12 Oct. 1932-12 May 1938


Amer, M. The excavations of the Egyptian University in the prehistoric site at Maadi near Cairo; published 1936; correspondence attached:

G. Caton Thompson

12 Oct. 1932


RAI to author, 8 Dec. 1932 (tpc.)




author to RAI, 18 Dec. (autogr.)




RAI to author, 29 Apr. 1936 (tpc.)




author to RAI, 21 May (autogr.)




Arkell, A.J. 1) Some Tuareg ornaments and their connections with India; 2) Forms of the Talhakim and the Tanaghilit as adapted from the Tuareg by various West African tribes; correspondence attached:

F.R. Rodd

5 June 1935


referee to RAI, 20 June 1935 (autogr.)




Ibid, 24 June (autogr.)




RAI to author, 25 June (tpc.)




author to RAI, 26 June (autogr.)




RAI to author, 5 July (tpc.)




author to RAI, 10 July (autogr.)




Civil secretary's office, Khartoum to author, 22 July (tpc.)




author to RAI, 5 Aug. (autogr.)




Armstrong, A.L. Jones, N. and Maufe, H.B. The antiquity of man in Rhodesia

D.A.E. Garrod

8 Dec. 1936


Arundell, R.D.H. Rock paintings in Burkoba District; correspondence attached:

H.J. Braunholtz

10 Oct. 1935


author to H. Balfour, 14 July 1933 (autogr.)




Ibid, 3 Aug. (autogr.)




Ibid, 31 Aug. (autogr.)




Ibid, 4 Sept. (autogr.) including 3 photographs




Ibid, 6 Oct. (autogr.)




Ibid to RAI, 16 Oct. (autogr.)




Asboe, W. Agricultural methods in Lahoul, Western Tibet; no document present; published in Man, May 1937, No. 90; correspondence attached:

Lee Shuttleworth

? May 1934


RAI to C. Otto Blagden, 17 Dec. 1936




C. Otto Blagden to RAI, 18 Dec.




Ashley-Montagu, M.F. The medio- frontal suture and the problem of metopism in the primates

G.M. Morant

13 Feb. 1936


Barnes, A.S. A criterion of human workmanship on flaked tools of flint applied to flints from below the crag and to eoliths from the Kent plateau; not published; correspondence attached:

D.A. Garrod

13 Oct. 1937


author to RAI, 9 July 1937 (autogr.)




referee to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth, 13 Nov. (autogr.)




RAI to author, 16 Dec. (tpc.)




author to RAI, 18 Dec. (autogr.)




author to RAI, 5 Jan. 1938 (autogr.) enclosing:




author's reply to referees sugges­tions, 5 Jan. (autogr.)




author's revised diagram, 5 Jan.




comments by the author on the report of the referee (nd)




RAI to referee, 14 Jan. (tpc.)




referee to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth, 21 Jan. (autogr.)




RAI to author, 23 Feb. (tpc.)




author to RAI, 27 Feb. (autogr.)




Dr E.J. Lindgren (EJL) Editor, JRAI to author, 11 Apr. (tpc.)




author to EJL, 14 Apr. (autogr.)




EJL to author, 21 Apr. (tpc.)




author to EJL, 2 May (autogr.)




EJL to author, 14 May (tpc.)




RAI to EJL, 7 Oct. (autogr.)




S. Hazzledine Warren to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth, 13 Nov. (autogr.)




EJL to author, 9 Dec. (tpc.)




author to EJL, 10 Dec. (autogr.)




EJL to author, 12 Jan. 1939 (tpc.)




author to EJL, 23 Jan. (autogr. postcard)




author to EJL, 27 May (autogr.)




EJL to RAI, 29 May (tpc.)




author to EJL, 1 June (autogr.)




G. Caton Thompson to RAI, 1 June (autogr.)




author to G. Caton Thompson, 10 June (autogr.)




author to EJL, 20 June (autogr.)




EJL to author, 21 June (tpc.)




EJL to author, 16 Dec. (tpc.)




author to EJL, 19 Dec. (autogr.)




EJL to author, 22 Dec. (tpc.)




EJL to author, 15 Feb. 1940 (tpc.)




author to EJL, 16 Feb. (autogr.)




proposed list of contents of JRAI, Vol. LXIX, part II, 1939 (autogr. note by EJL)




EJL to referee, 15 Apr. (tpc.)




referee to EJL, 20 Apr. (autogr.)




