Letters to the ASL. 1865-6; and [1 Jan. 1867], A-D, G-S (incomplete).


HJCB        Hugh J.C. Beavan, FRGS, Joint Hon. Secretary and Hon. Foreign Secretary

CCB        Charles Carter Blake, Curator and Librarian, and Hon. Secretary

RSC        Richard Stephen Charnock, FSA, FRGS, Treasurer, later Vice President

JFC        J. Fred. Collingwood, FGS, Assistant Secretary, later Secretary and Librarian

DIH        Rev. Dunbar I. Heath, Treasurer and Trustee

JH            James Hunt, FSA, President

JASL        Journal of the Anthropological Society of London

MASL        Memoirs read before the Anthropological Society of London

1    Henry John Adams, 14 Thornhill Square, N to CCB, nd – encloses subscription

2    Thomas Aitkin, MD, District Lunatic Asylum, Inverness to CCB, 1 Feb. 1866 – subscription to Paris Anthropological Society

3    Ibid., 26 Feb. – encloses subscriptions to the ASL and Paris Society

4    A. Alexander, 15A St Helen’s Place, Bishopsgate St., London to CCB, 26 Jan. 1866 – ASL rules requested

5    Frederick Aley, 8 Thurloe Place, SW to DIH, 13 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

6    Edward C. Anderson, White Hart St., Thetford, Norfolk to RSC, 12 June 1866 – subscription and change of address sent

7    Joseph Anderson (ASL Local Secretary, Orkney Islands), John O’Groats Journal Office, Wick, 7 Apr. 1865 – proofs of Report [on ancient remains of Caithness]; skeletal material sent from Kettleburn and the Camster cairn; see JASL, vol. 4, 1866, pp. cxxxi-vi, cxxxix-clxx; and ‘Report on excavations in Caithness cairns, conducted for the Anthropological Society of London by Messrs J. Anderson and R.I. Shearer, in 1866’ by Joseph Anderson, MASL, vol. 3, 1867/9, pp. 216-42; and p. 243, ‘Note on a skull from the cairn of Get, Caithness, discovered by Joseph Anderson’ by C. Carter Blake

8    Ibid., 28 Sep. – Mr Dunnet’s relics sent to ASL; mound near Keiss Bay similar to Birkle Hill; excavating cairn at Camster

9    Ibid., 3 Apr. 1866 – doubts as to Samuel Laing’s reliability on the Keiss site, 8 pp.; see ‘On some ancient shell-mounds and graves in Caithness’, JASL, 1864, pp. xx-xxxviii in Anthrop. Rev. vol. 3, 1865

10    Ibid., 11 Apr. – despatch of skull described by Dr Banks; skull and pelvis sent; hopes to obtain proofs of articles in John O’Groats Journal

11    Ibid., 12 May – corrects an error in his ‘Report’

12    Ibid., 20 June – acknowledges £10 grant; outlines possible future plans (letter incomplete)

13    Ibid., 13 Aug. – acknowledges proofs of his ‘Report’; John Cleghorn and R.I. Shearer expecting copies of the J. Anthrop. Soc. London containing their Keiss papers; skulls not yet sent. 6 pp. see ‘A new reading of shell mounds and graves in Caithness’ and ‘On human remains at Keiss’, JASL, vol. 4, 1866, pp. cxxxix-Catalogued, clvii-clxiii respectively

14    Ibid., 18 Aug. – proofs sent

15    William Armitage, Armitage & Rigbys, Spinners & Manufacturers, Manchester to DIH, 14 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

16    Jas. Armstrong, Hon. Curator and Librarian, Andersonian University, Glasgow, 6 Feb. 1866 – acknowledges exchange volumes of Anthrop. Rev.

17    Rodolph Arundell, Admiralty, Somerset House; 14 Montagu Place, W., 29 Jan. 1866 – requests ticket for St James’ Hall meeting; see 169

18    Charles Frederick Ash, Iron Warehouse, 20 Upper Thames Street, EC to RSC, 24 July 1866 – on subscription, annotated by RSC

19    John Ashbury, 9 Sussex Place, Hyde Park Gardens, W, nd – encloses subscription (embossed heading removed)

20    Henry George Atkinson, FGS, 18 Upper Gloucester Place, NW, 18 Dec. 1865 – on the identification of a cast; unable to attend meeting next day

21    Ibid., 11 Jan. 1866 – encloses subscription; discusses ?phrenology. 4 pp.

22    George F. Aston, Bounty Office, Dean’s Yard, Westminster to CCB, 27 Jan. 1866 – acknowledges ticket for Special Meeting; see 169

23    Charles C. Babington, FRS, Prof. of Botany, Cambridge University, 14 Mar. 1866 – on his address

24    James Bain, 3 Park Terrace, Glasgow; Junior Carlton Club, London, 25 Dec. 1865 – on his address

25    T. Baines, 15 Whitehall Place, SW to CCB, 24 Oct. 1865 – submits his charge for diagrams sent; see his ‘On certain implements and articles of dress from South Africa’, JASL, vol. 4, 1866, pp. cii-cviii

26    Ibid., 21 Northumberland Street, 30 Jan. 1866 – on stamp duty

27    Ibid., 6 Feb. – on his specimens and sketches made during his African travels

28    Ibid., 16 Aug. – on Frederick Green’s journey from Damaraland to the Cun?n? river and his indebtedness to Chikongo, an Ovampo Chief, for guides

29    J.P. Baker, MRCS, 6 York Place, Portman Square, W to JFC, 1 May 1866 – encloses subscription

30    (Sir) Samuel W. Baker, 13 Arlington Place, NW, author of The Albert N’yanza, 1866; Ismaili’a: a narrative of the expedition to Central Africa, 1874, etc., 20 Nov. 1865 – willing to give talk on Central Africa

31    Ibid., 34 Chester Terrace, Regent’s Park, NW, 25 Apr. 1866 – willing to give talk after 20 June; talk does not appear to have been delivered

32    T. Bakewell, 6 Haverstock Terrace, Hampstead to CCB, 16 Nov. [1865] – reports that K.R.H. Mackenzie, FSA is anxious to see account of his speech [14 Nov.], JASL, vol. 4, 1866, pp. xiii-xiv, annotated by C.C. Blake

33    Ibid., 6 Dec. – report enclosed of speeches of last meeting [5 Dec.], JASL, vol. 4, 1866, pp. xviii-xxxi

34    Ibid., 20 Dec. – unable to send report of previous night’s meeting until next week; requests copy of Dunbar I. Heath’s paper, ‘On the primary anthropoid and secondary mute origin of the European races …’, JASL, vol. 4, 1866, pp. xxxiii-xlviii

