RAI Research Seminar

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RAI Research Seminar: Maxime Brami

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE From the origins of agriculture to the spread of the Neolithic Dr Maxime Brami, Austrian Academy of Sciences Monday 7 November at 4.00 pm Archaeologists have long assumed that, as soon as sedentary farming was invented, c. 10,000 years ago in the Near East, it slowly […]

RAI Research Seminar: Andrea Grant

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Giving messages to small people: Hip hop music and identity in post-genocide Rwanda Dr Andrea Mariko Grant, University of Cambridge Wednesday 16 November at 5.30 pm This paper explores the development of Rwanda’s post-genocide music industry, particularly the booming popularity of Kinyarwanda-language hip hop. Like elsewhere […]

RAI Research Seminar: Juan Diego Diaz

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Crossing the Atlantic (Once Again): The Return of a Tabom Master Drummer to Bahia Dr Juan Diego Diaz, Department of History, University of Essex Wednesday 30 November at 5.30 pm During the first half of the 19th century some eight thousand Africans and creoles resettled from […]

RAI Research Seminar: Guangtian Ha

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE His Master’s Voice: Media, Sensory Politics, and Islamic Sociality in Northwest China Dr Guangtian Ha, SOAS Wednesday 25 January at 5.30 pm Jahriyya Sufism in northwest China can be characterized by its juxtaposition of opposites: its name means “loud” and “public,” proclaiming the centrality of dramatic […]

RAI Research Seminar: Ruard Absaroka

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE ‘Musicking Like a State’: Hidden Musicians and the (Musical) ‘Right to the City’ in Contemporary Shanghai Dr Ruard Absaroka, Senior Teaching Fellow, Music Dept., SOAS, University of London Wednesday 22 February at 5.30 pm Conceived from the outset as a Chinese updating (and transplanting) of The […]

RAI Research Seminar: Emily Hayes

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Common ground and distinguishing features: the co-production of knowledge by the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Anthropological Institute, c. 1883-1900 Dr Emily Hayes, University of Exeter Wednesday 1 March at 5.30 pm Geographers are beginning to discern the historical mutualism between anthropology and geography and […]

RAI Research Seminar: Maria Koutsoba

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Local dance traditions and glocalised crisis: A landscape of traditional dance in Greece under austerity Dr Maria Koutsoba, University of Athens Wednesday 22 March at 5.30 pm The present socio-economic crisis worldwide has inevitably affected dance and dancing both locally and internationally. Greece is among the […]

RAI Research Seminar: Aleksandar Bošković

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE William Robertson Smith's Influence on the "Myth and Ritual School" Prof Aleksandar Bošković, Institute of Social Sciences and Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Wednesday 31 May at 5.30 pm Scottish Semitist William Robertson Smith (1846-1894), who was at the time of his death Chair and […]

RAI Research Seminar: Nick Bainton

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Custom, Power and Ideology in the Papua New Guinean Mining Industry Dr Nick Bainton, University of Queensland Monday 18 September at 5.30 pm The popular characterisation of the relationship between indigenous people and mining companies is often forced into a crude binary where untrammelled capital devastates […]

RAI Research Seminar: Andreas Ackermann

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Atmospheres, Ecstasis, Thick Participation: Towards an Aesthetic Anthropology Prof Andreas Ackermann, University Koblenz-Landau Wednesday 27 September at 5.30 pm Going back to the phenomenology of perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, my paper introduces approaches towards an aesthetic anthropology that tries to link David MacDougall’s concept of social […]

RAI Research Seminar: Angela Torresan

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Vidigal Favela Chic: the moral geography of a slum gentrification in Rio de Janeiro Dr Angela Torresan, University of Manchester Wednesday 4 October at 5.30 pm Nestled on the hill between two of the wealthiest South Zone beach neighbourhoods of Rio de Janeiro, with staggering city […]

RAI Research Seminar: Shireen Walton

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Popular Digital Photography and Anthropology: Cases from Iran Dr Shireen Walton, Teaching Fellow in Material and Visual Culture, Department of Anthropology, University College London Thursday 5 October at 5.30 pm ‘Popular photography’ as a topic of anthropological enquiry is undergoing a significant transformation in the digital […]

RAI Research Seminar: John Baily

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE The Incomplete Film Maker: Reflections of a Dilettante Prof John Baily, Goldsmiths, University of London Wednesday 18 October at 5.30 pm In this seminar John Baily will trace his work as an ethnomusicological film maker, starting with the naïve films he made as a result of […]

RAI Research Seminar: Bill Barclay

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Why Music Is Everywhere (and why we need it to be) Bill Barclay, Director of Music, Shakespeare's Globe Wednesday 25 October at 5.30 pm How can we leverage humankind's anthropological need for music over the entertainment sector and into creativity, learning, consensus, and expression? Never before […]

RAI Research Seminar: Edvard Hviding

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Anthropology Beyond the Comfort Zone: Expanding Our Work into Climate Change Politics and Action on a Global Scale Prof Edvard Hviding, University of Bergen Friday 10 November at 5.30 pm There is rapid growth and diversification of anthropology’s engagement with global climate change. Major conferences, substantial […]

RAI Research Seminar: Caroline Wilkinson

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Craniofacial anthropology in forensic identification and archaeological investigation Prof Caroline Wilkinson, Director of Face Lab, Liverpool John Moores University Wednesday 22 November at 5.30 pm This presentation will describe how craniofacial anthropology can contribute towards the depiction of faces from the past and from contemporary forensic […]

RAI Research Seminar: Enrico Ille

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Scorched trees. What date palm fires in Northern Sudan can tell about socio-ecological and political vulnerability Dr Enrico Ille, Urgent Anthropology Fellow, British Museum and Royal Anthropological Institute. Wednesday 6 December at 5.30 pm In recent years, many major fires in Northern Sudan’s date palm groves […]

RAI Research Seminar: Elina Djebbari

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Musical Dialogues in the Cold War: Cultural Diplomacy between Cuba and West Africa (1960s-1970s) Dr Elina Djebbari, King’s College London Wednesday 24 January at 5.30 pm Based on fieldwork and archives research in Cuba and Mali, the paper will address the political and musical issues revealed […]

RAI Research Seminar: Stephen Banfield

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Music in the West Country: History or Anthropology? Prof Stephen Banfield, University of Bristol Wednesday 21 February at 5.30 pm How much music does a community need, and does the equation vary across time and place? To what extent has the musician’s role in English society […]

RAI Research Seminar: Eline Kieft

RAI RESEARCH SEMINARSEMINAR SERIES AT THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Fine-tuning the anthropologist’s body as fieldwork instrument Dr Eline Kieft, Coventry University, Centre for Dance Research Wednesday 21 March at 5.30 pm This seminar will introduce the NCRM project “Research with a Twist: A Somatics Toolkit for Ethnographers” that I am currently developing in collaboration with […]