History, minutes, correspondence, and papers. 1922-78.
The fund was established by friends as a memorial to Dr W.H.R. Rivers, FRC, FRCP, MD (1884-1922), Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge, RAI President 1921-2 (died in office) and to promote studies in which he had been interested. On 25 Mar. 1924 a Committee of Management was set up consisting of Prof. G. Elliot Smith, FRS and Sir Henry Head, FRS (Life Trustees), and the Presidents of the RAI, the British Psychological Society, and the Folklore Society. See Man, vol. 22, July 1922, Item 61, pp. 97-104 for the obituary by A.C. Haddon and F.C. Bartlett with a bibliography by Ethel S. Fegan.
HJB H.J. Braunholtz (1888-1963), Keeper of Ethnography, British Museum; Honorary Editor 1925-34, President 1941-3
BPS British Psychological Society
ENF E.N. Fallaize, Hon. Sec. 1920-31
HH Sir Henry Head, FRS, FRCP (1861-1940), Editor of Brain
WLH W.L. Hildburgh, FBA (1876-1956), authority on amulets, generous benefactor to the Victoria & Albert Museum; President, Folk-Lore Society; Council Member 1917-47 passim
GDH G.D. Hornblower, OBE (1864-1951), Hon. Treasurer 1928-34, Vice President 1935-8
FAM F.A. Milne, Hon. Sec., Folk-Lore Society
CSM C.S. Myers, FRS (1873-1946), Director, Psychological Laboratory and Reader in Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge; President, British Psychological Society
JLM (Sir) J.L. Myres, FBA, OBE (1869-1954), Wykeham Prof. of Ancient History, University of Oxford; President 1928-31
CGS C.G. Seligman, FRS, FRCP (1873-1940), Prof. of Ethnology, University of London; President 1923-5
LES Dr L.E. Shore, OBE (1863-1944), Fellow and Junior Bursar, St John’s College and Lecturer in Physiology, University of Cambridge; Treasurer of the Fund
EWS Rev. E.W. Smith (1876-1957), President 1933-5
GES Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, FRS, FRCP (1871-1937), Prof. of Anatomy, University College London
1/ History, minutes and related correspondence
1 History and organization, 13 Dec. 1922-30 Mar. 1931 by J.L. Myres (JLM) (autogr.), f. 1
2 Minutes of meetings of the Committee, 18 July 1930-30 Mar. 1931 by JLM (autogr.), f. 2
3 Members of the Committee for 1931 listed by JLM (autogr.), f. 3
4 Letter with signatures approving grant to Revd James Williams, 17 Apr. 1932 (autogr.), f. 3 (tipped-in); see his Grammar, notes and vocabulary of the language of the Makuchi Indians of Guiana, Anthropos linguistische Bibliotek, Band 8, 1932; see also /4/1-16 below
5 Report on grant to Revd James Williams, 16 Apr. 1931 by JLM (autogr.), f. 4 and:
6 Copy of circular to Committee members, 16 Apr. 1931 on grant application and balance in hand, f. 4
7 Minutes of the meeting, 8 Feb. 1934 (autogr., hand not identified), f. 5
8 Letter from Assistant Secretary to two Trustees on grants to Dr A.C. Haddon to assist the publication of A.B. Deacon’s drawings and to J. Reid Moir to provide two coloured plates and line illustrations for his paper on Red Crag, 9 Feb. 1934 (tpc.), f. 6 (tipped-in); see Deacon’s Geometrical drawings from Malekula and other islands of the New Hebrides edited by Camilla H. Wedgwood, JRAI, vol. 64, 1934, pp. 129-76 and Reid Moir’s The age of the pre-crag flint implements, JRAI, vol. 65, 1935, pp. 343-74, 2 plates
9 Note of approval by HH, 10 Feb. 1934 (autogr.), f. 6 (tipped-in)
10 Ibid. from Prof. H.J. Rose, 10 Feb. 1934 (tp.), f. 7 (tipped-in)
11 Letter from J. Reid Moir acknowledging grant, 11 Feb. 1934 (autogr.), f. 7 (tipped-in)
12 Letter from Prof. John Carl Flugel (1884-1955), Assistant Prof. of Psychology, University College London to EWS on his mistaken withdrawal of an application for W.O.D. Pierce’s book, The selection of colour workers: being a research into the practical methods of measuring the ability to discriminate fine shades of colour, 1934, 20 Mar. 1934 (tp.) (see A24/1/7 above), f. 8 (tipped-in)
13 Circular letter from EWS to the other Trustees on Prof. Flugel’s letter, 23 Mar. 1934 (tp. with autogr. comments by the Trustees), f. 8 (tipped-in)
14 Circular on additional funding for W.O.D. Pierce’s book, 28 June 1934 (tp. with autogr. comments and corrections by the Trustees), f. 9 (tipped-in)
2/ Correspondence, circulars, and other papers
1 GES to ENF, 20 Oct., on proposals for a memorial and the editing of Rivers’ manuscripts (autogr.)
2 CSM to ENF, 30 Oct. – ibid. (tp. with autogr. note by CSM)
3 Revd F. Aveling, Hon. Sec., BPS to ENF, 10 Nov. – Council prepared to cooperate with fund raising (tp.)
4 CSM to ENF, 21 Nov. – very willing to help; suggests discussions with HH and general appeal to Rivers’ friends (autogr.)
5 FAM to ENF, 23 Nov. – requests information on proposed memorial (pc., autogr.)
6 CGS to ENF, 24 Nov. – requests more information on memorial before talking to the Director, London School of Economics (tp. with autogr. note by CGS)
7 CSM to ENF, 29 Nov. – has seen Prof. (Sir) Frederic Bartlett (1886-1969) and is to meet HH; date of meeting to be arranged (tp. with autogr. additions by CSM)
8 CGS to ENF, 10 Dec. – matter discussed with CSM and possibility of joint new rooms for the RAI and the BPS as a memorial (autogr.)
9 CSM to ENF, 13 Dec. – gives date of meeting of friends representing Rivers’ various interests (tp. with autogr. addition by CSM)
10 FAM to ENF, 19 Dec. – Folk-Lore Society Council ‘in entire sympathy’ with proposed memorial and prepared to cooperate (autogr.)