35    Ibid., 29 Dec. – report enclosed of Prof. Max Müller’s speech at last meeting [19 Dec.], JASL, vol. 4, 1866, pp. xlvi-xlviii

36    Ibid., 17 Feb. 1866 – despatch of report of previous meeting [6 Feb.]

37    Ibid., 12 Mar. – ibid. [6 Mar.] and comments on C.C. Blake’s talk, ‘Certain simious skulls …’, JASL, vol. 4, 1866, pp. cxxxvi-vii

38    Ibid., 7 May – [1 May]

39    Ancell Ball, Spalding, medical practitioner to HJCB, 7 May 1866 – suggests 2 subscription rates: town and country

40    Frederick P. Baslee (?Barlee), Perth, Western Australia to CCB, 26 Dec. 1865 – though interested in membership lacks the time; suggests Henry Maxwell Lefroy, Fremantle as qualified to send information on the Aborigines

41    Henry Walter Barlow, 55 Eversfield Place, St Leonards, 28 May 1866 – encloses subscription; expresses pleasure at the success of ASL and the gradual disappearance of prejudices

42    Thomas S. Barrett, MA, Langley House, Grove Lane, Camberwell, 5 Apr. 1866 – requests information on subscription, annotated by CCB

43    Ibid., 6 Apr. – encloses subscription

44    William Edward Bartlett, FSA, 6 Bath Place, Kensington, W, 29 Jan. 1866 – requests tickets for Thursday meeting; see 169

45    J.W. Batchelor, Odiham, Hants, 2 Feb. 1866 – enquires about publication of Gammon and spinach, i.e. journal of the Anthropological Lecturing Club; see 129

46    Clarence Bate, Plymouth, 17 Aug. 1865 – comments on ethnological interest of Cranstock neighbourhood; discusses his finds there; gives his views on the British Association’s sections, 6 pp.

47    H.W. Bates, Royal Geographical Society, 15 Whitehall Place, SW to JH, 2 Jan. 1866 – regrets unable to attend meeting

48    James B. Baxter, MRCS, Ironbridge Cottage, Brixton – requests copy of Robert Knox’s The race of man, 1850

49    Hugh J.C. Beavan, FRGS, 13 Blandford Square, Regent’s Park, NW, Secretary, ASL (see abbreviations for details) to CCB, nd – notes move for an anthropology section in the forthcoming French exhibition

50    Ibid., nd – notes leader on ASL in the Morning Star

51    Ibid., Oxford Circuit, Gloucester, nd – requests information on Council meeting; mentions local Secretary, Wellington, New Zealand; and British Association meeting; see 191

52    Ibid., Thursday evening – on William Smith Windham

53    Ibid., nd – on payment for dinner; unable to attend Council; on obtaining skeletons from Milcote (Milvercote) for the ASL’s museum

54    Ibid., Saturday evening – laid-up with swollen knee; papers to be sent to his home

55    Ibid., nd – papers signed; to be laid before Council; mentions ‘irrespressible Negro’; and attack on the ASL in the Quarterly Journal of Science

56    Ibid. to JH, [1865] – proof of circular returned; on arrangements for Caithness digging; and possible mention in the circular

57    Ibid. to CCB, Friday – draft agreement; hopes Andaman skulls will arrive soon

58    Ibid., 17 Jan. 1866 – draft letter on remarks on Christian missions and publication in JASL or MASL

59    Ibid. to Charles Buxton, MP, 2 Feb. – copy of letter questioning the authenticity of his resignation; see also 167-70

60    Ibid. to CCB, [25 Mar.] – on Court Circular leader criticising the ASL

61    Assistant Secretary to HJCB, 1 May – increases Horace McKay’s salary from 8s to 9s a week

62    Dr Ludwig Veck, Altenhundem in Westphalia to JH, 28 Jan. 1866 – offering on behalf of Mrs Waitz the first part of the last volume of Theodor Waitz’s Introduction to Anthropology, [vol. 1 published 1863]; enquires about sales

63    John Beddoe (1826-1911) FRS, FRCP, MD, President, Anthropological Society 1869-70, Anthropological Institute 1889-91; author of The races of Britain, 1885; ‘Stature and bulk of man in the British Isles’, MASL, vol. 3, 1867/9; ‘The somatology of 800 boys in training for the Royal Navy’, JRAI, vol. 34, 1904, etc. Clifton to CCB, 10 Nov. 1865 – on his paper to be read, if possible, on 5 Dec.; see ‘On the evidence of phenomena in the West of England to the permanence of anthropological types’, JASL, vol. 4, 1866, pp. xviii-xix

64    Ibid., 3 Dec. – note on enclosure

65    Ibid. to ?JH, 9 Jan. 1866 – doubts advisability of placing the survey’s section on comparative physiology in the hands of a non-Londoner; probably his ‘Stature and bulk of man in the British Isles’, MASL, vol. 3, 1867/9, pp. 384-573

66    Ibid. to CCB, 9 May – paper sent; notes his friend, - Bannerjee, has been admitted; few returns of the hundreds of reports circulated; has permission to use the recruiting returns

67    Ibid., 3 June – accepts invitation to dinner

68    Ibid., 2 Aug. 1866 – mentions CCB’s visit to the Ardennes; does not expect to be in Nottingham but will send paper: ‘On the stature and bulk of the Irish and on the physical degeneration of races’; requests offprints of his 2 papers in the MASL; see ‘On the physical characteristics of the inhabitants of Bretagne’ and ‘On the stature and bulk of man in the British Isles’, vol. 3, 1867/9, pp. 359-65 and pp. 384-573

69    Ibid., 19 Aug. – sends his Irish paper; investigation on stature in Great Britain progressing well

70    Rev. Dunbar I. Heath, Treasurer, ASL (DIH) (see abbreviations for details) to Edward Bellamy, 12 Apr. 1866 – requests payment of subscription for 1866

71    Edward Bellamy, 10 Duke Street, SW to DIH, [?1 Jan. 1867] – reports AS’s collector called for subscription; has already paid; July receipt held

72    Thomas Bendyshe, (TB) Vice President, 1866, Director, 1869, ASL, King’s College, Cambridge (from the office of The Reader, 24 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, SW) to [JFC], 19 Feb. 1866 – reports on photographs of Indian tribes (annotated on verso)

