Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Ethnomusicology Committee A79 ETHNOMUSICOLOGY COMMITTEE (A79 – 02 of 05)

Minutes, correspondence and papers. 1953-76.

29    Hugh Tracey to MWS, 25 Nov. – will be in touch about recordings (tp.)

 30    Minutes of AGM of BIRS, 16 Dec. 1959 (tp.)

 31    DKR to Members of Committee, 12 Oct. 1960 – asks them to indicate preference for date of next meeting, 11 or 18 Nov. (tp.)

 32    List of members of Committee, 18 Nov. (tp. with pencil corrections)

 .1    Another copy of A79/7/32 (tp. with different corrections)

 33    MK to Miss Edwards, RAI, 22 Nov. – encloses names of people who might be added to register (tp.)

 .1    List of names enclosed with A79/7/33 (tp.)

 34    Report by Chairman of Executive Committee of BIRS, 10 Dec., circulated in advance of AGM on 14 Dec. 2 leaves (tp.)

 35    Minutes of AGM of BIRS, 14 Dec. (tp.)

 36    BIRS circular [to members of the RAI?], 28 Jan. 1961 – announcing lecture by Mr. Dawson Pane, Manager, Copyright Dept., EMI Records Ltd; hopes that many members of RAI governing body and Friends will attend (tp.)

 37    Announcement of lecture by Dawson Pane, on ‘The Record Library and its Problems’, 8 Feb., at BIRS (tp.)

 38    AHC to MK, 12 June – heard with great pleasure of the honour conferred on her in Birthday Honours List; members of Council will wish him to send their congratulations; will also wish him to express appreciation of her work for the Committee (tpc.)

 39    Hugh Tracey to WBF, 19 Sept. – asks his opinion on a drive to bring to light African indigenous music and make an archive of it; intention to record and publish as much as possible; importance of African music; importance of studying it; encloses memo and questionnaire (tp. with autogr. note)

 .1    ‘Proposed Inter-Territorial Collection of Authentic African Music’, memo, (tp. signed by Hugh Tracey) [enclosed with A79/7/39]

 .2    Questionnaire relating to survey and collection of African music (tp.) [enclosed with A79/7/39]

 40    Programme of Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for Ethnomusicology, Philadelphia, 17-18 Nov. 2 leaves (tp.)

 41    KPW to WBF, 24 Nov. – would be grateful if he could attend meeting on 5 Dec.; has rather lost touch with Committee but relies on WBF to be there to discuss important matters (tp.)

 42    Rachel M. Lloyd, Clerk to the Officers, RAI, to JM, 11 Apr. 1962 – informs him that he has been elected a Fellow of the RAI; details about subscription (tp.)

 43    Frank Howes to DKR, 15 June – sends apologies for next meeting (autogr. postcard)

 44    RWF, 18 June, – sends apologies for meeting on 20 June (tp.) [no recipient]

 45    KPW to DKR, 10 Sept. – mentions minutes of last meeting; refers to letter from Jones; refers to problem of getting papers together for Symposium book and disc; with regard to Manchester, unhappy that no mention made of DKR’s paper, which he thought excellent (tp. with autogr. additions)

 46    DKR to WBF, 19 Sept. – at June meeting of Committee, resolved that in order to reach overseas ethnomusicologists who might be visiting this country, a note should be published in Man asking visitors to get in touch; encloses a report of ethnomusicological activities with final paragraph addressed to overseas visitors (tpc.)

 47    Ibid. to MK, asking that note be published in Journal of IFMC (tpc.)

 48    Ibid. to Dr Bruno Nettl, Editor, Ethnomusicology, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA, asking that note be published in Ethnomusicology (tpc.)

 49    Ibid., note on Ethnomusicology in Britain; ethnomusicology subject of a session at the 124th Annual Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Manchester; Symposium held in Mar.; visitors asked to get in touch. 2 leaves (mimeo.) [presumably enclosed with A79/7/47 & A79/7/48]

 50    Ibid. to LERP, – at June meeting subject of his ‘Guide to British Ethnomusicologists’ came up; not sure that he ever received copy of the draft questionnaire; he, KPW and Prof. Mantle Hood enjoyed presenting session at Manchester meeting of British Association (tpc.)