11 CSM to ENF, 5 Feb. – approves draft appeal to friends; suggests further names (tp. with autogr. addition by CSM)
12 Ibid., 9 Feb. – on meeting of BPS Council on draft appeal; possible omission of reference to housing fund (tp. with autogr. addition by CSM)
13 WLH to ENF, 22 Feb. – reports on Folk-Lore Society Council meeting and proposed circular; Society prepared to cooperate (autogr.)
14 FAM to ENF, 1 Mar. – proposed circular to be considered at next Council meeting (autogr.)
15 FAM to ENF, 23 Mar. 1923 – Folk-Lore Society Council in sympathy with appeal but suggests representatives of the RAI, BPS and Folk-Lore Society should meet to discuss the matter (autogr.)
16 25 Mar. – Circular letter to friends who have not subscribed to the Memorial Fund by P.M.S. Blackett (1897-1974), ENF and CSM, Hon. Secretaries (tp.)
17 FAM to ENF, 24 Apr. – reports the Folk-Lore Society Council has decided to send the appeal to all members with covering letter signed by the RAI President (pc., autogr.)
18 Apr. BPS printed covering letter to circular
19 [Apr.]. RAI covering letter (tp.)
20 Printed list of those on Organizing Committee and tear-off contributors’ form
21 FAM to ENF, 11 May – Folk-Lore Society likely to undertake their printing costs (autogr.)
22 Ibid., 18 May – Society prepared to pay their printing costs (autogr.)
23 A.M. Hocart, Anurdhapure, Ceylon (1883-1939), author of Caste, 1950 and Kings and councillors, 1936, to ENF, nd, – suggests aims appropriate to fund (autogr.)
24 P.M.S. Blackett (1897-1974), King’s College, Cambridge to ENF, 27 Feb. – sends draft of circular (autogr.); see A24/2/25
25 Feb. Printed circular on Organizing Committee’s decisions taken on 19 Feb. by ENF and CSM (autogr. notes? by ENF)
26 LES to ENF, 21 Mar. – sends list of subscribers and suggests personal letters should be sent to RAI contributors (autogr.)
27 Prof. Sir William Ridgeway, FBA (1853-1926), Prof. of Archaeology, University of Cambridge; President 1908-9 to LES, 23 Mar. – preference for support for publication costs rather than on an expedition (tp. with autogr. corrections by WR)
28 Subscribers to the fund, 13 leaves (tpc.)
29 12 Jan. Circular letter on the establishment of the Rivers Memorial Medal for ‘meritorious anthropological work in the field’ from ENF (tpc.); see Council minutes 11 Feb. 1923 and 8 Jan. 1924, ff. 24-5, A10:4/2/1 and ‘Report of Council for the year 1924’, JRAI, vol. 55, 1925, p. 5; the first recipient was A.C. Haddon FRS (1855-1940), Reader in Ethnology, University of Cambridge, President, RAI, 1901-2; rules for the Medal were amended 19 Oct. 1937, 23 Nov. 1946, 8 Mar. 1949, June 1970, see Council minutes for these dates A10:4, ff. 313-14, A10:5, ff. 558-9, Council did not meet on 23 Nov. 1946, reference not traced, A10:8, ff. 165, 172
30 22 Jan. Draft letter to The Times on establishment of the medal (autogr. by CGS)
31 Ibid. Letter to The Times (tpc.)
32 GES to ENF, 31 Jan. – expresses concern by ELS of lack of plan for dealing with the funds (autogr.); suggests ELS should be invited to meetings (autogr.)
33 ENF to GES, 10 Feb. – replies that he had expected ELS to initiate plan as he held documents and funds (tpc.)
34 ENF to ELS, 10 Feb. – suggests he should write to the RAI asking Council to accept the fund and to appoint a Committee of Management (tpc.)
35 GES to CGS, 12 Feb. – reports ELS is anxious for the Committee to agree upon a policy and to take over the fund (autogr.)
36 ELS to ENF, 5 Mar. – has been unwell; will write in detail in a week (autogr.)
37 Ibid., 17 Mar. – suggests date for meeting (pc., autogr.)
38 ENF to JLM, 1 May – notifies date of Committee of Management meeting (tpc.)
39 ENF to Committee members, 9 May – meeting attended only by CSM and himself; suggests some income should be used to publish some of A.B. Deacon’s Malekula material (see A24/1/8) and that the capital should be transferred to the RAI (tpc.)
40 JLM to ENF, 13 May – returns tpc. and indicates approval of suggestions (autogr. note by JLM)
41 CGS to ELS, 12 Nov. – inquires reason for delay in transferring capital to RAI (tpc., with autogr. note by JLM)
42 ENF to ELS, 14 Nov. – on transfer of capital (tpc.)
43 CGS to ELS, 18 Nov. 1928 – ibid. (tpc. attached to A24/2/41)
44 Formal statement on transfer of capital with interest to the RAI and investment of the sum (tpc. with autogr. report on the Board of Education and a training college on verso; hand unidentified)
45 20 Nov. Receipt of capital acknowledged by Hon. Treasurer, RAI, GDH (tpc.)
46 [Hon. Treasurer] to Jackson, Pixley & Co, auditors, 10 Jan. – encloses yearly accounts; requests Fund account should be kept separate
47 JLM to GDH, 18 July – reports on Trustees’ meeting; apparent lack of Trust deed, list of Trustees names and other business documents (autogr.)
48 ELS to ENF, 25 July – reports he received no copy of resolutions passed at subscribers’ meeting; gives outline of meeting, the voting and decisions taken; encloses letters from Ridgeway, Clodd and Hocart (see A24/2/27 and A24/2/49; Hocart letter not present)(autogr.)
49 Edward Clodd (1840-1930) to ELS, nd – printed leaf on 1924 meeting with autogr. note by Clodd
50 JLM to CGS, 23 Aug. – on the lack of documentation of meetings and decisions adopted and the necessity of formalizing matters; asks if CGS, as Chairman, would provide statement on matters agreed (autogr.)
51 CGS to JLM, 25 Aug. – recalls 1924 meeting well; gives outlines of decisions taken and names of Trustees; encloses /52 below (tp. with autogr. note by JLM)
52 Printed leaf on 1924 meeting (attached to A24/2/51)
53 JLM to CGS, 26 Aug. – sends thanks for information sent (autogr.)
54 Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & C/o., solicitors, to JLM, 7 Oct. – on the legal position of the RAI and the fund (tp.)
