Individual measurements and observations of about 2700 Cretan men, collected by Dr C.H. Hawes in 1905 and 1909
50 folders; one copy-book. 24 x 16 cm (folders; 30.5 x 21 cm (copy-book)
Printed and handwritten
The folders are inscribed and dated on upper cover. They contain printed forms, filled in by hand. The forms dated 1905 have the heading ‘Anthropological Record, Ethnographical Investigations, W.H.L. Duckworth, Anthropological Laboratory, Cambridge’; those dated 1909 ‘Anthropological Record. C.H. Hawes, University of Wisconsin’.
The copy-book is dated 12 April 1909
Inserted: (in copy-book) 2 letters and postcard from C.H. Hawes to Dr G.M. Morant, dated 2 Feb. and 7 Nov. 1937; letter from W.H.L. Duckworth, dated 6 June 1937; numerous notes, photographs.
Presented by Dr G.M. Morant