 51    George List, Secretary, Society for Ethnomusicology, to DKR, 28 Sept. – Dr Bruno Nettl has passed on DKR’s letter; Symposium already reported in Sept. issue of Journal; the rest of the information will be included in Jan. issue (tp.)

 52    LERP to DKR, 23 Oct. – did not draft any questionnaire; led to understand that proposal ran across a directory project at the IFMC; desirable to wait until that was completed before deciding whether any other type of directory was needed (tp.)

 .1    IFMC ‘Directory of Organizations and Institutions concerned wholly or in part with Folk Music (including Song and Dance) – Questionnaire. 2 leaves (tpc.)[referred to in A79/7/52]

 53    AHC to Frank Howes, 12 Dec. – notices that he has been unable to attend Committee meetings for some time; wonders if it might be convenient to take his name off the Committee for the time being (tpc.)

 54    Ibid. to John Layard (tpc.)

 55    Frank Howes to AHC, 14 Dec. – agrees to have his name taken off Committee; rations his visits to London; was unable to attend the big event; knows people on the Committee who would invite him to anything to which he could contribute usefully; still maintains interest in the subject; always ready to help (autogr.)

 56    John Layard to AHC, 18 Dec. – has now retired from practicing psychology; had severe motoring accident so rarely gets to London; therefore happy to have his name taken off Committee; RC has left Malekula; has done some good recordings as well as other ethnological work (tp.)

 57    H.J. Braunholtz to KPW, 13 Jan. 1963 – is in hospital; will not be able to attend Committee meeting on 14 Jan. (autogr.)

 58    List of members of Committee, 1 Feb. (tp.)

 59    Peter Crossley-Holland to DKR, 25 Feb. – unable to attend meeting on 27 Feb.; had wanted to take part in discussion of KPW’s scheme; however has given KPW his views (tp.)

 60    KPW to A.A. Baké, Chairman, 10 May – draws his attention to newly set up Institute of Ethnomusicology in Berlin; asks that Committee be given the necessary information; Peter Crossley-Holland is member of both the new Institute and the Committee (tpc.)

 61    KPW to WBF, 29 May – perhaps his resignation sudden; owes him an explanation; would be glad if Council could be informed of the circumstances; has accepted offer of professorship at Dept. of Music, UCLA; always thought highly of Prof. Mantle Hood’s work at Institute of Ethnomusicology. 3 leaves (autogr.)

 62    Notice for RAI Annual Report, Jun.-Dec. – members of Committee listed; death of A.A. Baké noted; departure of KPW noted; colloquium planned for early spring; arrangements for publication of Symposium papers progressing (tpc.)

 63    Peter Crossley Holland to DKR, 10 Nov. – sends apologies for meeting on 12 Nov. (autogr.)

 64    WBF to JM, 18 Oct. – JM’s letter is article 226 in Nov. issue of Man; A.A. Baké’s death a blow to the Committee as he was the new Chairman; should be a meeting soon to choose successor; asks him to discuss situation with DKR (autogr.)

 65    RWF, 11 Nov., – sends apologies for meeting on 12 Nov. (tp.) [no recipient]

 66    Definition of Ethnomusicology by ‘Dr. W.’ [KPW], nd [presumably pre-1963 when KPW resigned as Chairman] (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 8/    1961-62. Symposium: Music and history in Africa and Asia

  1    Correspondence etc. prior to the Symposium

  1    JO, Dept. of Burmese, University of Mandalay, to DKR, 30 Apr. 1961 – glad to have rough draft of points for consideration [possibly A79/10/6]; it raised many questions about Burmese music; although many people play the music, few can discuss it intelligently; glad to come to the Symposium; will contribute what little he can (autogr.)

