12 Oct. 1932-12 May 1938
1 |
Amer, M. The excavations of the Egyptian University in the prehistoric site at Maadi near Cairo; published 1936; correspondence attached: |
G. Caton Thompson |
12 Oct. 1932 |
.1 |
RAI to author, 8 Dec. 1932 (tpc.) |
.2 |
author to RAI, 18 Dec. (autogr.) |
.3 |
RAI to author, 29 Apr. 1936 (tpc.) |
.4 |
author to RAI, 21 May (autogr.) |
2 |
Arkell, A.J. 1) Some Tuareg ornaments and their connections with India; 2) Forms of the Talhakim and the Tanaghilit as adapted from the Tuareg by various West African tribes; correspondence attached: |
F.R. Rodd |
5 June 1935 |
.1 |
referee to RAI, 20 June 1935 (autogr.) |
.2 |
Ibid, 24 June (autogr.) |
.3 |
RAI to author, 25 June (tpc.) |
.4 |
author to RAI, 26 June (autogr.) |
.5 |
RAI to author, 5 July (tpc.) |
.6 |
author to RAI, 10 July (autogr.) |
.7 |
Civil secretary's office, Khartoum to author, 22 July (tpc.) |
.8 |
author to RAI, 5 Aug. (autogr.) |
3 |
Armstrong, A.L. Jones, N. and Maufe, H.B. The antiquity of man in Rhodesia |
D.A.E. Garrod |
8 Dec. 1936 |
4 |
Arundell, R.D.H. Rock paintings in Burkoba District; correspondence attached: |
H.J. Braunholtz |
10 Oct. 1935 |
.1 |
author to H. Balfour, 14 July 1933 (autogr.) |
.2 |
Ibid, 3 Aug. (autogr.) |
.3 |
Ibid, 31 Aug. (autogr.) |
.4 |
Ibid, 4 Sept. (autogr.) including 3 photographs |
.5 |
Ibid, 6 Oct. (autogr.) |
.6 |
Ibid to RAI, 16 Oct. (autogr.) |
5 |
Asboe, W. Agricultural methods in Lahoul, Western Tibet; no document present; published in Man, May 1937, No. 90; correspondence attached: |
Lee Shuttleworth |
? May 1934 |
.1 |
RAI to C. Otto Blagden, 17 Dec. 1936 |
.2 |
C. Otto Blagden to RAI, 18 Dec. |
6 |
Ashley-Montagu, M.F. The medio- frontal suture and the problem of metopism in the primates |
G.M. Morant |
13 Feb. 1936 |
7 |
Barnes, A.S. A criterion of human workmanship on flaked tools of flint applied to flints from below the crag and to eoliths from the Kent plateau; not published; correspondence attached: |
D.A. Garrod |
13 Oct. 1937 |
.1 |
author to RAI, 9 July 1937 (autogr.) |
.2 |
referee to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth, 13 Nov. (autogr.) |
.3 |
RAI to author, 16 Dec. (tpc.) |
.4 |
author to RAI, 18 Dec. (autogr.) |
.5 |
author to RAI, 5 Jan. 1938 (autogr.) enclosing: |
.51 |
author's reply to referees suggestions, 5 Jan. (autogr.) |
.52 |
author's revised diagram, 5 Jan. |
.53 |
comments by the author on the report of the referee (nd) |
.6 |
RAI to referee, 14 Jan. (tpc.) |
.7 |
referee to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth, 21 Jan. (autogr.) |
.8 |
RAI to author, 23 Feb. (tpc.) |
.9 |
author to RAI, 27 Feb. (autogr.) |
.10 |
Dr E.J. Lindgren (EJL) Editor, JRAI to author, 11 Apr. (tpc.) |
.11 |
author to EJL, 14 Apr. (autogr.) |
.12 |
EJL to author, 21 Apr. (tpc.) |
.13 |
author to EJL, 2 May (autogr.) |
.14 |
EJL to author, 14 May (tpc.) |
.15 |
RAI to EJL, 7 Oct. (autogr.) |
.16 |
S. Hazzledine Warren to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth, 13 Nov. (autogr.) |
.17 |
EJL to author, 9 Dec. (tpc.) |
.18 |
author to EJL, 10 Dec. (autogr.) |
.19 |
EJL to author, 12 Jan. 1939 (tpc.) |
.20 |
author to EJL, 23 Jan. (autogr. postcard) |
