Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents CONGRESSES AND CONFERENCES ETC (MOSTLY NOT RAI) 1928-75 (A157)

Correspondence and papers


  1/    International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems, June 1931 & Congrès International pour les Etudes sur la Population, Sept. 1931

  2/    Deuxième Congrès de Linguistes, Aug. 1931

  3/    XVIIIe Congrès International des Orientalistes, Sept. 1931

  4/    Third International Congress of Eugenics, Aug. 1932

  5/    Congrès Préhistorique de France, Sept. 1934

  6/    Première Réunion des Ethnographes, Géographes et Naturalistes Ouest Africains, 1945

  7/    Deuxième Conférence Internationale des Africanistes Occidentaux, 1947

  8/    First Pan-African Conference on Prehistory, 1947

  9/    International Congress for the Study of the Farmhouse, 1948

 10/    International Congress on Mental Health, 1948

 11/    International Geological Congress, 1948

 12/    Second Pan-African Congress on Prehistory, 1952

 13/    Permanent Council of the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1954

 14/    Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1956

 15/    Fourth Conference for Teachers and Educationists, 1956

 16/    Co-ordinating Committee for Bushman Studies, 1960

 17/    Proposed Symposium on Early Field Systems, 1961

 18/    Twelfth Conference of British Orientalists, 1962

 19/    First International Congress of Africanists, 1962

 20/    Third International Meeting in Forensic Medicine & Pathology, 1963
A157/        Contents cont.

 21/    Ancient Drugs and their Modern Uses, 1963

 22/    International Geological Congress, 1964

 23/    Third International Congress of Africanists, 1973

 24/    Miscellaneous

  1/    International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems, June 1931 & Congrès International pour les Études sur la Population, Sept. 1931

  1    Bernard Mallet to John L. Myres, RAI President 1928-30, 8 Feb. 1928 – encloses papers from Prof. Raymond Pearl; on starting a national committee to nominate representatives to the proposed International Union; on affiliation with the Royal Society or the British Association; asks him to join the committee; asks to meet him. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    Ibid., 6 Mar. – encloses letter which shows Pearl’s position; on giving up the idea of an International Research Council; on Glazebrook; on having a talk with Sir I. Gollancz; hopes he will still be a member of the Committee (autogr.)

  3    Arthur Keith to ibid., 10 Feb. – is not clear about the policy to be adopted by Mallet’s Committee; will do what he can but is tied up; cannot join him in meeting Mallet (autogr.)

  4    Bernard Mallet to ibid., 16 Feb. – had a talk with Glazebrook; on the International Research Council; on the British Academy; will send out the Pearl documents (autogr.)

  5    Ibid., 24 Feb. – is just back from Paris; on the British Academy; on the French (autogr.)

  6    Ibid., 1 Apr. – circular letter; writes with results of discussion on the affairs of the proposed International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Questions; on the constitution; on the Committee; Prof. Pearl is preparing a revised edition of the statutes; on meetings in July; on delegates to attend these meetings; Prof. Pearl thinks four delegates enough; asks for approval of these names. 6 leaves (tp.)

A157/1/7    First Provisional Draft of the Statutes of the International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems; on Objects of the Union and Conditions of Admission; National Organizations; Administration of the Union; Commissions; General Assemblies; Finance and Voting Power; Regulations; Duration of Convention and Modifications; Regulations for the Commissions. 8 leaves (tp.)

  8    Statutes of the International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems; on Objects of the Union and Conditions of Admission; National Organizations; Administration of the Union; Commissions; Finance and Voting Power; Regulations; Amendments ; Regulations for the Commissions (printed)

  9    Raymond Pearl, nd – Provisional Committee of Organization of the International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems; communicates some preliminary results concerning the Constitution of Provisional Committee of Organisation; Suggestions to Committee; Explanation of Statutes; Formal Notice of Meeting of Provisional Organizing Committee and of General Assembly; Expenses; Apologia. 6 leaves (tp.)

 10    Bernard Mallet to John L. Myres, 11 June – refers to his circular letter of Apr.; would like to consider with any members of the Committee the revised statutes, before the meetings in July; on representatives at the meetings. 2 leaves (tp.)

 11    Ibid., 26 Sept. – refers to a letter in the Times; the International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems will open an office in Paris in Jan.; on appointing the British national committee; on funding; Prof. Myres joined the provisional Committee; would like to meet him and other supporters to discuss certain questions; asks if he can meet on 26 Oct. 2 leaves (tp.)

 12    Ibid., 31 Oct. – on the meeting on 26 Oct.; lists those present; would like to enrol more members; on subscriptions; on affiliation; on the correct name for the new body; hopes he will agree to become a member of the council. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. note)

 13    George Pitt-Rivers to E.N. Fallaize, RAI Hon. Secretary 1920-31, 4 Nov. – sends proof of article for Man; on Myres’ draft; on the RAI becoming affiliated to the International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems (autogr.)

A157/1/14    Bernard Mallet to John L. Myres, 9 Dec. – has shown his letter to Carr Saunders and Sir Charles Close; on regular income; on obtaining money from the Royal Economic Society and the London School of Economics (autogr.)

 15    George Pitt-Rivers to ibid., 6 May 1931 – sends proof copy of the programme of the June meeting of the International Population Union; it should not be confused with Dr Gini’s Italian congress; Malinowski could represent the RAI at both (tp.)

 16    Ibid., 9 May – on previous correspondence; on International Population meetings in June (autogr.)

 17    ‘Population Problems’ – draft programme of the second general assembly of the International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems, opening on 15 June (printed)

 18    International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems, General Assembly, draft programme (printed)

 19    Prof. Corrado Gini to H.J.E. Peake, [RAI President 1926-27], 1 Apr. – sends announcement and programme of the International Congress for Studies regarding Population; asks if he will participate; asks if he will bring the Congress to the attention of colleagues; on regulations for the giving of papers (tpc., in French)

 20    RAI Assistant Secretary [Miss K.M. Martindell] to Prof. Corrado Gini, 30 Apr. 1931 – Council has appointed Prof. Bronislaw Malinowski as its delegate at the Congrès International pour les Études sur la Population, 7-10 Sept. 1931 (tpc.)

 21    Prof. Corrado Gini to Miss K.M. Martindell, 4 May – refers to letter of 30 Apr.; on appointment of Prof. Malinowski as Delegate to the International Congress at Rome (tp.)

 22    nd – information sheet about the Congrès International pour les Études sur la Population (printed, in French)

 23    Forms concerning accommodation, travel, application. 3 leaves (printed, in French)

 24    nd – information sheet about the International Congress for Studies regarding Population (printed)

 25    nd – information sheet on subjects proposed for reports to be presented to the International Congress for Studies regarding Population (printed)

A157/2/    Deuxième Congrès de Linguistes, Aug. 1931

  1    Charles Bally & Albert Sechehaye to [E.N. Fallaize], 4 Oct. 1930 – on the first Congress which took place in the Hague in 1928; announce the second Congress in Geneva in Aug. 1931; on the programme; on further practical details concerning the Congress (printed, in French)

  2    Ibid., 28 Jan. 1931 – on organising the second Congress of Linguists; would be happy if the RAI were to associate itself with this; circulars will give details of the programme; asks if RAI could publicise the event in its periodical (tp., in French)

  3    nd – information sheet about the Congress; on personnel; on the programme; on enrolment (printed, in French)

  4    Miss K.M. Martindell to M. Le President, Deuxième Congrès de Linguistes, 4 Mar.  – Council has appointed Dr C.O. Blagden as its representative at the Congress (tpc.)

  3/    XVIIIe Congrès International des Orientalistes, Sept. 1931

  1    Secretary, XVIIIe Congrès International des Orientalistes, to [T.A. Joyce, RAI President 1931-33], 2 Feb. 1931 – asks if the RAI wishes to be represented at the Congress; encloses two copies of the second communication concerning the Congress (printed and tp., in French)

  2    Second communication concerning the Congress; gives various details of cost, lodgings, subject matter etc. (printed, in French)

  3    Application form for the Congress (printed, in French)

  4    Miss K.M. Martindell to the Secretary, XVIIIe Congrès International des Orientalistes, 4 Mar. – Council has appointed Dr C.O. Blagden as its representative at the Congress (tpc.)

  4/    Third International Congress of Eugenics, Aug. 1932

  1    M.L. Tildesley – Report on the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations meeting at Farnham, September 1930. 4 leaves (tp.)

  2    Chas. B. Davenport to Dr John L. Myres, 22 Jan. 1932 – the programme committee of the Third International Congress of Eugenics invites him to give a paper (tp.)

A157/4/3        R. Ruggles Gates to Miss Martin[dell], 10 Mar. – will be glad to act as the delegate of the RAI at the Third International Congress of Eugenics (tp.)

  4    Miss K.M. Martindell to Charles B. Davenport, 16 Mar. – Council has appointed Prof. R. Ruggles Gates as its delegate at the Third International Congress of Eugenics (tpc.)

