Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Congres International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnogiques A62 CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DES SCIENCES ANTHROPOLOGIQUES ET ETHNOGIQUES. 1912-34; 1937-9 (A62 – 02 of 06)

Correspondence, papers, and minutes relating to the establishment of the International Congress, 1912-34; and to the first Congress in 1934, and its relationship to the IIA, 1937-9.

15/    1930. H.J.E. Peake’s circular to British members of the IIA on the forthcoming meeting in Portugal

  1    List of British members of IIA by JLM

  2    Aug. Circular (mimeo.) 2 copies

Replies to circular from those unable to attend (except /6):

  3    27 Aug. James Reid Moir, FRS (1879-1944), archaeologist

  4    27 Aug. Rev. Dr E.O. James (1888-1972), Prof. of History and Philosophy of Religion, London. Univ.

  5    27 Aug. T.D. Kendrick, KCB, FBA (1895-1975), Dept. of British and Medieval Antiquities, BM later Keeper of British Antiquities 1938-50 and Director and Principal Librarian, BM 1950-9 (with autogr. note by JLM)

  6    27 Aug. W.J. Sollas, FRS (1849-1936) Prof. of Geology and Palaeontology, Oxford Univ.

  7    27 Aug. G.A. Garfitt

  8    28 Aug. Allan Head, FSA (with autogr. note by JLM)

  9    29 Aug. Gertrude Caton-Thompson, FBA, Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge Univ.; Vice-President, RAI 1959-63

 10    30 Aug. HJF

 11    31 Aug. HJEP to JLM enclosing /3-10

 12    31 Aug. [HJEP] in reply to /3-10 stating he will resign from the IIA if reforms are not accepted; invites others to do so as well (tp.)

 13    2 Sep. R.U. Sayce to HJEP

 14    2 Sep. E.O. James to JLM

 15    13 Sep. Ibid.

 16    16 Sep. J. Reid Moir to JLM (pc.)

 17    18 Sep. Ibid. (letter)

 18    21 Sep. Allan Head to JLM

 19    JLM note: M. Burkitt see under B, i.e. under 62/23; no Burkitt file found, Mar. 1990

16/    1928-30. International Congress of Americanists. Discussions on co-ordination with a general congress of anthropology     and co-operation with the International Research Council

  1    ‘Report of an International Conference’ 4 June 1912 at the invitation of the RAI ‘to discuss a proposed international Anthropological Congrès’, offprint from Proc. XVIII, Int. Congr. Am.

  2    ‘Draft of letter to Boas for Americanist Congrès’ by JLM

  3    Autogr. carbon of /2

  4    Draft letter, addenda 6-7 (tpc.)

  5    13 Aug. President (JLM) and Hon. Secretary (ENF) of RAI to International Congrès of Americanists submitting proposals (tpc.)

  6    13 Aug. [ENF] to Prof. Franz Boas, Dept. of Anthropology, Columbia Univ., New York (enclosing /5) (tpc.)

  7    14 Aug. [ENF] to A. Hrdlička (AH) (see 7/6 for details) (tpc.)

  8    15 Aug. [ENF] to Harry G. Beasley (HGB), RAI representative at Americanist Congress in Sep. (tpc.)

  9    15 Aug. [ENF] to TAJ, RAI representative (tpc.)

 10    15 Aug. [ENF] to JLM (tp., autogr. note by JLM)

 11    15 Aug., Copy of /10 (tpc.)

 12    16 Aug. TAJ to ENF (tp.)

 13    25 Sep. F. Boas to ENF (tp., autogr. note by JLM)

 14    4 Oct. [ENF] to JLM (tpc.)

 15    7 Oct. JLM to ENF (cancelled draft)

 16    13 Oct. HGB to ENF (tp.)

 17    1 Nov. [ENF] to AH (tpc.)

 18    21 Nov. AH to ENF (tp.)

 19    23 Aug. AH to JLM (tp.)