.21 |
author to EJL, 27 May (autogr.) |
.22 |
EJL to RAI, 29 May (tpc.) |
.23 |
author to EJL, 1 June (autogr.) |
.24 |
G. Caton Thompson to RAI, 1 June (autogr.) |
.25 |
author to G. Caton Thompson, 10 June (autogr.) |
.26 |
author to EJL, 20 June (autogr.) |
.27 |
EJL to author, 21 June (tpc.) |
.28 |
EJL to author, 16 Dec. (tpc.) |
.29 |
author to EJL, 19 Dec. (autogr.) |
.30 |
EJL to author, 22 Dec. (tpc.) |
.31 |
EJL to author, 15 Feb. 1940 (tpc.) |
.32 |
author to EJL, 16 Feb. (autogr.) |
.33 |
proposed list of contents of JRAI, Vol. LXIX, part II, 1939 (autogr. note by EJL) |
.34 |
EJL to referee, 15 Apr. (tpc.) |
.35 |
referee to EJL, 20 Apr. (autogr.) |
.36 |
EJL to lawyers, Kimber, Bull, Howland, Clappe & Co., 24 Apr. (tpc.) |
.37 |
EJL to lawyers, ibid, 25 Apr. (tpc.) |
.38 |
EJL to author, 27 Apr. (autogr.) |
.39 |
EJL to author, revised version of, 27 Apr. (tpc.) |
.40 |
lawyers to EJL, 26 Apr. (autogr.) |
.41 |
EJL to lawyers, 29 Apr. (tpc.) |
.42 |
author to EJL, 1 May (autogr.) |
8 |
Baumgartel, E. Die Galliermekropole von Filottrano; published as the Gaulish necropolis of Filottrano in the Ancona Museum; correspondence attached: |
(Sir) J.L. Myres |
6 May 1936 |
.1 |
Christopher F.C. Hawkes to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 13 June 1936 (autogr.) |
.2 |
Raymond W. Firth to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 21 June 1936 (autogr.) |
.3 |
C.G. Seligman to J.L. Myres, 15 June (autogr.) |
.4 |
Ibid (query) to H.S. Harrison, 15 June (tpc.) |
.5 |
J.L. Myres to C.G. Seligman, 19 June (autogr.) |
.6 |
J.H. de Navarro to RAI, 8 Aug. (autogr.) |
.7 |
Paul Jacobsthal to RAI, 20 Sept. (autogr.) |
.8 |
note to D.R. Maclver, 9 Oct. |
.9 |
D.R. MacIver to R.W. Firth, 26 Oct. (autogr.) |
9 |
Baumgartel, E. Die Galliermekropole von Filottrano; correspondence attached: |
D.R. MacIver |
10 Nov. 1936 |
.1 |
RAI to D.R. MacIver (tp. with autogr. reply at foot) |
10 |
Beasley, H.G. Notes on red feather money |
H.S. Harrison |
23 Mar. 1936 |
11 |
Bell, F.A. Sokapana: a Melanesian secret |
R.W. Firth |
7 Nov. 1934 |
12 |
Bijlmer, H.J.T. The relation of blood groups to race and some particulars of the South West Pacific |
R. Ruggles Gates |
10 Oct. 1934 |
13 |
Brelsford, W.V. History and customs of the Basala; correspondence attached: |
E.W. Smith |
5 Dec. 1933 |
.1 |
RAI to author, 11 Jan. 1934 (tpc.) |
.2 |
author to RAI, 1 Apr. (autogr.) |
14 |
Bridges, M.L. Superstitions and legends of the Ona or Shilcnum, a tribe which once inhabited the greater part of the main island of Tierra del Fuego; not published; no referee's form; correspondence attached: |
E.O. James |
10 Oct. 1935 |
.1 |
E.O. James for Folk-lore Society to RAI, 14 Oct. 1935 (autogr.) |
15 |
Brown, F.E. Hehe grandmothers; no referee's report; letter to the RAI from the author present; published 1935 |
6 Sept. 1933 |
16 |
Chadwick, N.K. Shamanism among the Tatars of Central Asia |
C.G. Seligman |
4 Dec. 1935 |
17 |
Ibid. The spiritual ideas and experiences of the Tatars of Central Asia |
ibid |
ibid |
18 |
Ibid. Poetic inspiration and the trance of the seer; not published; correspondence attached: |
ibid |
12 Jan. 1938 |
.1 |
