Book Launch

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Book Launch: Handbook of Education in China

BOOK LAUNCHAT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Handbook of Education in China Edited by W. John Morgan, Professor Emeritus, School of Education; Senior Fellow, China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham; Honorary Professor, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University and Qing Gu, Professor of Education, School of Education, University of Nottingham, UK and Fengliang Li, Associate Professor […]

Book Lauch: Built in Niugini & Made in Niugini

BOOK LAUNCHAT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Built in Niugini: Constructions in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea and Made in Niugini: Technology in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea The RAI Series Volumes One & Two by Prof Paul Sillitoe, Durham University Thursday 9 November at 6.00pm Built in Niugini: Constructions in the Highlands of […]

Book Launch by Özlem Warren

Joint seminar with the Anglo-Turkish SocietyThursday 17 May 2018 at 6.00pm at the Royal Anthropological Institute Book launch by Özlem Warren: Özlem’s Turkish Table: Recipes from My Homeland 10 years in the making this book will be officially released on 26th April 2018 and the author will inform and entertain us on this journey of […]

Book Launch: Liana Chua and Nayanika Mathur

BOOK LAUNCHAT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Who are ‘we’?: Reimagining alterity and affinity in anthropology Edited by Dr Liana Chua (Brunel University) and Nayanika Mathur (University of Oxford) Wednesday 10 October at 5.00pm Who do “we” anthropologists think “we” are? And how do forms and notions of collective disciplinary identity shape the way we think, […]

Book Launch: Robert Gordon

BOOK LAUNCHAT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE The Enigma of Max Gluckman: The Ethnographic Life of a "Luckyman" in Africa Robert J. Gordon Monday 5 November at 5.30pm Max Gluckman was one of the more enigmatic figures in post-World War 2 social anthropology. Some have suggested that his `Bridge´ essay is the single most important article […]

Book Launch: Dunbar’s Number

BOOK LAUNCH DUNBAR’S NUMBER Wednesday 27 February at 5.30pm Edited by David Shankland, Director, RAI Sean Kingston: RAI Occasional Publication Number. 45 The RAI is delighted to announce that the launch of the RAI’s most recent occasional publication ‘Dunbar’s Number’ will take place at the offices of the RAI on 27th February 2019, 5.30pm. This […]

Book Launch: Fragments of Nepali History in the UK

BOOK LAUNCH Fragments of Nepali History in the UK Tuesday 26 March at 5.30pm by Sanyukta Shrestha ‘Fragments of Nepali History in the UK’ is a collection of essays and reviews by Sanyukta Shrestha from 2012 to 2019. The essay section includes scholarly investigation of manuscripts and artefacts of Nepali origin and scattered around the […]

JRAI Special Issue Launch: Energy and Ethics?

JRAI Special Issue LaunchEnergy and Ethics? with the special issue guest editors Dr Mette M. High (University of St Andrews) and Dr Jessica M. Smith (Colorado School of Mines) Friday 4 October at 5.30 pm Energy rises, if not demands, vital and vexing ethical questions. In what ways does energy contribute to or imperil the […]

Book Launch: Mapping Indigenous Australia

BOOK LAUNCH AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Mapping Indigenous Australia Frances Morphy, General Editor (with Bill Arthur), Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia, Center for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, The Australian National University Wednesday 9 October at 5.30 pm The Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia, published in 2005, was the first atlas of its kind, anywhere. […]

Book Launch: Civilisation Recast

BOOK LAUNCH AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Civilisation Recast Prof Stephan Feuchtwang, London School of Economics & Prof Michael Rowlands, University College London Wednesday 30 October at 5.30 pm Civilisation is a debated and contentious concept and is often associated with the prerogatives of the ‘West’, colonial histories, and even emerging global politics. In this […]

Book Launch: Exotic No More

BOOK LAUNCH AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Celebrating Exotic No More/ Professor Jeremy MacClancy Cultural Relativism and Indigenous Rights: rethinking some dilemmas in applied anthropology Dr Marcus Colchester, Forrest Peoples Programme Wednesday 15 January at 5.30 pm We are pleased to announce the launch of the second, revised edition of the best-selling publication Exotic No […]

