zambesi’. 16 leaves (autogr.)


 /16 ‘La Reine Mokwaé’ (printed booklet, in French)


 /17 Notes headed ‘F.C. Chez les Barotsis’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


 /18 Rough notes. 4 leaves (autogr.)


 /19 New Age, 27 Aug. 1959 (newspaper)]


 /20 The African Drum, Mar. 1951 (printed magazine)


 /21 Ibid., June 1951 (printed magazine)


 /22 Ibid., Sept. 1951 (printed magazine)


 /23 Ibid., Nov. 1951 (printed magazine)


 /24 Libertas, Sept. 1944 (printed magazine)


 /25 Ibid., May 1945 (printed magazine)


 /26 Ibid., Aug. 1945 (printed magazine)


 /27 Ibid., Sept. 1945 (printed magazine)


 /28 Ibid., Nov. 1946 [cover only] (printed)


 /29 Ibid., Dec. 1946 (printed magazine)


 /30 Ibid., Feb. 1947 (printed magazine)


 /31 Ibid., June 1947 (printed magazine)


MS 496


5/9/32  Ibid., Sept. 1947 [cover only]


 /33 Race Relations News, July 1949 (printed journal)


 /34 Ibid., Feb. 1951 (printed journal)


 /35 Ibid., Aug. 1951 (printed journal)


 /36 Ibid., Nov. 1951 (printed journal)


 /37 Ibid., Dec. 1951 (printed journal)


 /38 Ibid., Feb. 1952 (printed journal)


 /39 Ibid., Mar. 1953 (printed journal)


 /40 Ibid., Jan. 1954 (printed journal)


 /41 Ibid., Mar. 1954 (printed journal)


 /42 Ibid., June 1954 (printed journal)


 /43 Ibid., Sept. 1954 (printed journal)


 /44 Ibid., Jan. 1955 (printed journal)


 /45 Ibid., Mar.-Apr. 1957 (printed journal)


 /46 South African Institute of Race Relations (Inc.), 25th Annual Report 1953-1954 (printed booklet)


 /47 Ibid., 28th Annual Report 1956-1957 (printed booklet)


 /48 Ibid., 32nd Annual Report 1960-61 (printed booklet)


 /49 Race Relations Journal, 1951 (printed journal)


 /50 Ibid., 1953 (printed journal)


 /51 Ibid., Dec. 1956 (printed journal)


 /52 Ibid., Jan.-June 1957 (printed journal)


 /53 Ibid., July-Dec. 1957 (printed journal)


 /54 Ibid., Apr.-June 1959 (printed journal)


 /55 Ibid., July-Sept. 1959 (printed journal)


 /56 Ibid., Oct.-Dec. 1959 (printed journal)


 /57 Ibid., Jan.-Mar. 1960 (printed journal)


 /58 Ibid., Apr.-June 1961 (printed journal)


MS 496


5/9/59  Ibid., Oct.-Dec. 1961 (printed journal)


 /60 Mutende, No. 41, July 1939 (newspaper page, in English and another language)


 /61 Chart entitled ‘Lists of the Chitimukulus, Paramount Chiefs of the BaBemba; (autogr.)


 /62 W.V. Brelsford to Mr Hall, 3 Sept. [?year} – covering letter; discusses the lists; refers to Father Labrecque; encloses list of Chitimukulus from Father Labrecque’s History. 3 pages (tp. and autogr.)


 /63 D.S. Miller, 30 Mar. 1936 – ‘Notes on History of the Bemba Tribe. (Based chiefly on the historical passages in the White Fathers Chibemba Reader, Ifya Bukaya III’. 7 leaves (tp.)


 /64 Note by T.S.L. Fox-Pitt on Chandamukulu (autogr.)


 /65 Text headed ‘Origins’. 25 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


 /66 Notes on the ‘Origins’ text[?] 3 pages (autogr.)


 /67 ‘Bachitimukulu: 1700-1925. White Fathers’ List’ (tp.)


 /68 ‘Native Custom. History. Etc. Historical Note. Compiled by P.C. Cookson in 1902. Translated from notes of Rev. Pere Guillème’. 6 leaves (tp.)


 /69 Notes on the previous text[?] (autogr.)


 /70 ‘Awemba History As I have heard it’ by R. Young. 7 leaves (tp.)


 /71 Notes on R. Young’s history (autogr.)


 /72 ‘Origin of the Wawemba in Northern Rhodesia’, as related to S.A.L. Lloyd in June 1924. 2 leaves (tp.)


 /73 T. Fox-Pitt, 4 Dec. 1936 – ‘Statement made by Chief Chikwanda, October 1936’. 4 leaves (tpc.)


 /74 ‘History of the Wa Wemba. (Copied from an old D/N. Book.) 2 leaves (tp.)


 /75 E.A. Copeman, 25 May 1906 – ‘Barotse Influence’. 2 leaves (tp. copy)


 /76 G.H. Nicholls, Mar. 1906 – ‘Notes of Natives inhabiting the Baluba Sub-District, Kafue District’. 4 leaves (tp.)


