Miscellaneous notes, papers, letters, calculations, tables and graphs.
Various papers. Various sizes.
Typewritten, mimeographs, holographs, manuscripts.
Presented by Miss E. Godding 1/9/1076.
/1 Folder entitled in manuscript: Scarboro’ & King’s College. Papers 1-24
/1 K.C. & Scar. papers, alterations and additions
/2 [Letter to Miss Tildesley from G.M. Mourant, dated 30th August].
/3 Correlation of palate breadths with length and height. 1 table
/4 Correlation of bizygomatic with palate breadths, buccal breadth [and] correlation between palate breadths. 2 tables
/5 Table X: Statistical constants from the Scarboro’ (8th-16th century) and Kings’ College (mid 17th-mid 19th century) male skulls. 1 table. 63 x 57.5 cm
/6 Comparative table of standard deviations: males (England & Scotland). 1 table
/7 K.C. & Scar. B.A. paper. 2 pp.
/8 Examining the ‘signif.’ diff’es bet. Scar. & K.C. means. 21 s.
/9 Parsons’ skull-contours. 7 pp. [and notes]. 1 leaf
/10 Indices Scarboro’ [on reverse] from N. Karn, University College, WC1. 1 table. 8.5 x 12 cm
/11 Correlation data: [in folder] 1, [Letter to MLT from Noel Karn] – 2, Correlations worked at by Miss Karn. 6 pp.
/12 Characters in which the difference bet. Scar. & K.C….. 1 table
/13 Comparison of face & jaws of a mediaeval (Scarborough) & a post-mediaeval (London) population. 21 s.
/14 Characteristics of the two series compared [in folder with contents list and numbered pp. 5-21], table XI, [notes attached to pp. 6, 7, 12]. 201 s.
/15 Coefficients of variation. 1 table
/16 Insert on p. 1
/17 Figures 1 and 2, enlarged view of apparatus
/18 Fig. 3
/19 95% of area lies …
/20 Hythe males … [reverse of visiting card – John Pound & Co Ltd]. 10 x 7 cm
/21 Comparative table of means (England & Scotland) since beginning of iron age. 1 table. 20.5 x 62.5 cm
/22 Deviation from mean in terms of S.D. 1 table
/23 For use in Scarborough paper
/24 Comparative study of face and jaws of an 8th-mid 16th cent. Scarborough and a mid 17th-mid 19th cent. London series of skulls; by V.H. George, LDS, RCSE and M.L. Tildesley. 41 s.
/2 Folder entitled in manuscript: Statistical data from various anthrop. ch’trs. Papers 1-18
/1 Data from letter by Prof. Jan Mydlarski to MLT, Mar. 13 1936 obtained by his c/o-worker Mrs Milicer from the measurement of women at the beginning and the end of a 2 year course of physical training
/2 The accompanying tables giving the analysis of data on overbite and various facial characteristics are in Dr Matthew Young’s (?) handwriting …
/3 Table 1 showing a comparison of the means and variability of a selected series of facial characters in groups of children with close bite (CB) and normal bite (NB) at several ages. 21 s. 40 x 32.5 cm
/4 Table 2 correlation coefficients
/5 Letter to Dr Friel from MLT, dated 16th September 1831 [1931?]. 4 pp.
/6 Projective widths of upper permanent teeth
/7 Krogman frequencies [and] Linder Harth’s frequencies
/8 S.D.’s of tooth-breadths of Linder Harth’s boys of Groups II-III (11-20 years). 21 s.
/9 R. – B. palate measurements. 48 x 22.5 cm
/10 Fenner & S.D.’s (R. & L.)
/11 Standard deviations (S.D.’s) of various series. 31 s.
/12 Endocrinal closure. 6 pp.
