Rattray, Robert Sutherland (MS 109)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Rattray, Robert Sutherland (MS 109)

N[orthern] T[erritories]: field notes, books 1-34. 1928-30

34 note-blocks. 21.5 x 12 cm


Lantern slides held in the Photographic Collection.

Presented from the estate of the late Dr Rattray, 1938.

/1 Isala … 3401-3500 leaves, illus., drawings, leaf 3417 blank. Notes verso leaves 3407, 3411, 3415, 3420-3,3426-7, 3431, 3435-7, 3440-4, 3446-8, 3450-3, 3463-4, 3467, 3470, 3473-8, 3480-1, 3483-8, 3490, 3492-9

/2 Nankani … 3502-3600 leaves, illus., drawings; missing leaf 3501. Notes verso leaves 3503, 3507-9, 3512-14, 3516-27, 3530-4, 3538-43, 3546, 3550-1, 3553-5, 3558-9, 3561-7, 3570-1, 3573-5, 3577-9, 3583, 3590-5, 3598-9

/3 Segene … 3702-3800 leaves, illus., genealogy; missing leaf 3701; leaves 3751, 3800 blank. Notes verso leaves 3703-4, 3706, 3708-14, 3716-20, 3724-7, 3730-41, 3743-4, 3746-9, 3751, 3753-5, 3757, 3762-5, 3767, 3769, 3772-4, 3779, 3781-5, 3787-9, 3791-3, 3795-7

/4 Notes on Nankani (commenced 27/3/28), Mamprusi … 3801-3900 leaves, illus.; leaves 3854, 3872-3900 blank. Notes verso leaves 3801-4, 3807-8, 3810-12, 3814-19, 3822, 3824, 3827, 3829-33, 3835-6, 3838-9, 3841-2, 3844, 3849, 3852, 3855-8, 3860, 3862, 3864

.1 Anuda Kabego 6 pp. 32.5 x.20.5 cm. Handwritten and typewritten. Originally attached to p. 4899 of MS 109/4 and retained in the order found. Contents:

p. 1 Anuda Kabago

p. 2 Atinanmologo Bakologo

p. 3 Pretence of cutting a path … [typewritten account]

p. 4 Ganya nyisia

p. 5 Memorandum from District Commissioner, Navarongo

p. 6 … Aboya …

/5 Notes on Talanse & Builse, (commenced 16/4/28), (completed 15 5/28). 3901-4000 leaves, illus., drawings. Notes verso leaves 3902-4, 3906-10, 3913, 3915-18, 3920-5, 3927, 3931-3, 3936-7, 3941, 3943, 3945, 3948-9, 3951-2, 3954-7, 3959-61, 3964-72, 3975-6, 3978-81, 3983, 3990-8

/6 Notes on Kasena & Isala & Mamprusi. 3601-3700 leaves, diagrs., genealogies; leaves 3698-3700 blank. Notes verso leaves 3601-8, 3610-13, 3616, 3618, 3620-3, 3625-31, 3639, 3642, 3644-5, 3647-9, 3651-7, 3659-61, 3664-7, 3669-71, 3674-5, 3677-8, 3683, 3695

/7 Mole – Nankani – Dagari, Talense vocabulary. [i], 1-100 leaves, illus., tables; leaves 49, 64-6, 79 blank. Notes verso leaves [i], 1-47, 49-62, 67-8, 72-6, 84, 86-7, 93-6

/8 Notes on Wale and Kobe of Tuole and Kesena of Kopin and Ulu, Dept. of Anthropology, 1929-30. 101-200 leaves, illus., drawings; leaf 163 blank. Notes verso leaves 102-5, 109, 113, 117-18, 121-2, 124-33, 135, 137-42, 144, 150-7, 159-61, 164-7, 169, 171, 174-5, 178, 182-6, 188-9, 191-200

/9 Nankani customs, 1929-30. [i], 201-300 leaves, illus. Notes verso leaves [i], 202, 204-9, 215-16, 219-24, 226-9, 232-3, 235-8, 240, 242, 246, 249-50, 252-4, 259, 265-6, 268, 270-1, 277-8, 280, 283, 287, 290, 293, 296, 298-9

/10 Nankani customs (contd), (commenced 5 Apr. 1929). 401-500 leaves, diagrs., illus. Notes verso leaves 402-7, 409, 411-14, 416-19, 422, 424, 428-30, 436-8, 440, 442, 444-5, 449, 451-3, 455, 457-63, 465, 467, 469-74, 476-80, 482-3, 488, 490, 495-6, 498