 /77 History of the Livingstone District[?] 16 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


5/9/78  Notes headed ‘List of Files’, referring to Jalla’s Barotse History (tp.)


 /79 B.S. H[udson], cover note referring to a history of the Lala written by Mr Moffat; on the Paramount [Chief] (autogr.)


 /80 Malcolm Moffat to B.S. Hudson, 29 July 1936 – on the history of the Lala people. 6 leaves (autogr.)


 /81 Notes on the WaLala (autogr.)


 /82 H.E. S[alland][?] to PACS, nd – on the Awisa; on various other tribes in Northern Rhodesia; the notes must have involved a lot of work; Mr Fox Pitt and Mr Thomas are to be thanked (autogr.)


 /83 ‘Chief Kopa’s part of Chinama area (Mpika District) (From Mr W.V. Brelsford) June 1939 (Legend gathered by tax-clerk Chinsali)’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


 /84 C.H.J. Rawstone to the Chief Secretary, 4 Mar. 1937 – forwards some notes on the Bawisa Chiefs of Chilubi, the Matipas; should like a copy of any other notes on Bawisa history (tp. copy)


 /85 B.S. Hudson, 21 Mar. – cover note (autogr.)


 /86 Dec. 1936 – ‘The Matipas, Bawisa Chiefs: Some Notes on their History’. 5 leaves (tp. copy)


 /87 P.E. Hall, June 1940 – ‘The AWiza or BaBisa (a few notes from memory’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


 /88 Ibid., nd – ‘The BaBisa – References in books’. 10 leaves (autogr.)


 /89 Ibid., nd – ‘From Isoka District records’ (autogr.)


 /90 Cullen Gouldsbury, Report on the MaShona, includes bibliography etc. 12 pages (tp. including printed map)


 /91 Bibliography of works on the VaNdau (tp.)


 /92 Note on possession among the Vandau, from Nature[?], 18 Aug. 1934


 /93 George A. Wilder, ‘Ndau Religion’. 15 pages (tp.)


 /94 ‘An Outline of the Legal Ideas of the Vazezuru’. 16 pages [no page 11] (tp.)


 /95 Bibliographical entry relating to the Wimbe (tp.)


 /96 Notes on the Matabele (tp.)


MS 496


5/9/97  Notes on ‘Portuguese Nyasaland’, by Sampson Low; ‘1,000 Miles in a Machilla’ by Mrs Arthur Colville; ‘Via Rhodesia’ by Charlotte Mansfield; ‘Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the river Zaire’ by Capt. J.K. Tuckey; ‘The Portuguese in S. Africa’ by G. McCall Theal; ‘Life of F.S. Arnot’ by Ernest Baker and ‘An Account of the Discoveries of the Portuguese in the Interior of Angola and Mozambique’ by T.E. Bowdich. 8 leaves (autogr.)


 /98 Notes from pp. 9-10 of the (White Fathers) Bemba History. 3 leaves (autogr.)


 /99 List of Chiefs of the Barotse (autogr.)


/100 ‘History of Livingstone District, compiled by Head Messenger Sekwazwa & Native Clerk Kemuel Mahiritona’ (autogr.)


/101 Text headed ‘The Banyeti, Mangetti, Mangete, or Guetes’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/102 Text headed ‘Ba Bemba’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/103 Text headed ‘Ba Lunda of Kazembe’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/104 ‘Lists of the Chitimukulus, Paramount Chiefs of the BaBemba’ (autogr.)


/105 Ibid., another version [draft?] (autogr.)


/106 Notes headed ‘From “Ten Africans” by Margery Perham, 1936’. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/107 Rough notes on tribal legends[?] (autogr.)


/108 Notes headed ‘Notes by Mr H. Coad of Abercorn’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/109 ‘Reports by J.M. Bell on the General Situation of the Arabs 1896’. 11 leaves (tpc.)


/110 ‘Fight with Arabs and Capture of Slave Caravan at Chiwali’s Village by R.A. Young in 1897’. 9 leaves (tpc.)


/111 ‘Capture of Arab Caravan and Slaves at the Chozi River by J.M. Bell in April 1896’. 6 leaves (tpc.)


/112 ‘Engagement between Mr Drysdale and Arab Caravan at the Songwe River August 1896’. 15 leaves (tpc.)


/113 ‘Capture of Arabs Caravan of Slaves near Lusindo’s Village. June 1896’. 4 leaves (tpc.)


MS 496


5/9/114 M.S. Price to Chief Secretary, 7 Dec. 1935 – sends notes on the History of the District taken from the District Note Book (tp.)


/115 F.V. Bruce Miller, nd – notes on the history of the district[?] 11 leaves (tp.)


/116 ‘Extract from a Report on the Sailunga Kindred by Harry Vaux D.O.’ 4 leaves (tp.)


/117 Notes by H. Vaux on the Mwemlunga[?] (autogr.)


