followed by the 2010 Henry Myers Lecture
The 2010 AGM will take place on Thursday 23 September 2010 at 4.00 pm in the Stevenson Lecture Theatre, Clore Education Centre, British Museum, London WC1. It will be followed by the 2010 Henry Myers Lecture.
All are welcome. Only RAI Fellows may vote at the AGM. Formal notification of the AGM has also been published in Anthropology Today.
4.00 pm: AGM
5.45 pm (approximately)
Henry Myers Lecture, to be given by Professor Sir Geoffrey Lloyd FBA, on
Humanity between gods and beasts? Ontologies in question
Following the AGM and lecture, there will be a drinks reception for all present.
1. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 13 September 2009
2. Annual Report of the Council for 2009
3. Appointment of Auditors (Current auditors: H.W. Fisher and Company, Chartered Accountants)
4. Election of Officers and Council for the year 2010-2011 (see House List)
5. Announcement of elections of the Huxley Memorial Lecturer and Curl Lecturer for 2011
6. Presentation of the Rivers Memorial Medal for 2010 to Professor Stephen Shennan
7. Presentation of the Lucy Mair Medal for 2010 to Professor Anthony Good
8. Introduction of the incoming RAI Director (from 1 October 2010): Dr David Shankland
9. Any other business
(for election of Officers and Council under agenda item 4)
Names proposed by Council (new nominations marked with *)
All nominations are subject to the election of candidates as RAI Fellows for the year(s) in which they hold office. Former Presidents are ex officio Vice Presidents and not listed below.
President: Professor Roy Ellen BSc, PhD, FLS, FBA*
Elected Vice Presidents: Professor Elizabeth Edwards
Professor André Singer*
Professor Brian Street
[Co-opted Vice President 2010-11: Professor Julian S. Thomas]
Hon Secretary: Dr Eric Hirsch
Hon Librarian: Professor C. Thomas Selwyn
Hon Treasurer: To be appointed
Ordinary members of Council
Dr Nicolas Argenti
Dr Paul Basu*
Dr Lissant Bolton
Dr Jocelyn A. Boyden
Professor Sophie Day*
Dr Melissa Demian*
Professor Robin Dunbar FBA*
Dr Yulia Egorova
Professor Richard Fardon FBA
Professor Chris Gosden FBA
Professor Joy Hendry
Professor Jeremy MacClancy
Professor Sharon MacDonald
Professor Ann MacLarnon
Dr Isak Niehaus*
Dr Melissa Parker
Professor Alexander Robertson*
Professor Robert Simpson*
Dr Dimitri Tsintjilonis*
Dr Simon Underdown*
Article 42(b) of the Articles of Association states:
In addition to the candidates named in the House List, any member (Fellow) may be nominated for election as an Officer or a member of Council provided such member shall not have been disqualified under these presents.
Nominations shall be in writing and signed by at least two members (Fellows) eligible to vote and accompanied by a statement in writing by the nominee expressing his willingness to serve if elected. Nominations must have been lodged with the Secretary not later than three days before the Annual General Meeting.