  5    Application form for membership of the Third International Congress of Eugenics (printed postcard)

  6    Form for description of exhibit for Third International Congress of Eugenics (printed postcard)

  7    Brochure concerning the Congress (printed)

  5/    Congrès Préhistorique de France, Sept. 1934

  1    June 1934 – information sheet concerning the Congress, to take place in Périgueux, 16-22 Sept. 1934; on the programme; on the organising committee; on the members of the committee. 2 pages (printed, in French)

  2    Application form (printed, in French)

  3    Information sheet about excursions (printed, in French)

  4    Regulations (printed, in French)

  5    Programme of meetings and excursions (printed, in French)

  6/    Première Réunion des Ethnographes, Géographes et Naturalistes Ouest Africains, 1945

  1    Report on the Director’s Visit to the Conference held in Dakar, January 1945. 4 leaves (tp.)

  2    Another version [very similar]. 5 leaves (tp.)

  3    Appendix I, ‘Allocution du Directeur de l’Institut International Africain à la Séance d’Inauguration de la Réunion Scientifique organisée par l’I.F.A.N. à Dakar, le 19 janvier 1945’. 2 leaves (tp., in French)

  4    Another copy, headed ‘Appendix III’. 3 leaves (tp., in French)

  5    Appendix II, ‘Conférence Internationale des Africanistes de l’Ouest – Résolutions’. 2 leaves (tp., in French)

  6    Another copy, headed ‘Appendix IV’. (tp., in French)

A157/6/7        Appendix III, ‘Résolutions prises en séance le 25 janvier 1945’. 2 leaves (tp., in French)

  8    Another copy, headed ‘Appendix V’. 2 leaves (tp., in French)

  9    ‘Appendix I. Programme de la première Conférence Internationale des Africanistes de l’ouest’ (tp., in French)

 10    ‘Appendix II. Première Conférence Internationale des Africanistes de l’Ouest (C.I.A.O.) Dakar 1945 – Papers of anthropological interest presented to the Conference’

 11    [J.H. Hutton], RAI President 1943-45, to [Daryll] Forde, nd – on conveying RAI’s greetings to the Africanists’ Conference at Dakar (text of telegram)

 12    Ibid. to Felicia Stallman, 7 Apr. [1945?] – encloses documents received from Forde about the Dakar conference; suggests that the resolutions should go into a Council agenda for consideration; on a candidate for a Horniman studentship; will look in on Thursday if he is free (autogr.)

  7/    Deuxième Conférence Internationale des Africanistes Occidentaux, 1947

  1    [H.J. Fleure, RAI President 1945-47] to Prof. Daryll Forde, 7 Feb. 1947 – thanks him for representing the RAI at the meeting at Bissao of the International Congress of West Africanists; includes message of goodwill to the Conference; hopes that one of the British colonies, Nigeria for example, could invite the conference in 1949 (tpc., partly in French)

  2    W.B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56, nd – ibid. (autogr. draft)

  3    H.J. Fleure, nd – message of goodwill (autogr. draft, in French)

  4    Prof. Daryll Forde to W.B. Fagg, 10 Feb. – has had a cable to say that the Conference has been postponed; shall not be able to act for the RAI as suggested (tp.)

  5    Prof. A.A. Mendes Corrèa, Dr Luis Silveira & Ten. Teixeira da Mota, 15 Aug. 1947 – circular letter announcing the Deuxième Conférence Internationale des Africanistes Occidentaux in Dec.; outlines the programme; on travel arrangements. 5 leaves (tp., in French)

A157/7/6        H.J. Braunholtz to Lord Milverton, the Colonial Office, 26 Nov. – draws his attention to the forthcoming International West African Conference to be held at Bissao, Portuguese Guinea; refers to the inaugural meeting in Dakar in 1945; on the possibility that the next conference, in 1949, be held in one of the British Territories; on maintaining close relations with the conferences; hopes that an invitation can be issued; Prof. Daryll Forde is attending the conference (tp.)

  7    Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary 1942-52, to Prof. Forde, ibid. – encloses memorial to Colonial Secretary of State for approval or amendment; gives the dates of the International Congress on Mental Health; on clash of dates with Brussels Congress (autogr.)

  8    [Daryll Forde, RAI President 1947-49], to the Rt. Hon. A. Creech-Jones, Secretary of State for the Colonies, 27 Nov. – draws his attention to the forthcoming meeting of the International Conference of West Africanists, to held in Dec., postponed from Jan.; refers to the inaugural meeting in 1945; on the importance of the Conference; on the hope that the 1949 conference could be held in a British territory; Nigeria seems to be the most appropriate colony; gives reasons why; he will be attending the forthcoming meeting (tpc.)

  9    W.B. Fagg, nd – ibid. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 10    D.G. Pirie[?], Colonial Office, to Daryll Forde, 10 Dec. – refers to his letter to Mr Creech Jones; steps have already been taken to examine the possibilities he suggests (tp.)

 11    Daryll Forde to W.B. Fagg, 5 Sept. 1948 – on letter of thanks to the Belgian delegates; on his draft of a circular letter to the Colonial Office; on Miss Lillie (autogr.)

  8/    First Pan-African Conference on Prehistory, 1947

  1    L.S.B. Leakey, Organising Secretary, nd – preliminary announcement of the Congress to be convened in Jan. 1947; includes travel and accommodation information, and provisional programme (printed)

  2    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (printed with autogr. emendations)

  3    Ibid., Oct. 1946 – Second Announcement (printed)

  4    […?] to Prof. Dorothy Garrod, 8 Aug. 1946 – wonders if she would go to the conference on African pre-history in Nairobi; on trying to raise funds for her expenses (tpc.)

A157/8/5        Felicia Stallman to ibid., 13 Sept. – asks if there is any likelihood of her attending the Pan-African Conference on Prehistory (tpc.)

  6    nd – note relating to telephone message from Dr Leakey about names of delegates to the Conference (autogr.)

  7    Felicia Stallman, 30 Sept. – on Dr Leakey trying to raise funds for delegates; on proposed delegates (autogr.)

  8    A. Leslie Armstrong to Prof. Fleure, 5 Oct. – has received copy of the Second Announcement; wonders about attending as an official delegate; the cost is prohibitive if unaided (autogr.)

  9    Prof. Dorothy Garrod to Felicia Stallman, 7 Oct. – is willing to attend the Pan-African Congress if a grant can be obtained to cover the cost of travelling (tp.)

 10    […?] to A. Leslie Armstrong, 9 Oct. – has been unsuccessful in efforts so far; tried to get help for him and Dorothy Garrod (tpc.)

 11    Ibid., 4 Nov. – has had no offer of help yet with reference to a delegation to the Congress of African Pre-history (tpc.)

 12    Sunday Times, 17 Nov. – ‘Congress on Pre-History of Africa’ (newspaper cutting)

 13    Myra Curtis, Principal, Newnham College, Cambridge, to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 23 Nov. – agrees that it would be a good thing for Prof. Garrod to go to the Conference on African Prehistory; it is not practicable for the college to fund the journey; would support any application he might make (tp.)

 14    […?] to A. Leslie Armstrong, 26 Nov. – Dorothy Garrod said that she had given up hope of help to enable her to go to Africa; on the Sladen Trust (tpc.)

 15    [H.J. Fleure] to Miss Myra Curtis, ibid. – knows of no source of funds for the case of Prof. Garrod; thinks the University of Cambridge ought to be able to find a little money (tpc.)

 16    L.S.B. Leakey, nd – invitation to send delegates to the Pan-African Congress (printed)

 17    Bernard Fagg, ‘The Pan-African Congress on Prehistory, 1947: A General Report’ (offprint) [see Man, Dec. 1947]. 2 leaves (printed)

 18    Photograph of the delegates

A157/8/19    Times, 4 Feb. 1947 – ‘Prehistoric Art in Africa’ (newspaper cutting)

  9/    International Congress for the Study of the Farmhouse, 1948
  1    A. Baeschlin, to the Minister, British Legation, Berne, 15 Oct. 1946 – asks who he should contact about participation in the International Congress for the Study of the Farmhouse. 2 leaves (tp. copy)

  2    D.A. Bigby to the Secretary, the Folk-Lore Society, 21 Jan. 1947 – transmits the translation of the letter about the International Congress for the Study of the Farmhouse; it is proposed that the Congress should take place in Lucerne in 1948; on the purpose of the Congress; enquires whether the Folk-Lore Society is interested (tp.)

  3    Iorwerth C. Peate, National Museum of Wales, to Prof. E.M> Wilson, Secretary, Folk-Lore Society, 1 Feb. – seems to him that the project is outside the scope of the Folk-Lore Society but within that of the RAI; suggests he consult Prof. Fleure; suggests that his museum be approached too (tp.)

  4    H.J. Fleure to W.B. Fagg, 11 Feb. – encloses letter from Mr Baeschlin; the Folk-Lore Society does not think the Farmhouse Congress is its affair; suggests notifying the man in Berne that the RAI is the body interested; on a Research Committee on traditional farmhouse types; on Hutton’s letter; on his addresses (autogr.)

  5    W.B. Fagg to the Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office, 14 Feb. – on the papers relating to a proposed International Congress for the Study of the Farmhouse; the matter is considered to fall within the RAI’s purview; would be glad if the Foreign Office notify Mr Baeschlin that the RAI is the body interested; not clear whether one meeting is envisaged or a permanent congress meeting at regular intervals; on meeting under the auspices of the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences; mentions the Department of Folk Life at the National Museum of Wales; mentions other museums to whom notices might be sent (tpc.)