73    Ibid. to [JFC], 11 Mar. – books for the ASL ready for collection

74    Ibid. to [JFC], nd – Draper’s book already given; Lecky and others ready for collection; advertisements inserted in ?The Reader (annotated on verso)

75    Editor, The Reader to the Publications Committee, ASL, 14 Apr. – agreement between them on the purchase of The Reader for ASL members and free delivery by The Reader; the latter will advertise free; will also present books to the value of not less than £50; see Circular 13 (A8, Suppl. 2, Item 20)

76    Draft circular by TB on proposed agreement, 18 Apr.

77    TB to [JFC], 18 Apr. – thinks he left the circular at ASL; asks for number of copies required and position of ‘colonial’ members

78    Ibid., 24 Apr. – on distribution of circulars and costs

79    Ibid., 25 Apr. – cannot print 3000 copies of The Reader and meet other ASL requirements for 2½ d a copy

80    Ibid., 26 Apr. – on production and costs

81    Ibid., 1 June – on presenting the ASL’s publications to J.F. Robertson

82    Note for Publications Committee’s resolutions on printing names and addresses of members, nd

83    TB to [JFC], 7 June – on cancellation of agreement to be considered by Council (annotated N.I agreed to)

84    Ibid., 7 June – states agreement is loss making for The Reader; no objection to ASL ending it and paying sum owing (annotated, No. 2 not considered)

85    Ibid., 8 June – notes Council’s wish to discontinue agreement; comments on Council’s vacillation and misrepresentation of his personal advantage; resigns as Vice President

86    Ibid. to CCB, 15 June – requests lists of institutions receiving ASL’s publications (annotated)

87    Ibid., 19 June 1866 – encloses letter to be laid before Council on John Stirling’s election

88    S. Bennett, Park Mills, Stockport to RSC, 12 Feb. 1866 – encloses subscription for W.R. Barr of the same address

89    Thomas John Wesley Bennett, 39 Moorgate Street, EC to HJCB, 23 Feb. – acknowledges election to Fellowship; encloses subscription

90    W.F.G. Benson, South Road, Waterloo, near Liverpool to JFC, 16 July 1866 – encloses subscription

91    George Bertram, Millwright & Engineer, Sciennes Street, Edinburgh to DIH, 14 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

92    Sidney Biddell, Farm Hill House, Stroud, Glos. to ASL, nd – requests conditions of membership

93    Henry F. Bingham, Wartnaby Hall, near Mowbray to ASL, 6 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

94    Ibid., 13 Aug. – intends to be present at the session on the 22nd; cannot contribute a paper on the Genus Homo

95    ‘Bitter Beer’, Seaforth House, Friern Park, near Whetstone to CCB, 7 May 1866 – sends ?paper on monogeny and polygeny

96    W.J. Black, 2 George Square, Edinburgh to JFC, June 1866 – offers paper on the natural status of the white and coloured races of South Africa

97    CCB to ?JH, 31 Jan. 1865 – on remains presented by J. Hutchinson; see ‘On some human remains from Cowley, near Cheltenham’, JASL, 1865, vol. 3, p. cxlvi

98    Ibid. to Council, 5 Dec. – reports William Bollaert’s statement that Commander Morrison, up for election as a Fellow, was rejected at the Council ballot of 18 Oct. 1865; Capt. R.J. Morrison, RN was elected in 1867

99    Ibid. to George F. Rolph, War Office, Pall Mall, SW, 22 Feb. 1866 – regrets, on behalf of the Publications Committee, no part of his translation of Broca’s Instructions générale has been received (copy); see also 104-24

100    Ibid. to Charles Buxton, MP, 23 Feb. – Council unclear from his letter if he intends to resign; expresses the hope that he will remain a Fellow (copy); see also 167-70

101    Ibid., ? [Mar.] – acknowledges resignation and Council’s acceptance; had assumed his first letter was a forgery; assumed he would know the ASL is governed by a Council; hopes his view of ASL does not represent those of ‘men of science’ (rough draft)

102    Ibid. to Council, 5 Mar. – reports donation to the Library by S. Edwin Collingwood of George Catlin, Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians, 2 vols, 1841, John Campbell, Negro-mania, and other valuable books

103    Ibid., 5 Mar. – reports Capt. A.C. Tupper, Vice President, Royal United Service Institution expresses strong wish that no duplicate Fan spears presented by Mr Walker should be deposited with the Museum of the RUSI; reports earlier presentation of the Stonehenge model and two Tasmanian busts

104    CCB and the Publications Committee, 18 Apr. 1865 – Publications Committee resolved George Frederick Rolph (GFR), Member of Council, 1866 should be asked to translate Paul Broca, Instructions générales pour l’anthropologie and F. Pruner Bey, Questions relatives à l’anthropologie générale’ request accepted; see also 99

105    Ibid., 2 May – letter from Broca giving cost of printing ‘chromatic colours’

106    Ibid., 21 June – CCB requested to inquire when GFR’s translation will be ready

107    Ibid., 20 July – reports that the Anthropological Society of Moscow has published a translation into Russian; the Madrid Society has applied for permission to translate

108    Ibid., 2 Aug. – reports GFR hopes to complete translation by the end of September

109    Ibid., 18 Oct. – reports GFR prevented by illness from completing translation; CCB asked to inquire when it will be completed

110    Ibid., 1 Nov. – reports no reply received from GFR

111    Ibid. and Council, 1 Nov. – reports GFR hopes to submit his translation by the 15 Dec.

112    Ibid. and Publications Committee, 14 Nov. – no official reply received from GFR; requested to inquire again as to completion of translation

113    GFR to Publications Committee, 5 Dec. – hopes to complete translation during present month (copy)

114    Publications Committee to Council, 5 Dec. – reports GFR should be requested to send the portion of translation already completed

115    Ibid., 4 Jan. 1866 - reports GFR forwarded a portion of his translation; suggestions made by Publications Committee members

116    CCB and Publications Committee, 16 Jan. – instructed to write to GFR concerning his translation

117    Ibid., 1 Feb. – reports GFR has failed to send further portions

118    Ibid., 6 Feb. – matter to be raised at next Publications Committee

119    Ibid., 20 Mar. – GFR to be asked when the translation will be sent, and to send portion already completed

120    Ibid., 17 Apr. – reports no reply received from GFR

121    Ibid., 1 May – reports some of the translation now received

122    Council to Publications Committee, 1 May – matter referred to Publications Committee; instructed to consider it on 5 June