author to RAI, 19 Dec. 1937 (autogr.) |
19 |
Clifford, G.M. The Igala chiefdom; correspondence attached: |
C.G. Seligman |
6 Mar. 1935 |
.1 |
the Acting Secretary, Secretary's Office, Northern Provinces, Kaduna, Nigeria to RAI, 18 Sept. 1934 (autogr.) |
.2 |
referee to RAI, 10 Dec. 1935 (autogr.) |
.3 |
RAI to referee, 11 Dec. (autogr.) |
.4 |
author to referee, 14 Feb. 1936 (autogr.) |
.5 |
referee to RAI, 31 Mar. 1936 (autogr.) including reference to 19.4; and following 3 letters: |
.6 |
author to referee, 27 Mar. 1935 (autogr.) |
.7 |
referee to author, 28 Mar. 1935 (tpc.) |
.8 |
author to referee, 11 Nov. 1935 (autogr.) |
20 |
Codrington, K. de B. The use of counter-irritants in the Indian Deccan; correspondence attached: |
C.G. Seligman |
9 Oct. 1935 |
.1 |
F.J. Richards to author, 19 Dec. 1934 (autogr.) |
21 |
Collum, V.C.C. Caliciform beakers in the megalithic monuments of the southern Morbihan, Brittany, and their associated objects; not published; no referees form; correspondence attached: |
H.J.E. Peake |
30 Apr. 1936 |
.1 |
author to RAI submitting article, 25 Apr. 1936 (autogr.) |
.2 |
RAI to referee, 30 Apr. (tpc.) |
.3 |
referee to RAI, 1 May (autogr.) |
.4 |
RAI to J.M. de Navarro, 6 May (autogr.) |
.5 |
J.M. de Navarro to RAI, 17 May (autogr.) |
.6 |
RAI to V.G. Childe, 12 June (autogr.) |
.7 |
V.G. Childe to RAI, 15 June (autogr.) |
.8 |
RAI to author, 20 June (tpc.) |
22 |
Daniel, F. Stone images of Esiye- Ajasse district, published as Stone figures of Esie, Ilorin Province, Nigeria, [1937]; correspondence attached: |
H.J. Braunholtz |
11 Apr. 1934 |
.1 |
author to RAI, 12 Mar. 1934 (autogr.) |
23 |
Daniel, G.H. Changes in the racial character of the population of the Llandebie District |
G.M. Morant |
2 Nov. 1936 |
24 |
Darlington, H.S. The meaning of couvade; not published: correspondence attached: |
W.R. Dawson |
7 Oct. 1936 |
.1 |
referee to RAI, 10 Oct. (autogr.) |
.2 |
RAI to author, 5 Nov. (tpc.) |
25 |
Dreyer, T.D. The orientation of the Florisbad skull; not published; correspondence attached: |
W.E. le Gros Clark |
12 Oct. 1938 |
.1 |
referee's report to RAI, 12 Oct. 1938 (autogr.) |
26 |
Dunlop, M. France in the Bronze age; not published; correspondence attached: |
V.G. Childe |
6 Apr. 1938 |
.1 |
referee's report, 6 Apr. 1938 (autogr.) |
.2 |
E.J. Lindgren to RAI, 13 May (autogr.) |
27 |
Earthy, D. Plants and their uses in Gaza, Portuguese East Africa; not published; correspondence attached: |
A. Richards |
6 Nov. 1935 |
.1 |
referee to RAI, 7 Nov. 1935 (autogr.) |
.2 |
RAI to author, 8 Nov. (tpc.) |
28 |
Elwin, V. The functional character of Baiga mythology; not published; correspondence attached: |
F.J. Richards |
7 Oct. 1936 |
.1 |
author to RAI |
29 |
Fisher, R.A. The coefficient of racial likeness; correspondence attached: |
L.H. Dudley Buxton |
9 Oct. 1935 |
.1 |
RAI to author, 8 Apr. 1936 (tpc.) |
.2 |
referee's notes to RAI, nd (tp.) |
.3 |
author to RAI, 15 Apr. (autogr.) |
30 |
Fleure, Prof. H.J. A report on the anthropometric survey of the Isle of Man |
G.M. Morant |
31 Mar. 1936 |
31 |
Fortes, M. Communal fishing and fishing magic in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast |
C.G. Seligman |
