In 1900 the RAI presented petitions to the Government of South Australia associated with the Aborigines of Central Australia and, with the Folklore Society, to the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies on the condition of the indigenous people of the Transvaal and the Orange River Colony (see A10/3/3/1-2)
Another petition was presented in 1908 to the Right Hon. H.H. Asquith, Prime Minister requesting an annual subsidy from the Government to establish a Bureau of Anthropology within Institute; a further petition was presented to the Colonial Premiers at the Imperial Conference in London in 1911; no assistance was forthcoming (see A56). Sir Richard Temple suggested a school of applied anthropology in 1913 (see Man, [Nov.] 1913, No. 102). From the time of the resolution of the XVIIth International Oriental Congress in Aug. 1928 to approach the Australian Federal Government and the State governments ‘to organize the study of the native languages of Australia’ the RAI took an active concern in the welfare of the Australian Aborigines and other indigenous people. However it was not until 1937 that Council appointed a Sub-Committee on the Anthropological Implications of the Transfer of Territories which met on 23 Feb.; its report was received on 16 Mar. (see Council minutes, ff. 300-1). The first meeting of the Committee on Applied Anthropology was held on 23 Apr. 1937. Council received its report on 25 May and approved the draft letter to the Colonial Secretary on 15 June. Those present at the meeting on 23 Apr. were Dr H.S. Harrison (in the Chair), H. Coote Lake, Dr R.W. Firth, Dr Audrey I. Richards, Dr Lucy P. Mair (Convener). Dr Mair was appointed Secretary and Prof. B. Malinowski was invited to be Chairman. Dr M. Fortes succeeded as Secretary at the end of 1938 and continued until the final meeting on 16 June 1939. Regular reports of the Committee were published in Man, July 1937, No. 139, Feb.-Aug. 1938, Nos. 22-46 passim, Jan.-July 1939, Nos. 6-96 passim. See also A56, Imperial Bureau of Anthropology and A58, British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research.
1 General correspondence, 1936-40
2 Australian Aborigines, 1928-32 including funding for the Dept of Anthropology, University of Sydney
3 Districts Officers’ note-books, 1934
4 Advance of science and the life of the community, 1934
5 Transfer of Territories, 1937
6 Shortage of Native farm labour, 1937
7 South African Protectorates, 1938
8 Bride-price, 1938
9 Correspondence relating to the Transfer of Territories, South African Protectorates, and Bride-price, 1937-8
10 Australian Aborigines, 1938
11 Land tenure among the Ngoni, 1938
12 Soil erosion in East Africa, 1938
13 Anthropological research in the British Colonies, 1940, 1943
14 Anthropology in post-war reconstruction plans of the Government of India, [1940]
15 British anthropological research in the reconstruction and development of Burma, 1937, 1944-7
16 Australian rocket testing range, 1946
17 Application for funds for scientific education, 1960
18 Agenda, minutes, discussion meetings, 23 Apr. 1937-16 June 1939 (shelved with quartos)
GCT Dr Gertrude Caton Thompson, FBA (1888-1985), RAI Vice-President, 1943-6, 1960-3; Council member, 1930-60 passim; Huxley Medallist, 1946
WBF W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dept of Ethnography, British Museum, 1969-74; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1936-56; Hon. Editor of Man, 1939-56
RWF (Prof. Sir) Raymond Firth, FBA (1901-2002), later Prof. of Anthropology, University of London; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1935-9; President, 1953-5
JHH Prof. J.H. Hutton, ICS (1885-1968), William Wyse Prof. of Social Anthropology, Cambridge University; RAI President, 1943-5
EJL Dr Ethel John Lindgren (d. 1988), Hon. Editor, 1938-47; RAI Vice-President, 1947-50
LPM Dr Lucy Mair (1901-86), later Prof. of Applied Anthropology, London School of Economics; RAI Wellcome Medallist, 1936; Hon. Secretary, 1974-8; Vice-President, 1978-9
JLM Sir John Linton Myres (1869-1954), Wykeham Professor of Ancient History, University of Oxford, RAI Hon. Secretary 1900-03, President, 1939-40
ARRB Prof. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, FBA (1881-1955), University of Sydney, later Prof. of Social Anthropology, Oxford University; RAI President, 1939-40
FS Miss Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary, 1941-52
HNCS H.N.C. Stevenson, OBE, Burma Frontier Service; Hon. Director of Ethnography, Governor of Burma Camp, Simla, 1945; author of The economics of the central Chin tribes, Bombay, [1944]; later Managing Director, Scottish Television Ltd
TT Sir Theodore Tasker (1884-1981), OBE, ICS
9/ Correspondence relating to Transfer of Territories, South African Protectorates, and Bride-price, /5, /7, /8 1937
1 [LPM] to - McLean, 2 Nov. 1937 - Applied Anthropology Committee to discuss Makerere Report on 26 Nov.; asks if he will give an introductory talk (tpc.)
