REEL 1: Annual reports 1838-1908; Annual reports 1839-1890

The annual reports for the following years are missing: 1838, 1841-6, 1868-70, 1883

1838 - missing


The second annual report of the Aborigines Protection Society, 21 May 1839. Committee; honorary members. Second annual meeting of the APS, 21 May 1839, resolutions; report;. The Indians of Upper Canada, Australia, Africa, the Aborigines of India, publicity- journal-monthly extracts-reports, the prize essay; legislation - evidence of Aborigines without oath, Colonization, protectors and political agents; improvement of the natives; honorary members; conclusion; cash account; life members; annual subscriptions and donations. 32 pp.


Committee; Hon. Members; the third annual meeting of the APS, 23 June 1840; resolutions; report; Africa; America; the Address [Indian Chiefs to the Governor General of Canada]; United States; South America; British Guiana; Foreign Countries; Australia; Van Diemen’s Land; New South Wales; Western Australia; South Australia; New Zealand; Home Affairs; cash account; life members; donations and annual subscriptions. 48 pp.

Reports for the years 1841-6 are missing


The Colonial Intelligencer; or, Aborigines’ Friend. Annual meeting of the APS; resolutions; Massacre of Aborigines in the Indian archipelago by the crew of a British vessel; Société de la Morale Chrestienne; reply to the address to the APS; South Africa; Oceania; the Danish treaty with the Hawaiian kingdom; the death of the Walla Walla chief; Hudson’s-Bay Territory; Western Africa. 64 pp.


The Colonial Intelligencer; or, Aborigines’ Friend; eleventh annual meeting of the APS; report, May 1848; list of the committee for the ensuing year, and of the officers; account; Rights of the Aborigines; New Zealand; Cape of Good Hope and Kaffir-Land; New South Wales; the Red-River Settlement; the APS and Sir H. Smith; notice to members and subscribers; The Colonial Intelligencer; the New Zealand question. Pp. 4-32


Twelfth annual report of the APS May 1849; account. 16 pp.


Thirteenth annual report of the APS May 1850; list of the committee and officers; account; the annual meeting. 16 pp.


Fourteenth annual report of the APS June 1851; account; list of donors and subscribers; list of the committee and officers; honorary and corresponding members; appeal. 16 pp.


Fifteenth annual report of the APS, April 1852; account; list of donors and subscribers; the annual meeting. 28 pp.


Sixteenth annual report of the APS, May 1853; subscriptions and donations; account; the annual meeting. 16 pp.


Seventeenth annual report of the APS, May 1854; account; donations and subscriptions; the annual meeting. 20 pp.


Eighteenth annual report of the APS, May 1855; notice; account; donations and subscriptions; the annual meeting; list of the committee for the present year and of the officers. 16 pp.


Nineteenth annual report of the APS, May 1856; account; subscriptions and donations; the annual meeting; list of the committee for the present year and the officers. 12 pp.


The proceedings of the twentieth annual meeting of the APS, May 1857; account; list of donations and subscriptions; list of the committee and the officers for the present year; the annual meeting. 20 pp.


The proceedings of the twenty-first annual meeting of the APS, May 1858; account; list of donations and subscriptions; list of the committee and the officers for the present year; the annual meeting. 28 pp.


Annual report of the APS. Twenty-second anniversary May 1859; account; list of donations and subscriptions; list of the committee and the officers for the present year; the annual meeting. 23 pp.


Twenty-third annual report of the APS, May 1860; account; list of donations and subscriptions; list of the committee and the officers for the present year; the annual meeting. 34 pp.


Twenty-fourth annual report of the APS, May 1861; New Zealand; Australia; South Africa; West Coast of Africa; India; the Red River Settlement; Canada; Travelling Agency; account; list of subscriptions and donations; list of the committee and the officers for the present year; the annual meeting. 40 pp.


Twenty-fifth annual report of the APS, May 1862; New Zealand; South Africa; West Africa; British India; British North America; the travelling agency; account; list of subscriptions and donations; list of the committee and the officers for the present year; the annual meeting. 36 pp.


Twenty-sixth annual report of the APS May 1863; Algeria; New Zealand; Australia; South Africa; West Africa; Canada, the United States, and British Columbia; account; list of subscriptions and donations; list of the committee and the officers for the present year; the annual meeting. 35 pp.


Twenty-seventh annual report of the APS 1863-4; the Dahomey Mission; account; list of subscriptions and donations; list of the committee and the officers for the present year; the annual meeting. 36 pp.


Twenty-eighth annual report of the APS 1864-5; account; list of subscriptions and donations; the New Zealanders’ Fund; the Micmac Fund; list of the committee and officers for the present year; the annual meeting. 35 pp.


Twenty-ninth annual report of the APS 1865-6; the late Dr Hodgkin; account; list of subscriptions and donations; the memorial to Dr Hodgkin; committee and officers of the society; the annual meeting. 25 pp.


Thirtieth annual report of the APS, May 1867; account; list of subscriptions and donations; committee and officers of the society; the annual meeting. 24 pp.

Reports for the years 1868-70 are missing


The proceedings of the thirty-fourth annual meeting of the APS, May 1871; annual report; thirty-fourth anniversary. 26 pp.


The proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual meeting of the APS, May 1872; committee and officers of the society; annual report; India; the Polynesian labour traffic; the Chinese coolie trade; the Hong Kong gambling houses; the case of Kwok-a-sing; Coolies in British colonies; South Africa; the Indians of Rupert’s Land; the Canadian Indians; the Prince Edward Island Indians; West Coast of Africa; the committee; conclusion; appendix - Kwok-A-Sing’s case; the opium trade; the Indians of Rupert’s Land; thirty-fifth anniversary. 48 pp.


The Colonial Intelligencer. Annual report of the APS 1873-4; the Pacific slave trade; the Coolie system in the Mauritius; the Macao Coolie traffic; the Gold Coast; South Africa; thirty-sixth annual meeting. pp. [121]-146


The Colonial Intelligencer, Aug. 1876. Annual report 1875-6; South Africa; the Coolie question; other questions; the thirty-eighth anniversary; the Sioux Indians; native law in Natal. Pp. 329-44


The Colonial Intelligencer, Sep. 1877. Annual report, 1876-77; Egypt and central Africa; Mr H.M. Stanley at Bambireh; the war in the Transvaal; cruelties of the Boers; confederation in South Africa; the Coolie question; the thirty-ninth anniversary. Pp. 426-46


The Aborigines’ Friend, Sep. 1878. Annual report 1877-8; kidnapping in Turkey; India and the natives; the war in South Africa; Mr Cecil Ashley’s report; the Mauritius ordinance; Borneo; execution in Tanna; Indians of Lennox Island; the Oka Indians; the civilization of Indians; intemperance in Madagascar; deaths; the fortieth anniversary; address to Sir John Smale, Chief Justice of Hong Kong. Pp. 44-62


The Aborigenes’ Friend. No. 5 New Series, June 1879. South Africa and the war in Zululand; the annual report; speech of the chairman; speech of Mr Richard MP; speech of Mr Alderman Fowler; speech of Mr W.H. James MP; capture of Zulu cattle. Pp.[121]-146


The Aborigenes’ Friend. No. 8 New Series, July 1880; South Africa and the natives; the annual report. Pp. [231]-253


The Aborigenes’ Friend. No. 11 New Series, August 1881; the (forty-third) annual meeting; the annual report; the speeches; speech of Lord Shaftesbury; correspondence; native policy in the Transvaal; correspondence with Lord Kimberley on the Transvaal; the Zulu prisoners in Natal; the case of Cetywayo; the Aborigines of New South Wales; the extermination of natives in Queensland; New Guinea; outrages and reprisals in the Pacific; new members. Pp. [369]-414


The Aborigenes’ Friend, Oct. 1882. The (forty-fourth) annual meeting; the annual report; the speeches; the death of Mr S. Gurney; debt slavery a Lagos; the French in Madagascar; the Boers and the Batlaplin tribes; Mauritius; literary notices. Pp. 527-

Report for the year 1883 is missing


The Aborigenes’ Friend, Dec. 1884. (Forty-seventh) Annual meeting Pp. 175-181


The Aborigenes’ Friend, Nov. 1885. (Forty-eighth) Annual Meeting. Pp. 263-74


The Aborigenes’ Friend, Nov. 1886. (Forty-ninth) Annual Meeting. Pp. 349-64


The Aborigenes’ Friend, Oct. 1887. (fiftieth) Annual meeting. Pp. 438-47


The Aborigenes’ Friend. No. XII. Vol. III New Series, Mar. 1889. The APS; Frederick William Chesson; British policy in South Africa; troubles in Zululand; Swaziland and the Boers; Australian Aborigines; executions in Sierra Leone; Bushmen in Bechualnaland. Pp. [511]-554


The Aborigenes’ Friend. No. XIII. Vol. III New Series, June 1889. The Annual Report, May 1889; the [fifty-third] Annual Meeting, May 1889. Pp. 555-67


The Aborigenes’ Friend. No. II. Vol. IV. New Series, May 1890. The Annual Report, May 1889; the Brussels Conference; the troubles in Zululand; Sierra Leone; the Gold Coast; Western Australia; the famine in the Eastern Soudan. Pp. 45-88


REEL TWO: APS Annual Reports 1838-1908. This reel contains annual reports 1891-1909. There was no annual report for the year 1909 when the APS amalgamated with the anti-slavery society


The Aborigenes’ Friend. No. V. vol. IV. New Series, June 1891. The Annual Report, May 1891; account; the annual meeting; the late Sir Robert Fowler; the Oil Rivers District; Political prisoners on the Gold Coast; Child slavery on the Gold Coast; Bechuanaland; British New Guinea; the Western Pacific Islands. Pp. 181-244


The Aborigenes’ Friend. No. VII. Vol. IV. New Series, June 1892. The APS; the Annual Report, May 1892; account; special fund account; the annual meeting; Polynesians in Queensland; the Brussels General Act; troubles at Lagos; the Protogé System in Morocco; affairs in Zululand; Blacks and Whites in South Africa. Pp. 289-328


The Aborigenes’ Friend, Jan. 1894. The Annual Report 1893; affairs in Matabeleland; changes in Zululand; abuses in Uganda; the Brussels General Act; the Protogé System in Morocco; the expedition against the Sofas; troubles at Lagos. Pp. 370-404


The Aborigenes’ Friend, July 1894. The Annual Report, May 1894; the Berlin and Brussels Conferences; Uganda; Matabeleland; Pondoland; Swaziland; Zululand; troubles in West Africa; Sierra Leone; the Gambia; the West African situation; the Annual Meeting; the settlement of Matabeleland; the Uganda Protectorate; the Lagos expeditions; the expedition against the Sofas; disturbances at the Gambia. Pp. 406-40


The Aborigenes’ Friend, July1895. The Annual Report, May 1895; Northern South Africa; the Glen Grey Act; Swaziland; Zululand; Uganda; West Africa; the Niger Company; the drink traffic in Africa; the Society’s funds; account; the liquor traffic in Africa; the Niger district; affairs in Uganda; a Gold Coast grievance; the Australian Aborigines. Pp. 483-530


The Annual Report of the APS, May 1896. Committee and officers of the society; the annual report; the drink traffic in Africa; West African administration; the Gold Coast interior; the Lagos interior; the Niger district; the Bechuanaland settlements; ‘the Matable revolt’; other African questions; Fiji and the Western Pacific; the Kafirs of the Hindu Kush; the Society’s funds; account; subscriptions and donations. 16 pp.


