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Correspondence. 1940-3.

Book Lists were sponsored by the British Council and distributed by the National Book Council. Book List 185: Anthropology was drawn up by a RAI Committee and published in Apr. 1943 at 3 pence. See Executive Committee minutes, 4 June 1940, f. 210 and Council minutes, 11 June 1940, f. 374


NBC    National Book Council

WBF    W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum, 1969-74; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1939-56, Hon. Editor of Man, 1947-65

1/    1940

1    NBC to RAI, 27 May 1940 – gives an outline of the NBC’s work on issuing book lists for the general reader; invites RAI to compile a book list on anthropology (tp.)

2    L.J.P. Gaskin to WBF, 20 Nov. – apologises for keeping the list; goes into the army next month; makes a few alterations; suggests the classification should be simpler (tp.)

3    NBC to WBF, 3 Dec. – thanks him for his letter giving the present position of the book list; answers his inquiries (tp.)

4    Draft Book List Committee by WBF, c. 10 Dec. – gives members of Committee; extracts from NBC letter (/3 above); notes arrangement of the list and size; choice of books (autogr.)

5    Book List Committee, 13 Dec. – as above (mimeo., tpc.)

6    G.M. Morant to WBF, 21 Dec. – replies to circular (/5 above); suggests grouping of subjects; refers to books on physical anthropology; limitation on number of books; refers to WBF’s continued work as Hon. Secretary while out of London, and to Dr Hildburgh becoming Hon. Treasurer. 4 pp. (autogr.)

2/    1941

1    Dr E.J. Lindgren to WBF, 29 Jan. 1941 – gives views on circular; suggests names for co-option to the Committee (autogr.)

2    H.J. Braunholtz [to WBF, Jan. 1941] – makes suggestions for classification; suggests books for inclusion (autogr.)

3    NBC to WBF, 24 Sep. – asks how the list is progressing; asks if ‘copy’ is ready (tp.); similar letter from NBC, 17 June not retained

4    WBF to NBC, 9 Oct. – apologises for the delay; lists progressing well (autogr.)

5    NBC to WBF, 13 Oct. – glad to know the list progresses; no immediate hurry; looks forward to receiving it in Nov. or Dec. (tp.)

6    Ibid., 24 Dec. – glad to know from his letter of 21 Dec. that the list progresses; NBC responsible for accuracy but would appreciate if publisher’s names could be supplied (tp.); letter from NBC, 16 Dec. asking for a date not retained

7    WBF to members of the Book List Committee, [Dec.] – list compiled and circularised; NBC has reminded the RAI of its promise; list now circulated (/8 below). 2 pp. (draft autogr.)

8    Book list. 8 pp. (draft autogr. by WBF)

3/    1942

1    NBC to WBF, 25 Mar. 1942 – inquires about progress of list; titles selected in Jan.; hopes ‘copy’ will be ready soon (tp. copy; autogr. annotation by WBF, 29 Mar. ‘Delay due to Miss M’s death …Drafts now being sent out …’)

2    WBF to H.J. Braunholtz, [Apr.] – encloses latest form of book list; would like it completed this month; asks him to send it to Prof. R.W. Firth; ‘quite content about Miss Stallman’ [as Assistant Secretary]. (draft autogr.)

3    Sir J.L. Myres to WBF, 8 Apr. – returns list with a few suggestions; sorry he was unable to be at the meeting about the Assistant Secretary; pleased he accepted Miss Stallman (autogr.)

4    H.J. Braunholtz to Prof. R.W. Firth, 11 Apr. – forwards book list; asks him ‘to glance through it’ and return it to WBF; inquires about a Carnegie Fund grant towards the library evacuation; sends his regards to A. Digby (autogr.)

5    G.M. Morant to WBF, 12 Apr. – makes additions to book list; publishers and dates should be added (autogr.)

6    Prof. R.W. Firth to WBF, 27 Apr. – makes suggestions for the book list (tp.)

7    NBC to WBF, 18 May – commiserates over the death of the Assistant Secretary; new staff ready to start on the book list (tp.)

8    Ibid., 3 Sep. – suggests the book list should be sent as it is; also suggests the NBC should check the bibliographical details ‘and get the material into print’ (tp. copy)

9    Ibid., 7 Oct. – asks for guarantee that the book list will arrive by 17 Oct. (telegram)

10    WBF to NBC, 7 Oct. – apologises for the delay; sent the final draft to Miss F. Stallman, Assistant Secretary; to be typed urgently; list does not contain notes and headings; has been divided into named categories; useful if he has a word with her when he visits London (autogr. draft)

11    NBC to WBF, 12 Oct. – explains the reasons for sending the telegram (/9 above); will welcome the list and his visit when he comes to London; sounds as if all that is necessary has been done with the list; ‘not our custom to annotate the titles but we almost always classify them’; not necessary to apologise for the delay (tp.)

12    Ibid., 14 Dec. – nearly every book has been checked; before sending the typescript to the printers has a few queries; lists queries (tp. copy; annotations by WBF)

4/    1943

1    NBC to WBF, 8 Jan. 1943 – wonders if he has had time to consider her letter of 14 Dec. (/3/12 above); would be grateful for his further help (tp.)

2    Lutterworth Press to NBC, 14 Jan. – notices the NBC welcomes suggestions for inclusion in the Anthropology list; makes a suggestion (tp.)

3    NBC to WBF, 15 Mar. – encloses two proof copies of list; a number of small points outstanding; lists points; will be able to go to press once the points are answered (tp., annotations by F. Stallman and WBF)

4    Ibid., 25 Mar. – raises some points connected with headings and one title (tp., annotated by WBF ‘Dealt with by interview’)

5    Ibid., 16 Sep. – letter of thanks (tp.)

6    Book list 185: Anthropology. 4 pp. (printed); marked proof

7    Ibid. 4 pp. (printed); final copy priced at 3 pence