Minutes, correspondence and papers. 1953-76.
47 R.M. Bradfield to JM, 8 Mar. – Ken Walters at the Pitt-Rivers Museum has told him that some of the tapes still need to be transcribed; this cannot be done until May so could his visit to RAI be in June; suggests meeting at the Museum in Mar.; Mr Walters can play an extract from the tapes; asks JM to confirm a time to meet (autogr.)
48 Dr Alison Redmayne to JM, 9 Mar. – 18 June should be convenient but she may be abroad; asks if she can confirm in May (autogr.)
49 [JM] to Dr Alison Redmayne, 13 Mar. – does not want to wait until May to confirm date; has lost two speakers this term; would rather not risk another; asks if he may keep her in mind for another occasion (tpc.)
50 [JM] to R.M. Bradfield, 13 Mar. – confirms date for talk; discusses arrangements for meeting at Museum; gives details about the arrangements for the talk; would like to see copy of manuscript in advance if possible; RC might make some useful comments (tpc.)
51 R.M. Bradfield to JM, 22 Mar. – pleased to hear the Archdeacon’s tapes; has written to RC enclosing text of Archdeacon’s letter; encloses copy of his letter (tp.)
52 Ibid. to RC, 22 Mar. – JM will have told him about Archdeacon Rawcliffe’s Banks Islands tapes; summarises his dealings with the Archdeacon; has the tapes; has a draft article on Banks Islands music; JM suggested RC as person able to help with choosing tapes for meeting on 4 June and with assessing the article for publication. 2 leaves (tp.)
53 John F. Carrington to JM, 25 Mar. – details of his visit on 7 May (tp.)
54 Mensah Dapaa to Mr & Mrs Montagu, 27 Apr. 1971 – confirms 6 May for visit (autogr.)
55 [JM] to Mensah Dapaa, 19 May – apologises for late reply but has only just received his letter; glad that Mr Dapaa could speak at RAI; sorry to miss the talk (tpc.)
56 Gillian Webster to JM, 19 May – asks about programme of Mediterranean or European music; refers to meeting on subject of Cretan music; she had some recordings from Cyprus but no one was interested; recordings not even heard (autogr.)
57 [JM] to Gillian Webster, 22 May – assures her that European music is included; had not previously heard about her recordings from Cyprus; invites her to play the recordings in the autumn term; asks technical questions about her equipment (tpc.)
58 Gillian Webster to JM, 29 May – discusses dates; asks if he would like to hear the tapes first; discusses her equipment; apologises for peevish tone of previous letter; was not with JM that anything was planned (autogr.)
59 John Blacking, University of Washington, to JM, 29 May – encloses account of his activities; wonders if there might be demand for lecture when he returns to UK; would only require travel expenses to and from Belfast (autogr.)
60 [JM] to John Blacking, 28 Jun. – would be delighted to see him at RAI; RAI cannot pay fees or expenses; if in spite of this he is interested, spring term would be best; does not know of any institution which does pay speakers; suggests he contact Horniman Museum, Africa Centre, SOAS (tpc.)
61 Ibid., 26 Oct. – planning spring programme; wonders if he will be in England; would be interested in session on paper in IFMC yearbook or field work (tpc.)
A79/11/4 1965-76 Correspondence etc. not relating to speakers at meetings
1 List of members; A list (Specialist) nd (tp.)
2 List of members; B list (General) nd (tp.)
3 JO to the Registrar, University of Liverpool, 3 Aug. 1965 – asks for information about meeting to be held at Liverpool to discuss ethnomusicological subjects; asks whether members of the Panel might attend (tpc.)
4 Mary Earlam, Secretary, Dept. of Music, University of Liverpool to JO, 11 Aug. – sends information and booking forms [not held] for music conference (tp.)
5 JO to Members of the Panel, 16 Aug. – notification of the ‘Conference on Music and Education in the Commonwealth’ to be held 24-28 Sept. in Liverpool (tpc.)
6 Will Yeomans, Northampton, to the Secretary, RAI [AHC], 13 Dec. – refers to notification of Colloquia; would like to present some of his instruments pertaining to Sumerian and Babylonian epochs; would be grateful for a tentative date (tp.)