The Annual Report of the APS, May 1897. Committee and officers of the society; the Annual Report, May 1897; from 1837 to 1897; European responsibilities in Africa; Matabeleland and Mashonaland; Bechuanaland; Sir Alfred Milner; Sir Marshal Clarke and Sir H.H. Johnstone; ‘The Aborigines’ Friend’; the society’s funds; subscriptions and donations; account. [16]pp.


The Annual Report of the APS 1898. Committee and officers of the society; annual report 1898; the case of Bechuana; the natives in Rhodesia; the disturbances in Sierra Leone; other African proceedings; an Abeokuta slave; Chief Nana of Benin River; developments in Nigeria; slavery in the Zanzibar Protectorate; Uganda and the Eastern Soudan; the African Liquor trade; proposed international action; meetings and lectures; the Manchester Native Races Protection Society; action by the Trades Union Congress; the Society’s publications; the Society’s funds; account; subscriptions and donations. 16 pp.


The Annual Report of the APS, 1899. Committee and officers; annual report 1899; the condition of the Society; the Liverpool branch; the South African crisis; changes in Central Africa; East and West Africa; the African liquor traffic; international action; ‘savages’ in exhibitions; abuses in Ceylon; the Society’s funds; account; subscriptions and donations. 12 pp.


The Annual Report of the APS, 1900. Committee and officers; annual report 1900; ‘the call of the new century’; the native question in South Africa; natives in Natal; the Zulu relief fund; Somaliland and British East Africa; Uganda and the Nile Valley; West Africa; the Congo Free State; Australian Aborigines; international action; the Society’s funds; the Society’s losses; subscriptions and donations; account; the Zulu Relief Fund. 15 pp.


The Aborigines’ Friend, Apr. 1901. The A.P.S. Annual Meeting 1901; the native question in South Africa; East African developments; African languages and officials in Africa; misrule in British Guiana. Pp. 1-32


The Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society, 1901. Committee and officers; annual report 1901; native questions in South Africa; East African affairs; West African affairs; Nigeria; the Congo State and French Congo; West Indian natives; Australasian and South Pacific Aborigines; the Society’s condition; account; subscriptions and donations. 16 pp.


The Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society, 1902. Committee and Officers; annual report 1902; native questions in South Africa; East African affairs; West African affairs; abuses in Congoland; slavery in Angola; international action; other questions; finance; account; subscriptions and donations. 12 pp.


The Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society, 1903.Committee and Officers; annual report 1903; misrule in the Congo; South African native questions; labour in the Transvaal; other South African questions; East and West Africa; other questions; finance; account; subscriptions and donations. 16 pp.


The Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society,1904. Committee and Officers; annual report 1904; the Society’s clients; the Transvaal labour question; other South African questions; East African developments; West African affairs; international complications and responsibilities; Congo State misrule; other questions; the Society’s losses; finance; account; subscriptions and donations. 16 pp.


The Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society, 1905.Committee and Officers; annual report 1905; Transvaal questions; other South African questions; West African affairs; East African arrangements; Congo State misrule; the Central African slave traffic; other questions; the Society’s losses; finance; account; subscriptions and donations. 16 pp.


The Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society, 1906.Committee and Officers; annual report 1906; South African questions; West and East African affairs; the Central African slave trade; Congo State misrule; the Egyptian question; other questions; the Society’s losses; finance; account; subscriptions and donations. 16 pp.


The Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society, 1907.Committee and Officers; annual report 1907; South African questions; East and West African affairs; the Congo question; other Central African questions; the rights of subject races; the Society’s losses; finance; account; subscriptions and donations. 16 pp.


The Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society, 1908. Committee and Officers; annual report 1908; South African affairs; slave trade in Angola; the Congo question; finance; the late Mr H.R. Fox Bourne; account; subscriptions and donations. 15 pp.


REEL THREE: The Aborigines’ Friend (The Colonial Intelligencer, or Aborigines’ Friend) March 1847-December 1854


The Colonial Intelligencer; or, Aborigines’ Friend 1847-8. Contents; objects of the Aborigines Protection Society; list of the committee and officers; honorary and corresponding members;

No. 1, Mar.; prologue; Aborigines Protection Society; New Zealand; Friendly and Georgian Islands; British North America; Kaffir war. Pp. 1-16

No. II, Apr.; Indians of British North America, and Red-River colonists; Munsee Indians removed into the United States; French opinion of British colonization; Kaffir war; the Rajah of Sattara; emigration from the coast of Africa to the West Indies; return of an African traveller; slavery in the French colonies; New Zealand; Tahiti. Pp. 17-32

No. 3, May; British North America; correspondence; Aborigines of Australia; Natal; New Zealand; Aborigines Protection Society. Pp. 33-48

No. IV, June; annual meeting of the Aborigines Protection Society; massacre of Aborigines in the Indian archipelago by the crew of a British vessel; Société de la Morale Chretienne; South Africa; Oceania; the Danish treaty with the Hawaiian kingdom; the death of the Walla Walla chief; Hudson’s-Bay territory; Western Africa; Aborigines Protection Society. Pp. 49-64

No. V. July; officers; Samoan Islands; ‘narrative of the United States’ exploring expedition’ by Captain Wilkes; Aborigines of New South Wales; the Cape colony; Hottentots. Pp. 65-80

No. VI, Aug.; Sandwich Islands; New Zealand; Cape of Good Hope. Pp. 81-96

No. VII, Sep.; New Zealand; Cape of Good Hope; New South Wales; South Australia; latest news from the Cape; Aborigines Protection Society. Pp. 97-112

No. VIII, Oct.; Cape of Good Hope; Western Africa; the Chippeway Indians; miscellaneous. Pp. 113-28

No. IX, Nov.; the Kaffir war; Cape of Good Hope; the Ioway and Sac Indians; Western Africa; miscellaneous; new Colonial appointments; notice of lecture. Pp. 129-44

No. X, Dec.; New Zealand; Cape of Good Hope; Madagascar; England and New Zealand; miscellaneous; appeal to the public; publications of the Aborigines Protection Society. Pp. 145-76


No. XI. Jan.; New Zealand and its charter; the treaty of Waitangi; protest of the bishop of New Zealand; a bill; latest from New Zealand; Cape of Good Hope; miscellaneous; notice to members; appeal to the public; publications of the Aborigines Protection Society. Pp. 177-96

No. XII. Feb.; New Zealand; Cape of Good Hope; Red-River Settlement; Samoan Islands; Society Islands; Sandwich Islands; Tahiti; miscellaneous; notice to members. Pp. 197-228

No. XIII. Mar..; Cape of Good Hope; the New Zealand question; New Zealand; Western Africa; miscellaneous; notice to members; publications of the Aborigines Protection Society. Pp. 229-44

No. XIV. Apr.; remarks on the Kaffir war; Kaffir Land; miscellaneous. Pp. 245-56

The Colonial Intelligencer; or, Aborigines’ Friend 1849-50. Vol. II; contents; objects of the society; list of committee and officers; honorary and corresponding members. [8] pp.

Nos. I & II. New Series. May and June 1848. Vol. II; prefatory address; eleventh annual meeting of the Aborigines Protection Society; report of the Aborigines Protection Society eleventh anniversary; list of the committee for the ensuing year, and of the officers; account; rights of the Aborigines; New Zealand; Cape of Good Hope and Kaffir Land; New South Wales; the Red-River Settlement; the Aborigines Protection Society and Sir H. Smith; notice to members and subscribers; the Colonial Intelligencer; the New Zealand question. Pp. 1-32

Nos. III & IV. New Series. July and Aug. vol. II; the Red-River Settlement, and the Hudson’s Bay Company; Aboriginal slavery in the South Seas; New Zealand; the New Zealand question; Kaffirland; Liberia; miscellaneous; Sir Harry Smith’s appeal on behalf of the Kaffirs; notice; list of the committee for the ensuing year, and of the officers. Pp. 33-64

Nos. V & VI. New Series. Sep. and Oct. vol. II; Aboriginal civilization; the Aborigines and intemperance; the late Kaffir war; Aborigines of Vancouver’s Island; the Aborigines of Australia; the Sandwich Islands; New Zealand; Aboriginal slavery in the South Seas; Cape of Good Hope; the Fingoes; miscellaneous; notice; lecture on New Zealand and its natives; list of the committee for the ensuing year, and of the officers. Pp. 65-96

Nos. VII & VIII. New Series. Nov. and Dec. vol. II; Aboriginal civilization; New Zealand; the Cape Colonists, the Kaffirs, and the Boers; Aboriginal slavery in the South Seas; Liberia; Cape of Good Hope; Sir Harry Smith’s appeal on behalf of the Kaffirs; the Rev. J.J. Freeman; the Aborigines of Australia; Mr Catlin and the Indians; miscellaneous; notice; list of the committee for the ensuing year, and of the officers. Pp. 97-128


Nos. IX & X. New Series. Jan. and Feb. vol. II; Aboriginal civilization; the Cape Colonists, the Kaffirs, and the Boers; the New Zealand question; Sir Harry Smith and the Kaffirs; the North American Indians; the Aborigines of Australia; Liberia versus slavery; more kidnapping in the South Seas; miscellaneous; notice; obituary of Dr J.C. Pritchard; list of the committee for the ensuing year, and of the officers. Pp. 129-60