 10/    International Congress on Mental Health, 1948

  1    International Congress on Mental Health, Preparatory Commissions Bulletin No. 1, 1 July 1947. 8 pages (printed)

  2    Ibid., No. 2, 1 Aug. (printed)

  3    Ibid., No. 4, 1 Nov. 6 pages (printed)

A157/10/4    nd – ‘Preparatory Commission on “Individual and Society”’. 4 leaves (tp.)

  5    J. Cohen, Convenor, Preparatory Commission, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 15 Nov. – encloses booklet about the International Congress on Mental Health; asks if he would cooperate in preparing material for the theme ‘Individual and Society’; a list of topics was set out in Bulletin No. 1 and amplified in Bulletin No. 2 and the typescript for Bulletin No. 5 [/???]; should be glad to hear from him as early as possible (tp.)

  6    Booklet on An International Congress on Mental Health (printed)

  7    Application form for the Congress (printed)

  8    Daryll Forde to Felicia Stallman, 18 Nov. – on being listed as Vice-President of the International Congress on Mental Health; on encouraging the support of the RAI in the development of its programme (tp. with autogr. note by W.B. Fagg)

  9    [Ibid.] to Dr J. Cohen, 18 Nov. – refers to his letter of 15 Nov.; the RAI will cooperate in making the work of the Congress known; cannot contribute personally to the theme ‘The Individual and Society’; suggests he approach Dr Audrey Richards (tpc.)

 11/    International Geological Congress, 1948

  1    A.J. Butler & L. Hawkes, General Secretaries, International Geological Congress, to [Daryll Forde], 17 Jan.[?] 1947 – enclose report concerning revival of plans for the XVIIIth session, notice of meeting of Organising Committee, a note on the function and powers of the Executive and General Organising Committees, a copy of the Second Circular of June 1939 and Minutes of meeting of General Organising Committee held on 7 Dec. 1938 (tp.)

  2    June 1939 – Second Circular regarding the XVIII Session of the International Geological Congress, 1940 (printed booklet)

  3    17 Jan. – Agenda for the meeting of the General Organising Committee to be held on 29 Jan. 1947 (tp.)

  4    Functions and Powers of the Executive and General Organising Committees (tp.)

  5    Minutes of meeting held on 7 Dec. 1938 (tp.)

A157/11/6    17 and 7 Jan. 1947 – report to the General Organising Committee; financial report; balance sheet. 4 leaves (tp.)

  7    A.J. Butler & L. Hawkes to [W.B. Fagg], Feb. 1947 – inform him about the Congress; invite RAI to be represented; enclose copy of the Third Circular, which supersedes the First and Second Circulars; plan to hold the XVIIIth Session in 1940 was abandoned on the outbreak of war (tp. with autogr. note by W.B. Fagg)

  8    Mar. 1947 – Third Circular regarding the XVIII Session of the International Geological Congress, 1940 (printed booklet)

  9    Felicia Stallman to A.J. Butler & L. Hawkes, 25 Apr. – acknowledges their letter and Circular; the invitation to the RAI to be represented will be placed before Council; it may be some time before they get an answer (tpc.)

 10    Minutes of the meeting of the General Organising Committee held on 15 Oct. 2 leaves (tp.)

 11    Compliments slip (tp.)

 12    Nov. 1947 –Fourth Circular regarding the XVIII Session of the International Geological Congress, 1940 (printed booklet)

 13    [Felicia Stallman] to Miss Gertrude Caton-Thompson, 3 Dec. – invites her to represent the RAI at the Congress (tpc., with note ‘and to Mr Burkitt’)

 14    Miles Burkitt to Felicia Stallman, 4 Dec. – shall be pleased to represent the RAI (autogr. pc)

 15    Gertrude Caton-Thompson to ibid., 7 Dec. – shall not be attending the Congress so cannot be of any help as a delegate (autogr. pc)

 16    Felicia Stallman to Dr G.H.S. Bushnell, 17 Dec. – asks if he would represent the RAI at the Congress (tpc.)

 17    Dr G.H.S. Bushnell to Felicia Stallman, 19 Dec. – cannot spare the time to attend the Congress so must decline (autogr.)

 18    Felicia Stallman to Dr T.T. Patterson, 23 Dec. – asks if he would represent the RAI at the Congress (tpc.)

A157/11/19    T.T. Patterson to Felicia Stallman, 22 Jan. 1948 – had no intentions of attending the Congress; it would be better if the RAI found someone else to attend (tp.)

 20    Felicia Stallman to T.T. Paterson, 2 Feb. – refers to invitation to represent the RAI at the Congress; has not had a reply from him (tpc.)

 21    Ibid. to the General Secretary, International Geological Congress, 3 Feb. – informs him that Miles Burkitt will represent the RAI (tpc.)

 22    Ibid. to Miles Burkitt, ibid. – encloses copy of the Circular; has informed them that he is the RAI’s representative (tpc.)

 23    A.J. Butler to [Felicia Stallman], 6 Feb. – refers to her letter of 3 Feb.; encloses a copy of the Fourth Circular (tp.)

 24    Kenneth Oakley to W.B. Fagg, 19 Feb. – asks if RAI could supply copies of the Report on the Swanscombe Skull for sale at the Congress (autogr.)

 25    Felicia Stallman to Dr Kenneth Oakley, 1 Mar. – W.B. Fagg has passed on his letter; on copies of the Report on the Swanscombe Skull for sale (tpc.)

 26    Ibid. to Messrs. Stanford, 7 Apr. – sends a list of publications of the RAI; people attending the Congress may be interested in them; would be happy to discuss displaying them (tpc.)

 27    R.L. Philip, Edward Stanford, Ltd., to Felicia Stallman, 13 Apr. – refers to her letter of 7 Apr.; refers to exhibition of books for sale at the Congress; on the dates of the Congress; is compiling an Index giving details of the publications available; would be glad to receive the necessary information as per enclosed form; it will be necessary to make a small charge. 2 leaves (tp.)

 28    Form for information about publications (tp.)

 29    R.L. Philip to Felicia Stallman, 13 Apr. – refers to her letter of 7 Apr.; on the index of publications; encloses copy of a circular letter; asks for particulars of the publications which she wishes included. 2 leaves (tp.)

 30    Felicia Stallman to Messrs. Edward Stanford Ltd., 15 Apr. – encloses a list of publications to be included in the index; on details of the arrangements (tpc.)

A157/11/31    R.L. Philip to [Felicia Stallman], 16 Apr. – thanks her for letter of 15 Apr. enclosing eight titles to be included in the index (tp.) [on verso:] Felicia Stallman to Messrs. Stanford Ltd., nd – encloses cheque (autogr. draft)

 32    Felicia Stallman to Messrs. Edward Stanford Ltd., 22 Apr. – encloses cheque (tpc.)

 33    George Philip & Son Ltd. to RAI, 26 Apr. – on their publications being included in the Exhibition at the Congress; asks for details of the publications to appear in the catalogue; encloses pro forma; encloses list of headings (tp.)

 34    Pro forma for details of publications (tp.)

 35    International Geological Congress, Catalogue Headings (tp.)

 36    Felicia Stallman to Messrs. George Philip and Son Ltd., 5 May – sends list of titles with headings indicated (tpc.)

 37    George Philip & Son Ltd. to [Felicia Stallman], 7 May – thanks her for list of titles; on headings (tp.)

 38    Ibid. to RAI, 12 July – on arrangements for the Exhibition, concerning delivery, quantities of material and period of exhibition. 2 leaves (tp.)

 39    RAI to Messrs. George Philip and Son Ltd., 27 July – list of eight titles to be sent for the exhibition (tp.)

 40    Miles Burkitt to W.B. Fagg, 1 Sept. – reports on his attendance at the Congress, which was both enjoyable and instructive (autogr. pc)

 41    International Geological Congress 1948, Exhibition Catalogue (printed booklet)

12/    Second Pan-African Congress on Prehistory, 1952

  1    John Waechter to Felicia Stallman, 20 Mar. 1952 – has received notice of the second Pan-African Congress in Sept.; asks if RAI is sending an official delegation; asks if she would like him to represent the RAI (autogr.)

  2    Felicia Stallman to Dr J. Waechter, 27 Mar. – is sure that the RAI will have an official delegation; it will be recommended that he be included (tpc.)

A157/12/3    Mrs A.C. Bowe, Secretary to the Officers, to Prof. F.E. Zeuner, 30 Aug. – Council appointed him a delegate to the Pan-African Congress; the other delegates are Mr B.E.B. Fagg and Dr L.S.B. Leakey (tpc.) [similar letters to B.E.B. Fagg and L.S.B. Leakey not retained]

  4    Joan M. Sheldon, Assistant to Prof. Zeuner, to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 1 Sept. – Prof. Zeuner will be pleased to accept the position of delegate (tp.)