7 JO to A.L. Lloyd, 11 Jan. 1966 – thanks him for letter of 5 Jan; his recordings sound interesting; has passed his letter to AHC to see if he can arrange meeting at which recordings could be played; if any recordings fit into framework listed on the circular perhaps he could bring them on the dates shown (tpc.)
8 Ibid. to Will Yeomans, 11 Jan. – would be glad to see his instruments on 24 Mar. when JM also talking about instruments; unless he would prefer a date to have the field to himself (tpc.)
9 S. Montagu Cleeve to [JO], 11 Jan. – has received list of lectures; sorry that he cannot attend talk on ‘Oboes and Shawms’ by JO on 24 Feb.; has two shawms (Tibetan oboes) and two Tibetan trumpets; if they are of interest to JO he could lend them (autogr.)
10 JO to A.L. Lloyd, 17 Jan. – has had answer from AHC who would be glad for him to talk about the East European music he has recorded; asks him to ring AHC to discuss dates (tpc.)
11 Jack P.B. Dobbs, University of London Institute of Education, to JO, 25 Jan. – two of his students wish to attend Nazir [A. Jairazbhoy]’s talk on Narrative Songs (tp.)
12 S. Montagu Cleeve to JO, 5 Feb. – must call the oboe idea off; never goes to the Horniman Museum (autogr. postcard)
13 Will Yeomans to JO, 8 Feb. – knows JM; would like to attend his talk; feels as suggested that such a meeting might restrict his field; if possible would prefer to present the subject himself (tp.)
14 Peter Kennedy to JO, 12 Feb. – has studied list of subjects for the Colloquia; could do ‘Group Dance’; could use his material from Britain, Jugoslavia, Basque Country; thinks the evening a splendid enterprise (autogr.)
15 JM to JO, 13 Feb. – encloses Will Yeoman’s letter and carbon of his reply; A.L. Lloyd talking to ‘Speyer’s Africans’; suggests JO speak to him (autogr.)
16 Ibid. to Will Yeomans, 13 Feb. – mentions possibility of his bringing instruments on 24 Mar.; before Christmas several people asked AHC if they could run series of meetings on a cross-cultural basis; at meetings anyone who has relevant material encouraged to produce it; production of as many samples as possible is important, as is the crossing of as many cultures as possible; hopes he will bring material on 24 Mar. and any other meeting that has relevant subject (tpc.)
17 Nazir [A. Jairazbhoy] to JO, c. 21 Feb. – asks him to send copy of RAI Colloquia to Mr. Anthony Mulgan, Music Dept., Oxford University Press (autogr.)
18 J.M. Thomson, Executive Editor, Composer, 30 Mar. – announces special edition (Apr. 1966) of Composer; containing papers delivered at the ‘Conference on Music and Education’ held at Liverpool. 2 leaves (tp.)
.1 Order form for Apr. 1966 edition of Composer (tp.) [attached to A79/11/4/18] [
19 Peter Kennedy to JO, 29 Apr. – discusses films he might show at session on Group Dance on 12 May; asks about projector (autogr.)
.20 AHC to JM, 23 June – probable that he cannot be at meeting; offers comments; suggests: formal lectures on music aimed at non-specialist audience; more tightly controlled discussion; specialist meetings not open to non specialists; tentatively suggests ‘ethnomus-concert’ next summer (tp.)
21 [JM] to AHC, nd [seems to be answer to 11/4/3] – encloses brief summary of meeting; minds seem to be working along same lines; had not dared to think as high as brilliant suggestion for live ethnomusic (tpc.)
22 Prof. Thurston Dart, Faculty of Music, King’s College, London to JM, 12 May 1967 – Prof Hatto (Queen Mary College) has forwarded him the programme for summer term; asks JM to ensure that he is on mailing list; has not received programme this year; non-European music options now available at King’s (tp.)
23 [JM] to Prof. Thurston Dart, 16 May – apologises; changes of secretary at RAI; discusses his talk on gongs; Prof. Kirby will speak on 25 May (tpc.)