/13 Graph shewing relation of weight to height (in inches) between the ages of 3 and 30 [by] Lt. Col. C.R. Sylvester-Bradley. 43 x 56 cm
/14 Letter to Sir Arthur Keith from Lt. Col. C.R. Sylvester Bradley, 27th March 1922 about graph
/15 Letter to Sir Arthur Keith from C.R. Sylvester Bradley, 3rd February 1922 about graph
/16 Hypothetical table based on over 5000 observations shewing various standards of normality for males of the general population under 21 years of age, calculated from the stature in inches
/17 Copy letter to Dr Todd from Katherine Simmons, 1 March 1937 on curves of means and medians in weight
/18 2 graphs, weight-female [and] weight-male. 29.5 x 43 cm
/3 Envelope entitled in manuscript: ‘Measurements of 38 males of 1st Dynasty Egyptian skulls from Abydos’; by David A. Barreis. Papers 1-6
/1 Types of epipteric bones present
/2 Varieties of epipteric bones. A. left side
/3 Varieties of epipteric bones. B. right side
/4 Sphenion – krotaphlon length male
/5 Comparison of measurements of palatal length [and] sheet bearing, David A. Baerreis name and address with MLT annotations. 2 pp.
/6 Chart of measurements with David A. Barreis name and address. 48 x 56 cm
/4 Descriptions of various tests: to whom sent. 1939 Notebook. [5 pp. text only]. 16 x 10 cm
/5 Envelope entitled: Data from tests of technique on bones. Papers 1-4
/1 Morant’s discussion of the (M,-C) & M1-M2) tests of technique, p. 86 ff. 7 pp. [and] Note on back of invitation card in MLT hand ‘Go through Morant’s results…’
/2 Biometric study of the human mandible. 6 pp.
/3 Steffensen. 21 s.
/4 Analysis of Hambly’s data on consistency with which he repeated measurements of sides & angles of fundamental triangle. 1 chart. 40.5 x 57.5 cm
/6 Folder entitled: For further reference. Papers 1-55
/1 Photographs of 19 anthropometric cards, Anatomy Department, University of Aberdeen, nos. 3845-63. 15 x 13 cm
/2 Photographs of 51 anthropometric cards, Anatomy Department, University of Aberdeen, nos. 3734-5, 3739, 3788-3808, 3810-33, 3835-6, 3840. 15 x 13 cm
/3 Cambridge data. 91 s. [and] 1 p. title slip
/4 20 female students measured by Dr T.D. Ness, 1951, dated 15.2.51. 31 s.
/5 50 male students measured by Dr T.D. Ness, 1951, dated 15.2.51. 51 s.
/6 Koenners’ humerus measurements: 1936 minus 1933. 5 pp.
/7 Masse an einer Humeriserie by Dr Dora Koenner, Vienna. 1 p. with attached table
/8 Masse an den Humeri von Buschmännern. Serien Nr. 1933 & 1936. 11 leaves
/9 Masse an den Humeri von Hottentotten. Serien Nr. 1933 & 1936. 6 leaves
/10 Masse an den Humeri: von Negern. Serien Nr. 1933 & 1936. 6 leaves
/11 Masse an den Humeri von Mischlingen. Serien Nr. 1933 & 1936. 5 leaves
/12 Letter & tables from D.M. Koenner ‘Beobachter – Handlänge, Handreite’, 20-21 Oktober 1937. 4 leaves
/13 Anthropometric measurements taken in Dept. of Anatomy, Aberdeen University (copy sent 1951)[by Dr J. McKenzie]. 5 leaves
/14 Letter to Dr J. McKenzie re measurements, 4 July 1952
/15 Letter from John McKenzie, 9 July 1952
/16 Letter from R.D. Lockhart, 4 Apr. 1957
/17 Letter to Prof. Lockhart, 9 Apr. 1957
/18 Letter from John McKenzie, 18 Apr. 1957
/19 Letter to Dr McKenzie, 12 May 1957
/20 Letter from John McKenzie, 13 May 1957
/21 Letter to Miss Clark, 6 July 1957
/22 Letter from A.M. Clark, 10 July 1957
/23 Letter to Prof. Mitchell, 7 June 1957. 4 pp.
/24 Letter from Prof. Mitchell, 17 June 1957. 2 leaves
/25 Letter to Prof. Mitchell, 23 June 1957
/26 Letter from Prof. Mitchell, 3 July 1957
/27 Cambridge data. 9 leaves
/28 Values of SO for Aberdeen & Cambridge compared
/29 Cambridge data and letter from J.S. Page, 17 Jan. 1953. 3 pp.