/11 Nankani customs (contd), (commenced 18 Apr. 1929, completed 16 May 1929). 501-600 leaves, illus. Notes verso leaves 501, 505, 508-9, 513, 524, 526-7, 529, 536-9, 543-7, 549, 552, 561, 565, 567, 577-8, 584, 586, 591, 595-7, 599

/12 Notes on Kansaga, 1929-30. [i], 301-400 leaves, drawings. Notes verso leaves [i], 301-5, 307-9, 311-12, 315-26, 329-32, 334, 338, 340, 342-3, 345-7, 351, 353, 356, 359, 361, 364-5, 369-72, 375, 391, 395-6, 398-9

/13 Nankani customs (contd), commenced 16/5/29, completed 25/5/29. [i], 601-700 leaves. Notes verso leaves [i], 603, 606-9, 615, 618-20, 622, 634, 641-4, 647-8, 653, 661-2, 664-5, 668-70, 672, 682, 687-8, 690, 692-7

/14 Namnam (commenced 21st May 1929, completed 14 June 1929). 701-800 leaves; leaves 719, 797-800 blank. Notes verso leaves 701, 703-4, 708, 712, 725, 729, 735-6, 739, 744-6, 748, 750

.1 Nangool Jendar … 2 pp., illus. 15 x 17.5 cm. [filed attached to verso leaf 794]

/15 Nankani, commenced 25/5/29, completed 14/6/29. 801-900 leaves, diagr., illus; leaves 892-900 blank. Notes verso leaves 802-3, 806, 808-9, 811-12, 820-2, 824-5, 827-9, 831, 835, 838-46, 848-9, 851-2, 857, 863-5, 867-8, 870, 873-4, 876-81, 883-4, 886-8

/16 Nankani folktales (Solema), commenced 14/6/29, finished 20/6/29. 901-1000 leaves, illus. Notes verso leaves 901, 922, 937, 952-3, 956, 959, 978-9, 985, 989, 999

/17 Nankani folk-tales also some notes on Kasena (Awuna of Ulu), commenced 20/6/29. 1101-1200 leaves, illus; leaves 1158-1200 blank. Notes verso leaves 1103, 1105, 1116, 1124, 1146-9, 1155-6

/18 Nankani customs, commenced 22/6/29, completed 2/7/29. [i], 1201-1300 leaves. Notes verso leaves 1202-5, 1208-9, 1211-12, 1215, 1217-22, 1225-32, 1235, 1237-9, 1242, 1247-8, 1252, 1255, 1257-65, 1269, 1272, 1279-84, 1288-9, 1291-4, 1296-7

.1 Memorandum On the introduction and development of Native Administration in the Southern Province. 4 pp. 18 x 13.5 cm. [fileD attached to back cover after leaf 1300]

/19 Nankani customs, commenced 2/7/29, completed to p. 1336, 4/7/29. 1301-1400 leaves; leaves 1337-1400 blank. Notes verso leaves 1306, 1311, 1314, 1316, 1318, 1320-5, 1330-3

/20 Revision notes 1: revision and additional notes on Book I, pp. 3401-3500, Nankani & Isala and Book II, pp. 3501-3600. 1401-1500 leaves, illus; leaf 1449 blank. Notes verso leaves 1401, 1406-8, 1410-13, 1416-17, 1421, 1423-4, 1427-8, 1430, 1433, 1435, 1437, 1442-4, 1447, 1449-53, 1455-6, 1458-66, 1468, 1473, 1477-8, 1480, 1485, 1488, 1490, 1493-5, 1498-1500

/21 Revision notes 2: revision of Book II p. 3531 et seq.; Book III, p. 3701 et seq., VI and V. 1501-1600 leaves; leaves 1573-1600 blank. Notes verso leaves 1501, 1504, 1508-12, 1515, 1517-18, 1521, 1523-4, 1527, 1531-5, 1537, 1539-41, 1543-4, 1549-52, 1555, 1557-8, 1561-3, 1565, 1571

/22 Isal vocabulary, Awuna Grunshi (notes, Aug. 1929), revision of Book VI and some notes on the Dagaba. [ii], 1001-1100 leaves, diagrs., illus.; missing leaf 1002. Notes verso leaves [ii], 1004-6, 1008-13, 1015-17, 1019, 1022, 1027-31, 1033, 1035-6, 1041, 1044, 1046, 1048, 1051, 1054, 1056-7, l060-5, 1067-8, 1070, 1072-3, 1075-6, 1078-80, 1082-3, 1086, 1089-110

/23 The Dagaba (classification-system) and some notes on Isala modern constitution, clans etc. [ii], 1601-1700 leaves, illus. Notes verso leaves [i], 1601-13, 1615-16, 1618, 1620, 1623-5, 1627, 1633-5, 1637, 1640, 1642-4, 1646-51, 1653-4, 1656-7, 1660, 1662, 1664-9, 1671-2, 1675-9, 1681, 1683-97, 1699-1700