24 [JM] to AHC, 11 July – apologises for moving meeting last week; need for a projector; had been in Sheffield organizing an exhibition; encloses catalogue (tpc.)
25 AHC to JM, 13 July – acknowledges letter and catalogue; can organize projectors etc. if he has notice (tp.)
26 [JM] to Barbara Bentley, RAI, 10 Aug. – encloses copy of note about activities of the Panel [see A79/11/2] which he has sent to Society of Ethnomusicology Newsletter; met several participants in Ostend, some of whom had not received notices of meetings (tpc.)
27 Ibid. to Mr. Black, Society of Ethnomusicology Newsletter, 10 Aug. – encloses note of activities [see A79/11/2] (tpc.)
28 Frank Howes to JM, Jan. 24 1968 – thanks him for programme of meetings; did not realize the Panel was still meeting; will try to come to LERP’s meeting (autogr.)
29 John [Blacking] to AHC, 2 Oct. – nominates RC for Chairman and JM for Secretary of Panel; their conscientious undertaking of duties; AHC’s second letter unsigned; asks that he sign it prior to meeting (tpc. with autogr. PS)
30 [JM] to David [Rycroft?], 24 Oct. – possibility of Committee coming under aegis of Galpin Society; confidential for the moment (tpc.)
31 J.C. Kenna, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Manchester, 27 July 1969 to JM – arranging programme of psychology Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science; at Durham meeting in 1970 hoping to devote a session to Music; would like to include ethnomusicological papers; has tentative promises from R.C.G Oldfield at Edinburgh and Dr A.T. Hickman at Manchester; asks if JM would be interested in contributing; asks if he can suggest anyone else. 2 leaves (autogr.)
32 [JM] to J.C. Kenna, 30 July – can probably help but many members of Panel presently away; could give clearer answer in Sept.; JM might have something himself; one or two others also; wonders whether what they could produce would be relevant to Psychology; previously Ethnomusicology has come under Anthropology section; will be in Edinburgh in Aug., could perhaps meet Prof. Oldfield (tpc.)
33 J.C. Kenna to JM, 4 Aug. – Section Committee will be discussing programme in Sept.; will have to give report; would like some tentative suggestions about titles for music session; approves of suggestion to meet Prof. Oldfield (autogr.)
34 [JM] to J.C. Kenna, 6 Aug. – will try to see Prof. Oldfield in Edinburgh; Robin Higgins, member of the Panel, a psychiatrist, will give a paper which combines the two disciplines; there may be others (tpc.)
35 Prof. R.C. Oldfield, Director, Speech and Communication Research Unit, University of Edinburgh, to JM, 8 Aug. – going away but will get in touch on his return; will be grateful for help or suggestions with a ‘sticky assignment’ (tp. with autogr. notes on verso)
36 J.C. Kenna to JM, 11 Aug. – has received message that Prof. Oldfield is away but will contact him on return (autogr.)
37 Dr Felix Hoerburger, Musikwissenschaft, Universität Regensburg, to JM, 26 Aug. – thanks him for article on Nepalese Double Horn; plans a publication on Nepalese music so is glad to have all published material on the subject; describes difference between Nepalese and Indian horns (tp.)
38 J.C. Kenna to JM, 30 Aug. – encloses Xerox of summary of Dr A.T. Hickman’s researches; has also sent copy to Prof. Oldfield who has told him that Prof. Longuet-Higgins of Speech and Communication Research Unit, University of Edinburgh is willing to contribute; Prof. Oldfield has also suggested Steve McDonough and Christopher Darwin (autogr.)
.1 Summary of research by Dr A.T. Hickman, Dept. of Education, University of Manchester, on ‘The Bases of Musical Thought in Children (Xerox) [enclosed with A79/11/4/38] [
39 JM to Dr Hoerburger, 6 Sept. – bought his instrument in an antique shop without attribution; thought it was Nepalese but it could be Indian or from elsewhere; is grateful for Dr Hoerburger’s observations on it; repeats his invitation to come to speak at Panel should he ever be in London; could put him up so no worry about hotels (tpc.)