  2    AHC to DKR, 10 June – enclosed is self-explanatory; hopes it will be acceptable as far as DKR and LERP are concerned; problems may arise when committee meets; has insisted to KPW on behalf of RAI that any Symposium must be professional; papers must be of a high standard; a preliminary chat may be useful (autogr.)

  3    Ibid.[?] to LERP, Jesus College, Cambridge, 10 June – has had talk with KPW about form a Symposium might take; advocated perhaps a dozen contributors; this departs from RWF’s programme and LERP’s brief [A79/10/6] for which the time is not right; suggests that brief be discussed at the Symposium and published as programme for research; invitations to be issued in Oct. 61 for meeting in Oct. 62; papers to be sent in advance for circulation; revised papers to be submitted later for publication; invitations to discussion sessions also to be sent to non-contributors to widen scope; at next Committee meeting perhaps draw up outline programme with suggested contributors (tp. with autogr. corrections) [presumably enclosed with A79/8/1/2]

  4    LERP to AHC, 21 June – regrets that due to pressure of work he must offer resignation from Committee; is not able to take part in the Symposium (tp.)

  5    KPW to DKR, 22 July – enclosed is self-explanatory; has sent it to AHC for approval, correction and execution; feels that some communication should go to members (autogr.)

  6    [Ibid.] to members of Committee, nd, – draft on proposed symposium 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections) [presumably enclosed with A79/8/1/5]

  7    KPW to members of the Committee, Aug. 1961 – on proposed symposium (mimeo.) [finished version of A79/8/1/6]

  8    AHC to LERP, 1 Aug. – apologises for delay in answering; understands the need to cut down on activities; accepts decision with regard to Symposium but hopes he will attend its meetings; suggests that his name remain on Committee although ‘in suspended animation’ as a member who has given so much help (tpc.)

  9    KPW to AHC, 8 Oct. – wishes him to send official invitation to Prof. Mantle Hood who has a lot of material to offer; did not discuss finance; will leave it to AHC to make clear that invitation does not cover fares; Prof. Hood suggested points which might sway his Board: the visit would establish relations between RAI and UCLA Institute of Ethnomusicology; theme of the Symposium entirely new; RAI has royal patron; spoke briefly to LERP about Symposium (tp.)

 10    Ibid., 10 Oct. – provides Prof. Hood’s address, omitted from previous letter (autogr.)

 11    Ibid., 19 Oct. – provides Mr. Nketia’s address; will mention Mr. Nketia’s travelling expenses in Oxford; hopes to enlist help of anyone with influence in Ghana; will ensure that musicological friends in Oxford note the date of the Symposium; suggests meeting soon in order to report to Council that the scheme is taking shape; suggests an exhibition of instruments on themes touching on matters of diffusion and history; asks about a draftsman to prepare maps in black line drawing (tp.)

 12    AHC to [Prof.] Mantle Hood, 8 Nov. – invites him to take part in Symposium (tp.)

 13    Prof. Isaac Schapera, President, RAI, to [Franklin D. Murphy], Chancellor [of UCLA], 24 Nov. – RAI would like to invite Prof. Mantle Hood to read paper at the Symposium; first ethnomusicological Symposium to be organised in this country; great importance attached to Prof. Hood’s participation; Prof. Hood the only non-British scholar in the field of Oriental studies to be invited; his participation important as it will establish a relationship between the RAI and the Institute of Ethnomusicology at UCLA; would be grateful for anything he can do to facilitate Prof. Hood’s visit. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 14    Kwabena Nketia, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, to KPW, 28 Nov. – apologises for not replying to letter of invitation; has been busy writing two other papers; nonetheless is very interested in subject of Symposium; would like to read a paper based on his experiences in Ghana (tp.)

 15    KPW to DKR, 7 Dec. – sends wording of minute of Council relating to Symposium, 2 Nov.; perhaps he might keep this in mind when drafting minutes of meeting of 5 Dec. (tp.)

