Anthropology & Education

Home Conferences Anthropology & Education Information for Exhibitors

If you are interested in exhibiting at the Anthropology and Education conference please contact

About the conference

The Royal Anthropological Institute is pleased to announce that a face to face conference ‘Anthropology and Education’ will take place at Senate House, University of London.

Dates: 25-28 June 2024


Exhibitors will meet a truly interdisciplinary mix of 600 international delegates. Participants will include anthropologists, curators, teachers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, representatives of NGOs, corporate bodies and members of the general public.


The exhibition will be in the Macmillan Hall at Senate House. Details can be found on the following website The tea and coffee will be served in the breaks in this room.

Opportunities to exhibit

We offer our exhibitors a comprehensive package in a prime spot at the centre of the conference ensuring maximum face to face interaction with delegates. Exhibitors are offered:

  • a single display table (2 feet x 5 feet) in the Macmillan Hall where refreshments will be served – this ensures maximum face to face interaction with delegates.
  • two passes to the conference with full access to panels and events
  • your organisation’s logo and weblink on the conference website

Delivery of exhibition materials

Delivery of materials should be made on Monday 24 June 2024 and they will be brought to the Macmillan Hall. Full delivery instructions will be in the Delivery Form that is sent to exhibitors once registered.

Exhibition times

Exhibitions will be on display throughout the event. Stalls will see the most activity during registration, lunch, breaks and receptions.

Setting up stalls

Exhibitors will be able to set up their stalls between 9:00-9.30am on Tuesday 25 June 2024. Once assigned, stalls will remain in the same position throughout the duration of the conference.

Staffing stalls

Your representatives will staff the stall to facilitate the marketing of materials and the presence of your brand. Unfortunately, RAI volunteers will not be able to staff stalls, and we ask that materials are not left unattended during the conference for security purposes.

Technical considerations

If you would like to request a power source or other facilities, please indicate this on the Exhibitor Registration form.

Venue security

Throughout the conference there will be RAI volunteers who will help administrate the event and monitor the area. Exhibitors must ensure their stalls are not left unattended. At the end of each conference day, stalls may be left overnight but please NOTE that University of London and the RAI do NOT take any responsibility for any items lost, missing or stolen on site.

Dismantling stalls & returning goods

Exhibitors will be responsible for dismantling their stalls and ensuring that their goods are collected at the end of the conference.