/30 Letter from L.H. Dudley Buxton, Dept. of Human Anatomy, University Museum Oxford, 6 June 1938 re Standardization Committee contribution. 2 leaves
/31 Letter to Mr McMillan re Oxford measurements,23 June 1938
/32 Oxford auricular height measurements. 2 leaves
/33 Oxford measurements of auricular height with radiometer & Todd’s head spanner. 4 pp.
/34 Letter and measurements from E.S. Page, Cambridge, 9 Aug. 1952. 3 pp.
/35 Letter from S.A. Kansu, Ankara Universitesi, 4 Aôut 1947
/36 Ankara data. 7 leaves
/37 Facial measurements of Chinese male students by Dr T.L. Woo, 1948. 2 leaves
/38 MLT calculations from Chinese male student measurements by Dr Woo. 2 pp.
/39 Letter to Dr Woo, 31 May 1948. 2 pp.
/40 Letter from Prof. C. McLaren West, 27 Apr. 1949
/41 Measurements of the nasion made on a number of students from University College of South Wales & Monmouthshire, Cardiff. 3 leaves
/42 MLT calculations from Welsh data summary
/43 Records of head height of 50 male medical students aged 18-19 years, made by Prof. Alex Low and Dr G.A.G. Mitchell independently. University of Aberdeen, June 1938 with MLT calculations on reverse
/44 Aberdeen auricular heights 1938. 3 pp.
/45 Summary males Aberdeen data
/46 Aberdeen females (20) as recalculated
/47 Summary female Aberdeen
/48 Aberdeen females: variances of differences to 4 places of dec.
/49 Letter from E.S. Page, 9 Apr. 1957
/50 Summary Aberdeen data males (2) additional data
/51 Aberdeen females (20) measurements various. 10 pp. 32.5 x 40 cm
/52 Length of arm calculations of Aberdeen students. 2 pp. 40 x 32.5 cm
/53 Aberdeen body and head measurements
/54 Aberdeen data, means & variances of estimates of true dimension
/55 Aberdeen 1951: estimates of E1 & E2
/7 Folder entitled: Bushman crania by G.I. Jones. Papers 1-10
/1 Bushman crania: a study of the Bushman cranium with special reference to crania from the coastal area of the Cape Province of South Africa. 23 pp.
/2 A study of the Khoisan skull with special reference to Bushman crania from the coastal area of the Cape Province by G.I. Jones, MA (Oxon.) Nigerian Civil Service
/3 Table IV, Female mean measurements, Bush and Negro
/4 Bibliography. 2 pp.
/5 Table III, Male measurements, Bush and Negro series. 32.5 x 40 cm
/6 12 photographs of crania on 1 sheet
/7 Bush crania tables of individual measurements, recorded on both sides of the paper. 12 pp.
/8 Table II, sex ratio (male mean/female mean) of Bush, Negro and White groups
/9 Table VII, Comparative measurements Boskopoid and Bush crania
/10 MLT notes on numbers of crania used by various authors. 32.5 x 40 cm
/8 Folder entitled: Sundry notes and tables to be kept handy for reference. Papers 1-13
/1 Opening of autumn university session, 1935
/2 Correction of raw moments – distribution of sample sigmas
/3 Refer to Lee & Pearson’s paper on capacity from diameter
/4 Mean and S.D. of range
/5 Russian alphabet. 4 pp
/6 Table of squares of all numbers less than 300. 2 pp.
/7 Cranial capacity formulae
/8 On further formulae for the reconstruction of cranial capacity from external measurements of the skull by K. Pearson and Brenda N. Stroessiger. 2 pp.
/9 S.e.2 of sums of pairs of values or of differences between them
/10 Tables giving effect of observational errors on various constants
/11 Normal distribution: some values of area and ordinate in terms of abscissa. 3 pp.
/12 Standard error of mean. 2 pp.