  5    L.S.B. Leakey to ibid., 4 Sept. – shall be delighted to be a delegate (tp.)

  6    H.J. Fleure to Prof. Zeuner & B.E.B. Fagg, 13 Jan.[?] – asks them to convey RAI’s best wishes (text of a telegram)

13/    Permanent Council of the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1954

  1    Froelich Rainey, 19 Mar. 1954 – circular letter announcing meeting of the Permanent Council of the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences in Sept. 1954; hopes to have a broadly representative meeting of the Permanent Council to discuss arrangements for the Fifth Congress; on advising any members of the Permanent Council from each country (tp. with autogr. note)

  2    Daryll Forde to W.B. Fagg, 23 Apr. – has received the attached announcement from Rainey; on RAI office checking that members of the Permanent Council have received it (tp. with autogr. notes by W.B. Fagg added)

  3    B.M. Blackwood to ibid., 14 Aug. – refers to the meeting of the Permanent Council; on members who cannot attend; hopes that Prof. Fortes will go; asks if he thinks there are any matters which she should bring up (tp.)

  4    Meyer Fortes to ibid., 17 Aug. – has had a letter from Beatrice Blackwood about the Paris meeting of the Permanent Council; has had an operation and is not meant to be at work; suggested to Miss Blackwood that an officer of the RAI should go; if W.B. Fagg cannot go, suggests Jack Trevor (autogr.)

A157/13/5    B.M. Blackwood to ibid., 19 Aug. – Prof. Fortes cannot go to Paris; suggested that Dr Trevor go as his proxy; thinks it will look bad if she is the only person present from Great Britain; should like to reopen the question of deputies; Dr Weiner is prepared to go in place of Prof. Le Gros Clark if he can have authorisation; asks if RAI officers could organise this (tp.)

  6    Raymond Firth to B. Blackwood, 21 Aug. – refers to her letter of 19 Aug.; thinks she would be a worthy representative if she has to attend unsupported; there ought to be some provision for filling gaps; W.B. Fagg has his authority to make emergency appointment; Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 21 Aug. – asks him to get Weiner and Trevor to go to Paris if he can (tpc.)

  7    W.B. Fagg to B.M. Blackwood, 24 Aug. – refers to her two letters; does not think the Council of the RAI is the proper body to initiate action in the matter; it is the British National Committee which should propose any change in representation; suggests she mention it to Evans-Pritchard as a member of the National Committee; suggests she herself write to Paris; does not think it right to make a permanent change in the Committee membership at short notice; on a clash of dates with the Americanist Congress in São Paulo; the Council agreed to adhere to the International Union; asks if she could attend meeting on 11 Sept. (tpc.)

  8    Beatrice Blackwood to W.B. Fagg, 3 Sept. – has been waiting to hear from Dr Vallois, host of the meeting of the Permanent Council; has not had a reply from him; Dr Weiner is no longer willing to go to Paris; Dr Trevor is willing to go if his expenses are paid; on getting the funds from UNESCO; asks if RAI could provide this sum of money; on the meeting of the International Union on 11 Sept.; would like a letter of accreditation (tp.)

  9    W.B. Fagg to B.M. Blackwood, 5 Sept. – difficult to see how the meeting can be a success; seems to him too late to get money from UNESCO for Trevor to go; the RAI is not a position to help; encloses a copy of a letter to the General Secretary of the Union; has included a request for travelling expenses; suggests she take a line of ‘moderate intransigence’; has received her note that Vallois agrees to Trevor’s attendance a proxy; feels doubtful about the principle; Rainey is delightfully vague about the meeting (tpc. with autogr. PS)

A157/13/10    Ibid. to the Secretary General, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 6 Sept. – the RAI has adhered to the International Union recently; has had no information about the meeting on 11 Sept.; the letter certifies that Miss Blackwood who is representing Great Britain at the meeting of the Permanent Council is authorised to act as the RAI’s delegate at the meeting of the International Union; asks about travelling expenses; if he could immediately make arrangements for the expenses of a second delegate then Dr J.C. Trevor would also attend (tp. copy)

 11    Beatrice Blackwood to W.B. Fagg, ibid. – Dr Vallois does not anticipate difficulty over the admission of Dr Trevor in the place of Prof. Fortes; he thinks the question of deputies should be discussed at the meeting; she fears finance will prove a stumbling block (autogr.)

 12    Ibid., 8 Sept. – thanks him for his letter and for writing to the Secretary-General; will go to UNESCO headquarters on arrival in Paris; would have acted sooner about Trevor if she had known that Fortes was unable to attend the meeting; will make as full a report as possible; agrees that members of National Committees should be persons who are able to attend the meetings; on some provision for acceptance of deputies (tp.)

 13    [Miss Gee], Acting Secretary to the Officers, to Miss Blackwood, 22 Nov. – asks if she has any objection to her report on the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences being circulated to Council; asks if she has a carbon copy for duplicating (tpc.)

 14    Beatrice Blackwood to Miss Gee, 23 Nov. – encloses report on the meeting of the Permanent Council of the Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences in Paris; if it is too long, she may cut parts of it (tp.)

 15    Ibid., nd – report on the meeting of the Permanent Council of the Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. 3 leaves (tp.)

 16    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (tp.) [see CM/84/2]

14/    Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1956

  1    May 1956 – Final Announcement of the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 5th Session, Philadelphia, 1-9 Sept. 1956 (printed booklet)

A157/14/2    Application form for the Congress (printed)

  3    Invitation to the RAI to designate representatives for the Congress (printed and autogr.)

  4    Marian W. Smith, Joint Honorary Secretary, Hon. Secretary 1956-61, to Dr A.E. Alport, 26 Mar. – on the question of his acting as a delegate at the Congress rather than as the official delegate (tpc. with autogr. note)

  5    E.A. Alport to M.W. Smith, 29 Mar. – should be glad to go to the Congress as a delegate rather than the official delegate (autogr.)

  6    Ibid., 11 Apr. – will be in London this weekend (autogr.)

  7    M.W. Smith to E.A. Alport, 17 Apr. – Council appointed him a delegate of the RAI at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (tpc.)

  8    [Janet Anderson], Secretary to the Officers, to ibid., 18 Apr. – encloses two signed letters of his appointment as delegate; on the registration fee; hopes to send list of delegates to the Conference Organiser in a few weeks’ time (tpc.)

  9    18 Apr. – RAI response to invitation to designate representatives; the list of delegates appointed will be submitted shortly (tpc.)

 10    E.A. Alport to Janet Anderson, 19 Apr. – thanks her for letter and enclosures (autogr. card)

 11    [Dr H. Lehmann] to the Secretary, American Organising Committee, International Congress of Anthropology, 31 May – is giving an address at the International Congress of Haematology; as the dates no longer clash, wonders if he could also give a talk at the International Congress of Anthropology; if he were to go, he would represent the RAI (tpc.)

 12    W.B. Fagg to Dr H. Lehmann, 11 June – Council has appointed him a delegate of the RAI at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (tpc.)

 13    Ibid. to Prof. von Fürer-Haimendorf, ibid. – ibid.; similar letters sent to Dr Kenneth Little, Prof. Fortes, Prof. Forde and Prof. Firth (tpc.)

 14    Janet Anderson to Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Vth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnographical Sciences, 12 June – lists persons appointed as RAI’s representatives (tpc.)

A157/14/15    Kenneth Little to Marian Smith, 13 June – is gratified to hear that he has been appointed a delegate; asks what the duties are (tp. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson and Marian Smith)

 16    W.B. Fagg to the Manager, Bank of England, 18 June – confirms that Council of the RAI has appointed ten persons to attend the Congress; a list of names is attached; five delegates have also been appointed to the XXXII International Congress of Americanists to be held in Copenhagen (tpc. with autogr. note)

 17    […?], Bank of England, to W.B. Fagg, 25 June – refers to his letter; on a special allotment of foreign exchange for the delegates; applications should be submitted through each person’s own bankers (tp.)

 18    W.B. Fagg & M.W. Smith to RAI Delegates, 27 June – gives extract from the letter from the Bank of England about foreign exchange; asks them to act in accordance with the instructions when making arrangements for American currency (tpc.)

 19    Janet Anderson to Dr Little, 27 June – Dr Smith says there are no particular duties connected with his appointment as a delegate (tpc.)

 20    Alfred Kidder II to Marian W. Smith, 24 July – on distributing application forms for the RAI at the time of the Congress; on displaying their publications (tp.)

 21    P. Bosch-Gimpera, General Secretary, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, to […?], 1 Aug. – on a meeting of the General Assembly of the Union; on proxies; includes Agenda (tp. with autogr. note)

 22    M.P. Sehnert, MPO Film Distribution Co., to the Editor, Man, 5 Aug. – asks about ‘Journey into Prehistory’, an ethnological film made in Czechoslovakia; on previewing it at the International Congress meeting in Philadelphia; if the staff of Man think it worthwhile, asks that someone bring a print of the film to the Congress (tp.); note added by Janet Anderson – Mr Hughes, Secretary of the Scientific Film Association, says ‘yes’ to its being previewed; if the film were accepted, it could be arranged for one of the delegates to take it (autogr.)