21 Oct. 1935 |
32 |
Fuchs, V.E. and Dyson, W. The Elmolo; correspondence attached: |
ibid |
12 June 1936 |
.1 |
author to RAI, 2 June 1936 (autogr.) |
.2 |
H.J. Braunholtz to author, 15 Oct. (autogr.) |
.3 |
author to H.J. Braunholtz, 16 Oct. (autogr.) |
.4 |
H.J. Braunholtz to author, 21 Oct. (autogr.) |
.5 |
author to H.J. Braunholtz, 22 Oct. (autogr.) |
33 |
Goddard, R.H. Burragurra on Devils Rock; not published |
W.E.H. Stanner |
9 Feb. 1937 |
34 |
Gordon, D.H. The rock paintings and microliths of the Raigath State; not published; correspondence attached: |
M.C. Burkitt |
9 Oct. 1935 |
.1 |
referee to RAI, 10 Oct. 1935 (autogr.) |
.2 |
RAI to author, 7 Nov. (tpc.) |
.3 |
author to RAI, 11 Nov. (autogr.) |
.4 |
RAI to author, 22 Nov. (tpc.) |
35 |
Griffiths, J.B. Glimpses of a Nyika tribe |
J.H. Driberg |
9 May 1934 |
36 |
Harris, P.G. Notes on Dakarkari peoples of Dabai Emirate, Sokoto Province, Nigeria, West Africa: correspondence attached: |
C.K. Meek |
12 Apr. 1934 |
.1 |
referee to RAI, 15 May 1934 (autogr.) |
.2 |
author to RAI, 10 Feb. 1937 (autogr.) |
.3 |
RAI to author, 3 Apr. (tpc.) |
37 |
Henry, J. Integration in a simple society; correspondence attached: |
R.W. Firth |
11 Mar. 1936 |
.1 |
author to RAI, 11 Feb. 1936 (autogr.) |
.2 |
RAI to author, 5 Nov. (tpc.) |
.3 |
author to RAI, 26 Jan. 1937 (autogr.) |
.4 |
RAI to author, 9 Apr. (tpc.) |
38 |
Herskovits, M.J. The Ashanti Ntoro, a re-examination; correspondence attached: |
R.S. Rattray |
6 Feb. 1935 |
.1 |
author to H.J. Braunholtz, 26 Mar. 1935 (autogr.) |
.2 |
ibid Prof. J.L. Myres, 26 Mar (autogr.) |
.3 |
J.L. Myres to author, 9 Apr. (autogr.) |
.4 |
RAI to International Institute of African Languages and Culture, 16 Apr. (tpc.) |
.5 |
acknowledgement of above, 17 Apr. (tp.) |
39 |
Ibid. ibid; correspondence attached: |
B.Z. Seligman |
15 May 1935 |
.1 |
referee to R.U. Sayce, 21 June 1935 |
.2 |
referee's notes on 39 to RAI, 21 June (tp.) |
.3 |
RAI to author, 22 July (tpc.) |
.4 |
author to RAI, 12 Aug. |
.5 |
tpc. of original article (autogr. corrections by author). 14 pages |
40 |
Hocart, A.M. Fishing in Eddystone Island; correspondence attached: |
J. Hornell |
8 Apr. 19:36 |
.1 |
RAI to author, 6 May 1936 (tpc.) |
41 |
Hogbin, H.I. Social reaction to crime |
R.W. Firth |
9 Oct. 1935 |
42 |
Iyer, A.K. The Swastika; not published; correspondence attached: |
W.L. Hildburgh |
6 Nov. 195 |
.1 |
RAI to author, 5 Dec. 1935 |
43 |
Koritschoner, Hans. Ituga; not published |
B.Z. Seligman |
6 May 1936 |
44 |
Ibid. Ngoma Ya Sheitani |
C.G Seligman |
6 May 1936 |
45 |
Lambert, L. The folk-lore and religious ideas of the Indians of Guiana; not published; correspondence attached: |
J. Williams |
6 Feb. 1935 |
.1 |
author to RAI, 31 Jan. 1935 (autogr.) |
.2 |
referee to RAI, 11 Feb. (autogr.) |
.3 |
RAI to author, 12 Mar. (tpc.) |
46 |
Lancaster, G. Tentative chronology of the Aba-Ngoni. genealogy of their chiefs, and notes; correspondence attached: |
C.G. Seligman |
15 May 1935 |
.1 |
referee to RAI, 28 May 1935 (autogr.) |
.2 |
RAI to author, 5 June (autogr.) |
47 |
Lazarus, D.M. A description of preparation for and of the marriage parade at Levenenwa Island, Ongtong Java; not published; correspondence attached: |