17/    1931. Proposal to Scandinavian countries to host a revitalized XVI Congrès international d’Anthropologie et d’Archéologie préhistoriques

  1    19 Jan. JLM to Fr. C.C. Hansen, Prof, of Anatomy, Copenhagen Univ. (tp. copy, cancelled autogr. para by JLM)

  2    17 Feb. Fr. C.C. Hansen to JLM

18/    1931. Proposal to Oxford to host the XVI Congrès

  1    29 Jan. T.K. Penniman (TKP), Univ. Museum, Oxford to L.H. Dudley Buxton (LHDB) (1889-1939) Reader in Physical Anthropology, Oxford Univ. (tp., autogr. note by TKP)

  2    1 Feb. Sir Gilbert Murray, OM (1866-1957) Regius Prof. of Greek, Oxford Univ. to L.H. Dudley Buxton

  3    2 Feb. LHDB to JLM (tp., autogr. note by LHDB)

  4    2 Feb.    Sir Arthur Thomson, FRCS (AT) (1858-1935) Prof. of Human Anatomy, Oxford Univ. to JLM (tp., autogr. note by JLM)

  5    3 Feb. Henry Balfour (HB) (1863-1939) Curator Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford Univ.; President RAI, 1903-4 to JLM

  6    4 Feb. JLM to AT

  7    4 Feb. JLM to HB

  8    4 Feb. JLM to LHDB

  9    4 Feb. JLM to R. R. Marett

 10    17 Feb. AT to JLM (tp.)

19/    1931. Other proposals to host the XVI Congrès in the UK

  1    9 Jan. Christopher F.C. Hawkes, Assistant Keeper, Dept. of British and Mediaeval Antiquities, BM later Prof, of European Archaeology, Oxford Univ. to JLM

  2    20 Jan. Vere Gordon Childe (VGC) (1892-1957), Prof. of Prehistoric Archaeology, Univ. of Edinburgh (1927-46) later Prof. of Prehistoric European Archaeology and Director, Institute of Archaeology, London Univ. to JLM

  3    20 Jan. VGC’s list of Scandinavian and Central European prehistorians attached to /2

  4    31 Jan. JLM to V. Gordon Childe

  5    2 Feb. VGC TO JLM

  6    4 Feb. JLM to V. Gordon Childe

   20-168    Correspondence with individual scholars 1912-33 on the establishment of an international congress of anthropology and ethnology in 1916     and the first meeting in 1934; subjects to be covered; discussions on either a comprehensive or separate congresses; co-ordination with the International Congress of Americanists’ meetings in Europe; the preliminary conference in Basle, April 1933 (see especially Felix Speiser, /140/1-25); and its counterpart the new International Congress for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences in 1932 (initiated by the Berne Conference in May 1930)

 20    Anthropological Society of Washington, Washington, DC to TAJ (copy, mimeo.). 22 Apr. 1912

 21    JLM to Prof. Antoniewicz, Univ. of Warsaw (tpc. in French). 31 Jan. 1933

 22    Dr Cherket Aziz, Institut Turc d’Anthropologie, Istanbul to JLM. 6 Mar. 1933

23/1    Henry Balfour (HB) (see 18/5 for details) to JLM. [Mar. 1933] (incomplete)

  2    Ibid. (pc.). 10 Apr.

  3    JLM to HB. 12 Apr.

  4    HB to JLM. [14 Apr.]

 24    Robert Bennet Bean, Dept of Anatomy, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville to JLM. 8 May 1932

  25/1    Henry G. Beasley (HGB) (see abbreviations for details) to JLM (tp.). 10 Oct. 1932

  2    Ibid. (tp.). 18 Feb. 1933

  3    JLM to H.G. Beasley. 2 May

  4    HGB to JLM (tp.). 4 May

  5    JLM to H.G. Beasley. 6 May

 26    Davidson Black, Dept of Anatomy, Peiping Union Medical College, Peiping to JLM (tp.). 15 June 1932

  27/1    Prof. Franz Boas (FB), Dept of Anthropology, Columbia Univ. New York to RRM (addressed from London). 4 June 1912

  2    Ibid. (addressed from Berlin-Wilmersdorf). 11 June 1912

  3    Ibid. (ibid.). 4 July

  4    Ibid. (tp.). 4 Nov.

  5    Ibid. (tp.). 2 Dec.

  6    Ibid. (tp.). 15 Jan. 1913

  7    Ibid. (tp.). 11 Apr.

  8    Ibid. (tp.). 2 Dec.

  9    Ibid. (tp.). 9 Jan. 1914

 10    Ibid. (tp.). 18 Mar. 1931

 11    JLM to FB. 14 Dec.

 12    FB to JLM (tp.). 2 June 1932

 13    JLM to FB (tpc.). 17 Jan. 1933

 14    FB to JLM (tp.). 1 Feb.

 15    JLM to FB (tpc.). [13 Feb]

 28    JLM to Dr Pedro Bosch Gimpera, Director, Museum of Archaeology, Barcelona Univ. 13 Feb. 1933

 29    Prof. V. Bunak, Institut d’Anthropologie de 1’Université, Moscow to JLM (autogr. signature only). 19 Feb. 1932

  30/1    Alan Houghton Brodrick (AHB) (addressed from Freiburg im Breisgau) to JLM (tp.). 17 Mar. 1933

  2    [JLM] to AHB (tpc.). 28 Mar.

