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Papers. 1977-99.

The Committee on Honours and Awards was a small committee of the President and some members of Council plus the Director which met normally before Council. It announced its recommendations to Council which formally approved them. Only two documents survive prior to 1983 (see 15/). Formerly it was called the Medal Committee. The first time it was called the Committee on Honours and Awards at a Council meeting was on 3 Mar. 1982 (see Council minutes of that date, minute 11iv). No mention of the Committee as such was referred to in the Report of the Council but the awards were listed; from time to time a report would appear in Council minutes (see the Archives of the individual medals and lectures for the date of their establishment and the rules governing them; see also list of prizes for the recipients of each award). The Committee covered all the major awards: the Huxley Memorial Lecture and Medal, the Rivers Memorial Medal, the Curl Memorial Lecture, the Henry Myers Lecture, the Wellcome Prize and the Patron’s Medal. It also approved the House List.

Despite the recommendation of the Strategic Review, Feb. 2003 that the committee should be merged with the Steering Committee, Council provisionally decided on 26 Mar. 2003 that it should continue (though merged with the Lucy Mair Medal Committee) and that it should comprise the three elected Vice-Presidents, the two youngest members of Council and at least one expert on applied anthropology. This was finally adopted at the Council meeting, 17 Sep. 2003.


JB        Jonathan Benthall, RAI Director, 1973-2000

 1/    1983

  1    Prof. Eric Sunderland to JB, 23 Feb. 1983 – makes suggestion for Huxley Memorial Lecture (tp.)

  2    JB to Prof. Robert Hinde, FRS, 25 Feb. – asks his advice on the suggestion for the Huxley Memorial Lecture (tpc.)

  3    Prof. A.L. Epstein to JB, 27 Feb. – agrees with suggestions for the Henry Myers Lecture and for the Rivers Memorial Lecture (he was the lecturer for 1983) (tp.)

  4    Prof. Robert A. Hinde to JB, 7 Mar. 1983 – gives his advice (tp.)

  5    JB to Prof. Eric Sunderland, 16 Mar. – mentions recommendations to Council as noted above and as Hon. Fellow José Caro Baroja (tpc.)
2/    1984

  1    Memorandum by JB for the meeting on 2 May, 26 Mar. 1984 – on names to be suggested for the Huxley Memorial Lecture, the Rivers Memorial Lecture, the Curl Lecture and the House List (wp.)

  2    JB to Dr David Turton, 3 Apr. – makes nomination for the Rivers Memorial Medal; refers to an abstracting service and Man (tpc.)

  3    Prof. Frank Willett to JB, 17 Apr. – makes nomination for the Huxley Memorial Lecture and for the Curl Lecture (tp., annotated by JB)

 3/    1986 [no papers for 1985]

  1    Memorandum by JB for the meeting on 26 Mar., 4 Feb. 1986 – on nominations for the three awards; mentions Hon. Fellows and the House List (wp.)

  2    Dr B. John Mack to JB, 7 Feb. – he will be leaving Council; suggests a replacement; mentions the John Donne prize for essays on art (tp.)

  3    Prof. D.F. Roberts to JB, 10 Feb. – makes suggestion for the Curl Lecture (tp.)

  4    JB to Prof. D.F. Roberts, 17 Feb. – has discussed his suggestion with the President; both think the age limit for the Curl Lecture cannot be waived; suggests eligibility for the Rivers Memorial Lecture (tpc.)

  5    Dr Hastings Donnan to JB, 17 Feb. – makes nomination for the Rivers Memorial Medal; encloses a list of the nominees’ main publications (/6 below) (tp.)

  6    Prof. John Blacking’s chief publications. 3 ff. (tp.)

  7    JB to Dr Hastings Donnan, 19 Feb. – considers his nomination for the Rivers Memorial Medal excellent; hopes he is pleased with the Occasional Paper despite its price (tpc.)

  8    Dieter Christensen to Prof. Jean La Fontaine, 17 Mar. 1986 – seconds the nomination for the Rivers Memorial Medal; outlines the nominee’s career (tp.)

  9    Prof. Blacking’s writing on ethnomusicology. 3 leaves (tp.)

 10    Memorandum by JB for the meeting on 25 June, 19 May – on nominations for the Patron’s Medal (tp.)

 11    Christopher Fuller to JB, 12 Dec. – supports the nomination for the Henry Myers Lecture; outlines the nominee’s work (tp.)
4/    1987

  1    Memorandum by JB for the meeting on 25 Feb., 6 Feb. – Prof. E.R. Leach makes nominations for the Huxley Memorial Lecture; and Christopher Fuller makes a nomination for the Henry Myers Lecture; as an Hon. Fellow, Fei Xiaotong and André Beteille; no nominations received yet for the Rivers Memorial Medal but makes suggestion for the Curl Lecture (tp.)