/13 The deviates limiting a normal curve
/9 Folder entitled: Riddell. Papers 1-4
/1 Letter to Prof. W.J.B. Riddell, 12 Mar. 1947. 2 pp.
/2 letter from W.J.B. Riddell, 18 Mar. 1947
/3 Letter to Prof. W.J.B. Riddell, 29 Mar. 1947. 2 pp.
/4 Letter from W.J.B. Riddell, 4 Apr. 1947
/10 Folder entitled: On inter-racial & intra-racial correlations. Papers 1-20
/1 Comment on ‘Coefficients for differentiating between classes’. 2 pp.
/2 Variabilitá e correlazione intra e inerraziale by Alfredo Sacchetti
/3 Intra racial correlations
/4 Inter-racial correlation between cephalic index & stature
/5 Inter-racial correlations
/6 Tables of measurements of head and morphological face. 13 leaves
/7 A number of correlations in King’s Coll. & Scarbro. folder
/8 Late Ogn. – Pearson & Davin
/9 Standard deviations of the 3 major skull indices
/10 Partial coefficient of correlation
/11 Intra-racial correlations
/12 Intra-racial correlations of ceph. index and stature
/13 Hooton on the relationship of head form & stature in ref. from ‘the Ape’
/14 Coeffs. of correlation from Wilson D. Wallis 1938. 2 pp.
/15 Correlation bet. Egyptian long bones
/16 G.I. Jones & H. Mulhall – An exam.n of the physical types of certain peoples of S.E. Nigeria
/17 G. Gerkens – Les Batutsi et les Bahutu … correlations
/18 Inter-racial correlation coefficients
/19 Letter to Dr Gellin, 25 Aug. 1952
/20 Intra-racial correlations, homogenous series, Pearson & Davin
/11 Folder entitled in manuscript: Things to look up. Papers 1-11
/1 Ashley-Montagu’s ‘tangential’ nasion
/2 Postcard from H.O. Hartley of Scientific Computing Service Limited, 2 Dec. 1939
/3 Hrdli?ka – anthropology of the Chippewa
/4 Aranzadi, 1903 – Anthropometrica
/5 Kirchhoff 1903 – Die Hohenmessung des Kaffes, etc. 2 leaves
/6 Papers to be noted – Conversion of non-metric data to form suitable for statistical comparison by Paul H. Stevenson, etc. 2 leaves
/7 Measurements of stature changes during day (for Bransby)
/8 Puccioni, Somaliland, Somalis, 1931
/9 Get data from Bertholon, L. et Chantre, E.
/10 Look into statement:- ‘Schreiner in Oslo takes Martin’s measurements of nasion-basion, …’
/11 Parsons – Condition of suture close on 82 bodies …
/12 People to whom M.L. Tildesley’s off prints have been sent: numbers under which the various offprints sent to people are recorded on the backs of cards in card index of addresses. 51 pp.
/13 Folder entitled in manuscript: On the analysis of data from double m/ment of same indivs. for test of techniques & study this again. Papers 1-17
/1 Letter from Karl Pearson, 29 Oct. 1927. 4 pp.
/2 Inter-racial correlations of length & breadth by G.M. Morant
/3 Inter-racial & Intra-racial correlations. 2 pp.
/4 Letter from G.M. Morant, 19 Nov. 1927. 2 pp.
/5 Tables of inter-racial and intra-racial skull measurements by G.M. Morant. 3 leaves
/6 Notes on Morant’s figures, Tables II-V. 4 pp.
/7 Letter from G.M. Morant, 5 July 1936. 2 pp.
/8 Application of elementary statistics to data from the double measurement of the same series of individuals by M.L. Tildesley. 3 leaves
/9 The object of testing technique by the measurement more than once of the same series. 6 leaves
/10 Effect of errors in S.D. on the limits +/- 1.960 … 2 pp.
/11 Letter to Prof. E.S. Pearson, 6 Oct. 1936. 6 leaves
/12 Letter from E.S. Pearson, 8 Dec. 1936. 2 leaves
/13 Notes by Dr Bartlett (Cambridge) on the problem of getting the S.D. of differences between pairs of measurements (sent me by Dr Wishart 13 Jan. 1940 in reply to my letter to him on the subject)
/14 Letter from Mr Kendall, 14 Mar. 1940. 2 pp.
