Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents PAPERS ON RACE AND RACE RELATIONS (A130)

 /1    RAI Committee on Race and Racialism 1943-44

 /2    Miscellaneous documents

 /3    The Racial Relations Group (Institute of Sociology)

 /4    Race and Race Relations Symposium

 /5    Further Correspondence with the Institute of Race Relations

 /6    Correspondence relating to Julia Pastrana

 /7    UNESCO Statement on Race, 1950, and RAI response

A130/1    RAI Committee on Race and Racialism 1943-44

An exploratory Committee on Race and Racialism was appointed on 23 Mar. 1943, ‘to give preliminary consideration to the anthropological aspects of race and racialism’; see CM/72/3, A10:4, f. 414. In addition to the officers, the members were Dr R. Firth, Dr K.L. Little, Dr G.M. Morant, Dr A. Richards, Dr A. Sommerfelt and Dr I. Zollschan.

  1    I. Zollschan, ‘How to combat Racial Philosophy’; on the growth of racialism; on the Nordic Theory; on Racial Science; on the possibilities of attacking racial faith; RAI proposal. 14 leaves (tp.)

  2    Ibid., summary of lecture 25 Feb. 1943 (tp.)

  3    Ibid., draft of /2 (tp. with autogr. notes)

  4    Ibid., ‘Draft of a syllabus of Theses and Questions regarding Nordic Theory – submitted to the Royal Anthropological Institute’; includes Procedure; Theses; Questions. 14 pages (tp.)

  5    Ibid., another copy, with bibliography. 17 pages (tp. with autogr. corrections)

  6    K.L. Little to Felicia Stallman, Assistant Secretary 1942-52, 26 Mar.  – gratified to be nominated for the Committee; happy to serve (tp.)

  7    A. Sommerfelt to ibid., ibid. – happy to serve on the Committee (tp.)

  8    Dr I. Zollschan to RAI, 30 Mar. – glad to have to opportunity to work for the Committee (tp.)

  9    Felicia Stallman to Prof. Ginsberg, 6 May – invites him to Committee meeting on 11 May (tpc.)

 10    A. Sommerfelt to W.B. Fagg, Hon. Secretary 1939-56, 12 May – apologises for inability to attend meeting on 11 May (tp. with autogr. note by W.B. Fagg)

 11    K.L. Little to Felicia Stallman, 28 May – encloses bibliography as promised at meeting (tp.)

 .1    Bibliography [enclosed with /11] (tp.)

 12    Felicia Stallman to Prof. Ginsberg, 16 Dec. – invites him to join the Committee (tp. with autogr. reply by Prof. Ginsberg at bottom of sheet)

 13    W.B. Fagg, 26 Feb. 1944 – report on Dr Zollschan’s paper submitted to the Race Committee [possibly /4] (autogr. draft)

A130/1/14    H.J. Braunholtz, 28 Feb. – comments on Zollschan’s draft syllabus [/4] (autogr.)

 15    G.M. Morant to Felicia Stallman, 1 Mar. – has received the attached; Mr Braunholtz asks that he return it ‘today or tomorrow’ (autogr.)

 16    Ibid. to H.J. Braunholtz, 2 Mar. – has received Zollschan’s ‘screed’ and returned it; makes some comments on it; does not like the questionnaire format. 3 pages (autogr.)

 17    H.J. Braunholtz to W.B. Fagg, 4 Mar. – encloses letter from Morant [/16]; on Morant’s article on Race Theory; on visiting Miss Durham, who is going to leave her collection of lantern slides to RAI (autogr.)

 18    W.B. Fagg to Felicia Stallman, 11 Apr. – on circulating papers for the meeting; asks her to ‘beg’ Morant to attend; asks her to ask Morant for his article (autogr. draft)

 19    Felicia Stallman to G.M. Morant, 13 Apr. – asks if he can attend meeting on 25 Apr.; mentions his article (tpc.)

 20    I. Zollschan to W.B. Fagg, 20 Apr. – sends him memorandum prepared by Czech government, ahead of meeting on 25 Apr. (autogr.)

 21    A.I. Richards to ibid., 22 Apr. – is unable to attend meeting; will try to send list of books on African racialism; finds Dr Zollschan’s material interesting; on possible ways forward (tp.)

 22    A. Sommerfelt to ibid., ibid. – is unable to attend meeting; finds proposed plan very interesting; important that the public should have some notion of the achievements of anthropology (tp.)

 23    M. Ginsberg to W.B. Fagg, 24 Apr. – is unable to attend meeting (autogr.)

 24    [Felicia Stallman?] to G.M. Morant, 26 Apr. – sends draft of minutes; Dr Zollschan wanted a copy at once; gives name of Czech minister to be contacted regarding memo (tpc.)

 25    G.M. Morant, 10 May – note on a request to Council by Committee; on communicating with the Royal Society; on the preparation of bibliographies; on re-appointment of Committee (autogr.)

 26    Felicia Stallman to the Rev. B. Vancura, 11 May – sends minutes of second meeting [see /55] (tpc.)

 27    B. Vančura to RAI, 12 May – informs them that Memorandum has been sent to Royal Society (tp.)

A130/1/28    Ibid. to G.M. Morant, 15 May – thanks him for book; informs him that Memorandum has been sent to Royal Society (tp.)

 29    G.M. Morant to W.B. Fagg, 17 May – gives suggestions regarding impending letter to Royal Society; people have been asked to prepare bibliographies; is preparing an article with Zollschan. 3 pages (autogr.)

 30    W.B. Fagg to the Secretary, Royal Society, 2 June – on Czech Government’s memorandum urging appointment of international committee to research equality or inequality of European races; RAI would be glad to aid the research in any way possible (tpc.)

 .1    Memorandum to The Royal Society on the equality of the races in Europe. 7 leaves (tp.)

 31    Felicia Stallman to I. Zollschan, 16 June – Council has approved recommendations of Committee (tpc.)

 32    K.L. Little to Felicia Stallman, 17 Nov. – as he is going away for at least a year, offers his resignation from Committee (tp.)

 33    [Felicia Stallman?] to G.M. Morant, 19 Jan. 1945 – asks about position of the Committee; report will have to be prepared for Council (tpc.)

33a    G.M. Morant to Felicia Stallman, 28 Jan. – encloses papers regarding Race and Racialism Committee; no bibliographies have turned up yet; is unable to carry on as Chairman (autogr.)

 34    O.J.R Howarth, British Association for the Advancement of Science, 12 Feb. – Zollschan the prime mover on question of taking action with regard to German racial theories; discussed holding a conference, but the subject is now ‘stale’ (tp.)

 35    J.L. Myres to Felicia Stallman, 14 Feb. – on Zollschan; race questions in ‘the melting pot’; regional and economic aspects should be stressed; on a paper he is writing (autogr.)

 36    W.B. Fagg to ibid., 21 Mar. – encloses papers to be filed with Race Committee papers; asks for a copy of the report referred to (autogr.)

 .1    Newspaper cuttings on ‘The Colour Bar and Race’, enclosed with /36. 3 items

 37    Felicia Stallman to Prof. Ginsberg, 4 Oct. 1946 – although the Committee has not made much progress, it will remain in being; asks if he will continue to serve; [additional paragraph added to Prof. Sommerfelt] (tp.)

A130/1/38    I. Zollschan to RAI, 8 Oct. – happy to serve on the Committee (tp.)

 39    Prof. Sommmerfelt to Felicia Stallman, 12 Oct. – ibid. (tp.)

 40    K.L. Little to ibid., 4 Nov. – if not too late, glad to serve on the Committee (tp.)

 41    [Felicia Stallman] to Miss B.M. Blackwood, 22 Feb. 1949 – asks if she heard anything at Brussels Congress about the setting up of a Racial Committee (tpc.)

 42    B.M. Blackwood to Felicia Stallman, 23 Feb. – has dim recollection that something was said at the Congress about Committee for study of Racial Relations; not sure whether it was set up; suggests people who might know (tp.)

 43    [Felicia Stallman] to Prof. F.M. Olbrechts, 26 Feb. – asks about the setting up of Committee dealing with Racial Relations (tpc.)

 44    Minutes of first meeting of Exploratory Committee on Race and Racialism, held 11 May 1943 (tp.)

 45    Alternative minutes of ibid. 3 leaves (tp)

 46    Ibid. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections, marked ‘draft’)

 47    Extract from Council minutes for 25 May – report of Committee (tp.)

 48    W.B. Fagg to [members of the Committee?], 14 Apr. 1944 – on delay in setting up second meeting; this will be held 25 Apr.; on Dr Zollschan’s memorandum [possibly /4]; asks that members submit bibliographies and résumé of work done in this field of research. 3 leaves (tp.)

 49    Ibid., draft of /48. 5 pages (autogr.)

 50    Agenda for meeting on [25] Apr. (tp.)

 51    Draft of /50 (autogr.)

 52    G.M. Morant to W.B. Fagg, 30 Apr. – on the meeting; encloses draft minutes, amended (autogr.)

 53    Draft minutes of meeting held 25 Apr. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 54    Ibid. 2 leaves (autogr. with different corrections)

 55    Minutes of meeting held 25 Apr. 2 leaves (tp.)

A130/1/56    A.I. Richards to RAI, 29 Apr. – on African bibliography (autogr.)

 57    Assistant Secretary, Royal Society, to W.B. Fagg, 6 June – refers to memorandum from Czech government (tp.)

 58    Melville J. Herskovits to G.M. Morant, 19 June – glad to cooperate with Race and Racialism Committee; on what is required in the bibliography; on the memorandum to the Czech government (tp.)

 59    Ibid. to I. Zollschan, 18 Dec. – thanks him for letter of 15 Nov. [not held]; on how to organize collaboration; perhaps an appeal from collaboration should come from him [Prof. Zollschan]; is planning to work on the bibliography in the spring (tp. copy)

 60    I. Zollschan to Dr E.J. Lindgren, 7 Jan. 1945 – encloses letter from Prof. Herskovits (tp.)

 61    Dr E.J. Lindgren to I. Zollschan, 10 Jan. 1945 – glad to see copy of letter from Prof. Herskovits [/59]; glad that he will be working of a bibliography; on an article he has written (tp.)

 62    African Prehistoric Research Expedition, Nairobi, to RAI, 26 Sept. 1946 – enclose copy of memorandum on ‘The Methods and Aims of a Race Relations Institute’ (tp. with autogr. notes, including: ‘Pl. file under Race Committee’)

 63    Memorandum enclosed with /62. 20 leaves (tp.)

 /2    Miscellaneous documents

  1    H.J Fleure to Miss K.M. Martindell, 24 Apr. 1934 – details results of Human Biology and Sociology groups (autogr.)

  2    14 Sept. 1940 – article on ‘Miscegenation in South Africa’ (page from Nature)

  3    Card advertising lecture on ‘Myths, Types & Propaganda, 1919-1939’, 31 May 1943 (printed)

  4    Card advertising lecture on ‘German Views of the German Mind’, 5 July (printed)

  5    W.B. Fagg to G.G. Herring, Directorate of Clothing & Textiles, 28 Apr. 1944 – refers to meeting at Olympia; on the fit of soldiers’ uniforms. 2 leaves

  6    G.G. Herring to W.B. Fagg, 2 May – in response to his letter (tp.)

  7    I. Zollschan to G.M. Morant, 19 June – encloses copy of Mr Butler’s letter; hopes to meet him before July (tp.)

A130/2/8        R.A. Butler to Dr Juraj Slàvik, nd – thanks him for letter of 25 May [not held]; glad that Czechoslovakian government have taken initiative (tp. copy)

  9    H.J. Fleure to Dr Jan Masaryk, Czechoslovak Embassy, 6 Feb. 1946 – on raising questions relating to Race and Race prejudice at UNESCO meeting in Paris; RAI would give careful consideration to such matters (tp. copy)

 10    Ibid. to Julian Huxley, 19 Mar. – Prof. Zollschan has asked for help in a campaign against Nazi racialism; encloses his typescript (autogr.)

 11    Ibid. (tp. copy)

 12    Note relating to copying of /10 (autogr.)

 13    9 Sept. – Manchester Guardian, article on ‘Race Friction in the South’. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)

 14    13 Sept. – Manchester Guardian, article on ‘South African Natives’. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)

 15    4 Nov. – letter to Manchester Guardian on ‘Race Relations’ (newspaper cutting)

 16    W.B. Fagg to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 9 Nov. – has just seen the letter [/15]; race relations should be kept separate from politics; how an international body should be set up; suggests he might write to the Manchester Guardian (autogr.)

 17    Prof. H.J. Fleure to [Manchester Guardian], nd – on the need for scientific study and discussion; on the RAI and its activities in this field (autogr. draft)

 18    nd – bibliography. 6 pages (autogr.)

 19    nd – bibliography. 3 leaves (tp.)

 20    nd – bibliography (autogr.)

 21    ‘Directions for Guidance in the teaching of History (issued) by the (German) Home Office. 3 leaves (tp.)

 22    ‘An Appeal for Donations for the Endowment of a Chair of Race relations, Political Philosophy and Allied Subjects’, issued by Salisbury Round Table, Central Africa. 8 pages (printed booklet)

 23    Advertisement for lectures on Race Relations and Race Problems, beginning 8 Jan. 1951 (printed)

 .1    Enrolment slip for lectures (printed)

 24    […?], The Cotton Board, to W.B. Fagg, 7 Feb. 1952 – encloses Journal (tp.)

