Catalogue arranged by the classification schedules of the International catalogue of scientific literature, P: Anthropology.
The first International Conference on the production of a complete index of current literature took place in 1896 on the initiative of the Royal Society. The delegates agreed on the desirability of such an index by means of an international organization. Indexing would be done in the various countries by local organizations and the final editing by a Central Bureau in London. At the second International Conference in 1898 the full schedules for the different branches of science, prepared by the Royal Society, were considered. In 1899 the Provisional International Committee met in London and schedules for 17 branches of science were adopted; to limit costs a projected card catalogue was postponed and subject entries limited. At the third International Conference in 1900, the detailed schemes were considered and the Royal Society agreed to act as publisher. In December of the same year at the first meeting of the International Council, it was decided to commence preparation of the catalogue from 1 Jan. 1901 (published 1903); the material for the catalogue was to be provided by the Regional Bureaux. The first two volumes of P: Anthropology covered physical anthropology only. See International catalogue of scientific literature, Vol. 1, 1903, pp. v-ix for an account of the origins of the International catalogue.
On 11 Jan. 1898 Council in response to an invitation from the Royal Society appointed (Sir) E.B. Tylor (1832-1917) RAI President, 1891-2 and (Sir) Edward W. Brabrook, RAI Hon. Secretary, 1871-5, Director, 1871-80, President, 1895-7 to the Royal Society Committee for the ‘construction of an International catalogue of scientific literature.’ An outline of Royal Society’s classification scheme was published in JAI, Vol. 27, 1898, pp. 561-4. Council on 29 May 1900, considered an invitation from the Royal Society to undertake the collection of slips for the English language material on physical anthropology and to appoint delegates to the Regional Bureau of the catalogue (see also Executive Committee minutes, 22 May, 3 July, 20 Nov., 4 Dec. 1900, ff. 7-8, 16, 26, 28). Draft schedules of headings from the Royal Society were considered and Council resolved that while anxious to cooperate it ‘claims the privilege of drawing up a complete statement in accordance with the present state of knowledge.’ (Sir) C. Hercules Read, FBA (1857-1929), Keeper, British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography, British Museum, RAI President, 1899, 1917 and Sir E.B. Tylor were appointed delegates. At the Executive Committee of 23 Oct. 1900, it was reported that work on the schedules was progressing. (Sir) John L. Myres, FBA, OBE (1869-1954), Wykeham Professor of Ancient History, University of Oxford, RAI President, 1928-31, founder and Editor of Man, amended and added to the draft schedules with E.N. Fallaize, RAI Hon. Secretary, 1920-31 and first elected to Council, 1904 during 1900 (see /2 below). In the Report of the Council, 1901 it was reported that compilation of the British section of anthropology had made good progress, that it covered only physical anthropology at present but coverage of ethnography and other subjects not yet covered would be included; it would probably be necessary to revise and expand the schedules as originally recommended by Council. The Report of the Council, 1902 recorded that the 1901 volume was almost ready for the press; it was published in July 1903. See Council minutes, 11 Jan. 1898, f. 327, 29 May 1900, ff. 6-7 and 23 Oct. 1900, f. 17 in the Executive Committee report. Between 1916-18 the financial difficulties and the future of the scheme were under discussion as at the Executive Committee meeting of 5 Mar. 1918 (see Minutes, f. 70; see also Executive Committee minutes, 11 Oct. 1916, 6 Mar. and 19 June 1917, 15 Jan., 9 Apr., and 12 Nov. 1918, ff. 57, 62, 65, 68, 71, 76).
The final volume of the International catalogue was Vol. 14 covering Oct. 1914-Oct. 1915 and published in Nov. 1919. See also /4 below for E.N. Fallaize’s article on the classification of anthropology.
1/ Catalogue cards
1 Author cards: 1-10, 623
2 General, methods, philology: 1-1358
3 Physical anthropology: 1-1563
4 Prehistory, archaeology (general): 1-1020
5 Cultural anthropology, material culture: 1-2953
6 Europe: 1-3072
7 Asia: 1-3473
8 Oceania, New Zealand, Australia: 1-1310 9 Africa: 1-2874
10 Americas: 1-2554
11 Tribes: 1-1450
2 Proofs of (P) Physical anthropology schedules, entitled ‘Analysis of the proposed amendments’ by JLM, dated 3 Dec. 1900, 6 leaves (autograph amendments and additions by JLM, with additions by ?ENF on leaves 4 and 6)
3 Copy ibid. on acid free paper
4 ‘Suggestions for the classification of the subject-matter of anthropology’ by E.N. Fallaize, Museums Journal, Vol. 20, Nos 7-8, Jan.-Feb. 1921, pp. 149-56, 180-3
5 ENF to R.R. Marett, FBA (1866-1943), Reader in Social Anthropology, University of Oxford, Rector of Exeter College, Oxford, 21 Nov. 1912- returns letter from Prof. Franz Boas; had suggested proposed Americanist bibliography should be incorporated in or in conjunction with the International Catalogue; considers multiplication of bibliographies should be avoided; Smithsonian Institution acts as American Bureau of International Catalogue; suggests RRM should reply to Boas; gives points for reply (tp. with autograph addition)