/118 Text headed ‘History’, on the Balamba tribe[?] 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. addition)


/119 Notes headed ‘Lamba History’ (autogr.)


/120 Text with autogr. note ‘History Lala Tribe’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/121 Text headed ‘Outline Histories of two Northern Rhodesian Tribes’. 10 leaves (tp.)


/122 Charles Dundas, manuscript of ‘Skeleton of Tribal History’. 87 leaves, many written on both sides (autogr.)


/123 J.E. Stephenson, alias Chirupula, Nov. 1938 – ‘Northern Rhodesia’. 7 leaves (tp.)


/124 List of ‘Principal Tribes according to Numerical Strength’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/125 List of ‘Tribes of Provinces’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/126 Note on the WaVezha (tp.)


/127 Notes on the WaUngwa (tpc.)


/128 MG, nd – notes (autogr.)


/129 Oxford Society membership card for MG (printed)


/130 Business card for Martial Payot (printed)


/131 Business card for Dr Gladwyn Murray Childs (printed)


/132 ‘Appendix 3: Capital investments of a few farmers and smallholders’ (tp.)


/133 Slips of paper, each with an index entry for O.T. Bryant’s book ‘The Zulu People’[?] 287 leaves (tp.)


/134 MG, nd – text headed ‘The People and their Leaders’. 30 pages (autogr. draft)


MS 496


5/9/135 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Odd Notes for APS’. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/136 Ibid., ibid. – text on Zulu King Shaka[?] 70 pages (autogr.)


/137 [MG?], nd – part of a text, numbered 96-136; includes ‘II: the Period (1500-1775) of Small Tribes before Shaka’s Conquests’. 41 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/138 Unknown text, includes on p. 42 ‘3. The Development of the Modern Zululand Equilibrium’. 18 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/139 Text headed ‘Chapter I The Analysis of Social Situations’. 19 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/140 Part of an offprint of ‘Social Situation in Modern Zululand’, includes ‘2. The Development of the Black-White Community in Zululand’ and ‘3. The Development of the Modern Zululand Equilibrium’. 14 pages (printed)


/141 Text headed ‘The Development of Modern Zululand Equilibrium’ (tp.)


/142 MG, nd – text in a notebook without covers, begins ‘Mpande died in 1872’. 37 pages (autogr.)


/143 Ibid., ibid. – rough notes. 3 pages (autogr.)


/144 MG, nd – text. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/145 Ibid., ibid. – text. 6 pages (autogr.)


/146 Ibid., ibid. – text. 8 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/147 Ibid., ibid. – pieces of text. 6 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/148 Ibid., ibid. – pieces of text and notes. 4 leaves (autogr.)


149  Ibid., ibid. – text. 5 pages (autogr.)


/150 [MG?], nd – partial text, numbered 6-14, including ‘IV. Changes Related to Social Organisation’. 8 leaves (leaf 7 missing) (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/151 Ibid., ibid. – partial text, numbered 22-38, headed ‘V. Other Changes in Social Organisation’. 18 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/152 Ibid., ibid. – partial text. 6 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


5/9/153 Ibid., ibid. – partial text, numbered 16-30, 44. 16 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/154 Partial text (not numbered consecutively). 15 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections and comments)


/155 […?] to MG, 15 May [?year] – refers to his letter [not held]; refers to MG’s article on culture contact; on his article on social change; makes some specific points. 2 leaves [some missing] (tp.)


/156 MG, nd – notes headed ‘Stuhrmann’ (autogr.)


/157 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Bantu’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/158 Notes headed ‘Specific Writer’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/159 MG, nd – notes entitled ‘Social Anthropology’. 10 double leaves (autogr.)


/160 Ibid., ibid. – notes entitled ‘Ethnography’. 5 double leaves (autogr.)


/161 Ibid., ibid. – rough notes headed ‘Bushmen’ (autogr.)


/162 Ibid., ibid. – notes on Fortes – Totemism. 1 double leaf (autogr.)


/163 Ibid., ibid. – notes on Durkheim – Elementary Forms. 10 pages (autogr.)


/164 [MG?], nd – notes entitled ‘Diploma in Anthropology – Course to be Covered and Reading on Items’. 8 pages (tp.)


/165 ‘Notes on Taxpayers’. 16 leaves (tp.)


/166 Notes headed ‘Travelling – District’. 11 leaves (tp.)


/167 Notes headed ‘District Maps’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/167a Notes headed ‘Notes of Game in the District’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/168 G. Howe, ‘Tour Report No. 40F 1934. Annexure “A”: the Villages situated in the Mashe Area’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/169 Notes headed ‘Angola-Portuguese Boundary: Kwando (Cuando or Mashi River)’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/170 25 Jan. 1928 – Circular about the Dimensions of Native Employees’ Quarters (tp.)


/171 Notes on Native Clerks. 2 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


5/9/172 MG, nd – ‘Homesteads of Mulundwe Silalo, Lialui[?] District’ (autogr. chart)


/173 Table headed ‘Vaccinations Sesheke Sub-District’ (autogr.)