A130/2/25    Race Relations Journal, vol. XVIII, No. 3, 1951 [enclosed with /24]

 26    nd – ‘The Necessity of Scientific Destruction of Racial Philosophy’. 2 leaves (tp.)

 27    pre-23 Feb. 1953 – ‘Report on Race Relations in Brazil’ (tp.)

 28    nd – note on London International Assembly (autogr.)

 29    nd – note on National Council of Civil Societies (autogr.)

 30    nd [1935?] – ‘Race and Culture’. 24 pages (printed booklet)

 /3    The Racial Relations Group (Institute of Sociology)

  1    Felicia Stallman to A. Farquharson, Institute of Sociology, 16 June 1943 – asks that he would send copies of their broadsheets (tpc.)

  2    25 June – notice of meeting of Racial Relations Group on 9 July (tp.)

  3    E.J. Turner, Racial Relations Group, to Felicia Stallman, 12 Jan. 1944 – sends copies of four numbers of Le Play House Emergency Bulletins, Racial Relations Section; will supply future issues [see /14-/109] (tp.)

  4    Ibid. to RAI, postmarked 6 Apr. 1945 – notice of meeting of Racial Relations Group on 18 Apr. (tp. postcard)

  5    Ibid., 6 Oct. – notice of meeting of Racial Relations Group on 19 Oct. (tp.)

  6    Frank Norman, Chairman, Racial Relations Group, to [W.B. Fagg], 15 June – on government Committee to consider position of coloured people; attaches draft letter to Secretary of State for the Colonies on this subject; asks if he might attend a meeting on 11 July to discuss the draft letter (tp.)

  7    Draft letter to the Right Honourable James Griffiths, Secretary of State for the Colonies. 4 leaves (tp.)

  8    W.B. Fagg to Frank Norman, nd – is in sympathy with the terms of his letter of 15 June [/6]; does not think he can sign on behalf of RAI; as a purely scientific body RAI ought not to intervene on humanitarian grounds on such a matter; has some doubt about the usefulness of the suggested approach. 2 leaves [possibly incomplete; unsent] (autogr.)

  9    Frank Norman to [W.B. Fagg], 19 July – refers to his former letter [/6]; at meeting it was decided to send the letter in Sept.; asks for a response (autogr.)

A130/3/10    Flyer describing the Racial Relations Group (printed)

 11    Wendy Willis, Hon. Secretary, Racial Unity Movement, to W.B. Fagg, 24 Aug. 1951 – on their newsletter; encloses statement of the aims of the movement, and progress report. 3 leaves (tp.)

 12    nd – notice of course of lectures on West African Culture (tp.)

 13    nd – notice of course of lectures on Some Aspects of the Art of Non-European Peoples (tp.)

14-109, Bulletins

 14    Le Play House Emergency Bulletin, Racial Relations Section, No. 1, July 1943. 8 pages (printed)

 15    Ibid., No. 2, Oct. 8 pages (tp.)

 16    Ibid., No. 3, Nov. (tp.)

 17    Ibid., No. 4, Dec. 4 pages (tp.)

 18    Ibid., No. 5, Jan. 1944. 4 pages (tp.)

 19    Ibid., No. 7, 29 Feb. 4 pages (tp.)

 20    Ibid., No. 8, Mar. 6 pages (tp.)

 21    Ibid., No. 9, Apr. 4 pages (tp.)

 22    Ibid., No. 10, May. 4 pages (tp.)

 23    Ibid., No. 11, June. 5 pages (tp.)

 24    Ibid., No. 12, July. 6 pages (tp.)

 25    Ibid., No. 13, Aug. 4 pages (tp.)

 26    Ibid., No., 14, Sept. (tp.)

 27    Ibid., No. 15, Oct. 4 pages (tp.)

 28    Ibid., No. 16, Nov. (tp.)

 29    Ibid., No. 17, Dec. 4 pages (tp.)

 30    Ibid., No. 18, Jan. 1945. 9 pages (printed)

 31    Ibid., No. 19, 30 Jan. 4 pages (tp.)

 32    Ibid., No. 20, Feb. (tp.)

 33    Ibid., No. 21, Mar. 4 pages (tp.)

 34    Ibid., No. 22, Apr. 4 pages (tp.)

A130/3/35    Ibid., No. 23, May (tp.)

 36    Ibid., No. 24, June. 4 pages (tp.)

 37    Ibid., No. 25, July. 4 pages (tp.)

 38    Ibid., No. 26, Aug. 4 pages (tp.)

 39    Ibid., No. 27, Sept. (tp.)

 40    Ibid., No. 28, Nov. 6 pages (tp.)

 41    Ibid., No. 29, Dec. 4 pages (tp.)

 42    Ibid., No. 30, Jan. 1946. 8 pages (printed)

 43    Ibid., No. 31, Jan. 4 pages (tp.)

 44    Ibid., No. 32, Feb. 4 pages (tp.)

 45    Ibid., No. 33, Mar. 4 pages (tp.)

 46    Ibid., No. 34, Apr. 4 pages (tp.)

 47    Ibid., No. 35, May. 4 pages (tp.)

 48    Ibid., No. 36, June. 4 pages (tp.)

 49    Ibid., No. 37, July. 4 pages (tp.)

 50    Ibid., No. 38, Sept. 4 pages (tp.)

 51    Ibid., No. 39, Oct. 4 pages (tp.)

 52    Ibid., No. 40, Nov. 4 pages (tp.)

 53    Ibid., No. 42, Jan. 1947. 4 pages (tp.)

 54    Ibid., No. 43, Feb. 4 pages (tp.)

 55    Ibid., No. 44, Mar. 4 pages (tp.)

 56    Ibid., No. 45, Apr. 4 pages (tp.)

 57    Ibid., No. 46, May. 4 pages (tp.)

 58    Ibid., No. 47, June. 4 pages (tp.)

 59    Ibid., No. 48, July. 4 pages (tp.)

 60    Ibid., No. 49, Aug. 4 pages (tp.)

 61    Ibid., No. 50, Sept. 4 pages (tp.)

 62    Ibid., No. 51, Oct. 4 pages (tp.)

 63    Ibid., No. 52, Nov. 4 pages (tp.)

A130/3/64    Ibid., No. 53, Dec. 4 pages (tp.)

 65    Ibid., No. 54, Jan. 1948. 4 pages (tp.)

 66    Ibid., No. 55, Feb. 4 pages (tp.)

 67    Ibid., No. 56, Mar. 5 pages (tp.)

 68    Ibid., No. 57, Apr. 4 pages (tp. with notice of meeting attached)

 69    Ibid., No. 58, May. 4 pages (tp.)

 70    Ibid., No. 59, June. 4 pages (tp.)

 71    Ibid., No. 60, July. 4 pages (tp.)

 72    Ibid., No. 61, Aug.-Sept. 4 pages (tp.)

 73    Ibid., No. 62, Oct. 4 pages (tp.)

 74    Ibid., No. 64, Jan. 1949. 4 pages (tp.)

 75    Ibid., No. 65, Feb. 4 pages (tp.)

 76    Ibid., No. 66, Mar. 4 pages (tp.)

 77    Ibid., No. 67, June. 5 pages (tp.)

 78    Ibid., No. 68, July. 4 pages (tp.)

 79    Ibid., No. 69, Aug. 4 pages (tp.)

 80    Ibid., No. 70, Sept. 4 pages (tp.)

 81    Ibid., No. 71, Oct. 4 pages (tp.)

 82    Ibid., No. 72, Nov. 4 pages (tp.)

 83    Ibid., No. 73, Dec. 4 pages (tp.)

 84    Ibid., No. 74, Jan. 1950. 4 pages (tp.)

 85    Ibid., No. 75, Feb. 4 pages (tp.)

 86    Ibid., No. 76, Mar. 4 pages (tp.)

 87    Ibid., No. 77, Apr. 4 pages (tp.)

 88    Ibid., No. 78, May. 4 pages (tp.)

 89    Ibid., No. 79, June. 4 pages (tp.)

 90    Ibid., No. 80, Sept. 4 pages (tp.)

 91    Ibid., No. 81, Oct. 4 pages (tp.)

A130/3/92    Ibid., No. 82, Nov. 4 pages (tp.)

 93    Ibid., No. 83, Dec. 4 pages (tp.)

 94    Ibid., No. 84, Jan. 1951. 4 pages (tp.)

 95    Ibid., No. 85, Feb. 4 pages (tp.)

 96    Ibid., No. 86, Mar. 4 pages (tp.)

 97    Ibid., No. 87, May. 4 pages (tp.)

 98    Ibid., No. 88, June. 4 pages (tp.)

 99    Ibid., No. 89, July-Aug. 8 pages (tp.)

100    Ibid., No. 90, Sept. 4 pages (tp.)

101    Ibid., No. 91, Oct. 4 pages (tp.)

102    Ibid., No. 92, Nov. 4 pages (tp.)

103    Ibid., No. 95, Feb. 1952. 4 pages (tp.)

104    Ibid., No. 97, Apr. 4 pages (tp.)

105    Ibid., No. 100, Aug. 4 pages (tp.)

106    Ibid., No. 101, Sept. 4 pages (tp.)

107    Ibid., No. 102, Oct. 4 pages (tp.)

108    Ibid., No. 104, Dec. 4 pages (tp.)

109    Ibid., No. 105, Jan. 1953. 4 pages (tp.)

 /4    Race and Race Relations Symposium

Correspondence and papers 1958-60.

A joint symposium took place between the RAI and the Institute of Race Relations on 7, 8 and 9 Jan. 1959. Broadcasts followed coupled with television programmes and articles in the press. The committee consisted of Dr N.A. Barnicot, Dr M. Freedman, Philip Mason, Dr Margaret Read and Dr M.W. Smith. See Report of Council, 1958-9, pp. 1-2.


MF        (Prof.) Maurice Freedman (1920-75); Prof. London School of Economics; RAI President, 1967-9

PM        Philip Mason, Director, Institute of Race Relations

A130/4/Abbreviations cont.

MWS    Dr Marian W. Smith (1907-61), author of The Puyallup-Nisqually, New York, 1940, etc.; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1956-61

  1    MWS to MF, 15 Apr. 1958 – through him, the RAI extends its congratulations to the newly formed Institute of Race Relations; suggests a symposium or conference between the two Institutes on developments in race relations since Darwin and Wallace in their centenary year; suggests a joint committee subject to agreement by their respective Councils (tpc.)

  2    PM to MWS, 17 Apr. – Dr Freedman read her letter (/1 above) yesterday; thanks her for RAI congratulations; honoured by suggestion that the two Institutes should collaborate; suggests they should meet (tp.)

  3    MF to PM, 13 May – MWS has given him the gist of her conversation with him (PM); sets out the RAI’s ‘tentative idea of how the conference might be organized’; also suggests speakers, time of year, held at RAI and PM as general rapporteur; RAI prepared to bear secretarial and postal costs; proceedings might be published by Oxford University Press or an RAI Occasional Paper; makes other suggestions (tpc. copy, annotated by MWS)

  4    PM to MWS, 15 May – his Council agreed to ‘go forward on the lines of Dr Freedman’s letter’ (/3 above) provided the RAI Council consented; besides himself Dr Margaret Read would be on the organising committee; has spoken to OUP; will be away (autogr., annotations by Joan Edwards and MWS)

  5    MWS to PM, 6 June 1958 – informs him of Council agreement in principle to a conference on race relations; it recommended that Dr N.A. Barnicot should join the arranging committee (tpc.)

  6    Dr N.A. Barnicot to MWS, 11 June – accepts invitation (tp.); MWS’s letter, 6 June to join the Committee not retained

  7    PM to MWS, 9 July – Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders would like to be chairman of the symposium if he is in the country; suggests the reply should be delayed (tp.)

A130/4/8        MF to Prof. C.H. Philips, 10 July – sets out aims of three day symposium on 7-9 Jan. 1959; hopes he will accept the invitation to attend (tpc.); similar letters were sent to Dr Michael Banton, Dr Cicely de Monchaur, Dr G. Ainsworth Harrison, Dr H, Himmelweit, Prof. Kenneth Kirkwood, Prof. Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark, D.G. MacRae, Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts and on 17 July to Dr Marie Johoda

  9    Prof. Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark to MF, 11 July – would be glad to accept but otherwise committed to the Darwin centenary (tp.)

 10    Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts, President to Sir Julian Huxley, 11 July – sets out aim of symposium; anxious for it ‘to get off to a good start’; invites him to give ‘a general summary of racial thinking’ at the beginning of the symposium (tpc., annotated)

 11    Dr Cicely de Monchaur to MF, 14 July – though interested has done no first-hand research; suggests Dr Marie Jahoda (tp.)

 12    Sir Julian Huxley to Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts, 15 July – regrets unable to take engagements (tp., annotation by Julian Huxley)

 13    Dr Michael Banton to MF, 15 July – declines invitation owing to another commitment; plans a conference on Darwinism and the study of society; mentions his paper on British behaviour towards coloured people (autogr.)

 14    Prof. Kenneth Kirkwood to MF, 18 July – owing to other commitments has to say a provisional yes to invitation (autogr.)

 15    Prof. C.H. Philips to MF, 20 July – interested in his invitation, but ‘subject is not in my line’; suggests Prof. Fürer-Haimendorf, F.G. Bailey or K.G. Rosser (autogr.); letter of acknowledgement, 5 Aug., not retained

 16    D.G. MacRae to MF, 22 July 1958 – gives an affirmative answer to invitation; asks who else is contributing to the symposium; asks date for copy (tp.)