 23    Marian W. Smith to Dr Alfred Kidder II, 15 Aug. – refers to his letter of 24 July; is sending 500 copies of application form and 500 copies of explanatory sheet, to be placed in registration kits; is forwarding combined editions of the Journal and Man (tpc.)

A157/14/24    Frank Bamping, Information Officer, Scientific Film Association, to Miss M.P. Sehnert, ibid. – refers to her letter of 3 Aug. [not held]; on the film ‘Painless Childbirth’; on ‘Journey into Prehistory’; the Czech Cultural Attaché thinks it possible that there is a print of it in Washington; if a copy turns up here [London] it can be forwarded or the Director of the RAI will take it with him (tp. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

 .1    Compliments slip (printed)

 25    Janet Anderson to Dr E.A. Alport and other delegates, 16 Aug. – encloses circular, copies of which have been sent to Philadelphia; draws attention to reference to delegates; Dr Smith will be grateful for anything delegates can do towards furthering interest in the RAI’s activities (tpc.)

 26    Aug. – information sheet about the RAI (tp.)

 27    Kenneth Little to Janet Anderson, 17 Aug. – will do what he can to further interest in the RAI at the Congress (tp.)

 28    Raymond Firth to ibid., 18 Aug. – ibid. (autogr. pc)

 29    Janet Anderson to Miss M.P. Sehnert, 22 Aug. – refers to Mr Bamping; believes ‘Journey into Prehistory’ is worth previewing at the Congress; Mr Bamping will get in touch about forwarding a print (tpc.)

15/    Fourth Conference for Teachers and Educationists, 1956

  1    Marian W. Smith to A.I. Polack, the Council of Christians and Jews, 12 Apr. 1956 – on the announcement of the Fourth Conference for Teachers and Educationists which she is sending to a member who is interested in race relations (tpc.)

  2    Janet Anderson to Maurice Freedman, ibid. – encloses letter and announcement of the Fourth Conference for Teachers and Educationists which Dr Smith thought he might like to attend (tpc.)

  3    Maurice Freedman to Janet Anderson, 16 Apr. – cannot spare the time for the Conference (autogr. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson)

  4    Janet Anderson to Dr K.L. Little, 18 Apr. – encloses letter and announcement of the Fourth Conference for Teachers and Educationists which Mr Fagg thought he might like to attend (tpc.)

  5    Kenneth Little to Janet Anderson, 19 Apr. – he and possibly a colleague hope to attend the meeting (tp.)

A157/15/6    A.I. Polack to [RAI], 3 July – sends copy of report of the recent conference on ‘Teaching about Race Relations in the Schools’ (tp.)

  7    Janet Anderson to A.I. Polack, 11 July – thanks him for the report; would be grateful for any material he might have as many Fellows are interested in Race Relations (tpc.)

  8    A.I. Polack to Janet Anderson, 16 July – encloses set of background papers written for conferences of school children (tp. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

16/    Co-ordinating Committee for Bushman Studies, 1960

  1    C.H. Philips, Director, SOAS, to [Marian Smith], 15 June 1960 – a Co-ordinating Committee for Bushman Studies has been constituted within SOAS under his chairmanship; gives the reasons which have prompted the School to undertake the formation of the Committee; asks whether RAI would be willing to appoint a representative; the first formal meeting will be on 10 Oct. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    Marian W. Smith to Prof. C.H. Philips, 17 June – his letter reached her after the last meeting of Council for the present session; the next meeting will be on 6 Oct. so official action can be taken before his first meeting; suggests Prof. Schapera; asks him to send a Committee Outline to Prof. Schapera (tpc.)

  3    E.O.J. Westphal, Organising Secretary, Co-ordinating Committee for Bushman Studies, to Marian Smith, 24 June – refers to her letter to Prof. Philips; hopes Prof. Schapera will accept; on asking an archaeologist to represent that side of RAI members’ interests; mentions Mr A. Christie and Mrs B. Allchin (tp.)

  4    Marian W. Smith to Prof. C.H. Philips, 28 June – refers to letter from Mr Westphal; Prof. Schapera would be happy to serve as the RAI’s representative; the RAI would be happy to have the archaeological side represented but she will let him know in more detail after the Council meeting on 6 Oct. (tpc.)

  5    Ibid., 7 Oct. – the Council of the RAI appointed Prof. I. Schapera to act as its representative at the Co-ordinating Committee for Bushman Studies; it was decided to take no action to appoint an archaeologist (tpc.)

A157/17/     Proposed Symposium on Early Field Systems, 1961

  1    H.J. Fleure to Joan Edwards, 30 May 1961 – on missing a Council meeting; asks her to ring him to fix a day to talk over the possibility of a Symposium on Early Social (Agricultural) Arrangements in the Atlantic ends of Europe (autogr.)

  2    [Joan Edwards] to H.J. Fleure, 2 June – on birthday greetings; wonders if she might come with Mr Christie to discuss the symposium; will telephone as suggested (tpc.)

  3    Ibid., 23 June – on a discussion between Mr Christie, Miss Barbara Jones and Mr Fagg about the future work of the British Ethnography Committee; they felt it appropriate to make some announcement of their plans; suggests wording for a note in the Times (tpc.)

  4    Joan Edwards, nd – suggested wording of footnote to be included with notice to the Times of AGM, medal awards etc. (autogr.)

  5    H.J. Fleure to Joan Edwards, 24 June – on meeting her and Christie; mentions the Peate-Jenkins conference; on the St Fagan’s Folk Museum; approves her note for the Times; suggests filling in the gaps with reference to a symposium on early field systems and associated features in some Atlantic ends of Europe notably in Britain and the Channel Islands; mentions Estyn Evans and Mr Ewen (autogr.)

  6    Administrative Secretary [Joan Edwards?] to Oliver Woods, the Times, 28 June – notice of Officers to be elected; notice of awards; notice of symposium on early field systems in the European Atlantic zone; notice of an exhibition devoted to ‘The Englishman’ (tpc.)

  7    H.J. Fleure to Joan Edwards, 17 Aug. – Estyn Evans has prepared a draft which might be sent with invitations to the projected conference; it might be circulated in the autumn; on seeking travel expenses for foreigners; on the RAI and the Geographical Association sponsoring the conference; sends the draft; asks for a few copies (autogr.)

  8    Joan Edwards to H.J. Fleure, 21 Aug. – encloses two typed copies of the statement from Prof. Estyn-Evans (tpc. with autogr. note from A.H. Christie to Prof. Schapera)

  9    H.J. Fleure to Joan Edwards, 24 Aug. – asks her to send a copy of the typescript to Prof. Estyn Evans; asks her to correct a slip of the pen (autogr. pc)

A157/17/10    Prof. Estyn Evans, nd – on the evolution of settlement in the Atlantic fringe (tp.)

 11    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (autogr. draft)

 12    H.J. Fleure to A.H. Christie, 2 Sept. – on Estyn Evans’ draft circular to be sent to people to be invited to the prospected conference on early field systems-settlements; on discussing it with others; on seeking money for visitors from Europe; on sponsorship by the RAI or the Geographical Association; on writing summaries to be circulated in advance (autogr.)

 13    Administrative Secretary [Joan Edwards?] to H.J. Fleure, 4 Sept. – Mr Christie is away but she will leave the letter for him; she is going away (tpc.)

 14    Basil Megaw to ibid., 1 Nov. – Estyn Evans has told him about the planned Rural Settlement Conference; encloses copy of Symposium held in Edinburgh last month; due to similarity of topic, Estyn wondered about arranging his Conference for 1963, not 1962; on a Manx contribution from Elwyn (autogr.)

 15    25 Sept. – School of Scottish Studies, ‘The Evolution of Rural Settlement in Scotland and Beyond’; programme of the symposium (tp.)

 16    Preliminary list of participants. 2 leaves (tp.)

18/    Twelfth Conference of British Orientalists, 1962

  1    J.R. Bracken, Deputy Secretary, to A.H. Christie, 3 Apr. 1962 – encloses notice which is being circulated; members of SOAS who attend the Twelfth Conference of British Orientalists will be given a grant to help with travel and subsistence costs; the grant should be claimed on the form attached; on taking children (tp.)

  2    Form for applying for grant (tp.)

  3    1 Mar. – information sheet about the Conference (tp.)

19/    First International Congress of Africanists, 1962

  1    Possible ‘Invited Delegates’ with reference to proposed subjects of Sections. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Note relating to the list (tp.)

A157/19/2    K. Onwuka Dike, Chairman, Organising Committee, International Congress of Africanists, to Prof. Schapera, RAI President 1961-63, 23 May – draws his attention to the forthcoming International Congress of Africanists to be held in Accra in Dec. 1962; invites him to nominate six official delegates to represent the UK; on expenses; on the aim of the Congress; there will be three special sessions of the Congress; there will also be a meeting to discuss a draft constitution and to plan the continuing work of the Congress; the Congress will be divided into nine main sections; lists these sections; hopes he will be able to nominate a representative delegation to represent the UK. 2 leaves (tp.)

  3    A.H. Christie to H. Smedley, Commonwealth Relations Office, 31 May – encloses copy of letter from Dr Dike on which he would welcome advice; on the Russians setting up the conference to which the letter refers; it would be unfortunate if no British delegation were present; on the RAI being the ‘sponsoring body’; refers to the cold war; it is not part of the function of the RAI to be politically involved (tpc.)