No. XI. New Series. Mar. vol. II; the New Zealand question; the Aborigines of Australia; miscellaneous; notice; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 161-76

Nos. XII & XIII. New Series. Apr. and May. Vol. II; the Cingalese; Kaffraria; Aborigines and convicts; notice of the life of the late Dr Prichard; meeting of the Aborigines Protection Society; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 177-208

No. XIV. New Series. June. Vol. II; Aboriginal slavery in the South Seas; the kidnapped South-Sea Islanders; the Sandwich Islands; the natives of South Australia; notice of the life of the late Dr Prichard; a short notice of the late Richard Jennings; miscellaneous; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 209-24

Nos. XV & XVI. New Series. July and Aug. vol. II; New Zealand; the Aborigines Protection Society and the bishop of Rupert’s Land; the Gold Coast: case of Robert Erskine; the Gambia; Aboriginal slavery in the South Seas; notice of the life of the late Dr Prichard; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 225-56

No. XVII. New Series. Sep. vol. II; Liberia; North-American Indians; notice of the life of the late Dr Prichard; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 257-72

Nos. XVIII & XIX. New Series. Oct. and Nov. vol. II; convicts to the colonies; the Kaffirs; the Kaffir fund; the Chippawa Indians and the Huron Lake mining companies; Californian Indians and gold diggers; the Gambia; notice of the life of the late Dr Prichard; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 273-304

No. XX. New Series. Dec. vol. II; the Cape of Good Hope; the Gold Coast; Liberia; the Red-River Indians; the Aborigines of Australia; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers; notice. Pp. 305-20


No. XXI. New Series. Jan. vol. II; what is the Aborigines Protection Society doing? The Red-River Indians; New Zealand; West coast of Africa; the Indians of Canada West; miscellaneous: Charles Dickens and the American Indians; obituary of John Duncan; notice; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers; supplement: Rajah Brooke and the Borneo massacre; notice. Pp. 321-68

No. XXII. New Series. Feb. vol. II; the Gold Coast; Liberia; Sandwich Islands; notice; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 369-84

No. XXIII. New Series. Mar. vol. II; Rajah Brooke and the massacres off Borneo; the Red River; West Africa; Australia; the Industrial Exhibition of 1851; notice; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 385-400

No. XXIV. New Series. Apr. vol. II; Australian Government bill: address to Lord John Russell; Borneo; New Zealand; the massacres off Borneo; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers; notice. Pp. 401-16

The Colonial Intelligencer; or, Aborigines’ Friend. 1850-1. Vol. III; contents; objects of the Society; list of the committee and officers; honorary and corresponding members. [8] pp.

No. XXV. May 1850. Vol. III; [pp. 2-3 missing][the Gold Coast, Robert Erskine]; Australia; Sandwich Islands; notice. Pp. 4-16

No. XXVI. June. Vol. III; the Borneo massacres; case of Robert Erskine; Harry Smith and the Kaffirs; New Zealand; murder of Indians in California; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers; notice. Pp. 17-32

No. XXVII. July. Vol. III; Negro slavery; South Africa; New Zealand; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers; notice. Pp. 33-48

No. XXVIII. Aug. vol. III; Samoan Islands; case of Robert Erskine; New Zealand; George Copway; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers; notice. Pp. 49-64

No. XXIX. Sep. vol. III; New Zealand; California; Borneo massacre; Liberia; Gold Coast; South Africa; to our friends and readers: Thomas Brunner; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers; notice. Pp. 65-80

No. XXX. Oct. vol. III; the Kaffir fund; war against Aborigines; the Oregon Indian tribes; Central Africa; biographical notice of Kah-Ge-Gah-Bowh (George Copway), the Ojibway chief; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers; notice. Pp. 81-96

No. XXXI. Nov. vol. III; the Kaffir and New-Zealanders’ Fund; Eastern Central Africa and the Nile; South Australia; British Kaffraria; biographical notice of Kah-Ge-Gah-Bowh (George Copway), the Ojibway chief; Cape Town, South Africa; the Rev. J.J. Freeman; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 97-112

No. XXXII. Dec. vol. III; the natives of New Zealand; Cape Colony and frontiers; Liberia; miscellaneous: Britain to Columbia [poem]; to our friends and readers: the Kaffir and New-Zealanders’ Fund; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 113-28


No. XXXIII. Jan. 1851. Vol. III; New Zealand; South Africa; Africa not under a curse; miscellaneous; Britain to Columbia; Kaffir and New Zealanders’ Fund; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 129-44

No. XXXIV. Feb. vol. III; South Africa; Moselekatse; New Zealand; Africa not under a curse; postscript; Kaffir and New Zealanders’ Fund; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 145-60

No. XXXV. Mar. vol. III; South Africa; Natal; Africa not under a curse; the Borneo massacres; German mission in New Zealand; North-American Indians; biographical notice of Kah-Ge-Gah-Bowh; Kaffir and New Zealanders’ Fund; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 161-76

No. XXXVI. Apr. vol. III; South Africa; the Borneo massacres; New Zealand; donations to funds; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 177-92

No. XXXVII. May. Vol. III; South Africa; our Cape policy; New Zealand; the case of Robert Erskine; Indians of California; Indians of New Mexico; funds; notice. Pp. 193-208

No. XXXVIII. June. Vol. III; steam communication with Africa; missionary societies; South Australia; case of Robert Erskine; fruits of slavery in the United States, North America; the American Indians; miscellaneous; funds; the Rev. J.J. Freeman; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 209-24

No. XXXIX. July. Vol. III; the annual meeting of the Aborigines Protection Society, fourteenth anniversary; the Kaffir war; subscriptions and donations; list of the committee and officers. Pp. 225-40

No. XL. Aug. vol. III; Aboriginal self-government; charges against Liberia; the war in Kaffraria; the Borneo massacres; the case of Robert Erskine; New Zealand; the Peace Congress; miscellaneous; subscriptions; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 241-72

No. XLI. Sep. vol. III; South-African affairs; case of Robert Erskine; New Zealand; the Hartwell Festival; map of the Middle Island (New Zealand); donations; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 273-88

No. XLII. Oct. vol. III; South Africa; the North-American Indians; the Rev. Joseph John Freeman; the African expedition: death of Mr James Richardson; meeting of the Aborigines Protection Society; North-American Indians sufferers by the Great Exhibition; donation. Pp. 289-304

No. XLIII. Nov. vol. III; the North-American Indians; South Australia; the Kat River. Pp. 305-20

No. XLIV. Dec. vol. III; Kaffir war; letters of Moshesh and Letsie; the Rev. Dr Philip; donations; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 321-36


No. XLV. Jan. 1852. Vol. III; Kaffir war; wrongs of the Griquas; Orange-River sovereignty; progress of the war; New Zealand; miscellaneous; donations and subscriptions. Pp. 337-52

No. XLVI. Feb. vol. III; Kaffir war; the Borneo massacres; Liberia; miscellaneous; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 353-68

No. XLVII. Mar. vol. III; assembling of parliament, and change of administration; address of the Aborigines Protection Society to the Hon. George Cathcart, Governor of the Cape of Good Hope; Cape of Good Hope; Kat-River Hottentots; Western Africa, Lagos, Liberia; miscellaneous; notices; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 369-84


The Colonial Intelligencer; or, Aborigines’ Friend. 1852-4. Vol. IV; contents. [4] pp.

Fifteenth Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society. Apr. 1852; annual report; account; list of donors and subscribers; the annual meeting, fifteenth anniversary. 28 pp.

Nos. I & II. Apr. and May 1852. Vol. IV; notice to readers; case of Robert Erskine; Kaffir war; Ojibwa Indians of Lakes Huron and Superior, British North America; notice; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 29-60

Nos. III & IV. June and July. Vol. IV; the New Zealand Government bill; the war in South Africa; our frontier policy in South Africa; miscellaneous; Aborigines Protection Society auxiliary meeting; donations and subscriptions; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 61-92

Nos. V & VI. Aug. and Sep. vol. IV; the war in South Africa; the Cape constitution; Andries Botha; Orange-River sovereignty; Natal; alleged atrocities of the Kaffirs contradicted; New Zealand; miscellaneous; donations and subscriptions; obituary of Joseph Fletcher; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 93-124

No. VII. Oct. vol. IV; the war in South Africa; the Kat-River rebellion; the Orange-River sovereignty; Australia; Polynesia. Pp. 125-40

No. VIII. Nov. vol. IV; our South-African policy; on the actual position of the British Government with respect to the frontier tribes; the war in South Africa; Natal; Zulu country; the Basutos; New Zealand; the British Colonies (notice of book); donations and subscriptions; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 141-56

No. IX. Dec. vol. IV; the war in South Africa; Andries Botha; Orange-River sovereignty; the Griquas; the Cattle-Damaras, or Ovaherero; the Indians of New Mexico; Polynesia; miscellaneous; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers; notice. Pp. 157-72


No. X. Jan. & Feb. 1853. Vol. IV; finances of the Society; retirement of Sir John Pakington; New Zealand; British North America; United States; West Indies; Australia; the war in South Africa; East India opium trade; address in support of the cause from the Secretary of the Society. Pp. 173-88

Nos. XI & XII. Mar. and Apr. vol. IV; New Zealand; North America; Madagascar; the war in South Africa; death of J. Read, Sen., and of Waterboer; Transvaal Boers; Natal; Secretary’s address; finances; latest news from the Cape; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 189-220

No. XIII. May. Vol. IV; the Duke of Newcastle; remarks of the committee occasioned by the Secretary’s address; Borneo; New Zealand; New Hebrides; Tahiti; Natal; list of donors and subscribers. Pp. 221-36

Nos. XIV & XV. June and July and Sixteenth Annual Report. Vol. IV; South Africa; Kat River; Griquas; Moshesh and the Bassutos; Trans Vaal Boers; Natal; British India; Zoolus, Earthmen, and the Aztec imposition; North American Indians; Australia. Pp. 237-68

Nos. XVI & XVII. Aug. to Dec. inclusive. Vol. IV; notice to readers; South Africa; Kat River; the sovereignty; Kaffir news; slavery beyond the Vaal; Natal; Western Africa; New Zealand; Islands of the Pacific; North America; Cuba; correspondence; subscriptions; list of the committee for the present year, and of the officers. Pp. 269-300


Nos. XVIII & XIX. Jan. to June inclusive. Vol. IV; notice to readers; South Africa; Cape Parliament; Bushmen; Liberia; coloured seamen at Charleston; the Sandwich Islands; New Zealand; Indians of North America; message of the principal chief of the Cherokee Nation; the Navajos; California; obituary of Elliott Cresson. Pp. 301-36

Nos. XX. XXI. July to Dec. inclusive. Vol. IV; to subscribers and others; address to Sir George Grey; address to the Governor of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope; reception of the Society’s address to the inhabitants of the Cape; native races in South Africa; Trans-Vaal; Kaffir war medal; appeal from New Zealand; New South Wales; Polynesia; Secretary’s address. Pp. 337-68

Sixteenth Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society, May 1853; subscriptions and donations; account; the annual meeting. 16 pp.