 17    Dr Marie Jahoda to MF, 23 July – would like to attend symposium and to read a paper (tp., annotation by MF)

 18    PM to MWS, 23 July – discussed the question of an opening speaker; in default of Sir Julian Huxley suggests Sir Gavin de Beer, A.V. Hill or Sir Peter Medawar; also mentioned Sir Alister Hardy (tp.); letters from MF to Dr M. Banton, Prof. K. Kirkwood, Dr C. de Monchaur, Dr H. Himmelweit, Prof. Sir W. Le Gros Clark, D.G. MacRae, 29-30 July not retained

A130/4/19    MF to Dr Kenneth Little, 30 July – explains about the symposium; invites him to be a commentator on D.G. MacRae’s paper (tpc.); similar letters from MF to Norman Hotopf for comment on Dr M. Jahoda’s paper and to Dr D.F. Roberts on Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts’s, 30 July not retained; acknowledgements not retained

 20    Dr Kenneth Little to MF, 31 July – thinks he can safely accept invitation to comment on D.G. MacRae’s paper (tp.)

 21    Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts, President to Sir Gavin de Beer, 31 July – explains aim of symposium; invites him to give the opening address (tpc.)

 22    Sir Gavin de Beer to Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts, 1 Aug. – has to refuse invitation; gives reasons (tp.)

 23    MF to Guy Wint, Manchester Guardian, 6 Aug. – similar letter to /8 above (tpc.)

 24    Dr G. Ainsworth Harrison to MF, 6 Aug. – regrets delay in replying to invitation; was indisposed, then abroad; must decline as uncertain about convenience of dates (autogr.); acknowledgement, 11 Aug. not retained

 25    Dr Hilde Himmelweit to MF, 8 Aug. – regrets delay in replying to invitation; due to TV report and subsequent disorder; will be away for the spring term, 1959; suggests Prof. P.E. Vernon, Prof. Sir Cyril Burt or Prof. Rex Knight (tp.); acknowledgment, 11 Aug. not retained

 26    MF to Miss Joan Edwards, [11 Aug.] – thanks her for sending on Dr Ainsworth Harrison’s letter; asks for MWS to be informed; going to France (tp.)

 27    Norman Hotopf to MWS, 14 Aug. – letter forwarded (/19 above) while on holiday; glad to act as a commentator despite reservations (autogr.)

 28    Dr N.A. Barnicot to MF, 14 Aug. 1958 – regarding a commentator for his talk, suggests Dr John Maynard Smith (autogr.)

 29    PM to MWS, 21 Aug. – Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders not available to chair the symposium; has no further suggestions to his letter (/18 above); knows none of the names personally; will return to London, 8 Sep. (tp., annotation by PM)

 30    Dr Kenneth Little to MWS, 23 Aug. – encloses articles she might be interested in; refers to the part which learned societies could play; The Scotsman has been inundated by letters about problems of race; suggests she should write a letter; refers to role RAI provides (tp.); MWS’s reply, 26 Sep. not retained

A130/4/31    MF to Prof. P.E. Vernon, 2 Sep. – outlines dates and aims of the symposium; asks if he would be willing ‘to speak on intelligence in its racial aspects’ (tpc.)

 32    Prof. H.J. Fleure to MWS, 13 Sep. – will second Dr K. Oakley’s vote of thanks to Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark [Huxley Lecture]; thinking to invite Sir John and Lady Stopford to the Huxley Dinner; suggests a meeting between the RAI and the Geographical Association to see what can be done about race relations and teachers (autogr.)

 33    MWS to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 17 Sep. – acknowledges letter (/32 above); very interested in his idea of the RAI and the Geographical Association ‘getting together to see what can be done regarding race relations and teachers’; mentions symposium; will put his idea to the committee (tpc.)

 34    MF to Arthur Gaitskill, 22 Sep. – sets out dates and aims of the symposium; asks if he would be a commentator on Prof. Kenneth Kirkwood’s paper (tpc.); similar letters sent to Francis J. Galbraith, Dr Roland Oliver, Prof. Hugh Tinker (affirmative reply, 6 Oct. not retained),

 35    Ibid., to Dr Lucy P. Mair, 22 Sep. – sets out dates and aims of the symposium; asks if she would read a paper on Africa (tpc.)

 36    Ibid., to Mrs Sheila C. Patterson, 22 Sep. – gives dates of symposium; asks if she will be a commentator on his paper ‘Race relations in modern Britain’ (tpc.)

 37    Ibid., to D.G. MacRae, 22 Sep. – hopes to count on his paper; Prof. Kenneth Little has agreed to be the commentator and hopes to see his paper; outlines the plans of the symposium (tpc.)

 38    Prof. P.E. Vernon to MF, 22 Sep. 1958 – apologises for the delay in replying to his letter; thinks he can agree to speak on race and intelligence; names day when he is free (tp.); letter from the RAI, 23 Sep. on MF’s absence not retained

 39    MF to Prof. C.H. Philips, 22 Sep. – asks if he would be Chairman of the symposium as a whole (tpc.)

 40    Ibid., to Prof. Lancelot Hogben, 22 Sep. – sets out dates and aims of the symposium; asks if he would give the opening address (tpc.); letter of acceptance, 30 Sep. not retained

 41    Ibid., to Dr G. Ainsworth Harrison, 22 Sep. – indicated in his letter of 6 Aug. (/24 above) he would not know if he was free until late Sep.; hopes he is in a position to accept now (tpc.)

A130/4/41.1    Dr G. Ainsworth Harrison to MF, 24 Sep. – now glad to deliver a paper; names Dr J.C. Trevor or Dr J.S. Weiner as commentators (autogr.); MF’s reply, 13 Oct. on his (Ainsworth Harrison’s) taking part in the symposium and who he would like as a commentator, not retained

 42    Arthur Gaitskill to MF, 26 Sep. – would ‘have been honoured and delighted’ to accept but is now off to Tanganika and Rwanda; would like to see a copy of Prof. Kenneth Kirkwood’s paper (autogr.)

 43    Francis J. Galbraith to MF, 29 Sep. – symposium sounds interesting; pleased to be commentator; asks for details of what it entails (tp.)

 44    Prof. Hugh Tinker to MF, 2 Oct. – regrets delay in answering his letter (/34 above); has had polio; glad to take part; hopes to find out ‘about how you are attacking the subject’; mentions Darwin’s influence (tp.)

 45    Prof. C.H. Philips to MF, 6 Oct. – could not manage the chairmanship of the symposium for three days but might manage one day (tp.)

 46    PM to MF, 15 Oct. – congratulates him on the symposium; suggests Mrs Chilver and George Bennett as commentators on Prof. Kirkwood’s paper; suggests Sir Kenneth Grubb as chairman for two days (see /45 above)(tp., annotations by MF and another)

 47    MF to George Bennett, 20 Oct. – names dates of symposium; asks if he would be a commentator on Prof. Kirkwood’s paper (tpc.)

 48    MF to Sir Christopher Cox, 20 Oct. 1958 – sets out dates and aims; wide range of subjects covered; asks if he would undertake the chairmanship as a whole (tpc.)

 49    George Bennett to MF, 24 Oct. – thanks for his letter (/47 above); also heard about symposium from another source; glad to act as commentator on Prof. Kirkwood’s paper (tp.)

 50    Sir Christopher Cox to MF, 29 Oct. – has to give a negative reply (see /48 above); but has kept in touch with RAI and PM; gives reasons for declining (tp.); MF’s reply, 26 Nov. suggesting he attends if he is free, not retained

 51    MF to Sir Kenneth Grubb, 30 Oct. – in answer to his query on the chairmanship hoped to get Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders (see /7 above) but he is going to Australia; encloses arrangements so far; asks if he would be Chairman (tpc.)
A130/4/52    PM to Gordon Mosley, BBC, 31 Oct. – he will recall talking about the symposium arranged by the RAI and the Institute of Race Relations; encloses plan of the arrangements so far; some in their original form may be ‘difficult going over the air’; difficulty may be overcome by a narrator summarising the talk then a few words by the author; hopes he will advise on the part of the BBC to deal with this (tpc.)

 53    Ibid., to P.J. Chester, Oxford University Press, London 31 Oct. – he will recall talking about the symposium; encloses a draft programme; following his advice should not publish proceedings as such; suggests it will ‘make a book of considerable interest’ (tpc.)

 54    Miss Joan Edwards, RAI to Nestlé Co. Ltd., 5 Nov. – explains difficulty in providing coffee to c. 70 scientists with limited facilities; understands they have a special package; asks for advice (tpc.)

 55    Nestlé Co. Ltd. to Miss Joan Edwards, 11 Nov. – only too glad to be of assistance; gives details of preparing Nescafé; suggests size of tin which would be enough to provide the coffee; enclosing tin of required size with their compliments (tp.); reply, 14 Nov. not retained

 56    MF to Prof. C.H. Philips, 13 Nov. – glad to report that Sir Kenneth Grubb has agreed to take the Chair for the three days; thanks him for offer to take the Chair for one day; hopes he will be free to attend some of the sessions (tpc.)

 57    Dr John Maynard Smith to RAI, 15 Nov. 1958 – thanks for the programme; gives his degrees (autogr.)

 58    Secretary to MF, 15 Nov. – Dr J.S. Weiner is willing to comment on Dr G. Ainsworth Harrison’s paper (tp.); letters on the programme, 19 Nov. from Prof. Lancelot Hogben (queries the title of his paper) and Mrs S. Patterson not retained

 59    Prof. H.J. Fleure to MWS, 20 Nov. – regrets cannot attend symposium; opposes ‘the idea that “Races” are subdivisions of mankind’; gives views on ‘individuals [as] assemblies of genes with varied histories …’ (autogr.)

 60    Prof. C. Daryll Forde to MWS, 20 Nov. – unable to attend all days but hopes to be able to at the last minute (tp.); similar letters, 20 Nov. from Prof. C. Fürer-Haimendorf, Dr H. Kalmus, Prof. L.S. Penrose and Prof. J.Z. Young not retained
A130/4/61    Dr G.M. Carstairs to MWS, 20 Nov. – regret unable to attend (tp.); similar letters, 20-1 Nov. from Prof. A.J.E. Cave, Prof. C.D. Darlington, Sir Gavin de Beer, Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, Prof. J.H. Hutton, Sir Julian Huxley, L.P. Kirwan, Prof. W.E. Le Gros Clark, Prof. C.A. Mace, Dr K.P. Oakley, Prof. R.R. Race, Dr A.I. Richards, Prof. I. Schapera, Israel M. Sieff, Dr – Stevenson, Dr I. Morgan Watkins and Prof. F.E. Zeuner not retained

 62    MF to PM, 21 Nov. – will answer his letter (not held) as soon as possible; refers to Prof. Lancelot Hogben’s letter (see /58 above); quotes letter; it seems that ‘Hogben has not really got the point of our original invitation’ (tpc.)

 63    H. Myint to MWS, 22 Nov. – regrets unable to attend (autogr.)

 64    Dr Cecily de Monchaur to MWS, 24 Nov. – delighted to attend (autogr.)

 65    PM to MF, 24 Nov. – agrees with his assessment of Prof. L. Hogben (/62 above); suggests a title for his paper (tp.)

 66    Prof. Ian Aird to MWS, 25 Nov. – regrets unable to attend (tp.); similar letters, 24-5 from Dr Maurice Bowra, Sir Sidney Caine (MWS’s letter, 28 Nov., hoping he will attend if free not retained), Prof. Sir Ronald A. Fisher, Christopher Mayhew, MP, Dr A. Métraux (UNESCO) and Dr G.M. Morant not retained

 67    MF to Dr D.F.B. Roberts, 26 Nov. – ‘slight rearrangement in the timetable’; Dr Fraser Roberts’ paper and his comment now on 7 Jan.; hopes he will not be inconvenienced (tpc.)

 68    MF to Prof. Lancelot Hogben, 26 Nov. 1958 – apologises for delay in replying to his letter (/58 above); sorry he is not ‘happy’ with the title of his lecture; the Committee hoped he would treat the subject scientifically and in a general way; Dr N.A. Barnicot ‘will be discussing impact of Darwinism on the race concept’; ‘the Committee would not think of limiting [him] in any way’ (tpc.)

 69    Sir Alfred Blossom, MP to MWS, 26 Nov. – regrets unable to attend; sends best wishes (tp.); similar letters, 26-30 Nov. from H.S. Deighton, Dr E.R. Leach, Dr Hermann Lehmann, W. d’A. Maycock and Lord Russell (from Secretary) not retained

 70    Secretary, Institute of Race Relations to MWS, 27 Nov. – has received a reply from the Manchester Guardian on representation by – Hillaby; quotes from letter (tp.)

 71    Miss Joan Edwards to Prof. P.E. Vernon, 28 Nov. – MF hopes he will not accept the invitation from the New Scientist as the RAI thinks the symposium papers will be published (tpc.)
A130/4/72    MWS to Secretary, Institute of Race Relations, 28 Nov. – asks for two messages to be passed on to PM; – Hillaby has been invited; Sir Sydney Caine would like to attend ‘certain sessions’ (tpc.)