2 LPM to RWF, 14 Jan. 1938 - Standing Committee adopted two resolutions for submission to Council: (1) requests Council to give evidence before the Royal Commission on the Union of the Rhodesias; (2) asks Council to approve a statement on the future of the Australian Aborigines for submission to the Federal Conference (tp.); see Agendas (no minutes held) for 29 Apr. and 27 May
3 Hugh Ashton, High Commissioner’s Office, Cape Town to LPM, 19 Feb. - regrets delay in replying to letter; on question of the transfer of the Protectorates to the Union of South Africa; gives detailed account of means of ascertaining Native opinion, both official and unofficial in Basutoland. 7 leaves (tp.); see Agenda (no minutes held) for 25 Feb.
4 ‘South African Natives - Reconditioning the Protectorates’ - letter to The Times, 5 Mar. 1938 from Arthur Southampton
5 Lord Raglan (1885-1964), RAI President 1955-7 to RWF, 7 Mar. - transfer of South African Protectorates a political issue and the RAI as a scientific body should avoid interfering in politics (autogr.)
6 ‘Transfer of Colonies’, Manchester Guardian, 7 Mar. 1938 - appeal by the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society
7 Permanent Secretary of State for the Colonies, Colonial Office to President, RAI, 11 May - has been away and regrets delay in replying to letter of 26 Apr.; will send an official answer (tp.)
8 President, RAI to Permanent Secretary of State for the Colonies, 27 May 1938 - would be glad to receive official reply (tp.)
9 Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office to President, RAI, 31 May - has noted correspondence during 1937 received on questions of applied anthropology; brought to the notice of various Colonial governments, most have submitted their views; on the suggestion that an observer from the Colonial Office should be nominated to the Committee, Secretary of State proposes the attendance of the officer concerned with the territory under discussion; asks that notice of meetings should be sent so this may be arranged (tp.)
10 President, RAI to Under Secretary of State, 1 June - Secretary of State’s proposal an excellent one; will be much interested to learn views submitted by Colonial governments in reply to Dr Harrison’s letter of 25 June 1937 (tpc.)
11 Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office to RAI, 20 July - encloses memorandum (see /9/12) covering observations from Colonial governments in response to Dr H.S. Harrison’s letter, 25 June 1937 (tp.)
12 Memorandum covering observations from Colonial governments. 9 leaves (tp.)
13 GCT to RWF, 3 Dec. - encloses motion (see /9/14) to be placed on the agenda of next Council (autogr.)
14 - Motion viewing Germany’s claim to Colonies with apprehension; may be made as a result of ‘European expediency ... without reference to the wishes of the natives of transferred territories’ (autogr.); see Council minutes, 13 Dec. 1938, ff. 338-9, 24 Jan. 1939, f. 340
10/ Australian Aborigines, July 1900, Feb. 1938
1 To the Government of South Australia - petition urging the necessity of securing an accurate record of some of the Aboriginal tribes in their territory especially of the tribes between the Macdonnell Ranges and the Gulf of Carpentaria, signed by 77 eminent academics and MPs, dated by (Prof. Sir) John L. Myers, Hon. Secretary, RAI, 27 July 1900 (printed)
2 To the Government of Victoria - petition as above urging co-operation with the Government of South Australia, signed and dated as above
3 Memorandum on the Condition of the Australian Aborigines. 8 leaves (mimeo., leaf 1 annotated by LPM); see Council minutes, 25 Jan. 1938, f. 320; and ‘Report of the Council, 1938’, JRAI, vol. 68, 1938, pp. iv-v
4 Ibid., leaves 3, 6 and 8 verso annotated by LPM, dated 25 Jan. 1938
5 Premier’s Department, Perth, Western Australia to RAI, 26 Mar. - acknowledges memorandum; will be considered (tp.)
6 Prime Minister’s Department, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra to RAI, 30 Mar. - acknowledges memorandum; will be given full consideration (tp.)
