Papers. 1983-5.
The Conference took place at the RAI premises in Queen Anne Street. The co-chairmen were Sir Ernest Gellner and Prof. Julian Pitt-Rivers. There is a list of those attending at A14/6/21, f. 252.
JB Jonathan Benthall, RAI Director
EG Sir Ernest Gellner
JPR Prof. Julian Pitt-Rivers
1/ Preliminary material
1 Proposal for a weekend residential conference … 4 leaves (tp. with annotations)
2 Conference programme. 2 pages (tp.)
3 Practical notes for participants (tp.)
4 Expenditure (tp.)
5 Non-academic participants: acceptances (tp. with annotation)
2/ Correspondence Sept./Oct. 1983
1 JB to EG, 26 Sept. – progress report; Cumberland Lodge already booked; suggests RAI premises; funding from Social Science Research Council (SSRC) available; thinking about publication prospects. 2 leaves (tpc. with JB notes)
2 EG to JB, 7 Oct. – gives some reflections on the conference; needs to include something about European great religious conflicts; suggests areas of the world where important religious conflicts have taken place recently; will consult others. 2 leaves (tp. with JB note)
3 JB to Prof. Fuad I. Khuri, American University of Beirut, 12 Oct. – gives dates of conference; hopes he can speak about ‘religious officials in Islamic sects’; gives funding details about his air travel (tp.)
4 Conference programme, 3-5 Feb. 1984; 14 Oct. 2 leaves (mimeo with JB note)
5 Dr May McCann, Queen’s University, Belfast, to JB, 18 Oct. – Graham McFarlane has extended invitation to her; interest in political song in Belfast; intends to attend; enquires about funding for air travel (tp.)
6 JPR to JB, 18 Oct. – queries some wording in schedule; will do his best as chairman but will not give paper; comments on the English of some participants; gives some addresses (autogr.)
7 JB to EG, 18 Oct. – encloses list of tentative invitations [see A138/2/8]; asks for special invitations to be sent to some names; asks also for some addresses; comments on enclosed list (tpc.)
8 List of tentative invitations. 2 leaves (tpc. with JB note)
9 JB to Dr Stephen J. Roth, Director, Institute of Jewish Affairs, 18 Oct. – encloses details of conference; asks for suggestions as to the best people to invite; no funds to fly people from Israel (tpc.); letters as appropriate also sent to Charles Douglas-Home, The Times (has asked Clifford Longley, Religious Affairs correspondent, to represent The Times); the Right Revd Richard Hanson (accepted); the Revd Kenneth Leech, Church of England General Synod (cannot attend; suggested two others); Edward Mortimer, Middle Eastern Desk, The Times
10 Prof. Caroline Humphrey to JB, 20 Oct. – thanks him for the suggestion that she should take part in the conference; her work covers the Jains in India and Buddhism in the USSR; ides of conference is exciting (tp.)
11 EG to Prof. Eric Hobsbawm, 20 Oct. – outlines aims of conference; ‘anthropologists often need a bit of historical depth’; glad if he would provide this (tp.); autogr. message added: cannot attend, alas
12 Dr Stephen Morris to JB, 24 Oct. – thanks him for his invitation; if not in Hong Kong would like to attend (autogr. photocopy, with JB note)
13 Dr Michael Gilsenen to EG, 24 Oct. – thanks him for his letter about the conference; as he is off to a conference tomorrow can only accept tentatively; asks about ‘the politicians’ who are being invited (autogr. photocopy)
14 Dr Stephen J. Roth to JB, 24 Oct. – would want to be represented; ‘to avoid embarrassing duplication’ wants to know if JB has approached other Jewish organisations; asks for aims of conference (tp.)
15 JB to Prof. Caroline Humphrey, 25 Oct. – EG had in mind her work on Buddhism in the USSR; her work on the Jains sounds very interesting; agrees this conference is ‘rather special’ (tpc.)
16 Prof. Michael Banton to JB, 27 Oct. – would like to attend; ready to undertake any duty assigned to him (autogr.)
17 JB to EG, 27 Oct. – has many acceptances; ‘a lot of Himalayan specialists’; thinks that Hindus and Buddhists in the area have a ‘complementarity’ confirmed by Declan Quigley; useful in a negative sense; needs to be thought about (tpc.)