 73    Sir George Beresford-Stooke to MWS, 28 Nov. – would like to attend (autogr.); similar letters, 26-8 Nov. from Rita Hinden and Dr Phyllis Kaberry not retained

 74    Prof. C.G. Darwin to MWS, 14 Dec. – Eugenics Society interested but members unable to give up the time to attend; will rely on Dr Fraser Roberts to report (autogr.); letters 1-8 Dec. from the BBC (hopes to attend) and Prof. W.F. Grimes (cannot attend) not retained

 75    Dr [L.] F. Henriques to MWS, 1 Dec. – apologises for delay but plans uncertain; would now like to attend (tp.)

 76    T.A. Margerson, New Scientist to MWS, 1 Dec. – would like to attend (tp.)

 77    PM to MWS, 3 Dec. – on Sir Sydney Caine and relaxing the rule about coming for the three days (tp.)

 78    MF to Dr N.A. Barnicot, 9 Dec. – asks him to send a copy or summary of his paper to his commentator; PM would also like a copy; asks him to send the final version of his paper to PM within a week of the end of the symposium; hopes to publish the papers (tpc.); similar letter, 12 Dec. to Prof. L. Hogben not retained

 79    Sir Kenneth Grubb to MF, 11 Dec. – thanks him for his letter of 9 Dec.; hopes the symposium will be a success (tp.)

 80    Dr Marie Jahoda to MF, 12 Dec. – will send copies of her talk and commentary to PM before 1 Jan. (autogr.)

 81    Secretary, West Africa to MWS, 15 Dec. – D.M. Williams in West Africa; requests a provisional seat; will let her know if he can attend once he returns (tp.)

 82    MWS to Prof. P.E. Vernon, 15 Dec. – Dr T.A. Margerison, New Scientist has been in touch with him ‘concerning an article on the psychological aspects of race’ following his paper; ‘anxious to disseminate accurate information on race as widely as possible’; advance notice might cause difficulties; his paper will appear later and he may mention it (tpc.); a similar latter, 15 Dec. to Dr N.A. Barnicot not retained

 83    Symposium Committee sends two copies of the Revised Programme to readers of papers, 16 Dec. (mimeo.)

 84    Dr G. Ainsworth Harrison to MWS, 17 Dec. – on his subscription; sends details of his positions held and background (autogr.)
A130/4/85    Prof. Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark to MWS, 18 Dec. – will be on holiday; unable to attend (autogr.)

 86    Dr J.S. Weiner to MWS, 20 Dec. – sends details about himself and Dr D.F.B. Roberts; on his lecture in May (tp.)

 87    List of those attending (mimeo.)

 88    Revised programme (mimeo.)

 89    Dr J.C. Trevor to MWS, 1 Jan. – glad to accept invitation (autogr.)

 90    RAI to Sir Kenneth Grubb, 1 Jan. – sends biographical notes he requires (tpc.)

 91    MF to Sir Kenneth Grubb, 12 Jan. – sends thanks of the Committee for his Chairmanship (tpc.)

 92    MWS to PM, 22 Jan. – heard from MF that the papers have gone to OUP; asks if an introduction was supplied (tpc.)

 93    Prof. Lancelot Hogben to PM, [26 Jan.] – complains that the commentator on his address had not returned his unrevised address (tp. copy)

 94    PM to Prof. Lancelot Hogben, 28 Jan. 1959 – thanks him for his letter; he received the address and undertook to return it; his (LH) ‘dim view of the omission’ justifies a reminder that MF asks for copies to be sent to him (PM); he had the task of summing up; also told by MF that we hoped to publish the papers through OUP who would give a decision on the papers as given; once decided the papers will be returned to the writers for revision; assures him ‘the script will be returned before any use is made of it’ (tpc.)

 95    Prof. Lancelot Hogben to PM, [29 Jan.] – acknowledges letter; when MF invited him to address the symposium did not give ‘any unconditional undertaking for its publication’; concerned about copyright law; asked to contribute ‘to several centenary symposia’; at least one, Edinburgh is proposing to publish its proceedings; suggests he writes to Prof. C.H. Waddington (tpc. copy)

 96    PM to Prof. C.H. Waddington, 30 Jan. – gives details of the symposium; opening address given by Prof. Hogben; encloses copy of letter and his reply; will let him know OUP’s decision (tpc.)
A130/4/97    PM to Prof. Lancelot Hogben, 30 Jan. – thanks him for his letter (/95 above); regrets it was not made clear that publication was in view; as explained OUP is discussing publication; as soon as proposals are clear will write again; clear that he retains the copyright; has written to Prof. Waddington; sure they can come to a satisfactory arrangement (tpc.)

 98    E.C. Parnwell, OUP to PM, 9 Feb. – how matter is presented depends on whether a faithful record is required or whether an ‘informative and interesting book, based on the contributions’ is required; sets out the options (tp. copy)

 99    Secretary, Institute of Race Relations to RAI, 11 Feb. – encloses copies (one not held) of letter from OUP; PM is out of London; suggests a meeting soon of Committee (tp.)

100    Ibid., to MWS, 13 Feb. – sends script which PM will broadcast; grateful if she would look through it (tp., MWS annotation)

101    PM to E.C. Parnwell, OUP 24 Feb. – now had ‘a chance to talk over [his] letter with representatives of the two Institutes’; require something between two extremes; wanted to reflect the centenary of thought on race; sets out plans for the book; papers would be returned to authors for final revision; asks him to reconsider in view of RAI views (tp. copy)

102    E.C. Parnwell, OUP to PM, 9 Mar. 1959 – apologises for delay; middle course proposed unlikely to recover cost of production; if length is sought and royalties foregone will review the prospects on sight of finished script; hopes to reconsider cost of production etc. (tp. copy); verso of /101 above

103    PM to MWS, 2 July – had back nearly all the revised scripts; will write an introduction and conclusion; will circulate in 10 days; proposes a meeting once she has read the scripts (tp.); RAI to PM, 7 July not retained, meeting fixed, 15 July

104    Ibid., 16 July – has met MF and Dr N.A. Barnicot and went through introduction and epilogue; has had comments from Dr Margaret Read and Sir Kenneth Grubb; encloses revised version; has put title of book on top (tp.)

105    Comments by MWS (autogr.)

106    Editorial Assistant, Institute of Race Relations to RAI, 26 Nov. – encloses bibliography for book; a few queried items for checking; will send relevant section to each author (tp.)
A130/4/107    Miss B.J. Kirkpatrick, RAI Librarian to Institute of Race Relations, 30 Nov. – has checked items except a few not in the Library; sets out principles (tpc.)

108    MWS to Prof. Otto Klineberg, NY, 17 Dec. – proceeding of symposium, we spoke about, is to be published by OUP; anxious that bibliographies should cite standard works; wonders if he has a short bibliography on race differences which she could include (tpc.)

109    PM to MWS, 8 June – has signed agreement from OUP; legally arrangements are between OUP and the Institute of Race Relations; has obtained copyright from various contributors; joint publication will be made clear at the beginning of the book; acts as agent of the two Institutes; division of royalties they will consider later (tp.); MWS annotation notes date of reply

110    Ibid., 4 Oct. – sends advance copy of Man, race and Darwin; 6 free copies are provided; will send 12 free offprints to contributors; suggests this cost and others should be debited to royalty account (tp.)

111    Secretary, Institute of Race Relations to MWS, 10 Oct. 1960 – sends review list; PM has approved it with the exception of Mankind Quarterly; asks for any additions as soon as possible (tp.); MWS’s reply, 11 Oct. not retained, agrees about Mankind Quarterly

112    MWS to Dr P. Fejos, Wenner-Gren Foundation, 19 Oct. – sends two advance copies of book (tpc.)

113    MWS to Israel M. Sieff, 19 Oct. – sends advance copy of the book; both Sir George Beresford Stooke and myself think these symposia are good for the RAI; plan to hold one on ethnomusicology (tpc.)

114    Proof of Man, race and Darwin advertisement to appear in Man (printed); see Man, Feb. 1961 lower wrapper

115    BBC tapes broadcast, Mar.-June 1959, producer Henry Swanzy, Bush House

 .1    The boundaries of race, introduction by Sir Alan Burns. 5 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 31 Mar., 1 Apr.

 .2    No. 2, Race and religion by Godfrey Lienhardt. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 7-8 Apr.

 .3    No. 3, Race and science by Kenneth Little. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 14-15 Apr.

 .4    No. 4, Race theories today by J.A. Fraser Roberts. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 21-2 Apr.
A130/4/115.5    No. 5, Race theories today: the social scientist’s picture by Michael Banton. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 28-9 Apr.

 .6    No. 6, Race in the Americas by Marian Smith. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 5-6 May

 .7    No. 7, Race in the Commonwealth by George Bennett. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 12-13 May

 .8    No. 8, Race in the Soviet Empire by Geoffrey Wheeler. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 19-20 May

 .9    No. 9, Race in the Mediterranean world by H.S. Deighton, read by Henry Swanzy. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 26-7 May

.10    No. 10, Race in Asia and the Pacific by Maurice Freedman. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 2-3 June

.11    No. 11, Race in Africa by Philip Mason. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 9-10 June

.12    No. 12, Summing up by Philip Mason. 4 pp. (mimeo.); transmitted 16-17 June

.13    Henry Swanzy to MWS, 27 May 1959 – apologises for her difficulty in reaching the studio; encloses scripts; not possible to include unscripted discussion in London Forum, but names contributors (tp.)

 /5    Further Correspondence with the Institute of Race Relations

  1    PM to MWS, 6 July 1960 – on agreement to hold another joint conference, on the book on ‘Coloured Immigrants in Britain’, in Jan. 1961; to be held at RAI; list of possible participants; on those to be excluded; on preparing list of points for action in the book. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. PS)

  2    MWS to PM, 15 July – date of 19 Jan. has been decided; answers some of his other points; mentions Margaret Mead (tp.)

  3    16 July – circular letter on the proposed symposium, and on another on ethnomusicology. 5 copies (tp. with signatures/comments by W.B. Fagg, Gertrude Caton Thompson, M. Fortes, MWS and George Beresford-Stooke[?])

  4    PM to MWS, 20 July – suggests sending list of points for discussion to those doing practical work in the field; thinks too many people will want to come (tp.)

  5    MWS, nd – notes on names etc. 2 leaves (autogr.)

  6    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 28 July – on discussion with Dr Barnicot; on next steps (tp.)

A130/5/7        17 Oct. – list of possible topics for discussion at the Coloured Immigrants Conference (tp.)

  8    PM to MWS, 21 Oct. – the subject of the conference should simply be ‘Future Plans in relation to Race Relations in Britain’; they will revise paper of 17 Oct. [/7]; describes how this will be done; they will produce revised list of possible participants; looks forward to her theoretical topics. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. note)

  9    MWS to PM, 27 Oct. – will get theoretical topics to him soon; suggests as title ‘Coloured Immigrants in Great Britain: Outlook in Race Relations’ or some such (tpc.)

 10    PM to W.B. Fagg, 30 Nov. – has agreed with MWS that he will take over arrangements, but it will still be described as a joint enterprise (tp.)

 11    19 Dec. – circular letter of invitation to discussion arranged jointly by RAI and Institute of Race Relations, on ‘Research in Race Relations in Britain’; asks that those taking part submit list of subjects for research, for discussion; meeting to take place on 27 Mar. 1961. 2 leaves (tp.)

 12    Valerie Taylor, Institute of Race Relations, to Miss Edwards, RAI, 29 Dec. – encloses copy of invitation and list of those to whom it has been sent (tp.)

 .1    List of those invited to the joint conference (tp.)

 13    Administrative Secretary, RAI, to PM, 7 Feb. 1961 – on sending invitations to Dr Richards, Sir George Beresford-Stooke and W.B. Fagg (tpc.)

 14    PM to Miss Joan Edwards, RAI, 9 Feb. – had assumed that Dr Richards would be coming; will write directly to Sir George Beresford-Stooke and Mr Fagg; encloses list of those who have accepted (tp.)

 .1    List of acceptances for the joint conference

 15    PM to W.B. Fagg, 9 Feb. – on the joint conference; since Dr Smith went to hospital the conference has been reduced; lists those who have accepted; encloses list of subjects for discussion; hopes that he will be able to attend. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. PS)

 16    nd – list of suggested research projects [enclosed with /15] (tp.)

 17    PM to W.B. Fagg, 2 Mar. – thanks him for letter of 21 Feb. [not held]; glad that he can come on 27 Mar. (tp.)

 18    Administrative Secretary, RAI, to PM, 6 Mar. – Mr Fagg thought he might not be able to attend; now finds that he can; offers to help (tpc.)

A130/5/19    15 Mar. – agenda for discussion for the joint meeting. 6 pages (tp.)

 20    nd – list of those expected to attend conference (tp.)

 21    7 June – cover note for account of discussion at conference (tp.)

 22    21 Apr. – account of discussion at conference. 7 pages (tp.)

 23    PM to Anthony Christie, Hon. Secretary 1961-70, 23 Sept. 1963 – on an announcement which will appear in the press on 27 Sept.; encloses copy of the press release; on grant from Nuffield Foundation for major survey into race relations (tp.)

 24    Press release and background notes. 3 leaves (tp.)

 25    [Anthony Christie] to PM, 25 Sept. – is grateful for [advance] notice; will make the project known to members (tpc.)

 /6    Correspondence relating to Julia Pastrana

  1    nd – ‘The Thunderbolt’, Savannah, Georgia, [1968]; includes article ‘Result of Mating of Ape with Negro Woman’; the offspring named Julia Pastrana; photograph from RAI [see RAI Photo Collection, 2062 & 2063]

  2    Thomas Thompson to RAI, 7 Feb. 1968 – enquires about Julia Pastrana (tp.)

  3    Lester H. Smith to ibid., 25 Aug. – ibid. (autogr.)

  4    Claude E. Cox to ibid., Feb. 12 1969 – ibid. (autogr.)

  5    Andréa Denninger to ibid., 19 Apr. – ibid. (tp.)

  6    Marguerite Hertel[?] to ibid., 28 Apr. – ibid. (autogr.)

  7    Anita Helm to ibid., 1 May – ibid. (tp.)

  8    Paul Wm. Moratto to ibid., 1 June – ibid. (autogr.)

  9    George Ireshire to ibid., 4 July – ibid. (tp.)

 10    Barbara Bentley, RAI, to George Ireshire, 9 Sept. – an RAI official is writing a paper on Julia Pastrana; in response to many enquiries, this will be circulated soon (tp.)

