Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Ordinary Meetings (A4)

Minutes. 24 Feb. 1863 – 31 ha 1871.

Includes titles of papers read followed by names of those taking part in the discussion, names of new members announced, list of ‘presents’ received, and specimens exhibited (infrequent).

Followed by (invert book)

1    Minutes of Annual General meeting 6 Jan. 1864 – 14 Feb. 1871 (Special General meeting)

Includes: Special General meetings: 2 Sep. 1868 to consider ‘expulsion from the Society of Mr Hyde Clarke’, ff. 15-16 (see also leaflet, A8 Suppl. 2/28); 14 Feb. 1871 to consider amalgamation with the Ethnological Society, ff. 25-6

2    Inserts 1-5 (tipped-in)

1    Report of the Foundation meeting, 6 Jan. 1863 on the establishment of the Society (printed), f. 1

2    Report of the General meeting, 7 July 1863 on the meeting of 6 Jan. (printed), ff. 2-3

3    Balloting list, 14 Jan. 1868 (printed), f. 27

4    Report of Anniversary meeting and Presidential address, 19 Jan. 1869, 8 pp. (printed), f. 29

5    Text of paper ‘On the alleged influence of race upon religion’ by L. Owen Pike read at the evening meeting, 16 Mar. 1869, f. 31