REEL 4: contains The Aborigines’ Friend Jan. 1855 to Dec. 1866


The Aborigines’ Friend, and Colonial Intelligencer. 1855-8. Vol. I. New Series; Aboriginal map of North America. [5] pp.

No. I. Jan. to Dec. inclusive 1955. Vol. I; notice to readers; Africa; districts assigned to the Kaffirs; release of Andries Botha; Natal; the Trans Vaal; the Basutos and their chief Moshesh; a missionary visit to the king of Dahomey; the exploration of the Niger, and the civilisation of Western Africa; the bombardment at Mallaghea; further disturbances on the West coast of Africa; Abyssinia; the Christian prince of Madagascar; Asia; the social state of India; a wise ruler; torture in India; the insurrection of the Santhals; Oude; Pegu; Sir John Bowring’s mission to Siam; Japan; the Borneo commission, and Sir James Brooke; America; brief notice respecting the Indians of Darien; Australia; New Zealand; address to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Pp. 1-60


No. II. Jan. to Mar. inclusive 1856. Vol. I; the memorial of the Aborigines Protection Society to the Right Honorable Henry Labouchere, Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies; the government of India; torture in India; Nagpore jewels; the annexation of Oude; Siam; Abyssiania; slave-trading in Sierra Leone; death of Bambah Mima Lahi; Gambia; Natal; address of the Colonists to Governor Grey; rumoured war in the Zulu country; war at Delagoa Bay; Moshesh, and the Free States; French missionaries and the Basutos; North-America Indians; Central America; Peru; New Zealand; miscellaneous; notice of Annual General Meeting. Pp. 61-104

No. III. Apr. to Sep. inclusive. Vol. I; death of the President of the Society; Asia: the annexation of Oude; Bhopal and the regent Begum; the Santhals; Africa: Cape Coast; Liberia; Cape Palmas; General Mercer on the slave-trade; Cape of Good Hope; the German Legion and the Cape; Moshesh, the Basuto chief; address to the Trans-Vaal republic; America; appendices a-k; brief sketch of the life, death, and character of the late Rev. Peter Jones; the Mosquito Shore, and other parts of Central America; Indian war in Florida; Indian war in Oregon; defense of the Indians; Wyandot Indians; Australian friends of the Aborigines; Tasmania; New Zealand; Feejee Islands. Pp. 105-68

No. IV. Oct. to Dec. inclusive. Vol. I; public opinion on the Hudson’s-Bay question; the Indians in Canada; state of affairs on the West coast of Africa. Pp. 169-200


No. V. Jan. to Mar. inclusive, 1857. Vol. I; the Hudson’s-Bay question; the Aborigines Protection Society and the Canadian legislature; British policy in India and the colonies; a few words about Hayti; Dr Livingstone; India; Caffrarian wool; notice of annual meeting. Pp. 201-20

No. VI. Apr. to June inclusive. Vol. I; the Red-River Indians; observations on the settlement of the British territories west and north of the Canadian provinces; the Hudson’s-Bay committee; the Canadian Indians; debates on India; the mutiny in India; the way to lose India; testimonies from the church; Dr Hodgkin; New Zealand. Pp. 221-52

No. VII. July to Oct. inclusive. Vol. I; the Hudson’s-Bay question; memorial to Mr Labouchere; ‘the Montreal Gazette’ and the Aborigines Protection Society; vengeance and mercy; memorial to Mr Vernon Smith; the Governor-General of India on the treatment of the mutineers; General Thompson, MP, on the Indian mutinies; the coolie trade in India; statistics of the coolie trade; New Zealand; Sierra Leone; the ‘Times’ and the Aborigines Protection Society; the late Peter Jones. Pp. 253-300

No. VIII. Nov. to Jan. inclusive, 1958. Vol. I; notice to readers; the Canadian Indians; the Hudson’s-Bay question; a second Hudson’s-Bay charter; Mr Roebuck’s motion ad the policy of Canada; the American Indian-Aid Association; the rebellion in India; General Thompson, MP on India; India reform and the opium question; China: the coolie trade; Sierra Leone; Cape Colony; Natal; New Zealand; India reform and native rights. Pp. 301-64


No. IX. Feb. to Sep. inclusive 1858. Vol. I; barbarous attack of the Free State on the Basutos; address of a committee of the Society of Friends regarding the attack of the Basuto mission stations; British Kaffraria; the India debates; the Aborigines Protection Society, and the Indian press and people; memorial on the India bill; anti-opium association; the Hudson’s-Bay question; deputation to the Premier on the Hudson’s-Bay question; the Indians of British Columbia; deputation to Lord Stanley; deputation to Lord Carnavon; Sierra Leone; Native African Association; the American Indians; a royal coronation in Tahiti; the Canadian Indians; notes on publications; miscellaneous. Pp. 365-448

No. X. Oct. to Dec. inclusive. Vol. I; South Africa; British Kaffraria; Natal; Sierra Leone; the war against the Crobboes; Republic of Liberia: the case of the Regina Coeli; the Queen’s proclamation to the people of India; ‘the Sahib and the nigger’; opium traffic with China; the Chinese coolie-trade; Chinese immigration to Australia; slave ‘immigrants’ from the South Sea Islands; the Indians of Minnesota; notices of publications; the late General Mercer; mails to Red River; miscellaneous; a good example; income of the Society; index. Pp. 449-511


The Colonial Intelligencer and Aborigines’ Friend 1859-66. Vol. II. New Series; index to vol. II. 4 pp.

[pages missing] Jan. to June 1859; British Columbia the Red River Indians; the Indians of the Hudson’s-Bay territories; the Hudson’s-Bay charter; the Hudson’s-Bay question; Sierra Leone; Cape Coast; South Africa; murder of the civil commissioner, W. Murray; Fingoes; Trans-Vaal Free State; India; Rajah Brooke; extermination of the natives of Australia; New Zealand; the late general election; notices of publications; the new volume. Pp. 3-48

[pages missing] July to Dec.; address to the Duke of Newcastle; recall of Sir George Grey, and Cape affairs; Sierra Leone; travels in Eastern Africa; India; a Javanese prince; the Andaman Islands; New Zealand; the Australian Aborigines; Canada; the Hudson’s-Bay territory; a proposal to form a new Indian settlement; General Thompson on the treatment of native races; our travelling agent; presentations to literary institutions; the new volume. Pp. 51-100


[‘pages missing’]Jan. to Dec. 1860; New Zealand; address on the New Zealand bill; what the missionaries say of the New Zealand war; death of an ages New Zealander; the Indians of Canada; Nah-Ne-Bah-Wee-Quay; memorial to the Duke of Newcastle; the Prince of Wales in Canada; Australia; Chinese immigration to Australia; letter from a Chinaman; Africa; Cape Coast; Mr Abington in the provinces; notice. Pp. 101-70


[pages missing] Jan. to Dec. 1861; the late war in New Zealand; Australia; North American Indians; memorial to the Governor-General of Canada; the Red River Indians; appendix to the address; Red-River Settlement; Indians of New Brunswick; United States Indians; British India; Cape of Good Hope; West coast of Africa; Liberia; the Sandwich Islands. Pp. 173-250


[pages missing]Jan. to Dec. 1862; the Canadian Indians and the Manitoulin Islands; the Indians and the war in America; the Indian war in Minnesota; the Red-River Settlement; the Indians of Labrador; South of Africa; West Africa; the massacres at Dahomey; Mr Craft’s mission; distressed Negroes in England; the Pasha of Egypt; New Zealand; discovery of an unknown tribe in New Zealand; Australia; capital punishment and the Australian Aborigines; India; Mr Abington’s lectures; British Columbia; Christianity and colonization; an acknowledgement. Pp. 253-322


Jan. 1863 to Dec. 1864; the New Zealand government and the native war; New Zealand General Assembly; memorial to the Duke of Newcastle; memorial to Mr Cardwell; the capacity of uncivilized men; a farewell letter addressed to the Rev. James Wallis, by the Tainui; the Queen and the Maori chiefs; the New Zealanders in London; to the Maoris of New Zealand; Australia; the last of the Tasmanian Aborigines; kidnapping of South Sea Islanders; memorial to Earl Russell; the French in Polynesia; South Africa; cattle thefts: Eastern district; the Kei and the Bashee; a map of the future; the revolution in Madagascar; West Africa; Commodore Wilmot on Dahomey; Mr Fitzjames; the Emperor Napoleon and the Arabs; the North-West-American Indians; the Indians of Vancouver Island; the North American Indians; the Manitoulin Indians; the coolie traffic; interview with Mr Cardwell. Pp. 323-450


Jan. to Dec. 1865; New Zealand; the Aborigines Protection Society and the ‘Times’; letters from Mr George Graham; letter from Archdeacon Hadfield; an officer serving in New Zealand on the origin of the war in Wellington; letters from Maori chiefs; address to Governor Grey; memorial to Her Majesty; petition to parliament; the Aborigines of Australia; Western Australia; the New Hebrides; the Queen Dowager of the Sandwich Islands in England; the coolie traffic; South Africa; interview with Abd-el-Kader; the Hudson’s-Bay territories; the Micmacs of Prince Edward Island; the Indians of the United States; committee and officers of the Society; death of Dr Hodgkin; notice. Pp. 451-515


Jan. to Dec. 1866; the late Dr Hodgkin; memoir of Dr Thomas Hodgkin; Mic-Mac society; memorial to Lord Carnarvon; the deputation; the kidnapped Polynesians in Peru; memorial to Lord Stanley; the Orange Free State and the Basutos; the Cape Frontier; Charles Brownlee the Gaika commissioner; interview between Mr Mainwaring and William Thompson; the Athenaeum on Mr Fox’s work on New Zealand; ‘the wild men of Jesso’; abolition of trial by jury in Sierra Leone; the Hudson’s-Bay question; a visit to the Indians in New York; on the treatment of inferior races by Great Britain; the Dr Hodgkin memorial; the Intelligencer; committee and officers of the Society. Pp. 519-75 [end of vol. II]


REEL FIVE: contains The Aborigines’ Friend (The Colonial Intelligencer, or Aborigines’ Friend) Nov. 1867 to Oct. 1882

The following issues are missing 1872-73

n.b. 1879 pp. 96-6 are missing


The Colonial Intelligencer and Aborigines’ Friend 1867-71. Vol. III. New Series; index to vol. III. 3 pp.