18 Prof. Myron J. Aronoff to JB, 30 Oct. – would like to attend provided funding is available; would have a better chance of obtaining funding if he were invited to give a paper on his specialization; has spent 12 years’ conducting research in Israel (tp. with JB notes)
19 Dr Nicholas Allen to JB, 31 Oct. – should like to come as a discussant if needed (autogr.)
3/ Correspondence Nov. 1983
1 Robert Baldock, Academic Director, Weidenfeld (Publishers) Ltd., to JB, 3 Nov. – thanks him for letter of 25 Oct. [not present]; would be very interested in plans to publish conference papers; proposal particularly attractive if EG and JPR were editors; further details (tp.)
2 JB to Robert Baldock, 9 Nov. – thanks him for interest; will keep him informed (tpc.)
3 Ibid. to Prof. Myron J. Aronoff, 9 Nov. 1983 – writing formally to invite him to attend conference and to give a paper; will be chaired by EG and JPR; focus will be on the Middle East and Northern Ireland; suggest his paper should be called ‘Religious nationalism in Israel’ (tpc.)
4 Michael Garda, Irish Mennonite Movement, Dublin, to JB, 9 Nov. – should be going to South Africa in early Feb.; if a visa is not forthcoming would like to attend conference; encloses leaflet [A138/3/5]
5 ‘Who are the Mennonites?’ 4 pages (printed) [enclosed with A138/3/4]
6 Prof. Fuad I. Khuri to JB, 10 Nov. – thanks him for his letter [A139/2/3]; gives title of his paper; comments on air travel (tp.)
7 JB to EG, 11 Nov. – needs advice; had overlooked that Orthodox Jews and Rabbis will not be able to attend on Friday evening or Saturday; cites difficulties of moving topics; comments on Weidenfeld as publishers and their interest (tpc.)
8 Dr Joyce Pettigrew, Queen’s University, Belfast, to JB, 14 Nov. – confirms there is conflict between groups of Hindus and Sikhs; asks about funding (autogr.)
9 Dr Aleksa Djilas to JB, 14 Nov. – would like to attend; will be working in Germany; asks about travel costs as cannot afford the fare to UK (tp. with JB notes)
10 EG to JB, 14 Nov. – does not think the timing should be changed ‘in deference to religious fundamentalists’ [see A138/3/7]; would be ‘honoured’ to be one of the editors, provided the chores were done by the RAI as he suggested; comments on publisher, Weidenfeld. 2 leaves (tp.)
11 JB to Prof. I.M. Lewis, 16 Nov. – glad of his ‘constructive criticism’ on the planning; seeks to respond to his criticism that not much will be added to what journalists and political scientists know; would like to vindicate publicly the importance of ethnography; comments on SSRC’s funding and policy making; comments on racial differences. 2 leaves (tpc.)
12 Ibid., 17 Nov. – memo on Prof. Fuad I. Khuri’s fare and residence in London (to.)
13 Report on progress for the chairmen from JB, 18 Nov. 2 leaves (tp.)
14 JB to The Editor, The Economist, 18 Nov. – encloses information on the conference; invites a member of staff (tpc.)
15 EG to JB, 22 Nov. – thanks him for his memo on Prof. I. Khuri; his home is full up; will let him know if there is a spare room; suggests Michael Gilsenan and Shelagh Weir (tp. with EG note)
16 Ibid. - suggests asking Shelagh Weir; she has an excellent knowledge of Palestine; worried that the Ibo conflict is missing; mentions Peter Loizos and his wife (autogr.)
17 Rabbi John. D. Rayner, Liberal Jewish Synagogue, to JB, 22 Nov. – conference makes far more difficulty than appreciated; Jews cannot attend on Friday evening or Saturday morning; sure he will understand (tp.)
18 JB to Prof. Adrian Mayer, 25 Nov. – memo on the Wesley Firth Fund and Prof. Fuad I. Khuri’s visit (tpc.)
19 SSRC to RAI, 25 Nov. – offers a contract up to £3970; sets out terms. 2 leaves (tp.)
20 Dr Declan Quigley to JB, 25 Nov. – suggests Dr Richard Jenkins; his work was on a Protestant housing estate in Belfast; gives his address (autogr.)
21 Dr Jonathan Webber to JB, 28 Nov. – refers to ‘the Jerusalem case’; inter-religious rivalry among resident religious communities; different level from the modern Arab-Israeli conflict; mentions people unaware of the background; mentions ‘reality’ of the tension and how it may have evolved (tp.)