  3    AHB to JLM (tp.). 31 Mar.

  4    Ibid. 26 Apr.

  5    JLM to AHB. 2 May

  31/1    Prof. A.J. van den Broek (AJB), Anatomisch Laboratorium, Rijks-Universiteit, Utrecht to JLM (pc.). [6 Mar. 1933]

  2    JLM to AJB (tpc.). 9 Mar.

  3    AJB to JLM (pc.). [27 Mar.]

  4    JLM to AJB (tpc.). 28 Mar.

  5    AJB to JLM. 4 Apr.

 32    Prof. Thomas H. Bryce, Dept of Anatomy, Glasgow Univ. to JLM (tp.). 13 Mar. 1933

 33    L.H. Dudley Buxton (see /18/1 for details) to JLM (tp.). 20 Feb. 1933

 34    J.S. Bystron, Cracow (addressed from Paris) to JLM. [30 Mar. 1933]

 35    Prof. Raffaele Corso, Editor, Il Folklor italiano, Naples to JLM. [15 Mar. 1933]

  36/1    Dr Hans Damm, Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig to JLM (tp.). 11 Feb. 1932

  2    Ibid. (tp.). 28 Mar. 1933

 37    Charles B. Davenport, Director, Dept of Genetics, Carnegie Institution of Washington to JLM (tp.). 8 July 1932

 38    Prof. Roland B. Dixon, Division of Anthropology, Harvard Univ. Cambridge, Mass. to JLM (tp.). 15 Feb. 1933

 39    Kai Donner, Helsinki to JLM    . 31 Mar. 1933

  40/1    Prof. M.R. Drennan (MRD), Dept of Anatomy, Univ. of Cape Town to JLM (tp.). 15 June 1931

  2    Ibid. (tp., autogr. note by MRD). 14 Mar. 1933

  41/1    W.L.H. Duckworth (WLHD), Anthropological Laboratory, Anatomy School, Cambridge to R. R. Marett. 1 June 1913

  2    Ibid. 1 Aug

  3    Ibid. (tp.). 29 April. 1931

  4    RRM to WLHD (tpc.). 30 Apr.

 42    J.C. van Eerde, Director Afdeeling Volkenkunde, K. Vereeniging Koloniaal Instituut, Amsterdam to JLM (tp.). 9 Mar. 1933

  43/1    E.E. Evans-Pritchard (EEE-P), (1902-73), Prof. of Sociology, Egyptian Univ., Cairo; Prof. of Social Anthropology , Univ. of Oxford; President RAI, 1949-51. 28 Feb. 1933

  2    JLM to EEE-P (tpc.). 11 Mar.

  44/1    Prof. Eugen Fischer (EF), Director, Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut für Anthropologie, Berlin-Dahlem to JLM (tp.). 17 Nov. 1931

  2    JLM to EF. 1 Jan. 1932

  3    Ibid. 29 Mar.

  4    EE to JLM (tp.). 9 June

  5    JLM to EF. 25 July

  6    Ibid. (tpc.). 15 Jan. 1933

  7    Ibid. (tpc.). 31 Jan.

  8    EF to JLM (tp.). 6 Mar.

  9    JLM to FF (tpc.). 7 Apr.

 45    Dr. H. Th. Fischer, Ethnologies Instituut, Utrecht to RAI. 23 Mar. 1933

 46    R.M. Fleming, RAI staff to JLM. 18 Jan. 1933

 47    Prof. C. Daryll Forde, FBA (1902-73), Dept. of Geography and Anthropology, Aberystwyth; later Prof. of Anthropology, University College London; Director, International African Institute; President, RAI, 1947-9 to JLM (tp.). 4 Apr. 1933

  48/1    Prof. Fabio Frassetto (FF), Istituto di Antropologia generale ed applicata, Universita di Bologna to JLM (tp., annotated by JLM). 19 Feb. 1932

  2    Ibid. 7 Feb. 1933

  3    Charles B. Davenport, Director of Genetics, Carnegie Institution of Washington to FF (tp., copy). 18 Mar. 1933

..4    Ibid. to MLT (tp., copy, autogr. note by MLT). 18 Mar.