EJL to lawyers, Kimber, Bull, Howland, Clappe & Co., 24 Apr. (tpc.)




EJL to lawyers, ibid, 25 Apr. (tpc.)




EJL to author, 27 Apr. (autogr.)




EJL to author, revised version of, 27 Apr. (tpc.)




lawyers to EJL, 26 Apr. (autogr.)




EJL to lawyers, 29 Apr. (tpc.)




author to EJL, 1 May (autogr.)




Baumgartel, E. Die Galliermekropole von Filottrano; published as the Gaulish necropolis of Filottrano in the Ancona Museum; correspondence attached:

(Sir) J.L. Myres

6 May 1936


Christopher F.C. Hawkes to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 13 June 1936 (autogr.)




Raymond W. Firth to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 21 June 1936 (autogr.)




C.G. Seligman to J.L. Myres, 15 June (autogr.)




Ibid (query) to H.S. Harrison, 15 June (tpc.)




J.L. Myres to C.G. Seligman, 19 June (autogr.)




J.H. de Navarro to RAI, 8 Aug. (autogr.)




Paul Jacobsthal to RAI, 20 Sept. (autogr.)




note to D.R. Maclver, 9 Oct.




D.R. MacIver to R.W. Firth, 26 Oct. (autogr.)




Baumgartel, E. Die Galliermekropole von Filottrano; correspondence attached:

D.R. MacIver

10 Nov. 1936


RAI to D.R. MacIver (tp. with autogr. reply at foot)




Beasley, H.G. Notes on red feather money

H.S. Harrison

23 Mar. 1936


Bell, F.A. Sokapana: a Melanesian secret

R.W. Firth

7 Nov. 1934


Bijlmer, H.J.T. The relation of blood groups to race and some particulars of the South West Pacific

R. Ruggles Gates

10 Oct. 1934


Brelsford, W.V. History and customs of the Basala; correspondence attached:

E.W. Smith

5 Dec. 1933


RAI to author, 11 Jan. 1934 (tpc.)




author to RAI, 1 Apr. (autogr.)




Bridges, M.L. Superstitions and legends of the Ona or Shilcnum, a tribe which once inhabited the greater part of the main island of Tierra del Fuego; not published; no referee's form; corres­pondence attached:

E.O. James

10 Oct. 1935


E.O. James for Folk-lore Society to RAI, 14 Oct. 1935 (autogr.)




Brown, F.E. Hehe grandmothers; no referee's report; letter to the RAI from the author present; published 1935


6 Sept. 1933


Chadwick, N.K. Shamanism among the Tatars of Central Asia

C.G. Seligman

4 Dec. 1935


Ibid. The spiritual ideas and experiences of the Tatars of Central Asia




Ibid. Poetic inspiration and the trance of the seer; not published; corres­pondence attached:


12 Jan. 1938


author to RAI, 19 Dec. 1937 (autogr.)




Clifford, G.M. The Igala chiefdom; correspondence attached:

C.G. Seligman

6 Mar. 1935


the Acting Secretary, Secretary's Office, Northern Provinces, Kaduna, Nigeria to RAI, 18 Sept. 1934 (autogr.)




referee to RAI, 10 Dec. 1935 (autogr.)




RAI to referee, 11 Dec. (autogr.)




author to referee, 14 Feb. 1936 (autogr.)




referee to RAI, 31 Mar. 1936 (autogr.) including reference to 19.4; and following 3 letters:




author to referee, 27 Mar. 1935 (autogr.)




referee to author, 28 Mar. 1935 (tpc.)




author to referee, 11 Nov. 1935 (autogr.)




Codrington, K. de B. The use of counter-irritants in the Indian Deccan; correspondence attached:

C.G. Seligman

9 Oct. 1935


F.J. Richards to author, 19 Dec. 1934 (autogr.)




Collum, V.C.C. Caliciform beakers in the megalithic monuments of the southern Morbihan, Brittany, and their associated objects; not published; no referees form; correspondence attached:

H.J.E. Peake

30 Apr. 1936


author to RAI submitting article, 25 Apr. 1936 (autogr.)




RAI to referee, 30 Apr. (tpc.)




referee to RAI, 1 May (autogr.)




RAI to J.M. de Navarro, 6 May (autogr.)




J.M. de Navarro to RAI, 17 May (autogr.)




RAI to V.G. Childe, 12 June (autogr.)




V.G. Childe to RAI, 15 June (autogr.)