R.W. Firth |
6 Mar. 1935 |
.1 |
RAI to H.G. Beasley, 12 Apr. 1935 |
48 |
Lothrop, S.K. Gold and silver from southern Peru and Bolivia; correspondence attached: |
T.A. Joyce |
13 Feb. 196 |
.1 |
RAI to author, 3 June 1937 (tpc.) |
.2 |
author to RAI, 20 July (autogr.) |
.3 |
RAI to author, 14 Oct. (tpc.) |
49 |
Marston, A.T. Report on the Swanscombe skull; correspondence attached: |
G.M. Morant |
12 June 1936 |
.1 |
author to RAI, 21 May 1936 (autogr.) |
.2 |
referee's report to RAI, 4 Oct. (autogr.) |
.3 |
tpc. of an article by author titled: Argument on the Piltdown canine and mandible - to be inserted in the Swanscombe skull report in the place of previously submitted argument, 10 Oct. 1936 (autogr.). 17 pages |
.4 |
Henry Dewey to Raymond W. Firth, 15 Oct. (autogr.) |
.5 |
ibid. 5 Nov. (autogr.) |
.6 |
report by Henry Dewey to RAI, 6 Nov. (autogr.) |
50 |
Moir, J. Reid. The age of the pre-crag flint implements |
M.C. Burkitt |
6 Mar. 1935 |
51 |
Moneykyrle, R. Persecutory tendencies in group psychology; correspondence attached: |
J.C. Flugel |
6 Mar. 1935 |
.1 |
RAI to author, 12 Apr. 1935 (tpc.) |
52 |
Morant, G.M. Contribution to the physical anthropology of the Swat and Hunza Valleys |
C.G. Seligman |
4 Dec. 1935 |
53 |
Ibid. The craniology of Ireland |
H.S. Harrison |
6 May 1936 |
54 |
Nadel, S.F. Gunnu, a fertility cult of the Nupe; correspondence attached: |
Ibid. |
9 Oct. 1935 |
.1 |
RAI to author, 7 Nov. 1935 (tpc.) |
.2 |
author to RAI, 3 Dec. (autogr.) |
55 |
Phillipps, W.J. An introduction to Maori pounding implements; not published |
C.B. Humphries |
5 June 1935 |
56 |
Ibid. ibid; not published |
R.W. Firth |
9 Oct. 1935 |
57 |
Ibid. Maori designs; correspondence attached: |
ibid |
ibid |
.1 |
RAI to author, 5 Dec. 1935 (tpc.) |
58 |
Reck, Hans. Olduvai; not published: correspondence attached: |
H.J. Fleure |
10 Nov. 1932 |
.1 |
referee's report to H.J. Braunholtz, JRAI, 30 Dec. 1932 (autogr.) |
59 |
Rickard, T.A. The nomenclature of archaeology; not published; correspondence attached: |
V. Gordon Childe |
13 Feb. 1936 |
.1 |
RAI to author (tpc.) |
60 |
Roberts, J.G. Totemism and sexuality among the south eastern Bantu; no referees report; correspondence attached: |
none |
23 Sept. 1937 |
.1 |
RAI to author, 15 Oct. 1937 (tpc.) |
61 |
Rolleston, I.H.O. The Watumbatu; not published; correspondence attached: |
Sir C. Hollis |
7 Oct. 1936 |
.1 |
J.H. Driberg (for author) to T.A. Joyce, 14 Aug. 1936 (autogr.) |
.2 |
RAI to J.H. Driberg, 5 Oct. (tpc.) |
.3 |
referee to RAI, 11 Oct. (autogr.) |
62 |
Ross A. The origin of language; not published; correspondence attached: |
C. Otto Blagden |
7 Dec. 1934 |
.1 |
E.O. James to J.L. Myres, 28 Nov. 1934(autogr.) |
.2 |
RAI to Prof. E.O. James, 6 Feb. 1935 (tpc.) |
63 |
Rowe, W. Page. A study of geometrical drawings from the New Hebrides |
A.C. Haddon |
6 Nov. 1935 |
64 |
Shanklin, W.M. The anthropology of the Rwala Bedouins |
C.G. Seligman |
7 Nov. 1935 |
65 |
Shaw, W.B.K. Notes on the Libyan Desert archaeology; not published; correspondence attached: |
ibid |
7 Nov. 1934 |
.1 |
author to JRAI, 24 Oct. 1934 (autogr.) |
.2 |
author to JRAI, 25 May 1935 (autogr.) |
