Powell, Samuel (MS 432)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Powell, Samuel (MS 432)

Notes from letters written about his journeys in Central Africa commencing 1936 and notes on events prior to them. 1925-37

4 notebooks. Various sizes


Presented by an unrecorded source, with a note ‘Samuel Powell’s home was in Stony Stratford, Beds’, [nd]

/1 Notes written from 7 June 1925 to 25 July 1936. 1 notebook, pp. 1-5, 7, 9-12, 15 and last page of notebook, blank pp. 6, 8, 13-4, 16 and all subsequent pp. except for the last page. 22.5 x 18 cm. Bound in maroon marble boards with black spine

Contents :

7 June 1925-22 Sep. 1925 – life in England

6 Jan. 1926-7 Aug. 1927 – visits in England, France and Switzerland

19 Mar. 1929-Jan.1930 – experiences in South Africa

25 Mar. 1935-25 July 1936 – list of places visited in Sierra Leone, Cameroons, French Equatorial Africa, Sudan, Uganda

/2 Notes written from 14 Aug. 1936 to 15 May 1937. 1 notebook. 40 leaves, diagrs., illus, maps verso leaves 1, 18, text verso leaf 40. 19.5 x 16 cm. Bound in black boards with maroon cloth spine

Contents :

14 Aug. 1936-26 Aug. 1936 – in England preparing to leave, met Charles Seligman, became Fellow of the RAI and met the Emperor of Ethiopia at the Embassy

4 Sep.1936-7 Oct. 1936 – travels in Gambia, collecting objects, taking photographs for Illustrated London News

8 Nov. 1936-20 Nov. 1936 – travels in French Guinea, hunting game, Senegal, Mali and back to French Guinea and on to Bamako

31 Dec. 1936-10 Mar. 1937 – travels and adventures in French Sudan with descriptions of people, plans for Niamey, Sokoto

12 Apr. 1937-26 Apr. 1937 – travels through Colonie du Niger down Niger River, Gaya

8 May 1937 – travels to Sokoto, N.Nigeria, ill with groin abscess, wants to return to Lake Chad and Darfur

/3 Notes written from 22 May 1937 to 8 December 1937. 1 notebook. 46 leaves, maps, map verso leaf 2, text verso leaf 46. 19.5 x 16 cm. Bound in black boards with maroon cloth spine

Contents :

22 May 1937-15 June 1937 – travels through N. Nigeria, Sokotol to Dosondontchi, 4 cases of collected curios despatched

5 July 1937-15 July 1937 – travels through Colonie du Niger, Dogondontchi to Tahona, Menaka, Ansango, uses of camels

18 Aug. 1937-8 Dec. 1937 – travels through French Sudan, Ansango-Fonta-Djalon, discusses the Fulani, onto Gao, Tombouctou, Mopti, Bamako, discusses colonial administration, learning Fulani language, yellow fever outbreak, describes Niger River, letter from Professor Evans-Pritchard, describes Arahs, use of red ochre by 25 tribes, body decoration of tribes, Lake Horo, news from England

/4 Notes written on 20 December 1937. 1 notebook, pp. 1-2, rest of the notebook blank. 23 x 18 cm. Bound in black boards

Contents :

20 Dec. 1937 – life in Bamako, 3 more cases of curios despatched, to travel by canoe, discusses guns and recommendation from Peter Fleming, Zosi Tauregs and Hausa