 16    Ibid. to WBF, 9 Dec. – asks for list of names of members or guests for Symposium; he and DKR hope to compile list before Christmas; hope to issue invitations before 31 Dec.; distressed that Hon. Sec. of RAI at meeting of 8 Dec had so little to say which would encourage Symposium committee (tp.)

 17    A.M. Jones, SOAS, to DKR, 15 Dec. – suggests some names for Symposium, including Dr de Wen, Anthony Baines; wonders if MK thinks someone from BBC should be invited (autogr.)

 18    KPW to DKR, 19 Dec. – summarises his conversation with Dr Baké on 18 Dec.; will discuss position with Mr. Marr; Mr. Jairazbhoy and Prof. Eta Harich-Schneider to be asked to contribute; Mr. Raymond Allchin will collaborate with Dr Baké; re. list of names, members of committee to have copies of a letter of notification to distribute (tp.) [See A60/6/9, 22 Feb. 1961, invitation to a sherry party for members of the Ethnomusicology Committee to meet Mme Harich-Schneider]

 19    Ibid. to Dr Baké, 19 Dec. – regarding Prof. Harich-Schneider; has had acceptance from Prof. Mantle Hood; Chancellor of UCLA was told that Prof. Mantle Hood would be only non-British scholar to be invited in field of oriental studies; therefore Prof. Harich-Schneider cannot be invited; proposes to go into this with AHC to clear up points left vague when LERP withdrew; intends to explain to Prof. Mantle Hood that LERP’s change of plans necessitated Committee’s change of plans which lead to invitation of Prof. Harich-Schneider (tp.)

 20    Ibid., 21 Dec. – has consulted AHC (copy of the letter attached) with regard to invitation to Prof. Harich-Schneider; letter of preliminary enquiry has gone today (tpc.)
 21    Ibid. to AHC, 21 Dec. – proposes to send enclosed letter to Prof. Harich-Schneider; details of where she will appear on programme dependent on whether LERP speaks or not; wishes to include as much Far Eastern music as possible (tpc.) [referred to in A79/8/1/20]

 .1    Ibid. to DKR, 21 Dec. – enclosing copy of his letter to AHC; enquires about person who lectured on Burma and Burmese music (autogr. note)
 22    Ibid. to Prof. Mantle Hood, 23 Dec. – very happy that he will attend; in answer to his questions: size of Symposium: does not want more than 50 people to attend at any time; sessions will probably be smaller; encloses copy of letter of notification; details of date and time for his paper; asks for copy of paper by 20 Feb.; explain that he may not be the only non-British speaker on oriental subjects; in addition to six main papers supporting communications have been invited; plan is to publish the papers and the proceedings under aegis of RAI; publication to include illustrative plates; probably not possible to publish musical examples on a disc; papers should be written to be capable of publication without sound. 3 leaves (tp.)
 23    Ibid. to DKR, 26 Dec. – encloses copy of his letter to Prof. Mantle Hood [previous item]; has sent copy to Nketia with a covering letter; asks him to check that preliminary notifications are ‘decently typed’ and sent to current addresses; discusses chairmen for the three days of the Symposium; discusses venues for receptions (tp.)
 24    Preliminary Notice of the Symposium, 1 Jan. 1962 (tp.)

 .1    Draft of same (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 25    KPW to AHC, 1 Jan. – has heard from Prof. Kirby that he is glad to contribute to Symposium but will not be able to attend in person; he needs an official invitation; gives Prof. Kirby’s address; supplies suggested text for the official invitation (tp.)
 26    [AHC?] to Prof. P.R. Kirby, Grahamstown, South Africa, 1 Jan – understands from KPW that he is willing to participate in Symposium and requires an official invitation; glad to report that RAI would be glad of Prof. Kirby’s cooperation; KPW authorized by RAI Council to make any necessary arrangements (tpc.)