55 Ibid., 11 Oct. – ibid. (tp.)
56 JLM to solicitors, 13 Oct. – ibid. (autogr.)
57 Solicitors to JLM, 15 Oct. – suggests meeting as the legal position is complex (tp.)
58 JLM to solicitors, 17 Oct. – suggests alternative date for meeting; outlines normal procedures for societies on the receipt of capital, cites practice of British Association (autogr.)
59 JLM to CGS, 25 Oct. 1930 – outlines difficulties with the wording adopted to express wishes of 1924 subscribers’ meeting; may be overcome if CGS can supplement letter of 25 Aug. [A24/2/51] (autogr.)
60 CGS to JLM, 27 Oct. – sends further details on income, investment, and Trustees of fund (tp.)
3/ H.A. Stayt’s grant, 1930-1
1 H.A. Stayt to RAI Council, 15 May – outlines monograph on the BaVenda of northern Transvaal; requests grant towards publication (autogr.); see The Bavenda, 1931
2 L.S.B. Leakey, FBA, (LSBL) (1903-72), Curator, Coryndon Museum, Director, Centre for Prehistory and Palaeontology, Nairobi, 1962-72 to JLM, , 19 May – supports Stayt’s application for grant (autogr. with autogr. note by JLM)
3 Ibid., 20 May – encloses letter from Stayt [A24/3/1] (autogr.)
4 A.C. Haddon (see A24/2/29 for details) to JLM, 21 May – supports Stayt’s application (autogr.)
5 GES to JLM, 22 May – on meeting of Trustees (tp.)
6 Miss K.M. Martindell to JLM, 28 May – names Trustees (autogr.)
7 Ibid., 30 May – reports capital in fund (autogr.)
8 JLM to HH, 12 July – on meeting of Trustees and Stayt’s application for a grant (autogr.)
9 JLM to Revd F. Aveling (FA), 12 July – ibid. (autogr.)
10 FA to JLM, 14 July – replies to A24/3/9 (tp. with autogr. note by JLM)
11 R. Head for HH to JLM, 15 July – HH unable to attend meeting; agrees grant should be made to Stayt (autogr. with autogr. note by JLM)
12 CSM to JLM, 17 July – hopes to attend meeting; gives his views on Stayt’s application (autogr. with autogr. note by JLM)
13 Ibid., 19 July – on Stayt’s manuscript (ibid.)
14 H.A. Stayt to JLM, 22 Aug. – expresses gratitude for grant (tp. with autogr. corrections by HAS; autogr. note by JLM)
15 JLM to H.A. Stayt, 23 Aug. 1930 – glad to hear he has sufficient funds for publication; asks to be informed when grant should be paid (autogr.)
16 International Institute of African Languages & Cultures (IIALC) later International African Institute to JLM, 25 Mar. – Stayt’s book to appear under IIALC auspices; requests grant (tp. with autogr. note by GDH)
17 JLM to IIALC, 27 Mar. – has given instructions for the payment of the grant
18 IIALC to JLM, 30 Mar. – acknowledges receipt of grant
19 Ibid. to RAI, 31 Mar. – encloses receipt for grant
20 Ibid. – receipt enclosed with A24/3/19
4/ Revd James Williams’ grant, 1931; see also A24/1/4-5
1 James Williams (JW) to RAI, 29 Jan. – inquires about possibility of grant for his Makuchi grammar (tp. with autogr. note by JLM); see his Grammar, notes and vocabulary of the language of the Makuchi Indians of Guiana, Anthropos linguistische Bibliothek, Band 8, 1932
2 Note on publication costs by JLM (autogr.) (attached to A24/4/1)
3 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) to RAI, 13 Feb. – agree to publish book in England at author’s expense (tp.)
4 JLM to JW, 28 Feb. – RAI prepared in principle to recommend an application to the Memorial Committee; requests further details on printing arrangements with Anthropos; suggests meeting (autogr.)
5 JW to JLM, 2 Mar. – agrees to meet in Oxford (tp. with autogr. note by JLM)
6 JLM to SPCK, 21 Mar. – on his meeting with JW; printing and publication arrangements outlined to him by JW; suggests grant in aid of publication should be submitted to the fund (autogr.)
7 JW to JLM, 28 Mar. – following JLM’s suggestion he is applying for a grant from the fund (tp. with autogr. note by JLM and GDH)
8 Copy of A24/4/7 (tp.)
9 JW to the fund, 28 Mar. – application to the fund (tp.)
10 Copy of A24/4/9 (tp.) (A24/4/11-12 attached)
11 16 Apr. 1931 – Circular to members of the fund on Williams’ application (tpc.)
12 Draft of circular by JLM (autogr.)
13 JLM to SPCK, 29 June. – reports fund members willing to make a grant (autogr.)
14 SPCK to JLM, 4 July – on arrangements for publication (tp. with autogr. note by GDH)
15 JW to RAI, 13 July – refunds £5 of grant; sum received from the continent (tp. with autogr. note by GDH)
16 1933-9 Royalty statements from SPCK and the Sheldon Press, 6 sheets
5/ Grants to Bernard Deacon, W.O.D. Pierce, and J. Reid Moir, 1932, 1934
1 A.C. Haddon (see A24/2/29 above for details) to HJB, 12 Mar. – on the geometrical drawings discovered by Deacon and possible publication by RAI; suggests grant from the funds (autogr. with autogr. notes by HJB)
2 President, RAI to President, BPS, 9 June – on application to fund for publication grant (tpc.)
3 Prof. Beatrice Edgell (1871-1948), Prof. of Psychology, Bedford College, University of London; President, British Psychological Society to T.A. Joyce, OBE (1878-1942), Keeper of Ceramics and Ethnography, British Museum; President 1931-3 (TAJ), 19 July – on considering application for Deacon’s paper and earlier application, i.e. for W.O.D. Pierce’s work (tp.); see A24/1/12 for details
4 Ibid., 17 Nov. – application for grant towards publication of Pierce’s book (tp.)
5 Ibid., 29 Nov. – expresses concern at promise to give grant for Deacon’s paper; has had no statement from Trustees; would like matters clarified (tp.)
