Correspondence, papers, and minutes. 1947-61.

Council approved the formation of the Friends of the RAI on 4 Dec. 1951 (CM/81/3, Item 2d). The prime mover was Mr I.M. Sieff and its membership a group of industrialists. Its aim was to strengthen the RAI by attracting support from industry and to provide for development in the anthropological study of industrial society. The Committee for Liaison with the Friends was formed in Apr. 1952 and comprised, in addition to the Hon. Officers, Senior Fellows of the RAI. In 1954 the Ways and Means Committee (A37) was disbanded and its powers, to assist the Hon. Treasurer, transferred to the Liaison Committee.

On 7 Oct. 1954 (CM/84/1, Item 6g) it was reported that the Committee on Anthropology in Industry had replaced the Liaison Committee its function being to review the work done so far, to identify problems suitable for study and to facilitate research. Early members of the Committee were Dr J.A. Barnes (Secretary), J.H. Bayfield, L.M.T. Castle, Profs. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, Daryll Forde, H.J. Fleure, Max Gluckman, Sir Robert Hyde, Dr K.L. Little, Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts, Prof. I. Schapera, Peter Rowntree, and H.N.C. Stevenson, and the Hon. Officers. The years, 1952-6, were busy ones for the Friends, the Liaison Committee and its successor but it was not very active thereafter. The Report of the Council, 1958-9 recorded that it expected to review membership and that the Committee on Anthropology in Industry had been reappointed pending a decision; there is no report in Council minutes. The Committee was again listed in the Report of the Council, 1959-60 and 1960-1 after which it was not listed.


WBF        W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum, 1969-74; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1936-56, Hon. Editor of Man, 1939-56

RWF        (Prof. Sir) Raymond Firth, FBA (1901-2002), Prof. of Anthropology, University of London; RAI Hon. Secretary 1935-9, President, 1953-5

HJF        Prof. H.J. Fleure, FRS (1877-1969), formerly Prof. of Geography, University of Manchester; RAI President, 1945-7

RRH        Sir Robert R. Hyde, KBE, MVO (d. 1970), Director, Industrial Welfare Society; RAI Council member, 1952, 1956-7, Vice-President, 1953-6

JPM        J.P. Mills, ICS (1890-1960), Reader, School of Oriental and African Studies; RAI President, 1951-3

IMS        Israel M. Sieff (d. 1972), Vice-Chairman and Joint Managing Director, Marks & Spencer Ltd.; RAI Council member, 1950-3, 1954, Vice-President, 1955-8, 1959-61

RGS        Ronald G. Stansfield, Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research

HNCS        H.N.C. Stevenson, OBE, Burma Frontier Service; Hon. Director of Ethnography, Governor of Burma Camp, Simla, 1945; author of The economics of the Central Chin Tribes, Bombay, [1944]; later Lecturer, University of Glasgow; Managing Director, Scottish Television Ltd.

MWS        Dr Marian W. Smith (1907-61), RAI Hon. Secretary, 1956-61

DHFW        Douglas H.F. Wilson (d. 1974), RAI Hon. Treasurer, 1944-56

1/    Friends of the RAI, 1947-54; Committee for Liaison with the Friends, 1952-4


1    HJF to WBF, 28 Apr. [1947] – discusses letter from IMS and A.H. Brodrick’s application (autogr.)

2    RRH to WBF, 13 Aug. – interested in proposal to consider co-operation with industry (tp.); reply of 15 Aug. not retained; WBF away, will reply on his return


3    IMS to WBF, 15 June 1950 – will be glad to meet the President and Officers; suggest they should meet before hand (tp.)

4    Dr Ethel J. Lindgren (d. 1988), Hon. Editor, 1938-47, RAI Vice-President, 1947-50, to WBF, 1 July – comments on IMS developments and Institute of Sociology (tp.)


5    IMS to WBF, 7 Nov. 1951 – invitation on behalf of RAI to dinner at the Savoy Hotel (printed)

6    IMS’s Secretary to DHFW, 23 Nov. – on cheques from business firms (tp.)

7    IMS to Ibid., 28 Nov. – George Harris of Rowntrees impressed by discussion at the dinner, mentions especially Prof. M. Fortes; suggests the latter should visit Rowntrees in York (tp.)


8    DHFW to WBF, 25 Jan. 1952 – IMS has been discussing the proposed Friends of the RAI; has interested RRH; suggests dinner at his flat (tp.); the dinner took place on 13 Mar.