 11    Mrs Kelley Morris Gray to RAI, nd – has written previously but has had no reply; enquires about Julia Pastrana. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 12    Anthony Christie to Mrs Kelley Morris Gray, 30 Sept. – previous letter must have gone astray; Julia Pastrana was suffering from hypertrichosis (tpc.)

A130/6/13    John Swabey to RAI, 19 Nov. – enquires about Julia Pastrana (tp.)

 14    Elbert A. Hanauer to ibid., 7 July 1970 – ibid. (tp.)

 15    Mrs Vernon E. Hebden to ibid., 7 Aug. – ibid.; also enquires about a book called ‘The Protocols’ (autogr.)

 16    Barbara Bentley to Mrs Vernon E. Hebden – has no information on the subject (tpc.)

 17    James L. Brain to RAI, 12 Oct. – enquires about Julia Pastrana (tp.)

 18    Raymond Rudman to ibid., 19 May 1972 – ibid.; other enquiries (tp.)

 19    Sue Roberts to ibid., 17 Dec. 1973 – enquires about Julia Pastrana (autogr.)

 20    Brenda Jackson to ibid., 19 June 1974 – ibid. (tp.)

 21    Raymond Rudman to the Secretary, RAI, nd – thanks her for Man; has not received acknowledgment of subscription; refers to ‘false’ report that Julia Pastrana was born to Mexican parents (tp.)

 22    Diane Warburton, RAI, to Raymond Rudman, 6 Jan. 1975 – on his subscription; Julia Pastrana was born of Mexican parents; on a paper written on Julia Pastrana by Prof. Miles of the London Museum of Dontology; Prof. Miles will send free copies to anyone requesting them, in order to dispel unpleasant rumours (tpc.)

 23    Harlan Lewandowski to RAI, 12 Jan. 1976 – enquires about Julia Pastrana (tp.)

 24    Diane Warburton to Harlan Lewandowski, 9 Feb. – RAI has none of the information he requested; on Prof. Miles’s paper on her (tpc.)

 25    William James Blameuser to RAI, nd – enquires about Julia Pastrana (tp. with autogr. reply added)

 26    Jonathan Benthall to William J. Blameuser, 22 Mar. 1978 – distasteful propaganda entirely ill-founded; encloses copy of article [by Prof. Miles] (tpc.)

 27    Gloria Jenkins to RAI, nd – enquires about Julia Pastrana (autogr.)

 28    Jerry Logsdon to ibid., nd – ibid. (autogr.)

 29    Mrs Robert La Velle to ibid., nd – ibid. (autogr.)

A130/6/30    Prof. A.E.W. Miles, ‘Julia Pastrana: the Bearded Lady’, reprinted from Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, Feb. 1974, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 160-164 (printed pamphlet)

 /7    UNESCO Statement on Race, 1950, and RAI response

UNESCO Documents

  1    ‘UNESCO and its Programme’ I, ‘UNESCO in 1950 – Aims and Work of the Organization’. 21 pages (printed booklet)

  2    ‘UNESCO and its Programme’, II, ‘The Basic Programme’. 26 pages (printed booklet)

  3    ‘UNESCO and its Programme’, III, ‘The Race Question’. 11 pages (printed booklet) [contains the text of the Statement on Race, pp. 5-11]

  4    ‘Race and Psychology’ by Otto Klineberg. 40 pages (printed booklet) [UNESCO publication]

  5    ‘The Roots of Prejudice’ by Arnold Rose. 44 pages (printed booklet) [UNESCO publication]

  6    UNESCO [Press Release?], 18 July 1950 – text of Statement by Experts on Race Problems. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. editorial corrections by W.B. Fagg)

  7    UNESCO Press Release, 18 July – on the Statement. 2 leaves (tp.)

  8    17 Nov. – UNESCO, National Co-operating Body for Social Sciences, Note on the UNESCO Statement on Race from the RAI; the Statement contained passages which were unlikely to command assent among physical anthropologists; a letter was written to the Times on 24 July; a shorter letter was published on 15 Aug.; on correspondence with Dr Alfred Metraux; gives examples of specific criticisms; the Statement seemed to be almost entirely Ashley Montagu’s work; on Dr G.M. Morant writing a pamphlet on ‘Racial Differences’; on a letter from Dr Metraux referring to the preparation of a new Statement which will not be open to such criticisms. 2 leaves (tp.)

  9    UNESCO, ‘Meeting of Physical Anthropologists and Geneticists for a Definition of the Concept of Race’, 4-8 June 1951, Working Paper. 4 pages (tp.)

 10    Addendum I, points added by Prof. Haldane (tp.)

 11    Addendum II, ‘Possible Racial Differences in Psychological Characters’ by Julian Huxley (tp.)

A130/7/12    UNESCO, ‘Address Delivered by the Director General to the Meeting of Physical Anthropologists and Geneticists for a Definition of the Concept of Race’, 4-8 June. 5 leaves (tp.)

 13    18 Sept. 1951 – UNESCO, Statement on Race 1951. 6 pages (tp.)

 14    15 July 1952 – UNESCO, ‘Race et Differences Raciales’. 5 pages (tp., in French)

 15    25 Aug. – UNESCO, Statement on the Nature of Race and Race Differences. 4 pages (tp.)


 16    25 Jan. 1945 – Draft Resolution of the Conference of the Allied ministers of Education on Enquiry into the Theory of Race (tp.)

 17    B. Vancura, Czechoslovak Republic, Ministry of the Interior, to Dr I. Zollschan, 2 May – the Conference of the Allied Ministers of Education have been discussing the draft resolution put forward by the Czechoslovak department for Educational Reconstruction; the matter should be brought before the next meeting of the Conference; thanks him (tp. copy)

 18    I. Zollschan to Dr Morant, 20 Sept. – he will see from the enclosures [/17 & /18] that the Conference of the Allied Ministers of Education have dealt with the problem of destroying the racial theory; asks whether the RAI should approach the ‘International Organisation for cultural and educational Co-operation’ (tp.)

 19    Geoffrey Morant to W.B. Fagg, 23 Sept. – the accompanying letter and papers explain themselves; a plan for Haldane to write a book dealing with race seems to have been abandoned; Herskovits would like to withdraw his promise to prepare a bibliography regarding racial questions (autogr.)

 20    W.B. Fagg to Daryll Forde, 11 May 1949 – sends him some UNESCO papers to read; the important papers are those referring to the organization of the social sciences; anthropological and ethnological sciences should have a Union of their own and not be grouped under Sociology; suggests forming a Committee to consider matters of policy arising from UNESCO (autogr.)

 21    Prof. Daryll Forde to W.B. Fagg, 3 June – makes distinction between Congress and its Council on the one hand, and the Union on the other; mentions Rivet; on the Statutes for the Union; on affiliation; UNESCO is not contemplating the establishment of a Council for the Social Sciences. 2 leaves (tp.)

A130/7/22    R. Fawtier, Secretary General, International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies, to [W.B. Fagg], 20 July – General Conference of UNESCO adopted a resolution to promote the publication of a journal on current work in the fields of philosophy and humanistic studies; is seeking opinions with regard to the character which would be most suitable for a review in the field of humanistic studies; asks for comments; comments will be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Council in early 1950. 2 leaves (tp.)

 23    W.B. Fagg to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 19 July 1950 – encloses statement issued yesterday by UNESCO; suggests sending a letter to the Times along the lines of the draft appended; lists those physical anthropologists to whom he is sending the statement; the emphasis of the draft letter is on the physical rather than the social side; includes text of draft letter to the Times. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. note by H.J. Fleure)

 24    Ibid. 5 pages (autogr. draft)

 25    W.B. Fagg, nd – list of names [to whom the statement will be sent?] (autogr. pc)

 26    Ibid., nd – alternative version of draft letter to the Times (autogr. draft, unfinished)

 27    […?], nd – comment on the UNESCO statement (tp.)

 28    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to W.B. Fagg, 20 July – asks him to leave him out; he is not a physical anthropologist (autogr. pc.)

 29    Ibid., nd [‘Friday’] – agrees that the UNESCO Committee was overweighted with Jews; does not know anything about the subject and feels he ought to keep out of it; on a spelling mistake (autogr.)

 30    W.C. Osman Hill, Zoological Society of London, to W.B. Fagg, 20 July – is unable to endorse the views expressed in the draft letter to the Times; is in serious disagreement with some of the points in the letter (tp. with autogr. note referring to Prof. Zuckerman)

 31    W.E. Le Gros Clark to ibid., ibid. – is reluctant to sign the letter intended for the Times; explains why; argues that race is a biological fact; the main thesis of the report is obviously right but it must be phrased more carefully. 3 pages (autogr.)

A130/7/32    Jack [Trevor] to ibid., ibid. – it is clear to him that the UNESCO statement is the work of Ashley Montagu; welcomes many of the views expressed in it but thinks it right to point out shortcomings; a letter to the Times would be a good idea; returns the draft with a few suggested emendations and two extra paragraphs; it seems strange that no eminent American anthropologists have endorsed the memorandum; believes the last paragraph to be important; explains why (tp.)

 33    Sir Arthur Keith to ibid., 21 July – asks him to remove his name from the letter to the Times (telegram)

 34    Prof. S. Zuckerman to ibid., ibid. – finds it difficult to agree that any statement from the RAI is called for; makes some criticisms of the draft letter to the Times; on the people who signed the UNESCO statement (tp.)

 35    W.B. Fagg, 24 July – circular letter thanking the physical anthropologists for their comments; most of those consulted agree that some statement is called for; is sending to the Times the letter reproduced below; invites those consulted to contribute to discussion of the UNESCO statement in the columns of Man; includes text of letter to the Times (tp.)

 36    Ibid. (autogr. draft)

 37    W.E. Le Gros Clark to ibid., 26 July – thinks the letter for the Times is excellent (autogr. card)

 38    Prof. S. Zuckerman to W.B. Fagg, 27 July – the version published in the Times seems more reasonable than the draft he saw; on Ashley Montagu; on his lecture at the RAI (tp.)

 39    H.J. Fleure to ibid., nd – refers to him using ‘this’ (autogr. note)

 40    Geoffrey Morant to ibid., 28 July – the letter to the Times is better than the draft; he is busy and is unlikely to write any comments on the UNESCO statement (autogr.)

 41    A. Métraux, UNESCO, to W.B. Fagg, 18 Aug. – refers to his letter to the Times; would like to know the exact nature of his objections to the document; the statement received its final form after many discussions and corrections; his advice will be invaluable (tp.)

A130/7/42    W.B. Fagg to Donald McLachlan, [Editor, the Economist], [18 Aug.] – refers to his article on ‘Science and Planning’ in the issue of 3 July 1948 [see A158/4/14]; asks if he would like an article on racialism; refers to the UNESCO statement; refers to his letter to the Times; the UNESCO statement is well-intentioned but includes matter to which a very few physical anthropologists could subscribe; these passages are the personal views of Prof. Ashley Montagu; on the group of authorities who prepared the UNESCO statement; any criticism should be couple with a firm statement of belief in its essential thesis; refers to his own recent fieldwork in West Africa. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

 43    H. Salmon to W.B. Fagg, 19 Aug. – refers to his letter in the Times of 15 Aug.; race is the result of Natural Selection; white peoples are dominant in respect of formulative thought; Mongoloid peoples are different; on Negroid peoples; seems to him that there are great differences between the great branches of homo sapiens; so far racial differences have not been explained; as individuals differ so do nations and races; they must be treated differently. 3 leaves (tp.)

 44    R.J. Harvey, Colonial Office, to ibid., ibid. – is interested in his letter to the Times; writes as a Fellow of the RAI; asks what are the controversial points in the UNESCO statement; on UNESCO ‘productions’; encloses copy of the full statement (tp.)

 45    Donald McLachlan to ibid., 21 Aug. – must consult a colleague; if the decision is made to ask him for an article will get in touch immediately (tp.)

 46    Kenneth G. Grubb to ibid., 22 Aug. – on his letter to the Times; asks for source for the views which call in question certain of the assertions of the UNESCO document (tp.)

 47    W.B. Fagg to Kenneth G. Grubb, 3 Sept. – refers to his letter of 22 Aug.; difficult to recommend a book of the kind he desires; the UNESCO document is ‘wayward’; on publishing the text in Man; hopes to provoke comment; mentions G.M. Morant’s book ‘Races of Central Europe’; list three points to which ‘we’ object (autogr. draft)

A130/7/48    W.B. Fagg to Dr A. Metraux, 7 Sept. – refers to his letter of 18 Aug.; the RAI was reluctant to criticise a document which had the object of combating racialism, but was duty bound to make a statement which would make clear that the details could not all be regarded as scientific fact; lists the physical anthropologists he consulted; none were willing to endorse the Statement without reservation; a letter was sent to the Times on 24 July, of which he encloses a copy; a shorter letter was published on 15 Aug.; on the too-great prominence of the views of Ashley Montagu; outlines criticism of the procedure adopted and the choice of the panel; the Statement in its present form will not secure wide enough acceptance to justify the claim that it is the most authoritative statement on the subject ever made; glad to note that it is only a first step in UNESCO’s campaign against race prejudice; on printing the text in Man and inviting comments. 2 leaves (tp.)

