The Anthropological Society was founded in 1863 and merged in 1871 with the Ethnological Society of London to form the Anthropological Institute. Details of the publications of the Ethnological Society are given in A112 and those of the Anthropological Institute in A114.
1/1-8 The Anthropological Review and Journal of the Anthropological Society of London. 8 Vols. 1863-70
[Two copies held of vol. 2, marked 1/2 and 1/2 (2); see also A8 suppl. 1 and suppl. 2]
2/1-3 Journal of Anthropology. Nos. 1-3, July 1870-Jan. 1871. Edited by John Beddoe, J. Barnard Davis, Hermann Beigel, the Revd. Dunbar I. Heath, C. Staniland Wake
3/1-3 Memoirs read before the Anthropological Society of London. 3 vols. 1863-4; 1865-6; 1867-9
[Two copies held of vol. 1, marked 3/1 and 3/1(2); a further copy is held at A101/4]
4/ Other publications (in order of publication)
1 Introduction to anthropology. Vol. I / by Dr Theodor Waitz; edited by J. Frederick Collingwood. - London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts for The Anthropological Society, 1863
Another copy is held at A101/3. See also JRAI vol. 1, p. 380 ‘the Council intend, whenever the financial position of the Institute will permit, to issue a translation of the second volume of Waitz’s Anthropologie which Capt. R.F. Burton has kindly offered to edit, with notes …’. This was never published
2 Lectures on man: his place in creation, and in the history of the earth / by Dr Carl Vogt, edited by James Hunt. - London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts for The Anthropological Society, 1864
3 On the phenomena of hybridity in the genus homo / by Dr Paul Broca; edited, with the permission of the author by C. Carter Blake. - London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts for The Anthropological Society, 1864
4 The plurality of the human race / by Georges Pouchet, translated and edited by Hugh J.C. Beavan. - London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts for The Anthropological Society, 1864
5 Lake habitations and pre-historic remains in the turbaries and marl-beds of Northern and central Italy / by Bartolomeo Gastaldi, translated by Charles Harcourt Chambers. - London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts for The Anthropological Society, 1865
6 The anthropological treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach … and the inaugural dissertation of John Hunter on the varieties of man / translated and edited by Thomas Bendyshe. - London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts & Green for The Anthropological Society, 1865