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Anthropology Communicates: Emma Crewe and Abbi Hobbs

December 9 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Anthropology Communicates


Wednesday 9 December 2020 at 11:00-13:00 (GMT)

Engaging Anthropologically with UK Parliamentary Select Committees

This session will be led by:

Emma Crewe, Director of Global Research Network on Parliaments and People, SOAS, University of London
Abbi Hobbs, Head of Social Science, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, UK Parliament

and chaired by Richard Axelby (SOAS)

This event will be held on Zoom. To register please go here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkcuihrzIqHN1cBDeqcH4pBkqEV_q8Dj-r 

Abbi Hobbs is Head of Social Science at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) in the UK Parliament and a Senior Research Associate at UCL Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP). POST helps bridge the gap between research and policy in the UK. It is a bicameral body, working for both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
Emma Crewe has been researching the UK Parliament since 1998, runs large coalition programmes researching parliaments and civil society, and is Chair of the RAI’s Anthropology of Policy and Practice Committee.

In this webinar Emma and Abbi will give a presentation about how parliamentary select committees work, what they do and what influence they have in the UK. They will make suggestions about how to engage with their processes, members and staff, whether participating in consultations, inquiries, outreach or scrutiny of government. Abbi will advise on how to make research accessible and Emma will share her experience of dealing with specifically anthropological challenges in advocacy. How can you convey inconvenient, localised and complex knowledge when decision-makers tend to favour simplicity?


Future events in the Anthropology Communicates – webinar series:

14th January 2021, 3-5pm: Hannah Pitt and Claire Somerville on Digital Audiences

11th February: Emma Gilberthorpe on Media (TBC)

11th March, 3-5pm: Sue Black on Forensic Anthropology

15th April, 3-5pm: Alex Clegg on Civil Society

Spring 2021: further Anthropology Communicates webinars to be confirmed.

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