/15 Letter to Mr Kendall, 3 Apr. 1940. 2 pp.
/16 Letter from Mr Kendall, 7 Apr. 1940
/17 Letter to Mr Kendall, 9 Apr. 1940. 2 leaves
/14 Drafts and correspondence re article ‘Analysis of data …’ Papers 1-42
/1 The analysis of data from tests of technique and the results of some analyses by E.S. Page and M.L. Tildesley. 55 leaves
/2 Another carbon copy. 55 leaves
/3 Another carbon copy. 1-52 leaves [pink paper, missing leaves 53-5, some additional annotations]
/4 Corrections and amendments to p. 31
/5 Letter to Mr Anscombe, 6 June 1952. 2 leaves
/6 Letter to Mr E.S. Page, 3 Aug. 1952
/7 Letter from E.S. Page, 11 July 1952. 4 pp.
/8 Letter from E.S. Page, 1 Oct. 1952
/9 Letter to Mr E.S. Page, 22 Sep. 1954
/10 Letter from E.S. Page, 23 Sep. 1954. 3 pp.
/11 Letter from E.S. Page, 9 Oct. 1954
/12 Letter from E.S. Page, 27 Jan. 1956
/13 Letter to Mr Page, 21 Feb. 1956
/14 Letter from E.S. Page, 21 Feb. 1956
/15 Letter from E.S. Page, 20 Apr. 1956. 2 leaves
/16 Letter to Dr Page, 1 June 1956
/17 Letter from E.S. Page, 4 June 1956. 2 leaves
/18 Letter from E.S. Page, 5 June 1956
/19 Letter to Dr Page, 4 June 1956
/20 Letter from E.S. Page, 7 June 1956
/21 Letter to Dr Page, 5 June 1956 (sent 10 June)
/22 Letter to Dr Page, 10 June 1956
/23 Letter from E.S. Page, 12 June 1956. 2 leaves
/24 Letter to Dr Page, 19 June 1956
/25 Letter from E.S. Page, 26 June 1956. 2 leaves
/26 Letter to Dr Page, 19 July 1956. 3 leaves
/27 Letter from E.S. Page, 25 July 1956. 3 leaves
/28 Letter to Dr Page, 1 Aug. 1956 and 13 Aug. 1956. 4 leaves
/29 Letter to Dr Page, 20 Aug. 1956
/30 Letter to Mr Page, Aug. 1956
/31 Letter from E.S. Page, 23 Aug. 1956. 3 leaves
/32 Letter to Dr Page, 28 Aug. 1956. 2 leaves
/33 Letter to Dr Page, 29 Aug. 1956. 3 pp.
/34 Letter from E.S. Page, 31 Aug. 1956. 2 leaves
/35 Letter to Dr Page, 3 Sep. 1956
/36 Letter from E.S. Page, 5 Sep. 1956
/37 Letter from E.S. Page, 15 Oct. 1956. 2 leaves
/38 Letter to Dr Page, 11 Oct. 1956. 2 leaves
/39 Letter to Dr Page, 6 Apr. 1957
/40 Letter from E.S. Page, 6 Apr. 1957. 2 leaves
/41 Letter to Dr Page, 14 May 1957
/42 Letter from E.S. Page, 17 May 1957. 2 leaves
/15 Miscellaneous calculations and notes. Papers 1-24
/1 In terms of S.D. calculated, if Sheppard’s corrn. is omitted
/2 To work out value of P in Hausa cranial capacity
/3 Sums of terms of binomial (q + p)
/4 Table of proportionate tail areas for a variety of frequency curves
/5 Concerning the number of decimal places to which one must work
/6 Dr Hsu’s reply to my question whether in the scatter distribution of two correlated characters … 3 leaves
/7 On Curle: graph
/8 Calculations Aberdeen, Oxford, Woo, Ankara, Cardiff, Cambridge. 6 leaves
/9 To test the significance of a difference in percentages. 4 leaves
/10 King’s Coll. & Scarboro’. 7 pp.