RAI to author, 20 June (tpc.)




Daniel, F. Stone images of Esiye- Ajasse district, published as Stone figures of Esie, Ilorin Province, Nigeria, [1937]; correspondence attached:

H.J. Braunholtz

11 Apr. 1934


author to RAI, 12 Mar. 1934 (autogr.)




Daniel, G.H. Changes in the racial character of the population of the Llandebie District

G.M. Morant

2 Nov. 1936


Darlington, H.S. The meaning of couvade; not published: correspondence attached:

W.R. Dawson

7 Oct. 1936


referee to RAI, 10 Oct. (autogr.)




RAI to author, 5 Nov. (tpc.)




Dreyer, T.D. The orientation of the Florisbad skull; not published; correspondence attached:

W.E. le Gros Clark

12 Oct. 1938


referee's report to RAI, 12 Oct. 1938 (autogr.)




Dunlop, M. France in the Bronze age; not published; correspondence attached:

V.G. Childe

6 Apr. 1938


referee's report, 6 Apr. 1938 (autogr.)




E.J. Lindgren to RAI, 13 May (autogr.)




Earthy, D. Plants and their uses in Gaza, Portuguese East Africa; not published; correspondence attached:

A. Richards

6 Nov. 1935


referee to RAI, 7 Nov. 1935 (autogr.)




RAI to author, 8 Nov. (tpc.)




Elwin, V. The functional character of Baiga mythology; not published; correspondence attached:

F.J. Richards

7 Oct. 1936


author to RAI




Fisher, R.A. The coefficient of racial likeness; correspondence attached:

L.H. Dudley Buxton

9 Oct. 1935


RAI to author, 8 Apr. 1936 (tpc.)




referee's notes to RAI, nd (tp.)




author to RAI, 15 Apr. (autogr.)




Fleure, Prof. H.J. A report on the anthropometric survey of the Isle of Man

G.M. Morant

31 Mar. 1936


Fortes, M. Communal fishing and fishing magic in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast

C.G. Seligman

21 Oct. 1935


Fuchs, V.E. and Dyson, W. The Elmolo; correspondence attached:


12 June 1936


author to RAI, 2 June 1936 (autogr.)




H.J. Braunholtz to author, 15 Oct. (autogr.)




author to H.J. Braunholtz, 16 Oct. (autogr.)




H.J. Braunholtz to author, 21 Oct. (autogr.)




author to H.J. Braunholtz, 22 Oct. (autogr.)




Goddard, R.H. Burragurra on Devils Rock; not published

W.E.H. Stanner

9 Feb. 1937


Gordon, D.H. The rock paintings and microliths of the Raigath State; not published; correspondence attached:

M.C. Burkitt

9 Oct. 1935


referee to RAI, 10 Oct. 1935 (autogr.)




RAI to author, 7 Nov. (tpc.)




author to RAI, 11 Nov. (autogr.)




RAI to author, 22 Nov. (tpc.)




Griffiths, J.B. Glimpses of a Nyika tribe

J.H. Driberg

9 May 1934


Harris, P.G. Notes on Dakarkari peoples of Dabai Emirate, Sokoto Province, Nigeria, West Africa: correspondence attached:

C.K. Meek

12 Apr. 1934


referee to RAI, 15 May 1934 (autogr.)




author to RAI, 10 Feb. 1937 (autogr.)




RAI to author, 3 Apr. (tpc.)




Henry, J. Integration in a simple society; correspondence attached:

R.W. Firth

11 Mar. 1936


author to RAI, 11 Feb. 1936 (autogr.)




RAI to author, 5 Nov. (tpc.)




author to RAI, 26 Jan. 1937 (autogr.)




RAI to author, 9 Apr. (tpc.)




Herskovits, M.J. The Ashanti Ntoro, a re-examination; correspondence attached:

R.S. Rattray

6 Feb. 1935


author to H.J. Braunholtz, 26 Mar. 1935 (autogr.)




ibid Prof. J.L. Myres, 26 Mar (autogr.)




J.L. Myres to author, 9 Apr. (autogr.)




RAI to International Institute of African Languages and Culture, 16 Apr. (tpc.)




acknowledgement of above, 17 Apr. (tp.)




Ibid. ibid; correspondence attached:

B.Z. Seligman

15 May 1935


referee to R.U. Sayce, 21 June 1935




referee's notes on 39 to RAI, 21 June (tp.)