9    Ibid. to IMS, 4 Apr. – notifies him of the formation of the Committee for Liaison with the Friends of the RAI; encloses list of members (tpc.)

10    IMS’s Secretary to RAI, 22 Apr. – encloses copy of letter (/11 below) in connection with meeting on 8 May; asks for it to be shown to Liaison Committee members (tp.)

11    IMS to Thomas Padmore, Cabinet Secretariat, 23 Apr. – following dinner on 13 Mar. proposes meeting on 8 May to discuss ways of increasing the membership of the Friends and to strengthen the RAI’s activities (tpc.); similar letter sent to those listed (/12 below)

12    List of names sent letter of invitation from IMS (tpc.)

13    Agenda for meeting on 8 May (tpc.); the meeting was postponed

14    DHFW to WBF, 23 Apr. – informs him of meeting on 8 May; wishes Liaison Committee members to meet prominent Friends (tp.)

15    RAI to WBF, 8 June – in place of postponed meeting of 8 May, IMS proposes an informal dinner at his flat on 24 June (tp.)

16    List of guests at the dinner, 8 June

17    Association of “Friends of the Royal Anthropological Institute” – document on the purpose of the Friends (mimeo.)

18    (Prof. Sir) E.R. Leach, President, 1971-5 (ERL) to IMS, 25 June – thanks him for the excellent dinner; found the discussion interesting but it filled him ‘with some dismay’; sets out his reasons for concern (tpc.); copy sent to WBF for information

19    WBF to ERL, 26 June – draft reply agreeing with the general substance of his letter; thinks his points ‘might have been made’ to the Chairman; gives details of his points of agreement and disagreement (autogr.)

20    (Prof.) Kenneth L. Little to WBF, 28 June – would have welcomed earlier intimation of Liaison Committee; his department’s research activity is in ‘advanced societies’; suggest HNCS would also be helpful to Committee (tp.)


21    HNCS to WBF, 30 June – K.L. Little has sent copy of his letter (/20 above); interested in the development of the Committee; his suggestion that social anthropologists should direct their interest to western societies was turned down by the Association of Social Anthropologists (autogr.)

22    WBF to JPM, 9 July – encloses letter from ERL and his reply (/18-19 above); comments on attitude of London School of Economics, wishes to discuss it with him; K.L. Little and HNCS both interested and more positive (autogr.)

23    JPM to WBF, 9 July – did not receive a copy of ERL’s letter; stresses importance of Committee acting together; approves addition of K.L. Little and HNCS (autogr.)

24    HNCS to WBF, c. 20 Oct. – IMS has asked him to draft a circular to go from IMS to the Friends; requests details of RAI finances (autogr.)

25    DHFW to HNCS, 24 Oct. – information on finances (tpc.); autogr. note on Corporate membership

26    HNCS to JPM, 28 Oct. – accepted IMS’s invitation; willing to fly down for preliminary meeting; requests a formal invitation to attend Liaison Committee (autogr.)

27    JPM to WBF, 29 Oct. – asks him to deal with HNCS’s letter (autogr.)

28    JPM to WBF, 9 Dec. – comments on HJF’s letter and meeting with IMS [on 8 Dec.](tp.)

29    Notification of Committee meeting to consider HNCS’s memorandum on 29 Dec. (tpc.)

30    Prof. M. Fortes, President, 1965-7, to WBF, 28 Dec. – regrets cannot attend meeting; refers to meeting on Editorship (autogr.)


31    HNCS to WBF, 5 June 1953 – comments on modification to memorandum; Information Centre and administrator essential to scheme (autogr.)

32    RRH to HJF, 22 Jan. – encloses memorandum on a Museum of English Life; stress on industrial side; possible IMS and others likely to be interested in a particular scheme (tp.)

33    ‘Some notes on the presentation of the case for the establishment of a Museum of English Life & Tradition’ by RRH, 22 Jan. 3 leaves (tp.)

34    HJF to RRH, 26 Jan. – expresses enthusiasm for the draft; makes some suggestions for inclusion (autogr.)


35    Thomas W. Bagshawe, Chairman, British Ethnography Committee, 1950-2, to HJF, 28 Jan. – agrees draft is excellent; thinks his suggestions should be included (tp.)

36    HJF to DHFW, 30 Jan. – glad to have his approval for draft; comments on RRH’s note and T.W. Bagshawe’s reply (autogr.)