22 JB to Nicholas Gillett, 28 Nov. – his name given by Tony de Reuck; asks his advice about people who have experience of Northern Ireland, to be invited to the conference (tpc.)
4/ Correspondence Dec. 1983
1 JB to Prof. Fuad I. Khuri, 1 Dec. – confirms ticket; a friend, Mrs Innocenta Ewart, has kindly offered to put him up; gives other details (tpc. with annotations)
2 Ibid. to Lady Firth, 1 Dec. – on the Wesley Firth Fund; gift will be ratified by Council if she and Sir Raymond agree (tp.)
3 Dr Richard Jenkins, University College, Swansea, to JB, 5 Dec. – happy to attend conference; if offered paper is unacceptable will act as a discussant (tp.)
4 Rabbi Julia Neuberger, South London Liberal Synagogue, to JB, 5 Dec. – unable to attend conference; suggests alternative days for the future; glad that Jonathan Webber will be a speaker (tp.)
5 JB to Prof. Michael Banton, 6 Dec. – first two sessions on Middle East will be chaired by EG; miscellaneous sessions will follow; then sessions on Northern Ireland, coordinated by Graham McFarlane of Queen’s University; is he willing to chair these sessions (tpc. with JB note); letter accepting, 9 Dec., not retained
6 Prof. Adam Curle to JB, 6 Dec. – most suitable person is Prof. John Blacking; mentions other names (tp.)
7 JB to EG, 8 Dec. – submits a progress report; big gap is a historian; names political scientists to be asked if he approves (tpc.)
8 David Watt, Director, Royal Institute of International Affairs to JB, 9 Dec. – not able to give much advice; names two Islamic scholars; he edited a book on Northern Ireland which may be relevant (tp.)
9 Dr Jonathan Webber to JB, 13 Dec. – mentions the Register of Social Anthropology Theses; for the conference pleased he liked suggestions; refers to the system of Israeli religious courts; a cause for misunderstanding and controversy (tp.)
10 Private Secretary, Northern Ireland Office, Whitehall, to JB, 14 Dec. – will send two representatives (tp.)
11 Anthony de Reuck, University of Surrey, to JB, 15 Dec. – conference of greatest interest; glad to accept; department has been active in Ulster, Middle East, Cyprus and Egypt (tp.)
12 JB to Prof. Fuad I. Khuri, 16 Dec. – received a telephone call giving dates and preference for an open air ticket; not enough money in budget for an open ticket; suggests alternatives (tp. photocopy)
13 EG to JB, 19 Dec. – Prof. Richard Popkin, a philosopher and historian, giving a lecture at LSE; suggests he be invited as an observer; Prof. Eric Hobsbawm declined to attend; Richard Rose should be invited on merit; cannot name a political scientist at present; mentions Prof. Caroline Humphrey; Richard Gombrich should be invited. 2 leaves (tp.)
14 JB to Prof. Caroline Humphrey, 22 Dec. – suggest she give a paper at the conference on either India or the USSR; perhaps the conflict between the Jains and Hindus, though EG particularly interested in her work in the USSR (tpc.)
15 Dr Richard Gombrich to JB, 28 Dec. – regrets he cannot attend conference, as he will be in Kathmandu (autogr. pc)
16 Prof. Richard Rose, University of Strathclyde, to JB, 30 Dec. – has to decline invitation as he will be in Washington (tp.)
5/ Correspondence Jan. 1984
1 Conference programme giving chairmen etc. and participants [Jan. 1984] (tp.)
2 EG to JB, 3 Jan. – Clifford Geertz will be over to give the Huxley Memorial Lecture; suggests inviting him; refers to Prof. Richard Popkin’s lecture at LSE (tp.)
3 Prof. Fuad I. Khuri to JB, 4 Jan. - suggestion of sending a banker’s draft instead of a ticket makes it easier for him and JB; refers to the Ewarts’ hospitality but will try to find his own accommodation (tp. with JB note)
4 His Eminence the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Basil Hume, to JB, 4 Jan. - did not know about conference; will let him know if anyone is free to attend (tp.)