/11 Ashley-Montagu, M.F. 1935. The location of the nasion in the living
/12 Amendments to initial draft of paper on tests of technique by E.S. Page & M.L. Tildesley. 8 leaves
/13 Appendix – Mr Page’s original draft. 7 leaves
/14 Note on accuracy of measurement in physical anthropology by F.J. Anscombe. 4 leaves
/15 Test for difference of variance dealt with on p. 23
/16 Tragion
/17 ‘Ask Page’ queries
/18 Notes re p. 26
/19 Note from Address by the President, J.A. Fraser Roberts …
/20 Considerations in interpreting results
/21 Reference to ‘Moments of the distribution of powers & products of normal variates’ by J.B.S. Haldane
/22 Graph of 5% points of significance of difference between 2 means as given in Fisher & Yates table V2
/23 Estimates obtained of So2 and Sm2. 32.5 x 40 cm
/24 Plate portrait of Arthur Keith
/16 Untitled envelope containing miscellaneous papers. Papers 1-19
/1 Note on letter from Vallois, 13 June 1939
/2 Letter to Dr Hartley on standard deviation of differences, 9 July 1941. 2 leaves
/3 Coefficients of contingency, C1 and C2
/4 Letter to Mr Anscombe, 25 Oct. 1949
/5 Letter from F.J. Anscombe, 16 Sep. 1949
/6 Note on Woo’s data
/7 Aberdeen and Cambridge data. 3 leaves
/8 Cambridge data for stature (adding no. 18 which was omitted from Dr Page’s analysis). 33 x 56 cm
/9 Cambridge data for sitting height (2). 32.5 x 40 cm
/10 Cambridge data for sitting height (1). 32.5 x 40 cm
/11 Vienna: adult hand breadth, measured by I twice and by II once. 40 x 33 cm
/12 Vienna: hand length of 14 children measured by obs. I twice and obs. II once. 40.5 x 32.5 cm
/13 Notes for letter to Page
/14 Analysis of the Cambridge data testing stature & sitting height
/15 The Cambridge data that were analyzed by Dr Page, plus one other sheet (18) which gives measurements of all the characters. 21 leaves
/16 Letter from Li Anche, 15 Dec. 1948
/17 R.T.’s notes in discussions (27-9 Aug. 1949) with Mr F.J. Anscombe, University lecturer in statistics, Cambridge. 2 pp.
/18 Test of a significant difference between means. 2 pp.
/19 Journal proof of ‘Some statistical aspects of anthropometry’, by M.J.R. Healy. 7 leaves. 44 x 19 cm
/17 Correspondence with and about Karl Pearson 1920-69. Papers 1-17
/1 Letter to KP, 6 Aug. [1920] – on MLT appointment to Research Department, Royal College of Surgeons [and attached] note about Helga Hacker, the daughter of Karl Pearson
/2 Letter from KP, 9 Aug. 1920 – offers congratulations and suggests projects for MLT to undertake. 2 leaves
/3 Letter to KP, 15 Aug. [1920] – state of preparation of various papers and photographs with mention of note from Sir Arthur Keith. 2 leaves
/4 Letter from KP, 29 Aug. 1920 – reports on visit to Cardiff and further discussion of papers. 2 leaves
/5 Letter from KP, 2 Sep. 1920 – Seismoid paper and discussion of MLT papers. 2 leaves
/6 Letter from Richard W. Goulding, 10 Jan. 1924 – portraiture of Sir Thomas Browne
/7 Letter from KP, 19 Jan. 1924 – discusses R.W. Goulding’s letter
/8 Letter from KP, 5 Apr. 1924 – request for MLT to give a lecture; queries return of slides; discusses Allix portrait
/9 Letter from KP, 8 May 1924 – concerns skulls, slides and the lecture. 2 leaves
/10 Letter from KP, 10 May 1924 – Leitz instrument, lecture, Dean Swift’s skull, and tree-root theory
/11 Postcard from KP, 24 May 1924 – stativgoniometer
/12 Letter from KP, 26 Oct. 1924 – Angier Chemical Co.