  5    JLM to FF (in French, tpc.). 8 Apr.

  49/1    JLM to (Sir) Stephen Gaselee (tpc.). 6 Apr. 1933

  2    SG to JLM. 7 Apr.

  50/1    Prof. R. Ruggles Gates, King’s College, Univ. of London to JLM (tp.). 20 Mar. 1933

  2    Ibid. 23 Mar.

50.1/1    Prof. A. van Gennup to TAJ. 6 Apr. 1912

  2    Ibid. 24 May 1913

 51    Prof. Alexander Grahse, Zagreb to JLM (pc.). 10 Mar. 1933

 52    Carl E. Guthe, Director, Museum of Anthropology, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor to JLM (tp.). 4 Apr. 1933

  53/1    A.C. Haddon FRS (1855-1940) (ACH), Christ’s College, Univ. of Cambridge; President, RAI 1901-3 to JLM. 30 Apr. 1932

  2    JLM to A.C. Haddon. 12 May

 54/    Fr. C.C. Hansen, Universitetets normal anatomiske Museum, Copenhagen and Prof. of Anatomy, Copenhagen Univ. to JLM. 28 Mar. 1933

  55/1    Franz Heger (FH), Director, Anthropologische-ethnographische Abteilung, K.K. Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum, Vienna to RAI (extract in English, tp.). 19 Apr. 1912

  2    Ibid. (tp.). 10 July

  3    Ibid. 26 May 1913

  4    Ibid. 26 Aug.

  5    Ibid. 5 June 1914

  6    Ibid. 21 Apr. 1931

 56    Edgar L. Hewett, Director, School of American Research, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe to JLM (tp.). 26 Feb. 1933

 57    T.C. Hodson, Museum of Ethnology, Cambridge to JLM (pc.). 6 Feb. 1933

 58    Dr J.F. Hoebstra, Secretary, K. Nederlandsch Aardrijskundig Genootschap, Amsterdam to R. R. Marett. 18 June 1913

  59/1    Dr F.W. Hodge (FWH), Director, Southwest Museum, Los Angeles to JLM. 2 May 1932

  2    JLM to FWH. 29 Jan. 1933

  60/1    E.A. Hooton (EAH), Peabody Museum, Harvard Univ. Cambridge, Mass. to JLM (tp.). 16 May 1932

  2    JLM to EAH. 29 Jan. 1933

  3    EAH to JLM (tp.). 24 Feb.

  61/1    G.D. Hornblower (GDH), Hon. Treasurer, RAI 1928-34 to JLM. 13 Feb. 1933

  61/2    Summary of Accounts, ‘Pre- & Proto-historic Congress,     1932’ (tp.)

  3    JLM to GDH (tpc., autogr. notes by JLM). 18 Feb. 1933

  4    Congress list of expenditure by JLM    

  5    GDH to JLM (incomplete). 5 May

  6    JLM to GDH. 6 May

  62/1    Dr Ales Hrdlička (AH) (see 7/6 for details) to RRM (tp.). 14 Oct. 1912

  2    Ibid. 21 Nov.

  3    Ibid. 26 Apr. 1913

  4    Ibid. 2 May

  5    Ibid. (enclosing /6). 21 June

  6    Prof. Eugene Pittard, (see 9/29 for details) to AH. 10 June

  7    AH to RRM (tp.). 11 July

  8    Ibid. 25 July

  9    Ibid. 31 July

 10    Ibid. 9 Jan. 1914

 11    Ibid. 6 Mar.

 12    Ibid. 13 Mar.

 13    Ibid. 13 Apr.

 14    Ibid. 19 May

 15    Ibid. 11 June

 16    ‘By-laws of the International Congress of Anthropology (Propositions by A. Hrdlička)’. 7 pp. (tp.)