7 Premier’s Department, New South Wales, Sydney to RAI, 2 Apr. - acknowledges memorandum; passed to appropriate department for information (tp.)
8 Premier’s Department, Victoria, Melbourne to RAI, 4 Apr. - acknowledges memorandum (tp.)
9 Premier’s Office, South Australia, Adelaide to RAI, 13 Apr. - acknowledges memorandum (tp.)
10 Secretary, Aboriginal Welfare Conference, Department of the Interior, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra to RAI, 20 Apr. - acknowledges memorandum; intention that the Conference of Chief Protectors and other officers should be held annually; unlikely to take place this year as a conference of Commonwealth and State ministers will probably meet to discuss Aboriginal welfare (tp.)
11/ Land tenure among the Ngoni, Apr. 1938
1 Land tenure among the Ngoni by Margaret Read. 11 leaves (tpc., annotated by LPM)
12/ Soil erosion in East Africa, June 1938
1 Report of discussion, 24 June 1938. 11 leaves (tp.); address by Mrs Elspeth Huxley with contributions by C.W. Hobley, ARRB, ... Stamp, Dr Margaret Read, Dr M. Fortes, Dr Wagner; see Man, Aug. 1938, No. 146
13/ Anthropological research in the British Colonies, May 1940, 1943
1 Prof. C.G. Seligman to RWF, 6 Sept. 1938 – on Lord Hailey’s forthcoming Report; wonders if the RAI should be ready with a scheme that would assist African anthropology (tp.)
2 List by WBF of ‘Documents relating to a Memorandum on Anthropological Research in the British Colonies, addressed to H.M. Secretary of State for the Colonies by the Institute on May 23rd, 1940’ (autogr.)
3 Official documents relating to the Colonial Development and Welfare Bill, 1940 with covering note by WBF
.1 ‘Statement of Policy on Colonial Development and Welfare’, HMSO, 1940
.2 ‘Parliamentary Debates, House of Lords, 2 July 1940’, HMSO, [1940]
4 Press cuttings on Colonial policy: The Times, 21 Feb. 1940: More money for the Colonies; The Black man’s burden (leader); West Indian reforms; Developing the Colonies; Colonial policy, Mr M. Macdonald’s statement; Colonial policy, Lords and Moyne report, House of Lords; 7 May 1940: The war against leprosy, hope of help under new government plan; Colonial Welfare Bill; 8 June 1940: Colonies’ help for allies; 15 June 1940: War and Colonial development. Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 21 Mar. 1940: Colonies plans welcomed
5 Dr M. Fortes (1906-83), RAI Hon. Editor, 1947-53, President, 1965-7 to WBF, 26 Feb. 1940 - notes Colonial Office’s plans to spend ‘large sums of money on research in the colonies’; suggests memorandum from the RAI would ‘carry weight with the Colonial Office’ (tp., annotated by WBF); see Council minutes, 19 Mar. 1940, ff. 366-7
6 ARRB to WBF, 3 Mar. – may not be able to come to meeting on Tuesday [5 Mar.] (autogr.)
7 WBF to Dr M. Fortes, 5 Mar. – apologises for delay in replying to his letter on the colonial research ‘problem’ [/13/5]; he will put it on the Agenda for 19 Mar.; the matter should be dealt with by Council (autogr. draft)
8 Ibid., 12 Mar. – the Agenda is ‘enormous’; asks him about comment made by Colonial Office official, mentioned in his previous letter [/13/5] (autogr. draft)
9 JLM to WBF, 19 Mar. – on withdrawing Reviews proposal; on revising the list of representatives to the British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research (Joint Committee) [see A58]; on writing a note for Man on Joint Committee (autogr.)
