Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Anthropological Index A141 ANTHROPOLOGICAL INDEX (A141 01 of 07)

See also A114/16

An Index to Current Periodicals, a quarterly index to articles appearing in journals received in the RAI Library, was first proposed at a Library Committee meeting on 24 Nov. 1961 (see LC/1/1, f.2.) A specimen issue, covering periodicals received between Jan. and Mar. 1962, was distributed in the summer of 1962. The Anthropological Index was then published between 1963 and 1994 in annual volumes, each comprising four quarterly parts and an author index. In 1976 the RAI Library was transferred to the Museum of Mankind by Deed of Gift, and the Index then covered the periodicals taken in the merged library. In the 1980s and 1990s production of the Index was gradually computerised, and the index eventually went live online as the Anthropological Index Online in 1998. Volume 32 (1994) was the last volume to be produced in hard copy. See also A77/16

Editors of Anthropological Index were as follows:
Vol. 1 (1963)–Vol. 14, Part 2 (1976): Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian, 1948-76 (BJK)
Vol. 14, Part 3 (1976)–Vol. 17, Part 2 (1979): Judith Higgens (JH)
Vol. 17, Part 3 (1979)-Vol. 20 (1982): Kenneth A. Forrest (KAF)
Vol. 21 (1983)-Vol. 22, Part 3 (1984): Judith Morris (JM)
Vol. 22, Part 4 (1984): JM and David M. Jones (DMJ)
Vol. 23 (1985)-Vol. 24 (1986): DMJ
Vol. 25 (1987)-Vol. 31 (1993): Karen Godden (KG)
Vol. 32 (1994): Hon. Editor David Zeitlyn, Dept. of Social Anthropology, UKC (DZ); Co-Editors Janice Archer (JA) and Damaris Dodds (DD)

The Index was published by various firms over the years: Lithofax Ltd. (1963-65); Smethurst (1967-68); Unwin Brothers Ltd. (1968-71); Mansell Publications (1972-80); L & T Press Ltd. (1980-85); Chameleon Press Ltd., Wandsworth (1985-94). Typesetting was done by Light Touch, Chepstow, from 1988. Printers’ brochures from Unwin Brothers Ltd, Headley Brothers Ltd, The Invicta Press, Ashford, Kent, and Mansell Publications have not been retained. Estimates, invoices and other correspondence from these and other printing firms, 1962-96 (Richard Madley Ltd., London; F.J. Parsons, London; Avon Litho Ltd., Stratford-upon-Avon; Clarke Doble & Brendon Ltd., Devon; The British National Bibliography, London; William Clowes & Sons, Beccles; The Blackmore Press, Shaftesbury; Sasor, London; Henry Ling Ltd., The Dorset Press, Dorchester; G.K. Hall & Co., Boston, Mass.; Olivers Printing Works Ltd., Battle; L & T Press Ltd., Luton; Echo Press Ltd., Loughborough; Norman W. Hardy Printing Group, London; Doppler Press, Brentwood, Essex) has been selectively retained.

    Various documents relating to Anthropological Literature, published by the Tozzer Library at Harvard University, have not been retained, viz. photocopies of:

Anthropological Literature – Journals Indexed (to end 1985)
Volume 11 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1989)
Volume 12 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1990)
Volume 13 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1991)
Volume 14 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1992)
Volume 15 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1993)
[Volume 16] List of Journals Indexed (1994)
Series Indexed in Anthropological Literature, May 20, 1998
Journals Currently Reviewed for Indexing by Anthropological Literature, May 20, 1998.
Journals Currently Indexed in Anthropological Literature, June, 1998.

Photocopies of articles, or extracts of articles, as follows, have likewise not been retained:

Margaret Currier, ‘Problems in Anthropological Bibliography’, Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 5 (1976), pp. 18-19

Richard Harris, ‘Will a new way of transcribing make Chinese any less inscrutable?’ The Times, 27 July 1977

David Henige, ‘Taking Arms against a Sea of Scholarship: Serial Bibliographies and Indexes of Interest to African Historians’, History in Africa, vol. 10 (1983), pp. 114-15

Carol Joiner, review of AI in ANSS currents, Vol. 7, no. 1 (May 1992), pp. 3-7

Deborah Lynne Wiley, ‘From Print to Internet … Can the traditional abstracting and indexing service survive?’, Database, December 1994, pp. 18-24