 27    KPW to AHC, 2 Jan. – Mr. Nketia does not think he can obtain financial support from Ghanaian sources; refers to minute which states that should funds in Ghana not be forthcoming, AHC will try to make arrangements through British Council or SOAS; asks him to act on this minute (tp.) [See minute 3 (d), 5 Dec. 1961]
 28    Ibid. to DKR, 9 Jan. – a few matters to be seen to: finance, including receptions and travel expenses for some participants; chairmen; outside entertainment; invitations; any other business; suggests that the discussion is taped and then typed up; prefers a single editor for publication of the book. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)
 29    Walter Emery to [?], 16 Jan. – apologises for delay in replying to invitation; declines invitation as he knows nothing of the subject; knows the value of such studies (autogr.)

 30    KPW to DKR, 18 Jan. – will have to meet again to discuss several issues; meanwhile a few matters to be cleared up: encloses Thurston Dart’s chit; suggests inviting Dr Peter Morton-Williams; refers to minute from last Council meeting; suggests times they might meet (tp. with autogr. corrections)
 31    Gilbert Rouget to DKR, 19 Jan. – apologises for delay in sending enclosed slip; pleased that they will meet again soon (autogr.)

 32    Denis Twitchett, SOAS, to DKR, 22 Jan. – hopes to be able to attend Symposium; preparations for trip to America may prevent it (tp.)

 33    AHC to Dr A.A. Baké, 29 Jan. – formal invitation to take part in Symposium (tpc.)

 34    Ibid. to Dr Gilbert Rouget, Paris (tpc.)

 35    Ibid. to Prof. Harik-Schneider[sic], Vienna (tpc.)

 36    Ibid. to N.A. Jairazbhoy, SOAS (tpc.)

 37    Ibid. to Dr A.M. Jones, SOAS (tpc.)

 38    Ibid. to Mr. J. Marr, SOAS (tpc.)

 39    Ibid. to the High Commissioner for Ghana, 2 Feb. – expresses earnest desire that Prof. Nketia should take part in Symposium; unfortunately RAI funds insufficient to cover travelling expenses; asks whether Ghanaian government could help; RAI would cover expenses while in London; RAI undertaking the cost of publication of the Symposium proceedings (tpc.)

 40    Prof. Eta Harich-Schneider, Vienna, to AHC, 2 Feb. –accepts invitation; gives title of her paper; will submit it by 20 Feb.; corrects the spelling of her name and address (tp.)

 41    A.A. Baké to AHC, 5 Feb. – accepts invitation; hopes to send text of his paper by 19 Feb. (tp.)
.42    Official Secretary, Office of the High Commissioner for Ghana, to AHC, 5 Feb. – letter regarding Prof. Nketia’s visit has been transmitted to Accra; will inform him of reaction to invitation and request (tp.)

 43    KPW[?] to AHC, 11 Feb. – encloses list of titles for Symposium; was unable to keep in touch due to illness; assumes AHC has written to Mr. Nketia; relief at Council’s decision to underwrite his fares if RAI attempts to raise funds should fail (tpc.)

 .1    List of titles [enclosed with A79/8/1/43] (tpc. with autogr. corrections)

 44    A.A. Baké, SOAS, to AHC, 19 Feb. – encloses text of his paper; intends to give illustrations with slides, films and tape recordings; has been in touch with Raymond Allchin who has agreed to give his view on the same subject, based on his fieldwork; it would be a great advantage if the papers could be heard consecutively (tp.) See A79/8/2/3

 45    KPW to AHC, 19 Feb. – encloses Prof. Kirby’s two papers; asks if office staff could insert paragraph numbers; apologises for delay in submitting his own paper; suggests meeting to work out the programme; would prefer if RAI staff could deal with entertainment for Symposium guests; if not, there will be no entertaining (tp.)

 46    Rachel Lloyd, RAI, to Prof. Harich-Schneider, 20 Feb. – acknowledges arrival of her manuscript; apologises for mistakes in spelling of her name and address; asks whether she will need accommodation (tpc.)

