Anthropological Index Online Request for Institutional Subscription

Home Anthropology Index Online Subscription Anthropological Index Online Request for Institutional Subscription

Please send the form below to your Librarian or Head of Information Resources.

To the Librarian or Head of Information Resources

I am writing to suggest that you subscribe to Anthropological Index Online published by the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI). The subscription is £315 plus VAT for the UK or US$550 for overseas per annum for full institutional access.

While appreciating the many calls on your budget, may I request as a user of your library services that you give sympathetic consideration to this request?

I consider Anthropological Index Online a useful and innovative tool whose development outside the commercial sector should be encouraged.

Further information is available on request from:

Assistant Director (Finance & Personnel)
Royal Anthropological Institute
50 Fitzroy Street
London W1T 5BT
United Kingdom

Telephone +44 (0)20 7387 0455, email

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Date ____________________________________________________________________________________

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