  2    David M. Boston to JB, 24 Feb. – approves Prof. E.R. Leach’s nominations for the Henry Myers Lecture and the two for Hon. Fellows; he suggests nominations for the Curl Lecture (autogr.)

  3    Ibid., 24 Feb. – regrets unable to attend meeting of Council; supports acquisition of property in Fitzroy Street and Brian Durran’s proposal to include advertisements in the Anthropological Index; encloses /2 above (autogr.)

  4    Memorandum by JB on the Huxley Memorial Lecture, 1988, 22 June – difficulty of getting in touch with the nominee; suggests taking discreet soundings of other candidates (tp.)

  5    Prof. Charles F. Keyes to Prof. Michael Banton, 7 Oct. – supports Prof. Song Shuhua as an Hon. Fellow; outlines his contacts with Prof. Song (tp.)

 5/    1988

  1    Prof. D.F. Roberts to [JB], 12 Feb. 1988 – strongly recommends Dr Gertrud Hauser as an Hon. Fellow; outlines her interests (tp.)

  2    Memorandum by JB for the meeting on 4 May, 22 Mar. 1988 – notes on the Huxley Memorial Lecture and the Curl Lecture for 1989, the Rivers Memorial Medal for 1988; and on Hon. Fellows, the House List and the role of the Hon. Secretary (tp.)

  3    Prof. Burton Benedict to JB, 7 Apr. – gives his views on nominations for the Huxley Memorial Lecture, the Curl Lecture, and the Rivers Memorial Lecture; suggests Dr Hauser as an Hon. Fellow and makes a suggestion for a later date; the House List; and the role of the Hon. Secretary (tp.)

  4    Prof. Michael Banton to JB, 11 Apr. – makes suggestions for the Huxley Memorial Lecture; gives figures for printing his Presidential lecture by his university printing office (autogr.)
  5    JB to Prof. Banton, 13 Apr. – suggests meeting on 4 May; encloses copy of Prof. Benedict’s letter (/3 above); Prof. La Fontaine to send a recommendation for the Rivers Memorial Medal; mentions Huxley Memorial Lecture and House List; comments on a proposal; mentions printing of his Presidential lecture (tp.)

  6    Prof. Jean La Fontaine’s recommendation for the Rivers Memorial Medal (tp.)

  7    Curriculum vitae of Alfred A.F. Gell. 3 leaves (tp.)

  8    Memorandum by JB for the meeting on 4 May, 21 Apr. – on nominations for the Huxley Memorial Lecture; mentions House List (tp.)

  9    Memorandum by JB on the Curl Essay Prize, 26 Apr. (tp.)

 6/    1989

  1    Memorandum by JB on the Henry Myers Lecture, 26 Jan. 1989 (tp.)

  2    Prof. Adrian Mayer to JB, 14 Feb. – on Hon. Fellows from India (tp.)

  3    JB to Prof. Mayer, 21 Feb. 1989 – thanks him for his letter of 14 Feb.; no notification of A. Aiyappin’s death; asks him to check with Indian friends; notes suggestion for Loki Madan for Hon. Fellowship (tp.)

  4    David Turton to JB, 23 Feb. – endorses a suggestion for the Henry Myers Lecture; asks date of next meeting (tp.)

  5    Memorandum by JB on the next meeting, 19 Apr., 28 Feb. – the proposals for the Henry Myers Lecture; no proposals for the Huxley Memorial Lecture or Rivers Memorial Medal; suggestions for Hon. Fellows; comments on the House List (tp., annotated by JB)

  6    JB to Prof. G. Ainsworth Harrison, 10 Mar. – short of nominations for the Huxley Memorial Lecture and the Rivers Memorial Medal; asks him to consider possible lecturers (tpc.)

  7    JB to Prof. Michael Rowlands and others, 10 Mar. – ibid.; stresses the Rivers Memorial Medal (tpc.)

  8    David Turton, Chairman, RAI Film Committee to Mrs R. Poignant, 10 Mar. – read her memo on the Harry Watt Memorial Bursary; sure his colleagues would endorse the aims and would be willing to administer the Bursary (tpc.)

  9    Ibid., to JB, 10 Mar. – regrets cannot be present at meeting on 19 Apr.; makes one suggestion for the Rivers Memorial Medal (tp.)
 10    Prof. G. Ainsworth Harrison to JB, 15 Mar. – makes a proposal for the Huxley Lecturer; cannot recall or find terms of reference for the Rivers Memorial Medal but makes suggestions (tp.)

 11    JB to Prof. Ainsworth Harrison, 16 Mar. – assumes he has made a definite proposal; asks him to submit full details of whom he wishes to propose for the Rivers Memorial Medal (tpc.)

 12    JB to Dr Turton, 16 Mar. – Mrs Poignant about to make over the sum for the Harry Watt Memorial Bursary; mentions the Rivers Memorial Medal and the Curl Lecture (tpc.)