Nov. 1867; the British Association and the Negro; the Pan-Anglican Synod; the anti-slavery conference in Paris; slavery in the Trans-Vaal; the new Secretary of State for the Colonies; the Orange Free State; the French missionaries; Natal; the Aborigines of Australia; New Zealand; a case for inquiry [trade in the South Sea]; Tahiti; the abolition of trial by jury in Sierra Leone; Prince Edward Island; a peace mission to the Red Indians. 36 pp.


Mar. 1868; traffic in South-Sea Islanders; the native police in Queensland; the natives of Western Australia; the war between the Orange Free State (South Africa) and the Basutos; slavery in the Trans-Vaal Republic; annexation of the Hudson’s-Bay territories to Canada; the Aborigines of North America; the Canadian Indians; the iron ores of Lake Superior; travellers’ tales; Siam; the Basutos. Pp. 37-76

Dec.; the Hudson’s-Bay territories; the Red River Settlement; treatment of the South-Sea Islanders; Western Australia; slaughter of the Blacks in Queensland; land buying in New Zealand; New Zealand; Natal; the Basutos; the Trans-Vaal Republic; Indian slavery in California; subscriptions. Pp. 77-102


May 1869; the traffic in South Sea Islanders; the massacre in New Zealand; the Hudson’s-Bay question; enslavement of Kaffir children by the Dutch Boers; the Kaffir tribes of South Africa; the Philippine Islands. Pp. 103-46

Dec. 1869; the opium traffic; New Zealand; a member of the General Assembly on Native Affairs in New Zealand; the Governor of the Cape Colony and the Boers of the Orange Free State; the alleged slave trade in the South Seas; the Hudson’s-Bay territories and the Indians; Canada and her new Indian subjects; the Indians of Vancouver Island; on municipal government for Canadian Indian reserves; Prince Edward Island; Western Australia; the last of the Tasmanians; the Oxus and the Indus. Pp. 147-98


May 1870; the opium traffic; memorial to Lord Granville on the Basuto question; the Governor of the Cape Colony and the French missionaries; the coolie traffic; the insurrection at Red River; kidnapping in Polynesia; Polynesian labour and the tragedy at the Fijis; Sir Charles Dilke and the Quarterly Review; Sierra Leone; the Piegan massacre; the Indian question in the United States. Pp. 199-252

Oct. 1870; the coolie inquiry in Demerara; the opium debate; the opium question in India; the proposed cession of the Gambia; the slave trade in Polynesia; the proposed protectorate at the Fijis; the Indians of Vancouver Island; deputation of the Society to the Earl of Kimberley; ‘our great vassal empire’; notice. Pp. 253-90


Feb. 1871; preface; the Dutch Republics of South Africa. Pp. 291-338

Dec. 1871; the old immigrants of Mauritius; coloured labour in British colonies; The Spectator on the Demerara coolie; address to the Governor of the Cape Colony; slavery in the Trans-Vaal Republic; the traffic in Polynesians; deputation to the Marquis of Normanby; the Macao slave trade; the Indians of Lennox Island; education in Manitoba; the Lushai expedition; West coast of Africa; the persecution of Christians in Japan; a voice from New Zealand; the late Mr Charles Buxton, MP; the death of the Rev. F. Daumas. Pp. 339-98



Transactions of the Aborigines Protection Society, 1874-8; index. iv pp.

[pages missing]

Feb. 1874; slaver and the slave trade in Fiji; extraordinary miscarriage of justice; the labour traffic in Queensland; Ashantee and Acheen; dhow-burning extraordinary; the disturbances in Natal; the coolie inquiry in the Mauritius; treatment of the Aborigines in Queensland; the general election; notice. Pp. 3-32

[pages missing]

May 1874; the Gold Coast; slavery on the Gold Coast; Dr Livingstone; the Arab slave traffic; the East African slave trade; the Pacific slave trade; Queensland and the traffic in Polynesians; the Mauritius; deputation to Lord Carnavon; notice of the annual meeting; Fiji and the Pacific slave trade. Pp. 35-72

[pages missing]

Aug. 1874; slavery on the Gold Coast; slave-trading with the Ashantees; the government of the Gold Coast; the disturbances in Natal; correspondence on Natal; suggestions for the solution of the Natal difficulty; the diamond fields and the Boers; the annexation of Fiji; deputation to Lord Carnarvon; extermination of the Aborigines in Queensland; the native police in Queensland; the Queensland labour traffic; the Mauritius; the Baroness Burdett Coutts; the Macao slave trade; notice. Pp. 75-118

Annual Report of the Aborigines Protection Society 1873-4; the Pacific slave trade; the coolie system in the Mauritius; the Macao coolie traffic; the Gold Coast; South Africa; postscript; Aborigines Protection Society thirty-sixth annual meeting. Pp. 121-46


Feb. 1875; the case of Langalibalele; the coolie traffic; coolie immigration to the Mauritius; the Gold Coast; West and East Griqualand; a new anti-opium movement; the Polynesian labour traffic; the Aborigines of Queensland; public meeting in London; Natal pamphlet fund. Pp. 147-90

June 1875; the labour traffic in the Pacific; deputation to the Governor of Fiji; letter from Admiral Erskine; the Blacks in Queensland; the Cape Colony; trade with the interior of South Africa; the Natal question; slavery on the Gold Coast; Indian coolies in French colonies; meeting of the Society. Pp. 191-228

Nov. 1875; Indian coolies in the Mauritius; Lord Stanley’s speech on the treatment of coolies; the coolie traffic; modern international aspects of the slave trade; Queensland and Fiji; the Indians of Canada; what is being done in West Africa; the Cape and Natal; a fugitive slave law for British ships; testimonial to M. de Plevitz. Pp. 229-66


Feb. 1876; proposed cession of the Gambia; the new slave circular; treatment of Indian coolies; native affairs in Natal; coloured children in Natal; the Oka Indians; Queensland; the Ladrone Islands; China; the testimonial to M. de Plevitz. Pp. 267-96

May 1876; the Malay difficult; the chief of the Ojebways; the coolie question; coolie labour in the Mauritius; the Gambia; deputation to Lord Carnarvon; native policy in Natal; notice of the annual meeting. Pp. 297-318

Aug. 1876; Chinese coolies in Cuba; threatened Chinese outbreaks in Peru; Queensland; rumoured cession of Basutoland; annual report 1875-6; the thirty-eighth anniversary; the Sioux Indians; native law in Natal. Pp. 319-44


Jan. 1877; the education of native races in British colonies; Mr Stanley’s attack on the natives of Bambireh; treatment of Indian immigrants in the French colonies; the Polynesian labour traffic; a naval police for the Pacific; the coolie question in the Mauritius; the war in South Africa; restitution to Putili’s tribe; the Trans-Vaal Republic and the French missionaries; Fiji; international law and native races; the Chinese in Peru. Pp. 345-78

May 1877; the Khedive’s policy in Central Africa; confederation in South Africa; deputation to the Governor of the Cape Colony; Polynesian labour in Queensland; alleged cruelties in the Pacific Islands; the salt-tax in India; the Chinese embassy to England; the Chinese in Peru; notice of the annual meeting; special fund. Pp. 379-412

Sep. 1877; native rights in South Africa; Rajah Brooke; the American Indians; our West African settlements; annual report 1876-7; the thirty-ninth anniversary. Pp. 413-46


Jan. 1878; the war in Kaffraria; Mr H.M. Stanley and ‘the Exeter Hall Party’; the Chinese in Queensland; the Oka Indians; British policy in Zululand; the intercourse of Christian with non-Christian races; Madagascar; pictures of coolie life; flogging in Hong Kong; Mauritius; the Malay chiefs; Lord Carnarvon and South Africa. Pp. 447-76


Transactions of the Aborigines Protection Society 1878-82; index. viii pp.

No. 1. New Series. May 1878; native law in Natal; the war in South Africa; deputation to the new colonial minister; the King of the Belgians and the Society; the Mauritius coolie ordinance; execution of a Pacific Islander; taxes on food in the Gambia; the Aborigines of Australia; notice of the annual meeting; advertisement for Our Malay Conquests by Sir P. Benson Maxwell. 34 pp.