Ellen Sutton and Lori Foulke, ‘Coverage of Anthropology by major electronic indexes: a comparison’, Reference Services Review, vol. 27, no. 2 (1999), pp. 134-57


  1    Correspondence etc. 1962-69

  2    Advertising 1965-66

  3    Correspondence etc. 1970-74

  4    Correspondence etc. 1975-79

  5    Correspondence etc. 1980

  6    Correspondence etc. 1981

  7    Correspondence etc. 1982

  8    Correspondence etc. 1983

  9    Correspondence etc. 1984

 10    Correspondence etc. 1985

 11    Correspondence etc. 1986

 12    Correspondence etc. 1987

 13    Correspondence etc. 1988-89

 14    Correspondence etc. 1990-94

 15    Correspondence etc. 1995-96

 16    Correspondence etc. 1997-2001

 17    Appeals for Voluntary Subscriptions, 1998 & 1999

 18    Funding: British Academy Grants 1973, [1981, 1985]

 19    Funding: British Library Board Grants 1975-80

 20    Funding: other sources

 21    Museum of Mankind Library Committee

 22    AI and AIO Sub-Committees

 23    Software etc.

 24    Retrospective conversion

 25    Miscellaneous

Abbreviations – general

AI: Anthropological Index

AIO: Anthropological Index Online

AL: Anthropological Literature [TL publication]

BA: British Academy

BL: British Library

BLB: British Library Board

BM: British Museum

LC: RAI Library Committee

MoM: Museum of Mankind, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum

TL: Tozzer Library, Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Harvard University

UCL: University College London

UKC: University of Kent at Canterbury

Abbreviations – people

JCMB: Jonathan Charles Mackenzie Benthall, RAI Director 1974-2000

HRB: Prof. H. Russell Bernard, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville; chair of Commission on Documentation set up Nov. 1979 under auspices of IUEAS (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences)

DMB: David M. Boston OBE, Director, Horniman Museum 1965-93; RAI Council 1963-6, 1969-72, 1975-7, Vice-President 1972-5, 1977-80

DRB: Dr Don R. Brothwell, Principal Scientific Officer and Head of Anthropology at the British Museum (Natural History) 1961-1974

JB: Joan Burridge, Library Staff May 1970-75; sometime AI Advisory Editor

MC: Max Carocci, AIO indexer and editor (1997-present)

AHC: Anthony H. Christie, RAI Hon. Sec. 1961-70

ADC: Miss A.D. Crews, BL

JD: Prof. John Davis, Head of Dept. of Social Anthropology, UKC

AVSR: Anthony V.S. de Reuck, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1970-73

BD: Dr Brian Durrans, Deputy Keeper, MoM, from 1979

BE: Beverley Emery, Assistant to Hon. Librarian, Library Officer 1983-2002

EE: Edward Evans, Librarian, TL, 1985-88

WBF: W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum, 1967-74; RAI Hon. Sec., 1939-56, Honorary Editor of Man, 1947-65

AG: Audrey Gregson, Librarian, MoM, retired Apr. 1996

RGH: Dr Robin G. Harvey, Chairman of LC 1970-78

JLF: Jean La Fontaine, RAI President 1985-87

ERL: Prof. Sir Edmund R. Leach, FBA (1910-89), President, 1971-5, Council, 1946-67 passim, Vice-President, 1964-6, 1969-70, Chairman, Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee, 1945-9, Chairman, Executive Committee, 1948-55

RL: Prof. Roland Littlewood, RAI President 1994-97

STM: Sheila T. Mackay, Library staff from July 1966; sometime AI Advisory Editor

SM: Sheila Mackie, Librarian, BM Dept. of Ethnography

MML: Malcolm McLeod, Keeper, MoM, 1974-90

CRM: C. Roger Moss, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1973-84

SP: Sara Pimpaneau, Editorial Assistant, appointed Sept. 1995

RMP: Dr Robin M. Price, Chairman, LC, from 1980

MJR: Dr Michael J. Rowlands, Dept. of Anthropology, UCL

NSM: Niel C. Sebag-Montefiore, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1989-2004

JS: Mrs Jill Swart, Secretary to LC from 1979

SW: Sally Williams, Acting Librarian, TL, 1984-85

/1    Correspondence etc. 1962-69

  1    Notes on Index to Periodicals, Jan. – Mar. 1962 (tp.) [see LC/1/2, f. 3]

  2    BJK to WBF, 17 Apr. 1962 – asks him to look at AHC’s draft of form to be enclosed with [specimen issue of] Index (tp. with WBF autogr. notes)

  3    BJK to WBF, 4 May – on wording for title page and cover (tpc.)

  4    Specimen Issue of Index to Current Periodicals. 2 copies (printed) [form referred to in A141/1/2 inserted inside cover]

.1    Text for form inserted in A141/1/4 (tp.)