 13    Prof. Ainsworth Harrison to JB, 17 Mar. 1989 – makes a formal proposal for the Huxley Lecturer; proposal ruled out for the Rivers Memorial Medal owing to a change in the rules; makes other comments (tp.)

 14    JB to Prof. Ainsworth Harrison, 21 Mar. – glad he has made a formal proposal for the Huxley Lecture; refers to the Rivers Memorial Medal (tpc.)

 15    Memo from JB to Prof. Banton, 7 Apr. – on the House List (tp., annotated by JB)

 16    Brian Durrans to JB, 8 Apr. – mentions his Fund Raising Statement; his proposal likely to be accepted by Council as a solution; makes suggestion for the Rivers Memorial Medal (autogr.)

 17    Memo from JB to Brian Durrans, 17 Apr. – on the term ‘Museum ethnographer’ and its use; refers to the Rivers Memorial Medal (tp.)

 7/    1990

  1    Memo from JB to Prof. Eric Sunderland and others for the meeting on 17 Mar. i.e. 21 Mar., 2 Feb. 1990 – notes strong support for the nomination for the Curl Lecture; proposes Noam Chomsky for Hon. Fellowship and notes nominations for the Rivers Memorial Medal and Huxley Lecture (tp.)

  2    JB to Prof. Ruth Finnegan, 12 Feb. – thanks her for her letter about Prof. Nikolai Kaufman (tpc.)

  3    JB to Prof. Eric Sunderland, 21 Feb. – suggests names for co-option to replace those who cannot attend the next meeting; is asking Prof. Peter J. Ucko if he would make a proposal for the Huxley Memorial Lecture; refers to the Patron and the Centre for Cross-Cultural Understanding, and the Presidential Address (tpc., annotated by JB)

  4    Prof. P.J. Ucko to JB, 20 Mar. – makes proposal for the Huxley Lecturer (tp.)
  5    Dr S.S. Papiha, Division of Human Genetics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, to JB, 13 June – draws attention to a forthcoming retirement (tp.); letter of acknowledgement, 14 June, not retained

 8/    1991

  1    Memo from JB to Council members on elections for medals, 26 Feb. 1991 – names medals; refers to the Henry Myers Lectures and a proposal for an Hon. Fellow (tp.)

  2    Prof. A.P. Cohen to JB, 12 Mar. – suggests two names as Hon. Fellows (tp.)

  3    W.C. McGrew, Dep. of Psychology, University of Sterling to JB, 12 Mar. – makes suggestions for the Huxley Lecturer, for an Hon. Fellow and for the Rivers Memorial Medal (tp.)

  4    Howard Morphy to JB, 18 Mar. – endorses suggestion for Hon. Fellow and makes suggestions for a Huxley Lecturer and as an Hon. Fellow (autogr.)

  5    Olivia Harris to JB, 25 Mar. – makes proposals for various medals (tp.)

  6    Christopher Hann to JB, 19 Apr. – regrets unable to attend Council and the Honours and Awards Committee (autogr.)

  7    Memo from JB to Prof. Eric Sunderland and others for the meeting on 2 May, 22 Apr. – summarises proposals for the different medals and the House List (tp.)

 9/    1994 (no papers for 1992-3)

  1    JB to Prof. Elizabeth Tonkin, Queen’s University of Belfast, 4 Mar. 1994 – names proposals she has for medals and the House List (tp.)

  2    JB to Prof. Michael Day and others, 19 Apr. – on the Patron’s Medal  (tp.)

10/    1995

  1    Prof. G. Ainsworth Harrison to JB, 31 Jan. 1995 – has to decline his invitation to serve on the Committee for this year but willing to help next year (autogr.)

  2    Prof. Ioan Lewis to JB, 3 Feb. – willing to serve on the Committee (autogr.)

  3    Dr George T. Nurse to JB, 8 Feb. 1995 – suggests Prof. Gerhard Kubik as Hon. Fellow; includes laudatory notice (/4 below)(tp., annotation by GTN)

  4    Gerhard Kubik at sixty by George T. Nurse. 3 leaves (tp.)
  5    Prof. Elizabeth Tonkin to JB, 16 Feb. – makes suggestions for the Huxley Lecturer, Henry Myers Lecturer and the Rivers Memorial Medal; mentions funding shortfall for the JRAI and policy adopted by the University Library (tp., annotations by ET)

  6    John Bailey, Goldsmiths College, to JB, 9 Mar. – endorses Prof. Gerhard Kubik as Hon. Fellow (tp.)

  7    Sophie Day, Goldsmiths College, to JB, 14 Apr. – makes proposals for the medals, Hon. Fellows, Vice Presidents and the House List (tp.)