/174 Table showing population figures, Sesheke Sub-District (autogr.)


/175 Table showing population figures, Sesheke Sub-District, 31 Dec. 1926. 1 double leaf (autogr.; duplicated)


/176 Table showing population figures, Sesheke Sub-District, 31 Mar. 1924 (autogr. and duplicated)

/177 Table showing population figures, 31 Mar. 1925. 1 double leaf (autogr.)


/178 Table showing ‘Native Population: Numbers of various tribes’ (autogr.)


/179 Table headed ‘Census 1921’ (autogr.)


/180 Table headed ‘B. Native Affairs’ (autogr.)


/181 Table showing population 1928-32. 1 double leaf (autogr.; duplicated)


/182 Table headed ‘Sesheke Sub-District 1/4/18-31/3/19 Revenue’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/183 Table headed ‘Revenue other than Tax. Year 1916-1917’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/184 Table headed ‘Amount of Tax paid each Year 31st March’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/185 Tables headed ‘Sub-District Sesheke, Report for the Quarter Ending 31.3.27’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/186 Table headed ‘Sesheke Sub-District Revenue. 1919-1920’ 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/187 Table headed ‘Revenue 1921-1922. Sesheke’. 1 double leaf (autogr.; duplicated)


/188 Table headed ‘Revenue 1920-1921 Sesheke District’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/189 Table headed ‘Station Sesheke District Barotse Annual Report for year ending 31-3-24’.  1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


MS 496


5/9/190 Table headed ‘Annual Report: Sesheke Sub-District: Barotse District For the year ending 31st March 1923’. 1 double leaf. (autogr. and duplicated)


/191 Table headed ‘Sub-District: Sesheke District: Barotse Annual Report For the year ending 31-3-25’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/192 Table headed ‘Annual Report Annexture I. District Barotse. 1926-27 Station Sesheke’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/193 Ibid. (another version) (autogr.)


/194 Table headed ‘Sesheke Sub-District 1918-1919. Expenditure’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/195 Table headed ‘Sesheke Sub-District Expenditure 1919-1920’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/196 Table headed ‘Expenditure:-1920-1921 Sesheke District’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/197 Table headed ‘Expenditure 1921-1922 Sesheke Sub-District’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/198 ‘Annual Report Sesheke Sub-District: Barotse District For the year ending 31st March 1923’. 1 double leaf (autogr. and duplicated)


/199 Table of mean daily maximum and minimum temperatures, for Mongu (autogr.)


/200 Ibid., for Balovale (autogr.)


/201 Ibid., for Kalabo (autogr.)


/202 Ibid., for Mankoya (autogr.)


/203 Ibid., for Sesheke (autogr.)


/204 Ibid., for Nalolo (autogr.)


/205 Ibid., for BNS (autogr.)


/206 Ibid., for Mamilunga[?] (autogr.)


/207 MG, nd – notes headed ‘South African Affinities with Nigerian “Tandu” Industry’, notes on specimens. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/208 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘EP’s lectures’. 5 pages (autogr.)


MS 496


5/9/209 Notes headed ‘Scattered points from AN AFRICAN SURVEY’ (tp.)


/210 Text headed ‘Myers’ Memorandum’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/211 Text headed ‘A Psychological Approach to the Study of African Society. The social developments of the African child’. 8 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/212 Notes on Kazauli Villagem 10 Nov. 1949 (autogr.)


/213 Notes headed ‘Agricultural Census Villages’. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/214 Map of the flood plain of Barotseland[?] (autogr.)


/215 Map of Barotseland (printed)


/216 Another map of Barotseland (printed)


/217 Chart of ‘Soil Types of the Barotse Plain’ (printed)


218  Ibid. (autogr)


/219 Rough notes relating to villages and census. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/220 Table II ‘Land Utilization in Eastern Surveyed Area of the Barotse Plain’ (tp.); on verso: Figures relating to villages (autogr.)


/221 MG, nd – list of works (autogr.)


/222 MG, ‘Index to Kropf’s Kaffir-English Dictionary’. 2 double leaves (autogr.)


/223 J. Stuart, ‘U Hlangakula’, London, 1924. 80 leaves (photocopy, in Zulu)


/224 J. Stuart, ‘U Baxoxele’, London, 1924. 112 leaves (photocopy, in Zulu)


/225 J. Stuart, ‘U Kulumetule’, London, 1925. 120 leaves (photocopy, in Zulu)


/226 J. Stuart, ‘U Vusezakiti’, London, 1926. 64 leaves (photocopy, in Zulu)


/227 nd – notes headed ‘Hoist with his own Research’; allusions to absence of 18 years and return to Barotse (tp.)


/228 nd – notes on food in various years, numbered 3 [leaves missing] (tp.)


MS 496


5/9/229 Lists of villages, Mongu District. 2 leaves (tp.)


/230 Index, Mongu District (tp.)


/231 MG, nd – miscellaneous notes (autogr.)