 49    Ibid. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

 50    A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 14 Sept. – expresses his appreciation for his opinion on the Statement on Race; he was not part of the selection of the panel; is also annoyed about certain dogmatic statements; agrees that the procedure should have been different; is preparing a series of pamphlets on race, including those by Otto Klineberg and Arnold Rose [/4 & /5]; there is time to prepare one more; asks him to suggest an author and a title [see /68] (tp.)

 51    Jack Trevor to ibid., 15 Sept. – on seeing G.M. Morant; cannot do anything before next month; suggests the body to prepare a statement should be the RAI Committee on Race & Racialism; explains why (autogr. pc)

 52    Ibid., 20 Sept. – on W.B. Fagg’s mother; on the UNESCO business; on writing a joint letter with Morant, Miriam Tildesley and Prof. Zuckerman; makes a couple of suggestions with regard to the pull (autogr.)

 53    W.B. Fagg to Dr A. Métraux, 21 Sept. – refers to his letter of 14 Sept.; cannot yet answer the last paragraph; encloses proof of the relevant pages of the next issue of Man (autogr. draft)

 54    Evelyn R. Lawton, secretary, to W.B. Fagg, 23 Sept. – his letter will be placed before Prof. Zuckerman on his return from the United States (tp.)

 55    W.E. Le Gros Clark to ibid., ibid. – thanks him for copy of the statement on Race; will do what he can to help; encloses note for Man on South African fossils (autogr.)

A130/7/56    Sir Arthur Keith to ibid., 25 Sept. – is grateful for advance copy of the Statement on Race which is to appear in Man; on Ashley Montagu; no longer has the zest for wordy argument but agrees that the RAI should take up the challenge (autogr.)

 57    C.A. Grossmith, Colonial Office, to ibid., 29 Sept. – refers to his letter to the Times; on a revised statement backed by leading anthropologists; when he issues this, asks for offprints; asks when the revised statement can be issued (tp.)

 58    W.B. Fagg to A. Thompson, Ministry of Education, 2 Oct. – refers to his obtaining copies of the UNESCO statement; refers to his own letter to the Times; encloses pull from the forthcoming issue of Man; on his correspondence with Dr Métraux, who introduced the statement with an article in the Courier [see /221]; on Dr R.J. Harvey; on the preparation of a British statement of the incontrovertible facts about race; asks if he thinks the matter could be raised at the next meeting of the National Co-operating Body for the Social Sciences (tp.)

 59    Ibid. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 60    H.C. Rackham to W.B. Fagg, 4 Oct. – acknowledges his letter to Mr Thompson who is away; thinks it likely that he will wish to raise the matter at the meeting of the Social Science Body (tp.)

 61    W.C. Osman Hill to ibid., 13 Oct. – encloses statement in which he has taken the ‘expert’s’ opinions in the UNESCO statement and treated them point by point; the matter is a thorny problem; trusts his statement is adequate (tp. with autogr. PS)

 62    Prof. S. Zuckerman to ibid., ibid. – would like to contribute to the correspondence; not sure when he will be ‘in the clear’ to do so; perhaps he had better wait; on an anthology of views on Race by Earl W. Kant (tp.)

 63    Geoffrey Morant to ibid. 15 Oct. – appreciates his attempt to involve him in the preparation of a reply to the UNESCO document; mentions Jack Trevor; agrees that a reply should come from the physical anthropologists; but his way of looking at the matter might not be approved by other physical anthropologists; it would take 5,000 words and he does not have time; he will offer matter to Man if he produces anything suitable (autogr.)

A130/7/64    A. Thompson to ibid., 30 Oct. – refers to his letter of 2 Oct.; the Statement on Race has now been published in leaflet form; encloses copies; agrees that it is a fit subject to be discussed at the next meeting of the National Co-operating body for the Social Sciences; asks if he would submit a brief statement setting out the views of the RAI [see /8]; is sending a copy of his letter to the Chairman, Sir Charles Webster (tp.)

 65    F.R. Cowell, Secretary, UNESCO, National Commission for the United Kingdom, Ministry of Education, 1 Nov. – circular letter regarding criticism of the UNESCO Courier; it was agreed at the meeting of the National Co-operating Body for Mass Communications that opinions would be sought on ways of making it more effective; a draft of comments is enclosed (tp.)

 66    ‘Draft Outline of Comments on UNESCO Courier’. 2 leaves (tp.)

 67    Jack Trevor to W.B. Fagg, 4 Nov. – thanks him for sending Métraux’s letter; on G.M. Morant writing something; on a collaborative effort between them; on an extra quotation mark (autogr.)

 68    G.M. Morant to ibid., 5 Nov. [wrongly dated 1951] – shall be glad to try writing an article which might be suitable as one of the series of pamphlets on race being prepared by UNESCO; suggests ‘Racial Differences’ as a title; outlines the type of article he might write; will begin writing early next year; on offprints of contributions by Fleure, Osman Hill and Little due to appear in the Jan. issue of Man (autogr.)

 69    Alfred Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 7 Nov. – as a result of the article ‘UNESCO on Race’ in Man, UNESCO will produce a new statement which will not be open to similar criticisms; asks for his co-operation in choosing men to represent British science on the panel (tp.)

 70    W.B. Fagg to A. Thompson, 8 Nov. – refers to his letter of 30 Oct.; refers to the National Co-operating Body; RAI is more concerned with the scientific attitudes of anthropologists than with the statement’s bearings on official policy; will try to provide a short paper on the subject; sends a copy of Métraux’s letter to him; also encloses a proof of some contributions to the subject which will appear in Jan. issue of Man; with reference to Dr Métraux’s final paragraph, Dr G.M. Morant has agreed to write a pamphlet on ‘Racial Differences’; refers to RAI’s ‘friendliness’ towards UNESCO and the campaign against racialism; mentions helping Prof. Zollschan; UNESCO’s campaign has gone off ‘at half cock’ (autogr. draft)

A130/7/71    Ibid. to Dr Métraux, 13 Nov. – refers to his letter of 7 Nov.; discusses the new statement; on the choice of British representatives on the panel; on other representatives; encloses proof of three letters which will appear in Jan. issue of Man; with regard to the suggestion that a British anthropologist write a pamphlet on race, suggests Dr Geoffrey M. Morant, who proposes ‘Racial Differences’ as a title; gives his addresses. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 72    Prof. H.V. Vallois to W.B. Fagg, ibid. – refers to his letter of 20 Sept. [not held]; on reasons for delay in replying; gives his reasons for not responding to the UNESCO statement; has now changed his mind; encloses his response; on discussing the subject with Métraux (tp., in French)

 73    Ruy G.A. Coelho to ibid., 24 Nov. – is answering letters on Dr Métraux’s behalf; has sent him a copy of W.B. Fagg’s letter; decisions regarding the new meeting will have to wait for Dr Métraux’s return; however authorises hi to give publicity to the project in the columns of Man; on Dr Morant’s pamphlet; expresses gratitude for his advice; thanks him for letters which will appear in Man (tp.)

 74    Prof. H.V. Vallois to ibid., ibid. – on his article; on a meeting to modify the statement; on Ashley Montagu; on putting ‘Monsieur’ at the head of a scientific note (tp. with autogr. PS, in French)

 75    Prof. S. Zuckerman to ibid., 4 Dec. – refers to Agenda for the RAI Council meeting on 5 Dec.; agrees that if UNESCO is going to do something, the RAI should assist (tp.)

 76    C. Kingsley Williams, Editor, the Daystar, to ibid., 5 Dec. – refers to his letter in the Times; suggests that UNESCO publish a version of their findings more easily intelligible to the millions in Africa; was thinking of publishing such a simple version himself (autogr.)

 77    A. Thompson to ibid., ibid. – thanks him for copy of Minutes of Council meeting of 5 Dec.; thanks him for criticism of the Statement and for support of UNESCO (tp.)

 78    E.B. Timothy, Express Newspapers, to ibid., 8 Dec. – the enclosure has helped him to understand the scientific issues involved in the problem of race; would be grateful for further particulars about the RAI (tp.)

 79    F.R. Cowell, 18 Dec. – circular letter concerning comments to the UNESCO Courier (tp.)

 80    ‘Proposals from the United Kingdom National Commission for the Improvement of the UNESCO Courier’. 3 leaves (tp.)

A130/7/81    A. Thompson to W.B. Fagg, 4 Jan. 1951 – was interested to see the correspondence in the Jan. issue of Man; on the Editor’s invitation to readers to open a discussion on the scope of the improved statement (tp.)

 82    Prof. Dr. R.A.M. Bergman to ibid., 8 Jan. – a Dutch translation of the Ashley Montagu Statement has been sent to Professors in Holland, with questions; hopes to send a summary of the answers in a few weeks (tp.); W.B. Fagg to Prof. Bergman, 16 Jan. – glad to hear of the action he has taken in collecting the opinions of Dutch anthropologists; on the convening of a new panel; on Prof. Vallois (autogr. draft)

 83    Dr J.A. Van Hamel to ibid., 15 Jan. – refers to his letter of 3 Jan. [not held] and copies of Man; asks for copy of a letter mentioned in Oct. issue of Man; on membership (autogr.)

 84    Prof. H.V. Vallois to ibid., ibid. – thanks him for the kind words on his ‘letter to the Editor’; he read the other letters with interest; is grateful for the nomination (tp., in French)

 85    Alfred Métraux to ibid., 17 Jan. – on New Year’s greetings; on preparation for the new meeting (tp.)

 86    Ibid., 25 Jan. – on his action in regard to the new meeting; refers to letter to the Times and notice in Man; on the new meeting; asks for his suggestions for the three British representatives (tp.)

 87    Ibid., 12 Feb. – has not received an answer to his last letter; mentions some names as candidates for the panel asks for his reaction to these suggestions (tp.)

 88    W.B. Fagg to Dr A. Métraux, 8 Mar. – gives reasons for delay in writing; suggests that the date of meeting be changed; suggests some names as candidates for the panel (tpc. with autogr. PS)

 89    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 14 Mar. – invitations have been sent to Profs. Le Gros Clark, Morant, Zuckerman and Ford; on difficulties regarding the date of the meeting (tp.)

 90    Geoffrey Morant to ibid., 18 Mar. – on his invitation from UNESCO which must be chiefly up to W.B. Fagg; on his reasons for declining it (autogr.)

 91    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to Felicia Stallman, 20 Mar. – cannot attend as his wife is in hospital (autogr.)

 92    Notice on the Third Plenary Meeting of the U.K. National Commission on 4 Apr.; includes programme (tp.)

 93    Form about attendance at the Third Plenary Meeting (tp.)

A130/7/94    Jack Trevor to W.B. Fagg, 21 Mar. – returns proofs; on offprints; makes a number of editorial points; sends some ‘C.U.P. efforts’. 3 pages (autogr.)

 95    W.B. Fagg to Dr A. Métraux, 27 Mar. – refers to his letter of 14 Mar.; Dr Morant has declined the invitation; suggests Dr Trevor in his place; suggests Dr A.E. Mourant if Prof. Ford declines; mentions the conference on Blood Groups and Anthropology; on publishing correspondence on the subject in Man; would be interested to hear details about the panel; has no objection to his mentioning the fact that the British members have been chosen after consultation with the RAI. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 96    Ruy G.A. Coelho to W.B. Fagg, 3 Apr. – refers to his letter to Dr Métraux; on the composition of the panel at present; it is preferable not to make the list public yet; on the question of the rapporteur. 2 leaves (tp.)

 97    Jack Trevor to ibid., 5 Apr. – on being invited to Paris for the UNESCO ‘confab’; on Wells’ paper (autogr.)

 98    Ibid., 11 Apr. – thanks him for kind words; will try to be adequate; the new team sounds more encouraging than the old; returns some letters; on unusual names; on the UNESCO rapporteur’s job (autogr.)

 99    W.B. Fagg to Dr A. Métraux, 16 Apr. – encloses proofs of contributions on race in issues of Man; refers to Dr Coelho’s letter of 3 Apr. once the composition of the panel is settled should be glad to publish it; on Dr Mourant; on Dr Trevor (autogr. draft)

100    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 20 Apr. – disappointed that Prof. Le Gros Clark is unable to attend the meeting; names the British and American delegations; refers to article which will appear in May issue of Man (tp.)

101    Jack Trevor to ibid., 6 May – refers to his comment on UNESCO and Race for this month’s Man; makes some comments on it; refers to Kenneth Little (autogr.)

102    Ibid., 13 May – has had a postcard from Ashley Montagu; on Zuckerman; on Mourant (autogr. pc)

103    Ibid., 15 May – refers to his card [not held]; on dates; on the article (autogr. pc)

104    Betty Piggford, Secretary, to ibid., ibid. – writes in the absence of Prof. Zuckerman; on dates and times for a meeting (tp.)

105    A.E. Mourant to ibid., 17 May – refers to his letter of 16 May [not held]; 30 May will suit him for the symposium on race; asks what is to be done at the meeting (tp.)

A130/7/106    Prof. S. Zuckerman to ibid., 21 May – cannot be at the Conference until Wednesday 6 [June]; on attending a preliminary meeting of the British delegation; on dates (tp.)

107    Prof. Dr R.A.M. Bergman, Dr A.J. van Bork Feltkamp & E. Alderse Baes to ibid., 26 May – send report of the inquiry made among university professors in Holland (tp.)

