Genealogies of Lagalag villages, compiled from A.B. Deacon’s notes by Camilla H. Wedgwood. [193-]
51 paper folders, inscribed on upper leaves and containing genealogies of various sizes and numbering. Some of the folders have been reduced without loss of information due to paper disintegration. Originally 28 x 21. 5 cm., now various sizes and 5 papers. Various sizes
Handwritten except for /54 and /56, typewritten.
? Presented by Camilla H. Wedgwood
/1 Genealogies of Lambumbu villagers. 19 genealogies.
/1 Village? Vangúsu. Y34 & 38. 1 leaf. 10.5 x 28 cm.
/2 Genealogy of Tes(nrel) of ?? Tambinbon. Y33. 1 leaf. 10.5 x 28 cm.
/3 Genealogy of Roglili of ?? Hamal Mial. Y35 & 38. 2 leaves. 10.5x 28 cm.
/4 Genealogy of Tesnrëk of Winep. Y36. 1 leaf. 11 x 27.5 cm.
/5 Genealogy referring probably to Roglili (3) & ? Tes (2) & ? Nambwit. Y36. 1 leaf. 11 x 28 cm.
/6 Genealogy of Balias. 1 leaf. 11 x 54 cm.
/7 Genealogy of Mbulmbul of Tenaru. 1 leaf. 9 x 28 cm.
/8 Genealogy of Sienmal &c. of ? village. 1 leaf. 10.5 x 42 cm.
/9 Genealogy of Linraus of Winep. 1 leaf. 10.5 x 37.5 cm.
/10 Genealogy of Sagsagmal of Lowag. 1 leaf. 20.5 x 28 cm.
/11 The marriages of Tolili. 1 leaf. 21 x 28 cm.
/12 Marriages of Wulvanu. 1 leaf. 21 x 25 cm.
/13 [Raaimbön = Vurtar Vaalöm]. 1 leaf. 13 x 28 cm.
/14 Genealogy of Ipman of Vuliembet. Y70. 1 leaf. 10.5 x 28 cm.
/15 ?? Village of Lembetewut. Y70. 1 leaf. 11 x 28 cm.
/16 ?? Village. Y79. 1 leaf. 10.5 x 28 cm.
/17 ?? Village Vang?su [wiggly line above]. Y70. 1 leaf. 1 x 28 cm.
/18 Genealogy of Noarag and Roglili of Vanambag lülüt. 1 leaf. 11 x 54 cm.
/19 [Ipman to Lito? …]. Y71. 1 leaf. 28 x 12 cm.
/2 Men Gerei:Amel Tamat. V. 1 genealogy
/1 10 Amel Tamat: Ancu m ?. 1 leaf. 15 x 80 cm.
/3 Tees Mba: Teleleu VI-VII. 2 genealogies.
/1 VI Teleleu: Amoroor m ?. 1 leaf. 14.5 x 30 cm.
/2 58 Metenewei of Teleleu. 7. 1 leaf. 17 x 13 cm.
/4 Nemen Teveum: Loormbarap. VIII-X. 3 genealogies.
/1 III Loormbarap: Awonk m ?. VIII. 1 leaf. 16 x 84 cm.
/2 63 Avogh of ?Loormbarap (cf. 3). IX 9. 1 leaf. 8 x 23.5 cm.
/3 65 Aindur of Loormbaraf. X 10. 1 leaf. 7 x 23.5 cm.
/5 Noumou: Looriet XI, Nembürü XII. 2 genealogies.
/1 66 Ambug of Looriet. XI. 1 leaf. 8 x 18 cm.
/2 12 Nembürü. XII. 1 leaf. 21.5 x 84 cm.
/6 Vitvit Leo: Mbwilmbar XIII & XIV, Nemep XV, Rahuwari XVI. 4 genealogies.
/1 40 Masig Raniew of Mbwilmbar. XIII. 1 leaf. 14 x 22 cm.
/2 39 Aiso Mbaai of Mbwilmbar. XIV. 1 leaf. 8 x 27 cm.
/3 15 Nemep. XV. 1 leaf. 14.5 x 38 cm.
/4 25 Vilortew of Rahuvari. XVI. 1 leaf. 8 x 17.5 cm.
/7 Amel Bwirmial: Tivutip I-IVa, Loormap XVIII & XIX. 8 genealogies.
/1 Vindawu or Tivutip. E31 bk. 1 leaf. 9 x 25 cm.
/2 Aimbon of Tivutip. (I). 1 leaf. 11 x 25 cm.
/3 Agot of Tivutip. (II). 1 leaf. 17.5 x 28.5 cm.
/4 18 Aimog of Tivutip. III. 1 leaf. 14 x 43.5 cm.
/5 I Tivutip: Agot m ?. IV. 1 leaf. 14.5 x 43.5 cm.
