Reports on papers submitted to the Anthropological Review, 1866-7.
The arrangement in the original is neither alphabetical nor chronological.
1/ Reports submitted (in alphabetical order) by:
1 Hugh J.C. Beavan, Joint Hon. Secretary, ff. 280a-b
2 Thomas Bendyshe, Vice-President, ff. 63-4, 249-50
3 Charles Carter Blake, Curator and Librarian, ff. 139-40, 180-1, 331-2, 358
4 William Bollaert, Joint Hon. Secretary, ff. 25-6, 37-8, 103-4, 253-4, 283-4, 339-40, 365-6
5 (Sir) Edward W. Brabrook, Barrister-at-Law, later Hon. Secretary 1871-5, Director 1871-8, President 1895-7, ff. 449-50, 489-90
6 E. Charlesworth, FGS, ff. 417-18
7 Dr Richard Stephen Charnock, Vice-President, ff. 1-2, 41-2, 53-4, 127-8, 147-8, 160-1, 269-70, 373-4, 453-4, 465-6, 485-6, 493-4, 497-8
8 J. Fred. Collingwood, Asst. Secretary, ff. 111-12, 135-6
9 S. Edwin Collingwood, FZS, ff. 172-3, 241-2, 347-8, 401-2
10 J.W. Conrad Cox, Council member, ff. 123-4, 397-8, 469-70
11 Dr Joseph Barnard Davis, FRS, FSA, MRCS, Vice-President, author of Thesaurus craniorum, ff. 235-7, 238a-b, 239
12 C. Robert des Ruffières, Vice-President, ff. 118-21, 335-6, 436-7
13 Sir G. Duncan Gibb, MD, Vice-President, ff. 87-8, 245-6, 385-6
14 Rev. Dunbar I. Heath, Treasurer, ff. 45-6, 49-50, 79-80, 156-7, 203-4, 287-8, 291-2, 355-6, 457-8, 481-2
15 Alfred Higgins, Hon. Foreign Secretary, ff. 95-6, 200-1, 295-6, 311-12, 405-6
16 Henry Hotze, Council member, ff. 83-4, 257-8, 261-2, 307-8, 327-8, 343-4, 361-2
17 Dr James Hunt, President, ff. 17-18, 33-4, 131-2, 164-5, 188-9, 207-8, 265-6, 303-4, 381-2
18 Lieut. Colonel A.H. Lane-Fox, later General A.H. Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers, ff. 21-2, 389-90, 445-6
19 George W. Marshall, LL.M, Council member, ff. 59-60, 323-4
20 George North, Council member, ff. 107-8
21 Major Samuel R.I. Owen, FGS, ff. 319-20, 369-70, 409-10, 413-4, 461-2
22 Luke Owen Pike, Vice-President, ff. 13-14, 75-6, 143-4, 211-12, 223-4, 273-4, 277-8, 377-8, 393-4, 441-2
23 W. Winwood Reade, author of The African sketch-book, 2 vols., 1873 and The martyrdom of man, 1873, ff. 215-6
24 George F. Rolph, Council member, ff. 29-30, 67-8, 192-3, 351-2
25 Dr Berthold Seemann, Vice-President, ff. 115, 176-7, 184-5
26 Ralph Tate, FGS, ff. 219-20, 299-300
27 Thomas Tate, Council member, ff. 55-6
28 William W. Travers, FRCS, LRCP, Council member, ff. 99-100, 196-7, 227-8
29 William Sandys Wright Vaux, FRS, Council member, ff. 91-2, 151-2
30 J. Edouard Villin, ff. 421-2, 429-30
31 Charles Staniland Wake, Council member, author of Chapters on man, 1868, Development of marriage and kinship, 1889 (revised edition by Rodney Needham, 1967) and Evolution of morality, 2 vols., 1878, ff. 9-10, 425-6, 433-4, 473-4
32 William Henry Wesley, ff. 168-9
2/ Reports on C.O. Groom Napier’s paper, ‘On the resemblance between man and animals’, ff. 56-141; several papers by the author were published in the JASL but not this one; he was Local Secretary at Bristol
3/ Insert (letters) tipped-in
1 Dadabhui Naoroji, London, 22 Jan. 1867 to C. Carter Blake, Curator and Librarian, on Sheirk Ismail Khan’s paper, ‘England and the English’, ff. 51-2
2 George North, 4 Danes Inn, Strand, 3 Dec. [1866] to ibid., on Groom Napier’s paper (see 8/2 above), ff. 105-6
3 Dr Berthold Seemann, [Aug. 1866] to ibid., on Groom Napier’s paper, f. 116
4 Dr John Beddoe, President, 1867-70, Clifton, 11 Nov. 1866 to ibid., declining to give an official opinion on Groom Napier’s paper, ff. 229-30