123    CCB to Publications Committee, 17 May – reports instructed to go through the translation with GFR; failed to either go over the translation or to arrange a meeting; translation frequently announced as in preparation; requests for it received; Committee of General Instructions unable to meet for lack of manuscript; Secretary of Committee frequently applied to CCB; strong dissatisfaction felt. 3 leaves

124    Ibid., 7 June – notes report on translation; it was not published

125    John H. Blount, Bagshot to CCB, 3 Feb. 1866 – encloses subscription; leaving for Assam; asks for information on it; offers books to the Library

126    Ibid., 7 York Terrace, St John’s Wood, 19 Mar. – sends address for his publications

127    E.B. Bogg, Louth, Lincolnshire to CCB, 14 Aug. 1866 – pleased to prepare a paper on the Indian tribes; see ‘The fishing Indians of Vancouver’s Island’, MASL, vol. 1867/9, pp. 260-6

128    Ibid., 19 Aug. – encloses paper; his brother will bring Indian ‘curiosities’ which he has collected; see 127

129    William Bollaert, Hon. Secretary, ASL to the Editor, Pall Mall Gazette, 2 Nov. 1865 – disclaims any connection between the ASL and the Anthropological Lecturing Club and its journal, Gammon and Spinach (copy); letter also sent to The Times, 4 Nov. 1865

130    Ibid. to CCB, nd – papers referring to Publications Committee

131    Ibid., nd – inquires about correcting proofs of his paper

132    Errata for Bollaert’s paper ‘Maya hieroglyphic alphabet of Yucatan’, MASL, vol. 2, 1865/6, pp. 46-54 (postage stamp on verso), [16 Feb. 1866]

133    A.M. ?Lucy Bond, 8 Ely Place, Dublin to CCB, 8 May [1866] – note forwarded from The Argory, Moy, Ireland; brother, ?Walter M. Bond, returned The Reader; unable to attend British Association meeting at Nottingham

134    Rev. T.G. Bonney, St John’s College, Cambridge to ASL, 2 Mar. 1866 – encloses subscription

135    James Bonwick (1817-1906), author of The Aborigines of Australia and their original condition, 1865; The last of the Tasmanians, 1870, and Daily life and origins of the Tasmanians, 1870, St Kilda, Melbourne to JH, 25 Sep. 1865 – reports on the ‘slaughter, as it were, by authority’ of the Queensland Aborigines; has forwarded a pamphlet by Gideon Lang exposing the ‘wrongs of our Aborigines’; urges attention should be given to the matter by the ASL; see also JASL, vol. 4, 1866, p. iv for publication of letter

136    Charles Booth, 22 Bank Street, Sheffield, 15 Mar. 1866 – encloses subscription

137    W.W. Boreham, Haverhill, Suffolk, 21 Apr. 1866 – ibid.

138    Cunningham Borthwick, 17 Queen Street, Mayfair, W., 18 Apr. [?1866] – ibid.

139    John Bower, DCL (Oxon), Barrister-at-Law, Beaumares to ASL, 11 Aug. 1866 – encloses corrected proof of his paper; see ‘The history of ancient slavery’, MASL, vol. 2, 1865/6, pp. 380-401

140    Thomas W. Bowman, MA, Ph.D., MCP, Vice-Principal and Classical Tutor, Gainford School, Darlington to ASL, 13 June 1866 – inquires about membership

141    Ibid., 18 June – requests further information

142    H.W.I. Boyce, Waangford? to ASL, 23 June 1866 – inquires about membership

143    Jacob Boys, 59 Grand Parade, Brighton to ASL, 16 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

144    (Sir) Edward W. Brabrook, Hon. Secretary 1871-5, Director 1871-80, President 1895-7, Barrister-at-Law, 8a Waterloo Place, SW to CCB, 22 Jan. 1866 – will call to see the Kirkhead

145    Ibid., 22 Mar. – recommends J.P. Morris’s paper for the JASL, rather than the MASL; see ‘Report of explorations conducted in the Kirkhead cave at Ulverstone’, JASL, vol. 4, 1866, pp. cci-cciii (abstract); and MASL, vol. 2, 1865/6, pp. 358-63

146    DIH to Antonia Brady, Maryland Point, Stratford, Essex – requests subscription

147    C. Brainsford, MD, Haverhill, Suffolk to ASL, 9 Mar. 1866 – resigns from the ASL having witnessed ‘the late melancholy transactions in Jamaica’, i.e. rebellion at Morant Bay in Oct. 1865 and its violent suppression; the outcry led to the recall of the Governor

148    Ibid., 16 Apr. – repeats wish to resign

149    James Brebner, MA, Advocate, 1 St Albyn Place, Aberdeen to RSC, 7 Feb. 1866 – encloses subscription

150    W.H. Broadhead, Barclay Street, Sheepscar, Leeds to ASL, nd – requests details of membership

151    Paul Broca, Sécrétaire general, Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, 3 rue de l’Abbaye, Paris, Hon. Fellow ASL to ?JH, 29 June 1866 – on Prof. D’Omalius d’Halloy of Brussels, Corresponding Member of ASL; Edouard Dupont and Van Benedon; gives warm invitation to Paris

152    David Brodie, MD, LRCSE, Scottish Institution for the Education of Imbecile Children, Larbert, Stirlingshire to [CCB], 7 June [1866] – requests details of membership

153    Henry Brookes, 26 Great Winchester Street, EC to DIH, 5 May 1866 – encloses cheque; ASL’s failure to inform William Brookes, Bank Buildings, Newcastle, New South Wales, and W.M. Keene, Geologist and Inspector of Coal-fields, Bank Buildings, Newcastle, New South Wales, both in Australia of their election as Fellows

154    Edwin Brown, FGS, Hon. Secretary, Midland Natural History Society, Burton-on-Trent to JFC, 25 Dec. 1865 – reports non-receipt of packet

155    Ibid., 13 Feb. 1866 – reports receipt of packet; encloses cheque

156    E.O. Brown, Chemical Dept., Royal Arsenal, Woolwich to RSC, 23 Feb. 1866 – encloses subscription

157    James Robert Brown, FRGS, 5 Langham Chambers, Langham Place, W to CCB, 13 Apr. 1866 – reports arrival of parcel but damaged; invites CCB to call one evening

