Miscellaneous notes and papers, charts, maps, photographs and references, originally filed in 19 boxes containing folders which have been discarded, and other loose papers. Various sizes.
Handwritten, mimeographed, printed, typewritten and word processed.
All photographs filed in separate sequence. See also RAI Photograph Collection 4137-4390.
The following papers [marked (*)] are too fragile to consult:-
/5/5/9 leaf 3
/5/5/10 leaves 4-6
/5/5/17 leaves 5-6
Many of the field notes and papers are not in the hand of MWS, see MS 268/18/4/1 and 3 for specimens of the handwriting of various unidentified papers which are to be found throughout the collection.
MWS Marian Wesley Smith
MC filed in map cabinet
HC Helen Codere
Positive microfilm copies of MS 268 are deposited in the National Archives of Canada in Ottawa and the British Columbia Archives, Victoria, BC.
Presented by the Dr Marian W. Smith Bequest, July 1965
/1 Salish, miscellaneous notes. 1 box containing 9 folders of material. Various papers. Various sizes
/1 Salish miscellaneous notes. 1 folder containing 16 papers. Various sizes. Title of folder only retained. Handwritten. 2.5 x 11 cm
/1 [quotes from Dixon, 1787]. 4 pp. Handwritten, spiral notebook. 15 x 10.5 cm
/2 Schiele – NE U.S. hist. notes before 1675 … 7 leaves. Handwritten. 15 x 10 cm
/3 [Notes from] Murdock bibliog. 2 leaves. Handwritten. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/4 [Chart of Salish tribal areas]. Handwritten. 26.5 x 21 cm
/5 [Chart of Salish tribal areas]. Handwritten. 26 x 21 cm
/6 Coast Salish project, Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, [1945-6]. 6 leaves, bibl. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/7 [Weather information, Washington State]. 2 leaves. Handwritten. 15 x 10 cm, 20.5 x 15 cm
/8 [Notes from] ‘The North American Indian’ by Edward S. Curtis and ‘The Coast Salish of Canada’ by H.G. Barnett. 7 cards. Handwritten. 10 x 15 cm
/9 [Notes and chart from] ‘South Puget Sound Salish kinship terms’ by Arthur C. Ballard, 1935. 6 cards. Handwritten. 10 x 15 cm; 1 chart, 28 x 21.5 cm
/10 An Indian Chief, Chilliwack, B.C. 1 coloured postcard. Printed. 14 x 9 cm
/11 [Notes on foods]. 3 pp, drawings. Handwritten. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/12 Vocab. From Mrs Hope. 4 pp. Handwritten. 13 x 10 cm
/13 [Vocabulary]. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/14 Lahál: possible positions of the 2 pairs of bone: as played … 1 leaf. Handwritten. 20.5 x 13 cm
/15 Salish pronunciation and words. 6 leaves, drawings. Handwritten. 20.5 x 13 cm
/16 Douglas W. Reeve to C.F. Codere, 25th Apr. 1945 – accommodation at Harrison Hot Springs; fieldwork by students from Columbia University; Indians of Bella Coola; book reference; Indian Museum in Vancouver. 3 leaves. Typewritten. 27.5 x 21 cm
/2 Salish MS material for ‘House types of the middle Fraser river’, 1945. 1 folder containing 3 papers. Various sizes. Title of folder only retained. Handwritten. 4.5 x 12 cm
/1 Smith, Marian W. House types of the middle Fraser river. Reprint from Amer. Antiq. 12:4, 1947 pp. 255-67
/2 [Map with list of Fraser River locations]. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 26.5 x 20.5 cm
/3 Yale, Douglas. Douglas … 1 card, drawing. 8.5 x 17 cm
/3 Coast Salish history: maps and figures. 1 folder containing 9 maps and papers. Various sizes. Title of folder only retained. 7 x 14.5 cm
/1 [Map]. 1 leaf, tracing. Handwritten. 19.5 x 28.5 cm
/2 Idea for a map. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/3 Tracing map for petroglyph study and [list of place names]. 3 leaves. Handwritten. 12.5 x 7.5 cm (list), 28 x 21.5 cm (maps)
/4 Field work in the Coast Salish area. 5 leaves, maps. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 (leaf 1); 30 x 23 (leaves 2-5)
/5 Tracing map for Coast Salish. 2 leaves. Handdrawn. 27.5 x 21.5 cm
/6 Place names necessary for 2 maps after the manner of L. Outhwaite. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 30 x 23 cm
/7 Physiographic diagram p.255 Lindgren Val. 1 leaf. Handdrawn. 20.5 x 10 cm
/8 Re Coast Salish Country (pioneers). 1 leaf. Handwritten. 21.5 x 28 cm
/9 [Latitude and longitude of Coast Salish area]. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/4 History of the Coast Salish area. 1 folder containing text. Title of folder only retained. 4 x 15 cm
/1 Historical introduction to the Coast Salish area: outline – text – geol. hist. in 3 parts. Outline, p. 1; [text], leaves 1-15; [geological history], leaves 1-[7], 23 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten annotations. 28 x 21.5 cm
/5 Copied Salish material: Eells; Bancroft. 1 folder containing 10 papers. Title of folder only retained. 8.5 x 13.5 cm
/1 Bancroft: History of the NWC, pub. 1886. 1 map. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/2 [Bancroft reference]. 1 p. Handwritten. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/3 H.H. Bancroft: ‘Hist. of Wash.’, 1845-89, vol. 31 of Works of -, 1890: [notes]. 5 leaves. Handwritten. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/4 Eells, Rev. M.: ‘The Potlatches of Puget Sound’. Amer. Antiq. V, 1883, pp. 135-47: [notes]. 10 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/5 Eells, Rev. M.: ‘The Indians of Puget Sound: first paper’. Amer. Antiq. IX, 1887, pp. 1-9. 7 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/6 Eells, Rev. M.: ‘Traditions and History of the Puget Sound Indians’. Amer. Antiq. IX, 1887, pp. 97-104. 5 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/7 Eells, Rev. M.: ‘The Puget Sound Indians: third paper’. Amer. Antiq. IX, 1887, pp. 211-19. 7 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/8 Eells, Rev. M.: ‘Decrease of population among the Indians of Puget Sound: fourth paper’. Amer. Antiq. IX, 1887, pp. 271-6. 5 leaves, table. Typewritten. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/9 Eells, Rev. Myron: ‘Puget Sound Indians: fifth paper’. Amer. Antiq. X, 1888, pp. 26-36. 9 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/10 Eells, Rev. Myron: ‘Indians of Puget Sound: sixth paper’. Amer. Antiq. X, 1888. 4 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/6 Copied Salish material – Gibbs. 1 folder containing 4 papers. Title of folder only retained. 9 x 15 cm
/1 Report of Mr George Gibbs to Captain McClellen on the Indian Tribes of the Territory of Washington, March 4, 1854 … 7 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/2 Gibbs, George: ‘Tribes of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon’. Contributions to North American Ethnology, I, Pt.II, 1877. 38 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten annotations. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/3 Report of Mr George Gibbs to Captain McClellen on Indian Tribes of the Territory of Washington, March 4, 1854. 5 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/4 Gibbs, George: ‘Tribes of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon’. Contrib. to North American Ethnology, I, Pt. II, 1877. 38 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 22 cm (*)
/7 Copied Salish material – Currier, Kane, Leighton, Menzies, Newcombe, Wickersham. 1 folder containing 7 papers. Title of folder only retained. 12.5 x 16 cm
/1 Susan Lord Currier: ‘Some aspects of Washington hopfield’. Overland Monthly, XXXII, 1896, p. 544. 1 p. Typewritten. 24.5 x 20.5 cm (*)
/2 Paul Kane: Wanderings of an artist. London, 1859. 14 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21 cm
/3 Leighton, Caroline C.: Life at Puget Sound, 1884. 4 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/4 Menzies’ Journal of Vancouver’s voyage: April to October 1792, ed. C.F. Newcombe, MD. Archives of Brit. Col. Mem. V, 1923. 24 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten annotations. 28 x 21.5 cm
/5 Fraser River Gold Bars 1858-, 9 pp. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm (pp. 1-8); 11.5 x 12.5 cm (p. 9)
/6 Newcombe, C.F., MD in Menzies’ Journal of Vancouver’s voyage. Archives of Brit. Col. Mem., V, 1923. 2 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/7 From James Wickersham: Nusqually mythology, Overland monthly, 32, 1896. 7 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm (*)
/8 Copied Salish material – Boas, Dorsey, Waterman and Griener. 1 folder containing 3 papers. Title of folder only retained. 11 x 15 cm
/1 Boas, Franz: ‘Notes on the Snanaimuq’. Amer. Anthrop., O.S., II, 1889. 12 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm (*)
/2 ‘The Dwamish Indian Spirit Boat and its use’, [by] George A. Dorsey. Bull. Free Museum of Science and Art, U. of P., III, Jan. 1901. 7 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm (*)
/3 T.T. Waterman and Ruth Griener: ‘Indian houses of Puget Sound’ in Notes and Mono. Misc. Ser. 9, 1921. 13 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/9 Copies Salish material – Curtis. 1 folder containing 2 papers. Title of folder only retained. 8.5 x 15 cm
/1 Puget Sound Tribes: Curtis, E. ‘American Indian’. Vol. IX. 6 leaves. Typewritten and handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm (*)
/2 Curtis: ‘North American Indian’, vol. IX, 1913. 55 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm (*)
/2 Salish field notes; fish and fishing; Upper Fraser ethnographic field notes. 1 box containing 28 notebooks, 3 papers and 20 photographs. Various sizes. Notebooks 2/1-28. Handwritten. 20.5 x 12.5 cm, most written by Eleanor Leacock or Joanne Schriver
/1 Friday July 13, 1945 … 13 leaves
/2 Mrs Alfred Peters … 14 leaves
/3 Iron tomahawk made by Hudson Bay Co. … 26 leaves, drawings
/4 Tuesday July 24 … 33 leaves
/5 Friday, July 27 ’45 … 37 leaves
/6 July 29 cont’d. … 28 leaves
/7 Sunday, Aug. 5 ’45 … 16 leaves
/8 Monday, Aug. 6, ’45 … 42 leaves
/9 Thursday, Aug. 9, ’45 … 30 leaves
/10 Sunday, Aug. 12 … 6 leaves
/11 Monday, Aug. 13, 45 … 25 leaves
/12 Tuesday, Aug. 14, 45 … 29 leaves, drawings
/13 Olden time … 7 leaves
/14 Kawáwitly tree … 10 leaves (*)
/15 Wednesday Aug. 28, 1945 … 17 leaves
/1 MS 268/2/15 p. 13. 1 photograph. 21.5 x. 16.5 cm [see AT 7:1, 1991, p. 11]
/2 MS 268/2/15 p. 13. 1 negative photograph. 12.5 x 10 cm
/16 Mrs Alfred Hope: observations on fishing and guécheving of fish. i, 1-6, 6-16 leaves, drawings
/17 Mrs Alfred Hope – Thompson – pithouses … 38 leaves, drawings [leaf 19 blank]
/18 Mrs Hope 2 … 1-6, 6a, 7-19 leaves, drawings
/1 Plant samples. 1 envelope containing 3 samples as described leaf 13 of MS 268/2/18 see references p. 13
/1 Leaves of iikrét pc
/2 Whitish leaf
/3 Carrot like leaves of light green coloured plant
/19 Mr Harry Joe 2 … 31 leaves, drawings
/20 Mr & Mrs Johnnie Bobb 1; Mrs Willy Bobb’s children; notes by Eleanor Leacock. 28 leaves
/21 Mr & Mrs Johnnie Bobb 2; Mrs Willy Bobb’s children. 19 leaves
/22 Mr and Mrs Johnnie Bobb 3; Mrs Willy Bobb’s children. 28 leaves
/23 Mr and Mrs Johnnie Bobb 4; Mrs Willy Bobb’s children. 26 leaves
/24 Mr and Mrs Johnnie Bobb 5. 29 leaves
/25 Spuzzum cemetery feast … 8 leaves
/26 M. cutting salmon … 1 leaf [i blank]
/27 Tóulztczm (M.H.) Island … 17 leaves, drawings
/28 Fred Ewen … 7 leaves
/29 Relationships of inhabitants of Seabird Island; E. Leacock. 11 leaves. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm (leaves 1-10), 14 x 21.5 (leaf 11)
/30 Relationships among cousins; Eleanor Leacock. 3 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/31 Data on preparation, cooking methods and use of foods collected from Seabird Island. 2 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/32 Photos, mostly preparation of fish, N.W. coast of America, probably Salish. 1 envelope containing photographs. Handwritten. 13.5 x 11 cm [Filed separately]
/1 [Salmon without head]. 1 photograph. 10.5 x 12.5 cm
/2 [Salmon body cut in strips]. 1 photograph. 10 x 12.5 cm
/3 [Salmon body scored]. 1 photograph. 10 x 12.5 cm
/4 [Salmon head]. 1 photograph. 10.5 x 12.5 cm
/5 [Fishing line and needles], no. 591. 1 photograph. 3.5 x 4 cm
/6 [Fishing net held by 2 people against a wall]. 1 photograph. 4 x 4 cm
/7 [Another copy of MS 268/2/32/6], no. 591. 1 photograph. 4 x 4 cm
/8 [Fishing net and fastenings], no. 591. 1 photograph. 3.5 x 4 cm
/9 [Fishing line and reel]. 1 photograph. 3.5 x 4 cm
/10 [Fishing line and reel], no. 591. 1 photograph. 4 x 4 cm
/11 [Fishing line and reels], no. 591. 1 photograph. 3.5 x 4 cm
/12 [Fishing net, float and line]. 1 photograph. 3.5 x 4 cm
/13 [Fishing net suspended from a pole], no. 591. 1 photograph. 3.5 x 4 cm
/14 [Fishing net, bobbin and thread], no. 591. 2 photographs joined. 3.5 x 8 cm
/15 [View of road and view of water], no. 591. 2 photographs joined. 3.5 x 7.5 cm
/16 [View of river and view of house and and view of road], no. 591. 3 photographs joined. 3.5 x 11.5 cm
/3 [Coast Salish field notes]. 1 box containing 5 folders of material. Various papers. Various sizes
/1 Child notes Salish – 1945. 1 folder containing 3 papers. Title of folder only retained. 7 x 9 cm
/1 Child observations: 2 copies of completed & perfected child observations, raw notes below; by observers Robert N. Hill, Joanne Schriver, Eleanor Leacock, Helen Codere. 72 leaves, genealogies, illus., plans. Handwritten. Leaves 1,6,10,12-26,29-32,35,38, 28 x 21.5 cm; leaves 2-3,5, 20.5 x 12.5 cm; leaf 4, 8 x 13 cm; leaves 7-9,11,27-8,33-4,36-7,39-72, 26.5 x 30 cm
Contents: leaves 1-3, [introduction]; 4-6, House plans; 7-8, Family of Bob Peters; 9, 25-72, Family of Vincent and Beatrice Harris; 10-11, Family of Henry Thomas; 12-24, Family of Harry Jo
/2 Family of Willy Bobb, by observer Eleanor Leacock. i, 30 leaves. Handwritten notes pasted on sheets. 28 x 21.5 cm
/3 Miscellaneous observations; by observers Eleanor Leacock, Joanne L. Schriver and Helen Codere. 32 leaves, plan. Handwritten notes pasted on sheets. 28 x 21.5 cm. Contents: leaves 1-6, [Miscellaneous]; 7-16, Mrs Willy Bobb [and children]; 17-24, Mrs Vincent Harris and children; 25-32, Mr Harry Jo [and children]
/2 C.S. Villages: [Fraser River area Coast Salish reserves and villages]. 1 folder containing 5 maps and various papers. Title of folder only retained. 4.5 x 10 cm
/1 Fraser & Harrison rivers [tribal areas]. 1 map. Handdrawn. 50 x 60 cm [MC]
/2 [Fraser river]. 1 map. Handdrawn. 31.5 x 60.5 cm [MC]
/3 [Fraser & Harrison rivers]. 1 map. Handdrawn. 40 x 60.5 cm [MC]
/4 [Fraser river]. 1 map. Handdrawn. 23 x 34 cm
/5 [Vocabulary, places and people of Fraser and Harrison rivers]. 42 pp. Handwritten. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/6 [Publication references]. 1 p. Handwritten. 26.5 x 19.5 cm (*)
/7 The Coast Salish of the Fraser river. 1 p. Handwritten. 21.5 x 13.5 cm
/8 [Chilliwack River]. 1 map. Handdrawn. 12.5 x 19.5 cm
/9 [Villages Fraser River]. 1 p. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/10 Villages. 17 leaves, map. Handwritten notes pasted on sheets. 28 x 21.5 cm
/11 Sign language. 3 leaves. Handwritten notes pasted on sheets. 28 x 21.5 cm
/3 C.S. – Illustrations – Diagrams. 1 folder containing drawings, genealogies, maps, notes and 1 photograph. Title of folder only retained
/1 Interior Salish. 1 map. Handdrawn. 27 x 19.5 cm
/2 Lummi Nooksack, Samish, Swinomish, Skagit, Snohamish, Snoqualmie. 1 map. Handdrawn. 25 x 16.5 cm
/3 Key to map of Seabird. 1 p. Typewritten. 27 x 20.5 cm (*)
/4 Net – dip type, [by Leacock]. 1 pen and ink drawing. 19 x 14 cm
/5 Net – scoop type, [by Leacock]. 1 pen and ink drawing. 19 x 14 cm
/6 [Fishing net], [by Leacock]. 1 pen and ink drawing. 14 x 19 cm
/7 [Fishing net],[by Leacock]. 1 pen and ink drawing. 14 x 19 cm
/8 [Fish drying rack], signed Leacock. 1 pen and ink drawing. 13 x 18 cm
/9 [Basketry design]. 1 crayon drawing with handwritten notes. 20 x 26.5 cm
/10 [Basketry design]. 1 crayon drawing with handwritten notes. 20 x 26.5 cm
/11 Names – genealogy of Mrs Vincent Peters. 1 sheet. Handwritten. 21.5 x 36 cm
/12 Genealogy Thompson. 1 sheet. Handwritten. 21.5 x 28 cm
/13 Places of birth and places to which moved, from genealogy of Mrs Vincent Peters. 1 sheet. Handwritten. 21.5 x 28 cm
/14 Personal names from the genealogy of Mrs Vincent Peters of Seabird Island; [by Leacock]. 1 sheet. Handwritten. 23 x 30 cm
/15 Food: comparison of Gibbs, Eell, Gunther. 3 pp. Handwritten. 24 x 15.5 cm
/16 Prayer table in the church at Port Gamble, Washington, fig. 2. 1 photograph, 8.5 x 6 cm pasted on sheet. 28 x 21.5 cm
/17 Appendix: [Tale type or motif index for North West Coast tribes]. 2 charts. Handwritten. 28 x 43 cm and 21.5 x 28 cm
.1 Another copy. Typewritten. 25.5 x 51 cm
.2 Another copy. Typewritten carbon. 25.5 x 51 cm
.3 Another copy. Typewritten carbon. 25.5 x 51 cm
/4 Myths extracted from 1938 notes. 1 folder containing 39 papers. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 3.5 x 21 cm
/1 [Dagtu makes deer], Mary Ann Dean. 1 p. numbered 3
/2 [Spebe story …], Jerry. 2 leaves numbered 20, 22
/3 [Xode and fire incident], Hilton. 1 p. numbered 10
/4 Spian had a son who had two wives … Julie. 2 leaves numbered 17, 18
/5 [Spian and screech owl], Julie. 1 p. numbered 19
/6 Story of Moon, Hilton. 2 leaves numbered 6, 7
/7 [Moon], Peter Kalama. 1 p. numbered 5
/8 Moon story, Mrs Riddle. 1 p. numbered 5
/9 [Moon-star husband …], Jerry. 4 leaves numbered 11-14
/10 [Topography], Mary Ann Dean. 1 p.
