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Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present
From Wednesday 01 May 2019 -  06:30pm
To Thursday 02 May 2019 - 05:00pm
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Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present                             

A Joint Symposium: 1-2 May 2019

The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, the Learned Society of Wales, the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, and the Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods. 

Publication: RAI Country Day Series: Sean Kingston Publishing.

This event is free, but tickets must be booked. To book tickets please go to

Programme and Venue: (Cardiff University).

Wednesday 1st May: (Cardiff University).

Chair: Professor Emeritus W. John Morgan (Council of Royal Anthropological Institute and of Learned Society of Wales).   

18.00: Welcome: Professor Ian Rees Jones, (Director, Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods, Professor David Boucher (Vice President, Learned Society of Wales), Professor Emeritus Prys Morgan (President, Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion), Dr David Shankland (Director, Royal Anthropological Institute). 

18.30-19.30: Keynote Lecture: The Language of Relationship: Anthropology’s commitment to comparison.

Professor Dame Marilyn Strathern: FBA and Honorary Fellow, Learned Society of Wales (University of Cambridge).

19.30-20.30: Wine and Canapes Reception. 

Thursday 2nd May

Morning Session: Past (Cardiff University).

09.00-09.25: Registration and coffee.

09.25-09.30: Welcome: Professor emeritus W. John Morgan.

Chair: Professor Mererid Hopwood (University of Wales Trinity St. David)

09.30-10. 00: Gerald of Wales: Medieval ethnographer of the Welsh: Professor Huw Pryce, (Bangor University).

10.00-10.30: ‘Wales in Miniature’: Iorwerth C. Peate and the development of the Welsh Folk Museum: Elen Phillips (Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru/National Museum of Wales).

10. 30-11.00: William Jones (1746-94), Welsh orientalist and ethno-musicologist: Professor John M. O’Connell, (Cardiff University).

11.00-11.20: Coffee Break.

Chair: Reverend Professor Douglas J. Davies (Durham University).

11. 20-11. 50: Anthropological perspectives on religious belief in Wales: Dr Fiona Bowie (University of Oxford).

11. 50--12.20: The Welsh in diaspora: Patagonia: Dr. Iwan Rees (Cardiff University).

12.20-12.50: Community Studies and Twentieth Century Social Change: perspectives on Welsh society: Professor Emeritus Gareth Rees (WISERD and Cardiff University). 

12.50-13.30: Buffet Lunch.

Afternoon Session: Present (Cardiff University)

Contemporary Community Studies.

Chair: Professor Nigel Rapport (University of St. Andrews and Association of Social Anthropologists).

13.30-14.00: Becoming involved: Biography and community in two north east Wales villages: Dr Robin Mann and D. David Dallimore (WISERD and Bangor University).

14.00-14. 30: Learn Welsh to become... Welsh? Elaine Forde (Swansea University).

14. 30-15.00: Virtual diasporas? Revisiting the role of migrants’ online groups and communities in Wales: Dr Taulant Guma (WISERD and Edinburgh Napier University).

15.00-15.30: Labour, Love and Welfare on a South Wales Housing Estate: Dr Helen Blakely (WISERD and Cardiff University).

15.30-15.50: Tea and coffee.

15. 50 -16.50: Endnote Lecture:

Class and Community in Industrial and Post-industrial South Wales

Professor Chris Hann, Director, Max Planck Institute of Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany.

Chair: Dr David Shankland (Director, Royal Anthropological Institute).

16. 50-17.00: Close of Symposium.

Reports on the day are here in English and Welsh.