158    Ibid. to DIH, 24 Apr. – encloses subscription

159    John Allen Brown, FRGS, The Laurels, The Haven, Ealing to CCB, [2 Apr.] 1866 – notes change of address

160    Ibid., 15 May – encloses subscription; ASL still using old address

161    Edward Browne, Oak Hill, Surbiton Hill to William Bollaert, Council Member, ASL, 28 Oct. 1865 – resigns from ASL

162    D. Cunninghame Brodring, Earls-ferry, Elie to DIH, 26 Apr. 1866 – reports Dr Robert Thinn is in China

163    Ibid., 30 Apr. – requests that Dr Thinn’s mail should be addressed to Shanghai

164    Prof. G.W. Busk, 15 Harley Street, W to CCB, 27 Mar. 1866 – regrets inability to see skulls from the Thames

165    Ibid., 26 July – acknowledges box from Paris; regrets delay in sending paper

166    Henry Butler, Admiralty, Somerset House to ASL, 31 Jan. 1866 – requests ticket for meeting on 1 Feb.; see 169

167    Charles Buxton, MP, 7 Grosvenor Crescent, SW to Council, 29 Jan. 1866 – resigns from ASL (signature only in sender’s hand); (see Council minutes, 1 Feb. 1866, f. 169, A3:1)

168    Ibid., 5 Feb. – confirms resignation; ‘among scientific men it is spoken of with general ridicule’ (ibid.)

169    Ibid., 6 Feb. – wishes to withdraw last two letters in view of their tone; expresses his ‘very deep indignation … [at] the evident attacks made by Captain Pim [Capt. Bedford Pim, RN, member of Council] and others on the character of the Negro … cannot discover anything to prevent their race from advancing’, wishes resignation to stand; see ‘The Negro and Jamaica’, Popular magazine of anthropology, Special Number, 1866; and reference to it, JASL, vol. 4, 1866, p. lxxxix. The lecture was given on 1 February at St James’s Hall, Piccadilly (Circular No. 10, A8, Suppl. 2, Item 15)

170    Ibid. to Hugh J.C. Beavan, member of Council 1864, 26 Feb. – after the delivery and publication of Capt. Pim’s lecture does not wish to be associated with the ASL (signature only in sender’s hand)

171    J. Byerley, Seacombe, Cheshire to DIH, 14 July 1866 – encloses subscription with apologies for delay

172    Cambridge University Press (C.J. Clay) to CCB, 16 Nov. 1865 – inquires as to settlement of account (annotated); cheque for £25 to C.J. Clay for Blumenbach’s The Anthropological treatises (see Council minutes, 5 Dec. 1865, A3:1)

173    Ibid., 22 Jan. 1866 – ibid. (annotated)

174    Ibid. to JFC, 9 Mar. – failing a satisfactory answer from Council, payment will be enforced

175    Ibid. to CCB, 12 Apr. – inquires as to payment of balance

176    Ibid. to JFC, 14 Apr. – trusts balance will be paid immediately

177    Ibid., 3 May – acknowledges cheque for £25; balance of £50 desired as soon as possible (1d Inland Revenue stamp attached)

178    Ibid., 8 May – balance of £25 due; £50 mentioned an error

179    Henry Campbell, Walkinshaw, Paisley to ASL, 26 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

180    Dr D.F. Caplin, Electro-Chemical Bath and Galvano-Therapeutic Establishment, 9 York Place, Portman Square, W to CCB, 22 Jan. 1866 – encloses draft of article; requests his opinion (annotated by CCB)(signature only in sender’s hand); the article does not appear to have been published

181    Ibid., 31 Jan. – requests ticket for lecture at St James’s Hall, Piccadilly; see 169

182    Ibid., 16 Apr. – encloses subscription; suggests annual reminders should be sent to Fellows

183    Samuel Cartwright, 32 Old Burlington Street, W to DIH, 14 Apr. [1866] – encloses subscription

184    George Catlin (1796-1872) Brussels, to Trübner & Co, London, 11 May 1866 – on the publication of his Life among the Indians, 1867, the copyright; cost of 23 designs

185    John Cavafy, MB, MRCP, 26 Pembridge Gardens, Bayswater, W to DIH, 14 Apr. 1866 – request for subscription received; has paid a life subscription

186    William Chamberlin, 4 Mervey Terrace, Brighton to ASL, 29 Jan. 1866 – requests ticket for lecture at St James’s Hall, Piccadilly; Circular 10, invitation to the lecture attached; see 169

187    Charles Harcourt Chambers, 4 Devonshire Buildings, Weymouth, formerly of 2 Chesham Place, SW to DIH, 21 May 1866 – encloses subscription

188    Ibid., 9 June – reports 135 copies of his translation, Lake habitations and pre-historic remains in the turbaries and marl-beds of northern and central Italy by Bartolomeo Gastaldi have been sold; considers the ASL should refund his £20 advance; income of ASL must be considerable; wishes to know cost of printing (annotated by DIH)

189    Ibid., 14 June – has no wish to ‘go back from my bargain’; considers £40 spent on advertising ‘disproportionate to the expense of printing’; ASL has ‘done so much more than they could afford’ (annotated by DIH)

190    unsigned, 2 Chesham Place, [Edinburgh] to ASL, 9 July – incorrectly addressed letter to C.H. Chambers returned

191    Charles Harcourt Chambers, Mundesley, North Walsham, Norfolk to ASL, 13 Aug. - £5 balance due on Gastaldi enclosed; considers he ‘was responsible only for the extra expense of the engravings’, i.e. £20; also considers ‘a publishing society’ should bear a considerable portion, if not all, the publication and advertising costs; pleased to hear the British Association ‘has come to its senses’; see A8, Suppl. 2, Items 5: ‘A letter … to … the British Association on the desirability of … a special section for anthropology’; 6: ‘Anthropological Congress, The Queen’s College, [Birmingham]’; 9: ‘Anthropology at the British Association’ on ‘non-recognition’; 12: Circular No. 7, Special: urging Fellows to attend the next meeting in Birmingham, 1865 and to use their influence to procure ‘recognition’; 23: Circular No. 16: on appointment of deputation to attend the Nottingham meeting, 1866, to support claims for ‘recognition’; locus standi likely to be granted

192    Ibid., 15 Aug. – ASL misunderstands him; considers ‘a publishing Society should not look to profit at all’ but should be ‘part of their yearly expenditure; informed the Gastaldi ‘has had a larger sale than such books generally have’; ‘my quarrel is with the customs of the Society’

193    James Champley, Hon. MD, 8 Albion Place, Scarborough to Hon. Secretary, ASL, 7 Mar. 1866 – inquires about membership