/232 ‘History in Zambia’, Research Bulletin of the Historical Association of Zambia, No. 2, Mar. 1971. 10 pages (tp.)


/233 nd – text of terms, numbered 2 [leaf or leaves missing] (tp.)


/234 A.M. Lewanika, Lealui – ‘Questions by the Director’, [leaf 1 missing]. 6 pages (tp.)


/235 The Times, 5 Apr. 1983 – ‘20 hurt and 33 arrested as football fans riot’ (newspaper cutting)


/236 Text on ‘The Judicial Process’. 40 leaves (photocopy)


/237 Bibliography (tp.)


/238 Bibliography. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/239 Bibliography on Indians. 3 leaves (photocopy)


/240 Mary Gluckman, nd – notes on Melvin Perlman, ‘The changing status and role of WW in Toro (Western Uganda)’ in ‘Cahiers d’Etudes Africaines’. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/241 Text entitled ‘Body of the Book’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/242 References to ‘The Growth of the Manor’ by Sir Paul Vinogradoff (autogr.)


/243 MG, reference to gossip paper (autogr. note)


/244 List of Ova-Herero kinship terminologies, collected by Mrs Hoernle. 3 leaves (tp.)


/245 Ibid. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/246 Notes headed ‘Vedder on Herero’. 5 leaves (autogr.)


/247 Reference to the Herero (autogr. note)


/248 A Herero genealogy. 1 double leaf (autogr.)


/249 Another[?] 1 double leaf (autogr.)


/250 Mary Gluckman[?], notes on Xosa Relationship Terms. 7 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


5/9/251 [MG?], nd – ‘A note on the use that Leach makes of his assumption that “a conscious or unconscious wish to gain power is a very general motives in human affairs” in his book The Political Systems of Highland Burma’. 8 leaves (tp.)


/252 A.L. Epstein, ‘The Administration of Justice and the Urban African – A Study of Urban Native Courts in Northern Rhodesia’ (bound; tp. with printed cover)


/253 ‘The Chirupula Quarterly Review’, Issue No. 2, Apr. 1950 (tp. and roneoed[?])


/254 [MG?], nd – notes on Mukanda ceremony. 17 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/255 MG, nd – notes headed ‘Miulwe’, 16 July 1940. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/256 Ibid.[?], May 1942 – notes on Circumcision Ceremony at Lukona. 2 leaves (tp.)


/257 Ibid., 1940 – notes on Ceremony about Week after Circumcision (tp., partly in another language)


/258 Ibid., nd – notes. 2 leaves (autogr.)


/259 Ibid.[?], nd – notes, partly in another language. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/260 Ibid., June 1940 – notes headed ‘Mulanda Miulwe’ (tp. with diagram)


/261 Ibid., 1940 – notes on Mikanda – Circumcision. 4 leaves (tp., partly in another language)


/262 Ibid., 1940 – notes on Mukanda. 2 leaves (tp., partly in another language)


/263 Ibid., 19 July 1940 – notes on ‘Visit to Mbambo’s Lodge’ (tp.)


/264 Ibid., nd – kinship diagrams showing Mbambo’s lodge. 2 leaves (autogr. with tp.)


/265 Ibid., June 1940 – notes headed ‘Katakala’s Lodge’ (tp.)


/266 Ibid., 1940 – notes headed ‘Wiko Circumcision’. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)


/267 Ibid., 6 July 1940 – notes headed ‘Washing of Knife Samafu’s Mukanda’. 3 leaves (tp. including autogr. kinship diagram)


MS 496


5/9/268 Ibid., ibid. – notes headed ‘Wiko Circumcision Washing of Knife’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/269 Ibid., ibid. – rough notes. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/270 Ibid., July 1940 – notes headed ‘Nyakayoya and Sinyama on Kuzwa Kwabashimani Kwamukanda’. 3 leaves (tp., some in another language)


/271 Ibid., Sept. 1940 – notes headed ‘Mikanda – Kuzwa Kwabashimani’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/272 Ibid., nd – notes. 8 leaves (autogr.)


/273 Ibid., Sept. 1940 – notes headed ‘Wiko Circumcision Rites’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/274 Ibid., notes on songs. 22 leaves (autogr.)


/275 Ibid., 2 July 1940 – notes headed ‘Mawiko Circumcision’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/276 10 Sept. 1940 – notes headed ‘Lipina’ (tp., in another language)


/277 Ibid. – ibid. (autogr., in another language)


/278 6 July 1940 – notes headed ‘Basali ba hupulang ka Mukanda’ (tp., in another language)


/279 Ibid. – ibid. (autogr., in another language)


/280 28 Sept. 1940 – field notes on ‘Mikanda’ (tp.)


/281 [Julius Stone?], critique of a text by MG. 4 leaves (tp.)


/282 Ibid.[?], notes on Hart. 3 leaves (tp.)


/283 Ibid.[?], notes on Symbolic Logic’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/284 MG, Table of Contents for ‘Law and Ethics in Lozi Social Structure’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/285 Ibid., nd – piece of text numbered 33-36. 4 leaves (tp.)