.2    Text for title page of A141/1/4 (tp.)

.3    Proof copy of title page of A141/1/4

  5    Margaret Currier, Librarian, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, to BJK, 29 June – wishes to subscribe to Index; Peabody Museum Library has been indexing anthropological journals for some years; this index to be published by G.K. Hall (tp.)

  6    BJK to Margaret Currier, 4 July – already has details of author and subject catalogue; hopes to purchase it although cost is formidable (tpc.)

  7    Dr P.E. Josselin de Jong, Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie en Sociologie, Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, to BJK, 5 July – will be taking out subscription; points out an inconsistency in listing of publications on Indonesia (autogr.)

  8    BJK to Dr P.E. Josselin de Jong, 11 July – thanks him for letter and pointing out misplaced item (tpc.)

  9    H. Holdsworth, Librarian, University College, Dar es Salaam, to BJK, 2 Aug. – asks whether Index could be exchanged for his Library Bulletin (tp.)

 10    BJK to H. Holdsworth, 9 Aug. – the Index is not available for exchange at the present time (tpc.)

 11    William C. Sturtevant, Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, to BJK, nd – makes suggestion for further subdivision of classification; Library of Bureau of American Ethnology will subscribe; will list Index in American Anthropologist (tp.)

 12    BJK to William C. Sturtevant, 21 Aug. 1962 – thanks him for letter and suggestions (tpc.)

 13    [BJK?] to AHC, 27 Aug. – comments on ‘attached draft’ [not present]; two points made (tpc.)

 14    Dorothy Gladman, Head of General Reference, Toronto Public Library, to BJK, 28 Sept. – thanks her for specimen issue (tp.)

 15    Barbara Allaway, Secretary, University of Oxford, Institute of Social Anthropology, to BJK, 12 Nov. – refers to specimen issue which was received; reply should have been sent that Institute would like to subscribe; no further copies yet received; could she look into this (tp.)

 16    BJK to Barbara Allaway, 13 Nov. – explains that it was a specimen issue only; no more will follow this year; intention is to proceed with the venture next year (tpc.)

 17    BJK to Donald Loukes, Assistant Librarian, King’s College Library, Cambridge, 26 Nov. – encloses specimen issue (tpc.)

 18    Donald Loukes to BJK, 27 Nov. – thanks her for specimen issue, a ‘wonderful piece of indexing’ (tp.)

 19    7 Feb. 1963 – quotation for typesetting from Lithofax Ltd (tp.)

 20    BJK to J.S. Marston, Lithofax Ltd., 8 Mar. – encloses list of periodical holdings to appear in first number of Index to Current Periodicals; would like the proofs as soon as possible (tpc.)

 21    Ibid. – encloses three cards set out ‘in a normal fashion’ (tpc.)

 22    Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, 2 Apr. – seeks copy of Index for possible inclusion in next edition (tp. pc)

 23    BJK to Periodicals Librarian, British Council, 28 May – encloses copy of first number of Index to Current Periodicals; would be glad if it could be reviewed in British Book News or any other journal (tpc.)

.1    Rough lists of publications [which might review Index?] 2 leaves (autogr.)

 24    Mrs O.W.A. Willmer, Periodicals Dept., British Council, to BJK, 30 May – thanks her for Index; will bring it to attention of the Editor of British Book News (tp.)

 25    BJK to Barbara Pym, International African Institute, 30 May 1963 – encloses copy of Index; refers to its being mentioned in Africa (tpc.)

 26    Barbara Pym, Assistant Editor, Africa, to BJK, 31 May – thanks her for Index, which she will be glad to mention in Africa (tp.)