194    Ibid., 29 Mar. – wishes to become a Fellow ‘provided the subscription is no more than £2.2.0’; assumes ASL is a scientific not a medical society, is not ‘an English registered practitioner’ (annotated)

195    Ibid., 6 Apr. – requests copy of On the phenomena of hybridity in the genus homo by Paul Broca; hopes he may use the ASL’s initials as a Fellow

196    Ibid. to DIH, 19 Apr. – encloses subscription and ‘5/- for one of Mr C. Blake’s Books’

197    Ibid. to CCB, 18 Aug. – unable to attend meeting on 22nd; wishes ASL success then and in the future. ?Nottingham meeting of the British Association

198    Rev. David Charles, MA, FGHS, Abercarn, Newport, Monmouth to DIH, 31 May 1866 – encloses subscription

199    J. Charlton, Geological Society, Somerset House to JFC, 15 Jan. 1866 – prevented from calling to estimate for shelves; will call when convenient

200    Richard Stephen Charnock, 8 Gray’s Inn Square, WC (currently Treasurer, ASL, see abbreviations for details) to CCB, 21 Nov. 1865 – acknowledges ‘the Revise’; see ‘Cannibalism in Europe’, JAS, vol. 4, 1866, pp. xxii-xxxi, read by CCB

201    Ibid., 4 Dec. – ‘proposition accepted’; importance of avoiding error; notes sums in hand and balance; unable to attend Council; suggest CCB should read the paper; see 200; will call every Friday to receive moneys; will not be responsible until they are handed over

202    Ibid., nd – marked: ‘Priv. and Conference.’; advises CCB not to postpone reading of his paper; see 200

203    Ibid., nd – unable to instruct the printer to bind 150 copies of the book; cannot describe the material or colour of the ASL publications; requests a copy of the latter, his clerk will take it to the printer; mentions ‘poor [James] Reddie’

204    Ibid. – quotes confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel; see Genesis, chapter 11 verse 9

205    Ibid., nd – requests ledger and ‘bank book’; refers to payment of cheques

206    F.W. Chesson, 3 Catherine Terrace, Lansdowne Road, S to CCB, 16 Dec. 1865 – acknowledges Laing’s pamphlet; contains facts to be placed before the government; conveys thanks of the Aborigines Protection Society to Laing for his services to the ‘cause of truth and humanity’

207    Robert Caesar Childers, Woodleigh, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells to ASL, 16 Feb. 1866 – sends permanent address

208    Ibid., 21 Apr. – encloses subscription

209    Rev. Henry Clare, Clevedon, Somerset to ASL, 14 Dec. 1865 – regrets he has to resign from ASL

210    Lieut. Henry Wilberforce Clarke, RE, Adelaide House, Malvern to HJCB, 24 Mar. [?1866] – encloses subscription

211    Hyde Clarke, KCM, KHS, KC, LL.D, Smyrna, Asia Minor, Council member 1871-6, Vice President 1877-80, 1882-7, 1889-91, 20 May 1865 – encloses photograph; refers to monument near Nymphaecum (now Nimfi); discusses doubts as to classification; photograph by Alexander Svoboda will allow matter to be examined more fully; monument should be classed as Assyrian not Egyptian

212    Ibid. to ASL, 28 Apr. 1866 – has obtained photographs of the Nîobe, near Magnesia and Sipylum despite cholera and bad weather; discusses his terminology; and Herodotus’s Egypt theory; increasing amount of material available; mentions references in Strabo and Pausanias

213    John Cleghorn, Wick to [JFC], 24 May 1866 – requests a few copies of his paper on the shell mounds; see ‘A new reading of the shell mounds and graves in Caithness’, JAS, vol. 4, 1866, pp. cxxxix-cl

214    Ibid., 17 Aug. – requests a copy of the current Anthrop.Rev. (annotated)

215    William James Clement, MP, The Council House, Shrewsbury to DIH, 14 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

216    Colonel H. Clerk, RA, Royal Arsenal to DIH, 14 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

217    M.I. Clifford, Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth, 47 Great Ormond Street, WC to CCB, Friday [Jan. 1866] – asks for Pim’s ‘The Negro at home and abroad’ to be sent to a friend

218    F. Spencer Cobbold, 84 Wimpole Street, W to JFC, 2 Mar. [?1866] – acknowledges admission ticket; exhibiting at the Pathological Society that evening

219    J. Frederick Collingwood, Assistant Secretary, ASL, 4 St Martin’s Place, WC (see abbreviations for details), [1866] – draft letter drawing attention to the advantages of ASL membership; see A8, Suppl. 2, Item 17

220    Ibid., [1866] – draft letter drawing attention to the Presidential Address; growing importance and interest in the subject; invitation to join the ASL

221    Ibid. to [Council], 1 Feb. 1866 – on ways of increasing membership; ‘prepared list of 8000 names of gentlemen who we consider may be likely to join’; suggests enclosed letter (220 above) should be addressed to each; signed J. Fred. Collingwood, Asst. Sec., C. Carter Blake, Curator & Librarian (annotated)

222    Ibid. to President and Council, 6 Feb. – reports on efforts to obtain book cases with limit of £10; suggests estimate of £9 should be accepted

223    Ibid. to John Grattan, FASL Belfast, 17 Feb. 1866 – acknowledges receipt of letter, plates and description of his craniometry system; his gift to the Library; and offer to read a paper; pleased to accept paper for submission to Council and referees (draft reply)

224    Ibid. to W.O. Stoton, 8 St Martin’s Place, WC, 12 June – acknowledges letter of complaint; Council prepared for a window blind to hide the skeleton in the ASL’s Museum at his expense (draft reply)

225    Ibid. to CCB, Sunday night – in bed due to sickness; encloses key to his drawer in case he cannot attend

226    J.W. Collings, 4 Lansdowne Road, Hampton Wick to CCB, 1 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription; comments favourably on Pim’s ‘The Negro at home and abroad’; see 169

227    - Collins, 15 Buckingham Street to ASL, 26 Apr. 1866 – requests information

228    John Collinson, 9 Clarendon Gardens, Maida Hill to JFC, 14 Aug. 1866 – encloses paper on the Mosquito Woolwa and Rama Indians; see ‘The Indians of the Mosquito Territory’, MASL, vol. 3, 1867/9, pp. 148-56