/286 Anthony […?] to MG, 11 May 1957 – encloses the records of three witchcraft trials which have just taken place in Barotseland; witchcraft and cannibalism are rife in Barotseland; on the life of a witchdoctor in the old days; on the difference made by the coming of the British; on the replacement of notional witchdoctor’s guns with real guns; seven witchdoctors and clients have been condemned to the gallows; witchdoctors are surrendering their charms under a sort of amnesty. 2 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


5/9/287 ‘In the Federal Supreme Court of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland in the Matter of the Criminal Appeal: Siyambo Twelve, Somili Muyawa, Musiluka Lifu Ngumune and the Queen’ (tp. volume)


/288 ‘In the Federal Supreme Court of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland in the Matter of the Criminal Appeal: Lice Mwakoyi, Mwikisa Nawa versus the Crown’ (tp. volume)


/289 ‘In the Federal Supreme Court of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland in the Matter of the Criminal Appeal: William Kachana, Simenda Mwendanayo versus the Crown’ (tp. volume)


/290 Text which mentions makishi (autogr. in another language)


/291 nd – notes on makishi ceremonies. 4 leaves (tp.)


/292 nd – notes headed ‘Makishi Costumes’; also includes details of dances and songs. 28 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/293 G.A. Delille, ‘The mukana[?] and zemba as practiced by the Tshokwe’. 22 pages (autogr.)


/294 MG, nd – notes from Delille (autogr.)


/295 Notes from ‘Circumcision Rites among the Bajok’, in American Anthropologist, Vol. 29, 1927. 3 leaves (tp.)


/296 ‘Circumcision by the Tutshiokwe’. 30 pages (autogr.)


/297 MG, nd – rough notes (autogr.)


/298 MG, 1942 – notes headed ‘1942 – Lealui. Saa’; notes on cases[?] 5 leaves (autogr.)


/299 Notes on cases from Mar. 1928 (tp.)


/300 Notes on cases[?] headed ‘Saa-Katengo Kuta, Lialui Monday 27.7.42’. 29 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/301 S.W. Denny, District Commissioner, to the Registrar, 2 May 1946 – refers to Sikalo case concerning Ngenda vs. Imakalula (tp. copy)


/302 MG, nd – rough notes (autogr.)


/303 Notes on the Baluba, written on slips of paper. 22 leaves (tp.)


/304 Page of drawings and words in another language (autogr.)


MS 496


5/9/305 Text headed ‘Mahalihali’, ‘This note is of information given me by Francis L. Suu’. 40 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/306 Zambia Mail, 28 Oct. 1969 – ‘This Land Scandal’ (newspaper cutting)


/307 Notes headed ‘Kalbo Kalabo District Note Book’. 34 pages (tp.)


/308 15 Jan. 1944 – notes headed ‘History of Mwandi and Sesheke Kutas’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/309 13 Jan. 1944 – notes headed ‘At Chief Inwiko’s’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/310 11 Jan. 1944 – notes headed ‘DC Billing on Political Problem’ (tp.)


/311 Ibid. – notes headed ‘Nalolo Politics’ (tp.)


/312 12 May 1941 – notes headed ‘Minute by DC Billing, Senanga, on Kuta Reform’. 4 leaves (tp.)


/313 15 Jan. 1944 – notes headed ‘Billing on my Scheme of Reform’ (tp.)


/314 Ibid. – notes headed ‘Billing on the Lozi’ (tp.)


/315 Ibid. – notes headed ‘Billing on Nalolo’ (tp.)


/316 Ibid. – notes headed ‘DC Billing on the Indunas’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/317 24 Jan. 1944 – notes headed ‘Liashimba on Makolo and my Plan’ (tp. with autogr. note by MG)


/318 Lewanika to Richard Douglas, Bulawayo, 21 Sept. 1906 – appoints him as sole agent for the purchasing of all goods; on the conditions of the appointment; the agreement is to continue for 25 years from this date. 3 leaves (photocopy)


/319 nd – text on ‘King Lewanika’s Village’. 2 leaves (photocopy)


/320 nd – text on a trip from Victoria Falls to Leahni the Capital of Barotseland. 8 leaves (photocopy)


/321 Summary of MG, ‘The Concept of the Reasonable Man in Barotse Law’, paper for the Brighton meeting of the British Association, 1948 (tp.)


/322 nd – list of references to construction of Barotse royal barge (tpc.)


MS 496


5/9/323 Report of speeches at the opening of the new Katengo Council, Limulunga, 5 July 1947 (tp.)


/324 22 Jan. 1944 – notes headed ‘Matrilineal Tribes of Barotse’ (tp.)


/325 24 Jan. 1944 – notes headed ‘Marriage Customs and Inheritance’. 3 pages (tp.)


/326 MG, nd – untitled article on Wiko circumcision. 34 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/327 Ibid., ibid. – notes on Wiko circumcision; [on verso:] ‘Skeleton Genealogy of the Lozi Royal Family’. 1 double leaf (autogr.)


