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Wellcome Medal Presentation: Elizabeth Hallam

May 10 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm



Anatomy Museum – the edit

Dr Elizabeth Hallam, University of Oxford

Friday 10 May at 5.00 pm

Moving through complicated routes to publication, a work develops with many omissions, gaps, deletions, replacements, and losses. My book, Anatomy Museum: Death and the Body Displayed, is no exception; its composition has necessarily involved cutting.

This presentation reflects on some of the many visual images that were edited out of the book, showing how display – understood as a social, material and spatially located process of making visible and tangible – entails forms of occlusion.

What kinds of images remain invisible in contrast to those selected and framed for viewing in the printed book? And what are the implications of these cuts for both researcher and reader? Reflexive attention to this out-taking, or backgrounding, opens up further insight with regard to the means by which knowledge is produced – in this case knowledge of human anatomy in medical schools.

This event is free, but tickets must be booked. To book tickets please go to https://wellcomehallam.eventbrite.co.uk

Location : Royal Anthropological Institute
50 Fitzroy Street
United Kingdom

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