 17    AH to RRM (tp.). 13 Oct. 1925

 18    RRM to ENF (enclosing /17). 28 Oct.

 19    ENF to RRM (tpc. returning /17). 17 Nov.

 20    AH to JLM (tp.). 18 Feb. 1931

 21    Copy of /20 (tpc.). Ibid.

 22    AH to RRM (tp.). 18 Feb.

 23    Ibid. 20 Mar.

 24    JLM to AH. 14 Dec.

 25    AH to JLM (tp.). 7 Jan. [1932]

 26    JLM to AH. 17 Mar.

 27    AH to JLM (tp.). 12 Apr.

 28    JLM to AH (tpc.). 14 Jan. 1933

 29    Ibid. (tpc., autogr. note by JLM). 18 Jan.

 30    Ibid. (tpc.). 29 Jan.

 31    AH to JLM (in reply to /28) (tp.). 7 Feb.

 32    Ibid. (in reply to /30). 13 Feb.

 33    Ibid. (in reply to /29). 7 Mar.

 63    J.H. Hutton (1885-1968), Census Commissioner for India, Simla; later William Wyse Prof. of Social Anthropology, Cambridge Univ.; President, RAI, 1943-5 to JLM (tp.). 2 Mar. 1933

  64/1    JLM to Italian Ambassador (tpc.). 13 Jan. 1933

  2    Italian Ambassador to JLM (tp.)

 65    L.K. Ananthakrishna Iyer, Officer in Charge, Ethnographic Survey, Mysore to JLM (tp.)    . 1 Mar. 1933

 66    Prof. J.P. de Josselin de Jong, Leiden Univ. to RAI(autogr. by Mrs. de Josselin de Jong). 23 Feb.1933

  67/1    TAJ to RRM (tp.). 5 June 1913

  2    JLM to T.A. Joyce. 27 June 1932

  3    Ibid. (tpc.). 31 Dec.

  4    TAJ to JLM (tp.). 3 Jan. 1933

  5    JLM to TAJ (tpc.). 9 Jan.

  6    Ibid. 31 Jan.

  7    TAJ to JLM (tp., autogr. note by JLM). 27 Mar.

  8    Ibid. 25 Apr.

  68/1    Henri A. Junod (HAJ), Société auxiliatre de Musée d’Ethnographie, Geneva to JLM (tp.). 14 Mar. 1932

  2    JLM to HAJ (in French; tpc.). 29 Jan. 1933

  69/1    Prof. Eugene Kagaroff (EK), Université de Leningrade. 22 Mar. 1933

  2    JLM to EK (in French; tpc.)    . 28 Mar.

  3    EK to Dr Felix Speiser, Basle (see 140/1 for details). (received in Basle by JLM). 16 Apr.

 70    Prof. J.A. Kappers, Amsterdam Univ. to JLM (autogr. extract by JLM). 11 Feb. 1932

  71/1    JLM to Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCP (AK) (1866-1955) Master, Buckston Browne Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons; President, RAI,1913-16 (tpc.). 31 Jan. 1933

  2    AK to JLM. 12 Feb.

 72    Dr L. de Keyser, Secrétaire general, Société d’Anthropologie de Bruxelles to RAI (copy, mimeo.). 1 June 1912

 73    Johann Klein, Institutum et Museum Zoologicum Universitatis Tartuensis to JLM. 15 Mar. 1933

  74/1    JLM to Prof. J.P. Kleiweg de Zwaan (JPKZ), Koloniaal Instituut, Afdeeling Volkenkunde, Amsterdam. 26 Dec. 1931

  2    JPKZ to JLM. 1 Jan. 1932

  3    JLM to JPKZ. 10 Jan.

  4    Ibid. (tpc.). 29 Jan.

  5    JPKZ to JLM. 7 Feb. 1933

  6    Ibid. (pc.). 19 Mar.

  7    JLM to JPKZ (tpc.). 24 Mar. 1933

  8    JPKZ to JLM. 28 Mar.

  9    JLM to JPKZ. 8 Apr.

 75    Prof. Wilhelm Koppers, Institut für Völkerkunde, Universität Wien to JLM. 21 Mar. 1933

  76/1    Prof. Augustin Kramer (AK), Linden-Museum, Stuttgart to R. R. Marett. 23 Apr. 1913

  2    Ibid. to JLM. 17 Mar. 1931

  3    JLM to AK (tpc.). 29 Jan. 1933

  4    AK to JLM (tp.). 19 Apr.

  5    Ibid. (pc.)

  77/1    E.E. Evans-Pritchard, Hon. Sec. RAI to JLM (see 43/1 for details) (on meeting Dr Paul Kirchhoff). 28 Nov. 1931

  2    JLM to Dr Paul Kirchhoff (PK). 2 Dec.

  3    PK to JLM (tp.). 4 Dec.

  4    Ibid. 11 Jan. 1932

  5    Ibid. (tp.). 31 Jan.

  78/1    Prof. Fritz Krause (FK), Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig and Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde to JLM (tp.). 25 Jan. 1932