.3 |
author to RAI, 2 June (autogr.) |
.4 |
RAI to author, 6 June (tpc.) |
66 |
Shropshire, D. Some dances of the Wamanyika tribe, the Wabarwe tribe and Watewe tribe; not published |
C.G. Seligman |
6 Mar. 1935 |
67 |
Singer, K. Notes on some early Japanese fecundity symbols; not published; correspondence attached: |
W.L. Hildburgh |
12 May 1938 |
.1 |
Edward Rosenbaum to RAI, 20 Apr. 1938 (autogr.) |
.2 |
note to accompany W.L. Hildburgh's report., 20 May (autogr. by referee) |
.3 |
referee's report, 20 May (autogr.) |
.4 |
referee's report (tp. copy) |
.5 |
author to J.L. Myres, 6 June 1938 (autogr.) |
.6 |
Editor, JRAI (EJL) to E. Rosenbaum, 20 June (tpc.) |
.7 |
EJL to J.L. Myres, 30 June (autogr.) |
.8 |
J.L. Myres to EJL, 1 July (autogr.) |
.9 |
RAI to author, 1 July (tpc.) |
.10 |
J.L. Myres to RAI, 1 July (autogr.) |
.11 |
RAI to author |
68 |
Slater, F. Picture writing of Australian Aborigines, also Maori teaching the mysteries of life and death; not published; correspondence attached: |
W.E.H. Stanner |
9 Feb. 1937 |
.1 |
author to RAI, 15 Dec. 1936 (autogr.). 4pp. |
.2 |
RAI to author, 4 Mar. 1937 (tpc.) |
69 |
Steiner, F.B. The Kayak and the Turks; no referees report; not published; correspondence attached: |
J. Hornell |
5 July 1937 |
.1 |
RAI to referee, 4 Nov. (tpc.) |
.2 |
referee to RAI, 8 Nov. (autogr.) |
70 |
Stevenson, H.N.C. Feasting and meat-division among Zahau Chins of Burma; correspondence attached: |
J.H. Hutton |
10 Feb. 1937 |
.1 |
author to R.W. Firth, nd (autogr.) |
71 |
Taylor, Prof. Griffith. The zones and strata theory: a biological classification of races; not published; correspondence attached: |
H.J. Fleure |
11 Apr. 1935 |
.1 |
R.R. Marett to RAI, 20 Mar. 1935 (autogr.) |
.2 |
referee's report to RAI, [11 Apr.] |
.3 |
RAI to R.R. Marett, 17 Oct. |
72 |
Thompson, J.E. 16th and 17th century reports on the Chol Mayas; not published; correspondence attached: |
H.J. Braunholtz |
8 Feb. 1938 |
.1 |
RAI to author, 14 June 1938 (tpc.) |
73 |
Thomson, D.F. Notes on some bone and stone implements from N. Queensland |
C.G. Seligman |
9 Jan. 1935 |
74 |
Wayland, E.J. Rifts, rivers, rains and early man in Uganda |
G. Caton-Thompson |
10 Oct. 1934 |
75 |
Weidenreich, Franz. On the relation of Sinanthropus pekinensis to Pithecanthropus javanthropus and Rhodesian man |
G.M. Morant |
? May 1937 |
76 |
Wild, R.P. Agona-Swedru: funerary equipment from the Gold Coast; correspondence attached: |
H.J. Braunholtz |
11 Feb. 1935 |
.1 |
author to H.J. Braunholtz, 10 Jan. 1934 (autogr.) |
77 |
Wilson, Godfrey. African conventions: a study of the Nyakusa ceremonies of burial; not. published; correspondence attached: |
E.W. Smith |
4 Mar. 1937 |
.1 |
JRAI to RAI, 7 Sept. 1938 |
78 |
Wolff, Werner. Le de'chiffrement des hieroglyphes Maya et la traduction de quelques tableaux d'hierogl.yphes; not published; correspondence attached: |
R.C.E. Long |
13 Oct. 1937 |
.1 |
author to C.G. Seligman, 23 May 1937 (tp.) |
.2 |
C.G. Seligman to author, 27 May (tpc.) |
.3 |
author to C.G. Seligman, 1 June (tp.) |
.4 |
RAI to author, 4 Nov. (tpc.) |
79 |
Wright, L.W.S. The Vele magic of the south Solomon |
W. Ivens |
13 Oct. 1937 |