37    RRH to JPM, 4 Feb. – considers fieldwork on strikes essential; comments on some practices in industry and causes of unrest (tp.)

38    DHFW to HJF, 6 Feb. – encloses RRH’s memo and HJF’s; agrees should be discussed with IMS (tp.)

39    JPM to RAI Office, 7 Feb. – refers to Mainprice papers; thinks K.G.J.C. Knowles, Strikes should be reviewed (autogr.; annotated by WBF); Knowles’s book was not reviewed in Man

40    HJF to RAI Office, 23 Feb. – encloses RRH’s memo, draft of his letter to RRH and T.W. Bagshawe’s letter; may be shown to IMS (autogr., annotated by JPM)

41    RAI Office to WBF, 13 July – on IMS’s invitation to an informal dinner on 22 July (tp.)

42    WBF to RWF, 17 July – on meeting for dinner with DHFW and Dr J.C. Trevor (tp.)

43    WBF to IMS, 22 July – draft letter of thanks for the dinner; gives his views on the different approach to problems by industrialists and anthropologists; thinks volume of support is increasing; suggests a Committee on Industrial Anthropology; expresses gratitude for all he is doing (autogr.)

44    Liaison Committee – Friends of the RAI, 30 July – document, agreed in 1952, and passed to IMS for use in discussion with Friends; WBF asks for suggestions for a more specific document (mimeo., HJF’s copy annotated by him)

45    Ibid., HJF to WBF, 30 July – outlines his suggestions (autogr., attached to /44 above)

46    RWF to WBF, 31 July – will be away until Sep.; would like to discuss redraft of document (/44) on return with him and DHFW; offers his Marett Lecture for publication in Man (tp.)

47    Rough notes on document by WBF (autogr.)

48    Résumé of notes made at a meeting between the President, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer, 7 Oct. – aide memoire for IMS (tp.)


49    RWF to WBF, 17 Oct. – asks about revised document for IMS; has some suggestions; suggests lunch meeting (autogr.)

50    Aide memoire for IMS – draft sent to President, Hon. Secretary, and Hon. Treasurer, [26 Oct.]. 3 leaves (tpc.)

51    [IMS] to Peter Rowntree, Rowntree & Co. Ltd., York, 28 Oct. – outlines aim of the Friends; invites him to a meeting on 2 Dec. at 82 Baker Street; encloses note on RAI (tpc., and mimeo.)

52    Revised aide memoire for IMS from RWF. 5 leaves (tpc.)

53    RWF to WBF, 30 Oct. – covering letter to /52 (tp.); similar letter to DHFW not retained

54    HNCS to WBF, [30 Oct.] – glad to help him with Liaison Committee; explains his travel difficulties (tp.)

55    WBF to DHFW, 1 Nov. – thinks RWF has ‘considerably improved’ his draft (/50, 52); suggests circulating draft to full Committee after hearing from IMS; mentions HNCS’s need to know dates of meetings a month in advance; need to distinguish between full Committee and small ad hoc group (autogr.)

56    DHFW to RWF, 2 Nov. – hopes to meet IMS next day; proposes to show him the revised aide memoire (tpc.)

57    RRH to WBF, 4 Nov. – notes date of meeting with IMS; feels revised aide memoire is too vague for industrialists; makes suggestions; no mention of a museum; believes IMS is interested in the latter (tp.)

58    HNCS to WBF, 7 Nov. – lists his engagements; notes Council report that his essay on status evaluation was recommended for a prize (autogr.); HNCS was awarded the Curl Bequest Prize Essay for his ‘Status evaluation in the Hindu caste system’

59    WBF to RRH, 8 Nov. – draft reply to letter of 4 Nov.; strongly supports a paragraph on a museum (/57 above) (autogr.)

60    HNCS to WBF, 11 Nov. – on his commitments and travel difficulties (autogr.)

61    IMS’s secretary to DHFW, 28 Nov. – encloses copies of ‘The needs of the Institute’ sent to those attending meeting of 2 Dec. (tp.)

62    Brochure: ‘The needs of the Institute’. 4 pp. (printed). 2 copies

63    RRH to IMS, 3 Dec. – lists Peter Rowntree’s suggestions for committee’s name; subjects to be discussed (mimeo.). 2 copies, one annotated by ?RWF


64    RGS to WBF, 8 Dec. – encloses his paper, a) ‘Empirical research in industry’, Nature, 14 Nov. 1953; b) “Human factors’ research in industry’ (autogr., printed, mimeo.)