40 JM to Robin [Higgins?], 26 Oct. – thought there was another letter; this just came to light (autogr.)
41 Robin Higgins to Prof. Oldfield, 31 Oct. – he and JM wondering how plans were going for music programme at Durham meeting of British Association; describes their work; they would welcome a meeting (tp.)
42 Dr Kenneth Oakley to JM, 29 Apr. 1970 – has promised son who is writing a book on the folk music of the American Negro that one day the Panel will have a meeting which is relevant to his interests; summer programme again postpones this promise; asks whether the Panel will have such a meeting in the next year; refers to exhibition he arranged for Anthropology Sub Department of British Museum (Natural History); included two shell trumpets, one from Gozo, one from Ceylon (tp.)
43 [JM] to Dr Oakley, 3 May – apologies to Dr Oakley’s son; it is not a subject which had occurred to him as no one among regular attenders knows about the subject; is handing over at the end of this term as he is going to the States; will pass on the letter to his successor; glad the exhibition a success; discusses an instrument from Mafia Island, said to be used as a foghorn (tpc.)
44 Dr Kenneth Oakley to JM, 11 May – will explain situation to his son; would much appreciate photographs of the shell used as a foghorn (tp.)
45 [JM] to Dr Oakley, 29 May – encloses photographs of conch; more discussion of African and Indian instruments (tpc.)
46 Dr Kenneth Oakley to JM, 1 June – thanks him for letter and photographs; he may work up something on this as he has now retired from Natural History Museum; will be working at Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford (tp.)
47 [JM] to Dr Oakley, 3 June – glad to hear he will be at Pitt Rivers; perhaps they could meet there; JM has been working for the Museum on their instruments; supposed to be writing a book on the collection of trumpets and horns; hopes to be there in the spring term (tpc.)
48 Muriel Dawn, Gen. Sec., Primitive People’s Fund, to [Robin]. Higgins, RAI, 12 Mar. 1971 – she is in process of forming support groups in universities and colleges; these will arouse interest and send out speakers; these groups asking if they can borrow recordings of primitive music; she has a particular request from Lancaster University for South American records that were available at one time; would be grateful for any help (tp.)
49 Barbara Bentley, RAI, to JM, 4 May – encloses letter from Muriel Dawn; can he answer it directly or give her some suggestions to pass on to her (tp.)
50 JM to Muriel Dawn, 8 May – there is little primitive music on record; however there is a great deal of non-European music from developed areas; cannot identify the South American music from such a brief description; suggests public libraries; gives assessment of various record labels in case the groups are willing to buy; gives advice about stockists in London; sorry not to help more about South American records but so much has been published that further information would be needed to identify them (tpc.)
51 Muriel Dawn to JM, 14 May – thanks him for his letter; is handing it on to Lancaster University group, the most advanced of the support groups (tp.)
52 [JM] to Muriel Dawn, 19 May – in his last letter forgot to mention that anyone interested in non-European music would be welcome at Panel meetings; gives details of the term’s programme (tpc.)
53 [JM] to A.V. King, 16 Sept. – RAI has now left Bedford Square; Panel has no home; wonders if the meetings could be held at SOAS; describes requirements for accommodation and equipment (tpc.)
54 Joan Oliver for A.V. King, SOAS, to JM, 23 Sept. – very sorry but due to shortage of accommodation cannot accommodate non-SOAS societies (tp.)
55 [?] to RC, 5 Nov. – aware that RC was trying to talk to him after last Council meeting about Panel accommodation problems; apologises for being ‘elusive’; gives reasons; has explained problem in detail to Hon. Sec.; Panel has tried several alternatives; does not seem to be a quick answer (tpc.)
56 Philip Goldman, Development Committee, RAI, to JM, 28 Sept. 1972 – Appeal Consultants have resigned; Development Committee taking responsibility for supervision of the Appeal; has been asked to oversee planning of various RAI activities; although not a major source of funds, important in displaying RAI’s interests to best advantage; would value any suggestions on any function which would perform the above function; also possibly raise funds (tp.)