/24 The Isala and Dagaba tribes: kobi classification system, inheritance & clans. [i], 1701-1800 leaves; leaves 1790-1 blank. Notes verso leaves [i], 1701, 1704-15, 1717-18, 1720, 1729-32, 1735, 1738-42, 1744, 1746-8, 1751-5, 1758, 1761-2, 1764, 1767-8, 1772-5, 1777-88, 1791-2, 1794-8

/25 Hobi vocabulary and customs and Wala classificatory systems and notes on syntax. [i], 1801-1900 leaves, illus. Notes verso leaves [i], 1806, 1809-11, 1814, 1816, 1819, 1822, 1824-8, 1830-1, 1837-8, 1841-2, 1844, 1852, 1854-6, 1858-9, 1863-6, 1869-70, 1875, 1878, 1882, 1887-95, 1898-9

/26 N.T. No. 26 (1930) made at Paga 23 Dec. 1929. 1901-2000 leaves, illus. Title page missing. Notes verso leaves 1901-3, 1906, 1908-11, 1915-17, 1919-20, 1922, 1924, 1929-30, 1932, 1934, 1939, 1941-3, 1947-50, 1960, 1962-4, 1967-9, 1971-2, 1974-5, 1977, 1981-7, 1989-90

/27 (Kusal) Kusassi vocabulary and customs, commenced 8 Jan. 1930. [i], 2001-2100 leaves. Notes verso leaves [i], 2001-6, 2009-10, 2014-17, 2020-3, 2026, 2028, 2031, 2034-6, 2041, 2043-4, 2046, 2049-50, 2052, 2056, 2059, 2063, 2065-6, 2073, 2076-9, 2082-5, 2087-92, 2096-100

/28 N.T. No.28 (1930) Funeral customs. 2101-2200 leaves, illus. Title page missing. Notes verso leaves 2102-3, 2105-6, 2108-9, 2112-14, 2117, 2119, 2121, 2123-5, 2136, 2138, 2140, 2143, 2145-8, 2150, 2154, 2157, 2159, 2161-7, 2170, 2172, 2174-8, 2184-5, 2188, 2191-2, 2194

/29 (Mampelle) syntax and grammar (contd.) with some notes on Mamprumi constitution: and some notes on Vagala. 2201-2300 leaves, illus. Notes verso leaves 2202-3, 2206-7, 2209-14, 2218-19, 2221-2, 2224, 2226-30, 2233, 2235, 2237, 2239-42, 2246, 2248, 2252, 2255, 2258, 2269, 2272, 2274-5, 2278-9, 2284, 2287-8, 2292-3, 2296, 2299

/30 Some notes on Konkomba, Bamoba and Chakosi and Tampolonsi and Gonja, Feb. 1930. [i], 2301-2400 leaves, illus. Notes verso leaves [i], 2301, 2303, 2317-20, 2322, 2324, 2326, 2334, 2336-9, 2343, 2348, 2350-3, 2355, 2359-60, 2364, 2367-74, 2382, 2388, 2392-4, 2398

/31 Dagomba & Gonja & Vagala. [i], 2401-2500 leaves. Notes verso leaves 2412, 2432, 2455, 2458, 2460, 2467, 2473, 2478-81, 2483, 2485, 2488-90, 2494, 2497-8

/32 Gonja (Ngbanya) & Vagala. 2501-2600 leaves, illus.; leaves 2583-2600 blank. Notes verso leaves 2501-4, 2506-9, 2517-20, 2527-8, 2530, 2532, 2534, 2536-7, 2539-40, 2542-4, 2555, 2559-64, 2566-7, 2573

/33 Some notes on the Dagomba constitution (taken at Yandi), March 1930. [i], 2601-2700 leaves; leaves 2622, 2624 blank. Notes verso leaves [i], 2602-8, 2610-11, 2615, 2617-18, 2620, 2622, 2624-8, 2630-2, 2634-5, 2638, 2640, 2643, 2645, 2647, 2650-2, 2654, 2659, 2663, 2665-9, 2671, 2676-81, 2684, 2686-7, 2694-6, 2698

/34 Some notes on the Dagomba (contd.). 2701-2800 leaves; leaves 2783-2800 blank. Notes verso leaves 2702-5, 2708-9, 2712-20, 2722-3, 2726-7, 2729-30, 2733, 2735-6, 2742, 2744, 2746-8, 2750, 2754-64, 2766-8, 2775, 2780