 47    Philip J.C. Dark, Dept. of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University, to WBF, 23 Feb. – hopes the enclosed will give some data for the Symposium; wished to broaden field but did not have time; for a publication some drawings or photographs would be useful; if Symposium were to publish something, these notes would need revising. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Communication to the Symposium ‘Music and History in Africa and Asia’ of the RAI’; on the subject of instruments depicted in Benin bronze plaques. 15 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions) [enclosed with A79/8/1/47]

 .2    Tabulation of musical instruments which occur on Benin bronze plaques. 11 leaves (photocopy) [referred to in A79/8/1/47.1]

 48    KPW to AHC, 23 Feb. – change in title of Prof. Mantle Hood’s paper; MS promised during first days of Mar. (tp.)

 49    Ibid., 24 Feb. – has heard from Prof. Nketia who says he has not heard from RAI; gives title of his paper; programme can be finalized once they have heard from Prof. Schapera; encloses copy of letter to Prof. Schapera; details about time of Prof. Nketia’s paper; details about his MS (tp.)

 50    Ibid. to Prof. Isaac Schapera, 24 Feb. – programme taking shape; glad that he is chairing the first day; outlines arrangements; asks how long he needs for introduction (tpc.) [enclosed with A79/8/1/49]

 51    AHC to Prof. Nketia, Accra, Ghana, 26 Feb. – understands that his previous letter has not arrived; the letter informed Prof. Nketia that RAI had asked the Ghana High Commissioner to request that the Ghanaian government help with travel expenses; no reply yet received; as alternative finance has been arranged if absolutely necessary, air passage can be booked (tpc.)

 52    JO to DKR, 26 Feb. – sends a version of his paper; is grateful for suggestions which have been incorporated; paper is still too long; would be grateful for suggestions as to how to cut it (autogr.)

 53    KPW to AHC, 1 Mar. – encloses draft copy of his paper (tp.) [See A79/8/2/15]

 54    Ibid., 8 Mar. – sends draft of rota of chairmen; asks for his comments; suggests DKR take charge of visual and acoustic demonstrations; details concerning record keeping; details concerning secretary. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 55    Ibid. – as Chairman of Committee cannot agree to having session planned by AHC for 21 Mar. at 2.15; will announce this at opening of meetings on 19 Mar.; glad to explain position when next they meet (tp.)

 56    John H. Leach to AHC, 8 Mar. – thanks him for Symposium programme; asks if he might attend Dr Rouget’s talk on 20 Mar. (tp.)

 57    B. Pattison, University of London Institute of Education, to AHC, 9 Mar. – thanks him for Symposium programme; cannot attend as he is travelling to Africa; asks if he could receive copies of the papers that are sent out before the Symposium (tp.)

 58    Dr (Mrs.) Muriel Lock to AHC, 9 Mar. – thanks him for Symposium programme; regrets that she cannot attend due to commitments with Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod (tp.)

 59    KPW to AHC, 13 Mar. – encloses John Blacking’s paper (tp.) [See A79/8/2/14]

 60    Ibid. – thanks him for consulting him on proposed circular letter on planning; Committee consists of members who have distinction in their own sphere; perhaps unwise to say that RAI’s ambition must depend on advice received at the present meeting; giving offence must be avoided; must not appear to encroach on interests of other disciplines; a general discussion on future planning might lead to giving that impression; opinions can be sought which RAI can pass on to Committee. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

 61    W.H. George, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, to DKR, 15 Mar. – has received programme; has received messages inviting him to attend to comment on acoustical problems; cannot attend as he is going into hospital; however if notes were made of queries relating to acoustical problems he would be glad to help in the future; has photographic records of vibration studies on a number of oriental instruments percussion instruments, not yet published (tp.)

 62    Audrey Evelyn Bone to AHC, 17 Mar. – disappointed that she will not be able to attend the Symposium; will support future endeavours (autogr.)

 63    Philip Gulliver, SOAS, to DKR, 20 Mar. – regrets that he cannot attend Symposium due to pressure of work (autogr.)

 64    AHC, nd – notice on ‘Policy regarding future Meetings’; RAI Council has treated Symposium as a pilot project; a more ambitious meeting may take place in the future; advice sought from participants on form such a future congress should take (tpc.) [See A79/8/1/60]