RAI to author, 22 July (tpc.)




author to RAI, 12 Aug.




tpc. of original article (autogr. corrections by author). 14 pages




Hocart, A.M. Fishing in Eddystone Island; correspondence attached:

J. Hornell

8 Apr. 19:36


RAI to author, 6 May 1936 (tpc.)




Hogbin, H.I. Social reaction to crime

R.W. Firth

9 Oct. 1935


Iyer, A.K. The Swastika; not published; correspondence attached:

W.L. Hildburgh

6 Nov. 195


RAI to author, 5 Dec. 1935




Koritschoner, Hans. Ituga; not published

B.Z. Seligman

6 May 1936


Ibid. Ngoma Ya Sheitani

C.G Seligman

6 May 1936


Lambert, L. The folk-lore and religious ideas of the Indians of Guiana; not published; correspondence attached:

J. Williams

6 Feb. 1935


author to RAI, 31 Jan. 1935 (autogr.)




referee to RAI, 11 Feb. (autogr.)




RAI to author, 12 Mar. (tpc.)




Lancaster, G. Tentative chronology of the Aba-Ngoni. genealogy of their chiefs, and notes; correspondence attached:

C.G. Seligman

15 May 1935


referee to RAI, 28 May 1935 (autogr.)




RAI to author, 5 June (autogr.)




Lazarus, D.M. A description of preparation for and of the marriage parade at Levenenwa Island, Ongtong Java; not published; correspondence attached:

R.W. Firth

6 Mar. 1935


RAI to H.G. Beasley, 12 Apr. 1935




Lothrop, S.K. Gold and silver from southern Peru and Bolivia; corres­pondence attached:

T.A. Joyce

13 Feb. 196


RAI to author, 3 June 1937 (tpc.)




author to RAI, 20 July (autogr.)




RAI to author, 14 Oct. (tpc.)




Marston, A.T. Report on the Swanscombe skull; correspondence attached:

G.M. Morant

12 June 1936


author to RAI, 21 May 1936 (autogr.)




referee's report to RAI, 4 Oct. (autogr.)




tpc. of an article by author titled: Argument on the Piltdown canine and mandible - to be inserted in the Swanscombe skull report in the place of previously submitted argument, 10 Oct. 1936 (autogr.). 17 pages




Henry Dewey to Raymond W. Firth, 15 Oct. (autogr.)




ibid. 5 Nov. (autogr.)




report by Henry Dewey to RAI, 6 Nov. (autogr.)




Moir, J. Reid. The age of the pre-crag flint implements

M.C. Burkitt

6 Mar. 1935


Moneykyrle, R. Persecutory tendencies in group psychology; correspondence attached:

J.C. Flugel

6 Mar. 1935


RAI to author, 12 Apr. 1935 (tpc.)




Morant, G.M. Contribution to the physical anthropology of the Swat and Hunza Valleys

C.G. Seligman

4 Dec. 1935


Ibid. The craniology of Ireland

H.S. Harrison

6 May 1936


Nadel, S.F. Gunnu, a fertility cult of the Nupe; correspondence attached:


9 Oct. 1935


RAI to author, 7 Nov. 1935 (tpc.)




author to RAI, 3 Dec. (autogr.)




Phillipps, W.J. An introduction to Maori pounding implements; not published

C.B. Humphries

5 June 1935


Ibid. ibid; not published

R.W. Firth

9 Oct. 1935


Ibid. Maori designs; correspondence attached:




RAI to author, 5 Dec. 1935 (tpc.)




Reck, Hans. Olduvai; not published: correspondence attached:

H.J. Fleure

10 Nov. 1932


referee's report to H.J. Braunholtz, JRAI, 30 Dec. 1932 (autogr.)




Rickard, T.A. The nomenclature of archaeology; not published; correspondence attached:

V. Gordon Childe

13 Feb. 1936


RAI to author (tpc.)




Roberts, J.G. Totemism and sexuality among the south eastern Bantu; no referees report; correspondence attached:


23 Sept. 1937


RAI to author, 15 Oct. 1937 (tpc.)




Rolleston, I.H.O. The Watumbatu; not published; correspondence attached:

Sir C. Hollis

7 Oct. 1936


J.H. Driberg (for author) to T.A. Joyce, 14 Aug. 1936 (autogr.)




RAI to J.H. Driberg, 5 Oct. (tpc.)




referee to RAI, 11 Oct. (autogr.)