5 Terry Waite, Lambeth Palace, to JB, 5 Jan. – extremely interested in conference but leaving for Iran on 5 Feb.; hopes it will be possible to attend Friday evening and Saturday (tp.) [JB’s reply, 6 Jan., permitting him to attend as he wishes, as an exception, not retained]
6 Graham McFarlane, Belfast, to JB, 9 Jan. – Prof. John Blacking has promised to be in touch about his paper; suggests rearranging May McCann’s paper and his and Hastings Donnan’s (autogr.)
7 Prof. Myron J. Aronoff to JB, 10 Jan. – regrets unable to attend conference owing to wife’s illness (autogr.)
8 EG to JB, 11 Jan. – should invite the Errera-Hoechstetters who are visiting London; he is a distinguished lawyer and civil servant, teaching in the law department at UCL; she is attached to LSE (tp. with JB note ‘declined’)
9 JB to Esperanza Trustees, 11 Jan. – gives advance notice that he may put in urgent application for funding of conference; needs funding for travel expenses of either Robert Paine or Myron Aronoff, who would lend weight to the Middle Eastern side. 2 leaves (tp.)
10 J.H. Whyte, Queen’s University, Belfast, to JB, 11 Jan. – happy to attend conference (tp.)
11 JB to Prof. Fuad I. Khuri, 11 Jan. – is arranging for money to be sent [see A138/5/3]; on allowance available while he is in London (tpc.)
12 Second and final circular, 12 Jan. (tp.)
13 Michael Adams to JB, 12 Jan. – thanks him for invitation to conference, but refuses; as a journalist thinks he would be out of his depth; suggests other people who might be invited (tp.)
14 JB to Robert Baldock, 12 Jan. – encloses conference programme; would like to know if Weidenfeld seriously interested in publishing the papers; on Myron Aronoff (tpc.)
15 Ibid. to Esperanza Trustees, 13 Jan. – on finding money for air ticket for Myron Aronoff, who can only spend three days in London due to wife’s illness (tpc.)
16 Robert Baldock to JB, 13 Jan. – thanks him for conference programme; thinks the papers more suitable for CUP (tp.)
17 JB to Andrew Abelson, ESRC, 13 [Jan.? wrongly dated 13 Feb.] – encloses list of participants and programme; on the importance of having either Myron Abonoff or Robert Paine at the conference; asks if there is any chance of funding for air fare for one of them. 2 leaves (tp.)
18 JPR to JB, 15 Jan. – thanks him for letter of 28 Dec. [not present]; is happy to do summing-up; on expenses (autogr.)
19 Dr Rosemary [Harris], UCL, to JB, 16 Jan. – for family reasons may have to miss some of the conference; knows that he wishes all participants to attend the whole conference, but sure he will appreciate her difficulty (autogr.)
20 Dr Joyce Pettigrew to JB, 16 Jan. – thanks him for letter of 5 Jan. [not present]; in order to attend conference, would have to cancel family plans; asks if she might confirm next week (autogr.)
21 JB to Prof. J.H. Whyte, Queen’s University Belfast, 16 Jan. – glad he can attend; encloses programme and list of participants; would like to include him as discussant for Irish section (tpc.)
22 Ibid. to Prof. Percy Cohen, LSE, 16 Jan. – EG and he delighted that Prof. Cohen will speak at conference; Jonathan Webber will give a good paper but lacks experience; still possible that Myron Aronoff might attend; on his ‘blunder’ in fixing conference over Jewish Sabbath (tpc.)
23 Ibid. to Keith Kyle, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 16 Jan. – thanks him for letter of 10 Jan. [not present]; glad he will attend conference (tpc.)
24 Ibid. to Kate Owen, CUP, 17 Jan. – encloses programme; hopes CUP will be interested in publishing papers; EG and JPR prepared to edit the volume (tpc.)
25 Ibid. to Robert Baldock, 17 Jan. – thinks he is right about conference; hopes to come up with something more general sometime (tpc.)
26 Ibid. to Michael Adams, 18 Jan. – thanks him for letter [A138/5/13]; on the other people he suggested (tpc.)
27 Dr S.J. Roth to JB, 18 Jan. – gives names of those suggested as participants in the conference; first choice Rabbi Dr Norman Solomon, who would need hotel accommodation. 2 leaves (tp.)
28 JB to Dr Stephen Roth, 18 Jan. – sorry but he is unable to provide funds for hotel for Rabbi Solomon; if Dr Roth can find accommodation, Rabbi Solomon very welcome to attend (tpc.)