No. 2. New Series. Sep. 1878; notice to readers; the war at the Cape; annual report 1877-8; kidnapping in Turkey; India and the natives; the war in South Africa; Mr Cecil Ashley’s report; the Mauritius ordinance; Borneo; execution in Tanna; Indians of Lennox Island; the civilization of Indians; intemperance in Madagascar; deaths; the fortieth anniversary; address to Sir John Smale, Chief Justice of Hong Kong; the reform of the Mauritius coolie system; miseries of emigrant coolies to Assam; Fiji. Pp. 35-64


No. 3. New Series. Feb. 1879; the war in South Africa; expulsion of the loyal Gaikas from their lands; kidnapping of Christian children in Turkey; the Turkish embassy on the memorial; Sultans Ismail and Abdullah; massacre and retaliation in New Britain; appeal on behalf of the coloured people of America; sufferings of coolie emigrants; death of George Lynes Neighbour; Hong Kong. Pp. 65-94

Notice to readers; the war in Zululand. Pp. 97-120

No. 5. New Series. June 1879; South Africa and the war in Zululand; the annual report; capture of Zulu cattle; the disarmament of the Kaffirs; ‘in tents in the Transvaal’; the battle of Kambula Hill. Pp. 121-62

No. 6. New Series. Dec. 1879; the settlement of Zululand; the Bishop of Natalon the Zulu war; alleged cruelties in Zululand; the missionaries and the Zulu war; capture of Cetywayo [poem]; Sir Bartle Frere and the Aborigines Protection Society; the Cape Colony; the rights of uncivilized nations; the Governor of Fiji; the Chinese coolie traffic. Pp. 163-208


No. 7. New Series. Apr. 1880; the general election; the native question in South Africa; cruelties of the Zulu war; the Kaffirs of the Cape Colony; ‘woman slavery in Natal’; kidnapping and slavery in Hong Kong; Madagascar; British Guiana; Reunion; Torres Straits; the war in New Britain. Pp. 209-30

No. 8. New Series. July 1880; South Africa and the natives; the annual report; Sir Bartle Frere’s South African policy; torture in China; the French minister of Marine and the Gambia; the Bishop of Grahamstown and native policy in South Africa; Bishop Abraham and Bishop Colenso; slavery in Hong Kong; the Blantyre mission; death of Mr Edward Pease; special fund; the benefactors of Mauritius. Pp. 231-80


No. 9. New Series. Jan. 1881; the new war in South Africa; the war in Basutoland; deputation to the Earl of Kimberley; the Cape government and the Aborigines Protection Society; alleged removal of Panda’s remains; the Bishop of Natal; extermination of Aborigines in Queensland; the labour traffic in the Pacific; a brave Fijian woman; torture in China; Indian coolies at Réunion; the Governor of Madras; Indian tea planters and coolies; New Zealand; ‘shoot the niggers’ [poem]. Pp. 281-318

No. 10. New Series. Apr. 1881; the native policy of the Dutch Boers in the Transvaal; the Basuto war; Sir Fowell Buxton on the native question; commandoes and apprenticeships in British South Africa; Mr W. Fowler, MP, on the Basuto war; the rising in the Transkei; distress in Zululand; slavery in Senegal; the Blantyre mission scandal; the extermination of Aborigines in Queensland; slavery in Hong Kong; flogging in British Guiana; opium smuggling; literary notices. Pp. 319-52

No. 11. New Series. Aug. 1881; the annual meeting; the annual report; native policy in the Transvaal; correspondence with Lord Kimberley on the Transvaal; the Zulu prisoners in Natal; the case of Cetywayo; the Aborigines of New South Wales; the extermination of natives in Queensland; New Guinea; outrages and reprisals in the Pacific; new members. Pp. 353-414

No. 12. New Series. Dec. 1881; the condition of Zululand; the letter of the eighty-one members; Lady Florence Dixie’s visit to Cetywayo; the Transvaal convention; the Chief Sekukuni; a native view of South African questions; Tembuland; outrages and reprisals in the Pacific; alleged cannibalism in Fiji; the Chinese in Cuba; the Chinese in Peru; the Spanish Abolition Society; slavery in Hong Kong; prisoners in Sierra Leone; death of Mr Joseph Cooper; Indians in Mauritius; alleged massacre in Ashantee; the late Lord Mayor; New Zealand; the committee. Pp. 415-52


No. 13. New Series. Apr. 1882; the Maori troubles in New Zealand; appeal to the Premier from 103 members; Mr Alderman Fowler, MP, on the condition of South Africa; alleged rifling of King Panda’s grave; letters from the Bishop of Natal; coolie immigration to Assam; coolie immigration and the French authorities of Réunion; the North Borneo charter; prisoners in Sierra Leone; the Gold Coast; Fiji; the late Mr Joseph Cooper; literary notices; new members. Pp. 453-98

No. 14. New Series. Oct. 1882; the restoration of Cetywayo; Cetywayo at Oude Molen; the Maori chiefs at the colonial office; our Maori visitors; the Maori fund; New Zealand; deputation to Sir John Pope Hennessy; Sir John Pope Hennessy’s native policy in Hong Kong; the annual meeting; the death of Mr S. Gurney; debt slavery at Lagos; the French in Madagascar; the Boers and the Batlaplin tribes; Mauritius; literary notices. Pp. 499-560


REEL SIX: contains The Aborigines’ Friend (The Colonial Intelligencer, or Aborigines’ Friend) Feb. 1883-Nov. 1899


Transactions of the Aborigines Protection Society 1883-9; index. vi pp.

No. I. vol. II. New Series. Feb. 1883; France and Madagascar; Algeria; the labour traffic in the Pacific; Fiji; the Maori chiefs; South Africa; deputation to Mr Saul Solomon; Cetywayo in Capetown; literary notices. 38 pp.

No. II. Vol. II. New Series. July 1883; New Guinea; Réunion and the Mozambique; Madagascar; the state of Zululand; the Boers and the Bechuanas; death of Captain C.L. Stretch; a noble magistrate; Langalibalele; New Zealand; the Treaty of Waitangi and the case of Te Whiti; Te Whiti; literature; death of Bishop Colenso. Pp. 39-76


No. III. Vol. II New Series. Mar. 1884; South Africa; the condition of Zululand; Cetywayo and Zululand; the Bechuana question; the case of the Pondos; Samuel Moroka; Madagascar; the Gold Coast; New Guinea; the Maories and the Aborigines Protection Society; the Polynesian labour traffic; extradition of Chinese from Hong Kong; literary notices. Pp. 77-122

No. IV. Vol. II. New Series. Dec. 1884; the Maori chiefs [p. 123][pages missing]; the Maori memorial; the Maori king and chiefs at the Colonial Office; farewell to the Maori chiefs; South Africa; the annual report May 1884; annual meeting; the proposed extradition of Chinese from Hong Kong; slavery in India; the Gambia; the Argentine Republic; literary notices; notice. Pp. 140-88


No. V. vol. II. New Series. May 1885; the Maori chiefs; South Africa; distress in Zululand; the Congo; executions on the Gold Coast; Madagascar; New Guinea; North Queensland; the government of Fiji; Polynesian immigrants in Fiji; persecutions of native Protestants in the Loyalty Group; France and China; the insurrection in Canada; Lord Ripon and the Indians in London; literary notices; the committee; notice of the annual meeting. Pp. 189-226

No. VI. Vol. II. New Series. Nov. 1885; Madagascar; a South African breakfast; deputation to the new Colonial minister; recall of Sir Charles Warren; the Cape Colony; lamentable condition of the Basutos; England and the chiefs of West Africa; the Maori question in the House of Commons; an Indian chief at the Mansion House; the annual report, May 1885; annual meeting; Polynesian labour traffic; the King of the Belgians; the persecutions of natives in the Loyalty Group; a real grievance; the Indians of the North-West; Morocco; death of Lord Shaftesbury; literary notices. Pp. 227-84


No. VII. Vol. II. New Series. May 1886; the Kaffirs and intoxicating liquors; the condition of Zululand; Bechuanaland; the Zulus and their friends in Parliament; address to the Rev. J.D. Don; Morocco an the foreign powers; the African Lakes Company; address to the late Governor of Fiji; North Queensland; the Maories and the Government; cruelties in Western Australia; outrages and reprisals in the Pacific; the Indians of British Columbia; to the members and friends of the Aborigines Protection Society; the late Mr W.E. Forster; literary notices; notice of the annual meeting. Pp. 285-326

No. VIII. Vol. II. New Series. Nov. 1886; the franchise at the Cape and the coloured question; the Canadian government and the Indians; South Africa; alleged cruelties in Western Australia; annual report 1885-6; annual meeting; the Mosquito Indians; Morocco; literary notices etc. pp. 327-68


No. IX. Vol. II. New Series. Apr. 1887; Eastern Zululand; the new Zulu settlement; letters from Miss Colenso; memorials to the Queen and to the Special Commissioner; the Chief Langalibalele; the Zulus and Sir Arthur Havelock; the Indians of British Columbia; an Indian memorial; the native question in Western Australia; South Australia; King Tawhiao’s complaints; New Guinea; Fiji; Tonga; treatment of the coolies in Assam; Tamil labourers in Ceylon; Mauritius; West coast of Africa; slavery in Madagascar; Chinese in Spain; death of Mr Shaen; the late Mr J.J. Irvine; literary notices etc.; Morocco; special fund. Pp. 369-422

No. X. vol. III. New Series. Oct. 1887; the native franchise question at the Cape; British Zululand; the late Mr J.J. Irvine and the late Miss Colenso; annual report 1886-7; annual meeting; the Gambia; the Sherbro’; the Indians of British Columbia; Chinese immigration from Hong Kong; Sir John Pope Hennessy; Morocco; Tonga; the Indians of the North West; the liquor trade and native races. Pp. 423-64


No. XI. Vol. III. New Series. Mar. 1888; the protégé system in Morocco; Amatongaland; breakfast to the Amatongas; Eastern Zululand; the native franchise question at the Cape; strong drink in South Africa; the case of King Ja Ja; the Australian Aborigines; the Chinese in Australia; the traffic in arms and liquor in the Western Pacific; alleged sale of Indian women; the American Indians; the coolie trade; labourers in Ceylon; death of Sir William McArthur; literature; a conference on Morocco; the Amatonga deputation and the spirit traffic; special fund. Pp. 465-510


No. XII. Vol. III. New Series. Mar. 1889; the Aborigines Protection Society [notice to readers]; Frederick William Chesson; British policy in South Africa; troubles in Zululand; Swaziland and the Boers; Australian Aborigines; executions in Sierra Leone; Bushmen in Bechuanaland. Pp. 511-54

No. XIII. Vol. III. New Series. June 1889; the annual report, May 1889; the annual meeting; the Gold Coast; the Matabele envoys; the troubles in Zululand. Pp. 554-97


Transactions of the Aborigines Protection Society 1890-6; index. 4 pp.

No. I. Vol. IV. New Series. Feb. 1890. The Aborigines' Friend; notice to readers; the Brussels conference; the meeting at the Mansion House; the troubles in Zululand; Swaziland; the Society on its defense; Earl Grey on African affairs; British New Guinea; West African affairs. 44 pp.