Ross A. The origin of language; not published; correspondence attached:

C. Otto Blagden

7 Dec. 1934


E.O. James to J.L. Myres, 28 Nov. 1934(autogr.)




RAI to Prof. E.O. James, 6 Feb. 1935 (tpc.)




Rowe, W. Page. A study of geometrical drawings from the New Hebrides

A.C. Haddon

6 Nov. 1935


Shanklin, W.M. The anthropology of the Rwala Bedouins

C.G. Seligman

7 Nov. 1935


Shaw, W.B.K. Notes on the Libyan Desert archaeology; not published; correspondence attached:


7 Nov. 1934


author to JRAI, 24 Oct. 1934 (autogr.)




author to JRAI, 25 May 1935 (autogr.)




author to RAI, 2 June (autogr.)




RAI to author, 6 June (tpc.)




Shropshire, D. Some dances of the Wamanyika tribe, the Wabarwe tribe and Watewe tribe; not published

C.G. Seligman

6 Mar. 1935


Singer, K. Notes on some early Japanese fecundity symbols; not published; correspondence attached:

W.L. Hildburgh

12 May 1938


Edward Rosenbaum to RAI, 20 Apr. 1938 (autogr.)




note to accompany W.L. Hildburgh's report., 20 May (autogr. by referee)




referee's report, 20 May (autogr.)




referee's report (tp. copy)




author to J.L. Myres, 6 June 1938 (autogr.)




Editor, JRAI (EJL) to E. Rosenbaum, 20 June (tpc.)




EJL to J.L. Myres, 30 June (autogr.)




J.L. Myres to EJL, 1 July (autogr.)




RAI to author, 1 July (tpc.)




J.L. Myres to RAI, 1 July (autogr.)




RAI to author




Slater, F. Picture writing of Australian Aborigines, also Maori teaching the mysteries of life and death; not published; correspondence attached:

W.E.H. Stanner

9 Feb. 1937


author to RAI, 15 Dec. 1936 (autogr.). 4pp.




RAI to author, 4 Mar. 1937 (tpc.)




Steiner, F.B. The Kayak and the Turks; no referees report; not published; correspondence attached:

J. Hornell

5 July 1937


RAI to referee, 4 Nov. (tpc.)




referee to RAI, 8 Nov. (autogr.)




Stevenson, H.N.C. Feasting and meat-division among Zahau Chins of Burma; correspondence attached:

J.H. Hutton

10 Feb. 1937


author to R.W. Firth, nd (autogr.)




Taylor, Prof. Griffith. The zones and strata theory: a biological classification of races; not published; correspondence attached:

H.J. Fleure

11 Apr. 1935


R.R. Marett to RAI, 20 Mar. 1935 (autogr.)




referee's report to RAI, [11 Apr.]




RAI to R.R. Marett, 17 Oct.




Thompson, J.E. 16th and 17th century reports on the Chol Mayas; not published; correspondence attached:

H.J. Braunholtz

8 Feb. 1938


RAI to author, 14 June 1938 (tpc.)




Thomson, D.F. Notes on some bone and stone implements from N. Queensland

C.G. Seligman

9 Jan. 1935


Wayland, E.J. Rifts, rivers, rains and early man in Uganda

G. Caton-Thompson

10 Oct. 1934


Weidenreich, Franz. On the relation of Sinanthropus pekinensis to Pithecanthropus javanthropus and Rhodesian man

G.M. Morant

? May 1937


Wild, R.P. Agona-Swedru: funerary equipment from the Gold Coast; correspondence attached:

H.J. Braunholtz

11 Feb. 1935


author to H.J. Braunholtz, 10 Jan. 1934 (autogr.)




Wilson, Godfrey. African conventions: a study of the Nyakusa ceremonies of burial; not. published; correspondence attached:

E.W. Smith

4 Mar. 1937


JRAI to RAI, 7 Sept. 1938




Wolff, Werner. Le de'chiffrement des hieroglyphes Maya et la traduction de quelques tableaux d'hierogl.yphes; not published; correspondence attached:

R.C.E. Long

13 Oct. 1937


author to C.G. Seligman, 23 May 1937 (tp.)




C.G. Seligman to author, 27 May (tpc.)




author to C.G. Seligman, 1 June (tp.)




RAI to author, 4 Nov. (tpc.)




Wright, L.W.S. The Vele magic of the south Solomon

W. Ivens

13 Oct. 1937