10 WBF to JLM, 20 Mar. – not happy with the discussion on colonial research at Council meeting; on the involvement of the Joint Committee with the approach to the Colonial Office; Memorandum to be submitted to the Joint Committee after drafting; asks advice on the drawing up of a minute referring to plans for Colonial research. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)
11 Ibid., 22 Mar. – proceedings on colonial research at Council meeting conducted hastily; new committee has no terms of reference; on the Applied Anthropology Committee being ‘played out’; on a note in Man on the Joint Committee; on the Joint Committee’s previous colonial memorandum [see A58/2/13a]; encloses ‘old circular’ regarding membership of Joint Committee [see A58/2/18/1.2]; encloses list of members of Joint Committee [not held]; he [WBF] will act as Secretary of drafting committee until the first meeting. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)
12 JLM to WBF, ibid. – their letters crossed; on the Council meeting; Joint Committee should be summoned to meet; the heads of the memorandum should be circulated beforehand. 2 leaves (autogr.)
13 Ibid., 24 Mar. – on the drafting committee; on its terms of reference; on Joint Committee, which is important as a ‘catalytic’; on possible re-organization of Applied Anthropology Committee; suggests WBF look into old papers relating to a Bureau of Imperial Ethnology; on meeting in London. 6 pages (autogr.)
14 Ibid., ibid. – on dates for receipt of memoranda by the Colonial Office; mentions the Bureau of Imperial Ethnology again (autogr.)
15 WBF to JHH, 25 Mar. – relieved that he [JHH] had been elected to drafting committee; on dates for meetings; on his ‘so-called Foreign Affairs Committee’ [see /1/20-/25]; other matters (autogr. draft)
16 Ibid. to Prof. C.G. Seligman, ibid. – hopes the Joint Committee Minute Book reached him safely; believes the Joint Committee to be valuable instrument for activity; thinks Council chose the drafting committee very well; on dates for meetings; hopes Joint Committee could approve the draft before the end of Apr. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)
17 Ibid. to ARRB, ibid. – on committees engendered at Council meeting on 19 Mar.; on haste in forming the drafting committee; on dates for its meetings; will suggest to Dr Fortes that he circulate some ideas in advance; on referring the draft to the Joint Committee; believes the committee will do better than that of 1931 [see A58/2/13a]. 4 pages (autogr. draft)
18 ARRB to WBF, 26 Mar. – on dates for various committee meetings; Dr Fortes is preparing a first draft of memorandum on colonial research, which he will circulate; doubts it will be possible to meet next week (autogr.)
19 JLM to WBF, ibid. – will arrive 12.30 on Wednesday [27 Mar.] (telegram)
20 WBF to Dr M. Fortes, ibid. – on dates for meetings; at first meeting main lines on memorandum must be crystallized; suggests he draw up an outline, to be circulated (autogr. draft)
21 Prof. C.G. Seligman to WBF, 27 Mar. – would prefer to meet Tuesday or Wednesday (telegram)
22 Ibid., ibid. – refers to his telegram; does not share enthusiasm for the ‘Conjoint Board’ [Joint Committee]; on dates for meetings (tp.)
23 WBF to JHH, ibid. – on internal politics of preparing the draft; on the suggestion that Dr Fortes be Secretary of the drafting committee; Joint Committee is to meet on 30 Apr. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)
24 Ibid. to Dr M. Fortes, ibid. – the President [ARRB] said that draft will be sent to JHH and WBF; asks that a copy also be sent to W.G. Wilsher (autogr. draft)
25 JHH to WBF, ibid. – cannot come to London on 2 Apr.; not willing to come to London in the vacation; thinks he will be of more use in revision than in construction of the draft (autogr.)