  8    Prof. Ernest Gellner to JB, 26 Apr. – makes proposals for Michael Kriakov and Zdzislaw Mach as Hon. Fellows (tp.)

  9    Peter S.C. Parkes, Oxford to JB, 3 May – makes suggestion for medals, Hon. Fellow and House List (tp.)

 10    Prof. Ioan Lewis to JB, 4 May – makes suggestions for the Henry Myers Lecture; considers curriculum vitaes very useful when considering candidates (tp.)

11/    1996

  1    Prof. Roland Littlewood, President to Council, 27 Jan. 1996 – asks for suggestions for the House List, Huxley, Curl and Rivers Medals and Hon. Fellows (tp.)

  2    Dr Charles Stewart to Prof. Littlewood, 30 Jan. – glad to join the Committee; did not volunteer as he thought he was ‘too junior’; hopes to be in Greece during the vacation (autogr.)

  3    Prof. Marilyn Strathern to Prof. Littlewood, 31 Jan. – makes a suggestion for the Rivers Memorial Medal (tp.)

  4    Dr R.G. Abrahams’ curriculum vitae (tp.)

  5    Prof. Littlewood to Dr Stewart, 1 Feb. 1996 – thanks him for joining the Committee; asks him to ‘funnel’ any recommendations through him (tp.)

  6    Prof. Jean La Fontaine to Prof. Littlewood, 5 Feb. – makes a proposal for the Rivers Memorial Medal; refers to the Cambridge University Press controversy (tp.)

  7    Prof. Littlewood to Prof. Strathern, 6 Feb. – thanks her for her suggestions; makes some proposals (tp.)

  8    Prof. Littlewood to Prof. La Fontaine, 7 Feb. – refers to her recommendations and the Cambridge University Press controversy (tp.)

  9    Dr Michael O’Hanlon to Prof. Littlewood, 13 Feb. – makes a proposal for the Rivers Memorial Medal (tp.)

 10    Dr James Carrier’s recent publications (tp.)
 11    Dr Charles Stewart to Prof. Littlewood, 21 Feb. – makes proposal for the Rivers and Huxley Medals, the Curl Lecture and Hon. Fellows; mentions the Cambridge University Press controversy (autogr.)

 12    Dr Sophie Day to Prof. Littlewood, 27 Mar. – makes suggestions for the Huxley and Rivers Medals and an Hon. Fellow (tp.)

 13    David M. Boston to Prof. Littlewood, 11 Apr. – makes a proposal for an Hon. Fellow (autogr.)

 14    Prof. Stanley J. Tambiah to Prof. Littlewood, 4 June – accepts with gratitude the election as Huxley Memorial Lecturer and Medal for 1997 (tp.)

12/    1997

  1    Memo from JB to Prof. Littlewood and others on election for medals, 21 Feb. 1997 – refers to the Manchester Commemorative Conference and holding the Huxley or Curl Lectures at the same time; and to Hon. Fellows (tp.)

  2    Dr Michael O’Hanlon to Prof. Littlewood, 7 Mar. – on the Rivers Memorial Medal (tp.)

  3    Dr Simon Harrison to JB, 17 Mar. – makes suggestions for the Rivers Memorial Medal (tp.)

  4    Dr Richard Werbner i.e. Dick to JB, 17 Mar. 1997 – makes suggestions for the Huxley Lecture; hopes to supply names for the Curl Lecture (tp.)

  5    Prof. Tim Ingold to JB, 18 Mar. – makes suggestions for the Huxley and Curl Lectures; gives date of the Manchester Conference in 1999 (tp.)

13/    1998

  1    David M. Boston to the President [Dr John Davis], 24 Mar. 1998 – makes a recommendation for the Patron’s Medal (autogr.)

14/    1999

  1    JB to Prof. John Baines, Ashmolean Museum, 8 Mar. 1999 – makes a proposal for the Henry Myers Lecture next year (tp.)

  2    David M. Boston to the President [Dr John Davis], 17 Mar. – makes a proposal for an alteration to the rules for the Patron’s Medal or alternatively for a printed Testimonial (autogr.)

  3    Prof. Sir Raymond W. Firth to JB, 18 Mar. – gives formal approval for the Blackwells agreement [on the RAI publications]; makes proposal for an Hon. Fellow; refers to the Wesley Firth Fund (tp.)
  4    Memo from JB to Dr John Davis and others, 7 May – makes recommendation for the commemoration of staff members’ long service (tp.)

  5    Prof. Littlewood to Dr John Davis, 16 Dec. – on the meeting of 15 Dec. for the selection of a new Director (tp.)

  6    JB to Dr John Davis, 16 Dec. – comments on the previous day’s meeting for the selection of a new Director (tp.)

15/    Minutes
11 Feb. 1977-8 Feb. 1978.
Minutes held as follows:

  1    11 Feb. 1977

  2    8 Feb. 1978