29 Ibid. to Rabbi Dr. J. Magonet, Manor House Centre for Judaism, 19 Jan. – delighted to hear from Dr Roth that he can attend conference; encloses latest programme (tpc.)[Similar letter to Dr Leon Yudkin not retained]
30 Ibid. to Dr Rosemary Harris, 20 Jan. – sorry to hear about brother’s illness; will understand if she has to miss some of the conference (tpc.)
31 Caroline Humphrey to JB, 20 Jan. – on joining panel of judges for Film Committee prize; asks which papers at the conference he would like her to be discussant for (tp.)
32 Kate Owen to JB, 20 Jan. – thinks CUP would be interested in publishing conference papers; would like to discuss it with Sue Allen-Mills before giving firmer response (tp.)
33 Marc Gaborieau to JB, 22 Jan. – thanks him for letter of 12 Jan. [not present]; has received funding for travel expenses from French Foreign Ministry; cannot duplicate entire text of paper but will bring copies of abstract; suggests other people who might be invited (autogr.)
34 EG to JB, 23 Jan. – hopes there will not be a problem if his wife attends some of conference (tp.)
35 Emrys Peters, University of Manchester, to JB, 23 Jan. – cannot attend conference (tp. with JB note)
36 JB to Caroline Humphrey, 23 Jan. – on Film Prize; on being a discussant (tpc.)
37 Ibid. to John Ranelagh, Commissioning Editor for Religion, Channel 4 Television, 24 Jan. – has spare places for conference; wonders if they would like to send a nominee (tpc.) [Similar letters to Dr Colin Morris, Head of Religious Broadcasting, BBC, and the Editor, The Observer, not retained]
38 JB to Lord Hylton, 25 Jan. – Marigold Johnson of British Irish Association has said that he should be invited to conference; acknowledges lateness of invitation (tpc.)
39 JB, 27 Jan. – ‘Introductory remarks’. 5 pages (tp.)
.1 Draft of A138/5/39. 3 leaves (tp. with JB notes)
40 Joyce Pettigrew to JB, 27 Jan. – cannot attend, because of delicate situation of Sikhs in the Punjab (autogr.)
41 JB to Annie Mann, Clifton-Ford Hotel, 30 Jan. – confirming menus for conference (tp.)
42 Ibid. to the Manager, Coutts & Co., 31 Jan. – arranging for payment of cheque on 3 Feb. (tpc.)
43 Ibid. to Noneen Purr, RAI Finance Officer, 31 Jan. – arranging for cheque to be made out, for JPR’s travel expenses and Prof. Fuad I. Khuri’s per diem expenses (tpc.)
6/ Correspondence Feb. 1984
1 John Ranelagh to JB, 1 Feb. – will not be in London that weekend; has asked colleague Cresta Norris to attend instead (tp.)
2 Manager, Coutts & Co., to JB, 2 Feb. – arrangements have been made for the cashing of the cheque (tp.)
3 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) [formerly SSRC] to JB, 6 Feb. – supplementary funding granted for air travel of either Prof. Myron Aronoff or Prof. Robert Paine; all other terms and conditions remain unchanged (tp.)
4 JB to Kate Owen, 7 Feb. – encloses conference programme, list of participants, and his introductory remarks; proposes that all papers listed be published; would like to give CUP first option; thinks book should be aimed at primarily academic market. 2 leaves (tpc.)
5 EG to JB, 8 Feb. – congratulates him on conference (tp.)
6 John Blacking to JB, 9 Feb. – sorry not to have a chance to thank him for the conference; on some aspects of his paper; asks about co-editorship; on travel expenses; on May McCann’s paper; will send photocopy of cutting from Irish Times (autogr.)
.1 Photocopy of article from New Society, 9 Feb., vol. 67, no.1107; and part of article from Irish Times, 6 Feb.
7 JPR to JB, 13 Feb. – conference a great success (autogr.)
8 JB to Mrs Eleanor Hope, 13 Feb. – asks her to send to [Sir] Yehudi [Menuhin] the enclosed editorial from New Society [A138/6/6.1] next time she writes to him (tpc.)
9 Ibid. to Lord Samuel of Wych Cross, 13 Feb. – as a regular donor to RAI, he might be interested in editorial from New Society [A138/6/6.1] (tpc.)