57 [JM] to Philip Goldman, 7 Oct. – has ideas of what could be done over and above normal programme; expressed these ideas in detail when he was asked to meet Development Committee on 15 May; if records of this meeting not available, they could meet with RC to go over them again; if records are available, they could meet after the records had been considered (tpc.)
58 Ann Hurman, RAI Teaching Aids Project, to JM, 22 Dec. – is compiling a source book to be distributed at ATSS Conference on Anthropology in the classroom; asks if he would write something for this on the Panel, explaining what it does; believes he has information on Penguin Educational Records; could he let her know if he has any other ideas about what could go in the book; he may know other musicologists who could contribute; asks if he could find someone to add to her bibliography (tp.)
59 [JM] to Ann Hurman, 8 Jan. 1973 – encloses note on the Panel; has no information on Penguin records; has neither time nor money to answer queries about records; gives some information about various record labels; can recommend speakers about music; no interest in the subject in teacher training colleges or universities; Panel could advise on courses if anyone had specific plans but a fee would be required; people often ask for advice then do not say thank you; has tried to get a book published on orchestral instruments but told there is no demand; cannot help with bibliography; makes some remarks about available literature (tpc.)
.1 Note on the activities of the Panel [enclosed with A79/11/4/59]
60 Ian K. Birksted, Hove, to JM, 2 Feb. – regrets not being able to heed ethnomusicology appeals; has tape of ‘juoigs’ (Lappish songs); looking forward to hearing about seminars on fieldwork methods; suggests some books to be included; suggests ethnolinguistics (tp.)
61 B.N. Aziz, Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh, to JM, 5 Feb. – has some material from fieldwork among Tibetans in Nepal; requires advice as he is not a musicologist; cannot attend Panel meetings but may be in London in Mar.; asks if he could meet then (tp.)
62 [JM] to Ian K. Birksted, 8 Feb. – will get in touch in due course about the Lapp songs; still discussing the scope of the fieldwork sessions – they are likely to be elementary; will cover basic techniques of recording, filming and observation; as there is no ethnomusicological training available in this country the Panel thought they would make a start; suggests that Mr. Birksted start an ethnolinguistic Panel himself (tpc.)
63 I.K. Birksted, Hove, to JM, 7 Mar. – has neither time nor money to come to the Panel; asks whether RAI gives financial support; such a panel would be technical; mentions two books on ethnolinguistics; asks for details about the Panel (tp.)
64 [JM] to RC, 13 Mar. – encloses letters from James Woodburn and Richard Thorn [not held] and copies of JM’s replies to these; Thorn’s idea a good one; ways to help him should be discussed; RAI could publish the material, thus securing copyright (tpc.)
.1 Ibid. to James Woodburn, 13 Mar. – would like to see his film; asks about his connections if any with the Wissenschaftliches Institut Film (tpc.)[enclosed with A79/11/4/64]
.2 Ibid. to Richard Thorn, Dept. of Humanities, Bristol Polytechnic, 13 Mar. – sounds like an excellent idea, if he can overcome copyright problems; discussion of copyright issues re. commercial records; re. field recordings, copyright belongs to whoever first published them; mentions his collection of instruments; encloses copy of exhibition catalogue; suggested to Barbara Bentley that RAI should act as lecture agency (tpc.) [enclosed with A79/11/4/64]
65 [JM] to I.K. Birksted, 15 Mar. – expected that panels be technical; RAI would help in finding a meeting place; some financial help sometimes available but not as much as fares from Brighton every fortnight; suggests he speak to Barbara Bentley; in summary, RAI would welcome a new panel if little cost involved (tpc.)
66 Malcolm Turner, Royal Musical Association, to JM, 8 Nov. – understands from Prof. Howard Brown that JM has been enquiring about use of King’s College for meetings; his Association often uses King’s College; explains details of the arrangements (tp.)
67 [JM] to Malcolm Turner, 13 Nov. – thanks him for long and helpful letter; invites any interested members of his Association to attend Panel meetings (tpc.)