108    Ibid. to the Participants of the special Discussion Meeting on the Physical Aspects of Race, RAI, 26 May – think the report of the inquiry in Holland on account of the Statement on Race might be useful to their meeting (tp.)

109    ‘Report of the Committee nominated by the Netherlands Anthropological society on the answers received upon the questionnaire on the Unesco statement on races of 18 July 1950’. 6 leaves (tp.)

110    Alfred Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 29 May – the anthropologists and biologists will be arriving at the end of the week; has asked Dr Trevor to be the rapporteur; raises possibility that W.B. Fagg might attend as an observer for the RAI (tp.)

111    W.W. Howells, Editor, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, to ibid., 6 June – has been following the aftermath of the UNESCO Statement in Man with much interest; sends a reprint of the last issue of his Journal; asks him not to take silence for assent (tp.)

112    T.D. Stewart, ‘Scientific Responsibility’, reprinted from American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol. 9 N.S., No. 1, Mar. 1951. 4 pages (printed)

113    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to W.B. Fagg, 7 June – encloses letter [from Mr Hager]; suggests he write back to him (tp.)

114    Don J. Hager to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, 26 May – refers to his own letter in Man; takes exception to W.B. Fagg’s editorial note [see Man, Apr. 1951, No. 93] (tp.)

115    W.B. Fagg to Don J. Hager, nd – apologises for not replying sooner to his letter to Prof. Evans-Pritchard; regrets that he caused offence (autogr. draft, unfinished)

116    Jack Trevor to W.B. Fagg, 21 June – on his card and telegram [not held]; on a correction note for Man; on moving house; reports on the race meeting; will prepare a note for Man (autogr.)

A130/7/117    Ruy G.A. Coelho to ibid., 7 Aug. – refers to his letter of 1 Aug. [not held]; regarding the second meeting of experts on race questions, sends him Prof. Dunn’s report and a list of the scientists present; on printing the new version in Man; does not intend to issue a third statement; on W.B. Fagg’s comments; after discussion has produced valuable material, is contemplating putting it in book or pamphlet form. 2 leaves (tp.)

118    Dr A. Métraux to ibid., 10 Aug. – was sorry that he visited Paris while he was on holiday; on publishing the new statement in Man; on alterations to the original text; asks him to make it clear that it is not the final text; next year it will be published together with the comments it has provoked; it was felt that the meeting was a success. 2 leaves (tp.)

119    W.B. Fagg to Dr A. Métraux, 15 Aug. – was sorry to miss him in Paris; is glad to have provisional authority to publish the new statement; encloses a proof; intends to publish it in Oct.; asks if Prof. Dunn’s report is available for publication; will be circulating proofs to several anthropologists in case they wish to make comments; on the points he mentioned in his letter to Mr Coelho; on his coming to London. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

120    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 31 Aug. – shall be glad to have Prof. Dunn’s Report published in Man; shall send proofs of the Statement next week; will send English versions of some pamphlets; asks about a review of his book on Easter Island (tp.)

121    Ibid., 5 Sept. – attaches the proofs of the Statement of Race, with corrections; the text could be printed as it stands, as long as the introduction states that it is not the final version; on the paragraph containing Darwin’s quotation (tp.)

122    ‘Statement on Race 1951’. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

123    M. Bloch, Secretary to Dr Métraux, to W.B. Fagg, 7 Sept. – calls his attention to some mistakes in the text of the Statement; encloses another text (tp.)

124    ‘Statement on Race 1951’, updated version. 4 leaves (tp.)

125    Prof. S. Zuckerman to W.B. Fagg, 11 Sept. – on publishing the draft statement on race in Oct. Man; on different versions of the statement; asks if he could see a pull of the piece which will be published (autogr.)

126    M. Bloch to ibid., 13 Sept. – suggests a few corrections to the text of the Statement (tp.)

A130/7/127    Prof. S. Zuckerman to ibid., 24 Sept. – refers to his letter of 14 Sept. [not held]; still feels the document could be improved; on the passage referring to Darwin; on Mr A.M. (tp.)

128    Dr A. Métraux to ibid., ibid. – gives some amendments suggested by Prof. Haldane; on the ‘Darwin paragraph’ (tp.)

129    W.W. Howells to ibid., 28 Sept. – refers to his letter of 6 Aug. [not held]; sent it to Dale Stewart at the US National Museum; thought he might write a few remarks  for Man; on a symposium held in June; on J.M. Tanner (tp.)

130    M. Bloch to ibid., ibid. – sends an amendment to the Statement of Race’; hopes it is not too late; on differences of skin colour (tp.)

131    Ibid., 5 Oct. – on withdrawing the Darwin paragraph from the text (tp.)

132    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 17 Oct. [1951?] – on deleting a whole section (telegram)
133    M. Bloch to ibid., ibid. – refers to his letter of 14 Oct.; on deleting the section containing the Darwin quotation; includes further small corrections. 2 leaves (tp.)

134    Statement on Race 1951, updated version. 6 pages (tp. with autogr. corrections)

135    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 18 Oct. – on deleting a paragraph (telegram)

136    M. Bloch to ibid., 19 Oct. – gives more information following up Mme Myrdal’s telephone call; on the publication by Ashley Montagu of the Statement in the Saturday Review of Literature; this was without Dr Métraux being consulted; this raised the question of further publication; Mme Myrdal has decided to ask Dr Métraux to give up publication in Man and the American Journal of Physical Anthropology; apologises in the name of Dr Métraux (tp.)

137    W.B. Fagg to Mrs Alva Myrdal, 19 Oct. – is instructing his printers not to include the draft Statement on Race in Nov. issue of Man; asks if he can print Prof. Dunn’s report; shall be glad to print the Statement as soon as it can be released; hopes she can convince the Press Department that the document should be released for publication in anthropological journals before definitive publication (autogr. draft)

138    Mrs Alva Myrdal to W.B. Fagg, 25 Oct. – the American Journal of Physical Anthropology has withdrawn the Statement; asks him to postpone publication (telegram)

A130/7/139    Dr A. Métraux to ibid., ibid. – the American Journal of Physical Anthropology agrees to the postponement of publication (telegram)

140    Mrs Alva Myrdal to ibid., ibid. – refers to his letter of 19 Oct.; he can leave Prof. Dunn’s report in Man; on publication of the Statement in Man anticipating the general release (tp.)

141    M. Bloch to Dr J.C. Trevor, 21 Nov. – refers to his letter [not held]; on the 1 Sept. issue of the Saturday Review of Literature containing the Montagu text [see /236]; expects Dr Métraux back about 20 Dec. (tp.)

142    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 27 Dec. – on Season’s Greetings; on his book on Easter Island; thanks him for his editorial in Man [see Man, Nov. 1951, No. 255] (tp.)

143    W.B. Fagg to Dr A. Métraux, 3 Feb. 1952 – encloses proof; refers to his strictures on A.M.; on difficulty in obtaining a copy of the Saturday Review of Literature; Mourant told him that Métraux was hoping to get the revised version in the Mar. issue of Man (autogr. draft)

144    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 4 Feb. – on letters received from scientists who have written about the Statement; has introduced some criticisms without consulting the panel; on his two books which he would like reviewed in Man; on Ashley Montagu (tp. with autogr. PS)

145    Ibid., 11 Feb. – Dr Trevor insists that the publication of the Statement be still postponed; he wants it circulated among the members of the panel for final approval; on the ‘utopia’ of presenting a text which might rally the consensus of most scientists; W.W. Howells has been notified that the release should be postponed (tp.)

146    M.F. Ashley Montagu to ibid., 28 Feb. – refers to his remarks on ‘UNESCO’s New Statement on Race’ in Jan. issue of Man [Man, Jan. 1952, No. 3]; refutes the suggestion that he published the draft Statement without the consent or consultation with UNESCO; asks for a retraction and an apology; refers to his own letter of 14 Feb. [not held]; on the Saturday Review of Literature; on the publishing of his photograph with the article; on the title; highlights other references which he says are false; asks him to publish the article as he wrote it; asks him to desist from referring to the UNESCO Statement on Race by his name (tp.)

147    Ibid., ‘UNESCO and Race’. 5 leaves (tp.)

A130/7/148    Ibid. to the President [J.P. Mills] and Council, RAI, 1 Mar. – writes in connection with an editorial note in the Jan. issue of Man, by W.B. Fagg, which contains libellous, vicious, malicious and untrue statements relating to himself; has written to W.B. Fagg; now writes to request an investigation of the conduct of Mr Fagg; also requests that they secure the source of his information; suggests that there is an informant; refers to the objectionable manner in which the Hon. Editor has conducted the attack on the Statement on Race; as the attack has turned into a personal one on himself he is forced to take notice; suggests that a Committee be appointed to enquire into the facts; hopes that proper amends will be made (tp.)

149    J.P. Mills to W.B. Fagg, 5 Mar. – on the length of lecture meetings; refers to the ‘enclosed rigmarole’ [/148]; does not know what it is about (autogr.)

150    W.B. Fagg to Prof. Ashley Montagu, 4 Mar. – refers to his letter of 28 Feb.; on previous correspondence; sends him some proofs of letters to Man; on the Saturday Review of Literature; on his photograph; answers several other points made in his letter; on his desire to see the best possible Statement produced. 2 leaves (tp.)

151    Ibid. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

152    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 6 Mar. – on Mr Ashley Montagu being very upset by W.B. Fagg’s editorial note; on reading Montagu’s account and his own, W.B. Fagg will agree that there was a misunderstanding of which UNESCO is responsible; hopes that the matter will end with the publication of both letters; has circulated a revised copy of the statement and practically every member of the panel wants revisions (tp.)

153    W.B. Fagg to Dr A. Métraux, 9 Mar. – refers to his letter of 6 Mar.; on his Jan. editorial; refers to criticism of Ashley Montagu; on other correspondence; agrees with decision to postpone publication of the draft until the panel members are satisfied (autogr. draft)

154    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 10 Mar. – no letter received (telegram)

155    W.B. Fagg to J.P. Mills, 12 Mar. – encloses draft for his consideration and emendation; it is important to say that he has seen the relevant papers; is grateful for his support (autogr.)

A130/7/156    J.P. Mills to Prof. Ashley Montagu, nd – has made himself familiar with events and had access to all relevant papers; is satisfied that there is no basis for his allegation that the Hon. Editor of Man has been open to influence; comment has come from all senior physical anthropologists; on the reason for objections to the 1950 Statement on Race; Man has supported the efforts of UNESCO to secure a sound statement; his publication of the uncorrected draft ‘without consultation with UNESCO’ was made on the authority of UNESCO; hopes he will not give further currency to allegations contained in his letter (draft, autogr. by W.B. Fagg and corrected by J.P. Mills)

157    Ibid., 13 Mar. – ibid. 2 leaves (tp.)

158    W.B. Fagg to Jack Trevor, 15 Mar. – sends copy of the reply [to Ashley Montagu]; Mills has not let him know whether the correspondence should be laid before Council or merely reported; does not think the reply leaves him much scope for action (autogr. draft)

159    M.F. Ashley Montagu to W.B. Fagg, 16 Mar. – refers to his letter of 4 Mar. with proofs; fully expects him to publish his letters; his [W.B. Fagg’s] letter is wholly unsatisfactory; refers to his own letter to the President and Council; refers to ‘attacks’ on him; is aware of the fact that he had an ‘advisor’; urges him to consult Lord Chancellor Loreburn, whose words are in the Spectator of 1 Feb. [see /237]; expects him to print a retraction and an apology (tp.)

160    Norman Cousins, Editor, the Saturday Review, to the President and Council, RAI, 17 Mar. – directs attention to the editorial ‘UNESCO’s New Statement on Race’ in Jan. issue of Man; encloses copy of the Saturday Review so they can examine the character of the magazine; also calls attention to letter from Major Ormerod, Director of Public Relations to the British Information Services in New York, in issue of 29 Dec. 1951; on the world standing of the Saturday Review; on Prof. Montagu obtaining authorisation for publication from UNESCO; his paper was shortened in the office; any objections to the form of the later paper are misdirected; suggests that some correction or clarification be published in Man. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. note by W.B. Fagg and autogr. reply by J.P. Mills [see /165])

A130/7/161    J.P. Mills to [Norman Cousins], nd – refers to his letter of 17 Mar.; sorry if offence has been caused; has reviewed the matter thoroughly; it is part of the function of Man to give expression to the views of British physical anthropologists; on the article in question; on the references to his magazine; publication of the Statement in unrevised form would be liable to criticism from physical anthropologists; the magazine is an unlikely medium for the specialised discussion of problems in physical anthropology; refers to a passage in the editorial of 1 Sept. in which he refers to the motives of those who criticised the first Statement on Race; on the impression which this gives. 5 leaves (autogr. draft by W.B. Fagg)

162    W.B. Fagg, nd – ibid. 3 pages (autogr. draft)

163    Ibid. to Prof. Ashley Montagu, 27 Mar. – refers to his letter of 16 Mar.; does not seem proper or necessary to answer it (tpc.)

164    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (autogr. draft)

165    J.P. Mills to Norman Cousins, 31 Mar. – refers to his letter of 17 Mar.; asks him to specify which statements in the note in Man he would like the Council to correct or clarify (tpc.)

166    W.B. Fagg to […?], 13 Apr. – on Ashley Montagu; he demanded that Fagg publish his letter of 28 Feb. with a note that his earlier letter was written before seeing Jan. Man; includes the text of a note which he thought of appending to Montagu’s letter [see Man, Apr. 1952, No. 96]

167    Norman Cousins to J.P. Mills, 15 Apr. – refers to his letter of 31 Mar.; quotes from the Jan. issue of Man the passages to which he objected (tp.)