229    Arundel(?) Copham, Mill House, near Bristol to Geo. A. ?Britton, 13 Feb. 1866 – on his subscription (annotated)

230    W. Fothergill Cooke, [4 Cavendish Road, Leeds] to DIH, 20 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

231    Ibid. to JFC, 24 Apr. – apologises for trouble he has given

232    W. Cory, Devonshire Place House, NW to ASL, nd – notifies change of address

233    F.L. Cotton, Jeula, Cotton & Co, 20 Change Alley, Cornhill, EC to JFC, 22 May 1866 – papers to be sent to this address

234    Samuel Courtauld, 53 Portland Place, Marylebone, 16 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

235    Ibid., Gosfield Hall, Halstead, Essex to CCB and JFC, 12 Aug. – acknowledges Circular 16; glad to learn that the British Association is to grant anthropology locus standi; will be present at the opening meeting in Nottingham; see 191

236    J.W. Conrad Cox, Council member, ASL, Lloyds, EC to CCB, 22 Feb. 1866 – acknowledges Swinburne’s letter and cheque; asks CCB to acknowledge them

237    Ibid., 22 Mar. – encloses proposal ‘of a very good man’; likely to come to meetings and bring members; wishes back numbers of Anthrop.Rev.

238    Ibid., 24 Mar. – asks for Da Costa, Da existencia do homen em ephocas remotas no valle do Tejo by F.A. Pereira da Costa and any free pamphlets to be sent to ?Parker Rhodes; will pay on his election (attached to 239)

239    Ibid., 20 Apr. – returns proof; requests Reference paper; Parker Rhodes’ first was burnt; wishes to know subjects for Geological meeting

240    Ibid., 4 Grove Hill, Woodford to JFC, 23 June – Cannibal bill [dining club] found; wishes to know who dines; illness in the family and unlikely to be in the West End at present; list of Cannibals dining on 19 June

241    Ibid., Lloyds to CCB, 23 June – son ill; unable to see CCB this afternoon

242    Ibid. to JFC, 3 July – acknowledges request for money; regrets he cannot respond; encloses James Bischhoff’s cheque; will forward ?William Robinson’s when received; has been poorly owing to son’s illness and disturbed nights

243    Ibid., 7 July – suggests money should be due from Longmans, Green and Trübner from sales; hopes to see him on Saturday

244    Ibid. to CCB, 26 July – glad his efforts ‘have added to the evidence in favour of religion’; encloses memo on Cannibal account; ? Robinson has paid £5 for Exploration Fund; asks for receipt to be sent; list of moneys received for dining club; A8, Suppl. 2, Items 21-2: Circular No. 14 announces Anthropological Exploration Fund to carry out original research mainly in the British Islands; 22: Circular No. 15: further report including Belgium invitation to take part in Dinant Explorations

245    Ibid., 4 Grove Hill, Woodford, 30 July – cannot attend Council; money to be paid into Exploration Fund; last Cannibal Club bill enclosed; asks him to obtain some of the money due; very busy and unwell but will see him this week

246    Henry Valentine Crassweller, 54 Hungerford Road, Camden Road, N to CCB, 4 May 1866 – encloses subscription; reports Anthrop.Rev. not received; notifies change of address

247    Arthur E. Craster, Wimbledon to DIH, 14 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

248    Capt. Fred. W. Crawfurd, RN, 41 Claverton Street, Pimlico to ASL, 16 Apr. 1866 – apologises for delay in replying to invitation to join the ASL; would be glad to receive further information

249    Ibid., 14 May – encloses subscription

250    S.F. Cresswell, Royal Grammar School, Lancaster to CCB, 30 Apr. 1866 – thanks CCB for using his influence in SFC’s application for the 2nd Mastership of the Mercers Chapel Grammar School, Cannon Street; mentions his friend, Rev. W. Greenwood ‘the craniologist and British barrow digger’

251    J.W. Crevey?, 66th Regiment, Aldershot to DIH, 11 May – encloses subscription

252    J. ? Crisp, 141 Marylebone Road, NW to DIH, nd – admission card not received; unable to attend first meeting (annotated)

253    H. Dyer Cuming, 63 Kensington Park Road to JH, 26 Jan. 1866 – expresses enthusiasm for joint occupancy of a house for meetings of the two societies; his Council considers it desirable that several scientific societies should combine (annotated)

The following were filed with C:

254    signature illegible, 69th Regiment, Aldershot to ASL, 12 Feb. 1866 – encloses subscription

255    Ibid., Mountfort House, Barnsbury Square, N to Thomas Bendyshe (see 72 for details), 18 June 1866 – will introduce a new member if the ASL will send a complete set of its publications

256    unsigned, Southwell Cottage, Kingswood, Bristol to JFC, 24 July 1866 – asks if the referee has made a decision on his manuscript; wishes to read a chapter on geography and ethnology at Nottingham, i.e. British Association meeting

257    Dr J.G. Davey, Northwoods, Bristol to ASL, 14 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription

258    William Davies, British Museum to CCB, 4 June 1866 – reports on bone fragments

259    Charles W. Davis, Queens Park, Manchester to DIH, 1 July 1866 – encloses subscription

260    Edmund F. Davis, 6 Cork Street, W to William Bollaert, Member of ASL Council, 3 Apr. 1866 – encloses subscription; requests further details

261    Frederick E. Davis, 53 Leicester Square, W to HJCB, 21 Jan. 1866 – encloses subscription

262    Dr Joseph Barnard Davis, FRS, FSA, MRCS, Vice President ASL 1869, Council member AI 1872, 1874-9, Shelton, Staffordshire to JH, 28 Jan. 1866 – acknowledges proposal that his Thesaurus craniorum should be published ‘in connection’ with the ASL; should not be pursued if not beneficial to the ASL; British Association vote was for the preparation of the catalogue not publication; has had heavy expenses; has to print the book himself; suggests employing the ASL’s printer; could then supply copies to the ASL at a reduced price; hopes the ASL will actively support the Jamaican rebellion (see 147)

263    Ibid. to HJCB, 4 Feb. – acknowledges report of Council’s decision; will be glad to hear if the ASL requires copies at a discount; large printing required to achieve this; 100 subscriptions already received

264    Ibid., 27 Mar. – acknowledges Fellows’ List with names marked; has sent prospectuses to most of them; 136 subscriptions received; wishes to propose his friend, Dr T.A. Wise as a Fellow; has papers to send to the Moscow Society; and his report on ‘Dutch anthropology’ by Prof. Antonio Garliglietti; wishes to borrow some wood-cuts