10 Ibid. to Lord Kissin of Camden, 13 Feb. – as he had expressed interest in RAI’s activities, he might be interested in editorial from New Society [A138/6/6.1] (tpc.)
11 Ibid. to Roger Moss, RAI Hon. Treasurer, 14 Feb. – encloses information on the conference; thinks more could be done in fund-raising by emphasizing this aspect of the RAI’s work (tpc.)
12 Ibid. to EG, 14 Feb. – thanks him for letter of 8 Feb. [A138/6/5]; on publication plans (tpc.)
13 Ibid. to Miss Margaret Cox, BBC Transcripts Dept., 14 Feb. – understands that there was some coverage of conference on a BBC programme; asks to see transcript (tpc.)
14 Ibid. to Andrew Abelson, 15 Feb. – encloses documents relating to conference; sums up achievement of conference; on publication; thanks ESRC for grant. 2 leaves (tpc.)
15 Graham MacFarlane to JB, [15] Feb. – asks for his travel expenses; has decided to become a Fellow (autogr.)
16 JB to Graham MacFarlane, 15 Feb. – encloses cheque for travel; encloses cheque for Hastings Donnan; praises presentation by Queen’s University; on publishing the papers (tpc.)
17 Prof. Michael Banton to JB, 15 Feb. – suggestions for Huxley lecture and Rivers Medal (autogr.)
18 JB to Mlle Agnes Pivot, French Embassy, 16 Feb. – encloses programme; assistance of French Embassy in enabling Marc Gaborieau to attend is acknowledged; the importance of his contribution (tpc.)
19 Ibid. to Prof. Percy Cohen, 16 Feb., thanks him for ‘excellent’ paper; hopes he saw the New Society article [A138/6/6.1] (tpc.)
20 Prof. Dr Friedrich Heckmann, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Politik, Hamburg, to JB, 18 Feb. – suggests Dr Czarina Wilpert as possible contributor to book, on the ‘Berlin situation’ (tp.)
21 Terry Waite to JB, 20 Feb. – sorry that he could not attend conference; if any papers are distributed, he would be glad to receive them (tp. with JB autogr. reply added)
22 JB to Michael Banton, 21 Feb. – thanks him for letter [A138/6/17]; has noted his suggestions; also thanks him for chairing a session at conference, and for advice on multi-cultural education (tpc.)
23 Ibid. to Dr Czarina Wilpert, Technische Universität Berlin, 21 Feb.; would like to include a paper on Berlin in the published volume; wonders if she or a colleague might be interested (tpc.)
24 Ibid. to EG, 21 Feb. – encloses report on conference, written for RAIN; proposes to send copies of published report to contributors and discussants; CUP yet to commit themselves fully; assumes that EG happy for his name to appear as joint editor (tpc.) [JB’s article appeared in RAIN No. 64, Apr. 1984, pp. 8-9]
25 Ibid. to Terry Waite, 23 Feb. – thanks him for letter [A138/6/21]; encloses some information about conference; sorry he could not attend; on inter-faith organisations (tpc.)
26 EG to JB, 27 Feb. – thanks him for ‘note of congratulations’ [not present; probably on EG’s appointment to Chair of Social Anthropology at Cambridge]; statement enclosed with letter of 21 Feb. [A138/6/24] seems fine (tp.)
27 Steven Uran to JB, 28 Feb. – thanks him for conference; felt he did not put his point across with clarity; raises some conceptual, comparative and historical questions which might be treated at greater length elsewhere. 3 leaves (tp.)
.1 Flyer for seminar, enclosed with A138/6/27 (tp.)
7/ Correspondence Mar.-Aug. 1984
1 JB, 15 Mar. – ‘Plans for publication’ sent to participants at the conference; on editorship, prospective publishers, intended readership, financial arrangements, contents, etc. 2 leaves (tp.)
2 Dr Czarina Wilpert to JB, 19 Mar. – thanks him for letter of 21 Feb. [A138/6/23]; asks about time scale and other contributions; does not know any social scientists dealing with the question in this manner; could not write anything until end of 1984 or early 1985 (tp.)
3 JB to Dr Czarina Wilpert, 23 Mar. – encloses note written for RAIN [see A138/6/24]; encloses circular sent to participants [A138/7/1]; asks if she could write a short note on Berlin, or pass the idea to someone else (tpc.)