/13 Postcard from KP, 14 May 1925 – skulls
/14 Letter from KP, 15 Jan. 1926 – convalescence, Helga, Morant’s paper, formula to giants, Albania and measurements; future direction of MLT’s career. 3 leaves
/15 Letter from KP, 19 Jan. 1927 – thanks MLT for gift to Galton Laboratory
/16 Letter from Greta Pearson, 16 Jan. [1938 or 39] – thanks for visit and KP’s views
/17 Letter to Helga Hacker, 19 May 1969 – memories of KP and disposal of his letters; reminiscences of MLT. 2 leaves
/18 Correspondence with Franz Boas 1930-8. Papers 1-4
/1 Letter from Feb., 25 Aug. 1930 – regret cannot attend Eugenics conference and discussion of measurements. 3 pp.
/2 Typed copy of MS/294/18/1
/3 Letter to Feb., 13 Apr. 1937 – election of consultative delegate to represent the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) on the Comité de Standardisation de la Technique Anthropologique (CSTA). 2 pp.
/4 Letter to Feb., 30 Mar. 1938 – American participation in CSTA; appointment of Dr Hrdli?ka as delegate and Conference on Technique in Copenhagen. 2 pp.
/19 Correspondence with Aleš Hrdli?ka 1930-7. Papers 1-5
/1 Letter from AH, 21 Aug. 1930 – discussion of international anthropometry agreement. 2 leaves
/2 Letter from AH, 16 Apr. 1936 – outlines attitude of AAPA towards involvement in European anthropometry. 2 leaves
/3 Letter to AH, 14 Apr. 1937 – appointment of Anthropometric Committee of AAPA and anthropometric data of Mr Manuel Gamio in Mexico. 2 pp.
/4 Letter from AH, 7 May 1937 – cooperation of AAPA with the CSTA, Mexican anthropometry and role of Dr Hooton. 2 pp.
/5 Letter to AH, 8 Dec. 1937 – relationship of AAPA with the CSTA. 2 leaves
/20 Papers, notes and correspondence. Papers 1-14
/1 ‘A geneticist’s view of human variability’, by J.A. Fraser Roberts given at a Symposium on Race and Race relations, 7 Jan. 1959. Uncorrected copy with compliments slip. 11 leaves
/2 MLT notes on paper ‘The race concept’ by Hogben at 1959 Symposium on race. 10 pp.
/3 Graph 8,388,608. 32 x 31 cm
/4 Notes on Dr R.M.S. Taylor’s ‘The human palate’ – copy of letter from Dr J.C. Trevor, 6 Sep. 1962. 4 leaves
/5 Letter to Dr Taylor, 12 Sep. 1962 – concerning ‘The human palate’. 2 leaves
/6 Letter from Dr Mirko Malez, 5 July 1970 – request to read article ‘A method for cranial cavity …’
/7 ‘A method for cranial cavity capacity estimation by ultrasound’; by Pavao Rudan, Vasilije Nikolic and Boris Zimmerman. 9 leaves, fig., phot.
/8 Letter from Don Brothwell, 26 Sep. 1969 – gift of MLT books, reprints and archives to the BMNH
/9 Postcard from P. Rudan, 24 Apr. 1969 – request for offprint of ‘A critical survey of techniques …’. JRAI vol. 83, no. 2, 1955, p. 182
/10 Letter to Dr Rudan, 1 Oct. 1969 – sends a number of related papers with the requested offprint. 2 pp.
/11 Letter from Frank Spencer, [1975] – requests information on the CSTA, Henri Vallois, Sir Arthur Keith and Alex Hrdli?ka. 2 pp.
/12 Letter to Dr Spencer, 6 Dec. 1975 – responses to previous letter. 2 pp. [incomplete]
/13 Letter to Ms Godding from Frank Spencer, 8 Feb. 1976 – condolences; biography of Aleš Hrdli?ka; whereabouts of MLT’s letters and files. 2 pp.
/14 Arthur Keith 1866-1955: [obituary]. From Bibliographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol. 1, Nov. 1955, pp. 145-61, frontis.