Im Thurn, Sir Everard Ferdinand (President 1919-20) “collection” (MS 228)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Im Thurn, Sir Everard Ferdinand (President 1919-20) “collection” (MS 228)

Miscellaneous papers

Various papers. Various sizes


Contents :

/1 The Stanmore papers: Legends and fables of Fiji, etc. 19 pp.; autograph letter signed: J. Stanley Gardner, dated 4 April 1912; Fables and legends (summaries), 74 pp.; with contents, arranged by Arthur G. Hayward, with two autograph letters signed: Arthur G. Hayward, dated 8 Aug. and 9 Sep. 1912, attached [original MSS probably in the University of Cambridge Library]

/2-/4 How England first came to Fiji, 11 leaves; A Fijian bet, 4 leaves; Silavatu, 1 leaf

/5 Copy of C.R. Swayne’s paper on Bua chiefdom, with 3 typescript letters signed: C.R. Swayne, dated 29 July, 9 and 15 Sep. 1915-16, Atavistic savagery: ‘The common cause of myth’ by A.M. Hocart; ‘The mind of the Wizard’ by Carveth Read; Presidential Address, British Association, 26 leaves; United Empire 10:9 (Sep. 1919), autograph note: The point of view of the ‘Salvage’, E. im T. 12.ix.19; ‘The Western Pacific’ by Sir E.F. im Thurn; The atavism of savagery, 4 sets of galleyproofs; The contact of civilization and ‘salvagery’ summary of a lecture (typescript and holograph); Missionary rule (early) & its methods, summary of a lecture; cutting from Times Lit. Suppl. 29 May 1919

Presented by the Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society, 8 March 1960