/11 Xáxa is holy … [topography], Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/12 The Fog story, collected by Ernest Bertelson from Sam Wilson, Suqamish between 1940-3. 3 leaves
/13 When a woman was married … [Moon]. 1 p.
/14 Introductory note by William W. Elmendorf. 1 p.
/14a Star husband (first version, Snoqualmie). 7 leaves
/15 Star husband (second version, Skokomish). 8 leaves
/16 [Witch killed chipmunk], Julie. 2 leaves numbered 25-6
/17 Hunter had two dogs …, Julie. 2 leaves numbered 27-8
/18 Nusqually myth from Kane, Paul … 2 leaves
/19 [list of Nos. 1-18 and notes], and Ballard 1929, pp. 69-79. 8 leaves. Handwritten
/20 Fragments of Moon myth, told by Lucy Bill, a Snoqualmie, June 3 1928 and Mary Dominick, 1935 and Charlie Ashue, Feb. 18, 1930. 6 leaves
/21 Mythical people & creatures told by Charlie Ashue, George Young, Alice Cross, Joe Young; collected by Ballard 1926-37. 18 leaves
/22 Samish. 1 p. (*)
/23 Swái?xwe (from Bob Joe). 2 leaves
.1 Another copy
/24 Two stories of Seattle, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/25 Kitsap …, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/26 When Kitsap was young …, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/27 búlo’ …, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/28 People said Sam had power, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/29 Kitsap had been given …, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/30 Two brothers from St?qábc …, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/31 But tudab anywhere …, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/32 His (wáqtai) power …, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/33 Salmon Bay Jim …, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/34 Once when he was dancing …, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/35 The st?qábe were great people …, Sam Wilson. 1 p.
.1 Another copy
/36 A little boy …, Jo Campbell. 1 p.
/37 ti?xt?d, Sam …, Jo Campbell. 1 p.
/38 spádaq, or Dalles …, Jo Campbell. 1 p.
/39 This is about old Chief Moses …, Jo Campbell. 1 p.
/5 Myths extracted from 1945 notes. 1 folder containing 4 papers. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 4 x 20 cm
/1 Folk tales, Star husband, Jessie Moses, 8 Mar. 1942. 4 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/2 Bertha (Mrs Vincent) Peters – Folktales and myths. 10 leaves. Handwritten annotations
.1 Another copy of MS 268/3/5/2
/3 Fraser River – 1945: Young bear changer, 7/17/1945, by Jimmy Andrew. 8 leaves. 1 card. Handwritten. 9 x 12.5 cm [see also MS 268/4/23]
.1 Another copy of MS 268/3/5/3
/4 Myths collected 1938-45. M.W. Smith, 1938; Bob Jo – Fraser River; Sam Wilson – Central Sound; Jo Campbell – Central Sound. 20 leaves [copies of MS 268/3/4/12-35, 11, 13,36-9]
.1 1 title card. Handwritten. 9 x 12.5 cm
/4 [Salish field notes]. 1 box containing field notes, genealogies, and 1 map. Various papers. Various sizes. Contents: 1-5, Field notes on Middle Fraser River, Salish Indians, in spiral bound notebooks, handwritten. 20 x 13 cm; 6-8, Notebooks, handwritten. 20 x 13 cm; 9-18, Transcripts of field notes, typewritten without illus., Indian names or words except MS 268/4/9-10, 23, 33 x 20 cm; 29-31, Genealogies; 33, Map. Box discarded.
/1 Mary Charles … 7/10/45 – 8/17/45. 60 leaves, drawing, map [by MWS?]
/2 [Mrs V. Peters]: Bs mm said that winters … 33 leaves, drawings [by Eleanor Leacock?] (*)
/3 Mrs V. Peters: re Indian names … 70 leaves, drawings [by Eleanor Leacock?] (*)
.1 [Word list]. 1 p., 20 x 17.5 cm [by Eleanor Leacock?]
/4 Mrs Vincent Peters: spápatas, name of place near Ruby Creek … 34 leaves, drawings, plan [by Eleanor Leacock?]
/5 [Mrs Peters]: Songs, bunch of women … 32 leaves [2 blank], drawing [by Eleanor Leacock?]
/6 Mrs Peters: Louis Skwatztf … 6 leaves, drawings [by Eleanor Leacock?]
/7 Mrs Hope: notes of first half hour interview copies from wrong paper … 4 leaves, drawing [by Eleanor Leacock?]
/8 [Observations]: names of dogs on Seabird … 20 leaves, drawing [by Eleanor Leacock?]
.1 Mrs Peters houses. 1 p. 15 x 10 cm [by Eleanor Leacock?]
.2 [Subject list]. 1 p. 15 x 10 cm [by Eleanor Leacock?]
/9 [Transcript of MS 268/4/2]. 13 leaves
/10 [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/9]
/11 [Transcript copy of MS 268/4/3]. 23 leaves
/12 [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/11]
/13 [Transcript copy of MS 268/4/4]. 11 leaves
/14 [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/13]
/15 [Transcript copy of MS 268/4/5], 9 leaves
/16 [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/15]
/17 [Transcript copy of MS 268/4/6]. 2 leaves
/18 [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/17]
/19 [Typewritten copy of MS 268/4/7]. 2 leaves
/20 [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/19]
/21 [Typewritten copy of MS 268/4/8]. i, 7 leaves
/22 [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/21]
/23 Jimmy Andrew I, 7/17/45. 8 leaves [see also MS 268/3/5/3]
/23a Jimmy Andrew II. 3 leaves
/24 [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/23]
/24a [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/23a]
/25 Mr Harry Joe … 15 leaves
/26 [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/25]
/27 8 sticks per side … 2 leaves
/28 [Carbon copy of MS 268/4/27]
/29 [Genealogy]. 1 sheet. Handwritten annotations. 37.5 x 44 cm [filed MC]
/30 [Another copy of MS 268/4/29][[filed MC]]
/31 [Genealogy]. 1 sheet. Handwritten annotations. 27 x 36 cm
/32 [Another copy of MS 268/4/31]
/33 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, Copper River meridian, 1940, by W.R. Calvert. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1940. 1 map. 93.5 x 68.5 cm [filed MC]
/5 [Coast Salish field notes. Snoqualmie, Nooksack, Suqamish and Chilliwack (Upper Fraser)]. 1 box containing 5 folders of material. Various papers. Various sizes. Box discarded.
/1 Basket stuff, 1945 & Teit’s notes. 1 folder containing 29 papers and letters. Handwritten unless stated otherwise. Various sizes. Title of folder only retained. 4.5 x 17.5 cm
/1 Mrs Alfred Hope’s baskets (1-9), list of photographs (10-40). 5 leaves. 21.5 x 14 cm (leaves 1-2), 28 x 21.5 cm (leaves 3-5)
/2 Baskets in the Clark collection …: [list of photographs] (41-176). 6 leaves. 20 x 12.5 cm
/3 Baskets: baskets of Mrs R.D. Clark Agassiz …, numbered 1-37. 1 notebook. 16 leaves, 20 x 13 cm
.1 [Basket patterns], numbered 38-40 and Helen’s baby basket. 5 pp. 18 x 23 cm
/4 [Typescript of MS 268/5/1/3]. 11 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/4a [Carbon copy of MS 268/5/1/4]
/4b [Another carbon copy of MS 268/5/1/4]
/5 1, 3 views, F, 589 … : [notes on photographs]. 5 leaves, 12.5 x 7.5 cm
/6 Teit: Basketry in B.C. (41st BAE) … 2 pp., illus., 21.5 x 19 cm
/7 J.A. Teit to Dr Franz Boas, 5 Feb. 1917 – Okanagon items in Thompson notes; descriptions of sandals; descriptions of moccasins; publication references. 4 leaves. 20 x 12.5 cm
/8 Skin work. Small axána bag Thomp, types of bottoms. 2 pp., illus. 20.5 x 13 cm
/9 Skin work, copied, original under Dancing ceremonials. 1 p. 15 x 10 cm
/10 [List of natural dyes]. 1 p. 20 x 25 cm
/11 J.A. Teit to [Dr Franz Boas], 1 May 1918 – sends list of basketry specimens; identification of a grass. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm
/12 Ibid., 25 Mar. 1918 – no data on teaching basket-making; instruction of children; number of baskets made and sold. 2 pp. 26 x 20.5 cm
/13 Ibid., 8 May 1909 – sending 22 pages of myth and 10 pages of notes; designs on basketry; dream designs; travelling to mouth of Rootenay river; money in Spokane. 2 pp. 20 x 12.5 cm
/14 They told me ‘soft shell’ …: [copied Teit letter, Spokane, 5 June 1908]. 1 p. 13 x 21.5 cm
/15 The ‘hard shell’ …: [copied Teit letter, Spokane, 5 June 1908]. 1 p. 10.5 x 21.5 cm
/16 J.A. Teit to ?, 17 June 1908 – Spokanes, Yakimas, Cayuses and Klickitats war and language; Thomson people; basketry designs, materials and influences. 4 pp. numbered 7-10. 20 x 12.5 cm
/17 J.A. Teit to ?, 26 June 1908 – collecting basket specimens; coiled baskets by Spokanes and San Poils, east of Columbia river; round baskets; imbrication; shapes by various bands; Athapascan tribes. 7 leaves numbered 6-12, illus. 20 x 12.5 cm
/18 J.A. Teit to Dr Franz Boas, 11 Jan. 1909 – manufacture and design of baskets; bead design; Spencer Bridge band; sending specimens; Berlin want a bark canoe; Shuswap vocabulary. 3 pp. 25.5 x 20 cm
/19 [J.A. Teit] to Dr Franz Boas, 23 Mar. 1909 – Thompson texts; discusses basket designs; asks for plan of work; myths of Coer d’Alenes and Nespelim; life of Thomp and Shuswap; Salish vocabulary. 2 pp. 25.5 x 20 cm
/20 J.A. Teit to Dr Franz Boas, 26 Apr. 1909 – names of basket designs; answers Boas’ queries on designs; differentiate baskets of each tribe; bought Coldwater specimens. 4 pp. 33.5 x 21 cm
/21 Ibid., 5 May 1909 – dream designs on basketry; variations of main designs; dream design on Lillooet basket and Thompson paintings on clothes and weapons; advice of manitouon design. 2 pp. 27 x 20 cm
/22 J.A. Teit to ?, 20 May 1909 – house construction; bark bags; baby carriers; bows; moccasins; bark and oiled canvas canoes; Shuswap boundaries on Arrow lakes; Arrow Lake band; villages on Kootenay and Slocan rivers; sending map with territories. 2 pp. numbered 3-4. 33.5 x 21 cm
/23 Ashnola John died 7th Feb./18. 1 p. 12.5 x 10 cm
/24 taxpa’, berry of red willow … [Teit: Ethnobotany of Thompson I of B.C.]. 1 p. 6 x 21.5 cm
/25 Stage Belly Homestead. 1 p. 25 x 20 cm
/26 [Published Teit: Tattooing and painting, BAE 45 …]. 1 card, illus. 15.5 x 20 cm
/27 Re: the scratching of designs on skins: [copied from Teit letter … 25 July 1909 …]. 2 pp. 28 x 21.5 cm
/28 [Fragment] … kosé. 4 x 5 cm
/29 [Fragment] … xá above … 8 x 5 cm
/2 Snoqalmie 1938. Field notes by MWS scissored and pasted on sheets. Handwritten. Various sizes. Sheets, 28 x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 4 x 10 cm
/1 Jerry Kenum, Tolt, Jerry’s f was … 1 p.
/2 Villages, Meadow Brook … 1 p.
/3 Linguistics, from Fall City … 1 p.
/4 Mat house, one family house … 1 p., illus.
/5 House, xalá’ltu-‘painted house’ … 8 leaves, illus.
/6 Succession, Blood of chief … 1 p.
/7 Training, Each house had a man … 1 p.
/8 Sq. – obtaining, hwézq-warrior – Jerry’s uncle … 3 leaves
/9 tudab, some got tudab direct … 1 p.
/10 Sucking doctor, xudáab (he says), Dr Jack … 1 p.
/11 Sq., lots of different sq. … 1 p.
/12 Power sing, spepégwed – go from one house … 1 p.
/13 War, Once he took people … 2 leaves
/14 Pheasant trap … 1 p.
/15 Fishing-trap, Jake tripod trap … 1 p.
/16 Netting, When made is from end … 1 p., illus.
/17 Mats, Cattail mat … 1 p.
/18 Fishing-nets, Seine or gill net … 1 p., illus.
/19 Fishing-spear, Lots of salmon caught … 1 p.
/20 Twine, qágwal – from east of mts … 1 p.
/21 Horse vs. Saltwater, ztqéux sdokwalbi … 1 p.
/22 Clams, Clams done on salt water … 1 p.
/23 Salmon, The dog salmon … 1 p.
/24 Meat, Meat often gotten fresh … 1 p.
/25 Personalities, pätqedab – lived at Tolt … 1 p.
/26 Arrow points, Paternal gf – died before coming of whites… 2 leaves
/27 Canoes, tl’ai is canoe … 1 p.
/28 Disposal of the dead, Used to bury people … 1 p.
/29 Xetxetdzb – a sq. but don’t have to look … 3 leaves
/30 Soul recovery, Boards sxwá’nc … 22 leaves
/3 Field notes Salish and Puyallup, Jack Jimmy, by MWS. Field notes scissored and pasted on sheets. Handwritten. various lengths. Sheets. 28 cm x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 6 x 16 cm
/1 Jack Jimmy, Girl over at George Swan … 3 leaves (*)
/2 Obtaining Säliä, Sáliä-sqelalitut in Nootsak … 3 leaves (*)
/3 Doctors, A man’s son drowned … 4 leaves
/4 Ceremonial obj., Had cedar bark skwadálztc … 3 leaves
/5 Ceremonies, No feeling of Potlach … 1 p.
/6 Spitadaq myth secret soc., If some one takes power … 1 p.
/7 Death, when someone dies … 2 leaves
/8 Class, Skwi?ts-slave Nooksak … 1 p.