  4    D.A. Roberts to A.H. Christie, 6 July – on paying for British delegates to go to Accra for the Conference; during his absence on leave Mr Barker will be dealing with the matter; there may be some interest in the Conference from non-governmental educational foundations (tp.)

  5    A.H. Christie, 24 July – notes of a conversation with Dr Dike; notes of a conversation with Barker of the F.O. (autogr.)

  6    Ibid. to Miss Lalage Bown, Extra Mural Department, UCL, 25 July – Dr Dike has suggested he asks for a list of UK delegates being invited to the International Congress of Africanists by the Congress itself (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. to Sir Robert Aitken, University of Birmingham, 2 Aug. – the RAI has agreed to nominate the official British delegation to the International Congress of Africanists; a list of potential delegates has been prepared; all agree that John Fage should be included; asks whether the University of Birmingham would be willing to pay his fares; five other delegates are being sent from Britain; their fares will be paid by SOAS, the British Council, and a private Foundation (tpc.)

A157/19/8    Ibid. to Prof. C.H. Philips, ibid. – the RAI has agreed to nominate the official British delegation to the International Congress of Africanists; the United Kingdom has been allotted six delegates; on fares; if SOAS could bear the cost of two delegates, these should be included in the official delegation; will send more information as soon as possible. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  9    Ibid. to Prof. L.J. Lewis, Institute of Education, ibid. – the RAI has agreed to nominate the official British delegation to the International Congress of Africanists; it has been suggested that he be included in the official delegation; the British Council will pay his fare; asks if he will accept this informal invitation (tpc.)

 10    [Ibid.] to Dr A.N. Allott, ibid. – if he is able and willing to attend the First International Congress of Africanists his name will be included in the official delegation; his fares and expenses will be paid; the British Council would be pleased if he would visit some French-speaking centres on their behalf (tpc.)

 11    Ibid. to Dr K. Onwuka Dike, 3 Aug. – the RAI is in the last stages of arranging for the six official delegates to attend the Congress; would be grateful for additional information as soon as possible (tpc.)

 12    L.J. Lewis to A.H. Christie, 7 Aug. – will be delighted to receive and accept a formal invitation to the First International Congress of Africanists (autogr.)

 13    Kenneth Little, Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, to ibid., 8 Aug. – gathers that the RAI is nominating the official delegates to the International Congress of Africanists’ conference; would appreciate it if one of the members of the Centre could be nominated; lists the members (tp.)(

 14    Tony Allott to ibid., ibid. – shall be delighted to accept the invitation to be an official British delegate at the Congress; gives title of paper which he will give (tp.)

 15    John Fage to ibid., 10 Aug. – refers to his note [not held]; refers to the Conference of Africanists; he will be in America; says that Roland is very interested (autogr.)

 16    Michael Crowder, Joint Secretary, Organising Committee, International Congress of Africanists, to ibid., ibid. – is replying to his letter to Dr Dike; is glad that he will soon have the names of the delegates; is sending leaflets on the Congress with observer forms (tp.)

A157/19/17    A.H. Christie to Dr K.L. Little, 14 Aug. – will put his letter to the Committee concerned with the Accra Conference; RAI is dependent on financial supporters; no decision has yet been made (tpc.)

 18    Robert Aitken to A.H. Christie, 17 Aug. – refers to his letter of 2 Aug.; Fage finds it awkward to remove himself from his American assignment but suggests Dr W.B. Morgan might be sent in his place; if the RAI approves he shall ask him; Birmingham could pay his fare (tp.)

 19    [A.H. Christie] to Sir Robert Aitken, 18 Aug. – refers to his letter of 17 Aug.; would gladly accept suggestion that Dr Morgan go in Fage’s place; will send an official invitation when he hears that Morgan has accepted (tpc.)

 20    Ibid. to D.A. Roberts, 20 Aug. – has promise of two fares from SOAS; on Dr Morgan going in place of John Fage; Arthur Gaitskell has suggested Michael MacWilliams (tpc.)

 21    Rachel M. Lloyd, Clerk to the Officers, to Prof. Phillips, ibid. – Mr Christie asked that she send documentation about the Africanist Congress as soon as it arrived (tpc.)

 22    A.H. Christie to Prof. L.J. Lewis, ibid. – refers to his letter of 7 Aug.; sends some information about the Congress; on the dates (tpc.)

 23    Robert Aitken to A.H. Christie, 24 Aug. – refers to his letter of 18 Aug.; Dr Morgan is willing and able to be a delegate so he can now send an official invitation (tp.)

 24    H. Moyse-Bartlett, SOAS, to ibid., 29 Aug. – refers to his letter to Prof. Philips of 2 Aug.; will place the proposal that the School send two delegates on the Agenda of the Heads of Department Committee meeting of 2 Oct. (tp.)

 25    A.H. Christie to Prof. I. Schapera, 30 Aug. – has succeeded in obtaining provisional contributions to pay the fares of six delegates to the Congress; lists the proposed delegates and the bodies paying the fares; on MacWilliam; shall be grateful for permission to issue formal invitations (tp.)

 26    Prof. I. Schapera to A.H. Christie, 6 Sept. – refers to his letter of 30 Aug.; gives permission to issue formal invitations; on his work in Rhodesia; on his return to London; refers to letter from Wheeler (autogr.)

A157/19/27    A.H. Christie to Michael MacWilliam, 18 Sept. – formally invites him to be a member of the official delegation to the First International Congress of Africanists; encloses copy of the preliminaries; travelling expenses will be paid; will send further details as soon as he has them (tpc.) [identical letters to Prof. L.J. Lewis, Dr A.N. Allott and Dr W.B. Morgan not retained]

 28    nd – notes on Michael MacWilliam (autogr)

 29    A.H. Christie to Sir Robert Aitken, 18 Sept. – has issued invitation to Dr Morgan; encloses copy of the letter (tpc.)

 30    M.D. McWilliam to A.H. Christie, 19 Sept. – is pleased to accept the invitation (tp.)

 31    Sir Robert Aitken to ibid., ibid. – is glad the invitation to Dr Morgan has been sent; is not sure whether he still wishes the University to be responsible for Dr Morgan’s fares (tp.)

 32    W.B. Morgan to ibid., 20 Sept. – gladly accepts the invitation; asks about travel arrangements; asks about form for submission to the Local Arrangements Committee; asks about entry permit (tp.)

 33    A.H. Christie to Sir Robert Aitken, ibid. – the phrase in his letter to Morgan was ‘hadged’; it is the RAI’s hope that the University will pay his fare; lists the other bodies paying fares; the RAI has no money (tpc.)

 34    Ibid. to Dr W.B. Morgan, 1 Oct. – glad he can accept the invitation; cannot answer his queries as the only information he has is that contained in the pamphlet (tpc.)

 35    [Ibid.] to D.A. Roberts, ibid. – lists those ‘teed up’ to go to Accra, with financing organisations; will write to de Freitas as soon as he has names from SOAS; on entry permits (tpc.)

 36    D.A. Roberts to A.H. Christie, 2 Oct. – refers to his letter of 1 Oct.; suggests that the RAI apply formally to the Ghanaian High Commissioner on behalf of the official delegates; shall be glad to learn the names of the SOAS representatives in due course (tp.)

 37    H. Moyse-Bartlett to ibid., 3 Oct. – notifies him that the SOAS representatives will be Prof. A.H. Tucker and Dr R.A. Oliver (tp.)

A157/19/38    A.H. Christie to Lt. Col. H. Moyse-Bartlett, 4 Oct. – will report to the Council of the RAI and will let the organisers know that Tucker and Oliver will form part of the British delegation; on expenses; on entry permits (tpc.)

 39    [Ibid.] to D.A. Roberts, ibid. – on Prof. S.N. Tucker and Dr R.A. Oliver being part of the delegation (tpc.)

 40    Miss Lalage Bown, Joint Secretary to Organising Committee, to A.H. Christie, 10 Oct. – refers to his letter of 18 Aug.; regrets delay in reply; on the attendance of Profs. Evans-Pritchard and Forde; will be grateful for the names of the British delegation as soon as possible (tp.)

 41    A.H. Christie to Dr K. Onukwa Dike, 12 Oct. – lists the members of the British delegation; on attendance of Profs. Forde and Evans-Pritchard; on delivering papers (tpc.)

 42    Michael Crowder to A.H. Christie, 18 Oct. – refers to his letter of 12 Oct.; encloses six delegates’ forms; the delegates may deliver papers if they submit proposed papers as soon as possible; papers to be be a maximum of 30 minutes reading time (tp.)

 43    W.B. Morgan to ibid., 23 Oct. – has sent the delegate’s form to Prof. de Graft Johnson; asks about air passages and entry permits (tp.)

 44    A.H. Christie to H.E. Sir Geoffrey de Freitas, British High Commission, Accra, 24 Oct. – writes at the suggestion of David Roberts of the F.O.; lists the members of the official British delegation; on attendance of Profs. Forde and Evans-Pritchard; thought it would be useful if he knew who was coming (tpc.)