No. II. Vol. IV. New Series. May 1890; the annual report 1889; the Brussels conference; the troubles in Zululand; Sierra Leone; the Gold Coast; Western Australia; the famine in the Eastern Soudan. Pp. 45-88

No. III. Vol. IV. New Series. Dec. 1890; the Emin relief expedition; the Brussels conference; the famine in the Eastern Soudan; slavery at the Gold Coast; the Oil Rivers district; Sierra Leone; the troubles in Zululand; coloured British subjects in the Transvaal. Pp. 89-132


No. IV. Vol. IV. New Series. Apr. 1891; the Western Pacific Islands; Bechuanaland; coloured British subjects in the Transvaal; West African affairs; the protégé system in Morocco; the Congo atrocities; the Vitu expedition; the Eastern Soudan; the duty of civilised states to weaker races; the Aborigines Protection Society; subscriptions and donations. Pp. 133-80

No. V. vol. IV. New Series. June 1891; the annual report, May 1891; the annual meeting; the late Sir Robert Fowler; the Oil Rivers district; political prisoners on the Gold Coast; child slavery on the Gold Coast; Bechuanaland; British New Guinea; the Western Pacific Islands. Pp. 181-244


No. VI. Vol. IV. New Series. Feb. 1892; notice to readers; Sir John Pope Hennessy; affairs in Zululand; coloured British subjects in the Transvaal; child slavery on the Gold Coast; troubles at Lagos; the West African Association; ‘the negro question’; the Hausa Association; the Australian Aborigines; Polynesians in Queensland; the famine in the Eastern Soudan. Pp. 245-88

No. VII. Vol. IV. New Series. June 1892; notice to readers; the annual report, May 1892; the annual meeting; Polynesians in Queensland; the Brussels General Act; troubles at Lagos; the protégé system in Morocco; affairs in Zululand; blacks and whites in South Africa. Pp. 289-328


No. VIII. Vol. IV. New Series. Feb. 1893; notice to readers; the civilising of Africa; affairs in Zululand; the Congo Free State; the Oil Rivers district; troubles at Lagos; Polynesians in Queensland. pp. 329-68


No. IX. Vol. IV. New Series. Jan. 1894; notice to readers; the annual report, 1893; affairs in Matabeleland; changes in Zululand; abuses in Uganda; the Brussels General Act; the protégé system in Morocco; the expedition against the Sofas; troubles at Lagos. Pp. 369-404

No. X. vol. IV. New Series. July 1894; notice to readers; the annual report, May 1894; the annual meeting; the settlement in Matabeleland; the Uganda Protectorate; the Lagos expeditions; the expedition against the Sofas; disturbances at the Gambia. Pp. 405-40


No. XI. Vol. IV. New Series. Jan. 1895; notice to readers; the Glen Grey act; the situation in Swaziland; Boers and Kaffirs; Bechuanaland and the drink traffic; British Central Africa; West African affairs. Pp. 441-80

No. XII. Vol. IV. New Series. July 1895; notice to readers; the annual report, May 1895; the liquor traffic in Africa; the Niger district; affairs in Uganda; a Gold Coast grievance; the Australia Aborigines; the Aborigines Protection Society. Pp. 481-532


No. XIII. Vol. IV. New Series. Jan. 1896; notice to readers: summarises work of the Society 1889-95; the liquor traffic in Africa; the regulation of the liquor traffic in Africa; the Ashanti trouble; the Lagos interior; the Bechuanaland settlements; the native question in Cape Colony; Boers and Kaffirs; Fiji and the Western Pacific. Pp. 533-72

No. XIV. Vol. IV. New Series. Apr. 1896; notice to readers; the Kaffirs of the Hindu Kush; West African administration; the liquor traffic in Africa; the Ashanti expedition; the Lagos Protectorate; a Gold Coast grievance; the Polynesian labour traffic. Pp. 573-616

Transactions of the Aborigines Protection Society 1896-1900; contents. [3] pp.

July 1896; the troubles in Matabeleland; the A.P.S.: chapters in its history - 1: origin and early work; a year’s work 1895-6; our annual meeting 1896; notes and comments. Pp. 1-60

Dec. 1896; the Congo Free State; the Berlin and Brussels General Acts; the situation in Matabeleland; natives under British rule in Africa; the A.P.S.: chapters in its history - II: under Dr Hodgkin; notes and comments. Pp. 61-126


May 1897; Europeans in Africa; the treatment of native races; the Congo Free State; Zanzibar and East Africa; the Niger territories; ‘Rhodesia’; British Bechuanaland; Sir Alfred Milner; two South Africa administrators; Australia Aborigines; the West Africa liquor trade; Gold Coast question; cruelties on the Congo; the A.P.S.: chapters in its history - III: under Mr F.W. Chesson; notes and comments. Pp. 127-246

Nov. 1897; ‘Bechuana rebels’; the Rhodesian settlement; the Congo Free State; the A.P.S.: chapters in its history - IV.: under Mr Chesson (conclusion); notes and comments. Pp. 247-98


Mar. 1898; ‘Bechuana rebels’; slavery in British West Africa; changes in Zululand; notes and comments. Pp. 299-350


Feb. 1899; the three Sudans; West African expansion; the Sierra Leone risings; Chief Nana of Benin River; an Abeokuta slave; Rhodesian developments; the liquor traffic in Africa; Polynesian natives; the Manchester Society; notes and comments. Pp. 351-98

June 1899; notice to readers; the liquor traffic in Africa; European obligations to natives; misrule in Ceylon; ‘savage South Africa’; notes and comments. Pp. 399-446

Nov. 1899; notice to readers; the annual meeting; the Liverpool branch; natives in South Africa; the Sierra Leone risings; misrule in Ceylon; notes and comments. Pp. 447-90


REEL SEVEN: contains The Aborigines’ Friend (The Colonial Intelligencer, or Aborigines’ Friend Apr. 1900-May 1909

The following pages are missing 1905/6 pp. 457-573


Apr. 1900; South African natives and the war; the Zulu relief fund; atrocities in the Congo Free State; ‘African incidents’; the British Central African Rifles; Australian Aborigines; notes and comments. Pp. 491-528

Aug. 1900; the native question in South Africa; the Congo Free State; ‘the future of the American negro’; notes and comments. Pp. 529-60

Dec. 1900; natives under British rule and influence; the native question in South Africa; native chieftainships in Natal; the Aborigines of Australia; ‘colonial sociology’; notes and comments; index. Pp. 561-91


The Aborigines’ Friend: Journal of the Aborigines Protection Society. New Series. Vol. VI. No. 1. Apr. 1901; committee; subscriptions and donations; publications. [4] pp.

Apr. 1901; the A.P.S. annual meeting, 1901; the native question in South Africa; East African developments; African languages and officials in Africa; misrule in British Guiana. Pp. 1-32

July 1901; the Congo Free State; native questions in South Africa; British policy in West Africa; slavery in Zanzibar and Pemba; the Aborigines of Australia; native interests in Fiji; notes and comments. Pp. 33-72

Oct. 1901; native questions in South Africa; international obligations in the Congo; the Uganda Protectorate; the Somaliland expedition; legislation for natives in the West Indies; notes and comments. Pp. 73-120


Jan. 1902; native questions in South Africa; West African problems; British Somaliland; British New Guinea; notes and comments. Pp. 121-60

Mar. 1902; natives in Transvaal; operations in Nigeria; the Lagos Protectorate; British New Guinea; notes and comments. Pp. 161-92

May 1902; the treatment of natives in the Congo; ‘punitive expeditions’ in Africa; an earnest appeal [on behalf of the Society]; form of subscription; West African affairs; Kanakas in Queensland; notes and comments. Pp. 193-232

June 1902; the treatment of natives in the Congo. Pp. 233-62

July 1902; the Society’s annual meeting 1902; native questions in South Africa; abuses in Portuguese West Africa; Nigerian affairs; the Lagos native councils and forest ordinances. Pp. 263-302

Nov. 1902; native questions in South Africa; slave concubinage in Pemba; the Lagos native councils and forest ordinances; abuses in Portuguese West Africa; Kanakas in Queensland; notes and comments. Pp. 303-34


Apr. 1903; native questions in South Africa; abuses in Congoland; ‘affairs of West Africa’; ‘operations’ in Somaliland; misrule in British Central Africa; notes and comments. Pp. 335-66

June 1903; abuses in Congoland; meeting on the Congo question; debate in the House of Commons; books about the Congo. Pp. 367-426

Aug. 1903; Civilisation in Congoland: a story of international wrong-doing by H.R. Fox Bourne - press notices; native questions in South Africa; abuses in Congoland; Lagos complications; native grievances in Fiji; the Society’s annual meeting. Pp. 427-74

Nov. 1903; the Congo question; the labour problem in South Africa; British East Africa. Pp. 475-506

Transactions of the Aborigines Protection Society 1901-3; index; contents [8] pp.


Jan. 1904; the Congo question; the Transvaal labour crisis; Basutoland; British Bechuanaland; notes and comments. Pp. 507-38

The Aborigines’ Friend. Feb. 1904; the Transvaal and Chinese labour; the Congo question; notes and comments. 24 pp.

