Exhibitors confirmed so far.
Website: https://www.berghahnbooks.com/ Anthropology subject list: https://www.berghahnbooks.com/browse/bysubject/anthropology-all Education subject list: https://www.berghahnbooks.com/browse/bysubject/educational-studies Twitter: @BerghahnAnthro Instagram: @berghahnbooks |
Berghahn Books is an independent publisher of distinguished scholarly books and journals in the humanities and social sciences. In 2024, we are celebrating our 30th anniversary as a proudly family-run press. Our program spans Social & Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, History, Archaeology, Migration Studies, Education Studies, and Film Studies. With a backlist of well over 2,000 book titles and nearly 20,000 journal articles, we have established ourselves as a publishing house well known for the quality of its publications.
Black History Books UK
Website: blackhistorybooks.uk |
Black History Books and its partners including Simon Education (www.simoneducation.com) are committed to publishing and the distribution of literary and historical works of people of African heritage that are critical and seminal to the fundamental understanding of the history, cultures and traditions of people of African heritage. Established in 2014 it stocks a broad range of notable titles that are often hard to reach by traditional high street booksellers and out of print titles on-line.
Combined Academic Publishers
Website: Online exhibit page (including conference discount):
Combined Academic Publishers works with 18 North American university presses distributing books Internationally from our partner UK warehouse. Our client publishers include:
-Duke University Press
-Stanford University Press
-University of Toronto Press
-Cornell University Press
-Indiana University Press
-University of Pennsylvania Press
Human Relations Area Files at Yale University
Website: https://hraf.yale.edu/ eHRAF World Cultures: https://ehrafworldcultures.yale.edu/ eHRAF Archaeology: https://ehrafarchaeology.yale.edu/ Teaching eHRAF: https://hraf.yale.edu/teaching-ehraf/ eHRAF Workbooks: https://hraf.yale.edu/teaching-ehraf/workbooks/ |
The Human Relations Area Files ay Yale University is internationally recognized in the field of anthropology. Founded in 1949, HRAF is a membership-supported nonprofit organization comprised of universities, colleges, libraries, and research institutions. Our mission is to promote understanding of cultural diversity and commonality in the past and present. HRAF produces scholarly resources for research, teaching, and learning. We support and conduct original research on cross-cultural variation. HRAF is committed to developing dynamic, expertly indexed databases. Our products include the eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF Archaeology databases. We also provide open-access resources including Explaining Human Culture and Teaching eHRAF.
Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Website: https://www.therai.org.uk/ Film: https://raifilm.org.uk/ Courses: https://therai.org.uk/online-courses Publications: https://therai.org.uk/resources/publications |
The RAI is the world's longest-established scholarly association dedicated to the furtherance of anthropology in its broadest and most inclusive sense. We run a wide range of activities.
For example, we publish two journals, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI), Anthropology Today (AT), and other occasional papers and books from time to time. We also publish the Anthropological Index Online. We run weekly events during term times, as well as our biennial major conference and Film Festival. The RAI is the custodian of a rich collection of archival and manuscript materials, most of which is available for research purposes. And we also hold an extensive catalogue in ethnographic and documentary film, some of which are available to order as DVD or in digital format to stream. We also run an online course programme, provided by academics at the top of their field.
Sean Kingston Publishing
Website: https://www.seankingston.co.uk/publishing.html |
In a field of multinational corporations, Sean Kingston Publishing is a family business, a small press specializing in high-quality academic texts within the social sciences, particularly anthropology. We published our first books in 2004, volumes by Marilyn Strathern, James Leach and Lawrence Kalinoe, and Alan Rumsey and James Weiner. Since that time, we have grown organically, establishing many long-lasting relationships with our partners (e.g. the Royal Anthropological Institute and the Centro Incontri Umani) and authors, and publishing more books each year on our own behalf, as well as assisting other organizations with their publications (e.g. The British Museum).
Website: https://www.wiley.com/en-gb Wiley Online Library Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute: https://rai.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14679655 Wiley Online Library Anthropology Today: https://rai.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14678322 |
A trusted leader in research and learning, our pioneering solutions and services are paving the way for knowledge seekers as they work to solve the world’s most important challenges. We are advocates of advancement, empowering knowledge-seekers to transform today’s biggest obstacles into tomorrow’s brightest opportunities.
With over 200 years of experience in publishing, we continue to evolve knowledge seekers’ steps into strides, illuminating their path forward to personal, educational, and professional success at every stage. Around the globe, we break down barriers for innovators, empowering them to advance discoveries in their fields, adapt their workforces, and shape minds.