 45    Ibid. to Michael Crowder, ibid. – has distributed the forms to the members of the official party; on entry permits (tpc.)

 46    Miss P.M. Watkins to A.H. Christie, 29 Oct. – Sir Geoffrey thanks him for his letter (tp.)

 47    Lalage Bown to ibid., 31 Oct. – refers to his letter of 24 Oct.; each member should send his delegate’s registration form direct to the Local Arrangements Committee; they will not need entry permits (tp.)

 48    D.A. Roberts to ibid., ibid. – has seen reports which suggest that the Congress may be held in Nigeria, not Ghana (tp.)

A157/19/49    A.H. Christie to Dr W.B. Morgan, ibid. – on entry permits; on travel arrangements (tpc.)

 50    W.B. Morgan to A.H. Christie, 15 Nov. – has been asked to return the enclosed form to the Office of the High Commissioner for Ghana, along with a letter from his sponsor; asks him to write such a letter and send it with the form; on flights (autogr.)

 51    [A.H. Christie] to H.E. the High Commissioner for the Republic of Ghana, 16 Nov. – forwards application for Ghana Entry Permit made by Dr W.B. Morgan, who is an official delegate; names the other delegates; mentions Profs. Forde and Evans-Pritchard (tpc.)

 52    nd – information sheet about the International Congress of Africanists (tp.)

 53    Ibid. – booklet about ibid. (printed)

 54    Ibid. – leaflet about the Ariel Foundation (printed)

 55    Application for Ghana Entry Permit (printed)

 56    Observers’ Registration Form. 2 leaves (tp., in English and French)

 57    Daryll Forde to A.H. Christie, 14 Jan. [1963] – refers to his letter of 11 Jan. [not held]; has dictated a letter to Schapera about the opportunity for further action following the Congress (autogr.)

 58    [Ibid.] to Prof. I. Schapera, 15 Jan. – encloses copy of a note concerning the recent International Congress of Africanists; the note will be published in the Apr. number of Africa; a Permanent Council has been established; Dr Roland Oliver was nominated as a member; the question will be referred to a representative meeting at a later date; it is hoped that the RAI might convene a meeting of representatives from academic bodies concerned with African studies and that nominations be approved; it would seem useful to establish a UK membership; hopes he can bring it to the attention of Council in the near future; he himself will be out of the country until the later part of May. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 .1    Compliments slip from Daryll Forde to A.H. Christie – hopes he can come to the Standing Committee (tp.)

 59    D.F., ‘First International Congress of Africanists – Ghana, December 1962’ (printed) [offprint from Africa?]

A157/19/60    Ibid. 5 leaves (tp.)

 61    [A.H. Christie] to Dr R.A. Oliver, 18 Jan. – refers to Prof. Forde’s report on the Accra Congress and the arrangements to be made for a Permanent Council; on the RAI undertaking the responsibilities involved in attempting to constitute such a body (tpc.)

20/    Third International Meeting in Forensic Immunology, Medicine, Pathology & Toxicology, 1963

  1    A.H. Christie to the Director, Third International Meeting in Forensic Immunology, Medicine, Pathology & Toxicology, 25 June 1962 – the President and the Standing Committee of the RAI have learned with interest of the forthcoming Third International Meeting in Forensic Immunology, Medicine, Pathology & Toxicology to be held in Apr. 1963; the RAI is drawing the attention of its members to this meeting (tpc.)

  2    Francis Camps, President, Third International Meeting in Forensic Immunology, Medicine, Pathology & Toxicology, to A.H. Christie, 6 July – is grateful for the support; information will be forwarded (tp.)

  3    Sept. – News Sheet concerning Third International Meeting in Forensic Immunology, Medicine, Pathology & Toxicology (tp.)

  4    Nov. – Newsletter concerning Third International Meeting in Forensic Medicine & Pathology (with which will be incorporated) the First International Meeting in Forensic Immunology & Toxicology and the First International Meeting in Questioned Documents. 2 leaves (tp.)

  5    Preliminary Announcement of the Third International Meeting in Forensic Immunology, Medicine, Pathology & Toxicology (printed brochure)

  6    Brochure concerning the Third International Meeting in Forensic Immunology, Medicine, Pathology & Toxicology (printed)

  7    Brochure concerning hotels, transportation and sightseeing (printed)

  8    Leaflet concerning the First International Meeting in Questioned Documents (printed)

A157/21/    Ancient Drugs and their Modern Uses, 1963

  1    Dr D.P. Moody to A.H. Christie, 31 July 1963 – has roughed out some preliminary ideas for the symposium and is having them typed; encloses map so he can find his way on 20 Aug. (tp.)

  2    Map showing environs of the Medical College of St Bartholomew’s Hospital (printed with autogr. additions)

  3    A.H. Christie to Dr D. Moody, 12 Aug. – thanks him for extensive preliminary notes [not held]; spells out the conclusions he has reached; favours ‘Traditional Drugs and their Modern Investigation’ as a title; would break down the Conference into two main themes; specifies some topics for each theme; thinks it essential to devise an outline programme before approaching anyone for patronage or support. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  4    nd – notes on ‘Ancient Drugs and their Modern Uses’, headed ‘Notes for Dr. Moody’ (tp.)

22/    International Geological Congress, 1964

  1    1 Oct. 1961 – International Geological Congress, Twenty-Second Session, India, 1964, First Circular (printed booklet)

  2    1 Sept. 1963 – ibid., Second Circular (printed booklet)

  3    Form 1; Response to First Circular (printed)

  4    Form 2; Excursion form (printed)

  5    Form 3; Response to Second Circular (printed)

  6    Form 4; Excursion form (printed)

23/    Third International Congress of Africanists, 1973

  1    Dec. 1973 – various receipts etc. relating to W.B. Fagg, from Addis Ababa. 6 leaves (printed and autogr.)

A157/23/2    Ioan Lewis to Prof. R.P. Moss, Hon. Secretary, African Studies Association of the United Kingdom, 7 Jan. 1974 – on acting as a representative of the ASAUK at the Third International Congress of Africanists, the other representatives being W.B. Fagg, Peter Mitchell and Roland Oliver; on a new British member of the Permanent Bureau; Roland Oliver’s name had been submitted but he was willing to make way for a non-historian; he suggested that he would resign; suggests two possible candidates, Prof. John Middleton and Dr Jean La Fontaine. 2 leaves (tp.)

  3    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 9 Jan. – encloses copy of his letter to R[owland] Moss (tp.)

  4    Peter K. Mitchell to Prof. R.P. Moss, 14 Jan. – feels points should be made about the UK representation on the Permanent Council; on the UK representatives; Prof. Oliver stated that only three representatives were needed, and that Dr Hoyle would have to stand down; it became clear that other delegations were electing their leaders; on the desirability of a change in the disciplinary interests of the UK member of the Bureau; there was no chance to speak with Prof. Oliver before the meeting; Prof. Oliver argued that he had been nominated; mentions John Middleton; believes an apology is due to Dr Hoyle; Prof. Oliver’s position should be clarified; Council should consider the possibility of asking Prof. Oliver to stand down. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Compliments slip with autogr. note from P.K. Mitchell to W.B. Fagg

  5    List of members of Council of the African Studies Association of the United Kingdom (tp.)

  6    W.B. Fagg to Prof. R.P. Moss, 16 Jan. – has received copy of Ioan Lewis’ letter to him of 7 Jan.; is in strong agreement with him but would like to add one or two riders; there was no personal feeling against Roland Oliver; was unaware that Roland Oliver had been nominated by ASAUK until after the beginning of the meeting of the Permanent Council; on the membership of the Permanent Council without Dr Hoyle; on insufficient publicity of the Congress; history was at the centre of the Congress; the historians were well organised whereas other disciplines were not; makes suggestions to remedy this in future; the most annoying feature was the division fo the sessions into six sections and the limiting of each person to the papers of one section; Roland is not averse to vacating his role; suggests some reconsideration of the practice of nomination by the Council of ASAUK before the Congress has been held. 2 leaves (tpc.)

A157/23/6.1    Compliments slip (printed and tp.)

  7    Ioan Lewis to W.B. Fagg, 25 Jan. – thanks him for copy of his letter; is belatedly sending a copy of his own letter to Moss to Roland Oliver (tp.)

  8    Roland Oliver to Rowland Moss, 31 Jan. – has received copies of letters to him from Ioan Lewis and Bill Fagg; it is a pity that the ASA did not brief its nominees to the Permanent Council about its nomination of himself for election to the Permanent Bureau; Bill Fagg’s letter is accurate but Ioan Lewis’ is not; he told Lewis that he was acting as the ASA;s nominee; the proper body to change the nomination was the ASA Council; describes what he thinks the right course would be; thinks the present Bureau will be the last to have a statutory British member; refers to the in-fighting as ‘irrelevant’. 2 leaves (photocopy)

  9    Rowland Moss to W.B. Fagg, 8 Feb. – encloses copy of a letter sent to Dr Brian Hoyle; his Council discussed fully the matters raised in his letter; quotes from minutes; sorry that he was not as clearly briefed as was desirable; it was his intention that Prof. Oliver should be the UK nominee to the Permanent Bureau; explains reasoning behind the nomination of Prof. Oliver to serve when Prof. Fage resigned; there is no suggestion that the UK representatives on the Permanent Bureau should not be from a discipline other than history; the ASA Council considers that it should retain responsibility for nominating the UK representative both to the Council and to the Permanent Bureau; hopes the matter is satisfactorily resolved. 2 leaves (tp.)