26 WBF to JHH, 28 Mar. – on term dates; suggests other dates for meeting (autogr. pc)
27 Ibid. to ARBB, ibid. – on JHH’s inability to come to London; on preparing the draft by correspondence; on dates for meetings; the acquiescence of members of the Joint Committee will lend weight to the draft; is preparing notice of meeting on 30 Apr. (autogr. draft)
28 Christopher Cox, [Educational Adviser to the Colonial Office], to JLM, 28 Mar. – expects that proposals and applications for assistance from the new Research Fund to come in for some months yet; no suggestion that proposals should be submitted before the end of Apr.; however, interested bodies could set out general considerations at an early stage (copy, WBF autogr.)
29 Dr M. Fortes to WBF, ibid. – suggests meeting on Thursday 4 Apr.; cannot promise to circulate his draft before Monday (autogr. pc)
30 JHH to ibid., 29 Mar. – suggests 19 Apr. for meeting; this would give time to consider possible changes to the draft (autogr. pc)
31 EJL to Prof. C.G. Seligman, 29 Mar. - ‘unofficial committee’ has considered no scheme of research yet; he will be receiving an invitation to serve on the committee; refers to Dr M. Read and her work on the nutrition survey; mentions Dr Mumford (tpc., autogr. correction by ?EJL)
32 JLM to WBF, 31 Mar. – sends some notes for memorandum [probably /13/80]; refers to Imperial Bureau of Ethnology (autogr.)
33 Dr M. Fortes to WBF, 31 Mar. – sub-committee should meet before sending draft memorandum to Council; he will send a rough draft soon, for circulation (autogr. pc)
34 JHH to ibid., 1 Apr. – asks for list of members of the Joint Committee (autogr. pc)
35 Dr M. Fortes to WBF, ibid. – asks him to call meeting for 9 Apr. (autogr. pc)
36 WBF to JHH, 2 Apr. – encloses list of members of the Joint Committee [not held] and copy of circular just sent out [see A58/2/18/1]; gives reasons why he thinks the Joint Committee useful; discusses points about the draft; JLM has made further suggestions; encloses copy of some of JLM’s points [not held]; on the meeting on 9 Apr. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)
37 Ibid. to JLM, 3 Apr. – returns Cox’s letter [see /13/28]; discusses the points of view of various people concerning the draft; notice concerning meeting of the Joint Committee has been sent out [see A58/2/13/8]; mentions bodies which might be entitled to representation on the Joint Committee (autogr. draft)
38 JLM to WBF, 4 Apr. – on book reviews; on meetings at the RAI; mentions ‘our manifesto’ (autogr.)
39 ARRB to WBF, 5 Apr. – encloses draft memorandum, prepared by Dr M. Fortes, Prof. C.G. Seligman, and himself (autogr.)
40 JLM to ibid., 6 Apr. – on a lunch appointment (autogr. pc)
41 JHH to ibid., ibid. – the Joint Committee has an ‘imposing’ list; prepared to accept JLM’s draft with a few additions; spells these out; ARRB does not do justice to the Joint Committee (autogr.)
42 WBF to JHH, 7 Apr. – encloses copy of further suggestions from JLM]; refers to JLM’s Presidential Addresses of 1929 and 1931; draft will be ready for meeting on Tuesday [9 Apr.]; discusses the draft; makes some suggestions for changes; draft will be sent on Tuesday; asks for JHH’s comments by return. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)