4/ Index to authors of articles sent to referees:
Author |
Title of paper |
folio |
Allan, J. McGregor |
Animal origin of man |
405-6, 413-14 |
Anderson, Joseph |
Human skeleton from [?] |
164-5 |
Chambered |
188-9 |
Battye, Dr |
On a flint cave |
323-4, 331-2, 397-8, 417-18 |
Batu [Babu Rajendrala Mitra] |
Gypsies of |
409-10 |
Beddoe, John |
Stature and bulk of Irish |
273-4 |
Origins of languages |
373-4 |
Bennett, Thomas John Wesley |
On the influence of fluids on the body |
377-8, 385-6 |
Black, W.H. |
Colonies in |
215-16, 249-50 |
Blake, Charles Carter |
On skulls from round barrows |
207-8 |
Report British Association |
265-6 |
On a condylus tertius |
295-6 |
Bogg[e], Edward B. |
Fishing Indians |
21-2, 25-6, 29-30 |
Bollaert, William |
Fossil pottery in |
327-8 |
Broca, Paul |
Anthropology of |
280a-b |
Brookes, H. |
Details respecting ‘Harry’ an Australian Aborigine |
347-8, 369-70 |
Clarke, Hyde |
453-4, 457-8 |
Cleghorn, John |
On the habitatants of |
9-10, 13-14 |
Collinson, John |
Mosquito territory |
253-4 |
Cullen, - |
441-2 |
Day, Samuel Phillips |
On children of savage races |
211-12, 245-6 |
Industrial population of the |
343-4, 355-6 |
Ernst, A. |
Anthropology of |
283-4 |
Fisher, Jospeh |
Migrations of races |
156-7, 160-1 |
Fox, |
Defensive structures in South of Ireland |
381-2 |
Grattan, John |
On a craniometer |
168-9, 238a-239 |
Green, Frederick |
On the Damara exploration |
192-3 |
Damara law |
241-2 |
Harris, [George?] |
Domestic everyday life |
5, 493-4 |
Costume |
489-90 |
Heath, Revd. Dunbar I. |
On Semitic and Aryan races |
147-8 |
Report. |
303-4 |
Higgins, Alfred |
Report on Scandinavian museums |
315-16 |
Houghton, Dr Edward Price |
Dyaks of upper |
176-7 |
Hunt, Dr James |
Psychological anthropology |
481-2, 485-6 |
257-8 |
Argentine Gaucho |
425-6, 429-30 |
Ioannides, A. |
Canadian manifesto |
351-2, 401-2 |
Khan, Sheik Ismail |
8/3/1, 53-4 |
Lagneau, Dr Gustave |
Sarrazins in |
277-8 |
Leitner, Prof. G.W. |
Physical Anthropologypers from |
287-8, 319-20, 35-6 |
Mackenzie, Kenneth Robert Henderson |
On monogamy and polygamy |
143-4, 151-2 |
Stone (flint) axe |
445-6, 449-50 |
Martin, [John?] |
339-40 |
Napier, Charles Ottley Groom |
Geography and ethnology |
37-8, 223-4, 497-8 |
On nature of man |
41-2 |
Napier, Charles Ottley Groom |
Resemblance between man and animals |
56, 59-60, 63-4, 67-8, 71-2, 75-6, 79-80, 83-4, 87-8, 91-2, 95-6, 99-100, 103-4, 8/3/2, 107, 111-12, 115-16, 118-21, 123-24, 127-8, 131-2, 135-6, 139-40 |
Sexes of offspring |
196-7 |
Classification of skulls |
200-1, 227-8, 8/3/4, 231-2, 235-7 |
Moral and intellectual classification of races |
203-4 |
Man the microcosm |
421-2, 433-4, 436-9 |
Payne, R.W. |
Bechuana skull |
180-1 |
Plant, - |
Pooles Cavern in Derbyshire |
299-300 |
Antiquity of man |
469-70 |
Prehistoric man |
473-4, 477-8 |
Prigg, Henry |
On gravels /flint implements in Ouse |
219-20 |
Raimondy, Prof. |
On engravings on stone. |
49-50, 184-5 |
Shortt, Dr John |
Marvar tribes of |
33-4, 269-70 |
Bayadere of |
461-2, 465-6 |
Thurnam, Dr John |
Two principal forms of British crania |
393-4 |
Tissot, - |
Anthropology |
1-2 |
Tylor, Edward Burnet |
Phenomena of civilization |
261-2 |
Wake Charles Staniland |
Antiquity of man |
291-2 |
Gaboon, letter from |
17-18, 172-3 |
Westropp, Hodder M. |
On the sequence of the phases of civilization |
389-90 |
Wilson, J. Spotswood |
American explorations |
361-2, 365-6 |
Perfection of man |
45-6, 307-8, 311-12 |