65    Meeting of 14 Jan. held at IMS’s office

.1    Minutes (mimeo.); see /63 above for Peter Rowntree’s suggestions

66    Meeting of 27 Jan. held at IMS’s office

.1    IMS’s secretary to WBF, 15 Jan. – gives notice of meeting; names those expecting to attend (tp.)

.2    Hon. Secretary’s notification of meeting (mimeo.)

.3    Minutes (mimeo.)

67    Meeting of 16 Feb. held at IMS’s office

.1    Hon. Secretary’s notification of meeting (tp., with note by DHFW)

.2    RWF to WBF, 11 Feb. – encloses draft memorandum for business guests (/.3 below)

.3    Draft memorandum. 4 leaves (tpc.)

.4    Memorandum to be sent by Friends of the RAI to business guests. 6 leaves (mimeo.)

.5    Peter Rowntree to IMS, 15 Feb. – regrets he cannot attend; outlines his views (mimeo.)

Minutes of meeting lacking.

68    Dept of Scientific and Industrial Research

.1    RGS to WBF, 4 Mar. – on the European Productivity Agency and the completion of a yearbook (mimeo. and autogr.)

.2    Information required listed (mimeo.)

.3    RGS to WBF, 26 Mar. – on ‘recording unpublished information in the field of human factors in industry’ (tp.)

.4    Ibid., variant letter addressed to WBF as Editor of Man

.5    Technical Information and Documents Unit (mimeo. enclosed in /.4 above)

.6    Joint Committee on Human Relations in Industry, first report, Mar. 1953 to Mar. 1954. iii, 14 pp. (mimeo.)

69    Meeting of 5 Apr. held at IMS’s office


.1    IMS’s secretary to WBF, 30 Mar. – gives notice of meeting (tp.)

.2    Hon. Secretary’s notification of meeting (mimeo.)

.3    RWF to WBF, 31 Mar. – unable to attend meeting; protests at short notice and lack of consultation about dates (tp.); letter from RRH, 2 Apr. regretting he cannot attend not retained

.4    Peter Rowntree to IMS, 2 Apr. – regrets he cannot attend; outlines his views (mimeo.)

Minutes of meeting lacking

70    Meeting of 7 Apr. held at RAI

.1    Hon. Secretary’s notification of meeting, dated 30 Mar. announcing the discharge of the Ways and Means Committee and the transfer of its functions to the Liaison Committee; accounts to be examined (mimeo.)

.2    Hon. Secretary’s notification of meeting on 12 Apr., dated 31 Mar.

.3    Accounts: Revenue account, to 31 Dec. 1953 (annotated by DHFW); Financial situation, 1954; Additional income required. 4 leaves (mimeo.)

Minutes of meeting lacking

71    Dinner at Claridges Hotel on 12 Apr. hosted by IMS

.1    HNCS to WBF, 21 Feb. – able to attend (autogr.)

.2    IMS’s secretary to DHFW, 23 Feb. – encloses copy of letter of invitation to be sent out on 1 Mar.; IMS is away, hopes she may call on him if necessary; mentions those to be invited (tp.)

.3    Copy of letter of invitation from IMS (tpc., enclosed in /.2 above)

.4    DHFW to IMS’s secretary, 26 Feb. – encloses list of names of industrialists and others (tpc.)

.5    List of names. 4 leaves (tpc.)

.6    IMS’s secretary to DHFW, 3 Mar. – dinner invitation circulated; copy of accompanying memorandum enclosed (/.7 below)(tp.)

.7    ‘A proposal to foster the advance and application of anthropological study’. 4 pp. (printed)

.8    Acceptances of invitation, 27 Mar. (tpc., annotated)

.9    Peter Rowntree to IMS, 2 Apr. – regrets he cannot attend; outlines his view (mimeo.)


.10    Hon. Secretary’s notification of the dinner, Committee for Liaison with the Friends of the RAI, 8 Apr. (mimeo.)

.11    Draft for the President’s dinner invitation to members of the Committee for Liaison (tpc., annotated)

.12    List of guests, Claridges Hotel (printed)

.13    Menu (printed)

.14    Copy of letter sent by IMS to business representatives who attended the dinner (tp.)

.15    Note from DHFW for Council on new members for the Friends reported by IMS with attached list (tp.)

.16    List of new members (tp., annotated)

72    Meeting of 1 June held at IMS’s flat

.1    Draft of ‘Additional income required’ by WBF (autogr.)

.2    ‘Additional income required’, Liaison Committee (tpc., annotated by WBF)

.3    Library expansion – estimated expenditure, 23 June (tpc., annotated on verso by WBF)

.4    Financial estimates by DHFW (autogr.)

.5    Note on publications (tpc.)

.6    Hon. Secretary’s notification, 29 June, of meeting, 8 July (see /73.1 below); minutes enclosed (/.7 below) (mimeo.)

.7    Minutes (mimeo.)

.8    RWF to WBF, 9 June – reports on lunch with IMS and proposals arising from the meeting (tp.)

73    Meeting of 8 July held at IMS’s office

.1    Notes on the meeting. 3 pp. (mimeo.)

74    Meeting of 22 July held at IMS’s office

.1    Introductory notes and agenda. 3 leaves (mimeo.)

.2    Notes on the meeting. 5 leaves (mimeo.)

.3    J.H. Bayfield to IMS, [?23 July] – feels industrialists are ‘bogged down’ on whether anthropologists can make a positive contribution; act of faith needed; provision of cash necessary (tpc. copy)


.4    RWF to WBF, 24 July – reports on meeting; it was disappointing; stress put on ‘proof’ of anthropologists ability; decided to appeal to industry on a ‘broad’ basis; feels IMS is being realistic about the chances of success; any fund to be tied to the revival of the Applied Anthropology Committee (tp.)

75    Meeting of 18 Aug. held at IMS’s office

.1    Hon. Secretary’s notification, 3 Aug., of meeting, 18 Aug. (mimeo.)

.2    Notes on the meeting of some of the Friends of the RAI with members of the Liaison Committee, Mr R. Stansfield of the DSIR, and Mr K. Dauncey of the Steel Company of Wales. 8 leaves (mimeo.); some copies of 6 leaves were circulated, the text is the same

The meeting of 18 Aug. was the last of the Liaison Committee; it was superseded by the Committee on Anthropology in Industry; see Council minutes, 7 Oct. 1954, CM/84/1, Item 6g

76    HNCS to WBF, 5 Oct. – hopes Industrial Committee will be formed; discusses advisability of appointing certain social anthropologists to the Committee; encloses cutting from Manchester Guardian (autogr.)

77    Cutting from Manchester Guardian, 4 Oct. 1954 on archaeologists in industry

78    WBF to IMS, 1 Nov. – on the formation of the Committee of Anthropology in Industry, its terms of reference, and those invited to serve (tp.)

79    WBF to Association of Social Anthropologists, 2 Nov. – Ibid. (tpc.)

80    Invitation to serve on Committee accepted:

.1    Association of Social Anthropologists, Prof. I. Schapera as Chairman, 3 Nov. (tp.)

.2    Ibid., Prof. M. Gluckman as Hon. Secretary, 10 Nov. (tp.)

.3    J.H. Bayfield, James Pascall Ltd., 3 Nov. (tp.)

.4    L.M.T. Castle, Stewarts and Lloyds Ltd., 10 Nov. (tp.)

.5    Peter Rowntree, Rowntree Ltd., York, 30 Nov. (tp.)

.6    IMS, 3 Nov. (tp.)

.7    HNCS, nd (autogr.)


Acceptances received from Dr J.A. Barnes, Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, Prof. Daryll Forde, Sir Robert Hyde, and Dr Kenneth L. Little not retained

81    Invitations to serve on Committee refused:

.1    Prof. H.J. Fleure, 3 Nov. (autogr.)

.2    Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts, 4 Nov., and reply urging him to serve, 8 Nov. (tp., and tpc.); Dr Fraser Roberts agreed to serve

.3    Prof. M. Fortes, 3 Nov. (tp.)

82    Meeting of 9 Dec. held at IMS’s flat

.1    IMS’s secretary to WBF, 9 Nov. – asks if enclosed letters of invitation could be circulated (tp.)

.2    IMS to DHFW, 9 Nov. – letter of invitation; purpose to inform those who attended the Claridges dinner of progress made and discussion with Liaison Committee and the Council of the Friends (tp.)

.3    WBF to IMS’s secretary, 10 Nov. – on those sent invitations; regrets he will be in New York and cannot attend (tpc.)

83    Meeting of 21 Dec. held at IMS’s office

.1    Hon. Secretary’s notification, 17 Dec., of meeting (tp.)

.2    HNCS to WBF, 28 Dec. – on difficulties of attending meetings from Glasgow; makes proposals to ease the position of Scottish members (autogr.)

84    Council minutes, 7 Oct., CM/84/1 (mimeo.)

2/    Friends of the RAI; Committee on Anthropology in Industry, 1955-61, 1976

The latter succeeded the Committee for Liaison with the Friends of the RAI


1    RWF to WBF, 3 Jan. 1955 – concerned about the Committee meeting on 13 Jan. and possible rail strike; refers to Presidential Committee and Officers’ Meeting (tp.)

2    List of names accepting appointment to Anthropology in Industry Committee (tp.)

3    List of those unable to attend Committee meeting on 13 Jan. (tp.)


4    Prof. M. Gluckman to WBF, 12 Jan. – meeting of Association of Social Anthropologists endorsed acceptance of invitation; asks if he and Prof. Schapera could nominate an ad hoc representative (tp.)

5    RRH to WBF, 28 Feb. – regrets cannot attend IMS’s meeting on 3 Mar.; attending lecture as requested (tp.)

6    WBF to Dr J.A. Barnes, 8 Mar. – informs him that Council has agreed to Prof. M. Gluckman’s request to appoint ad hoc Association of Social Anthropologist’s representatives to the Anthropology in Industry Committee (tpc.)

7    Prof. M. Gluckman to WBF, 20 Apr. – hopes to appoint Miss Elizabeth Bott as representative (tp.); letter from WBF, 15 May, reporting Miss Bott’s position to Council not retained

8    Minutes of the Friends Sub-Committee, 4 May at IMS’s office

9    B.A. Lewis to WBF, 23 Nov. – inquires about openings for anthropologists in industry (autogr.)

10    Agendas, minutes, and papers of the Committee on Anthropology in Industry

.1    13 Jan. 1955 (AI/84/1) Agenda

.2    Ibid. Draft appeal by J.H. Bayfield and covering letter to Miss Pamela Bradney; appeal headed: Industrial Relations Research Group, RAI

.3    Ibid. Draft covering letter to appeal by IMS

.4    Ibid. Minutes

.5    18 Feb. (AI/84/2) Notice of meeting at IMS’s flat

.6    Ibid. Agenda

.7    Ibid. ‘Social anthropology and industry’ by J.A. Barnes. 6 pp.

.8    Ibid. Note by HNCS on Research carried out by the University of Glasgow

.9    Ibid. RRH to Pamela Bradney, 19 Jan. – outlines work of US anthropologists (mimeo.)

.10    Ibid. Minutes

Minutes of all other meetings are lacking including those held on 2 Feb. and 3 Mar. at IMS’s flat.


11    IMS to Lord Raglan, 2 Jan. 1956 – regrets he will have not have time to devote to the Friends until Apr.; will be devoting his leisure time to various Zionist organizations in view of Israel’s economic problems (tpc.)

12    B.A. Lewis to WBF, 18 Jan. – has met IMS; no openings at present (autogr.); see also (/9 above)

13    Meeting of 27 June held at IMS’s flat

.1    IMS to DHFW, 7 May – comments on new Hon. Treasurer; arrangements for reception for Lord Raglan and other officers (tp.)

.2    Ibid., 15 May – sends copy of invitation to reception (/.3 below); wishes to discuss RAI representatives with him (tp.)

.3    Copy of invitation sent by IMS, 15 May (tpc.)

.4    DHFW to IMS, 17 May – comments on invitations sent; encloses list of names for possible invitation; recommends RAI representatives (tpc.)

.5    List of invitations from RRH’s list (tpc.)

.6    Invitations list (mimeo.)

.7    List of acceptances and those unable to attend but interested (mimeo.)

.8    Minutes of the meeting

.9    ‘How social anthropology is different from social psychology’, 5 July – circulated with the minutes

.10    MWS (Hon. Secretary) to IMS (Vice-President), 3 July – draft statement arising from the meeting of 27 June with covering note (tp., tpc.)

14    RGS to MWS, 5 July – encloses documents (/.1-.3 below); cites several papers of interest (tp.)

.1    DSIR/MRC Joint Committee on Individual Efficiency in Industry – outline of research programme. 4 pp. (mimeo.)

.2    British Sociological Association. Industrial Sociology Study Group – meeting, 12 July (mimeo.)

.3    ‘Report on research by the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Glasgow – Sanctions: rewards and penalties’ by HNCS. 4 pp. (printed); uncorrected proof

15    Prof. M. Fortes to Mrs B.Z. Seligman, 11 July – mentions two businessmen who may be interested (tp.)


Not retained: Joint DSIR/MRC Committee on Human Relations in Industry, Apr. 1954 to July 1955. [ii], 17 pp. (mimeo.); ‘Some references in the field of human relations in industry’. 10 pp. (mimeo.)

16    RGS to MWS, 16 Aug. – on her visit to the DSIR and to meet Dr Alexander King (Chief Scientific Officer, DSIR); wish to encourage anthropologists to study industrial problems


17    MWS to RGS, 10 May 1957 – on compiling a bibliography on anthropology in industry (tpc.)

18    Dr Peter Worsley to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, President, 1949-51, 21 May – on research project in the Hull fishing industry; inquires about RAI funds (tp.); letter from Secretary, 29 May, forwarding letter not retained

19    Meeting of 3 June held at MWS’s flat

.1    MWS’s invitation, 20 May, to meet Dr Margaret Mead at MWS’s flat (tpc.)

.2    MWS’s letter of invitation to guests, 21 May (tpc.)

.3    List of names sent invitation (tpc.)

.4    List of acceptances (tpc.)

.5    Minutes (mimeo.)

20    J.J. O’Dwyer, Unilever Ltd., to MWS, 14 June – letter of thanks for her hospitality; meeting most stimulating (tp.)

21    MWS to Dr Peter Worsley, 18 June – most interested in his project on the Hull fishing industry; RAI has no research funds available; asks for progress on research assistant (tpc.); see /18 above

22    MWS to William F. Whyte, Cornell University, 20 June – refers to 3 June meeting; asks for his assistance in a compendium of readings from published papers (tpc.)

23    Dr Peter Worsley to MWS, 1 July – will consult with his head of department for a clearer idea of their requirements (tp.); see /21 above

24    RGS to MWS, 5 July – on new publication on anthropology and industry (tp.); MWS’s acknowledgement, 9 July, RGS’s reply, 10 July, and MWS’s further letter, 11 July, on the subject not retained

25    William F. Whyte to MWS, 17 July – Society of Applied Anthropology will want to help; Executive Committee meets in Oct. (tp.); see /2 above


26    Dr Margaret Mead, American Museum of Natural History, NY, to MWS, 29 July – on developments in the USA; will send fee for RAI life membership (tp.)

27    Elizabeth C. Vallance, United Steel Companies Ltd to MWS, 30 July – thanks her for her letter of 26 July (not retained) with information on new publications (autogr.)

28    List of names with donations given and ‘For industrial project or possible money’. 2 leaves (tpc.)


29    MWS to Dr Peter Worsley, 15 Jan. – inquires about progress of his project (tpc.)

30    G.W. Horobin to MWS, 22 Jan. – replies to letter of 15 Jan.; outlines developments on Hull fishing industry project; another research assistant appointed (autogr.); see /18, 21, 23, 29 above; MWS’s acknowledgement, 28 Jan., not retained

31    MWS to Luther P. Gerlach, 11 Apr. – replies to his visit to the RAI on interesting industry in the RAI; outlines work of the Industry Committee and financial position of the RAI (tpc.)


32    A.H. Christie, Hon. Secretary to IMS, 23 May – anxious to realise potential of Industry Committee; wishes his advice on further developments (tpc.); similar letter to Peter Rowntree

33    Peter Rowntree to A.H. Christie, 1 June – regrets he lacks the time to be an effective member of a revived committee; finds it unsatisfactory to be a member of a committee and not attend (tp.)

34    J.M. Hayes to RAI, 8 June – interested to learn more of the Industry Committee (autogr.)

35    RAI to J.M. Hayes, 12 June – glad to know of his interest; would like to know which branch of industry interests him (tpc.)

36    A.H. Christie to Peter Rowntree, 14 June – regrets he cannot serve on the Committee if revived; thinks of organising a discussion based on pre-circulated papers next spring; hopes he can give advice (tpc.)

37    J.M. Hayes to RAI, 15 June – outlines his employment in industry; would like to assist in future studies (autogr.)

38    A.H. Christie to Peter Rowntree, 31 July – IMS has asked to see him on 11 Aug.; if he is in London would be grateful if he would accompany him (tpc.)


39    Anthropology in Industry – memorandum from Director to Council recording Council’s policy, after 1976