/328 Text headed ‘Lecture VI Contract and the Importance of Obligation’. 23 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/329 MG, nd – part of a text. 6 leaves (autogr. draft)


/330 27 June 1947 – Case Record of a Cattle Dispute (tp.)


/331 7 July 1947 – Appeal from Nalolo Kuta, Dispute over Cattle. 2 leaves (tp., in another language)


/332 MG, nd – miscellaneous sheets of text, not consecutively numbered. 20 leaves (autogr.)


/333 Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘Chapter |  |: Obligations and Transactions – the Lozi Conception of Contract’. 63 leaves (autogr. draft)


/334 Ibid., ibid., – ‘Zulu’. 10 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)


/335 [MG], nd – text headed ‘Explicit and Implicit Ideas in African Law’. 19 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections) [some leaves missing]


/336 Sheets of incomplete text numbered 4-5. 2 leaves (tp.)


/337 Sheets of incomplete text numbered 2-5, 9-11. 7 leaves (tp.)


/338 10 July 1942 – notes on Ng’amba and Zasilena. 4 pages (tp.)


/339 27 Mar, 1942 – notes on ‘Status of Women and Kinship and Law’ (tp.)


/340 13 July 1944 – prescription for Master John Gluckman (autogr.)


/341 18 Feb. 1942 – ‘Why Singapore could not hold out longer’ (newspaper cutting)


MS 496


5/9/342 MG to Farmers Cooperative Creamery, Lusaka, nd – order for cream screw (telegram form)


/343 Ch. Effman & Son to MG, 15 Jan. 1942 – invoice for saddle (printed and autogr.)


/344 Ibid., ibid. – consignment note (printed and autogr.)


/345 MG, nd – notes on E. Holub, ‘Eine Culturskizze des Marotse-Mambunde-Reiches in Süd-Central Afrika’. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/346 List of books and reports on Law (tp.)


/347 MG, nd – rough notes. 7 pages [includes one double leaf] (autogr. and tp.)


/348 Bibliography (tp.)


/349 Another bibliography. 2 leaves (tp.)


/350 Another bibliography. 3 leaves (tp.)


/351 nd – notes headed ‘Lozi law – comments’.5 pages (autogr.)


/352 nd – notes on a text, in part of an exercise book. 13 pages (autogr.)


/353 nd – notes on a text. 5 pages (autogr.)


/354 MG, nd – rough notes. 5 pages; 1 double leaf (autogr.)


/355 Sheets of text. 5 leaves (tp.)


/356 Miscellaneous sheets of text, not numbered consecutively. 13 leaves (autogr.)


/357 MG, nd – notes headed ‘Durkheim’. 4 leaves (autogr.)


/358 Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘4. Rights and Duties of Citizenship – Tribute and Service’. 20 leaves (autogr. draft)


/359 Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘Introductory’. 10 leaves (autogr. draft)


/360 References to F. Kern, ‘Kingship and Law in the Middle Ages’ (tp.)


/361 16 Oct. 1952 – ‘Address given to Members of the British House of Commons by Mr Godwin A. Mbikusita Lewanika, Chairman of the Kitwe African Federation Committee and Founder and former President of the North Rhodesian African Congress’. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. note)


/362 MG, nd – list of cases. 4 leaves (autogr.)


MS 496


5/9/363 Ibid., ibid. – list of chapter headings for a book on Lozi Law (autogr.)


/364 nd – notes headed ‘Chapter IV’ (autogr.)


/365 Page of text (tp.)


/366 MG, 13 Feb. 1934 – notes on Exeter College notepaper, two of the sheets headed ‘Malinowski’. 9 leaves (autogr.)


/367 Ibid., nd – text headed ‘The Law and Custom of Land-holding in Lozi Society’. 6 leaves (autogr.) [incomplete]


/368 Ibid., ibid. – sequences of text. 12 leaves (autogr.) [incomplete]


/369 Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘Z. Chafee “The Disorderly Conduct of Words”’. 13 leaves (autogr.)


/370 Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘Chapter VII – The Significance of Judicial Action in Lozi Political Organization’. 6 leaves (autogr.)


/371 Ibid., ibid. – text headed ‘Chapter VII’ [crossed through]. 18 leaves (autogr. and tp.)


/372 Notes headed ‘Notes for rest of chapter’ (autogr. and tp.)


/373 Proofs of an index. 3 double leaves (printed with autogr. corrections)


/374 Compliments slip from Manchester University Press (printed and autogr.)


/375 MG, nd – notes on Radcliffe-Brown, ‘The Social Organization of Australian Tribes’. 19 pages (autogr.)


/376 Ibid., ibid. – notes on chiefs and magistrates. 3 leaves (autogr.)


/377 Text describing ‘Lecture 6: Law and Fact’, ‘Lecture 7: Ritual in Conflict’, ‘Lecture 8: The Balance of Modern Africa’ and Lecture 9: ‘The Difficulties and Achievements of Anthropology’. 5 leaves (tp.)