/6 Tivutip IVa. Aman Lili m ?. 1 leaf. 9.5 x 16 cm.
/7 47 Loormbap? XVIII. 1 leaf. 11 x 39 cm.
/8 48 Loormbap: Marlampabwil m ?. XIX. 1 leaf. 7 x 23 cm.
/8 Surei Kumbwoto: Rahulemp XVII. 1 genealogy.
/1 17 Tivlüs of Rahulemp. XVII. 1 leaf. 11.5 x 84 cm.
/9 Cuwer Cuven Mbatin: Luha XX-XXI. 4 genealogies
/1 49 Agot of Lu ha. XX. 1 leaf. 7.5 x 34.5 cm.
/2 Luha: Toncil m ?. XXa. 1 leaf. 13 x 14 cm.
/3 Luha: Ambulkel m ?. XXb. 1 leaf. 13 x 20 cm.
/4 38 Masinbal of Lu-ha. XXI. 1 leaf. 14 x 26.5 cm.
/10 Mbetep Mehmeh: Tirulemp. XXII-XXIV. 4 genealogies.
/1 XXII Aile of Tivulemp. 1 leaf. 9 x 18 cm.
/2 II Tivulemp. XXIII. 1 leaf. 10 x 31 cm.
/3 Tivulemp: Mwindenemus m Lineil. XXIIIa. 1 leaf. 13.5 x 16 cm.
/4 16 Lonowir of Tivulemp. XXIV. 1 leaf. 15 x 21.5 cm.
/11 Nikakal Isumb sar Letan: Tungor. XXV-XXVI. 2 genealogies
/1 21 Akat of Tun?or. 1 leaf. 7.5 x 22 cm.
/2 22 Ambar of Tun?or. 1 leaf. 8 x 21.5 cm.
/12 Anan Naiew Mbüia Looru: Reimi XXVII-XXIX. 3 genealogies
/1 60 Aiwus Vaal of Reimbi. XXVII. 1 leaf. 8 x 25 cm.
/2 59 Aisigran of Reimbi. XXVIII. 1 leaf. 8 x 25 cm.
/3 14 Reimbi. XXIX. 1 leaf. 15 X 66 CM.
/13 Nisarap: Ma.ur. XXX, XXX1. 2 genealogies
/1 13 Maur. XXX. 1 leaf. 11 x 80 cm.
/2 30 Piar of Maur. XXXI. 1 leaf. 8 x 18 cm.
/14 Naia Meten Mbwilei: Loorlangalat XXXII-XXXIIb. 3 genealogies
/1 83 Loorlanalat: Aisir m Ligal. 1 leaf. 7 x 16 cm.
/2 32a Loorlanalat: Ava’al m Limbel. 1 leaf. 8 x 14.5 cm.
/3 32b Loorlanalat. (Amel Tamat). 1 leaf. 9 x 18.5 cm.
/15 Nawündr Tei Tei: Loorwo XXXIII & XXXIIIa. 2 genealogies
/1 11 Loorwo. 1 leaf. 14 x 43 cm.
/2 33a Loorwo. Nembürü. 1 leaf. 9.5 x 16.5 cm.
/16 Var Ndumndum: Wormbürü XXXIV. 1 genealogy
/1 75 Wormbüri (Tenmial). 1 leaf. 7 x 14.5 cm.
/17 Matan Telei: Looremew XL. 5 genealogies
/1 Genealogies of Lagalag villages. 1 leaf. 12.5 x 28 cm.
/2 ? Lagalag. 30. 1 leaf. 10.5 x 46 cm.
/3 Ventitok Village: Uni m Lilinögei. 1 leaf. 10.5 x 42.5 cm.
/4 Genealogy of Sesien BanLuvlup. 1 leaf. 8.5 x 28 cm.
/5 ? Lagalag. Y95 bk.21. 1 leaf. 10.5 x 28 cm.
/6 Genealogy of Sesien of ? Village. 15. 1 leaf. 10.5 x 28 cm.
/18 Inin Bi: Loorveli XLI-XLII. 2 genealogies
/1 9 Loorveli. 1 leaf. 14 x 41 cm.
/2 80 Loorreli: Mbwilmbap. 1 leaf. 9 x 16.5 cm.
/19 Tortor: Leirip XLIII-XLIV. 2 genealogies
/1 VI Leirip. XLIII. 1 leaf. 15 x 63 cm.
/2 68 Palmaur of Leirip. 1 leaf. 7 x 18 cm.
/20 Nivingeum Ten: Loorha XLV, XLVI, Loortew XLVII. 3 genealogies
/1 69 Loorha XLV. 1 leaf. 9.5 x 29.5 cm.