43 JHH to WBF, 8 Apr. – JLM’s second draft ‘admirable’ (autogr. pc.)
44 WBF to Miss B.M. Blackwood (1889-1975), Demonstrator in Ethnology, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford; RAI Council, 1939-63 passim, Vice-President, 1957-60, 8 Apr. - refers to reprints of her paper on Oxfordshire villages; first draft of memorandum to be considered by Council; material culture ‘will require staunch champions’. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)
45 ARRB to WBF, ‘15[?] Apr.’ – seems to be confusion about the colonial memorandum; outlines what is wanted by the Colonial Office; has heard from JHH and JLM; taking into account all criticisms has prepared a first draft [/13/85]; on times for meeting (autogr.) [wrongly dated; see /13/46]
46 WBF to JHH, 10 Apr. – asks if he can lunch with WBF and H.J. Braunholtz, RAI President 1937-39, 1941-43; has had a ‘disgruntled’ letter from ARRB, enclosing a new draft (autogr. draft)
47 Ibid., ibid. – hopes he has received the draft sent this morning; encloses copy of note on the draft by HNCS [not held]; quotes from Dr M. Fortes’ letter to him [/13/5]; relays conversation between himself, Fortes, ARRB and others [at meeting of 9 Apr.]; on ‘unofficial committee’ of which Dr Read is secretary; more discussion of the draft; suggests a meeting on 17 or 18 Apr. 4 leaves (autogr. draft)
48 JLM to WBF, 11 Apr. – asks for copy of draft report (autogr. pc)
49 EJL to ibid., 11 Apr. – encloses Memorandum marked with her suggestions, with fair copy; is sending copy of this letter and the fair copy to JLM and JHH; notes on her suggestions [see /13/86] (tp. with autogr. additions)
50 JHH to ibid., 12 Apr. – comments on the draft; encloses copy of his letter to ARRB [not held]; has heard from Colonial Office that it will be some time before grants can be approved; can attend meeting on 18 Apr. (autogr.)
51 Ibid., ibid. – encloses copy of his letter to ARRB (autogr. note)
52 WBF to JLM, ibid. – he will by now have received EJL’s revised draft; draft cannot be revised in time for Council meeting; cautions against haste; on the inclusion or not of the word ‘social’; draft took a week longer than expected to prepare; members of drafting committee only just now looking at it (autogr. draft)
53 JLM to WBF, 14 Apr. – thanks him for draft memorandum and HNCS’s note; approves EJL’s redraft; has added his few suggestions; the word ‘social’ before ‘anthropology’ should be deleted; if draft is not further amended, there will be a fight in Council (autogr.)
54 WBF to ARRB, ibid. – cancels a lecture meeting on 23 Apr.; has received from JHH suggested alterations to colonial memorandum [probably /13/83]; feels that the procedure adopted has been somewhat defective; on the word ‘social’ in the title of the memorandum; quotes from Dr M. Fortes’ letter to him [/13/5]; encloses further drafts and notes; makes a few corrections; EJL has made helpful suggestions; refers to meeting on 18 Apr.; on the group of which Dr Read is secretary; this group not at all hostile to the RAI. 4 leaves (autogr. draft)
55 Ibid., ibid. - on the RAI’s financial position; on previous Treasurers; thinks W.G. Wilsher has the makings of a good Treasurer; on Miss Martindell’s unfounded hostility to W.G. Wilsher; her office methods; cites an instance of her resistance to W.G. Wilsher; short PS on the draft memorandum. 3 pages (autogr. draft) [W.G. Wilsher, Hon. Treasurer 1940-41; Miss K.M. Martindell, Assistant Secretary 1920-42]
56 WBF to ARRB, 16 Apr. – meeting cannot be on Friday (autogr. draft)
57 ARRB to WBF, ibid. – will be at meeting on Thursday [18 Apr.] (autogr. pc)
58 WBF to Prof. C.G. Seligman, ibid. – refers to meeting on 18 Apr.; presumes he has seen JHH’s amendments; on EJL’s suggestions; on HNCS’s note; refers to ARRB’s new draft; WBF disagrees with ARRB’s conception of raison d’être of committee; JLM now suggesting that his ‘new purely social draft’ be sent in at once. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)
59 Dr M. Fortes to WBF, ibid. – cannot come to meeting (autogr. pc)
60 JLM to ibid., ibid. – will be at meeting (autogr. draft)
61 Ibid., 20 Apr. – revised memorandum very different from predecessor; he is inclined to accept it; makes a couple of further corrections (autogr.)