/378 Christopher Clapham, ‘The Role of the Paramount Chief in the Politics of Liberia and Sierra Leone’. 3 leaves (tp.)


/379 MG, part of a text numbered 298h, 298i, 298j and 298k. 4 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


MS 496


5/9/380 The Alicia Patterson Fund, 4 Aug. 1972, newsletter on ‘The Tyonek Indian Tycoons’ (printed booklet)


/381 The Alicia Patterson Fund, 9 Aug. 1972, newsletter on ‘Eskimo Olympics’ (printed booklet)


/382 Institute of Current World Affairs, 16 June 1972, newsletter on ‘Asia: the Culture of Bamboo’ (printed booklet)


/383 Institute of Current World Affairs, 5 Aug. 1972, newsletter on ‘India’s Gangetic Plain – Small Farmers in Bihar (No. 1)’ (printed booklet)


/384 Institute of Current World Affairs, 7 Aug. 1972, newsletter on ‘India’s Gangetic Plain – Small Farmers in Bihar (No. 2)’ (printed booklet)


/385 [MG?], discussion of a thesis, headed ‘G.S. Bryan’ (tp.)


/386 MG, text headed ‘Law and Society’. 13 leaves (autogr.)


/387 Leaflet advertising ‘The passing of Tribal Man in Africa, Peter C.W. Gutkind (printed)


/388 Reference to an article by Mahr, ‘Untersuchingen über Sexualethik ost- unde zentraleafrikanischer Volkstamme’ (tp. note)


/389 Bibliography (tp.)


/390 Another bibliography (tp.


/391 ‘Bibliography for Barotse’. 5 leaves (tp with autogr. additions’


/392 Another bibliography. 2 leaves (tp.)


/393 Review of Worsley, ‘The Third World’, V.W. Turner and Marc Swartz, ‘Political Anthropology’, Worsley, ‘The Fourth Dimension of Warfare’, and Worsley, ‘The Trumpet Shall Sound’. 2 leaves (tp.)


/394 Text discussing a book. 3 leaves (tp.)


/395 David […?] to Dick [Werbner], nd – returns MG’s papers; they require total reworking before they would be ready for publication; is not sure it is worth the effort of recovery (note on an envelope)


/396 Text headed ‘Gluckman – Custom and Conflict in Africa’. 2 leaves (tp.)


MS 496


5/9/397 [MG?] to […?], nd – on his MA thesis; on Frotes; describes the lines on which he will work out his thesis; mentions Schapera and E.-P.; he loves England; lists the place he has visited; thinks he has fitted in well to College life; is looking forward to his second year. 3 leaves (tp.) [first leaf missing]


/398 Public Services Association to MG, 12 Jan. 1942 – invoices for groceries. 3 leaves (printed and autogr.)


/399 […?] to MG, 3 Jan. 1942 – quotation for groceries etc. (autogr.)


/400 Page of text (autogr.)


/401 Note by MG, 15 Dec. 1965 – on rumours that he had reported alleged witches to the Government in 1957-58; on a story told by Charles N.M. White; mentions James Lemon; mentions Mr Wina (tp.)


/402 ‘Zibiso Ye Nogozwi Ki M. Gluckman (Makapweka)’, 15 Dec. 1965 (text in another language)


/403 Note by C. White on Mr J. Lemon calling himself ‘Makapweka’ (tp.)


/404 Notes on Barotseland. 2 double leaves (autogr.)


/405 University of Manchester, examination paper in Social Anthropology, 29 Mauy 1958 (printed)


/406 List of Social Anthropology students with marks (tp.)


/407 Kinship diagram (autogr.)


/408 Bibliography for ‘Introduction to Primitive Law and Morals’ (tp.)


/409 Bibliography on Central Africa. 2 leaves (tp. and autogr.)


/410 ‘Recommended Literature for the Special Area (Nilotic Sudan, Uganda, Kenya’ (tp.)


/411 MG, Arms Licences. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


/412 MG, firearms export licence (printed and autogr.)


/413 MG, firearms General Registration Certificates. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)


/414 Biographical information about Mrs A.W. Hoernlé, Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown and Florence Elizabeth Colson (tp.)


MS 496


5/9/415 Lists of books. 23 leaves (tp.)


/416 Notebook containing MG’s notes on Marett’s lectures, 1934 [see also /1/2]


/417 Ibid. containing MG’s notes on Balfour’s lectures, 1935


/418 Ibid. containing university notes[?]


/419 Loose pages of notes tucked into 5/9/418. 10 pages (autogr.)


/420 Notebook containing notes from Africa and Nada


/421 MG, Communications from the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute No. 1 – Administrative Organisation of the Barotse Native Authorities with a Plan for Reforming them, Volume 1, 1943 (bound book)


 .1  The Times, 24 May 1960 – picture of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother on board the Barotse royal barge (newspaper cutting, inserted in 5/9/421)


 .2  MG, June 1967 – Preface to the New Impression [of 5/9/421]. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)