/2 71 Loorha XLVI. 1 leaf. 8 x 23.5 cm.
/3 76 Loortew XLVII. 1 leaf. 6.5 x 18 cm.
/21 Naai San Nimetou: Vüniar XLVIII. 1 genealogy
/1 54 Vüniar. 1 leaf. 7 x 18 cm.
/22 Nivüh: Lumloor XIL-LII.X. 4 genealogies
/1 VII Lumloor. XIL. 1 leaf. 16 x 67.5 cm.
/2 73 Lumloor L. 1 leaf. 10 x 23.5 cm.
/3 Amburgemara m Vilensane. 1 leaf. 8 x 27 cm.
/4 56 Apwil Saundal of Yumloor. 1 leaf. 7 x 17 cm.
/23 Leisal LIII. 1 genealogy
/1 45 Masig Manbü of Leisal. 1 leaf. 10 x 33 cm.
/24 Cuip Mbeink Batnbank: Tenerop (?) LIV, XCI. 2 genealogies
/1 32 Ambog Lili of Bat?bank clan. LIV. 1 leaf. 14 x 20 cm.
/2 Tenerop 91. XCI. 1 leaf. 9.5 x 21 cm.
/25 Batnbrünk LV. 1 genealogy
/1 77 Batnbrünk. 1 leaf. 10 x 39.5 cm.
/26 Boonwor LVI ? S. Coast (B. 1630). 1 genealogy
/1 79 Boonwor: Masig Kekes m Limbel. 1 leaf. 9 x 16 cm.
/27 Tembtemp nawank: Dineur LVII-LVIII. 2 genealogies
/1 78 Dineur: Naambog m Vinmbumboror. 1 leaf. 6.5 x 16.5 cm.
/2 61 Barur of Dineur. 1 leaf. 13 x 14.5 cm.
/28 Tartes: Lembinewen. LIX. 1 genealogy
/1 34 Tolis of Lemvinewen. 1 leaf. 6.5 x 17.5 cm.
/29 Nambal Ima RöndrRöndr: Lewmbwilmamb LX. 1 genealogy
/1 50 Mwinmewun of Lembwilmamb. 1 leaf. 9 x 29.5 cm.
/30 Naai Tamap: Lembwilari. LXI. 1 genealogy
/1 41 Aman Tavu of Lembwilari. 1 leaf. 7.5 x 27.5 cm.
/31 Lengit. LXII. 1 genealogy
/1 70 Lengit. 1 leaf. 10 x 17 cm.
/32 Nisumbul Randum Limapmap: Loor Tambrüat LXVIII. 1 genealogy
/1 42 Loortambrüt. 1 leaf. 11 x 24.5 cm.
/33 Nitelis Timbarap: Mbon Dip. LXXI. 1 genealogy
/1 26 Aindig of MbonDip. 1 leaf. 14.5 x 15 cm.
/34 Tenmial LXXVI ? S. Coast. 1 genealogy
/1 74 Tenmial. 1 leaf. 12.5 x 36 cm.
/35 Tum as 80. 1 genealogy
/1 72 Umas (Wilenys-Seniang border). 1 leaf. 9.5 x 23.5 cm.
/36 Ndindinemer: LXXXII-LXXXIV, Loorndemes (part of Uraau) LXXXVIII. 5 genealogies
/1 51 Children of Viranmap by her Second V+ (Ura Au). 1 leaf. 11 x 18 cm.
/2 82a Ura Au. 1 leaf. 8 x 21.5 cm.
/3 43 Vinbuher of Uraau. 1 leaf. 13 x 28 cm.
/4 44 Aisimp of Uraau. 1 leaf. 10 x 51 cm.
/5 Loontemes 88 (=? Loorndemes part of Uraau). 1 leaf. 10 x 18.5 cm.
/37 Vanamban LXXXV. 1 genealogy
/1 51 Vanambag. 1 leaf. 9 x 21 cm.
/38 Van-ha LXXXVI-LXXXVII. 2 genealogies
/1 55 Ainig of Van Ha. 1 leaf. 6.5 x 31 cm.
/2 62 Akar Ainin of Vanhar. 1 leaf. 11 x 27 cm.
/39 Nisarap: Loormarit. XC. 1 genealogy
/1 90 Loormarit. 1 leaf. 10 x 17 cm.
/40 Loories 100. 1 genealogy
/1 8 Loories. 1 leaf. 15 x 84 cm.
/41 Vanambank 101. 1 genealogy
/1 Unidentified J. (Venembank Animbu). 1 leaf. 16 x 57 cm.
/42 Lokbagalou 102. 1 genealogy
/1 82 Lokbagalo. 1 leaf. 7 x 17 cm.
/43 Melpmes: Amwi Venuwus (Kabatwuk) 103. 1 genealogy
/1 81 Kabatwuk Melpmes. 1 leaf. 9 x 31.5 cm.