62 EJL to WBF, 20 Apr. - has received draft and noted alterations; will leave for JHH to see; at JLM’s suggestion, the Royal Geographical Society has urged her to see members of its Council; lists names of RGS Council who might be interested (tp., annotations by EJL and JHH)
63 Dr M. Fortes to WBF, 23 Apr. – asks for further copies of the memorandum (autogr. pc)
64 JHH and EJL to ibid., ibid. - essential for amended memorandum to be retyped before the Joint Committee meets (telegram); see Council minutes, 23 Apr., f. 369
65 WBF to EJL, 24 Apr. – refers to telegram; gives reasons why he feels unable to do have memorandum retyped; financial considerations most important reason. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)
66 EJL to JLM, 26 Apr. - notes his comment that the memorandum must be carefully edited before it goes to the Joint Committee; necessity of retyping; revised memorandum ‘unimpressive’; discusses memorandum in detail. 5 pp. (tpc., annotated by JLM)
67 WBF to ibid., 28 Apr. – has a copy of EJL’s letter to him [/13/66]; is in agreement; hopes the draft will undergo thoroughgoing alteration, preferably by JLM; describes HNCS’s suggestions for improving the structure of the draft; lists other decisions which should have been made at Council meeting. 4 leaves (autogr. draft)
68 JLM to WBF, 29 Mar. – agrees with his and EJL’s criticisms; refers to ‘rumour’ about urgency; outlines options available to the Joint Committee; describes how the memorandum should be sent to Colonial Office (autogr.)
69 WBF to JLM, 1 May – refers to meeting of the Joint Committee ‘yesterday’ [for Minutes, see A58/3/21]; the form of the memorandum could not have been hoped for; discusses some specific points; asks about procedure; encloses list of section headings or summaries made by EJL; on possible expansion of the Joint Committee. 4 pages (autogr. draft)
70 JLM to WBF, 2 May – he and ARRB have ‘remodelled’ the memorandum; describes some of the changes; on printing versus typing it; the President should announce the memorandum at next meeting of Council; refers to memorandum on training of colonial officials [see A58/2/13a/55]; on composition of the Joint Committee. 3 pages (autogr.)
71 WBF to JLM, 9 May – Miss Martindell has typed the draft; it is a vast improvement; on section headings; asks if the need for haste is no longer so great (autogr. draft)
72 JLM to WBF, 11 May – has passed his suggestions and Childe’s addition to ARRB; hopes to be at Council meeting on 28 May; ARRB has explained reason for urgency; on RAI committees (autogr.)
73 WBF to ARRB, 13 May – not clear whether the memorandum should be printed in Man format or Journal format; on seeing it through the press; refers to Lord Lloyd; AGM on 25 June (autogr. draft)
74 JLM to WBF, 13 May – sends final draft with headlines; President asks that fair copy be made; he will send covering letter; thinks a title page should be prefixed (autogr.)
75 ARRB to ibid., ibid. – asks him to have the memorandum typed; tells him what the accompanying letter should include; on printing the memorandum in the Journal (autogr.)
76 K.M. Martindell to WBF, 21 May – on time of a meeting; ARRB has asked what has been done about the colonial research memorandum, which must be with Lord Lloyd by the end of the week (autogr.)
77 WBF to JLM, 22 May – refers to Miss Martindell’s message about Lord Lloyd [/13/76]; on the question of urgency; on further changes made to the memorandum; he will have it re-typed and sent to JLM; gives telegram ‘codes’ for his response; jokes about the proof-reading of The Andaman Islanders. 5 pages (autogr. draft)
78 JLM to WBF, 23 May – on ARRB’s approval of the latest amendments; returns the text with corrections (autogr.)
79 Ibid., 25 May – hopes all now well with the memorandum (autogr. pc)
80 JLM suggestions for memorandum. 2 leaves (tpc.)
81 Ibid. 5 leaves (autogr. draft)
82 JHH’s additions to JLM’s suggestions (autogr.)
83 JHH’s ‘notes on the First Draft’. 3 leaves (autogr.)
84 Memorandum on the Hailey Report to be submitted to the Colonial Office. 6 leaves (tpc.); annotated by WBF: ‘Alternative draft by Prof. Radcliffe-Brown, considered at second meeting of sub-committee of Council; some passages accepted’
85 Memorandum - first draft prepared by ARRB and Dr Fortes with JHH’s proposed changes [see /13/83]. 12 leaves (mimeo., annotated by JHH) with covering note by WBF
86 Ibid., with EJL’s proposed changes [see /13/49]. 12 leaves (mimeo., annotated by EJL and WBF)
87 Ibid., with WBF’s proposed changes. 18 leaves (mimeo. with autogr. additions, leaves 16 & 18 autogr.)
88 WBF, further notes on additions and corrections. 3 leaves (autogr. notes)
89 Suggested redraft by JLM. 2 leaves (autogr.)
90 HNCS’s suggested order of paragraphs (autogr.)
91 Memorandum - first draft incorporating EJL’s amendments with comments and amendments by JLM. 18 leaves, heavily annotated by JLM (tpc., leaf 18 autogr.)