68 Richard Thorn to JM, 4 Jan. 1974 – thanks him for offer to help with contribution to Tape/Slide Library for the RAI; cannot take JM up on his offer to lecture as he will be meeting students; asks if he could tape JM’s lecture with a view to using it as a tape-pack for the Tape/Slide Library (tp.)
69 [JM] to Richard Thorn, 8 Jan. – earns his living by lecturing; cannot allow lecture to be recorded; might be possible to design something specifically for Tape/Slide Library but cannot be done simultaneously with lecture for different audience; offered to help find visiting lecturers to talk, play tapes etc.; mentions problems of copyright (tpc.)
70 Jonathan Benthall (JB), (Director, RAI, 1974-2000), to JM, 11 Jan. – would like to announce in first issue of RAIN (Mar.) an evening organized by Music Panel; suggests title ‘Are there Musical Universals?’; suggests Apr. or May (autogr.)
71 Ibid. to Prof. Alexander Goehr, Dept. of Music, University of Leeds, 28 Jan. – among his first aims as Director is to help the Panel reach a wider audience; hence has arranged discussion evening on 1 May at Royal College of Art; subject will be ‘Music – Western or Global’; hopes Prof. Goehr can help; RAI willing to pay travel expenses (tpc. with autogr. additions)
.1 Ibid. to JM, 28 Jan. – has sent similar letters to Prof. Mellers and RWF (autogr.) [enclosed with A79/11/4/71] [
72 Ibid. to RWF, 25 Feb. – thanks him for letter of 14 Feb.; discussion evening has been put off until 14 May; hopes that he will be able to come; hopes to meet (tpc.)
73 [JM] to Richard Thorn, 9 Apr. – returns his slides; their value as teaching documents would be considerably enhanced by recordings; lists those he has identified; while in Bristol went to see Mickleburgh’s collection in Stokes Croft; he has a lot of material; happy to let people see it by appointment; knows Hugh Tracey of African Music Society well (tpc.)
.1 List of instruments [as in 11/4/73] (autogr.)[
74 Richard Thorn to JM, 18 Apr. – thanks him for returning slides; will get more of them; will get translation of Portuguese text; thanks him for information about Mickleburgh (tp.)
75 Christopher Clark to JM, 23 Sept. – refers to tapes of Gilbert music; asks whether JM has facility to copy them (autogr.)
.1 Ibid., c. 28 Aug. [no year] – would ethnomusical group be interested in taped music from Gilbert & Ellis Islands (autogr. note)
76 Charlotte J. Frisbie, Editor, Newsletter for the Society of Ethnomusicology, Anthropology Dept., Southern Illinois University, to JB, 18 Dec. – asks for information as she would like to develop an article on the Panel for her journal; asks about advertising rates; gives details of publication deadlines for her journal (tp.)
77 JB to Charlotte Frisbie, 8 Jan. 1975 – to keep her in touch with the activities of the Panel has forwarded her letter and this reply to JM; gives details about advertising rates; points out that the subject is not taught in universities except at Belfast (tp.)
.78 Daphne Elston, The Brighton Consort, to JM, 9 June – Dr George Banks of Brighton Museum suggested she write; is researching Music and Magic; would be keen to meet anyone able to help; has taken out membership of RAI and hopes to visit library soon; asks about meetings of Panel (autogr. with autogr. notes in another hand [JM’s?])
79 [JM] to Daphne Elston, 12 June – gives her the names of some relevant books; informs her that next session’s Panel programme will be in RAIN; discusses details of RAI library usage (tpc.)
80 Stephen Cobb to JM, 22 June 1976 – there are no more Panel meetings where he could ask questions; asks his advice about tape recorders; encloses copy of an advertisement
.1 Review of Nagra SN tape recorder from Studio Sound, Apr. 1974. 3 leaves (photocopy) [probably enclosed with A79/11/4/80]
.2 Advertisements for tape recorders etc. (photocopy) [annotated by hand ‘Studio Sound, July 76’; enclosed with A79/11/4/80]
81 [JM] to Stephen Cobb, 7 Aug. – apologises for delay; discusses various makes of tape recorder including Nagra, Uher, Philips, Sony (tpc.)