  2    English translation by JLM with additions

  3    JLM to FK. 4 Feb.

  4    FK to JLM. 15 Feb.

  5    Ibid. (tp.) (enclosing /6). 20 Feb.

  6    Questionnaire circulated by the Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde

  7    JLM to FK. 25 Feb.

  8    FK to JLM. 4 Mar.

  9    Ibid. (tp.). 21 June

 10    JLM to FK. 2 July

 11    ‘Interim report on negotiations for an International Congress of Anthropology and Ethnology’ signed JLM (tp.). 4 July

 12    JLM to FK. 7 July

 13    FK to JLM. 10 July

 14    JLM to FK. 27 July

 15    FK to JLM (tp.). 8 Dec.

 16    JLM to FK. 12 Dec.

 17    Ibid. (tp.). 2 Jan. 1933

 18    FK to JLM. 5 Jan.

 19    Translation of the main points of /18 by JLM

 20    JLM to FK (tp.). 8 Jan.

 21    FK to JLM (tp.). 12 Jan. 1933

 22    JLM to FK (tp.). 13 Jan.

 23    Ibid. 29 Jan.

 24    FK to JLM (tp. with autogr. notes by JLM). 9 Feb.

 25    Ibid. 16 Feb.

 26    Ibid. 8 Mar.

 27    JLM to FK (tp.). 7? 17? Mar.

 28    FK to JLM (tp.). 7 Apr.

 29    JLM (Vice-President) to FK (in German; tp.). 7 Apr.

 30    FK to JLM (pc.). 15 Apr.

 79    Prof. Walter Krickeberg, Berlin-Wilmersdorf to JLM (tp.). 30 Mar. 1933

  80/1    JLM to Prof. A.L. Kroeber (ALK), Dept of Anthropology, Univ. of California, Berkeley to JLM (tp.). 31 Jan. 1933

  2    ALK to JLM (tp.). 20 Feb.

  81/1    Prof. V. Lebzelter (VL), Anthropologische Abteilung, Naturhistorisches Staatliches-Museum, Vienna to JLM. 10 Feb. 1932

  2    JLM to VL. 20 Feb.

  3    VL to JLM. 4 Mar.

  4    Ibid. (tp.). 10 Mar.

  82/1    Dr F. Rudolf Lehmann, Privatdozent für Völkerkunde, Universität Leipzig to JLM (tp.). 15 Feb. 1932

  2    Ibid. 26 Mar. 1933

 83    Robert Lehmann-Nitsche, Berlin-Lichterfelde to JLM. 28 Mar. 1933

  84/1    Waldo G. Leland (WGL), Director, American Council of Learned Societies , Washington (addressed from London) to JLM. 17 May 1932

  2    JLM to WGL. 19 May

  3    WGL to JLM. 21 May

  4    JLM to WGL (tp.). 29 Jan. 1933

  85/1    Prof. K. Gerhard Lindblom (KGL), Etnografiska Avdelningen, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm to JLM (tp.). 15 Mar. 1932

  2    Ibid. to CGS (tp.). 21 Feb. 1933

  3    JLM to KGL (tpc.). 25 Feb.

  86/1    Prof. Edward Loth (EL), Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie to JLM (tp.). 23 Mar. 1933

  2    JLM to EL (in French) (tpc.). 28 Mar.

  87/1    JLM to Prof. Robert H. Lowie (RHL), Dept of Anthropology, Univ. of California, Berkeley (tpc.). 31 Jan. 1933

  2    RHL to JLM (tp.). 21 Feb.

 88    Prof. H. Lundborg, Rasbiologiska Institutet, Uppsala to JLM. 16 Feb. 1932

  89/1    Prof. P.C. Mahalanobis (PMC), Presidency College, Calcutta to JLM (tp.). 5 May 1932

  2    JLM to PCM. 7 July

  3    PCM to Prof. Felix Speiser, Basle (see 140/1 for details) on Indian support for the preliminary conference at Basle (telegram). [13] Apr. 1933

  4    PCM to JLM. 14 Apr.

  90/1    JLM to L.W.G. Malcolm (LWGM), Wellcome Research Institution, London (tpc.). [13 Feb] 1933

  2    LWGM to JLM. 18 Feb.

  3    JLM to LWGM (tpc.). [25 Feb]

  4    Ibid. 11 Mar.

Numbers 91-9 omitted