4 Francis X. Walker, Principal, Heythrop College, to JB, 4 Apr. – thanks him for information about the conference; looks forward to publication of papers (tp.)
5 JB to Clifford Longley, 9 Apr. – sorry that he could not attend conference; sends him information; on Jonathan Webber’s paper (tpc.)
6 Ibid. to Dr Marc Gaborieau, 16 Apr. – hopes he will send contribution for volume; will probably be writing to contributors soon suggesting copy date of Sept.; if he prefers to write in French his paper could be translated (tpc.)
7 Dr Czarina Wilpert to JB, 9 May – has passed his proposal on to Christoph Elsas of the Freie Universität Berlin (tp.)
8 JB to speakers and major contributors at conference, 12 May – memo on publication plans; final copy date of 31 Aug.; on word length; it is to be an academic book; [space left for personal message] (tp.)
9 Dr Paul Sant Cassia to JB, 25 May – enquires about possibility of contributing an article on religion and conflict in Cyprus; is working on the Ottoman period (tp. with JB autogr. reply added)
10 JB to Dr Sant Cassia, 29 May – would be very interested in contribution on Cypriot religious politics; encloses copy of circular [probably A138/7/8] (tpc.)
11 Richard Jenkins to JB, 1 June – notifies him that his paper will be delivered by 31 Aug. (autogr.)
12 John Blacking to JB, 8 June – thanks him for memo [A138/7/8]; JB has written ‘no action needs to be taken’; asks if he still needs article (tp. with JB autogr. reply)
13 JB to John Blacking, 14 June – thought he had his final MS, but in fact only a draft; asks if he can meet deadline (tpc.)
14 Khalil Nakhleh, Welfare Association, Geneva, to JB, 31 July – thanks him for letter of 19 July [not present] which invited him to contribute to book; unfortunately neither he nor any colleague has time to do so (tp. with JB autogr. note)
15 Richard Jenkins to JB, 10 Aug. – apologises that although his paper is ready, he can’t get it to London until mid-September (autogr.)
16 Ibid., 17 Dec. – on a review article; asks about progress of publication (autogr.)
8/ Correspondence Jan. to July 1985
1 JB to Richard Jenkins, 2 Jan. 1985 – thanks him for note [A138/7/16]; editor at CUP likes his paper very much; some difficulties with the volume; will be in touch as soon as possible; on review article (tpc.)
2 Ibid. to Dr Graham Clarke, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, 2 Jan. – thanks him for draft paper; will be in touch as soon as possible (tpc.)
3 Ibid. to Kingman Brewster, Winthrop Stimson Putnam and Roberts, 9 Jan. – on proposal for Salzburg seminar on politico-religious conflict; encloses some material relating to the 1984 conference; on Myron Aronoff (tpc.)
4 Ibid. to RAI Publications Committee, EG, 20 Jan. – on publishing plans for conference papers; opinion of Sue Allen-Mills of CUP that some papers better than others; on publishing papers separately, perhaps in MAN or AT; on the papers on Northern Ireland; proposes publishing some of these as Occasional Paper; asks their opinions. 3 leaves (tp.)
5 Ibid. to Dr David Turton, Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, 1 Feb. – he will have seen from Council Minutes that conference papers are not going to be published [see CM/85/1]; on publishing papers as Occasional Paper, in AT and in MAN; encloses Fuad I. Khuri’s paper which is suitable for MAN; on communicating with Prof. Khuri (tpc. with autogr. note)
6 Elie Kedourie to EG, 2 July – is happy to publish article by Khuri; it includes two figures which are not necessary (tp. with autogr. note by EG)
7 JB to Prof. Fuad I. Khuri, 11 July – Prof. Kedourie has accepted his paper for publication in Middle Eastern Studies; on the figures; asks him to correspond directly with Prof. Kedourie (tp.) [Prof. Khuri’s paper appeared in Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 23, issue 3 (1987), pp. 291-312]
9/ Papers presented at conference
1 Marc Gaborieau, ‘From Al-Beruni to Jinnah: Idiom and Ritual of Hindu-Muslim Confrontation’. 9 leaves (tp. with autogr. annotation)
2 Fuad I. Khuri, ‘The “Scientists” of Religion in Islam: a Comparative Study of Sunni and Shi’a Religious Officials’. 48 leaves (tp. with autogr. annotation)