92 Ibid., second draft as presented to Council by sub-committee, 14 leaves (mimeo.) and Addenda and corrigenda, 2 leaves (mimeo.) with covering note by WBF; see Council minutes, 23 Apr. 1940, f. 369
93 Ibid., with suggested alterations made by Council and from other sources. 14 leaves (mimeo., annotated) with covering note by WBF attached to this draft
94 Comments on the memorandum, second draft, made by H.J. Braunholtz at Council (autogr.)
95 RAI - preliminary notice of meeting of Joint Committee on 30 Apr. from WBF, Hon. Secretary, (mimeo., annotated by WBF on verso) [see A58/2/13/8, /3/19-/21]
.1 WBF, draft of /13/95 (autogr.)
96 Draft of a Memorandum on the Place of Anthropology in Colonial studies. 14 leaves (mimeo.)
97 ‘A Memorandum on Anthropological Research in the British Colonies presented to HM Secretary of State for the Colonies’. 22 pp. 2 copies (mimeo.) see Council minutes, 28 May 1940, ff. 372-3
98 ‘Note on the Joint Committee for Anthropological Research and Teaching’. 2 leaves (tpc. with autogr. corrections and note ‘Note enclosed with Colonial Memo 1940’)
99 The Times, 19 Jan. 1943 – on the appointment of a Colonial Products Research Council; ibid., 3 Mar. – on the appointment of a Colonial Social Welfare Advisory Committee. 3 leaves (newspaper cuttings and photocopy of same)
100 EJL, 20 Jan. – note referring to Memorandum sent in 1940, which ‘will now be sent in again’; asks for comments (autogr. note, with autogr. comments in other hands)
101 Ibid. to WBF, 22 Jan. – on her colleagues’ approval of the Memorandum (autogr. note)
102 Ibid., nd – notes on comments made by others (autogr.)
103 WBF, nd – lists some points to be made in letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies [see /13/105] (autogr.)
104 Ibid. to FS, nd – encloses his draft letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies [/13/105], which is of extreme urgency; asks her to type it in ‘draft form’, i.e using only two-thirds of the width of the page (autogr.)
105 Ibid., nd – draft letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, for signature by the President, on Anthropology in Colonial Research. 7 pages (autogr.)
106 Ibid. 3 leaves (tp. ‘in draft form’ with autogr. corrections)
107 Ibid. 6 leaves (tpc. with autogr. corrections by JHH)
.1 FS, nd – covering note with /13/107; JHH ‘doubtful as to the wisdom of sending the letter’ (autogr. card.)
108 FS to Dr Read, 10 Mar. – refers to resolution in Council on 26 Jan. that reminder about the Colonial Memorandum of 1940 should be sent to the Secretary of the Colonies [see CM/72/2, f. 409]; encloses draft letter for her comments (tp. with autogr. notes by Dr Read)
109 Draft letter. 6 leaves (tpc. with autogr. corrections by Dr Read)
110 RAI President [H.J. Braunholtz] to Col. the Right Hon. Oliver Stanley, Secretary of State for the Colonies, 31 Mar. – letter on Anthropology in Colonial Research; refers to the Memorandum of 1940 [/13/97], which is enclosed. 4 pages (tpc.)
111 K.W. Blaxter, [Assistant Secretary]. Colonial Office, to RAI President [H.J. Braunholtz], 21 Apr. – is directed by Col. Stanley to acknowledge his letter and Memorandum, with thanks; RAI’s views on the importance of anthropological representation on Colonial Office Committees will be borne in mind; arrangements for training of officers of the Colonial Service are now under discussion; RAI’s suggestions on this point will also be borne in mind (tp. with autogr. note by FS ‘Council May 25 arising from minutes’) [see CM/72/4, f. 418]