265    Ibid., 8 Apr. – acknowledges ‘friendly criticism [and] many other favours’; pleased ASL thinks his reply to Prof. Huxley’s criticism is satisfactory; fears his criticism of [John] Thurnam ‘might be inferred to be severe; which I should regret much’; sees his point in reading a reply before the ASL; ‘would render it too conspicuous’; prefers to arrange for a few offprints; will send one to JH for comment in Anthrop.Rev.; ‘much in the dark respecting Huxley’s writing on our subject’; comments on unsigned article on J.S. Mill, ‘Race in legislation and political economy’ in Anthrop.Rev. vol. 4, 1866, pp. 113-35; and on Prichard’s remarks on ‘Your Writer’ and his information on the hair of ‘Oceanic Negroes’; Moscow Society parcel sent

266    Ibid., 6 May 1866 – assumes Andaman Islanders’ skeletons received; expecting skulls of Khouds; asks JH to write his name etc. on his photograph; will be placed in a collection of craniologists, anthropologists etc.; doubts authenticity of Robins’s drawings; wishes to obtain photograph of ‘extraordinary Hottentot’; has heard that an ‘Ainos’ skull was purchasable; inquiries about photograph of Vancouver Island tribes; see ‘A few remarks on the Bunu tribe of Central Africa’ by T. Valentine Robins, JAS, vol. 4, 1866, pp. cx-cxiv; ‘Description of the skeleton of an Aïno woman, and of three skulls of men of the same race’ by Joseph Barnard Davis, MAS, vol. 3, 1867/9, pp. 21-40

267    Ibid., 10 Dec. – asks him to forward ‘box with 3 skulls’; asks him to wire when he plans to visit Skelton

268    Advertisement for Thesaurus craniorum (annotated)

269    Thurston Davis, 4 Highbury Park West, Highbury Hill, N to ASL, 31 Jan. 1866 – requests ticket for Pim’s paper at St James’s Hall; see 169

270    Henry Denney, Philosophical & Literary Society, Leeds to CCB, 15 May 1866 – reports non-arrival of Anthrop.Rev. vols. 9-10

271    George Dibley, King Henry’s Road, Adelaide Road, NW to CCB, 27 Jan. 1866 – regrets inability to attend Pim’s lecture; compliments ASL on arranging the lecture; see 169

272    - Donald, St James’s Hall Restaurant, Regent Street, W to JH, 19 Dec. 1865 – reservation made for ASL dinner

273    Dr J. Langdon H. Down, Prof. of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, London Hospital Medical College, Eastwood Asylum, Red Hill, Surrey; member of ASL Council 1869 to DIH, 29 Jan. 1866 – requests ticket for meeting

274    Ibid., 18 Apr. – encloses subscription

275    - Downer, 10 Berners Street, Oxford Street, W to ASL, nd – requests conditions of membership

276    R.E. Dudgon, MD, FZS, 53 Montagu Square, W to CCB, 29 Jan. 1866 – requests ticket for Pim’s lecture; see 169

277    J.R. Duggan, Mercantile Stationer and Printer, 42 Watling Street, EC to CCB, 7 Aug. 1866 – invites orders for stationery

278    Edouard Dupont, Dinant; Directeur du Musée, Brussels; Corresponding Member, ASL to CCB, 6 July 1866 – will be pleased to see him; see ‘Report on the researches of Dr Edouard Dupont in the Belgian bone-caves on the banks of the river Lesse’ by C. Carter Blake, MASL, vol. 3, 1867/9, pp. 315-50; see also 244

279    Geologists Association, King’s College, London to CCB, 27 June 1866 – will advertise his lecture on ‘Bone caves’; see 278

280    Charles Harding, FRGS, FRSL; European Bank, 83 King to ASL, 23 Dec. 1865 – requesting Harding’s address (annotated)

281    George Harris, Cornbrook Park, Hulme, Manchester, to CCB, 4 June 1866 – on the establishment of a Manchester anthropological society; wishes to read paper to Council; hopes to meet the President of the Cheetham Literary, Philosophical and Statistical Society; hopes CCB will come to dine also; invites him to stay; see ‘Regulations for the formation of branch societies’, JAS, vol. 4, 1866, pp. cciv-ccv; ‘Report on the first meeting of the Manchester branch of the Anthropological Society of London’ by Dunbar I. Heath, JAS, vol. 5, 1867, pp. ix-x; and ‘The Manchester Anthropological Society’, Anthrop.Rev., vol. 5, 1867, pp. 1-27

282    Ibid., 8 June – hopes to arrange dinner when CCB is free to come; and to spend a few days with him; expects to establish an influential and important society despite prejudices; disappointed at Council’s rejection of his paper; hopes it will reconsider

283    H. Willan Jackson; Edward C. Anderson, Thetford, Norfolk to RSC, 16 Nov. 1865, notifying Jackson’s address as 2 Montague Street, Edinburgh

284    Edouard Lartêt, President, Société d’Anthropologie, Paris; Hon. Fellow, ASL, 15 rue Lacépéde, Paris to CCB, 18 Aug. 1866 – parcel sent and manuscript

285    Longmans, Green & Co, 39 Paternoster Row, EC to CCB, 7 Dec. 1865 – revised account enclosed

286    S. Phillips Day, County Hotel, Carlisle to CCB, 1 Jan. 1866 – regrets failure to attend meeting; reports moving to London; author of Down south: a narrative of the American war

287    F. Pruner-Bey, Hon. Fellow, ASL, 23 Place de St Victor, Paris to ASL, 29 June 1866 – acknowledges pleasure at the honour; offers to help with the Belgium ‘cave-business’; will discuss matter with Dupont; discoveries in Belgium, France, and Italy will require a revaluation of English craniology; see 278

288    Ibid., 30 July – acknowledges work on simious skulls; and receipt of craniometer; comments on the Memoir; refers to Schaaffenhausen and J.B. Davis’s views on the sutures of Celtic skulls; see ‘Certain simious skulls, with special reference to a skull from Louth, in Ireland’ by C. Carter Blake, JAS, vol. 4, 1866, pp. cxxvi-cxxvii, and MAS, vol. 2, 1865/6, pp. 74-81

289    Charles W. Shaw, East Beach, Queenstown, Ireland to ASL, 23 June 1866 – requests a copy of the rules

290    Dr Mackenzie Skues, Somerset; Surgeon H.M. 109th Regiment, Aden to ASL, 23 July 1866 – looking after a friend’s practice; unable to send a paper; may not have an opportunity for some years unless he can get away in time; see reference to his account ‘of two large rolls of Hebrew manuscript’, JAS, vol. 4, 1866, p. clxxi