 10    Ibid. to Dr B.S. Hoyle, ibid. – apologises for the mix-up over his nomination as an ASA representative to the International Congress of Africanists; he was under the impression that the UK was allocated one member of the Permanent Bureau and four members of Council; is sorry for any inconvenience or hurt (tpc.)

 11    Ibid. to Prof. Roland Oliver, ibid. – thanks him for his letters; encloses copies of letter to Dr Brian Hoyle, Dr Peter Mitchell, Prof. Ioan Lewis and Mr William Fagg; thinks the letters deal with the matters he raised; apologises for misunderstanding caused by inadequate briefing; Council resolved to ask him to provide some account of the Congress; would welcome his comments on the aims or constitution of the International Congress and its Council and Bureau, as well as a report of the Congress itself (tpc.)

A157/23/12    Peter K. Mitchell to W.B. Fagg, 13 Feb. – does not see that anything could be achieved by continuing the discussion about Roland Oliver’s position on the Bureau of the International Congress; has written to him urging that when arrangements are being made for Kinshasa meeting an effort be made to reduce ‘sectional’ segregation; encloses list of papers distributed at the Congress for colleagues and potentially for ASAUK members; on his slides (autogr.)

 13    List of papers distributed at the Third International Congress of Africanists. 4 leaves (tp.)

 14    Ioan Lewis to Rowland Moss, 19 Feb. – thanks him for his letter about the Congress; wishes he could agree that the matter is satisfactorily resolved; he finds what has been done extraordinary and unsatisfactory; states his reasons; has sympathy for the delicate position he faces but is unhappy at the manner in which the business has been conducted (photocopy)

 15    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 22 Feb. – encloses a copy of his reply to Rowland Moss; thinks the way the matter has been conducted little short of disgraceful (autogr.)

 16    Peter K. Mitchell to ibid., 23 Feb. – encloses the relevant section of Roland Oliver’s reply to his note; will try to push for multidisciplinary approach; on his slides; on figures for Ethiopian oilseed products (autogr.)

 17    Extract from a letter from Prof. Roland Oliver to Peter K. Mitchell, 19 Feb.; on historians; if Modimba would like to change him for a non-historian, he has only to say so (tp.)

 18    Tome Tegabe to W.B. Fagg, 2 Mar. – reminds him that he promised to send some money; asks him to do so (autogr.)

 19    Prof. Roland Oliver to ibid., 6 Mar. – Ioan Lewis’ letter to Moss has goaded him into the enclosed reply; the original programme as planned by the Permanent Bureau was to have had no history section; UNESCO insisted that a historical section be set up; wonders if they should have a talk about all this (tp.)

 20    Ibid. to Prof. Ioan Lewis, ibid. – refers to his remarkable persistence in misreporting him; gave no understanding that he would resign; on the question of history being over-represented; on the origin of the ASA; on British representatives on the Permanent Bureau; feels grieved by ‘rough manoeuvre’. 2 leaves (tp.)

A157/23/20.1    Compliments slip (printed and tp.)

 21    Brian Hoyle to W.B. Fagg, 8 Mar. – sends him a photograph; on the visit to Ethiopia; on the disagreement regarding ASAUK representation (tp.)

 22    Ioan Lewis to Roland Moss, 28 Mar. – thanks him for comments on his letter to Rowland Moss; regrets that he has taken the issue personally; on the nomination as British representative on the Bureau of an anthropologist; mentions John Middleton and Jean La Fontaine; on the over-representation of historians on the Permanent Bureau; on the understanding that he would resign; on the proper way for an alternative candidate to be put forward; refers to the unanimity of opinion expressed by W.B. Fagg, Peter Mitchell and himself; is sorry that a matter involving principles should be turned into one concerning personalities. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 .1    Compliments slip (printed and tp.)

24/    Miscellaneous

  1    Brochure for Second International Congress of the History of Science and Technology, London, 29 June-3 July 1931 (printed)

  2    Leaflet about accommodation for the International Congress of the History of Science and Technology (printed)

  3    Leaflet about Der Siebente Deutsche Orientalistentag Bonn 1934, verbunden mit der Mitglieder-Versammlung der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 29 Aug.-1 Sept. 1934 (printed, in German)

  4    L.W.G. Malcolm, Conservator, the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, to O. Blagdon, 15 Mar. 1933 – on guaranteeing £100 if the proposed International Congress is held in London in 1934 (tp.)

  5    Gunnar Landtman to Raymond Firth, 1 Feb. 1938 – on representing the RAI at the Jubilee Celebrations of the Geographical Society of Finland; encloses copy of the greeting which he uttered on RAI’s behalf; on finding a publisher for his book (tp.)

  6    Ibid., nd – text of congratulatory speech uttered on behalf of the RAI (tp.)

  7    Program of the VIIth Congress for the History of Religions, Amsterdam, 4-9 Sept. 1950 (printed booklet)

  8    Two slips inserted in the Program. 2 leaves (tp.)

A157/24/9    Louis Malleret to [J.P. Mills], RAI President 1951-53, 1 Sept. 1951 – informs him of the fiftieth anniversary of the Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient; various ceremonies are planned; would wish universities and learned societies to attend these ceremonies; the distances make this impossible; suggests an address instead (tp., in

 10    J.P. Mills to Louis Malleret, 23 Oct. – on behalf of the RAI offers congratulations on the fiftieth anniversary of the Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient; distance prevents a representative of the RAI from attending but assures him of good wishes (tpc., in French)

 11    Louis Malleret to J.P. Mills, 5 Jan. 1952 – expresses his gratitude for the message; on the various celebrations of the anniversary (tp., in French)

 12    Application card for the International Congress of European and Western Ethnology, Stockholm, 1951 (printed card)

 13    Leaflet on hotel accommodation in Stockholm, with application form. 2 leaves (tp.)

 14    ‘IIe Congres Panafricain de Prehistoire’, 29 Sept.-4 Oct. 1952, Algiers – Deuxième Circulaire (printed booklet in French)

 15    Eric Thompson to W.B. Fagg, 21 Oct. – refers to letter about representation fo the RAI at the Congreso de Historia Mexicana; the meetings have been postponed; on henequen; if the meetings are held in May, he will represent the RAI; on the Museo Nacional (tp.)

 16    B. Ifor Evans, Provost, UCL, to ibid., 2 Feb. 1953 – the Centenary of the birth of Sir Flinders Petrie will be celebrated in June 1953; on Petrie’s career; on the celebrations to be held; invites him to nominate a representative of the RAI (tp.)

 17    Gertrude Caton Thompson to Mrs Bowe, 12 Feb. – shall be honoured to represent the RAI at the celebrations in honour of Sir Flinders Petrie’s centenary (autogr.)

 18    Angela C. Bowe to J.P. Mills, 13 Feb. – on correspondence; encloses letter from the Provost of UCL; Miss Caton-Thompson was nominated and has accepted; asks him to draft a reply (tp.); [on verso:] J.P. Mills to B. Ifor Evans, nd – refers to his letter to W.B. Fagg of 2 Feb.; Council of RAI nominates Miss Caton-Thompson (autogr.)

 19    J.P. Mills to B. Ifor Evans, 18 Feb. – refers to his letter to W.B. Fagg of 2 Feb.; Council of RAI nominates Miss Caton-Thompson (tpc.)

A157/24/20    B. Ifor Evans to J.P. Mills, 6 Mar. – acknowledges his nomination of Miss Gertrude Caton-Thompson; formal invitation will be sent in Apr. (tp.)

 21    Brochure concerning INQUA – IVe Congrès International, Roma-Pisa 1953 (printed, in French with autogr. note by W.B. Fagg to Sir John Myres)

 22    John L. Myres to W.B. Fagg, 25 Oct. 1952 – knows nothing of this Italian Congress; asks if the RAI or the Geological Society has any of its earlier circulars or reports (autogr.)

 23    J. Alden Mason to W.B. Fagg, 16 Aug. 1955 – thanks him for membership list; announcements of the Congress will be sent to all; Dr Heine-Geldern sent him the lists they used for sending invitations to the Vienna Congress; there are only about 20 names from Great Britain (tp.)

 24    Ellen Ettlinger to ibid., 23 Feb. 1961 – the Folklife conference will take place 6-8 Sept.; asks him to let her know if he is thinking of asking her to be the RAI delegate (autogr.)

 25    Mar. – circular letter giving notice of a Conference to discuss the formation of a Society for Folk Life Studies, to be held 6-8 Sept. 1961; there is no society at present which tackles the whole field of folk life as its province; on the programme of the inaugural conference (tp.)

 26    nd – a different notice on the Society for Folk Life Study (tp.)

 27    Miss Joan Dyson, the British Council, to W.B. Fagg, 3 Mar. 1975 – on the 2nd World Black & African Festival; on a selection of books for an exhibition; on his fee (tp.)