Arthur Maurice Hocart Prize Past Awards

Home Awards Past Awards Arthur Maurice Hocart Prize Past Awards
2023 no award 
2022Jeanne CoppensOn Shaken Terrains – Practices of attention at an urban day shelter 
2021Konrad SiekierskiScripts, Saints, and Scientists: the Social Life of Gospel Books in an Armenian Museum 
2020Antonio Montañés Jiménez‘Evangelical Gitanos are a good catch’: masculinity, love and Christianity in Spain 

2019Jennifer CairnsBack to the Future 
 Megnaa MehttaConserving Life: Everyday Ethics as Alternative Forest Governance 
2018Sarah BestThe Cognitive and Cultural Experience of Art 
2017Juan M. de NidoThe Scarlet P: Uber in Buenos Aires and the post-political as a modality of reasoning 
2016 no award
2015Agathe Mora‘We Don’t Work for the Serbs, We Work for Human Rights’: Justice and
Impartiality in Transitional Kosovo.
2014 no award
2013Rodolfo Maggio“Sikret Fren”: Economic costs and moral values in a friendship ritual in Honiara, Solomon Islands 
2012Anthony PicklesPocket Calculator: A Humdrum ‘Obviator’ in Papua New Guinea? 
2011Philip KaoA Long Way From My Infant Needs: Performances of the Self in Acts of Formal Caregiving 
2010Cristian SimonettiWith the Past under your feet. On the development of time concepts in archaeology  

2009Megan WainwrightTaking constipation seriously: an ethnographic study of the patient’s perspective on illness and interactions in healthcare 
2008Farrah Folami-CarrerSeparate Communities, Separate Lives: Bangladeshi Integration in Tower Hamlets  
 Amy McLennanWhat the nose knows. The role of odour in ritually-induced bodily transformation and implications for obesity research in the Pacific Islands 
2007Paul AndersonIs Altruism Possible? 
2006 no award 
2005Francis McKayArchaeology and the Denial of Coevalness 
 Eduardo Daniel BogadoBatty fi’ Dead (Homosexual must die): God, gender, body and society in the cultural construction of the Jamaican male homosexual. 
2004Sophie HainesLandscapes of Terror and Denial in the Israel/Palestine Conflict