6 Prof. J.C. Flugel (see A24/1/12 above for details) to TAJ, 15 Dec. – on his election as President, BPS
7 J. Reid Moir, FRS (1879-1944) to Hon. Sec., RAI, 14 Jan. – requests help with publication of paper on Red Crag (autogr.) see A24/1/8 for details
8 A.C. Haddon (see A24/5/1) to EWS, 21 Jan. – notes Reid Moir is applying for a grant; draws attention to grant for Deacon’s paper submitted by HJB and himself (autogr.)
9 Ibid. to HJB, 21 Jan. 1934 – expresses concern at Reid Moir’s application; considers application for Deacon’s paper has prior claim (autogr.)
10 Asst. Secretary to EWS, 24 Jan. – lists Trustees of fund; refers to G. Caton-Thompson (autogr.)
11 Balance in hand of fund, 1934 by GDH (autogr.)
12 CSM to TAJ, 24 Jan. – on grant towards Pierce’s book; neither President nor Hon. Treasurer knew of the grant; requests TAJ to write to the President; wishes to be informed of decision (autogr.)
13 TAJ to EWS, 28 Jan. – on applications for work by Deacon, W.O.D. Pierce, and J. Reid Moir (tp.)
14 GDH to President (EWS), 31 Jan. – reports balance; BPS has received no reply to applications for grant; RAI procedures to cumbersome (autogr.)
15 GES to Asst. Secretary, 31 Jan. – is able to attend next meeting (pc., autogr.)
16 Prof. J.C. Flugel to ibid., 1 Feb. – ibid. (tp.)
17 R. Head for HH to ibid., 1 Feb. – HH chronically ill and cannot leave home but wishes to be informed of outcome (autogr.)
18 Prof. H.J. Rose (1883-1961), Prof. of Greek, University of St Andrews to ibid., 1 Feb. – regrets cannot attend meeting
19 CSM to EWS, 2 Feb. – expresses thanks for the forthcoming meeting to discuss the BPS application for Pierce’s book; original request for £50
20 HJB to EWS, 3 Feb. – awards from the fund and the prior claim of the Deacon application; Council agreed to the award two years ago; Trustees may not have considered application; RAI cannot afford to publish paper without a grant; does not feel Reid Moir has a claim as Rivers was not specially interested in European prehistory; refers to letter from M.L. Tildesley on possible Yao crania (autogr.)
21 8 Feb. Notes on meeting of fund Trustees (autogr. by Asst. Secretary)
22 Asst. Secretary to J. Reid Moir, 9 Feb. – application successful; requests details of the cost of the plates (tpc.)
23 J. Reid Moir to Asst. Secretary, 16 Feb. – expresses gratitude for grant of £30 (autogr.)
24 CSM to EWS, 23 Feb. 1934 – requests information on Trustees decision on the Pierce grant; draft reply by EWS: BPS President, Prof. C.J. Flugel withdrew the application (tp. and autogr.)
25 EWS to CSM, 27 Feb. – reply to /23 above as draft (tpc.)
26 EWS to Trustees, 23 Mar. – suggests balance in hand should be granted to Pierce; requests opinions (tpc.)
27 [R. Head] for HH to [EWS], 31 Mar. – HH too ill to give opinion; approves of GES’s views (autogr.)
28 Prof. H.J. Rose (HJR) (see A24/5/18 above for details) to Asst. Secretary, 4 Apr. – letter on balance in hand not received; requests information (tp.)
29 Asst. Secretary to HJR5 Apr. – non-arrival of letter explained, now enclosed (tp.)
30 Asst. Secretary to EWS, 25 Apr. – inquires about balance for Pierce’s grant (autogr. with autogr. note by EWS confirming payment of £23)
31 Ibid. to CSM, 27 Apr. – encloses cheque for £23 (tpc.)
32 CSM to Asst. Secretary, 10 May – acknowledges cheque; encloses copy of Pierce’s book (tp.)
33 Ibid. to EWS, 16 May – receipt of cheque reported to BPS Council; Trustees sympathetic attitude on mistaken withdrawal of application appreciated (see /1/12 and /5/23 above); hopes balance of £50 will be available; regrets the grant was not known before publication of Pierce’s book (tp.)
34 Ibid., 7 June – requests approximate date for distribution of dividends due to fund (tp.)
35 Ibid., 18 June – outlines reasons for application for further grant; except for withdrawal of application, £50 would have been granted; book’s publication does not affect the circumstances (tp. with autogr. figures on balance)
36 EWS to Trustees, 28 June – suggests further grant of £20; requests opinions (tpc.)
37 Asst. Secretary to CSM, 12 July – further grant approved; cheque sent (tpc.)
6/ Grant to Mary Gillett (MG), 1935
1 MG to EWS, 14 May – application for grant towards publication of a collection of folk poetry of the Gonds collected by Verrier Elwin and Shamrao Hivale (autogr.); see Folk songs of the Maikal hills, 1944 by Elwin and Hivale (autogr.)
2 Asst. Secretary to MG, 20 May – acknowledges letter (tpc.)
3 EWS to Trustees, 3 June – encloses copy of A24/6/1; requests opinion (tp. with autogr. notes by GES and HH)
4 3 June – copy of A24/6/1 enclosed with A24/6/3
5 Prof. S.H. Hooke (1874-1968), Samuel Davidson Prof. of Old Testament Studies, University of London; President, Folk-Lore Society to Prof. J.C. Flugel, President, BPS, 4 June. – considers book merits a grant (autogr.)
6 Prof. J.C. Flugel to EWS, 5 June – ibid. (tp.)
7 EWS to Asst. Secretary, 12 June – comments on title of his Presidential address; reports Trustees support application, MG and Trustees to be informed (tp.)
8 Asst. Secretary to EWS, 13 June – reports Trustees informed; grant can be paid when Hon. Treasurer agrees (tpc.)
9 Ibid. to HH, ibid. – reports grant of £30 (tpc.)
10 Ibid. to GES, ibid. – ibid.
11 Ibid. to Prof. H.S. Hooke, ibid. – ibid.
12 Ibid. to Prof. J.C. Flugel, ibid. – ibid.
13 Ibid. to MG, ibid. – ibid.
14 MG to Asst. Secretary, 15 June. – conveys gratitude for grant (autogr.)
15 Asst. Secretary to MG, 19 June – encloses cheque (tpc.)
16 MG to Asst. Secretary, 21 June. – acknowledges cheque and conveys gratitude (autogr.)
7/ Grant to Folk-Lore Society, 1936
1 H. Coote Lake, Hon. Sec., Folk-Lore Society to H.S. Harrison (HSH), President 1935-7, 22 Jan. – request for grant towards publishing Scottish calendar customs (tp.); see British calendar customs: Scotland, vol. 1, 1937 by M.M. Banks
2 HSH to Trustees, 25 Sep. 1936 – requests opinion on possible grant (tp.)
3 Prof. S.H. Hooke, President, Folk-Lore Society to HSH, 22 Sep. – approves of a grant (autogr.)
4 Prof. James Drever to HSH, 29 Sep. – approves of a grant (autogr. with autogr. agreement by GES and HH)
5 R. Head for HH to [HSH], 2 Nov. – regrets delay; unable to attend to business last week (autogr.)
£35 was awarded.
8/ Grant to the RAI, 1938
1 HJB to Trustees, 27 May – requests opinion on possible grant for printing of S.H. Ray’s Languages of east and south-eastern divisions of Papua and H. Ian Hogbin’s Social reaction to crime (tp. with autogr. note by HJB and autogr. agreement by J. Drever, Mrs M. MacLeod Banks, and HH); see JRAI, vol. 68, 1938, pp. 153-208, 223-62
9/ Grant to L.S.B. Leakey, 1949
1 M. Fortes (1906-83), Honorary Editor 1947-52 later President 1965-7 to President, 29 Sep. – applies for £50 grant for Leakey’s monograph on the Njoro cave excavations (autogr. with autogr. note by Asst. Secretary, F. Stallman, FS); see /3/2 for details and Excavations at the Njoro river cave, 1950
2 Ibid., to FS, ibid. – covering letter to A24/9/1 (autogr.)
3 W.B. Fagg (WBF), Hon. Sec. 1940-56 to WLH, President, Folk-Lore Society, 1 Nov. – asks for consent to grant (tpc.)
4 WLH to WBF, 3 Nov. – agrees to grant (autogr.)
5 R.H. Thouless, President, BPS to WBF, 12 Nov. – ibid. (tp. with autogr. note to FS)
6 FS to R.H. Thouless, 15 Nov. – informs him that other Trustees also agree (tpc.)
7 FS to WLH, 29 Nov. – ibid.
10/ Grant to the late Henry Balfour, 1950
1-2 WBF to R.H. Thouless and WLH, Vice President and President respectively of the BPS and Folk-Lore Society, 26 Apr. – asks for consent to grant for Balfour’s paper Ritual and secular uses of vibrating membranes as voice-disguisers (tpc.); see JRAI, vol. 78, 1948, i.e. 1950, pp. 45-69
3 WLH to WBF, 28 Apr. – agrees to grant (autogr. with autogr. note by FS)
4 Prof. Sir Frederic Bartlett (FB), CBE (1886-1969), President, BPS to WBF, 8 May. – has just succeeded as President and is unaware of the fund’s balance; provided funds are available agrees to grant (tp. with autogr. note by FS)
5 FS to FB, 11 May. – acknowledges agreement to grant; gives fund’s balance (tpc.)
6 FS to WLH, ibid. – acknowledges agreement to grant (tpc.)
11/ Correspondence on Rivers Memorial Medallists, 1934-78
1934 G. Caton-Thompson
1 M. Edith Durham (1863-1944), RAI Vice President 1934-41 and others to EWS, 25 Oct. – nomination of G. Caton-Thompson, FBA (1888-1985), Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge (tp. with 7 autogr. signatures; enclosed with /2 below)
2 Ibid., 3 Nov. – covering letter to A24/11/1 referring to an error in the selection rules in 1933 and the withdrawal of the medal as a result; hopes present nomination is now in order [Miss Caton-Thompson was awarded the medal in 1934]
1939 Prof. I. Schapera
3 Asst. Secretary to the Royal Mint, 6 June – on engraving medal for Prof. I. Schapera, President 1961-3 (tpc.)
1940 Prof. (Sir) Raymond Firth
4 Ibid., 31 May – on engraving medal for Prof. (Sir) Raymond Firth, President 1953-5 (tpc.)
1941 Dr Diamond Jenness
4a Hon. Secretary to Dr Diamond Jenness, (DJ) (1886-1969), Chief of Anthropology, National Museum of Canada, Ottawa, 25 June – informs him that he has been awarded the medal for 1941 (tpc.)
4b K.M. Martindell to WBF, 27 June – on cost of sending medal to DJ (tp.)
4c 28 June – cutting from Nature on Rivers Memorial Medal and Wellcome Medal for 1941
4d DJ to WBF, 16 July – deeply appreciates the honour; on visits to Dr Rivers and Dr Haddon; RAI gallantly ‘holds aloft the torch of anthropology’ during the war (tp.)
1942 J.P. Mills
5 26 Aug. J.P. Mills, ICS (JPM) (1890-1960), Hon. Director of Ethnography for Assam, 1930, Advisor to Bengal Government on administration of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, 1935, and to the Assam Government for Tribal Areas and States, 1943, Reader at School of Oriental and African Studies 1948-55, RAI President 1951-3, Shillong, Assam to Secretary, 31 May – expresses appreciation of the award (autogr.)
6 Asst. Secretary to JPM, 17 Sep. – on safe place for the medal (tpc.)
7 JPM to Asst. Secretary, 27 Oct. – asks for medal to be sent to his bank (autogr. photo)
8 Asst. Secretary to JPM, 1 Dec. – acknowledges letter (tpc.)
9 Ibid. to National Provincial Bank, Oxford, 1 Dec. – on despatch of medal (tpc.)
10 National Provincial Bank to Asst. Secretary, 4 Dec. – receipt of medal acknowledged (printed and autogr.)
1950 S.F. Nadel
10a Details of qualifications and publications (tpc.)
1952 L.S.B. Leakey
11 Prof. (Sir) W.E. Le Gros Clark, FRS (1895-1971), Prof. of Anatomy, Oxford University; Vice President 1940-2, 1949-52 to Prof. C. Daryll Forde, FBA (1902-73) (CDF), Prof. of Anthropology, University College London, Director, International African Institute, President 1947-9, [13 Feb.] – encloses nomination of LSBL (autogr.)
12 CDF to WBF, Hon. Sec., 15 Feb. – encloses nomination (autogr. on verso of A24/11/11)
13 15 Feb. Nomination of LSBL (tp. with 6 autogr. signatures)
14 LSBL to RAI President, 15 May – expresses appreciation of the award (autogr.)
15 WBF to LSBL, 16 May – conveys award; on wording of medal and presentation (tpc.)
16 LSBL to WBF, 23 May – acknowledges letter of 16 May (tp.)
1952 Prof. Monica Wilson
17 Prof. Max Gluckman (MG) (1911-75), University of Manchester, to Prof. I. Schapera (IS), 24 Jan. – supports nomination of Prof. Monica Wilson, Prof. of Social Anthropology, University of Cape Town (MW) (1908-82) (tp.)
18 IS to WBF, 29 Feb. – encloses nomination of MW (autogr.)
19 28 Feb. 1952 Nomination of MW (tp. with 5 autogr. signatures; A24/11/17 also attached)
20 WBF to MW, 16 May – conveys award; on wording of medal and presentation (tpc.)
21 MW to President, 26 May – expresses appreciation of the award (tp.)
22 MW to WBF, ibid. – expresses appreciation; unable to accept medal in person; wording of medal satisfactory (tp.)
1953 Donald Fergusson Thomson
23 Dr E.J. Lindgren (EJL) (1904-88) to Mrs A.C. Bowe (ACB), Secretary to the Officers, 24 Jan. – proposes with others to nominate D.F. Thomson (DFT) (1901-70), University of Melbourne (tp.)
24 ACB to EJL, 26 Jan. – acknowledges letter (tpc.)
25 Information for nomination (autogr. by EJL)
26 Ibid., 6 leaves (tp.)
27 EJL to ACB, 28 Jan. – encloses /25-6 above for retyping (autogr.)
28 [Jan.] RAI to proposers – covering note attached to A24/11/29 (tpc.)
29 Ibid. – nomination of DFT (tp. with 6 autogr. signatures)
30 EJL to ACB, 5 Mar. – asks if nomination form has been received; unable to attend Council (autogr. pc)
31 7 Mar. ACB to EJL – nomination form received (tpc.)
32 DFT to JPM, 21 May – expresses appreciation of award; will ask a relative to receive the award on his behalf (tp.)
33 30 May – press cutting from the Australian and New Zealand Weekly
34 DFT to JPM, 5 June. – notifies his uncle, J.R. Habgood, JP will receive the award (tp.)
35 13 June. JPM to ACB, 5 June – asks for an invitation to Mr Habgood to be ready for signature (autogr.)
36 JPM to J.R. Habgood, 17 June – welcomes him to the AGM to receive the medal and to the following garden party (tpc.)
1954 Max Gluckman
37 20 Jan. Nomination of Prof. Max Gluckman (1911-75) (tp. with 6 autogr. signatures)
38 nd – list of MG’s publications (tp. attached to A24/11/37)
39 WBF to MG, 4 May – notifies MG of award; on wording of medal; expresses apologies for delay in writing (tpc.)
1955 Prof. Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas
40 Phyllis Puckle, Secretary, University of Oxford, Institute of Social Anthropology, to WBF, 7 Jan. 1955 – Prof. Evans-Pritchard has asked her to send nomination for Rivers Medal (tp.)
41 nd, nomination of Prof. Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas (MNS) (1916-99), Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda; curriculum vitae attached; (tp. with 7 autogr. signatures) [mentioned in A24/11/40]
42 Curriculum vitae for MNS [mentioned in A24/11/41] (tp.)
43 E.E. Evans-Pritchard to WBF, 1 Mar. – had meant to attend Council to vote for MNS; however, impossible for him to do so; sends apologies (tp.)
44 WBF to MNS, 9 Mar. – informs him that he has been awarded the medal; on date for presentation; on wording to be engraved (tp. with autogr. additions relating to CDF’s award in 1956)
45 MNS to WBF, 15 Mar. – thanks him for the honour; corrects spelling of his name; his sister Miss M.N. Padma will collect the medal for him (tp.)
46 WBF to Miss M.N. Padma, 17 May – lets her know date of AGM when medal will be awarded; invites her to meeting and to Garden Party (tpc. with autogr. note)
47 Ibid. to the Royal Mint, 18 June – on engraving medal for MNS; asks for more medals to be struck if necessary (tpc.)
48 E.J. Williamson, Secretarial Assistant, to Miss M.N. Padma, 23 June – there has been no reply to previous letter from RAI; would be grateful to know if she was coming (tpc.)
49 Miss M.N. Padma to Miss Williamson, 24 June – sorry for delay; accepts invitation with pleasure (autogr.)
1956 Prof. C. Daryll Forde
50 8 Feb. Nomination of Prof. C. Daryll Forde (CDF) (1911-75) (tp. with 7 autogr. signatures)
51 Marian W. Smith, Joint Honorary Secretary (MWS), to CDF, 8 Mar. – informs him that he has been awarded the medal; on date for presentation; on wording to be engraved (tpc.)
52 CDF to MWS, 9 Mar. – thanks her for letter; asks her to drop the ‘C.’ from his name (autogr.)
53 ACB to the Royal Mint, 30 May 1956 – on engraving medal for CDF; (tpc.)
1957 Phyllis M. Kaberry
54 nd, nomination of Phyllis M. Kaberry (PMK) (1910-77), University College London, (tp. with 6 autogr. signatures)
55 MWS, Honorary Secretary, to PMK, 12 Apr. – informs her that she has been awarded the medal; on date for presentation; on wording to be engraved (tpc.)
56 PMK to MWS, 16 Apr. – thanks her for letter; wishes her middle initial to be included (tp.)
57 ACB to the Royal Mint, 27 May – on engraving medal for PMK (tpc.)
58 Accountant, Royal Mint, to RAI, 30 May – on cost of medal (tp.)
1958 Dr Edmund Leach
59 Raymond Firth to MWS, 28 Jan. – attaches nomination (tp.)
60 15 Jan. Nomination of Dr Edmund R. Leach (ERL) (1910-89), Council, 1946-67 passim, Chairman, Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee, 1945-9, Chairman, Executive Committee, 1948-55 (tp. with 10 autogr. signatures)
61 Administrative Secretary to Audrey Richards, 11 Mar. – reference normally made to specific research of winner; asks how she should state this (tpc.)
62 MWS to ERL, 20 Mar. – informs him that he has been awarded the medal; on date for presentation; on wording to be engraved (tpc.)
63 ERL to MWS, 21 Mar. – thanks her for letter; corrects the wording relating to his work (autogr.)
64 Administrative Secretary to the Royal Mint, 25 Mar. – on engraving medal for ERL (tpc.)
65 MWS to ERL, 25 Mar. – makes a suggestion for wording on medal (autogr.)
66 ERL to MWS, 26 Mar. – corrects the text for medal again (autogr.)
1959 Prof. John Arundel Barnes
67 1 Sept. 1956. Nomination of Prof. John Arundel Barnes (JAB) (1918-2010), Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology, The Australian National University, (tp. with 6 autogr. signatures)
68 Ian Hogbin to MWS, 1 Sept. 1956 – wishes to nominate JAB; asks for appropriate form if enclosed [A24/11/66] is not sufficient; asks her to pass the enclosed on to Lucy Mair, who has promised to gather more signatures (autogr.)
69 ACB to Dr Hogbin, 14 Sept. – acknowledges receipt of his letter in the absence of MWS; form is sufficient although some detail is needed of JAB’s work; she will send his letter to Dr Lucy Mair so she can obtain this (tpc.)
70 Ibid. to Dr Lucy Mair, 14 Sept. – encloses letter from Ian Hogbin, for more signatures; asks for some information about JAB’s work (tpc.)
71 JAB to Dr Lucy Mair, 2 Oct. – details of qualifications and publications (tp.)
72 ACB to Dr Lucy Mair, 10 Oct. – thanks her for nomination form for JAB (tpc.)
73 MWS to Dr Ian Hogbin, 11 Apr. 1957 – PMK elected Medallist for 1957; had Raymond Firth and Isaac Schapera known that her name would come up, they would not have signed nomination form for JAB; PMK senior to JAB; however hopes that he will put forward JAB’s name at some future time (tpc.)
74 Ian Hogbin to MWS, 16 Apr. – pleased that PMK elected although sorry JAB turned down; asks when he might put JAB’s name forward again; asks whether ERL has been elected yet (tp.)
75 MWS to Ian Hogbin, 10 May – ERL has not yet been medallist; perhaps JAB could be nominated for 1958 and ERL for 1959 (tpc.)
76 Ibid., 30 Jan. 1958 – she has a nomination for ERL; suggests he nominates JAB the following year (tpc.)
77 Ian Hogbin to MWS, 3 Nov. – on her supervising a PhD student; asks when he should nominate JAB (tp.)
78 MWS to Ian Hogbin, 10 Nov. – on supervising the PhD student; nomination should be in Feb. (tpc.)
79 18 Nov. Nomination of (JAB) (tp. with 8 autogr. signatures)
80 MWS to JAB, 13 Apr. 1959 – informs him that he has been awarded the medal; on date of presentation; if he cannot be in London for presentation, asks if he could nominate someone to receive medal on his behalf (tpc.)
81 JAB to MWS, 20 Apr. – very pleased that he has been awarded the medal; an honour; has asked his mother to accept the medal on his behalf (tp.)
82 MWS to Mrs M.G. Barnes, 24 Apr. 1959 – hopes she will be able to accept the medal; gives date of presentation; further details will follow (tpc.)
83 Administrative Secretary to the Royal Mint, 24 Apr. – on engraving medal for JAB (tpc.)
84 Mrs Grace Barnes to MWS, 28 Apr. – pleased to attend; her younger son will accompany her; he would like to bring his wife (autogr.)
85 JAB’s secretary to MWS, 5 May – confirms that Mrs Barnes can receive medal on JAB’s behalf (tp.)
1960 Prof. J. Clyde Mitchell
86 MG to MWS, 15 Feb. – is collecting signatures to nominate Prof. J. Clyde Mitchell (JCM) (1918-95), Dept. of African Studies, University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland; encloses some cyclostyled copies of his career and publications (tp.)
87 JCM’s career and publications [referred to in A24/11/86] (tpc.)
88 15 Feb. Nomination of JCM; includes details of field research (tp. with 4 autogr. signatures)
89 18 Feb. Nomination of JCM (tp. with 4 autogr. signatures)
90 MWS to JCM, 8 Apr. – informs him that he has been awarded the medal; on date of presentation; if he cannot be in London for presentation, asks if he could nominate someone to receive medal on his behalf (tpc.)
91 JCM to MWS, 18 Apr. – delighted and deeply honoured that he has been awarded medal; asks about possibility of changing date of AGM so that he could attend personally (tp.)
92 MWS to JCM, 22 Apr. – sorry that she can see no way to change the date of the AGM; gives reasons (tpc.)
93 JCM to MWS, 21 June – CDF has agreed to collect medal on his behalf (autogr.)
94 Ibid., 23 June – Principal of his college would not issue press statement about award unless RAI had done so in England; asks her to arrange this (autogr.)
95 MWS to the Principal, University College of Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, 29 June – has announced the award to the press; details of presentation (tpc.)
1961 Dr Hilda Kuper
96 14 Feb. Nomination of Dr Hilda Kuper (HK) (1911-92), University of Natal (tp. with 6 autogr. signatures)
97 Dr Audrey I. Richards (1899-1984), President 1959-61, to HK, 14 Apr. 1961 – informs her that she has been awarded the medal; on date of presentation; if she cannot be in London for presentation, asks if she could she nominate someone to receive medal on her behalf (tpc.)
98 HK to Dr Audrey Richards, 21 Apr. – delighted to be awarded medal; nominates Prudence Smith to receive it on her behalf (tp.)
99 Administrative Secretary to Edmett & Co., 8 June – on inscriptions on Rivers, Huxley and Wellcome Boards (tpc.)
100 Anthony H. Christie (AHC), Hon. Secretary 1961-70, to Mrs Prudence Smith, 13 June – hopes that she can attend garden party and AGM to receive the medal on behalf of HK (tpc.)
1962 Dr Hermann Lehmann
101 29 Jan. Nomination of Dr Hermann Lehmann (HL) (1910-85), Pathology Dept., St Bartholomew’s Hospital (autogr. with 7 autogr. signatures)
102 Reference Laboratory, to WBF, 31 Jan. – encloses bibliography of HL’s publications; HL sent a second copy in which certain items were marked as work ‘in the Sanders of the river’ style [reference to 1935 film of that name] (tp. with WBF autogr. note to AHC)
103 Notes on nominations for medal: HL and Miss Kathleen Gough [possibly the ‘bibliography’ referred to in A24/11/102] (tpc.)
104 [AHC?] to HL, 5 Mar. – informs him officially that he has been awarded medal; refers to his field and laboratory work (tpc.)
105 Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital Journal, Vol. LXVI, Apr. 1962, No. 4 – article on Rivers medal on pp. 83-4 (printed pamphlet)
1963 Dr Derrick Stenning
106 5 Feb. Nomination of Dr Derrick Stenning (DS), East African Institute of Social Research, Makerere College, Kampala (tp. with 6 autogr. signatures)
107 nd – notes on DS’s fieldwork and publications (autogr. by Dr Audrey Richards[?])
108 AHC to DS, 8 Mar. – informs him that he has been awarded medal;
109 DS to AHC, 14 Mar. – delighted to be awarded medal; cannot attend so will ask Prof. Fortes to receive medal on his behalf (tp.)
1964 Dr A.C. Mayer
110 AHC to Dr A.C. Mayer (ACM) (b. 1922), SOAS, 5 June – informs him that he has been awarded medal (tpc.)
111 ACM to AHC, 5 June – on his middle name; on his fieldwork (tp.)
112 Clerk to the Officers to the Royal Mint, 9 June – on engraving medal for ACM (tpc.)
113 Ibid. to Edmett & Co., 9 June – on inscriptions on Rivers and Huxley Boards (tpc.)
114 Royal Mint to Clerk of the Officers, 11 June – sees no difficulty in having medal ready by 24 June (tp.)
1965 Prof. Victor Witter Turner
115 Rodney Needham, Oxford University, Institute of Social Anthropology, to AHC, 4 Mar. – believes nomination will soon be made on behalf of Prof. Victor Turner (VWT) (1920-83), Cornell University; would like to add his name as supporter (tp. with autogr. note)
116 MG to ibid., 5 Mar. – nominated VWT last year; would be awkward to re-nominate him with a new letter; asks whether VWT can be re-nominated with last year’s letter (tp. with autogr. note by AHC)
117 AHC to VWT, 10 May – delighted to inform him that he has been awarded the medal; if he cannot attend personally, asks that he name someone to collect the medal on his behalf (tpc.)
118 Clerk to the Officers to Edmett & Co., 14 May – on inscription on Rivers Board (tpc.)
119 Clerk to the Officers to the Royal Mint, ibid. – on engraving medal for VWT (tpc.)
1966 Philip H. Gulliver
120 [AHC?] to Dr P.H. Gulliver, SOAS, 1 June – formal note of congratulation (tpc.)
1970 Rodney Needham
121 ‘Nomination for the Rivers Memorial Medal, 1970, under revised rules’ – details of career and bibliography. 3 leaves (photocopy with autogr. note by R.G. Harvey)
1978 Phillip Vallentine Tobias
122 nd – notes on career and bibliography (tp.)
12/ Other correspondence relating to nominations etc. 1938-78
1 nd, Note on the history and management of the Fund. 2 leaves (tp)
2 EJL to HJB, 19 May 1938 – refers to letter about fund (tp.)
3 G.C. Wheeler to R.W. Firth, Hon. Secretary 1935-39, 11 Dec.[?] – asks if he might apply to fund for publication of material from the Solomon Islands (autogr. with autogr. note ‘No funds’)
4 Prof. A.P. Elkin to ibid., 6 Feb. 1939 – asks if he might apply to fund for publication of a PhD thesis written by A. Capell (tp. with autogr. note ‘No funds’)
5 HJB to WBF, 5 Dec. 1940 – names candidates for the Rivers medal; names some previous winners; on election of Hon. Fellows; references to difficulties caused by the war (autogr.)
6 EJL to WBF, 13 July 1950 – thanks him for envelopes; mentions R.F. Fortune in connection with Rivers medal; she approached him about this directly; he made his feelings about RAI known; asks if WBF would support Fortune’s nomination; refers to ‘F[ortune]’s bellicose nature’. 5 pages (autogr.)
7 WBF to EJL, 14 July – mentions letters he sent to her; states that he would support nomination of Fortune; does not feel that Fortune has a grievance against RAI; Nadel elected this year but unable to come to London, which annoyed ‘E-P’ [Evans-Pritchard]; on people expressing views on failure to be nominated; mentions ‘D.F.’ [Daryll Forde] in this context; will ask HJB and Digby if they will support Fortune. 4 pages (autogr.)
8 EJL to WBF, 17 July – feels she has done Fortune an injustice; he has never lobbied; she fears Fortune might refuse the medal if offered it; distressed by what WBF reports about Daryll Forde (autogr.)
9 Ibid. – is making a copy of some notes of his (autogr.)
10 Ibid., 21 July – on WBF’s visit to Cambridge; on the ‘mischief’ she has caused; to mention ‘brooding’ over omission to be nominated would be inappropriate; on ‘hysteria’ (autogr.)
11 Ibid., 27 July – needs to know urgently whether HJB and Digby will support Fortune; refers to his visit to Cambridge; refers to ‘review of Numelin’; refers to ‘Paterson’s work’ (autogr.)
12 25 Feb. 1961. Nomination of Prof. L. Dumont (tp. with 6 autogr. signatures)
13 EJL to AHC, 29 Jan. 1962 – at request of ERL, forwards nomination for Miss E. Kathleen Gough (tp.)
14 nd, nomination of E. Kathleen Gough (tp. with 6 autogr. signatures)
15 Max Gluckman to AHC, 25 Feb. 1965 – takes issue with the method of nominating for medal; as Chairman of the Association of Social Anthropologists, lists people who could possibly be nominated. 2 leaves (tp.)
16 Dr Audrey Richards to ibid., 13 May 1966 – two issues with the Rivers medal: first, getting names in a fair way; second, voting; raises some questions; asks standing committee to consider the points raised. 2 leaves (tp.)
17 Andrew Strathern to Jonathan Benthall, RAI Director, 9 Feb. 1978 – nominates Dr R.D. Martin for Rivers medal; outlines Dr Martin’s work; encloses his curriculum vitae (tp.)
18 Curriculum vitae of Dr Martin. 6 leaves (photocopy) [enclosed with A24/12/18]
13/ Regulations
1 Council agenda for 1 Apr. 1952 (CM/81/7) with regulations governing the medal attached (mimeo.)
2 Regulations governing the medal, 1953 (mimeo.)