/9 Care of child, páatszs-cradle, Basket … 1 p. (*)
/10 Meat, Meat dried outdoors … 1 p. (*)
/11 Clams, Some people went down to Budgeby … 1 p.
/12 Roots, A little prairie … 2 leaves (*)
/13 Bow & arrow, Arrows made with feather … 1 p.
/14 Clothing, Kwíkwzmus-cap of cedar bark … 1 p.
/15 Woodwork, Trees felled by bruising … 1 p., illus. (*)
/16 Nets, mats, méts?x – a brown grass … 1 p. (*)
/17 Fish traps, tl’?sély? – weir spaced … 3 leaves (*)
/18 Houses, The houses had partitions … 5 leaves (*)
19 Temporary houses, Mat houses had two ridge poles … 1 p. (*)
/4 Sam Wilson, by MWS. Field notes scissored and pasted on sheets. Handwritten. Various lengths. Sheets. 28 x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 4.5 x 10 cm
/1 Sam Wilson, born Nov. 25, 1861 … 6 leaves (*)
/2 Kitsap, kzsäp built old Man House … 4 leaves (*)
/3 sq., Sl’á’lqub – kind of sq. which travels … 4 leaves (*)
/4 obtaining sq., Kitsap had been given … 6 leaves (*)
/5 tudab; His power was dog at one end … 3 leaves (*)
/6 spitadaq, Spztadáq was a man … 8 leaves (*)
/7 ceremonial objects, sqawósed – cane – same word … 4 leaves, illus. (*)
/8 mythology, snake, The st?qábc were great people … 3 leaves (*)
/9 neighbors, y?qtltaq – long faces … 1 leaf (*)
/10 hunt, dádais – great hunter … 1 leaf (*)
/11 potlatch, Tug of war … 1 leaf (*)
/12 marriage, Charles Alexis father … 1 leaf (*)
/13 war, Kitsap a warrior when he fought … 5 leaves (*)
/14 Old Man House, House posts of Kitsap’s big house … 3 leaves (*)
/15 eastern dress, Each year aúkhai went east … 1 leaf (*)
/16 design, These designs from deer bone … 1 leaf, illus. (*)
/17 jewelry, wudapá’ a Snohamish … 1 leaf (*)
/18 arrow, Detachable war arrow … 1 leaf (*)
/5 Bob Joe. Field notes, scissored and pasted on sheets. Handwritten. Various lengths. 28 x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 3.5 x 10 cm
/1 Bob Joe, wzlyíák – Chilliwak – Vedden crossing … 10 leaves (*)
.1 Genealogy. 1 p. 12.5 x 20.5 cm
.2 Indian notes from Waterman, J.J.: Paraphernalia of the Duwamish ‘Spirit-Canoe’ ceremony, 1930. 1 p., illus. 21.5 x 14 cm
/2 fish, Just below where Rosedale Ferry crosses … 2 leaves
/3 leadership. Siäm – rich man … 3 leaves
/4 hunting territories, In this Chilliwack region … 1 leaf
/5 warrior, (th)’aú?szn – warrior down on Fraser … 1 leaf
/6 pond animal, sé?xtke – an animal which comes up … 2 leaves
/7 myth, xáxa – the wonderful mysterious … 1 leaf
/8 salia, s?li?-sqelalitul – powers … 1 leaf
/9 obtaining salia, c”läm trained strenuously … 3 leaves (* leaf 3)
/10 doctor, Patient attacked by c”läm (tudab) speaks … 6 leaves (* leaves 4-6)
/11 healing – natural – sucking, c”läm could set broken leg … 1 leaf
/12 crest, Have to burn both red … 1 leaf
/13 dances, smítl? or mímztl? – dance of this kind … 5 leaves (*)
/14 Songish dances, Boas 1890, ‘two secret…’ 1 leaf (*)
/15 paintings & carvings, Doctors don’t have carved … 1 leaf (*)
/16 ceremonial objects, t?st?d–iš Kóxtal in Chilliwack … 6 leaves
/17 magic, ciwíl was the magic process … 6 leaves (*leaves 5-6)
/18 sweating, Sweat house … 1 leaf
/19 family, The man who built it … 1 leaf
/20 property exchange, tl?l?kh – invitation … 5 leaves
/21 gambling, In old days … 1 leaf
/22 first salmon ceremony, Had first salmon … 1 leaf
/23 war, Did not take heads … 2 leaves
/24 marriage, One man at p?látl had 20 wives … 9 leaves
/25 kinship, mother te:l … 4 leaves
/26 stealing, Only dogs stole … 3 leaves
/27 child, A person may be reborn … 1 leaf
/28 training, In training – old man … 1 leaf
/29 puberty etc., Menstruating woman … 1 leaf
/30 the dead, spálakwékwa – the dead … 1 leaf
/31 death, Box burials were immediate … 2 leaves
/32 food, Used dry salt on fish and meat … 2 leaves (*)
/33 cured salmon, catlits’us – not smoked … 2 leaves (*)
/34 cured sturgeon, Sturgeon worked … 1 leaf (*)
/35 weav-ing baskets, Wool taken from dog … 1 leaf
/36 clothing, Her sister said that … 1 leaf
/37 bow & arrow, Quiver of wolf … 1 leaf
/38 pit house, sqam?l – winter house … 5 leaves
/39 temporary house, Mat house used in summer … 1 leaf
/40 woodwork, Adze point of stone … 1 leaf
/41 house, A third type of house … 7 leaves
/42 canoes, Canoes on swift current … 2 leaves
/6 [Puyallup, Nisqually field notes and tales, miscellaneous papers]. 1 box containing 12 folders. Each folder contains field notes scissored and pasted on sheets. Handwritten. various lengths. Sheets, 28 x 21.5 cm [and] other papers of various sizes. Handwritten unless stated otherwise
/1 Leo Brown, by MWS. Title of folder only retained. 5 x 11 cm
/1 Leo Brown, c/- Axel Nelson, Darrington, Billy Moses … 1 leaf (*)
/2 tribal connections, Married here … 1 leaf (*)
/3 houses, Posts were flat … 3 leaves (*)
/4 houses temporary, tsza’lt” – hunting or … 2 leaves (*)
/5 villages, Sauk prairie … 1 leaf (*)
/6 roots, teesdó’g – like a tiny little onion … 1 leaf (*)
/7 Skinwork, Tanning sometimes men’s work … 1 leaf (*)
/8 Weaving, Made wool blankets … 1 leaf (*)
/9 baskets, yég’os – hard basket … 1 leaf (*)
/10 fish trap, The tripod trap – st?káleq” … 1 leaf, illus. (*)
/11 spear, Salmon spear with two prongs … 1 leaf (*)
/12 other world, Sq. have their own country … 1 leaf (*)
/13 sq., Everybody didn’t have sq. – … 2 leaves (*)
/14 ceremonial objects, They never had carved figures … 2 leaves (*)
/15 tudab, Some doctors mean … 1 leaf (*)
/16 obtaining sq., Begins story of sq. … 1 leaf (*)
/17 sing., Be out four days … 1 leaf (*)
/2 Tommy Bob, by MWS. Title of folder only retained, 11 x 4.5 cm
/1 Tommy Bob. 1 leaf (*)
/2 sq., wekház’n-or, tobcád?d … 1 leaf (*)
/3 potlatch, k’länaq’ – sqwegwe or potlatch … 4 leaves (*)
/4 secret society, sxétxetdzb – like dogs … 1 leaf (*)
/5 spitadag, bzt?dáq – go to land of dead … 1 leaf (*)
/6 skwedilitc, His uncle had skwedilitz … 8 leaves (*)
/3 Peter Pierre, by MWS. Title of folder only retained. 12.5 x 5 cm
/1 Peter Pierre, port Hammond … 1 leaf (*)
/2 boundaries, No feeling of boundaries … 1 leaf (*)
/3 villages, sqétse-here-Katsie … 3 leaves (*)
/4 village org., lälem – house … 1 leaf (*)
/5 temporary house, No houses of mats … 1 leaf (*)
/6 houses, Had pit houses from Harrison Mills … 4 leaves (*)
/7 crests, Posts which are flat … 1 leaf (*)
/8 fishing, Sturgeon in winter … 1 leaf (*)
/9 food, Alder smokes and is used for salmon … 1 leaf (*)
/10 games, Sl?häl?m – 20 discs … 1 leaf, illus. (*)
/4 J. Campbell by MWS. Title of folder only retained. 11.5 x 5.5 cm
/1 Jo Campbell. 1 leaf (*)
/2 Jo’sm was from Nookachamps … 4 leaves. Typewritten (*)
/3 sq., There were two brothers … 7 leaves (*)
/4 villages, Back of Mt Vernon … 3 leaves (*)
/5 tudab, spitadaq, sxetxetdeb, Doctor not clean … 1 leaf (*)
/6 ceremonial objects, Skwedelitc rings are … 1 leaf (*)
/7 ceremonial, When spring salmon and steelhead … 1 leaf (*)
/8 class, Stódak – slave … 1 leaf (*)
/9 mythology, When a woman was married … 2 leaves (*)
/10 marriage, Marriage by sticking eagle feather … 1 leaf (*)
/11 house, House – horizontal wall boards … 1 leaf (*)
/12 temporary house, Mat house made with frame … 1 leaf (*)
/13 net, Fish with net fastened … 1 leaf (*)
/14 hunting, A deer trap was made … 2 leaves (*)
/15 clothing, Cape of raccoon … 1 leaf, illus. (*)
/16 weaving, Sxéxa – wool dog, white … 1 leaf (*)
/5 ? from Musquium, by MWS. Title of folder only retained. 4.5 x 12 cm
/1 puberty etc., Girls could not eat anything … 3 leaves (*)
/2 childbirth etc., When child birth pains … 3 leaves (*)
/3 care of child, Use duck oil as above … 2 leaves (*)
/4 baskets, weaving, Work with mt. goatwool … 1 leaf (*)
/6 Charles Edwards, by MWS. Title of folder only retained. 5 x 13.5 cm
/1 June [Collins] to Marian [Smith] 30 April 1948 – founding of Edison, Samish Bay; story of Skagit county; Fornsby document; Chemakum material; publication references. 2 leaves. Typewritten
/2 Charlie Edwards, Samish, suxtsabáltu – mother … 1 leaf (*)
/3 tcäbk?b, g’m-tcäbk?b: seems to name of a ‘tribe’ … 1 leaf (*)
/4 spitadaq, dái?xos – his mother’s bro … 2 leaves (*)
/5 villages, In summer they went over to Lopes … 4 leaves (*)
/6 kinship, s?tásentcätcä – close cousin Samish … 1 leaf (*)
/7 war, In asking about war … 1 leaf (*)
/8 mythology, gowás?lwut – she and her cousin … 1 leaf (*)
/9 marriage, class, Big man marry into distant tribe … 1 leaf (*)
/10 obtaining sq., Go up to lake or at salt water … 1 leaf (*)
/11 sq., Everybody in old days had sq. … 2 leaves (*)
/12 secret society, Clallam and Victoria … 1 leaf (*)
/13 ceremonial objects, spiltrdag use poles … 1 leaf (*)
/14 salmon, No smoke for these … 1 leaf (*)
/15 meat, Dried meat of deer … 1 leaf (*)
/16 riff net, Caught with riff net … 2 leaves, diagr. (*)
/17 paint, Red paint from sant … 1 leaf (*)
/18 baskets, xwé?xwad – basket like I got … 1 leaf (*)
/19 Houses, Houses of cedar bark … 14 leaves, diagrs. (*)
/7 Mythology – Puyallup – Nisqually: Puyallup tales, M. Smith, 1935 field data – myth mostly Shaker etc. Fieldnotes. 2, 5-14. Papers 1, 3-4,15-17. Title of folder only retained. 5.5 x 18 cm and 10 x 20.5 cm
/1 [Myths] Snohamish, Puyallup, Nisqually, by MWS. 28 leaves, numbered 23-8, 8-9, 0, 3, 20, 22, 10, 17-9, 6-7, 2, 5, 11-4, 4, 21, 15-6. Typewritten with handwritten annotations. 28 x 21.5 cm
.1 Another copy of MS 268/6/7/1 leaves 1-2, 7-8, 25-26 only. Typewritten with handwritten annotations. 28 x 21.5 cm
/2 Samish, qowás?lwut and her cousins … 1 leaf. Typewritten. 27 x 21 cm (*)
/3 problems. 1 p. 20 x 12.5 cm
/4 [Colour key]: Plain white – Mary Anne Dean … 1 p. 25 x 21.5 cm
/5 Mythology, koikoitsal – the east of … leaves 1, 1A, 2-31 (*)
/6 Myth. – about, When you hear stories … 6 leaves (*)
/7 Myth. – characters, Changer was dókwibaxl – the moon … 3 leaves (*)
/8 mythology – prototype, There was a great big beaver … 1 leaf (*)
/9 mythology – snake, Old wi?álapat Yalsim … 1 leaf (*)
/10 dwarfs, Can get crazy from eating … 6 leaves (*)
/11 Tabadi, tabádí – people, Her ggf killed one … 2 leaves (*)
/12 tsiatko, tsíÁtko: wild Indians who never came … 2 leaves (*)
/13 Food burning, In such cases also remaining … 1 leaf (*)
/14 land of dead, Never heard any kind of realistic … 1 leaf (*)
/15 Mythology of Puget Sound by Marian W. Smith, [Notes by Thelma Adamson]. i, 19 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm
/16 [Abstracts of myths] … i, 30 pp. 21 x 17 cm
/17 Abstracts, abstracted by Thelma Adamson c. 1940, 11 leaves. Typewritten
/8 Shakers, by MWS. Field notes and other papers. Title of folder only retained. 6.5 x 13.5 cm
/1 [Notes], Frequent assumptions … 6 pp., 22 x 14 cm
/2 [Notes], One of the factors which bears … 8 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/3 [Genealogy of] John Slocum. 1 leaf. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/4 [List of dates of Slocum’s death], Joe L. Young … 1 p. 28 x 21.5 cm
/5 [Notes], In 1938 Cora du Bois … 7 pp. in 6 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm
/6 Shakers, Jo Young, Oct. 1883 … [field notes]. 13 leaves. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/7 Shakers, Jo Campbell, Tommy Bob, John Slocum … 6 leaves. [Field notes scissored and pasted on sheets] (*)
/9 House – Puyallup – Nisqually, by MWS. Field notes, photographs and other papers. Title of folder only retained. 5.5 x 15.5 cm
/1 Model winter house, front end. 1 photograph. 10 x 15 cm
.1 Side view of model house. 1 photograph. 10 x 15 cm
.2 Model winter house under construction, rear view. 1 photograph. 10 x 15 cm
.3 House under construction. 1 photograph. 8 x 12.5 cm
.4 House under construction. 1 photograph. 8 x 12.5 cm
/2 A modern house owned by Steve Sam. 1 photograph. 10 x 15 cm
/3 House at Salmon Creek. 1 diagram. 21 x 15 cm
/4 [House parts], outside & constr., inside, vocab. 3 leaves. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/5 [Lists of informants and house features], Mary Ann Dean … 3 leaves. 22 x 14 cm (*)
/6 House, Mentions two fires … [field notes]. Leaves 1-16, 16A, 17-30, illus. (*)
/7 house-life in, In the olden days … 2 leaves (*)
/8 house – situation, Door at end … 2 leaves (*)
/9 water, River Indian … 1 leaf (*)
/10 cedar bark house, Kolaitu is mostly of mats … 1 leaf (*)
/10 Linguistics: [Nisqually, Snohomish, Skagit, Lummi, Lkunen, Nootsack, Lower Fraser], by MWS. Field notes and papers. Title of folder only retained. 12 x 4 cm
/1 Nootsack vocabulary. 2 leaves. 29 x 20 cm
/2 [vocabulary]. 14 leaves
/3 Linguistics – vocabulary … go-water … [field notes]. 4 leaves (*)
/4 Linguistics – sahewabc, áxzts – to lay down … 1 leaf (*)
/11 Anthro. 52 class lecture notes, by MWS. 28 x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 20 x 4.5 cm
/1 [Genealogical chart]. 1 sheet (*)
/2 [Phonetic symbols]. 2 leaves (*)
/3 [Extracts from field notes], When I was at Warm Springs …, Old Jimmy Cross … 2 leaves (*)
/4 [Notes from] Name Twana: Eells, Tu-ád-tu. 4 leaves (*)
/5 [Notes from] Swan – Ind. of Cape Flattery. 2 leaves (*)
/6 [Notes from] Wilkes, Charles: Narrative of the U.S. exploring exp., Phil., 1849. 3 leaves (*)
/12 Puy. – Nis., by MWS. Field notes and papers. Title of folder only retained. 5 x 12.5 cm
/1 [Miscellaneous brief notes]. 10 leaves (*)
/2 Carving, Culin, 716: ‘Indian children …’ 1 leaf. 21.5 x 14 cm
/3 Whistle. 1 leaf. 27 x 21 cm
/4 Speech – manner of, Luke used to say … 1 leaf (*)
/5 sayings, The owls say … 1 leaf (*)
/6 ferry service, Village in Nisqually … 1 leaf (*)
/7 foot logs and trails, Have foot logs … 1 leaf (*)
/8 canes, Old woman used canes … 1 leaf (*)
/9 Poison, Has heard of poisoning enemy … 2 leaves (*)
/10 Netting, Knitting – work from left to right … 4 leaves, illus. (*)
/7 [Miscellaneous articles prepared for The New Scientist and Coast Salish materials]. 1 box containing 3 folders of material. Various papers. Various sizes
/1 Notes and comments: [miscellaneous notes and articles probably prepared for The New Scientist]. Typewritten except 2 and 6 which are handwritten. 25.5 x 20 cm. No title to folder
/1 Associations of man-made tools with the remains of extinct animals …, Sept. 1959. 2 leaves
/2 [Notes on narcotics], The recent increase in the world use of narcotics … 5 pp.
