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RAI Research Seminar: Chris Fuller

May 22 @ 12:00 am



Anthropology, sociology and the ethnography of British India, c. 1870-1947

Professor Chris Fuller, London School of Economics

Wednesday 22 May at 5.30 pm

Bernard Cohn and other scholars have shown that ethnography was a vital part of British colonial knowledge about India, but they have paid relatively little attention to the relationship between colonial ethnography and metropolitan social science.  In histories of British social anthropology, India has also been relatively little discussed.  This paper will examine the ethnography written by the administrator-scholars of British India and their theoretical debates about caste and tribe; it will also look at how these debates were connected with late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century anthropology and sociology or, as was the often case with caste, developed independently. 

This event is free, but tickets must be booked.  To book tickets please go to http://chrisfuller.eventbrite.co.uk/“>http://chrisfuller.eventbrite.co.uk/#



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