Mar. 1904; the Society’s annual meeting; Transvaal and Chinese labour; notes and comments. Pp. 25-56

Apr. 1904; the Congo question; the Transvaal and Chinese labour; the Somaliland war; our Nigerian empire; British Central African emigrants. Pp. 57-80

May 1904; West African upheavals; South African native questions; progress in the Sudan; the Congo question. Pp. 81-104

June 1904; the Congo question; the Transvaal labour question; ‘the souls of Black Folk’; the late Mr J.P. Thomasson. Pp. 105-28

July 1904; the Congo question; South African native questions; the deadlock in East Africa; missionaries in West Africa; the late Mr J.P. Thomasson. Pp. 129-64

Aug. 1904; affairs in East Africa; developments in the Transvaal; South African census returns; notes and comments. Pp. 165-88

Oct. 1904; the Congo question; notes and comments. Pp. 189-224

Dec. 1904; South African complications; the Congo question; British consulates in Central Africa; central Australian natives; Mr C.H. Hopwood and Lady Dilke. Pp. 225-48


Feb. 1905; the Congo question; Chinese labour in the Transvaal; Northern Nigeria; Southern Nigeria; the Lagos native councils ordinance; British East Africa. Pp. 249-68

Mar. 1905; South African questions; the Congo question; the Uganda Protectorate; the Lagos native councils ordinance; Southern Nigeria; West Australian Aborigines. Pp. 269-92

Apr. 1905; South African natives; the Congo question; Aboriginal natives of Western Australia; notes and comments. Pp. 293-316

May 1905; the Society’s annual meeting 1905; British East African developments; notes and comments. Pp. 317-36

July 1905; the Congo question; South African questions; Lagos and Southern Nigeria; notes and comments. Pp. 337-64

Aug. 1905; the central African slave traffic; the Congo question; the Lagos and Southern Nigeria Protectorates; notes and comments. Pp. 365-84

Sep. 1905; the Congo question; the central African slave traffic; Chinese labour in the Transvaal; the troubles in Lagos. Pp. 385-408

Oct. 1905; the Congo question; the central African slave traffic; coolies in the Transvaal; the native land question in the Transvaal; ‘military operations’ in Nigeria; the troubles in Lagos. Pp. 409-36

Dec. 1905; the Congo question; South African affairs; Savorgnan de Brazza. Pp. 437-56


[pages missing] May 1906; disturbances in British Guiana; our new treasurer. Pp. 574-6

June 1906; the Congo question; the crisis in Natal; the South African native congress; Maori rights in New Zealand. Pp. 577-96

Aug. 1906; the crisis in Natal; South African natives and the Transvaal constitution; the Congo question; the Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Pp. 597-632

Nov. 1906; South African affairs; the Congo question; the liquor traffic in central Africa; the central African slave trade; slavery abolition in Barotseland; fresh disturbances in Southern Nigeria. Pp. 633-68


Jan. 1907; the Congo question; native questions in the Transvaal; affairs in Natal. Pp. 669-88

Mar. 1907; the South African outlook; Northern Nigerian warnings; Egyptian affairs; the Congo question; the central African slave trade. 20 pp.

May 1907; The Society’s annual meeting; notes and comments. Pp. 21-40

Aug. 1907; South African native affairs; British East Africa; Congo State complications; notes and comments. Pp. 41-60

Oct. 1907; native grievances in Natal; South African Federation and the native question; more trouble in Southern Nigeria; British East Africa; Congo State complications; the rights of subject races. Pp. 61-88


Jan. 1908; the crisis in Natal; ‘British protection’ in Swaziland; the central African slave traffic. Pp. 89-108

Apr. 1908; the native government and Dinuzulu; the native problem in South Africa; the Congo question; the central African slave traffic. Pp. 109-32

May 1908; the condition of the Society; the Society’s annual meeting; the arms and ammunition conference at Brussels. Pp. 133-52

July 1908; the Natal government and Dinuzulu; native problems in South Africa; the Congo question; slave traffic in Portuguese Africa; a Nigerian trouble; the Pan-Anglican congress and native questions; West African natives at the military tournament. Pp. 153-80

Oct. 1908; the native franchise in South Africa; the Congo question; slave traffic in central Africa; Japan and subject races. Pp. 181-200

Nov. 1908; the South African convention; native affairs in Natal; slave traffic in Portuguese Africa; British West African slavery. Pp. 201-24


Jan. 1909; natives’ rights in South Africa; Belgian Congoland; slave traffic in Portuguese Africa; an East African scandal. Pp. 225-44

May 1909; H.R. Fox Bourne [with portrait]; amalgamation of the Aborigines Protection Society and the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society; the draft South Africa constitution bill; ‘the South African natives’; Belgian Congoland; Charles Hancock, MA; slave traffic in Portuguese Africa; the sentence on Dinuzulu; fund for the Misses Colenso; subscriptions and donations. Pp. 245-72


REEL 8: Aborigines Protection Society : this reel contains pamphlets c. 1896/7-1908

Contents of reel 8

Pennsylvania and South Africa: a contrast in empire-building / Howard Hodgkin. Reprinted from The Westminster Review June 1901. - London: R. Brimley Johnson [1901]. 12 pp.

The Romanes Lecture 1902: The relations of the advanced and the backward races of mankind / by James Bryce. - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902. 46 pp.

The Aborigines Protection Society: chapters in its history. - London: P.S. King & Son, 1899. Contents: 1. Origin and early work. II. Under Dr Hodgkin. III. Under Mr Chesson. IV. The last decade. 60 pp.

Matabeleland and the Chartered Company / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: P.S. King & Son, [end 1896]. Contents: I. Arrangements with Lobengula. II. The Chartered Company’s usurpation. III. The ‘settlement’ of 1894. IV. The labour question. V. The cattle question. VI. The ‘rebellion’ and its sequel. 40 pp.

The native labour question in the Transvaal: extracts from the Industrial Commission of Inquiry: report and proceedings. - London: P.S. King, 1897. Contents: introduction, the mine-owners’ requirements, the Pass Law of 1896, the Gold Law of 1896, the Liquor Law of 1896, evidence before the Commission, the Commissioner’s conclusions. 60 pp. Letter from H.R. Fox Bourne, 12 June 1901, giving reasons for reprinting the pamphlet

The Bechuana troubles: a story of pledge-breaking, rebel-making and slave-making in a British colony / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: P.S. King & Son, 1898. Contents: I. Broken pledges. II. How ‘rebellion’ arose. III. How ‘rebellion’ was spread. IV. How ‘rebellion’ was crushed. V. More pledge-breaking. VI. ‘Surrendered rebels’. VII. The Cape Town ‘slave mart’. VIII. The issues at stake. 48 pp.

The native question in South Africa: outlines of a suggested charter for natives under British rule in South Africa submitted to Her Majesty’s Government on behalf of the Aborigines Protection Society. - London: P.S. King & Son and the Aborigines Protection Society, 1900. 20 pp.

Blacks and Whites in South Africa: an account of the past treatment and present condition of South African natives under British and Boer control / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: P.S. King & Son, 1900. Contents: I. South African natives and their institutions. II. European encroachments. III. The condition of natives. Concluding remarks. 75 pp.

Slavery and its substitutes in Africa: a paper submitted to the Anti-Slavery Conference, held in Paris in Aug. 1900 / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, 1900. 16 pp.

The claims of uncivilised races: a paper submitted to the International Congress on Colonial Sociology, held in Paris in Aug. 1900 / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, 1900. 12 pp.

Forced labour in British South Africa: notes on the condition and prospects of South African natives under British control / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: P.S. King & Son, 1903. Contents: introduction. I. The capitalists’ requirements. II. The natives’ rights. III. Polygamy and women’s labour. IV. The compound systems. V. The Glen Grey Act precedent. VI. Imported labour. Appendix. 56 pp.

Native labour in South Africa: a report of a public meeting jointly convened by the Aborigines Protection Society and the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society on 29 Apr. 1903. - London: P.S. King & Son, 1903. 20 pp.

The story of Somaliland: British lives squandered and treasure wasted / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: New Age Press, 1904. Contents: I. Who are the Somali? II. The beginnings of strife. III. ‘the mad mullah’. IV. ‘military promenading’ in 1899 and 1900. V. The campaign of 1901. VI. The campaign of 1902. VII. The campaign of 1903. VIII. The campaign of 1903-4. 20 pp.

A.P.S. Notes. - No. I. The betrayal of Bechuana. No. 2. White and Black savages. No. 3. The Capetown slave market. No. 4. Indentured Bechuana. No. 5. ‘Black Terror’ and ‘White Terror’. No. 6. Basutoland lessons. No. 7. Slave carriers in Africa. No. 8. African omelettes

Free Church of Scotland quarterly Missionary Paper. Sep. 1898. Two rounds of the clock at Lovedale / D.A. Hunter. 4 pp. ill.

Slaves in Zanzibar and Pemba / British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society and Friends’ Anti-Slavery Committee, 1897. Extracts from letters by Theodore Burtt. [8] pp.

Blacks and Whites in West Africa: an account of the past treatment and present condition of West African natives under European influence or control / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: P.S. King & Son, 1901. Contents: introduction. I. West African natives and their institutions. II. European encroachments in West Africa. III. The condition of natives in West Africa. Concluding remarks. 88 pp.

‘Punitive expeditions’ in Africa: a paper submitted to the Eleventh Universal Peace Congress, held at Monaco in Apr. 1902 / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, 1902. 16 pp.

The Congo State and the Hague Tribunal: a memorial submitted by the Aborigines Protection Society to the Inter-Parliamentary Union at its conference in Vienna, Sep. 1903. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, 1903. 11 pp.

The struggle for markets: the first report of a commission appointed to inquire into the economic causes of modern war. Presented to the Twelfth International Peace Conference held at Rouen, Sep. 1903. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, 1903. 24 pp.

Conférence internationale tenue à Bruxelles, Avril 1908. Mémoire presenté à la Conférence par la Société pour la Protection des Aborigènes. 6 pp. (in French).

Slave traffic in Portuguese Africa: an account of slave-raiding and slave-trading in Angola and of slavery in the Islands of San Thome and Principe / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, 1908. Contents: I. Explanatory. II. Commencements and developments. III. International and national undertakings. IV. Mainland trading and raiding before 1905. V. Mainland trading and raiding since 1904. VI. San Thome and Principe slavery. VII. Present and pressing questions. Appendix. 67 pp.

The liquor traffic in Africa: a paper submitted to the Anti-Slavery Congress, held in Paris in Aug. 1900 / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, 1900. 12 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No. 1. Poison for Africans. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No. 2. Statesmen’s warnings, and their duty. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No. 3. Some West African statistics. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No. 4. A ruinous trade. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No.5. A traveller’s testimony. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No. 6.What traders say. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No. 7. What missionaries say. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No. 8. What natives say. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No.9. Lagos and liquor. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No. 10. Drink in the Niger territories. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No. 11. ‘Devil’s work’ on the Congo. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, Aug. 1895. 4 pp.

Poisoning of Africa Papers. No. 12. Khama and the drink traffic. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, [Aug. 1895]. 4 pp.

Le trafic des spiritueux en Afrique et l’Acte Générale de la Conférence de Bruxelles: discours fait à la Conférence de l’Association pour la Réforme et la Codification de la Loi des Nations, tenue à Bruxelles, Oct. 1895 / par H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, 1895. 12 pp.

‘Civilisation’ by war: a paper submitted to the Fourteenth Universal Peace Congress held at Lucerne on 19th to 23rd Sep. 1905 / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, 1905. 8 pp.

The Aborigines Protection Society: its aims and methods: a paper submitted to the International Congress on Colonial Sociology, held in Paris in Aug. 1900 / by H.R. Fox Bourne. - London: Aborigines Protection Society, 1900. 8 pp.