/3 Dr D.N. Majumdar, head of the Department of Anthropology … 2 leaves
.1 Another copy of MS 268/7/1/3
/4 What is a Jew? … 2 leaves
/5 The role that environment plays … 3 leaves
/6 [Notes on articles in New Scientist]. 1 leaf
/7 Announcement has just been made by Dr L.S.B. Leakey … N.S. 24 Apr. 1958. 2 leaves
/8 Systems of relationships are biologically the same …N.S. 22 May 1958. 2 leaves
/9 An engineering project as large as the £114,000,000 Kariba dam … N.S. 29 May 1958. 2 leaves
/10 The Congress of the United States is now deciding whether to admit Alaska … 9 June 1958. 2 leaves
/11 Southern Arabia was little known archaeologically … 16 June 1958. 2 leaves
/12 A surprising quantity of fossil material has been discovered … N.S. 10 July 1958. 2 leaves
/13 Carved human bones occur sporadically … Sep. 1958. 2 leaves
/14 To American Indians of the Great Lakes district … cheque rec. 19 Sep. 1958. 2 leaves
/15 The James A. Rothschild expedition to Hazor … 2 leaves
/16 Statistics, it is sometimes said, cannot lie … 2 leaves
/17 The physical characteristics of Welshmen … N.S. 28 Aug. 1958. 2 leaves
/18 The population of the Crown Colony of Hong Kong … N.S. 30 Oct. 1958. 2 leaves
/19 Social scientists today tend to consider the phenomena of class … Nov. 1958. 3 leaves
/20 From 4th October to the 11th November, the City Art Gallery, Bristol … cheque rec. 11 Nov. 1958. 2 leaves
/21 The study of human evolution … Nov. 1958 or early Dec. 2 leaves
/22 While the financial plight of the learned societies … N.S. 27 Nov. 1958. 2 leaves
/23 The year 1959 has been designated Mental Health Year … 2 leaves
/24 The urgent need for transatlantic correlation of data on Ice Age history … sent 14 Dec. 1958, N.S. 1 Jan. 1959. 2 leaves
/25 At the present moment the world’s agricultural products … N.S. 29 Jan. 1959 (errors in editing see this copy for correct version). 2 leaves
.1 M.W. Smith to Dr Margerison, nd – error in piece on maize, 29 Jan. 1 leaf
/26 Conservation of world plant and animal resources … 2 leaves
/27 This week the Ethnographic Film Committee of Great Britain … 2 leaves
/28 The discovery in Afghanistan of the 200 foot ‘model’ … 2 leaves
/29 Mention was made in the New Scientist … 3 leaves. Handwritten signature and annotations
/30 The third Yearbook of the Society for General Systems Research … 2 leaves
/2 Field notes and reading notes, Salish. 2 title pages. Handwritten. 13 x 20.5 cm. Folder has no title and contains 3 sets of notes. Handwritten. Various sizes
/1 1938 field data. 13 leaves. Leaves 1-5, 21.5 x 14 cm; leaves 6-13, 20.5 x 13 cm
.1 Coast Salish materials: [list of contents]. 1 slip. 10.5 x 7.5 cm
/2 Hill-Tout, C.: Ethno. Studies of the Mainland Halkomelem, a division of the Salish of B.C., BAAS, 1902. 59 leaves. 2 enclosures: sxwaixwe, leaf 15a [and] Ethnological accounts mostly primary, holding leaves 34-6 together, leaf 34a. 20 x 12.5 cm
/3 Boas, F.: The Ind. tribes of the Lower Fraser river, BAAS, 1894. 29 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm
/3 Coast Salish material on minerals, plants, fish, sea animals, land animals. 24 various papers. Handwritten unless stated otherwise. Various sizes. Title of folder only retained: M.E.G. Linton estate. 4 x 14 cm. HC indicates the paper was probably written by Helen Codere
/1 Gunther, Erna: Ethnobotany of western Washington, Univ. Wash. publs. in anthrop., 10:1, 1945, pp. 1-62. Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press, 1945. Printed. 25.5 x 18 cm. Manuscript signature: Helen Codere
/2 Birds, class – aves. 3 sheets. 28 x 43 cm [HC]
/3 Life forms: general [notes for contents]. 3 leaves. 28 x 21.5 cm [HC]
/4 Finding list, maps, and references. 4 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm [HC]
/5 Vancouver Island, British Columbia, [and] Frazer R., Enc. Br. 6 leaves. 15 x 10 cm [HC]
/6 Pioneer settlement. 6 leaves. 20 x 13 cm [HC]
/7 The Flora of Canada. 9 leaves. 20 x 13 cm [HC]
/8 Salmon. 11 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm [HC]
/9 Reagan, Albert B.: Archaeological notes on western Washington and adjacent Brit. Col. …, 1917. 17 leaves. 20 x 12.5 cm
/10 geological history [notes for contents]. 2 leaves. 20.5 x 12.5 cm [and] 21 x 21.5 cm [HC]
/11 Minerals used by the Indians … 1 sheet. 28 x 43 cm [HC]
/12 Minerals, metallic and non metallic. 6 sheets. Sheets 1-4, 28 x 43 cm, sheets 5-6, 31 x 21 cm [HC]
/13 Washington, counties. 1 map. 28 x 21.5 cm
/14 glacial history. 2 leaves. 27.5 x 21.5 cm [HC]
/15 Henderson, C.W.: History and influence of mining in the western United States …, 1933. 4 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm [HC]
/16 Oliver, Sheldon L.: Non metallic mineral resources in Washington …, 1936. 2 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm [HC]
/17 Culver, H.E.: Geology of Washington, Pt. 1 …, 1936. 4 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm [HC]
/18 [Geology, lists of references]. 4 leaves. Leaves 1-2, 20 x 12.5 cm, leaves 3-4, 20 x 15 cm [HC]
/19 Geology [and] Paleontology, Washington, a guide to the Evergreen State …, 1941. 7 leaves. 20 x 12.5 cm [HC]
/20 Preliminary report south part of Fraser River …, 1936. 4 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm [HC]
/21 An outline of the geology of Washington by Henry Landes …, 1901. 7 leaves. 20.5 x 12.5 cm [HC]
/22 The coal deposits of Washington, Henry Landes …, 1902. 2 leaves. 20.5 x 12.5 cm [HC]
/23 Canada, Dept. of Mines and Resources …: map 737A, Hope, Yale and New Westminster districts …, 1943. 1 map. 59 x 70 cm. Printed [filed MC]
/24 Cairnes, C.E.: Harrison Lake and Lower Lillooet river valley, New Westminster district, B.C.: geological notes. 11 leaves. 33 x 21 cm. Typewritten
/8 N.W. Coast: archaeology, material culture and ethnographical notes. 1 box containing 4 folders. Various papers. Various sizes
/1 Bertelson correspondence. 1 folder containing 20 letters between R. Bertelson and M.W. Smith. 4 photographs and drawings. Typewritten unless stated otherwise. 28 x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 5.5 x 15.5 cm
/1 Ernest Bertelson to M.W. Smith, Friday, ? – sends drawings and descriptions of arrowheads, bone, copper ornament, scrapers, rocktools, arrowshafts; bone sawing; has sorted 408 chips, 30 pieces of adze and wedge material, 4 more adzes; pictured rock at Agate Point; reports Sam comments on Suquamish ways; scalping; picture of site of Old Man House; mortars. 8 leaves
/2 Ibid., 26 Jan. 1939 – picture of Suquamish Indians in 1890’s; Old Jenny’s material; Smith’s cedar dress; describes more archaeological finds; Old Man House; human skull found in ash; describes tray gift; Old Sam’s doings. 3 leaves
/3 Ibid., 18 May 1939 – going to San Francisco fair; wants report on his archaeological objects; news of Suquamish and Old Sam; found 6 more points and 1 stone wedge. 1 leaf
/4 Ibid., 6 June 1939 – will attend fair in New York and discusses attitudes towards the city; arrowheads; nearby island where Indians deposited objects. 2 leaves
/5 Ibid., 13 Feb. 1940 – life in Suquamish; Sam has not found dancing sticks; holiday makers taking arrowheads; asks for comments on his objects; enquiries about grants. 2 leaves
/6 Ibid., 25 June 1940 – enjoyed reading Puyallup of Washington; story of Puyallup who sold reservation land and went to vicinity of Muckleshoot reservation; going with Old Sam to Jefferson Head to smoke salmon; plaque to Chief Seattle Memorial Day; wants copy of Suquamish paper. 1 leaf
/7 Ibid., 17 July 1940 – pleased with classification of his collection; found adze blade; will draw arrowheads; going silver salmon fishing with Sam and hopes for a dancing stick; smoke blackened basket; coming of Hudson Bay Company to Puyallup region. 2 leaves
/8 M.W. Smith to E. Bertelson, 23 July 1940 – sends arrow points for drawings; still has other objects awaiting description; returning bone pieces and copper piece; lists description of arrowpoints; enthuses over the ‘Bertelson Collection’ and wants information on pipes or hollow tubes. 2 leaves
/9 E. Bertelson to M.W. Smith, 3 Aug. 1940 – received arrowheads and book on flint; going on trip to Mount Rainier; asks details of how drawings should be done; has no mortars, hollow pipes nor carvings; worked stone collection; requests age of Puget Sound life; spit eroding bit once centre of much activity; disturbance by clam diggers. 2 leaves
/10 Ibid., 7 Sep. 1940 – Indian trails on Mt. Rainier; believes stone implements found on Suquamish beaches come from up North or Yakima country; trade with Frazer River Indians; describes types of arrowhead and possible origins; spit excavated by Chief Kitsap’s tribe so layers are disturbed; polished and unpolished arrowheads; needs Columbia and Yakima chips for comparison; Old Sam to wear eagle feather warbonnet and grandmother’s buckskin dress; will start on drawings; winter salmon coming in. 4 leaves
/11 Ibid., 22 Nov. 1940 – completed drawings of arrowheads; bone implement collection suggests Suquamish were woodworkers; has 478 smaller tools; has found 30-40 more arrowheads, etc. Since MWS visit; polished tools; finds of skull and bones and subsequent burial possibly Kitsap’s uncle. 4 leaves
/12 Ibid., 14 Mar. 1941 – has found few relics since last batch forwarded; glad drawings suitable; story from Old Sam. 1 p.
/13 Ibid., 19 June 1941 – paper on Coast Salish; Sam Wilson died and describes funeral. 1 p.
/14 Ibid., 6 Sep. 1941 – material received; looking forward to object analysis; decorated bone spearpoint. 1 p.
/15 M.W. Smith to E. Bertelson, 7 Dec. 1941 – requests new arrowheads be sent and drawings of different types and scrapers and adzes not sent; polished points; discusses funeral of Kitsap’s uncle and old burials; did Indians saw bone or stone? 2 leaves (*)
/16 E. Bertelson to M.W. Smith, 31 Oct. 1943 – encloses bone drawings; has drawn a wedge; enjoying MWS’ book. 5 leaves, drawings
/17 Ibid., 18 May 1944 – discusses his collection from the spit; found more points; Indian skeleton. 2 leaves
/18 Ibid., 18 Dec. 1944 – selling house; sorted his collection, some to be buried near friend’s house, rest to brother in Minnesota; read article by Sauer on arch. research on West Coast; found bone harpoons, scrapers and one with bored hole; Indians superstitious about scratching themselves with fingernails. 2 leaves
/19 Ibid., 7 Nov. 1945 – sends photographs along site of Old Man House with descriptions; houseposts and house-butts; encloses Oct. 27 Monitor; address in Seattle. 2 leaves [see MS 268/8/2/1]
.1 [Shoreline and site of Old Man House]. 1 photograph. 20 x 25 cm
.2 Old Man House spit, site of Bertelson Suquamish. 1 photograph. 8.5 x 14 cm [filed with photographs]
.3 Old Man House spit looking south along Agate Pass. 1 photograph. 7 x 8 cm [filed with photographs]
.4 Butt of Old Man House projecting from beach. 1 photograph. 6.5 x 7 cm [filed with photographs]
/20 Ibid., 21 Oct. 1917 – thanks for pamphlet on house types; discusses boulders found outside doors of houses; story by Old Sam about boulder outside Old Man House. 1 p. Handwritten
/21 [Illustrations of arrow heads]. 1 p., drawings
/2 [Newspaper articles by Ernest B. Bertelson and Lucile McDonald]. 1 folder, untitled, containing 14 articles and 1 photograph. Printed. 38 x 27 cm unless stated otherwise
/1 Bertelson, Ernest B.: Cape Cod moves West. The Christian Science Monitor, magazine section, 27 Oct., 1945, p. 5. Boston, Christian Science Publishing Society, 1945. [this article on cranberries is held as part of the whole magazine, pp. 1-24]. 34 x 29 cm (*)
/2 U. students excavate ancient Indian camps in San Juans, illus. The Seattle Sunday Times Rotogravure, 4 Aug. 1946, pp. 6-7. 39 x 27 cm (*)
/3 McDonald, Lucille: Ancient San Juan secrets revealed, illus. The Seattle Times magazine section, 22 Dec. 1946, p. 2 (*)
/4 Bertelson, Ernest B.: Moccasin-making, a vanishing art. The Seattle Times magazine section, 17 Aug. 1947, p. 2 (*)
/5 Bertelson, Ernest B.: Embattled bay on Puget Sound, illus. The Seattle Times magazine section, 28 Sep. 1947, p. 8 (*)
/6 Bertelson, Ernest B.: Walkin’est Old Injun, illus. The Seattle Times magazine section, 5 Oct. 1947, p. 5 (*)
/7 McDonald, Lucile: Tracing Washington’s prehistoric residents, illus. The Seattle Times magazine section, 7 Dec. 1947, p. 4 (*)
/8 Bertelson, Ernest B.: Agate Pass, historic Indian canoe route, illus. The Seattle Times magazine section, 11 Apr. 1948, p. 7 (*)
/9 Bertelson, Ernest B.: He hunted seals in demon’s lairs, illus. The Seattle Times magazine section, 29 Aug. 1948, p. 2. Handwritten annotations (*)
/10 Bertelson, Ernest B.: When the Makahs dance and sing, illus. The Seattle Times magazine section, 15 Aug. 1948, p. 3. Handwritten note on reverse article: Death of an ice field on Mt. Rainier (*)
/11 Bertelson, Ernest B.: Indian war canoes in spectacular dying sport, illus. The Seattle Times magazine section, 27 June 1948, pp. 10-11. 39 x 27 cm (*)
/12 Bertelson, Ernest B.: The land of spooks: Pacific northwest 100 years ago, a century of progress encroaches on an area rich in the Indian lore of giants and dwarfs, illus. The Seattle Times magazine section, 18 June 1950, pp. 1-2 (*)
.1 Scene along Clay-bel Creek … approach to the New Agate Pass bridge. 1 photograph and 1 note typewritten and handwritten by E.B. Bertelson. 10 x 12.5 cm
/13 Harrison Hot Springs awash: water overflowing from Harrison Lake … 1 newspaper photograph. [nd], 15 x 20 cm (*)
/14 E.B. Bertelson, writer of Indian lore, dies: [newspaper obituary]. 23 x 5 cm (*)
/3 [Lists and descriptions of artefacts, bibliography and letter]. 1 folder, untitled, containing 8 papers. Handwritten unless stated otherwise. Various sizes
/1 Mc50-36-35-38- … : [lists and descriptions of artefacts]. 3 leaves, illus. 15 x 10 cm
/2 1 – triangular thumb nail scraper … : [lists and descriptions of artefacts]. 7 leaves, illus. 15 x 10 cm
/3 harpoon points bone … :[chart of artefacts]. 1 leaf. 22 x 14 cm
/4 (indurated shale), Measurements in metric, the chart follows … :[artefact descriptions]. 29 leaves. 20 x 13 cm
/5 Upper Columbia … :[notes on artefacts]. 32 pp. [blank pp. 4, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32]. 20.5 x 13 cm
/6 MC 34, 55 x 116 – Type III of D classification … :[lists and descriptions of artefacts]. 5 leaves, illus. 28 x 21.5 cm
/7 June M. Collins to Marian W. Smith, 8 May, 1950 – thanks for reading manuscript and for criticisms; elaborates on Skagit house form; wishes Indian book well. 1 p. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/8 [Bibliography of N.W. Coast of North America]. 8 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten annotations. 28 x 21.5 cm
/4 [Notes on Snuqualmi, Muckleshoot and others of the Salish]. 1 folder, untitled containing 55 papers. Typewritten unless stated otherwise. 28 x 21.5 cm
/1 Notes from Dave John, Nisqually, Sep. 10, 1922: [vocabulary]. 1 leaf
/2 Notes from Wapato John, October 22, 1922: [vocabulary]. 7 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/3 Joe Young, Muckleshoot, June 23, 1924: [vocabulary and stories]. 9 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/4 Joe Young at Muckleshoot, June 26, 1924: [vocabulary and stories]. 7 leaves
/5 Joe Young, Nov. 10, 1924: [vocabulary and stories]. 2 leaves
/6 Joe Young at Muckleshoot, March 27, 1925: [vocabulary and stories]. 6 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/7 Notes from Joe Young, April 28, 1925: [stories and vocabulary]. 8 leaves. Handwritten annotations
.1 [Copy of MS 268/8/4/7. Leaves 7-8 only]
/8 Joe Young, May 1, 1926: [stories]. 9 leaves. [missing leaf 7]. Handwritten annotations
.1 [Copy of MS 268/8/4/8, leaves 2-6]
/9 Abstract from conversation with Joe Young near Alderton, Sat., Sept. 11, 1926. 1 leaf
.1 [Copy of MS 268/8/4/9]
/10 Joe Young, Nov. 11, 1926: [vocabulary and stories]. 11 leaves, numbered 1-7, 7b, 8-10
.1 [Copy of MS 268/8/4/10, leaves 5-7, 7b, 8-10]
/11 Joe Young, March 21, 1928: [stories and vocabulary]. 8 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/12 Joe Young at Muckleshoot, April 12, 1928: [stories and vocabulary]. 11 leaves, numbered 1-2, 6-7, 9-15. Handwritten annotations
/13 Joe Young, April 26, 1928. Miscellaneous data. 1 leaf numbered 13
/14 Joe Young, October 26, 1928: [stories and vocabulary]. 6 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/14a Joe Young, Oct. 26, 1928. 1 p. Handwritten
/15 Joe Young, December 17, 1929: [stories]. 6 leaves numbered 1, 1a, 2-5
.1 [Copy of MS 268/8/4/15, leaves 1-4]
/16 Charlie Ashue, (acxo) and George Young? July 23, 1929: [vocabulary and stories]. 2 leaves, numbered 1, 3. Handwritten annotations
/17 Charlie Ashue, July 25, 1929: [vocabulary]. 3 leaves, numbered 1, 3-4. Handwritten annotations
/18 Charlie Ashue, August 1st, 1929: [stories and vocabulary]. 8 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/19 Charlie Ashue, August 2nd, 1929: [vocabulary and stories]. 6 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/20 Charlie Ashue, Wed., August 7, 1929: [vocabulary]. 7 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/20a Charlie Ashue, We., August 7, 1929, Ballard: kinship terms. 3 leaves [leaves 1-2 copies of MS 268/8/4/20, leaves 6-7]
/21 Charlie Ashue, Thursday, August 8, 1929: [vocabulary]. 2 leaves
/22 Charlie Ashue, October 23, 1929: [stories]. 2 leaves
/23 Charlie Ashue, October 26, 1929: [stories and vocabulary]. 5 leaves, numbered 2-5, 7
/24 Food plants, Charlie Ashue, Nov. 1, 1929: [vocabulary and stories]. 5 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/25 Charlie Ashue, November 8, 1929: [vocabulary and stories]. 4 leaves
/26 Charlie Ashue, November 14, 1929: [vocabulary and stories]. 3 leaves
/27 Charlie Ashue, November 20, 1929: [stories]. 1 leaf
/28 December 10, 1929, Charlie Ashue: [stories]. 5 leaves
/29 Charlie Ashue, December 13, 1929: [vocabulary and stories]. 2 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/30 Charlie Ashue, Dec. 26, 1929: [vocabulary]. 1 leaf. Handwritten annotations
/31 Charlie Ashue, Dec. 28, 1929: historical notes [and vocabulary]. 2 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/32 Charlie Ashue, Jan. 2, 1930: [vocabulary and stories]. 8 leaves, numbered 1-3, 5-9. Handwritten notes on reverse leaf 2
/33 Charlie Ashue, January 4, 1930: Mink and his wife. 7 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/34 Charlie Ashue, January 27, 1930: [vocabulary and stories]. 3 leaves
/35 Charlie Ashue, February 21, 1930: bows and spears. 1 leaf
/36 Charlie Ashue, March 12, 1930: [stories and vocabulary]. 5 leaves
/37 Charlie Ashue, March 19, 1930: language and grammar. 3 leaves
.1 [Another copy of MS 268/8/4/37]
/38 Charlie Ashue, March 22, 1930: [vocabulary]. 3 leaves
/39 Charlie Ashue, April 1, 1930: [vocabulary]. 2 leaves
/40 Charlie Ashue, April 3, 1930: [stories and vocabulary]. 7 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/41 Charlie Ashue, October 3, 1930: games, shamanistic practices. 4 leaves, numbered 2-5
/42 Charlie Ashue, March 19, 1931: names, burial customs. 3 leaves
/43 Charlie Ashue, March 23, 1931: customs [and vocabulary]. 2 leaves, numbered 1, 3
/44 Charlie Ashue, April 5, 1931: ‘dangerous’ places. 1 leaf
/45 Charlie Ashue, May 5, 1931: [story]. 1 leaf, numbered 2
/46 Charlie Ashue, May 12, 1931: [vocabulary and story]. 2 leaves
/47 Charlie Ashue, May 14, 1931: how old Kitsap killed the shaman. 1 leaf
/48 Charlie Ashue, May 19, 1931: [stories]. 3 leaves. Handwritten annotations
/49 Charlie Ashue, May 23, 1931: [stories]. 2 leaves, numbered 5-6
/50 Kinship terms: Charlie Ashue, July 3, 1931. 5 leaves, numbered 1, 4-7
/51 Mrs Riddle and George Young, 11-13-35. 1 leaf
/52 Notes on village sites and people from John xot. 1 leaf
/53 Mary Dominick, April 19, 1936: village and house sites on Green River. 1 leaf
/54 Indian houses (A.C.B.). 2 leaves
/55 Foods. 2 leaves. Handwritten
/9 [N.W. Coast maps, published]. 1 box, untitled, containing 17 maps. Various sizes
/1 International scenic Loop Highway and Fraser Valley Scenic circle, British Columbia and Washington State. Abbotsford, A.S. & M. News [nd]. 1 map, 23 x 40.5 cm [filed in MC]
/2 Wrigleys new map of Vancouver and the lower mainland, with street index. Vancouver, Roy Wrigley, 1936. 1 map, 60.5 x 86 cm folded in covers
/3 Metsker’s map of the Olympic Peninsula including The Puget Sound country. Tacoma, Chas. F. Metsker, [nd]. 1 map, 89 x 102.5 cm folded in covers
/4 Metsker’s roadmap of Pierce Co. & vicinity, Washington. Tacoma, Chas. F. Metsker, 1924. 1 map, 88.5 x 114 cm folded in covers
/5 Map of the Puget Sound country, western Washington and adjacent portions of Oregon and British Columbia. [Text on reverse]. Seattle, Black Ball Line, [nd]. 1 map, 44.5 x 28.5 cm [filed in MC]
/5a [Another copy of MS 268/9/5 with differing text on reverse] [filed in MC]
/6 Metsker’s pocket map of Skagit County, Washington. Portland, Chas. F. Metsker, [nd]. 1 map, 35.5 x 123 cm folded in covers
/7 Metsker’s map of Snohamish Co. Washington. Tacoma, Chas. F. Metsker, [nd]. 1 sheet, 51 x 96 cm
/8 Highway map of the State of Washington. [Text on reverse]. Seattle, Automobile Club of Washington, 1929. 1 sheet. 40.5 x 55 cm [filed in MC]
/9 Metsker’s map of Whatcom County. Portland, Chas. F. Metsker, [nd]. 1 map, 40 x 135 cm folded in covers
/10 Preliminary map, Lower Fraser valley, parts of New Westminster and Yale districts. [Victoria], Dept. of Lands, British Columbia, 1931. 1 map. 71 x 105 cm [filed in MC]
.1 [Another copy of MS 268/9/10] [filed in MC]
/11 New Westminster and Yale. [Victoria], Dept. of Lands, British Columbia, 1914. 1 map. 80.5 x 106 cm [filed in MC]
.1-.3 [Another copy of MS 268/9/11] [filed in MC]
/12 Northwestern United States and neighbouring Canadian provinces. Washington D.C., National Geographic Society, 1950. 1 map. 65 x 93 cm [filed in MC]
/10 [Photographs of N.W. Coast and Coast Salish artefacts and a typewritten work on Kwakiutl]. 1 box containing 5 folders of photographs and papers. Various sizes
/1 [N.W. Coast artefacts]. 1 folder, untitled, containing 29 photographs all numbered 1482. 7.5 x 11 cm
/1 [rectangular basket with lid]
/2 [open round basket]
/3 [2 open baskets]
/4 [wooden carved figure in canoe][see also MS 268/10/2/3]
/5 [round basket with rim treatment]
/6 [2 rattles and adze]
/7 [plaited cord, weight at one end]
/8 [stone war club]
/9 [open round basket]
/10 [open rectangular basket]
/11 [spindles, whorl and wool]
/12 [whorl]
/13 [open basket]
/14 [tomahawk]
/15 [carved figure of a whale]
/16 [open basket]
/17 [knife and sheath]
/18 [thread or twine]
/19 [carved figure forming a bowl]
/20 [3 whorls]
/21 [open rectangular basket]
/22 [2 wooden mat creasers]
/23 [adze]
/24 [hat representing bear’s head with 2 sets of hands]
/25 [2 paddles]
/26 [2 weaving implements?]
/27 [5 wooden objects]
/28 [seal head hat]
/29 [rectangular basket with lid]
/2 N.W. Coast photos of ethnographical objects. 1 box containing 27 photographs and 2 sets of notes. Various sizes. Title of folder only retained. 9 x 13 cm. Photographs filed separately
/1 Cowichon [adze], – 10” long, CS-1. 1 photograph. 12.5 x 16.5 cm [see MS 268/10/2/28, slip 1]
/2 [4 weaving implements], CS-5 (no carving), NWC-308, CS-16, CS-14 … 1 photograph. 12.5 x 16.5 cm
/3 [3 objects carved], CS-13, CS-15, CS-74 … 1 photograph. 16.5 x 12.5 cm [see also MS 268/10/1/4 and MS 268/10/2/28, slip 2]
/4 [5 whorls?], CS-91, CS-76, CS-89, CS-79, CS-90 … 1 photograph. 12.5 x 16.5 cm
/5 [11 spindles?], CS-80, 83, 85-7, 95a-b, 97, 184, 194 … 1 photograph . 12.5 x 16.5 cm
/6 [Head of mountain sheep], CS-95c. 1 photograph. 14.5 x 11 cm [see MS 268/10/2/28, slip 4]
/7 [Another copy of MS 268/10/2/6]. 17 x 12 cm
/8 [Stone carved head and neck], CS-119. 1 photograph. 16.5 x 12.5 cm [see MS 268/10/2/28, slip 5]
/9 [Stone carved head probably mortar], CS-179. 1 photograph. 12 x 10 cm [see MS 268/10/2/28, slip 6]
/10 [Another copy of MS 268/10/2/9, side view]. 12 x 12.5 cm
/11 [Another copy of MS 268/10/2/9]. 12 x 17 cm
/12 [Figure of bird forming bowl], CS-188. 1 photograph. 11.5 x 11.5 cm [see MS 268/10/2/28, slip 8]
/13 [3 stone blades?] CS-132, CS-204, blade from CS 1 … 1 photograph. 12.5 x 16.5 cm
/14 [Fish club, lure and halibut hook] N. 75, CS-238, N-78. 1 photograph. 16.5 x 12.5 cm [see MS 268/10/2/28, slip 8]
/15 Bird head found at mouth of Cowichon river, CS-243. 1 photograph. 11.5 x 12 cm
/16 [Figure of bird/human forming bowl], CS 257. 1 photograph. 13 x 12cm [see MS 268/10/2/28, slip 10]
/17 [Adze], CS-287, hafted steel blade … 1 photograph. 17 x 12 cm
/18 [Paddle], CS-288, 18½” long whalebone … 1 photograph. 16.5 x 12.5 cm
/19 [Wooden figure of female], CS-296 … 1 photograph. 16.5 x 12 cm [see MS 268/10/2/28, slip 11]
/20 K.49, ‘Mountain Hawk’, 3 skulls and 6 golden eagle feathers above head. 1 photograph. 17 x 12 cm
/21 [sculpture representing wolf?]. 1 photograph. 12 x 17 cm
/22 [head, stone or clay?]. 1 photograph. 16.5 x 12.5 cm
/23 [model canoe]. 1 photograph. 12.5 x 16.5 cm
/24 [Quartzite head of bird], NWC 749, … 1 photograph. 12 x 17 cm [see MS 268/10/2/28, slip 13]
/25 [Another copy of MS 268/10/2/24]
/26 [2 carved stone figures?]. 1 photograph. 12 x 15.5 cm
/27 [2 carved stone figures?]. 1 photograph. 12 x 16 cm
/28 [notes describing photographs]. 14 slips, illus. 12.5 x 7.5 cm. Note on reverse of slip 11
/29 no photos, [notes describing photographs not in the collection]. 8 slips, illus. 12.5 x 7.5 cm. Notes on reverse of slip 6
/3 [Lecture on Salish Indians with photographs]. 1 folder, untitled, containing notes and 11 photographs, all mounted on paper. Various sizes. Photographs filed separately
/1 [Lecture notes]: ‘It is part of our own tradition …’ 4 leaves. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/2 [wood mask]. 1 photograph. 7.5 x 11 cm
/3 [mask, clay?]. 1 photograph. 7.5 x 11 cm
/4 [mask, wood], TS68, Swanson called it Tsimshian – actually no data. 1 photograph. 15 x 12 cm
/5 [mask, wood], K.61, ‘Human face spirit’ – 7 golden eagle feathers above head. 1 photograph. 15 x 12 cm
/6 [mask, wood], K.70, Double heads, Human head above Hawk head below. 1 photograph. 15 x 12 cm
/7 [mask, wood], K-69, Frog. 1 photograph. 15 x 12 cm
/8 CS-246, [swaixwe mask]. 1 photograph. 15 x 12 cm [see MS 268/10/2/29, slip 5]
/9 [Reverse of MS 268/10/2/8]. 1 photograph. 15 x 12 cm
/10 10W, [swaixwe mask?]. 1 photograph. 6 x 4 cm
/11 [swaixwe mask?]. 1 published photograph. 14 x 12 cm [filed with notes]
/12 drawing CS-247 [carved figure holding smaller figure]. 1 photograph. 15 x 12 cm
/4 [Publication references on Kwakiutl]. 1 folder, untitled containing 2 sets of references. Handwritten. 7.5 x 12.5 cm
/1 [References to publications on Kwakiutl]. 12 slips
/2 [Notes from] Prichard, G.: Symbolism and American Indian religion. 8 slips
/5 Kwakiutl. 1 folder, untitled, containing 15 papers. Typewritten unless stated otherwise. Handwritten annotations and corrections in a hand not of Marian W. Smith. 28 x 22 cm
/1 Medicine. 25 leaves
/2 Games. 30 leaves (*)
/3 Gestures. 9 leaves (*)
/4 Shamanism. 57 leaves (*)
/5 [Shamanistic power], ‘While most of the accounts of the acquisition of shamanistic power’ … 3 leaves (*)
.1 [Another copy of MS 268/10/5/5]. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 29.5 x 20 cm (*)
/6 Marriage. 46 leaves (*)
/7 The supernatural and ritualism. 9 leaves (*)
.1 [Another copy of MS 268/10/5/7]. 6 pp. Handwritten. 32 x 20 cm (*)
/8 Social organisation. 44 leaves, numbered 1-20, 20a, 21-8, 28a, 29, 29a, 30, 30a, 31, 31a, 32-9. Handwritten leaves 20a, 25, 28a-31a (*)
/9 Footnotes. 3 leaves (*)
/10 Genealogy I. 4 leaves, numbered 17, 17b, 18a, 18 (*)
/11 [Genealogy II]. 3 leaves, numbered 6-8/20a-20c (*)
/12 Genealogy III. 4 leaves, numbered 28b-28d, 28 (*)
/13 [Genealogy IV]. 4 leaves, numbered 22-25 (*)
/14 Song. 21 leaves
/15 [Children’s songs] 1 leaf. Handwritten. 25 x 20.5 cm
/11 [Kwakiutl ethnography; typed from the incomplete manuscript by Franz Boas later published and edited by Helen Codere see also Box 10, Folder 5]. 1 box containing 4 folders [arranged in this order by M.W. Smith? / Helen Codere?].
/1 [Kwakiutl ethnography; by Franz Boas]. 1 folder, untitled, containing 12 papers. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/1 Industries. 19 leaves
.1 Note at bottom of Boas page [found between leaves 7-8]. 1 slip. Handwritten. 7.5 x 12.5 cm
/2 Copper: sale of a copper. 17 leaves
/3 Social organisation. 32 leaves
/4 Pregnancy and birth. 16 leaves
/5 Puberty. 8 leaves
/6 Twins. 7 leaves
/7 Oratory. 4 leaves
/8 Prayers, magic, sacrifice. 23 leaves
/9 Art. 3 leaves
/10 Counting and measuring. 10 leaves
/11 War. 30 leaves
/12 Witchcraft. 15 leaves
/2 [Kwakiutl ethnography; by Franz Boas]. 1 folder, untitled, containing 9 papers. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/1 Medicine. 29 leaves
/2 Games. 29 leaves
/3 The winter ceremonial. 10 leaves
/4 Q!ap!e’ku. 48 leaves
.1 These figures 4974 etc. [found attached between leaves 24-5]. 1 slip. Handwritten. 7.5 x 12.5 cm
.2 line 4 ‘Then came the children etc.’ [found attached between leaves 37-8]. 1 slip. Handwritten. 7.5 x 12.5 cm
/5 Return of the initiates. 10 leaves
/6 Purification of the cannibal-dancer. 13 leaves
.1 The first part of this speaks of … [found attached to leaf 1]. 1 slip. Handwritten. 7.5 x 12.5 cm
/7 End of major cer.[emonial]. 5 leaves
/8 Northern cer.: the No’n?em or G’a’xax??ku. 49 leaves
.1 MSS says (fig. 51) [found attached to leaf 23]. 1 slip. Handwritten. 12.5 x 7.5 cm
.2 (fig. 52), (fig. 55) [found between leaves 24-5]. Handwritten. 12.5 x 7.5 cm
.3 (fig. 98, p. 463 or fig. 183, p. 525) [found between leaves 46-7]. 1 slip. Handwritten. 12.5 x 7.5 cm
.4 (fig. 162), (fig. 161) [found between leaves 47-8]. Handwritten. 12.5 x 7.5 cm
/9 Ceremonials, D??na’x’da?xv. 11 leaves
/3 [Kwakiutl ethnography; by Franz Boas]. 1 untitled folder containing 4 papers. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/1 Mistakes: mistakes in dances. 11 leaves
/2 Theatricals. 8 leaves
/3 Minor cer.[emonial]: the minor winter ceremonial. 30 leaves
/4 Ceremonials. 129 leaves
/4 [Kwakiutl ethnography; by Franz Boas]. 1 untitled folder containing 7 papers. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/1 Gestures. 9 leaves
/2 Shamanism. 57 leaves
/3 [Appendix to Shamanism]. 2 leaves
/4 Marriage. 44 leaves
.1 Notice different spellings of Odzestales … 1 slip [found between leaves 21-2]. 7.5 x 12.5 cm
.2 Evidently some drawing supposed to be here! 1 slip [found between leaves 33-4]. 7.5 x 12.5 cm
.3 Line 7 I think should be read ‘engaged …’ 1 slip [found between leaves 37-8]
/5 The supernatural and ritualism. 10 leaves [note slip at 7a]
.1 Papa Franz original … 1 slip [found between leaves 7-8]. 7.5 x 12.5 cm
/6 Song. 11 leaves
/7 Songs. 13 leaves
/12 [Northwest Coast, Boas, Tlingit …]. 1 box containing 14 papers. Various sizes. Typewritten unless stated otherwise
/1 Bibliography – Northwest Coast. 4 leaves. Handwritten annotations [not MWS hand]. 28 x 21.5 cm
/1a Bibliography – Northwest Coast. 4 leaves. Mimeograph, 28 x 21.5 cm
/2 Minimal bibliography – Northwest coast of America, [dated] 11.12.1952. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/3 Source for table 6, Canada Annual Report on Indian Affairs, 1907 … 1 p. 27.5 x 20 cm
/4 University of Washington, quiz, 3 July, Anthropology 411. 1 p. Mimeograph, 28 x 21.5 cm
/5 Lecture 1. N.W.C. … : [notes] 7 pp. [p. 4, 6 blank]. Handwritten. 12.5 x 7.5 cm
/6 Potlatch …: [notes on Puget Salish terms]. 4 pp. [p. 3 blank]. Handwritten. 21.5 x 14 cm
/7 Tsimshian – Nass and Sheena rivers … [notes]. 2 pp. Handwritten. 21.5 x 14 cm
/8 Haida … :[miscellaneous notes]. 2 leaves. Handwritten. 14 x 21.5 cm
/9 1. Conflict – how expressed …: [notes]. 2 leaves [folded round MS 268/12/10 by M.W. Smith]. Handwritten. 21.5 x 14 cm
/10 Some dynamic forces in Tlingit society; by Frederica de Laguna, [1950?]. 15 leaves, numbered 1-8, 8a, 9-15. Carbon copy with handwritten corrections. 28 x 21.5 cm
/11 An analysis of payments and prices in the Kwakiutl economy: a paper submitted to Dr Marian W. Smith …; by Robert R. Auray, 1950. [ii], 37 leaves, tables, bibl. 28 x 22 cm
/12 Some comments on the potlatch (Kwakiutl, Puyallup – Nisqually, Haida): by Rosemary Muenich Arnold, [nd]. 8 leaves. 28 x 21.5 cm
/13 Kwakiutl ethnology, duplicate: [miscellaneous leaves]. 24 leaves. Contents: leaf 1, Prayer 10; leaf 2, Pregnancy; leaves 3-7, 1930; leaves 8-22, Kwakiutl; leaf 23, love tokens; leaf 24, Lavitsis pray. Leaves 1-5, 7-22, 26.5 x 20 cm; leaves 6, 23-4, 7 x 20 cm
.1 Kwakiutl ethnology duplicate. Title of folder only retained containing MS 268/12/13. Handwritten. 10 x 15.5 cm
/14 Boas’ ‘Natural history’ approach to ethnography; by Marian W. Smith, [nd]. 21 leaves. Handwritten annotations. 25.5 x 20 cm
/13 [Field techniques, folklore, ghosts, mythology, religion and war]. 1 box containing 4 folders
/1 [Folklore and mythology]. 1 untitled folder containing 24 miscellaneous notes, papers and cuttings. Various sizes. Handwritten unless stated otherwise
/1 Validity of verbal information. 6 leaves. 33 x 20.5 cm
/2 [Notes from] Comparative studies of North American Indians; by Harold E. Driver and William C. Massey. 4 leaves. 33 x 21 cm
/3 [Notes from] On the survival of traditional themes in biological thought; by L.R. Richardson. 3 pp. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/4 [Lecture notes, mythology]. 12 leaves. Leaves 1-6, 12.5 x 7.5 cm; leaves 7-12, 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/5 Definitions of folklore: [various references]. 17 slips, 7.5 x 12.5 cm
/6 Notes used in general lectures on rel. and folklore, 1947-8. 8 slips. 12.5 x 7.5 cm
/7 Extra copy of Sikh myth materials. ii, 18 leaves, illus. Typewritten. [i] 7.5 x 12.5 cm; [ii] 20.5 x 12.5 cm; 1-18, 28 x 21.5 cm
/8 Speculative thought among primitive peoples; by R. Benedict. 21 pp. 28 x 21.5 cm
/9 H. Hawthorne – talk in class on Polynesia, Spring 1945. 1 leaf. 28 x 21.5 cm
/10 Folklore. 1 leaf. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/11 Ghost stuff, [notes from references]. 6 leaves. 28 x 21.5 cm
/12 [Notes on] Meri Kabani, film, 21 Jan. 1949. 2 slips, 12.5 x 7.5 cm. 7 leaves, 28 x 21.5 cm
/13 Mohammaden-Abdul, Assam-Bengal: [miscellaneous notes]. 6 leaves. 16.5 x 13 cm
/14 Anthropology 309-310 [course structure]. 3 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/15 The home of an eastern clan: a study of the Palaungs of the Shan states, Oxford, 1924. 2 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten annotation. 28 x 21.5 cm
/16 Questions in acculturation used, by field workers sent out from Columbia in the summer of 1937. i, 15 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/17 The mystery of eeny, meeny, miny, mo; by Charles Francis Potter from Harper’s Bazaar, May 1950, pp. 168-9. Printed. 30 x 12 cm and 26 x 11.5 cm
/18 Up, up and awa-a-y!; by Thomas Whiteside from New Republic, 3 Mar. 1947, pp. 15-17. Printed. 27.5 x 19 cm
/19 Europe laughs from N.Y. Times Mag. Section, 8 Apr. 1951. 1 p. Printed. 34 x 13 cm
/20 Pearl Primus and dance company [photocopies of 7 press cuttings from various U.S.A. newspapers], 1946. 1 p. Printed. 32 x 34.5 cm
/21 Cape Cod yields slayer’s hoard. Press cuttings from The New York [Times], 30 Sep. 1945, p. 48. 1 p. Printed. 11 x 19 cm
/22 Scientific romancing from The New York Times, 30 Oct. 1949, p. 8E. Printed. 58 x 17.5 cm
/23 A hypothesis regarding the origin of the movements of the earth’s crust; by Harold C. Urey from Science, 28 Oct. 1949, pp. 445-6 [attached by M.W.S. to No. 22]. Printed. 26 x 10 cm
/24 The chemical components of onion vapours responsible for wound healing qualities; by Edward R. Kohman from Science, 26 Dec. 1947, pp. 625-7. Printed. 26 x 18.5 cm
/2 Field techniques. 1 folder containing 1 paper. Title of folder only retained. Handwritten. 10 x 12.5 cm
/1 Tentative questionnaire for handbook of psychological leads for ethnological field workers: life cycle, [nd]. 102 pp. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/3 Religion, mythology, ghosts, folklore. 1 folder containing 1 paper. Title of folder only retained. Handwritten. 12.5 x 12 cm
/1 Set of notes for M.W.S., beginning of class to 1 May, Cal. 1951: [class notes], 127 mythology, 2-12-51 – 4-30-51. 62 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/4 War: reading notes and schema. 1 folder containing 8 papers. Title of folder only retained. Handwritten. 8.5 x 15.5 cm
/1 [List of subject headings]. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 15.5 x 14.5 cm
/2 North America – large – war – broad subject …: [notes]. 7 leaves. Handwritten. 20 x 12.5 cm
/3 War patterns of North Am[erica]. 3 leaves. Handwritten. Leaves 1-2, 20 x 12.5 cm; leaf 3, 28 x 21.5 cm
/4 [Miscellaneous notes and references on all aspects of war and battle]. 32 sheets folded in 4 p. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/5 Relationships between Plains tribes: friendly / warlike. 1 chart. Handwritten. 35.5 x 43 cm
/6 [War]. 15 charts comparing 34 different tribes on all aspects of war. Handwritten. 20.5 x 26.5 cm
/7 [List of subject headings], war … 6 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/8 [References], N.C. III … 1 leaf. Handwritten. 28 x 22 cm
/14 [Fears in childhood: field notes and course papers of students]. 1 box containing 2 folders
/1 [Field notes on fear told by students]. 1 untitled folder containing 7 sets of notes. Handwritten. Various sizes
/1 Fear, element to be traced in complex… 8 slips. 12.5 x 7.5 cm
/2 Man – a unity over time and space … 1 p. 21.5 x 14 cm
/3 Fear of the dark … [list of subject headings]. 2 pp. 28 x 21.5 cm
/4 Miss Cody, afraid a little of the dark … San Francisco … 4 pp. 21.5 x 14 cm
/5 Mrs Herman, Philadelphia, raised in a house, scared of darkness … 5 leaves. 21.5 x 14 cm
/6 Miss Page, born in S. Cal. … 4 leaves. 21.5 x 14 cm
/7 Field notes, Mr Heard [and others] … 37 leaves. Leaves 25, 31-3, 35-6 blank. Notebook, spiral bound. 23 x 15 cm
/2 [Economics 264, Anthropology 264, course work, Sep.-Dec. 1946, by students including essays on reason for choice of course, self analysis of childhood fears, project subject interviews, analysis of interviews, childhood fears in literature]. 1 untitled folder containing 29 papers. 28 x 21.5 cm
/1 Marion A. Bourn. 7 leaves. Handwritten and typewritten
/2 Margaret Boyd. 10 leaves. Handwritten
/3 Mary Bruner, 6 pp. Handwritten. Leaves 7-29 typewritten
/4 Dorothea Champagne. 8 leaves. Handwritten
/5 Janice Dexter. 20 pp. Handwritten
/6 Martha Firestone. 36 leaves, diagr. Handwritten and typewritten
/7 Patricia Folsom. 18 leaves. Typewritten
/8 Selma Greenblatt. 3 leaves. Typewritten
/9 Ruth Hallo. 12 leaves, diagr. Handwritten and typewritten
/10 Ruth Ann Hemphill. 24 leaves. Typewritten and handwritten
/11 Doris Heyneman. 25 leaves, diagr. Typewritten
/12 Barbara Howard. 13 leaves. Typewritten and handwritten
/13 H. Hughes. 15 leaves. Handwritten and typewritten
/14 Gloria M. Jones. 9 leaves. Handwritten and typewritten
/15 Janet Kiehel. 42 leaves. Handwritten and typewritten
/16 Alice M. Kobbé. 13 leaves. Handwritten
/17 Jeanette Lam. 11 leaves. Typewritten
/18 Caroline Langmaid. 45 leaves. Handwritten and typewritten
/19 Helen Mizwa. 1 p. Handwritten
/20 Anne Morris. 2 leaves. Typewritten
/21 Carol Virginia Poynton. 25 leaves, diagrs. Typewritten
/22 Anne Ross. 4 leaves. Typewritten
/23 Penny Rothen. 12 leaves. Typewritten
/24 Birdsall Smith. 4 leaves, pp. 5-10, diagr. Typewritten and handwritten
/25 Helen Sonnenberg. 14 leaves. Handwritten and typewritten
/26 ? Thayer. 12 leaves. Handwritten
/27 B. Thorsch. 14 pp. Handwritten
/28 Sallie Willis. 25 leaves. Typewritten
/29 Anthropology 264a, final examination, M.W. Smith, 1946. 1 p. Typewritten
/15 [Sikhs in Canada]. 1 box containing 4 folders
/1 [Field notes and lecture notes]. 1 untitled folder containing 22 papers. Various sizes
/1 The Komagata Maru affair: an incident in Canadian-East Indian relations; by Marian W, Smith. 18 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/2 The happy land of just enough: Hunza, Asian paradise …; by Franc and Jean Shor [article from unknown magazine], [nd], pp. 28-44. Printed. 35.5 x 25 cm
/3 Some research stuff, Sikhs (after Keith; Relig. & Phil. Of Vedda, pp. 623-4) … 1 title slip, 7.5 x 13 cm, 4 pp. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/4 [Field notes: parables and wedding]. 21 leaves. Handwritten. 20.5 x 13.5 cm
/5 Sikh marriage; ethnographic account, informant Mr Sekhon [notes taken by W. Dutcher]. 5 leaves. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/6 [Miscellaneous notes and references]: Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi … 10 leaves. Handwritten. Various sizes
/7 Kapur Singh, from radio broadcast, 30 July 1941 … 2 leaves. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/8 The protestant movement in India. 3 leaves. Handwritten. 15 x 10 cm
/9 Districts of marriage; [miscellaneous notes]. 4 leaves. Handwritten. Leaves 1, 3-4, 20.5 x 12.5 cm; leaf 2, 12.5 x 7.5 cm
.1 Cartocraft desk outline map, India no. 7016. 1 map. Printed. 28 x 21.5 cm
/10 Sikhs in B.C.: [miscellaneous notes]. 3 leaves. Handwritten. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/11 The (some) economic aspects of Sikh marriage. 9 leaves. Typewritten. 24 x 15.5 cm
/12 [Miscellaneous notes], ownership, inheritance … 8 leaves. Handwritten. Various sizes
/13 ‘An examination of Sikh marriage arrangements …’ 13 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/14 Sikhs of British Columbia. 8 leaves. Typewritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
/15 ‘The last time I gave material on the history of the Sikhs …’ 9 leaves. Typewritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
/16 ‘I have 2 points to add in relationship to clothing …’ 9 leaves, diagr. Typewritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
/17 ‘Ownership of land is inherited …’ 6 leaves. Typewritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
.1 Crops one missing: [note]. 1 slip. Handwritten. 10 x 12.5 cm
/18 ‘I want to go into another type – the organizational material …’ 7 leaves. Typewritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
/19 ‘There were two aspects of the Sikh temple life …’ 3 leaves, diagr. Typewritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
/20 ‘Mythology, As I have made no complete survey …’ 3 leaves [1a, 1b attached to 1]. Typewritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
/21 ‘There is a different picture of shyness between men and women …’ 5 leaves. Typewritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
/22 ‘Weddings, I am going to deal in its various aspects …’ 4 leaves. Typewritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
/2 Sikh photographs. 1 envelope addressed to Helen Codere containing photographs [Descriptions of photographs probably given in MS 268/15/1/13-22]. Front of envelope only retained. 20.5 x 26 cm
/1 M.S. Dhupia, 17/10/47. 1 photograph. 13.5 x 8.5 cm
/2 Portrait of two men seated, one wearing tie and cardigan, the other shirt buttoned to the neck. 1 photograph. 12.5 x 18 cm
/3 Portrait of two men seated, one wearing a turban and suit, the other an open-necked shirt and braces. 1 photograph. 12.5 x 18 cm
/4 Portrait of two men seated, one wearing an open-necked check shirt, the other an open-necked shirt and braces. 1 photograph. 12.5 x 18 cm
/5 Portrait of two men seated, one wearing open-necked shirt, the other a turban and buttoned shirt. 1 photograph. 12.5 x 18 cm
/6 Man seated with walking stick. 1 photograph. 18 x 12.5 cm [see MS 268/15/2/2]
/7 Man seated on balcony wearing open-necked shirt. 1 photograph. 17.5 x 12.5 cm
/8 Man seated wearing turban and buttoned shirt. 1 photograph. 18 x 12.5 cm [see MS 268/15/2/5]
/9 Man seated wearing turban and suit. 1 photograph. 17.5 x 12.5 cm [see MS 268/15/2/3]
/10 Crowd at outdoor festival, Hillcrest? 1 photograph. 13 x 20.5 cm
/11 Sikh temple, Hillcrest, external view with worshippers. 1 photograph. 20 x 25.5 cm
/12 Group of men in the street with musical instruments. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/13 Group of men, seated indoors, playing musical instruments. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/14 Two men praying in the temple with children in the background. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/15 Priest seated behind altar with men, women and children seated in front. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/16 Priest seated behind altar. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/17 Removal of shoes outside temple with children and men. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/18 Priest seated behind altar surrounded by men, some with sabres. 1 photograph. 20 x 25.5 cm
/19 Women and girls at celebration in house. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/20 Women standing and man seated looking at presents set out on a bed in house. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/21 Man seated beside bed displaying presents in room surrounded with hanging clothes. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/22 Women looking at clothes in room festooned with clothes with two men looking on. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/23 Man on ladder at building site. 1 photograph. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/24 Man watching two work men on incomplete building. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/25 Worker wearing turban, overall and gloves at sawmill. 1 photograph. 25.5 x 20.5 cm [see MS 268/2/15/27]
/26 Two workers wearing hats at sawmill. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/27 Two workers, one wearing turban and overalls, the other a cap and overalls at sawmill. 1 photograph. 25.5 x 20.5 cm [see MS 268/15/2/25]
/28 Worker wearing turban at sawmill. 1 photograph. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/29 Worker wearing cap and overalls at sawmill machine. 1 photograph. 25.5 x 20.5 cm [see MS 268/15/2/35]
/30 Worker wearing hat watching milling of a log. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/31 Three trucks lined up to take sawdust loads from ?a poor Sawmills Limited, Barnet B.C. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/32 Lumber hoist transporter at sawmills. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/33 Two workmen watching the milling of a log. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/34 Conveyor loading sawdust onto a barge. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/35 Worker wearing hat and overalls sharpening saw teeth. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm [see MS 268/15/2/29]
/36 Worker wearing turban and overalls using pulley and hawser. 1 photograph. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/37 Overall view of sawmill yards. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/38 View of cut logs floating and penned on the water. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/39 Lumberjack working cut logs on the water. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/40 Four lumberjacks working cut logs on the water. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/41 Worker with axe hauling logs from water onto slipway. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/42 B.S.’s expert Sikh lumberjacks [and other pictures of everyday life] from The Star Weekly, Toronto, 4 Nov. 1944, p. 8. 37.5 x 27 cm
/43 A Hindu burning ghat photographed in a quarry near Royal Oak Burial Park … 1 photograph. 17.5 x 23 cm
/43a Associated Press description. [attached to MS 268/15/2/43]. 1 p. Typewritten. 14.5 x 21.5 cm
/44 Burning ghat complete with body and mourners standing around. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/45 Seven men preparing a burning ghat. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/46 Burning ghat complete with body and mourners standing around, men on one side, women on the other. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/47 Men lighting the burning ghat. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/48 Burning ghat ablaze. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/49 Two girls with a cow. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/50 Woman cooking. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/51 Sikh standing on a bridge. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/52 Two men viewing a wall map. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/3 British Columbia, Sikh ethnographic field notes. 1 folder containing 66 field notes, scissored and pasted on sheets. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/1 [Contents list]. 3 leaves. Typewritten
/2 [Colour coding for notes], White background … 1 p.
/3 Dakkah. 1 p.
/4 Villages. 1 p.
/5 Villages [by name]. 4 leaves
/6 Village-relations. 3 leaves
/7 Houses. 2 leaves
/8 Dress. 2 leaves
/9 Arts. 1 p.
/10 Entertainment. 1 p.
/11 Pets. 1 p.
/12 Dogs. 2 leaves
/13 Caste. 3 leaves
/14 Caste groups. 13 leaves
/15 Panchayat. 11 leaves
/16 Diet and crops. 7 leaves
/17 Dairying. 1 p.
/18 Agriculture. 1 p.
/19 Economics. 5 leaves
/20 Economics, property. 1 p.
/21 Economics, trade. 1 p.
/22 Economics, officials. 11 leaves
/23 Economics, irrigation. 3 leaves
/24 Army. 1 p.
/25 Hunting. 3 leaves
/26 Religion. 15 leaves. Leaves 3-14, 20.5 x 13 cm
/27 Temple. 11 leaves
/28 Temple, youth gr. 2 leaves
/29 Temple, baptism. 4 leaves
/30 Weddings. 10 leaves
/31 Social organisation. 1 p.
/32 Social organisation, marriage. 4 leaves
/33 Marriage. 2 leaves
/34 Marriage, acculturation. 2 leaves
/35 Kinship. 6 leaves
/36 Age groups. 1 p.
/37 Family relations. 1 p.
/38 Conflict. 2 leaves
/39 Stealing. 2 leaves
/40 Murder. 2 leaves
/41 Female and male relations. 3 leaves
/42 Women. 1 p.
/43 Women’s fair. 3 leaves
/44 Sex. 1 p.
/45 Sex, knowledge. 3 leaves
/46 Sex, homo. 2 leaves
/47 Sex, education. 1 p.
/48 Birth. 3 leaves
/49 Childcare, infant. 5 leaves
/50 Children, desire for. 1 leaf
/51 Children, 12 leaves. Leaves 5-10, 20.5 x 13 cm
/52 Children, play. 1 p.
/53 Games. 1 p.
/54 Education. 11 leaves. Leaves 9-11, 20.5 x 13 cm
/55 Calendar. 1 p.
/56 Mythology. 6 leaves
/57 Snakes. 2 leaves
/58 Witches. 1 p.
/59 Superstition. 1 p.
/60 Health. 2 leaves
/61 Narcotics. 1 p.
/62 Abnormality. 1 p.
/63 Suicide. 1 p.
/64 Linguistics. 1 p.
/65 Politics. 1 p.
/66 Personality. 1 p.
/4 British Columbia, Sikh field notes. 1 folder containing 15 field notes, scissored and pasted on sheets. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 8 x 10.5 cm
/1 Sikhs in N.A., Stockton and environs … 1 p.
/2 Sikhs in B.C. 8 leaves. 19.5 x 13 cm
/3 Hindu. 1 p.
/4 Mohammadan. 1 p.
/5 Kukar Sikhs. 1 p.
/6 Kapur Singh. 7 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm
/7 Mrs Hazara S. 2 leaves
/8 Nagindar Singh Gill. 3 leaves
.1 Biography of Nagindar Singh Gill; [by Mary Hunter?]. 2 leaves. Typewritten
/9 Garcha [Singh]. 6 leaves
.1 Biography of Garcha Singh; [by M. Hunter?]. 7 leaves. Typewritten
/10 Kartar S. 9 leaves. 19.5 x 13 cm
/11 Mann. 7 leaves
/12 Sekhon [Singh]. 11 leaves
.1 Sekhon Singh; [by Elise de la Fontaine], 3 Jan. 1944. 5 leaves. Typewritten
/16 [India: field notes and reading notes]. Nos. 1-10 and [Salish, Fraser River field notes]. Nos. 11-12. 1 box containing 12 papers. Nos. 1-8, 11-12. Handwritten. 20.5 x 13 cm
/1 Structure of India’s Government. 66 pp., [pp. 54, 60-1, 64, 66 blank]
/2 India, General, Matters, Leonard … 70 pp., [pp. 2, 6, 22, 24, 26, 42, 44, 50, 52, 70 blank]
/3 Gov’t on agric. India – Matters, Leonard, India, London, 1941. 58 pp., [pp. 4, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58 blank]
/4 Native states: taxes and state funds and use of laws and treaties. 60 pp., [pp. 2, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 60 blank]
/5 Baluchistan Agency – sa Kalal 1947 … 142 pp., [pp. 8, 10, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 46, 54, 56, 58-60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142 blank]
/6 Native States Ram – to end. 62 pp. [pp. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 30, 32, 38, 40, 45, 48-9, 52-3, 62 blank]
/7 Position of women, Educ., Purdah, Caste. 120 pp., [pp. 2, 6, 20, 26, 50, 54, 64, 66, 68, 70, 74, 78, 80, 86, 88, 90, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 110,, 116, 120 blank]
/8 Catfish 5 … 2 pp.
/9 ‘Akali movement’, MS in B.I.S., N.Y. … : [notes on Sikhs in the Punjab taken from various references]; [by an unknown hand not MWS]. 183 slips and cards. 7.5 x 13 cm
/10 [Publication references on the Punjab and Sikhs]. 29 slips. Typewritten. 7.5 x 13 cm
/11 Agarsiz people … 13 July … [Salish life histories]; by unknown researcher. 33 leaves
/12 Spuzzum, 22 July, Mr Patrick Charlie … ; 30 leaves [by Helen Codere?]
/17 [India and Punjab: customary law, festivals, family and property]. 1 box containing 7 folders
/1 India and Punjab: [women’s studies] reading notes. 1 folder untitled containing 17 papers. Typewritten. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/1 After five years in India – A.C. Wilson (1890’s). 2 leaves
/2 The rural church in the Punjab – E.D. Lucas and F. Thakur Das, 1939. 1 p.
/3 Jatni attitude to birth control (S.C. Jain …). 1 p.
/4 Mohan Singh – Introd. to Punjabi literature, 1951. 2 leaves
/5 M.L. Darling, Wisdom and waste in the Punjab village, 1934. 11 leaves
/6 Report on the revision settlement of the Panipet Tahsil and the Karnal Parganah, Karnal District; D.C.J. Ibbetson, 1883. 5 leaves
/7 Punjab peasant in prosperity and debt, M.L. Darling, 1925 (1937 ed.). 2 leaves
/8 Memo on female infanticide by Pandit Motilal, Kathju. 1 p.
/9 Rusticus loquitur – M.L. Darling, 1930. 2 leaves
/10 Kushwant Singh – the Sikhs, a history. 1 p.
/11 The law of inheritance to chiefships as observed by the Sikhs previous to the annexation of the Punjab, Lepel Griffin, 1869. 19 leaves
/12 McAuliffe, the Sikh religion. 4 leaves
/13 Handbook for the Indian army: Sikhs, A.H. Bingley, 1899. 1 p.
/14 from Adventures of an officer in the Punjab, H.M. Lawrence, 1846. 1 p.
/15 Ibbetson – Punjab census report for 1881. 3 leaves
/16 Wolf children: Sleeman’s ‘Journey through Oudh’ 9 leaves. 33 x 20.5 cm
/17 Negatives in Indian language and thought; by Marian W. Smith. 4 leaves
.1 Another copy of MS 268/17/1/17
/2 Punjab customary law. 1 folder untitled containing 16 papers. Typewritten. 33 x 20.5 cm
/1 Customary law of the Amritsar District, rev. ed., 1914, H.D. Craik, Vol. XI. 8 leaves. Leaf 8, 28 x 21.5 cm; leaves 7-8, handwritten
/2 Customary law of the Lahore district, rev. ed., 1916, R.C. Bolster. 5 leaves
/3 Customary law of the Gujrat district, Vol. IX, 1892, Capt. H. Davies. 2 leaves
/4 Customary law of the Rawalpindi district, rev. ed., 1910. 10 leaves
/5 Punjab customary law, Vol. V, Ludhiana district, T. Gordon Walker, 1885. 14 leaves, leaves 1-3, 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/6 Customary law of the Ludhiana district, rev. ed., 1911, J.M. Dunnett. 20 leaves
.1 Précis of the two editions of the customary law for the Ludhiana district. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/7 Customary law of the Sialkot district, rev. ed., 1917, D.J. Boyd. 4 leaves
/8 Customary law of the Ambala district, Vol. X, A. Kensington, 1893. 10 leaves
/9 Customary law of the Rohtak district, Vol. XXIII, 1911, E. Joseph. 10 leaves
/10 Customary law of the Multan district, Vol. XVIII, 1901, C.A. Roe. 4 leaves
/11 Customary law of the Ferozepore district, Vol. VII, rev. ed., M.M.L. Currie, 1915. 26 leaves
/12 General code of tribal custom in the Jhelum district of the Punjab, 1901, L.S. Talbot. 10 leaves
/12a List of references. 2 leaves. Handwritten. 25.5 x 20 and 28 x 21.5 cm
/13 Ibbetson, Caste in the Punjab, 1883. 11 leaves
/14 Punjab notes and queries, Vol. I, 1883. 5 leaves
/15 Punjab notes and queries, Vol. II, 1884. 2 leaves
/16 Punjab notes and queries, Vol. III, 1886. 1 leaf
/3 Glossary of some vernacular terms in the literature of the Punjab relating to sociological categories. 1 folder containing 10 papers. Typewritten. 30 x 20.5 cm
/1 Bhaiachara, Zamindari and Pattidari from Vol. II, Punjab customary law, 1881. 5 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/2 T. Gordon Walker on the terms zamindari, 6 haichara and pattidari … (from C.L. of Ludhiana, Vol. V, 1885). 3 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/3 Boulnois and Rattigan ‘Note on customary law’, 1876, on the terms. 3 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/4 Jagir, Jagirdar … from Griffin & Massy ‘Chiefs and families of note in the Punjab’, rev. ed., 1940. 3 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/5 Patti or taraf, Ludhiana Settlement Report, 1953, p. 60. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/6 Vesh or vaish tenure. 2 leaves. 33 x 20.5 cm
/7 Zail. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/8 Thapa., (Ibbetson, Punjab castes, 1883). 2 leaves. 33 x 20.5 cm
/9 The brahminical gotras (from Ibbetson, Punjab castes). 2 leaves. 33 x 20.5 cm
/10 Got, (J. Wilson, Punjab customary law, Vol. II, 1881, p. 61). 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/4 [Miscellaneous notes on property, revenue and plunder]. 1 folder untitled containing 8 papers. Handwritten. 28 x 20.5 cm
/1 Philip Woodruff; The men who rule India: the founders, London, Jonathan Cape, 1953, pp. 119-340 [notes]. 15 leaves
/2 [Subject lists], inheritance of widows … 3 leaves
/3 Shea, Thomas, 1955, Economic study of a Malabar village … [reading note]. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/4 [Notes on Muslim law from readings], could analyze, p. 10, iv, Jhelum … 1 p.
/5 Cambridge, IV (Moreland) p. 449 … 16 leaves
/6 Jats. 5 leaves
/7 Lodi dynasty before B?bur … 2 leaves
/8 [Notes on a researcher] 1921-35. 1 p.
/5 Hindu festivals. 1 title page. 1 folder containing 14 papers. Typewritten. 34 x 21 cm
/1 The Hindu way. 14 leaves
/2 Nava Ratri: the nine nights. 5 leaves
/3 Rama Navami. 10 leaves
/4 Krishna’s birthday. 14 leaves
/5 The great night of Shiva. 7 leaves
/6 Vijaya Dashami. 4 leaves
/7 The festivals of lights. 4 leaves
/8 The spring festival. 5 leaves
/9 Makara Sankranti. 5 leaves
/10 Ganesh Chaturthi. 4 leaves
/11 Raksha Bandhan. 2 leaves
/12 Naga Panchami. 6 leaves
/13 Haritalika. 5 leaves
/14 The Hindu New Year’s day. 3 leaves
/6 The joint family among Indians: a seminar [held at SOAS], 1957-8. 1 folder containing 11 papers
/1 Values of joint ownership [lecture notes; by M.W. Smith]. 7 pp. Handwritten. 33 x 20.5 cm
/2 [Notes on a paper by S. Morris]. 3 pp. Handwritten. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/3 Audrey Richards in ‘Man and culture’: [reading notes]. 4 pp. Handwritten. 25.5 x 20.5 cm
/4 Seminar on social and cultural problems of India [held at] School of Oriental and African Studies, Department of Cultural Anthropology, session 1957-58. Contents list. 1 p. Typewritten. 33 x 20.5 cm. 7 papers presented. Typewritten. 33 x 20.5 cm
.1 Born criminals in northern India: summary; by D.N. Majumdar, pp. 20-4
.2 The joint family in Malwa: summary; by A.C. Mayer, pp. 24-5
.3 Newar family structure: summary; by K.C. Rosser, pp. 26-7
.4 The joint family in Mauritius: summary; by Burton Benedict, pp. 28-30
.5 The family among Indian settlers in Uganda: summary; by Stephen Morris, pp. 31-2
.6 Chamar family structure in village Senapur: summary; by B.S. Cohn, pp. 33-6
.7 The joint family among Indians: a framework for discussion: summary; by F.G. Bailey, pp. 37-8
/7 India: marriage data Ludhiana and Ferozepore. 1 folder containing 8 papers. Title of folder only retained. Handwritten. 10 x 15 cm
/1 Notes on statistical complications referring to marriages within and between castes in the Ludhiana and Ferozepore districts, 1911 and 1915, L.H. Palmier, 19 July 1956. 10 leaves. Typewritten. 30 x 22 cm (*)
/2 Marriage outside of caste or religion. 4 pp. Handwritten. 33 x 41 cm
/3 ? [woman] to second husband. 9 pp. Handwritten. 33 x 41 cm
/4 ? to second then third husband. 1 p. Handwritten. 33 x 41 cm
/5 Two wives. 1 p. Handwritten. 33 x 41 cm
/6 ? to second husband. 1 chart. Handwritten. 53 x 30.5 cm
/7 [Census statistics], Ludhiana, Ferozepore, 1911. 4 leaves. Handwritten. 27 x 20 cm
/8 The use of Punjabi documentary evidence; by Marian W. Smith [paper delivered] at Seminar on social and cultural problems of India, session 1955-6, lent term, SOAS, pp. 59-63. Typewritten. 33 x 20 cm
/18 Bengal: field notes and student’s work. 1 box containing 4 folders
/1 Folklore – Sampson – Abdul: [tales informant Abdul Rahman]. 1 folder containing 15 papers. Nos. 1-10, typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm; nos. 11-15, handwritten; nos. 12-15, fieldnotes, scissored and pasted on sheets, 28 x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 14 x 4 cm
/1 The crowd and the sparrow. 16 June 1944. 2 leaves
/2 A man had seven children … 20 June 1944. 5 leaves
/3 Once there was a king (tai) … 20 June 1944. 3 leaves
/4 Sanshordagor had seven children … 22 June 1944. 5 leaves
/5 In one place there was a man … 22 June 1944. 3 leaves
/6 Hatim Tai came in his travels … 23-26 June 1944. 11 leaves
/7 Once there was a Maharajah … 26 June 1944. 6 leaves
/8 Once a man came to a village … [from memory], 22 June 1944. 2 leaves
/9 Once there was a Maharajah … [from memory], 23 June 1944. 7 leaves
/10 [Fragments of stories], Follows part of a story … 3 leaves
/11 One man married a girl … 4 leaves. Handwritten. various sizes
/12 Folktale – Jackal and Maharaja of Bengal. 8 leaves (*)
/13 Mythology – One lion and jackal live together. 1 leaf (*)
/14 Snakes (story about). 1 leaf (*)
/15 Folktales (why women won’t go for water to the well). 2 leaves (*)
/2 [Student’s work based on field notes]. 1 folder untitled containing 5 papers. 28 x 21.5 cm. Nos. 3-5 [field notes scissored and pasted on sheets].
/1 Notes on fantasy in Sylhet, India; [by Adams?]. leaves i, 11
/2 Djinns; by Robert N. Hill. 8 leaves. Typewritten
/3 Personal relations, informant Abdul Rahman; [submitted] by R. Winburn. i, 19 leaves. Handwritten
/4 [Agriculture, submitted by Dutton?]: irrigation, rice, farm labour, farm animals, food for farmers. 9 leaves. Handwritten
/5 [Field notes]: meals and food, foods, dairy products, trade, game trapping, labour, law, Naga people. 16 leaves. Handwritten
/3 Bengali notes done – Bakr. 1 folder containing 15 papers. Handwritten. Nos. 2-15 [notes scissored and pasted on sheets] 28 x 21.5 cm. Title of folder only retained. 7.5 x 13 cm
/1 Abdul, panchayeth-village men … [by MWS]. 18 leaves. 20 x 12.5 cm
/2 Goes to England. 6 leaves
/3 Anecdotes, &c. 3 leaves
/4 learns. 4 leaves
/5 family. 3 leaves
/6 Customs. 5 leaves
/7 Sets up in business. 30 leaves. Leaves 14-30, 20 x 12.5 cm
/8 Profits and trade. 12 leaves
/9 First trip. 7 leaves
/10 Places. 14 leaves, drawing
/11 exchange. 4 leaves
/12 market practices. 16 leaves. Leaves 2-14, 20 x 12.5 cm
/13 convoy. 15 leaves [numbered 14]
/14 direct sale. 2 leaves
/15 middlemen. 3 leaves
/4 [Miscellaneous notes and papers on Bengal villages]. 1 folder untitled containing 30 papers
/1 [M.W. Smith notes about her student’s tutorials and projects]. 13 leaves. Handwritten. Various sizes
/2 [subject headings], Sikhs in the world [adaptation of MS 268/15/3/1]. 3 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/3 Abdul Rahman [code for student’s field notes]. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/4 Linguistics (Bengali) III … [pasted field note]. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/5 Hindu (A.R. comment on) … [pasted field note]. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/6 [Subject list], I – 1 – Bengal … 2 leaves. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/7 [Notes for a paper]: 1. Start with statement about the ‘seven village …’ 8 pp. [pp 2, 4, 5-6 blank]. Handwritten. 21.5 x 14 cm
/8 [Sketch of a village]. 1 sheet. Handwritten. 45.5 x 61 cm
/9 Rites of the twice born: [genealogy] Foidada (+ generation no.) … 1 sheet. Handwritten. 21.5 x 28 cm
/10 [Sketch of village], Bishonat Bazar … 1 sheet. 28 x 21.5 cm
/11 [Sketch of village bazars], Kamalo Bazar … 1 sheet. 28 x 21.5 cm
/12 [Sketch of] Olangkari village. 1 sheet. 28 x 21.5 cm
/13 [Sketch of] Sylhet [district]. 1 sheet. 28 x 21.5 cm
/14 general setting in Bengal … 1 leaf. Handwritten. 21.5 x 14 cm
/15 Contents of village: [notes]. 9 leaves, various sizes, mostly 15 x 10 cm
/16 Economics. 1 leaf [field notes scissored and pasted on sheets]. 28 x 21 cm
/17 Conflict [over land]. 7 leaves, pasted and unpasted notes. Handwritten. Various sizes
/18 [Notes and unpasted cuttings on farmland]. 2 leaves, 28 x 21.5 cm and cuttings 3-14. Various sizes. Handwritten
/19 Notes on Moslem Bengal. 1 leaf. Typewritten. 20 x 13 cm
/20 [Notes on Moslem village, Shoti?, in Bengal]. 2 leaves. Handwritten. 21.5 x 14 cm
/21 Moslems and Hindus; relations. 9 cuttings. Handwritten. Various sizes
/22 This information not used, ‘Now I have all over the place … value system stuff’. 1 leaf [field notes scissored and pasted on sheets]. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/23 Indian politics, social conditions, &c. 1 leaf [field notes scissored and pasted on sheets]. Handwritten. 28 x 21. 5 cm
/24 Geography, climate, Bengal. 1 leaf, [field notes scissored and pasted on sheets]. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/25 [Sketch map of Sylhet], from Murray, Handbook for Bengal. 1 leaf. 28 x 21.5 cm
/26 [List of subject headings]. 3 pp. Handwritten. 15 x 10 cm
/27 Anthropology 210 [course notes]. 1 leaf. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/28 [Summary notes on fieldwork]. 3 leaves. Typewritten. 18 x 9 cm
/29 Sylket District. 5 pp. Handwritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/30 Folksongs of Chhattisgarh; by Verrier Elwin, O.U.P., 1946: [a review of the book]; by M.W. Smith. 4 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
/19 [Assam and Bengal]. 1 box containing 4 folders and 1 notebook. Fishing in Bengal, folders 2-4 and Fishing on the Fraser River, notebook 1.
/1 [Fishing, Fraser River: field notes], George Chapman who is the nephew of Mrs Patrick Charlie … 23 July 1945. 16 leaves, drawings. Handwritten. 20.5 x 12.5 cm
/2 Bengal fishes: illustrations for reproduction by Abdul R. 1 folder containing 14 sketches in pen and ink. Title of folder only retained. 9 x 18.5 cm
/1 Herring, clupea ilisha … Pellona motins … and Wallayo atlu = gual. 3 sketches on 1 sheet. 20.5 x 26.5 cm
/2 [Sketches of 2 fish]. 18.5 x 11.5 cm
/3 ai. 1 p. Handwritten. 20.5 x 26.5 cm
/4 [Sketch of 1 fish]. 10.5 x 11.5 cm
/5 Barbus tetrapugus … barbus chagunio … [and] Danio a eguippinatus … 3 sketches on 1 sheet. 20.5 x 26.5 cm
/6 [Sketch of 1 fish]. 11.5 x 12.5 cm
/7 Carp: Barbus Tor … 1 sketch. 20.5 x 24.5 cm
/8 [Sketch of 1 fish]. 12 x 11.5 cm
/9 Catla buchanani. 1 sketch. 13.5 x 20 cm
/10 Carp, labeo rohita … 1 sketch. 20.5 x 25.5 cm
/11 Anabas scadens, koi …, and Osphromenus nobilis. 1 sketch. 20.5 x 26 cm
/12 [Sketch of 2 fish]. 17.5 x 9.5 cm
/13 Bag. 1 p. Handwritten. 20.5 x 26.5 cm
/14 [Sketch of 3 fish]. 13.5 x 17.5 cm
/3 [Field notes on fishing, snakes and djinn in Alanka, Assam; by students]. 1 folder untitled containing 7 sets of notes. Nos. 2-7 field notes scissored and pasted on sheets. Various sizes
/1 Notes on fishing in Alanka, Assam, India as reported by Abdul Rahman, a native of Alanka: class notes of Roxane Winburn et al., 1946. 3 leaves. Typewritten. 28 x 21.5 cm
.1 [Title page], Fishing – see Fantasy … 1 p. Handwritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
/2 Fish. 8 leaves. Handwritten
/3 Mentality; by Mr Frankel. 5 leaves. Handwritten. Leaves 1-4, 13.5 x 20.5 cm; leaf 5, 20.5 x 21.5 cm
/4 My father and I one day went to kill fish …; by Miss Winburn. 7 leaves. Handwritten. 27 x 20 cm
/5 When I was a young boy, I had a big ox …; by Miss Dutton. 4 leaves. Typewritten. 26.5 x 20 cm
/6 On a slightly cold night in November …; by Mr Scheele. 3 leaves. Handwritten. 27 x 20 cm
/7 A’s aunt went to a bamboo tree …; by Adams. 10 leaves. Handwritten. 27 x 20 cm
/4 [Fishing]. 1 folder untitled containing 16 sets of notes. Handwritten. Nos. 5-7, 9, 12, 14-16 [field notes scissored and pasted on sheets]. Nos. 4-10, 12-16, 28 x 21.5 cm
/1 [Notes on field notes]: gm – by hand – p. 2, 8 – small kinds of fish … 5 leaves. 20 x 12.5 cm
/2 [contents list of field notes]: Name, description, habits. 4 leaves. 28 x 21.5 cm
/3 [Reference list of field notes]: Organisation I. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20 cm
/4 [Subject headings for field notes]. 1 p. Typewritten
/5 Seasons. 2 leaves
/6 Hatching. 1 p.
/7 Stocking. 1 p.
/8 [Subject index]. 1 p.
/9 General methods. 21 leaves, drawings
/10 [Subject references]. 1 p.
/11 [Brief jottings]. 1 leaf, 13 x 7.5 cm
/12 Name, description, habits. 24 leaves [numbered 21]
/13 [Notes on methods of catching], Hook and line … 12 pp.
/14 Name, method of catching. 7 leaves [numbered 1-4, 7, 11-12]
/15 Cooking. 2 leaves
/16 Classification, thought processes. 8 leaves
/5 [Assam and Bengal field notes]. 1 folder untitled containing 23 items. Handwritten Nos. 1-5, 8-23. Nos. 5-21, 28 x 21.5 cm. Nos. 8-20 field notes scissored and pasted on sheets
/1 1944-5 Notes: [list]. 1 p. 26.5 x 20 cm
/2 [Notes on Tengara village (red)], Bishanat Bazar down Bayaganj from A’s vill. … 17 leaves. 15 x 10 cm
/3 Cooking; by Helen V., Use chicken while still warm … 3 leaves. 15 x 10 cm
/4 Sylket conquered by Moslem fakir … 10 cards. 7.5 x 13 cm
/5 Abdul, The province of Assam … 6 pp.
/6 The province of Assam …. 4 leaves. Typewritten [copy of MS 268/19/5/5]
/7 The Indian province of Assam …, general, agriculture, feasts, fishing ties. 6 leaves. Typewritten. [copy of MS 268/19/5/5]
/8 Transportation and communication. 1 p. (*)
/9 Female and male relation in family. 1 p. (*)
/10 Age groups. 1 p. (*)
/11 Childcare – infant. 1 p. (*)
/12 Economics, trade. 1 p. (*)
/13 Economics, property. 1 p. (*)
/14 Education. 1 p. (*)
/15 Child play. 1 p. (*)
/16 Kinship. 3 leaves (*)
/17 Fishing. 2 leaves (*)
/18 Agriculture. 6 leaves [leaf 1 is a packet of 14 cuttings. Various sizes] (*)
/19 Villages. 1 p. (*)
/20 Diet and cooking. 1 p. [torn] (*)
/21 [Drawing]. 1 p. (*)
/22 [Unpasted notes] Abdul Rahman, 1944-5. 126 cuttings. Various sizes
.1 Unpasted notes: [envelope originally containing cuttings]. 21 x 30 cm
/23 Letter from Dorothy Leadbeater to M.W. Smith, 22 Jan. 1945 – explains her role in pasting cuttings in classification order. 4 pp. 10 x 15.5 cm
/20 1 negative microfilm copy of MS 268/1-19. 7 reels. 1989. Contents: Reel No. 1 = Box nos. 1-2
2 = 3-4
3 = 5-7
4 = 8-10
5 = 11-13
6 = 14-16
7 = 17-19
.1 1 positive microfilm copy of MS 268/20
/21 [Catalogues of Marian W. Smith collection]
/1 Marian W. Smith collection in [the] Royal Anthropological Institute Library (MS 268): catalogue; by Pamela T. Amoss. 20 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten annotations. 27.5 x 21.5 cm
/2 Marian W. Smith catalogue: photo album; by Pamela T. Amoss. 5 leaves. Typewritten. 27.5 x 21.5 cm
.1 Pamela T. Amoss to B.J. Kirkpatrick, 18 July 1975 – explains work on cataloguing the collection and its shortcomings; proposes visit by William W. Elmendorf; encloses copy of catalogue. 1 p. Typewritten. 21.5 x 14 cm
/3 Catalogue of the Miriam Smith collection of fieldnotes, manuscripts, and photographs in the Library of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland; prepared by Pamela T. Amoss. [i], 20 pp. [p. 16 missing]. Mimeograph. 28 x 21.5 cm. Presented by Crisca Bierwert Russell, 22 August 1983
/4 Marian Smith catalogue: photo album. 5 pp. Mimeograph. Presented by Crisca Bierwert Russell, 22 August 1983
/22 Bibliographies of published works held in the Anthropology Library, British Museum which holds the former Library of the Royal Anthropological Institute, by some of the writers of manuscripts held in MS 268
/1 Ballard, Arthur C. 2 leaves. Word processed and photocopy. 29.5 x 21 cm
/2 Boas, Franz. 45 leaves. Word processed. 29.5 x 21 cm and 10 leaves. Photocopy. 29.5 x 42 cm
/3 Codere, Helen. 6 leaves. Word processed and photocopy. 29.5 x 21 cm
/4 Leacock, Eleanor Burke. 16 leaves. Word processed and photocopy. 29.5 x 21 cm
/5 Smith, Marian Wesley. 2 leaves. Word processed. 29 x 21 cm and 3 leaves. Photocopy. 29.5 x 42 cm