/44 107 & 108. 2 genealogies
/1 35 Laau of Melaai. 1 leaf. 8 x 19 cm.
/2 36 Tivineram of Melaai. 1 leaf. 8 x 21 cm.
/45 Mbrülies 109 & 110. 2 genealogies
/1 37 Mbrülies. 1 leaf. 8 x 18 cm.
/2 Mbrülies 72a. 1 leaf. 10 x 18 cm.
/46 Loutara III. 1 genealogy
/1 31 Sarambwir of Loutara. 1 leaf. 8 x 21 cm.
/47 Tenemüs 112. 1 genealogy
/1 33 Maslembüs of Tenemüs. 1 leaf. 9 x 11 cm.
/48 Louta?a 113-115. 3 genealogies
/1 Loutaga 89b. 1 leaf. 18.5 x 27 cm.
/2 Loutaga 89. 1 leaf. 15.5 x 51.5 cm.
/3 Unidentified K. 1 leaf. 13 x 34 cm.
/49 Unidentified genealogies for S.W. Bay districts. 21 genealogies
/1 Unidentified A. Mewun. Velmevel m. Wimbag Mbaus. 1 leaf. 9 x 33.5 cm.
/2 Unidentified B. Mewun. Soguahap m Vindank. 1 leaf. 9 x 11.5 cm.
/3 Unidentified C. Mewun. Welkene Bwön m Liimbel. 1 leaf. 7 x 16 cm.
/4 Unidentified D. Mewun. 1 leaf. 9 x 27 cm.
/5 Unidentified E. Tenambugh m ?, Lili. 1 leaf. 9 x 18.5 cm.
/6 Unidentified F. Masig Luan m Liminei. 1 leaf. 7.5 x 13 cm.
/7 Unidentified G. Aiar m. Lerumbas. 1 leaf. 9 x 45 cm.
/8 Unidentified H. Boglel m Vilül. 1 leaf. 8 x 15 cm.
/9 27 Nemenbank of Undueleu ? Telag. 1 leaf. 9 x 24.5 cm.
/10 28 Aivan of Loorvana. 1 leaf. 6.5 x 18 cm.
/11 46 Loormbur. 1 leaf. 9.5 x 39 cm.
/12 64 Loormbatndam. 1 leaf. 11 x 14 cm.
/13 57 Aisül of Loormbatap. 1 leaf. 7 x 14.5 cm.
/14 29 Ates Nambon of Loormba. 1 leaf. 8 x 20.5 cm.
/15 Aiap Manwien m ? E.6. 1 leaf. 10 x 25 cm.
/16 Mewun. E25 bk. Rapbwenuncou m Nankmbuas. 1 leaf. 20 x 25.5 cm.
/17 Unidentified E.42 bk. 1 leaf. 13.5x 25.5 cm.
/18 E.32 Aiso Iau m Lisir. 1 leaf. 20.5 x 25.5 cm.
/19 F.14 Roovum m Limar. 1 leaf. 19.5 x 25 cm.
/20 Masinbal m Luus Namajo m Aimbog. 1 leaf. 10 x 25.5 cm.
/21 Table F. Nimbin = Liter. 1 leaf. 19 x 22 cm.
/50 Timrüs 104-106. 3 genealogies
/1 19a Masentukh & Ambimetu of Timrüs. 1 leaf. 13.5 x 18cm.
/2 Masnetes of Timrüs. 1 leaf. 13.5 x 25 cm.
/3 19b Kaiitip of Timrüs. 1 leaf. 19.5 x 41 cm.
/51 Lists of villages and their surviving members in Lambumbu & Lagalag. 1 genealogy, various papers
/1 The genealogy of Jimmy of Metensel village, district of Lagalag. 1 leaf. 21 x 54 cm.
/2 Villages & survivors of Lambumbu. 1 leaf. 28 x 21 cm.
/3 List of the villages in Lambumbu district together with their surviving members. 12 leaves. 28 x 21 cm.
/4 List of the kinship terms used between the people recorded in the genealogy of Jimmy. 1 leaf. 26 x 20.5 cm.
/5 List of the villages of Lambumbu. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm.
/6 Villages of Lagalag and their living members. 3 leaves. 27 x 21 cm.
/52 Names of speakers. 4 leaves. 28 x 40.5 cm.
/53 [Lists of villagers]. 3 leaves. 28 x 21.5 cm.
/54 Appendix: during his survey-work in Melanesia, Rivers, working with Paul, a mission boy, who was at Tanoa, also collected a list of kinship terms for Mewun district. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten
/55 [List of words]. 1 leaf. 27 x 20 cm.
/56 [Copulation]. 1 leaf. 22 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten