17/ 1942-3. Possible amalgamation of the RAI with the Institute of Sociology and other correspondence
1 EJL to Dr Cecil H. Desch, FRS, Chairman, Institute of Sociology Council, 28 July 1942 – understands that the Institute of Sociology is considering its present and future role; sends copy of suggestions (/2 below) (tpc.)
2 Notes on the function of the Institute of Sociology. 5 leaves (tpc.)
3 HJB to WBF, 11 Aug. – returns above; suggests His Excellency Pangeran Ario Soejono as Guest Member; refers to FS (autogr.)
4 Kimber Bull & Co., solicitors to WBF, 25 Feb. 1943 – has discussed proposed amalgamation with the Board of Trade; RAI has to consider whether it has the power to amalgamate; if it has the power and consent of the Institute of Sociology the consent of the Board of Trade is necessary (tp.); neither Council minutes nor Executive Committee minutes refer to the possible amalgamation
5 Race Relations Group, Institute of Sociology to RAI, 23 Mar. – proposes to hold a conference to discuss methods of combating racial prejudice; asks if RAI would consider a request to nominate speakers (tp.)
6 Field Studies, Institute of Sociology to WBF, 21 Apr. – sending folklore broadsheet (/7 below); before reprinting would like to have suggestions for revision (tp.)
7 Folklore broadsheet (printed)
8 WBF to Race Relations Group, 25 Apr. 1943 – problems of race and race relations of deep concern to RAI; further consideration being given following Prof. I. Zollschan’s lecture [‘How to combat racial philosophy’, 23 Feb.]; would not wish formal representation but makes suggestions for individual lecturers (autogr. draft)
9 WBF note to EJL and her reply, 30 Apr. – asking her views; gives her opinion (autogr.)
10 WBF to Field Studies, 4 May – has discussed request (/6 above) with colleagues; RAI has general interest in folklore, should refer to the Folklore Society (autogr.)
18/ 1943. General
1 H.S. Harrison to WBF, 24 Feb. 1943 – asks that his name be withdrawn from the Huxley Lectureship (autogr., annotated by WBF)
2 Ibid., 1 Mar. – thanks him for his letter of 26 Feb. (not held); gives his preferences for procedure; hopes Prof. V.G. Childe’s name comes before Council (autogr.); see Council minutes, 23 Mar. 1943, Item 7, f. 413
3 Notes by WBF on representations to the Colonial Office on mining policy [Mar.](autogr.)
4 FS to WBF, 8 Mar. – letter to Colonial Secretary posted; refers to the Report to the Council, 1940-1 and to the letter to the India Office with Verrier Elwin’s essay (tp., autogr. note by FS); see Council Minutes, 26 Jan., 23 Mar., 25 May 1943, ff. 409, 410-11, 418
5 Dr Audrey Richards to WBF, 8 May – has just noted another commitment clashes with the Race and Racialism Exploratory Committee (autogr.); see Council minutes, 23 Mar., 25 May 1943, ff. 414, 416-17 (report of the Committee); see also ‘Report of the Council, 1942-3’, JRAI, 1943, pp. 120-1
6 Foreign Office, Under Secretary of State to RAI, 8 May – forwards appeal for financial assistance to the Journal of the West China Border Research Society (tp. copy annotated by WBF and EJL); see /12 below
7 Miss Ursula Borchard to WBF, 17 May – inquires about courses in anthropology (tp.)
8 HJB to WBF, 22 May – has had appreciative comments in The Times letter; mentions Wellcome Medal referees (autogr.); see Council minutes, 25 May 1943, Items 6, b, d, f. 418
9 CDF to WBF, 22 May 1943 – unable to attend Council, presents apologies; interested in his draft proposal for regularising some of the Committees (autogr.)
10 Note by WBF on government funding, 27 May (autogr., autogr. note by EJL)
11 WBF to Miss Ursula Borchard, 28 May – RAI not a teaching body; outlines its functions; will write again after further inquiries (autogr.)
12 West China Border Research Society – notes on appeal, 7 June: .1, supporting note by EJL (autogr.); .2, note suggesting an ex gratia payment by JMM (tp.); .3, note though a worthy object does not support financial aid by probably W.L. Hildburgh, Hon. Treasurer; .4 covering note by EJL; see Council Minutes, 25 May 1943, Item 6c, f. 418
13 JLM to WBF, 10 June – thanks him for his congratulations [on his knighthood]; received an interesting inquiry from W.E. Williams on Army general training (autogr.); see Executive Committee Minutes, 15 June 1943, Item 5a, f. 249
14 Mrs Kathleen Hirst to WBF, 2 July – thanks him for the full reply on her query about a career for her handicapped son (autogr.)
15 FS to WBF, 20 Sep. – on revising RAI invitation card, centenary tea (see A45/1-7) and anthropometric instruments (tp.)
16 HJB to WBF, 7 Oct. – on Hon. Librarian, Dr Otto Samson and his work especially with the sorting and indexing of pamphlets; explains his error in inviting him to attend Council. 4 pp. (autogr.)
17 Hon. Secretary’s Note on Committee activity and Institute organisation – Comments from Assistant Secretary [FS][Oct.?] (tpc.)
18 The Cotton Board, Manchester to WBF, 1 Nov. – reports the Lancashire cotton industry is noteworthy for its interest in indigenous designs; refers to recent exhibition and possibility of collaboration with RAI (tp., autogr. annotations by WBF)
19 Prof. V.G. Childe to WBF, 15 Nov. – makes suggestions for the Archaeological Joint Committee (autogr.)
19/ 1945. General
No correspondence for 1944 has survived.
1 HJB to WBF, 19 Mar. 1945 – draws attention to deviations from normal practice at last Council in the election of Hon. Fellows, Rivers Medallists and the Huxley Medallists; caused him ‘considerable dissatisfaction’. 4 pp. (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 13 Mar. 1945, Items 3c and 6, f. 445; see also 15 May 1945, Item 16b, f. 450
2 Ibid., 3 May – refers to plans for the return of the Library and to a meeting at the Colonial Office (autogr.)
3 Ibid., 18 May – first 3 ½ pp. cover British Museum affairs; agrees much Council business should be discussed in advance by the Officers, clear lead should be given; a mistake to take matters formally from Council; criticism of the Policy Committee appear to diminish Council’s powers; Luncheon Club requires looking into, need for greater attendance to support lecturer. 6 pp. (autogr.)
4 Ibid., 22 May – on University of London Club membership and rooms for RAI meetings (autogr.)
5 Memorandum presented to the Interdepartmental Commission of Enquiry [into the Facilities for Oriental, Slavonic, Eastern European and African studies, July], 9 ff. (tpc.); see Council minutes, 31 July 1945, Item 8, f. 453
6 WBF to HJF, 10 Nov. – congratulates him on becoming President; interested in the possibilities of greater interchange of ideas between RAI and anthropological museums (tp.)
7 Mrs Jacquetta Hawkes, Ministry of Education to WBF, 10 Dec. – much regrets unable to help with the RAI request for modification of the telephone system (tp.)
8 HJF to WBF, 2 Dec. – on meeting for lunch; footnote comments on long letter to JLM on the Ways and Means Committee (autogr.)
20/ 1945-8. British Control Commission, Germany
1 Prof. Richard Thurnwald, Berlin to RAI President, 7 Sep. 1945 – outlines pre-war activities, difficulties before and during the war, and present difficulties of access to his manuscripts and to his bank accounts; asks for intervention in any way fitting (tp., with long annotation by the ADMG-Education, HQ British Troops, Berlin); Prof. Thurnwald was an Hon. Fellow; see Executive Committee Minutes, 23 Oct. 1945, f. 271
2 FS to ADMG-Education, HQ British Troops, Berlin, 12 Dec. 1945 – thanks him for forwarding Prof. Thurnwald’s letter; to be considered by Council (tpc.); see Council Minutes, 20 Nov. 1945, Item 4b
3 FS to H.J.E. Peake, 12 Dec. – informs him how to contact Prof. Thurnwald (tpc.)
4 James Hornell to RAI President, 23 May 1946 – has made contact with Dr Georg Frederici; during the war continued to work on his last great book, an Americanist dictionary; British Control Commission has refused a printing licence; urges any action thought fitting (tp.); Dr Frederici was an Hon. Fellow
5 RAI President, HJF to Prof. A.V. Hill, Royal Society, 4 June – sends a copy of Dr Frederici’s letter; glad of advice as how to act (tp.)
6 Prof. A.V. Hill to HJF, 5 June – matter for Scientific Committee, deals with German science in British zone, chairman, Sir Henry Dale (autogr.)
7 HJF to Sir Henry H. Dale, 6 June – forwards copy of Dr Frederici’s letter; would be grateful for advice (tp.)
8 James Hornell to RAI, 13 June – glad to report that the Control Commission has given a licence to the Hamburg printers to print Dr Frederici’s book subject to censorship (tp.)
9 British Council to RAI, 5 Sep. – on the ‘Resumption of the exchange of publications with Germany’ (mimeo.)
10 A.E. Popham, Keeper of Prints and Drawings, British Museum to HJB, 28 Oct. – encloses (/11 below) report sent to him from Germany (autogr.)
11 Report on the meeting of the German ethnologists in Frankfurt am Main from 19th to 22nd Sep. 1946. 3 leaves (tp.); signed Prof. Franz Termer; report of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde covering the post-war situation and with a list of lectures given
12 Public manifesto of German ethnologists assembled at Frankfort from Sep. 19th-21st 1946 (printed)
13 FS to British Council, 28 Oct. 1946 – RAI would like to resume previous exchanges with Germany; considerable stocks of war-time publications held; would consider non-reciprocity on an individual basis; ready to start new exchanges (tp.); see Executive Committee Minutes, 8 Jan. and 1 Oct. 1946, ff. 273, 277, 20 Jan., 16 Mar. and 20 Apr. 1948, ff. 299, 304, 306, 25 Jan. 1949, f. 324
14 British Council to RAI, 29 Oct. – situation has changed; Control Commission has found it impossible to set up a central agency in Germany; British Council asked to work in Germany; exchange of publications one of its aims (mimeo.)
15 Enemy war-time publication requirements (periodicals): Germany-Italy-Austria. 4 leaves (tpc.)
16 Ibid.: Germany-Austria. 2 leaves (tp.)
17 Prof. R. Thurnwald to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 14 Dec. – thanks him for sending the obituary of H.J.E. Peake; J.C. Trevor called to see him (tp., annotated by WBF)
18 Victor Gollancz, Save Europe Now to RAI, 15 Mar. 1948 – encloses letter from Dr Rudolf Grau (dated 12 Nov. 1947, see /19 below); supported by T.K. Penniman and (Prof.) M. Fortes (tp., annotated by FS)
19 Dr Rudolf Grau, Herne to Victor Gollancz, Save Europe Now, 12 Nov. 1947 – German ethnologists need help from abroad to continue scientific work; overseas war-time publications unavailable; suggests British publishers should send books for review to Prof. Franz Termer, Chairman, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (tp.)
20 FS to Victor Gollancz, 31 May 1948 – regrets RAI unable to undertake the distribution of publications as suggested (tpc.)
21/ 1946. General
1 G.D. Hornblower to HJF, 15 Jan. 1946 – hopes to return to London soon; importance of anthropology; favours proposed increase in subscriptions; refers to his papers on the ancient Egyptian fertility rite (tp.)
1.1 ERL to WBF, 18 Feb. – on lack of action on Library Sub-Committee decisions (tp.)
2 A.G. Pape to HJF, 8 June – asks him to support a call for a British Anthropological Survey Board (tpc.); see /4 below for reply
3 Robert A. Crottet to WBF, 9 June 1946 – EJL asked him to send an account of the Skolt Lapps; appeals on their behalf (tp., annotated by WBF); see /6 below for reply
4 HJF, RAI President to A.G. Pape, 18 June – anthropometrics in the forces now under consideration; his suggestion would prejudice the outcome (tpc.); see /2 above
5 Obs[ervations] on [Prof.] Hutton proposal by WBF (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 18 June 1946, Item 10, f. 478
6 WBF to Robert A. Crottet, 26 June – confirms decision of Council; wrong for a scientific society to support an appeal for a particular group of indigenous peoples; RAI Officers empowered to answer queries sent to them by the Foreign Exchange Control; advises him on his application on behalf of the Lapps (autogr., extract from letter); see /3 above; and Council Minutes, 18 June 1946, f. 478
7 Kimber Bull & Co., solicitors to FS, 18 Oct. – on the alteration of Articles and calling an Extraordinary General Meeting (tpc.); see Council Minutes, 4 Dec. 1945, 15 Jan., 12 Feb., 19 Mar., 18 June and 5 Oct. 1946, ff. 460-1, 463, 466, 480, 484
8 Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting for alteration of Articles, 18 Oct. (tpc.)
9 FS to WBF, 25 Oct. – refers to Extraordinary General Meeting, revised banker’s order, covenant form and message to Fellows (tp.)
10 A message to Fellows, second draft (tp., autogr. alterations by WBF)
11 Covenant for Payment of Subscriptions (printed); see Council minutes, 18 June, 12 Nov. 1946, 15 Apr., 6 May 1947, ff. 480, 486, 498, 500
12 Covenanting: a Devil’s Advocate’s View by WBF (autogr.)
13 Note from WBF to HJF, 4 Nov. – on report by Prof. Franz Termer (the report is not in the Archives); is commissioning an account for Man of the journey in Germany by T.T. Paterson and J.C. Trevor; suggests some recommendations to the government on German anthropology; comments on W.E. Mühlmann and -Lenz (autogr.); see Council minutes, 12 Nov. 1946, Item 5a, f. 487; no account of the journey in Germany was published in Man
14 A message to Fellows, signed by the Officers, Nov. 1946 (printed); see Council minutes, 15 Oct. and 12 Nov. 1946, Items 6 and 1 respectively, ff. 484, 486
15 HJF to WBF, 20 Nov. 1946 – reports the Bureau of Human Heredity are interested in informal talks with the RAI on possibilities of co-operation (tpc.; annotated by FS)
16 List of Hon. Officers and Council members, and Patrons of the Bureau of Human Heredity. 2 leaves (printed)
22/ 1947. General
1 Note on the administration and functions of the RAI (tpc.); see Joint Meeting of the Executive, Ways and Means Committees, and the Library Sub-Committee, 25 Mar. 1947 (A51/11/4)
2 RAI Administration (tp.); see as 1/ above
3 JLM to WBF, 12 Apr. 1947 – on the Presidency, Library policy and his broadcast on the BBC (see Council minutes, 15 Apr. 1947, f. 499)(autogr.)
4 T.K.P. Barrett to RAI, 14 May – Dr E. Rohrer, Ethnographische Abteilung, Bernisches Historisches Museum anxious to see similar museums in the UK; asks for the RAI’s help (tp., annotated by WBF); see /6 below
5 EJL to WBF, 5 June – on Library Policy Committee (autogr.)
6 WBF to Colonial Office, 18 June – recent international conference in Nairobi in Jan. aroused great interest; asks what steps have been taken to implement the proposal to establish an Archaeological Survey for East Africa as proposed in May 1945 (tpc.)
7 Dr E. Rohrer to WBF, 25 June – thanks him for his invitation to meet in London (tp.)
8 Colonial Office to WBF, 14 July – proposals accepted in principle by the Kenya Government but rejected by the three other East African Governments; Secretary of State does not feel he can interfere (tpc.)
9 ERL to WBF, 7 Sep. – on co-ordinating Library acquisition policy with Man reviewing policy (autogr.)
10 Prof. M.J. Herskovits, Chairman, National Research Council, Washington DC to WBF, 11 Sep. – asks him to act as a Contributing Editor for England for the new edition of the International Directory of Anthropologists (tp.)
11 White Horse at Uffington and the proposal to erect a television station near by
.1 Miss B.M. Blackwood to WBF, 29 Apr. – expresses great concern at the proposed erection of a television station; letter to The Times (29 Apr. 1947) by Prof. Christopher F.C. Hawkes; suggests action by the RAI (tp.); see Council minutes, 6 May 1947, f. 501
.2 CFCH to WBF, 1 May – supports letter to The Times from the RAI; Parliamentary reply ‘100% unsatisfactory’; an amenities case (autogr.)
.3 Draft by WBF for a letter to The Times (autogr.)
.4 HJF, FRS, President and WBF, Hon. Secretary to The Times, 1 May – expresses strong support for letters from Prof. Hawkes and others; in addition great general principle involved: ‘whittling away by official bodies of the respect in which our monuments are held’ (tpc.); see The Times, 6 and 14 May 1947; see also other clippings in Ephemera
23/ 1947-8. Appeal to the Chancellor of the Exchequer
The memorandum was initially intended as an appeal to the Minister of Education; see Agenda for Officers’ Meeting, 20 Apr. 1948; and Council Minutes, 2 Mar., 6 Apr., 4 May 1948, ff. 523, 525, 528
1 Preamble and outline of the appeal by WBF. 7 leaves (autogr. draft)
2 Notes for appeal by WBF (autogr.)
3 Draft letter to the Rt. Hon. Minister of Education. 4 leaves (tpc., annotated on recto and verso by WBF)
4 Draft memorandum. 4 leaves (tp., annotated by H.J. Fleure)
5 Ibid. (tpc., annotated by WBF)
6 Ibid. (revised draft). 5 leaves (tp., marked by WBF)
7 G.G. Williams, Ministry of Education to HJF, 9 June 1947 – memorandum puts position clearly; but no concrete proposals; if document is submitted officially short and long term policies need to be stated (tpc. copy); see Agenda for Officers’ Meeting, 28 Oct. 1947
8 CDF’s secretary to WBF, 26 Feb. 1948 – encloses draft appeal (/9 below) for Ministry of Education; glad if he would look at it with HJF (tp.)
9 Draft appeal. 5 leaves (tpc.)
10 Douglas H.F. Wilson to FS, 4 Mar. – no comment to make on draft; Appendix III on the financial position to wait until he has auditors’ figures (tp.)
11 WBF to HJF, 5 Mar. – encloses CDF’s draft; accepted in principle by Council as well as Corporate membership; mentions James Hornell’s award of the Huxley Medal (autogr.); verso autogr. note by Prof. Fleure; see Council minutes, 2 Mar. 1948, Item 4b-c, f. 523; see also Ways and Means Committee, 13 Feb. 1948, Item 2, f. 11
12 L.C.H. Jones, Ministry of Education to CDF, 10 Apr. – only two ways Government could assist: grant-in-aid from the Treasury and grants from the Ministry of Education; Treasury grant the more promising; makes suggestions for alterations (tpc., annotated by HJF)
13 Draft appeal. 8 leaves including autogr. insert by CDF and typed insert (tpc., annotations by CDF)
14 Draft Appendix II: Note on the Institute’s Library. 2 leaves (tp., annotations by CDF)
15 Ibid. (now entitled Appendix I) as amended and Appendix II: Note on the Institute’s financial position. 4 leaves (tpc.)
16 CDF to the Rt. Hon. Sir Stafford Cripps, Chancellor of the Exchequer, May 1948. 5 pp. (tpc.)
24/ 1948. General
1 Dr G.M. Morant to WBF, 8 Feb. 1948 –letter from Prof. Herskovits on the urgency of sending an up-to-date list of RAI Fellows for the International Directory of Anthropologists (autogr.)
2 Miss M.L. Tildesley to WBF, 27 Feb. – on Miss M. Kinloch’s resignation as Librarian and the difficulties of letting the flat. 4 pp. (tp.)
3 WBF to Prof. Herskovits, 1 Mar. – apologises for the delay; lack of an up-to-date list of Fellows main difficulty; has a rough list on which he has ticked names for inclusion (tpc.)
4 Douglas H.F. Wilson to CDF, 1 Mar. 1948 – owing to increasing business commitments has to tender his resignation (tp., annotated by CDF)
5 Notes on RAI Council and Executive minutes by EJL, 28 Mar. (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 12 Nov. 1946, f. 487, 3 Feb. 1948, f. 521; Executive Committee Minutes, 21 Oct. 1947, f. 290
6 Prof. Herskovits to WBF, 7 Apr. – thanks him for list of Fellows and offers of further help (tp.)
6.1 Scientific Information Conference … 21 June-2 July 1948. Note by the Hon. Secretary. 5 pp. (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 4 May 1948, Item 7, f. 529
7 BMB to WBF, 24 June – refers to Folklore Society’s Council endorsing the letter sent to the Royal Society; discusses the difficulties of letting the flat (tp., annotated by WBF)
8 Miss B.H. Roberts to RAI, 27 June – asks about publications and studies of the growth to international societies; is a former member of UNRRA (autogr.); see /13 below
9 D.P. Proctor, Treasury Chambers to CDF, 30 June – has seen letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer; explains the difficulties of making grant to learned societies but glad to discuss the matter (tp., copy)
10 CDF to P.D. Proctor, Treasury Chambers, 7 July – glad to know RAI’s address has been seen by the Chancellor; explains the difficulties faced by small learned societies; a centre to house such societies to relieve them of high rents is essential; suggests a meeting (tpc.)
11 CDF to WBF, 8 July – Treasury grant not encouraging; appeal to Fellows all the more urgent; has not seen revised draft (tp.)
12 Institute’s Appeal for Treasury Grant from the President to Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer, 13 July – direct Treasury Grant unlikely but Royal Society grant a possibility; possible support for learned societies by universities (tpc.)
13 WBF to HJF, 8 Aug. – replies he has received Miss Roberts’s letters (first not retained); suggests she subscribes to Man and perhaps join the RAI (autogr., annotated by HJF)
25/ 1948-9. Appointment of a physical anthropologist at the British Museum (Natural History)
1 Prof. Frederic Wood Jones, Royal College of Surgeons of England to RAI, 3 Dec. 1948 – refers to the handing over of a large collection of human crania to the British Museum (Natural History); in the past the college made a full report to the donor; necessary to press for the appointment of a competent anthropologist at the Museum (autogr.); see Council minutes, 7 Dec. 1948, f. 548, 11 Jan., 8 Mar. 1949, ff. 549, 557
2 W.L.H. Duckworth to WBF, 4 Dec. – if the RAI presses for the appointment of a physical anthropologist at the British Museum (Natural History) wishes his name to be added to the appeal; the Museum has a very large collection of human crania (autogr., annotated by FS)
3 Miss M.L. Tildesley, Chairman, Comité de Standardisation de la Technique anthropologique to WBF, 12 Dec. – collection at the Natural History Museum greatly augmented by the additions from the Pitt Rivers and Royal College of Surgeons Museums; the appointment of a physical anthropologist is necessary at the Museum; Dr G.M. Morant should return to academic anthropology and would be ideal for the post (tp., annotated by WBF)
4 Dr J.S. Weiner, Dep. of Human Anatomy, University Museum, Oxford to (Dr)J.C. Trevor, 21 Dec. – wishes to be associated with the appeal for an appointment; collection of cranial and other skeletal material on permanent loan to the Natural History Museum (tp.)
5 (Dr)J.C. Trevor to WBF, 28 Dec. – wishes to be associated with RAI’s appeal for an appointment; Dr G.M. Morant the obvious choice for such a post (tp.)
6 HJF to RAI, 30 Dec. – letter of support for the appeal (autogr., annotated by WBF)
7 CDF to WBF, 4 Jan. 1949 – have amended draft appeal (/8 below); reservations about propriety of making strong representation for the appointment at the Natural History Museum and proposing a choice of candidate (tp.)
8 Draft appeal. 4 leaves (tp., amended by CDF, also annotated by FS)
9 President, RAI (CDF) to the Director, British Museum (Natural History), 4 Jan. 1949 – appeal for appointment and recommendations by Dr W.L.H. Duckworth, Prof. F. Wood Jones, Miss M.L. Tildesley, J.C. Trevor, Dr J.S. Weiner, Prof. H.J. Fleure. 5 leaves (tpc.); see Council minutes, 7 Dec. 1948, f. 548
10 CDF to Prof. D.M.S. Watson, 10 Jan. – encloses correspondence on subject; makes case for a primatologist in the post; refers to Dr Morant (tpc.)
11 Secretary, British Museum (Natural History) to President, RAI, 13 Jan. – acknowledges letter; will be laid before the Trustees, British Museum (tp., annotated by WBF)
12 Ibid., 7 Mar. – Trustees favourably disposed to filling an existing vacancy by the appointment of a physical anthropologist (tp., annotated by CDF and WBF)
13 CDF to British Museum (Natural History), 14 Mar. – acknowledges letter; will be reported to Council (tpc.); it was not reported to Council at the next meeting on 5 Apr. 1949
26/ 1948-9. Library policy
1 Mrs B.Z. Seligman to WBF, 3 July 1948 – has had a talk with BJK; dissatisfied with the classification scheme approved by the Library Sub-Committee; suggests BJK should be asked to write a note on adaptations to Bliss scheme; refers to Treasury appeal (/24/12 above) and to informing Colonial officers and missionaries of the RAI. 3 leaves (autogr.)
2 CDF to WBF, 12 July – Mrs Seligman considers it urgent that BJK’s views should be heard; agreeable to a July meeting (tp.)
3 Ibid., 15 July – agree the Bliss scheme should be considered carefully; BJK expressed her views to him some time ago; suggests an advance statement and a meeting next week (tp.)
4 ERL to FS, 26 Jan. 1949 – issue of whether the Executive Committee has powers to authorise payments against funds credited to the Library; as Chairman of the Executive Committee seeks a ruling on the interpretation of the By-laws on this issue (tp.)
5 Prof. V.G. Childe to CDF, 3 Feb. 1949 – submits resignation from the Executive Committee to draw attention to the over elaborate classification scheme it is now proposed to adopt (tp., annotated by VGC); see Council minutes, 8 Feb. 1949, Items 10-11, f. 555
6 CDF to WBF, 4 Feb. – agenda for next Council should include proposal for the post of Hon. Librarian; some Council members have expressed concern at the delays with Library reorganization; ERL prepared to take on task (tp.)
7 BJK to WBF, 5 Feb. – expresses her strong views on Prof. Childe’s and others’ lack of confidence in her judgement; would not wish to remain at RAI if it is widespread; importance of ERL’s views. 4 pp. (autogr.)
8 ERL to WBF, 7 Feb. – powers of Executive Committee was raised by others apart from himself (see /4 above); despite CDF’s letter (/6 above) he (ERL) is very ‘tepid’; feels it is not in the RAI’s interest to have another honorary officer (tp.)
9 Text of Prof. Childe’s resignation and Note on the present position of the Library by the Hon. Secretary, dated 5 Feb. and considered at the Council meeting, 8 Feb. 3 leaves (mimeo.); see Council minutes as /5 above
10 WBF to CDF, 11 Feb. – much regrets friction between them at the Council meeting; does not think he or Prof. Childe intended to reflect on BJK’s judgement; his wide ranging views did in fact do so; BJK had made it quite clear that she considered it a matter of confidence; justifies his action. 4 leaves (autogr. draft)
11 ERL to WBF, 15 Feb. – discusses the function of the Hon. Librarian; proposes the broad principles of the Bliss classification should be discussed by the Committee and the details left to himself and BJK; comments on the financial powers of the Executive Committee (tp.); see Executive Committee minutes, 22 Feb. 1949, f. 326
12 CDF to WBF, 18 Feb. – replies to letter (/10 above); thinks it better not to go over the matter again; states his views; trusts BJK has been reassured (tp.)
13 ERL to WBF, 7 May – on the draft annual report, the brevity of the Library section and BJK’s objections to not being consulted (tp.)
14 ERL to CDF, 13 May – on Library staff and the appointment of an assistant Librarian (tp., annotated by ERL)
15 CDF to D.H.F. Wilson, 16 May – considers appointment of assistant librarian should be filled without delay (tp., annotated by D.H.F. Wilson and WBF)
16 ERL to WBF, 27 Oct. 1949 – CDF tells him the Viking Fund is willing to give a grant to the Library; applications should be submitted urgently (autogr.); see Council minutes, 6 Dec. 1949, Item 6b, f. 587
27/ 1949. Mar.-Dec. Man review policy and Library accessions
1 ERL to WBF, 31 Mar. 1949 – on Man reviews and Library policy on acquisitions. 4 pp. (tp., annotated by WBF)
2 Ibid., 16 Sep. – outlines proposals for receiving accessions by review, exchange, purchase or gift (tp., annotated by WBF); see Executive Committee minutes, 22 Nov. 1949, Item 3v, f. 340
3 WBF to ERL, 11 Oct. – thanks him for his clear and helpful proposals (/2 above); in unqualified agreement on many proposals; makes suggestions for others (tpc.)
4 ERL to WBF, 12 Oct. – glad they are in general agreement; gives views on the issues of disagreement; mentions problem of duplicates and the Overseas Library (tp.)
5 Ibid., 22 Dec. – during WBF’s absence subject again discussed; asked by the Executive Committee to explain its actions; Committee rejected as unsuitable for the Library recently received books; HJB asked for a statement as issue of principle involved; ERL undertook to produce a minute; considered by meeting of 13 Dec. (/6 below); no suggestion of putting matter to Council in his absence (tp.); see Executive Committee minutes, 22 Nov., 13 Dec. 1949, Items 3v-vi, 4-5, ff. 340, 342-3
6 Library accessions and the review policy of Man – minute for circulation to members of the Executive Committee (mimeo.); considered at the meeting of 13 Dec.; see Executive Committee minutes, 13 Dec. 1949, Item 4(4), f. 342
7 WBF [to ERL, Dec.] – regrets the Executive Committee called for a statement of Man policy in the absence of the Editor; Committee has no responsibility for Man policy (autogr. draft)
8 EJL to WBF, 28 Dec. – just heard from Dr J.C. Trevor of his strong protest against Executive Committee’s decision; gives her support to the protest (autogr.)
28/ 1950. General
1 ‘Memorandum on archaeological work in Persia’ by T. Burton Brown (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 7 Feb. 1950, Item 13
2 ERL to CDF, 4 Mar. 1950 – covering note to letter (/3 below) (tpc., annotated by ERL)
3 Ibid., 4 Mar. – on the future of the Hon. Secretaryship and possible Deputy Hon. Secretary (tpc.)
4 ‘Kharga Oasis’ – report by GCT (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 7 Mar. 1950, Item 13
5 British Archaeological Expedition to Apulia by the Society of Antiquaries. 3 leaves (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 7 Mar. 1950, Item 14
6 ERL to WBF, 13 Apr. – unable to be present at Council on 18 Apr.; asks him to represent his views on Item 5a, Report of the Executive Committee; lists his views (tp.); see Council minutes, 18 Apr. 1950, Item 5a
7 Prof. J.H. Hutton to WBF, 17 Apr. – on the renewal of the lease of 21 Bedford Square (tp., annotated by JHH); see Council minutes, 18 Apr. 1950, Item 5b
8 EJL to WBF, 1 May – note on the return of her letters (autogr.)
9 Ibid., 1 May – on the Hon. Secretaryship (autogr.); see also /3 above
10 Ibid., 7 June – on the Institute of Sociology (tp., annotated by EJL)
29/ 1950. Scheme to facilitate sale of offprints
1 W.F. Grimes, Council for British Archaeology (CBA) to WBF, 10 Jan. 1950 – sets out proposals for some central selling or distributing agency for the sale of offprints (mimeo.)
2 Prof. J. Grahame D. Clark to WBF, Mar. – on the establishment of a centralized scheme; in general proposal well received; many details to be arranged (tp., copy)
3 Ibid., 28 Mar. – on the scheme; Royal Society proposed a similar scheme; mentions Prof. J.D. Bernal (tp.)
4 Society for Freedom in Science to WBF, 31 Mar. – in touch with T.K. Penniman; feels strongly about proposal to centralize scientific journals (tp.)
5 Prof. J. Grahame D. Clark to WBF, 2 Apr. – encloses copy of CBA scheme (/2 above); proposes to collect facts about the background; refers to Prof. J.D. Bernal (tp.)
6 Ibid., 8 Apr. 1950 – suggests writing to W.F. Grimes and ask why he (WBF) has not been consulted; makes other suggestions (tp.)
7 Miles C. Burkitt to WBF, 11 Apr. – has discussed the CBA scheme with Prof. Clark; recommends no action (autogr.)
8 Points of offprint scheme by WBF (autogr. draft)
9 WBF to W.F. Grimes, 15 Apr. – has only seen a copy of the scheme a few days ago (/5 above); outlines views. 3 leaves (autogr.); see Council minutes, 18 Apr. and 9 May 1950, Items 6, 1 respectively
10 Miles C. Burkitt to WBF, 17 Apr. – no one at the Prehistoric Society conference liked the scheme; likely to be modified or turned down by the full CBA (autogr. pc.)
11 W.F. Grimes, CBA to WBF, 26 Apr. – has assumed RAI rarely published British archaeology; encloses copy of original letter and apologises for omission; answers points raised (/9 above) (tp., annotated by WBF)
12 WBF to W.F. Grimes, 8 June – regrets the delay in writing; thanks him for his full reply; mentioned scheme to Council (18 Apr., Item 6 and 9 May, Item 1); decided to take no action; refers to RAI publication policy, decisions by centralized bodies superimposed upon learned societies; unable to follow his reasoning on the ethics involved; feels there is a need for an archaeological abstract service (autogr.)
13 W.F. Grimes to WBF, 1 July – glad he has no serious objections to modified scheme; CBA has not suggested control over societies or editors; regrets he did not see the modified scheme first; comments on the political aspect and the amount of documents sent to constituent societies (tp.)