168    J.P. Mills to Norman Cousins, nd – refers to his letter of 15 Apr.; can find no cause for complaint in the passages he cites; defends the two passages; encloses copy of a letter from the four British representatives on the UNESCO panel of 1951, which will appear in the May issue of Man; refers to passage in which reference was made to the motives of those who criticised the first Statement on Race; on the impression which this gives. 3 leaves (tp.)

169    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. 2 leaves (autogr. draft by W.B. Fagg)

170    W.B. Fagg to Jack [Trevor], nd – suggests that the four British members of the UNESCO Race Panel of 1951 should write to Man; suggests what they might say; emphasises that these are only suggestions and not a proposed wording; if a letter could be agreed in at most ten days he could get it into May issue; on the note he has appended to Ashley Montagu’s letter in reply to Métraux’s (autogr. draft)

A130/7/171    J.C. Trevor to Prof. J.B.S. Haldane, Dr A.E. Mourant & Prof. S. Zuckerman, 26 Apr. – asks if they will join him in signing the enclosed draft letter to Man; on the number of the Saturday Review of Literature containing the draft Statement; on amendments to the draft letter (tpc.)

172    Draft letter to the Hon. Editor of Man, on the ‘unexpected disclosure’ of an early draft version of the new Statement on Race (tpc.)

173    Jack Trevor to W.B. Fagg, 26 Apr. – refers to his letter of 23 Apr. [possibly 170]; is grateful for the suggestions he makes; has sent copies of his editorial note and Métraux’s letter to Haldane, Mourant and Zuckerman; Métraux has written to ask his advice about a new UNESCO booklet; he may come to Cambridge; on Tusia’s health; asks if he will vouch for him as an accredited anthropologist for the Vienna Congress (tp.)

174    Ibid. to Prof. S. Zuckerman, 4 May – refers to the draft letter to Man; on amendments by Dr Mourant; it has been submitted to Man; if he dissents, it may be modified in proof (tp.)

175    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, ibid. – attaches letter for the May issue of Man; Prof. Zuckerman has not yet approved the text as he is away; asks that it may be modified in proof if he dissents (tp.)

176    Ibid., ibid. – thinks the enclosures will make all plain; quotes from a letter from Haldane; will return his copy of the Saturday Review of Literature; on Tusia’s health (autogr.)

177    Ibid., 11 May – returns his copy [of the Saturday Review of Literature]; gave a print of the article to Schreider of Paris; on Métraux coming over; on W.B. Fagg seeing him on his way to Cambridge (autogr. card)

178    Ibid., 13 May – refers to his letter of yesterday [not held]; quotes from a letter from Zuckerman’s secretary, which gives permission to use his signature in the publication of the letter to Man; asks him to send pulls to Haldane, Mourant and Zuckerman; on a paper he will be reading to the congress; on Barlow’s obituary (autogr.)

179    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 14 May – on visiting him at the British Museum (telegram)

180    Ibid., 15 May – on his trip to England; shall telephone him from Cambridge (tp.)

A130/7/181    J.C. Trevor to Prof. J.B.S. Haldane, Dr A.E. Mourant & Prof. S. Zuckerman, 18 May – sends page proof of their joint communication to Man; hopes it will not need further correction; a copy of the letter is being sent to W.B. Fagg (tpc. with autogr. note to W.B. Fagg)

182    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 20 May – on a shift of a phrase in the joint letter to Man (tp.)

183    J.B.S. Haldane to ibid., ibid. – ibid. (tp.)

184    W.B. Fagg to J.P. Mills, 28 May – asks if this will do for Cousins; on Métraux who has authorised the publication of the latest draft of the 1951 Statement in June Man (autogr. with autogr. note by J.P. Mills)

185    Jack Trevor to W.B. Fagg, 3 June – is so busy that he cannot contemplate writing the note for Man he suggested; will incorporate the substance into the paper he will read at the Congress of Americanists; on his first considerations for Man; refers to Mills’ letter to the Saturday Review of Literature; on Métraux (autogr. card)

186    W.B. Fagg to Dr A. Métraux, 6 Aug. – on discussing the new Statement on Race at the Vienna Congress next month; on asking Trevor for an introductory talk to the discussion; does not know whether Ashley Montagu will be there; emphasis will be not on recriminations but on the merits of the present draft; perhaps he could go to the congress or send a UNESCO representative (tpc.)

187    Dr A. Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 7 Aug. – refers to the publication in Man of the 1951 Statement; on the Vienna Congress; welcomes the opportunity to have a debate on the Statement before an international gathering; on Dr Trevor making an introductory talk; is glad to count on the support of his British colleagues; on the review of his book (tp.)

188    Jack Trevor to ibid., 12 Aug. – refers to his letter of yesterday [not held]; he blushes at Métraux’s words; asks him to do a ‘bibliographic kindness’ relating to Blumenbach (autogr.)

189    Dr A. Métraux to ibid., 17 Oct. – UNESCO was pleased to have the Statement endorsed by the Vienna Congress; the official title of the second Statement is ‘Statement on the Nature of Race and Race Differences’; pleased that publication of the Statement has not elicited any comments; on the volume of ‘Runa’ dealing with Easter Island; on going to Dahomey; on coming to London (tp.)

Man articles and proofs

190    UNESCO on Race, Man, Oct. 1950, No. 220. 2 leaves (printed proof with autogr. corrections)

A130/7/191    UNESCO on Race, Man, Jan. 1951, Nos. 28-32; letters from Dr H.V. Vallois, H.J. Fleure, W.C. Osman Hill & K.L. Little. 4 leaves (printed proof)

192    Text of Dr Vallois’ letter. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

193    J.C. Trevor’s response to Mr Dover’s letter, Man, Apr. 1951, No. 96. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

194    UNESCO and Race, Man, May 1951 (printed proof)

 .1    Note relating to extra proof copies (autogr.)

195    UNESCO’s New Statement on Race: Provisional Draft, Man, Nov. 1951, No. 255. 2 leaves (printed proof)

196    Text of Prof. Dunn’s Report. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

197    UNESCO’s New Statement on Race, Man, Jan. 1952, No. 3. 3 leaves (autogr. by W.B. Fagg)

198    UNESCO’s New Statement on Race, Man, Mar. 1952, No. 70; letter from Alfred Métraux (printed proof)

199    Text of Alfred Métraux’s letter. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

200    Text of the Hon. Editor’s note, appended to Man, Mar. 1952, No. 70 (autogr. by W.B. Fagg)

201    UNESCO’s New Statement on Race, Man, Apr. 1952, No. 96; letter from M.F. Ashley Montagu (printed proof)

202    Text of M.F. Ashley Montagu’s letter (tp. with autogr. corrections)

203    Text of the Hon. Editor’s note, appended to Man, Apr. 1952, No. 96 (autogr. by W.B. Fagg)

204    UNESCO’s New Statement on Race, Man, May 1952, No. 116; letter from J.B.S. Haldane, A.E. Mourant, J.C. Trevor & S. Zuckerman (printed proof with autogr. corrections)

205    Text of letter from J.B.S. Haldane, A.E. Mourant, J.C. Trevor & S. Zuckerman. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

206    UNESCO’s New Statement on Race: The Provisional Text, Man, June 1952, No. 125. 2 leaves (printed proof)

207    Text of the opening paragraph of /206 (autogr. draft by W.B. Fagg)

208    Two corrected proofs of the New Statement on Race, 1951, Man, June 1952, No. 125. 2 leaves (printed proofs with autogr. corrections)

A130/7/209    Text of UNESCO’s New Statement on Race: The Provisional Text, Man, June 1952, No. 125. 2 leaves (autogr. by W.B. Fagg)

Letters to the Press and Press articles

210    [The Times], 18 July 1950 – ‘Race “A Social Myth”’, on the UNESCO statement (newspaper cutting)

211    18 July – ‘Should UNESCO Die?’ (newspaper cutting)

212    19 July – ibid. (newspaper cutting)

213    The Times Educational Supplement, 21 July – ‘Caveat’, on the international panel of experts appointed to examine the theory of racial superiority (newspaper cutting)

214    W.B. Fagg to the Editor, the Times, 24 July 1950 – on the publication of UNESCO’s ‘Statement by Experts on Race Problems’; the object of UNESCO enjoys the support of the RAI; its essential thesis would command unanimous assent among physical anthropologists; however certain views would be regarded as controversial; gives some examples; it is proposed to publish the statement in full in an early issue of Man (tp. with autogr. addition)

215    Ibid., nd – ibid. (autogr. draft)

216    Ibid.[?], nd – refers to letter of 24 July; had hoped it would have been published by now; now forwards a shorter letter; lists those anthropologists whose views are represented; surprising that no British anthropologists were consulted in the preparation of the statement; surprising too that Prof. Vallois was not consulted; the biological parts of the document are the work of Prof. M.F. Ashley Montagu; much harm may be done to the cause of racial tolerance (autogr. draft; unfinished?)

217    The Times Educational Supplement, 28 July – ‘Race’ (newspaper cutting)

218    W.B. Fagg to the Editor, Manchester Guardian, 31 July – on the publication of UNESCO’s ‘Statement by Experts on Race Problems’; copies were circulated by the RAI; in the light of replies received the following preliminary comments are offered; the RAI would support the purpose of the document; they would agree that there are no facts established by biological science which can justify racial persecution or discrimination; however, passages have been included for which not even majority assent could be obtained; gives examples; the statement will be published in an early issue of Man (tpc.)

219    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

A130/7/220    The Courier, July-Aug., ‘Fallacies of Racism Exposed’; the full text of the statement on race is on pp. 8-9, with an article by Dr Alfred Métraux (newspaper)

221    1 Aug. – ‘Should UNESCO Die?’, letter from Charles K. Webster (newspaper cutting)

222    W.B. Fagg to the Editor, the Times, 12 Aug. – on the UNESCO statement; while most anthropologists are in general agreement with its main thesis, many anthropologists would consider controversial a number of incidental statements made in the document; this does less than justice to the cause (tp.)

223    Ibid., nd – ibid. (autogr. draft)

224    Ibid. (newspaper cutting, the Times, 15 Aug.)

225    The Observer, 20 Aug. – ‘African View’ by the Rev. Michael Scott (newspaper cutting)

226    G.R. Morrison, East Africa and Rhodesia, to W.B. Fagg, 22 Aug. – thanks him for letter; submits a draft interview as proposed on the phone (tp.)

227    Extract from East Africa and Rhodesia, 24 Aug. – ‘UNESCO and Race Relations’ (newspaper cutting)

228    W.B. Fagg to the Editor, the Observer, 25 Aug. – letter written in response to the Rev. Michael Scott’s article (autogr. draft)

229    Charles Davy, Assistant Editor, the Observer, to W.B. Fagg, 2 Sept. – thanks him for his letter; has room for only a small proportion of the letters they receive (tp.)

 .1    Compliments slip (printed)

230    West Africa, 7 Oct. – ‘Innate Capacity’, letter from ‘Ex-Nigeria’; response from Editor quotes from letter from W.B. Fagg published in the Times, 15 Aug. [/225] (newspaper cutting)

231    W.B. Fagg to the Editor, the Times, 1 Dec. – refers to previous letter on the subject of the UNESCO statement on race; since then there has been correspondence and discussion; on the drafting of a new statement which will not be open to similar criticisms; the RAI has been authorised to make public this decision; refers to the production of a scientifically sound document (tp.)

232    Ibid. (newspaper cutting, the Times, 4 Dec.)

233    Le Messager d’Athènes, 25 Jan. 1951 – includes article on ‘Les problèmes anthropologiques et l’UNESCO’, by Prof. J.G. Koumaris (newspaper, in French)

A130/7/234    The Saturday Review, 28 Apr. – ‘A Way to Love Your Neighbor’ by William c. Boyd, review of ‘Statement on Race’ by Ashley Montagu (newspaper cutting)

235    Ibid., 1 Sept. – ‘The Ascent of Man (1776-1951)’, interim draft of the UNESCO statement of 1951. 4 pages (newspaper cutting)

236    The Spectator, 1 Feb. 1952 – ‘Revising Libel Law’ by Dingle Foot; mentions Lord Chancellor Loreburn (newspaper cutting)


237    [W.B. Fagg], nd – essay in response to the UNESCO Statement on Race. 7 leaves (tp., with autogr. corrections by Jack Trevor)

238    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. 10 leaves (autogr. draft)

239    Corrections to W.B. Fagg’s essay (tp.)

240    Ibid. (autogr. draft)

241    Notes relating to corrections[?] (autogr.)

242    List of people with their institutions (tp.)

243    W.B. Fagg, note on the Courier (autogr. draft)

244    Ibid., 1 Dec. 1950 – note on ‘UNESCO on Race: Report on Recent Developments’, Agenda Item 10 for Council Meeting, 5 Dec. 2 leaves (tp.)

245    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

246    Note on books by Ashley Montagu and Morant, and list of names (autogr.)

247    Felicia Stallman, nd – notes on UNESCO document (autogr.)

248    W.B. Fagg, nd – note on Haldane (autogr.)

249    Ibid., nd – list of names (autogr.)

250    Ibid., nd – notes headed ‘UNESCO on Race or UNESCO and Homo Sapiens’ (autogr.)

251    Ibid., nd – rough notes. 2 leaves (tp.)

252    Business card for Maurice Cheesewright (printed)

253    Telephone message from Maurice Cheesewright (autogr.)