JRAI Special Issue Online Launch: Mind and Spirit: A Comparative Theory

JRAI Special Issue Online LaunchMind and Spirit: A Comparative Theory  with the special issue editor Professor Tanya Luhrmann (Stanford University) and editorial liaison Dr Nick Long (LSE) plus contributors (Felicity Aulino, Joshua Brahinsky, John Dulin, Vivian Afi Dzokoto, Emily Ng, Rachel E. Smith, Kara Weisman) A video of the event is available here Friday 29 May […]

Book Launch: The Nuaulu world of plants & Nature Wars (Roy Ellen)

VIRTUAL BOOK LAUNCH BY THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE This event - hosted jointly by the Royal Anthropological Institute and the Centre for Biocultural Diversity at the University of Kent - marks the publication of two complementary books by Prof Roy Ellen. The event will be chaired by Dr Rajindra Puri (University of Kent). The Nuaulu […]

Book launch and seminar: Clive Gamble

VIRTUAL BOOK LAUNCH AND SEMINAR BY THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Thursday 1 April at 3.00 - 5.00 pm (BST) Making Deep History: Zeal, Perseverance, and the Time Revolution of 1859 Prof Clive Gamble (University of Southampton) with Prof Felix Driver (Royal Holloway) as discussant. This event will take place online on Zoom. Please register for it here:  One […]

JRAI 2021 Special Issue Launch: Towards an Anthropology of Data

JRAI 2021 Special Issue Online Launch Event Thursday 27 May 2021, 4:00-5:30pm (BST) TOWARDS AN ANTHROPOLOGY OF DATA with the special issue editors Dr Rachel Douglas-Jones, Dr Antonia Walford and Dr Nick Seavers, reader/assessor Dr Katherine Smith, and contributors Dr Vijayanka Nair, Prof Tahani Nadim, Dr Alexander (A.R.E.) Taylor, Dr Cori Hayden, Dr Hannah Knox, Dr Sarah Blacker […]

Publication Launch: Asia Collections outside Asia

A VIRTUAL LAUNCH EVENT OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTETuesday 1 June 2021 at 13:30-15.30pm (BST)   Publication Launch: Asia Collections outside Asia: Questioning Artefacts, Cultures and Identities in the Museum with editors  Dr Iside Carbone (RAI) Dr Helen Wang (British Museum) chaired by Prof Elisabetta Colla (University of Lisbon) and special issue contributors: Dr Sofia Campos Lopes (Orient […]

RAI Research Webinar and Book Launch: Gillian Tett

RAI RESEARCH WEBINAR AND BOOK LAUNCHA VIRTUAL SEMINAR SERIES BY THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Tuesday 22 June 2021 at 4.00 - 5.30pm (BST)   Anthro-Vision: How Anthropology Can Explain Business and Life Dr Gillian Tett (Financial Times)   with Dr James G. Carrier (Max Planck Institute) as discussant. This webinar will be held on Zoom, to register go […]

RAI Book Launch: Nick Stanley

VIRTUAL BOOK LAUNCH BY THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Thursday 23 September at 3.00 - 4.30 pm (BST) This event will take place online on Zoom. Please register for it here:  Objects as Insights: R. H. Codrington's Ethnographic Collections from Melanesia  Dr Nick Stanley (British Museum) Robert Codrington (1830-1922) trained to be a priest at Oxford University. […]

Book Launch: The Anthroposcene of Weather and Climate

VIRTUAL BOOK LAUNCH BY THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Tuesday 26 October at 6.30 - 8.00pm (BST) This event is part of our Anthropology and Conservation Conference, 25-29 October 2021  The book launch is free to attend and you can register for it here: The book launch is a public event and you do not have to […]

RAI Research Seminar and Book Launch: Susan Crate

RAI RESEARCH WEBINAR AND BOOK LAUNCHA VIRTUAL SEMINAR SERIES BY THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Thursday 11 November 2021 at 4.00 - 6.00pm (BST)   This webinar will be held on Zoom. Register here:    Once Upon the Permafrost: Knowing Culture and Climate Change in Siberia Prof Susan A. Crate (George Mason University) Once Upon the […]