 27    William C. Sturtevant to BJK, 3 June – has received first number of Index; notes a few omissions (tp.)

 28    BJK to William C. Sturtevant, 27 June – thanks him for letter; grateful for list of omissions (tpc.)

 29    Ibid. to J.S. Marston, 2 July – encloses cards for Index, Vol. 1, Part 2 (Apr.-June 1963); some points of detail (tpc.)

.1    Text for contents page of Index, Vol. 1, Part 2 (tp. with autogr. comments)

 30    BJK to Miss B. Doubleday, Chief Librarian, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia, 22 Jan. 1964 – anxious to extend subscription list of Index; to this end, asks if she might draw attention of libraries under her care to Index; has sent a copy of Index by sea mail (tpc.)

 31    Miss B. Doubleday to BJK, 21 Feb. – apologises for delay in replying; looks forward to receiving the Index; will draw it to attention of libraries (tp.)

 32    BJK to AHC, 20 Apr. – notes points arising from ‘Dr Krader’s letter’ [not held]; on comparison between RAI’s indexing of journals and UNESCO’s (tpc.)

 33    Lawrence S. Thompson, Book Review Editor of Bibliographical Society of America, University of Kentucky, to RAI, 29 Apr. – would like copy of Index for review (tp.)

 34    BJK to the Secretary, School of Slavonic Studies, University of London, 8 May – asks for help finding someone to help with translation of Russian titles (tpc.)

 35    Secretary, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, to BJK, 11 May – has sent details of task to people who may be interested (tp.)

 36    Miss Sara Alexander to [BJK], 12 May – has heard from School of Slavonic and East European Studies that someone is needed to translate Russian titles; offers her services (tp.)

 37    BJK to Miss Sara Alexander, 13 May 1964 – invites her to visit to discuss the work (tpc.)

 38    Ibid. to Lawrence S. Thompson, 20 May – thanks him for letter; is sending Vol. 1, No. 4 by sea mail; would be glad to see any review he might publish (tpc.)

.1    Note by Lawrence S. Thompson, in Papers of Bibliographical Society of America, on Index (cutting)

 39    BJK to the Secretary, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, 25 May – asks if there is anyone else suitable to deal with Russian titles; more details on the Ukrainian and Bylorussian journals (tpc.)

 40    Secretary, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, to BJK, 26 May – having passed details of work to five people, does not think there is more that can be done to help except put a notice up (tp.)

 41    Dr Ethel J. Lindgren to BJK, 30 Sept. – asks questions about International Bibliography of Social Sciences; its overlap with Index (autogr.)

 42    BJK to Dr Ethel J. Lindgren, 5 Oct. – answers her queries (tpc.)

 43    [BJK?] to AHC, 26 [Feb.] 1965 – on translating an Indonesian journal (tp. with autogr. note by AHC referring to Mr Bottoms of SOAS) [wrongly dated 26 Mar.]

 44    BJK to J.C. Bottoms, SOAS, 5 Mar. – asks his help with translating the article titles of the Indonesian journal (tpc.)

 45    E.C.G. Barrett to BJK, 19 Mar. – Mr Bottoms is ill; Mrs Bottoms has passed BJK’s letter on to him; he is glad to help (autogr.)

 46    BJK to E.C.G. Barrett, 23 Mar. – encloses the Indonesian journal; gives instructions for the translations (tpc.)

 47    E.C.G. Barrett to BJK, 25 Mar. – returns the journal and the cards; has written translations in the journal (autogr.)

 48    BJK to E.C.G. Barrett, 30 Mar. – thanks him for dealing with the translations so promptly (tpc.)

 49    Text for advertisement[?] for ‘Anthropological Bibliography’ [Jan.-Mar. 1965?] (tpc.)

 50    [BJK] to AHC, 13 May 1965 – notes on photocopying and the Index (tpc.)

 51    BJK to J. Smethurst & Co., 15 Nov. – encloses copy of last issue of Index; would be glad to receive as discussed a specimen page and quotation for 500 copies (tpc.)

 52    J. Smethurst, Managing Director, Smethurst & Co., to RAI, 17 Nov. – quotation for 500 copies, £220 (tp.)

 53    BJK to J. Smethurst, 23 Nov. – thanks him for letter and specimen page; asks for quotation for completed volume; encloses Vol. 2, Parts 1-4 (tpc.)

 54    J. Smethurst to RAI, 24 Nov. – quotation for complete volume, £775 (tp.)

 55    BJK to J. Smethurst, 31 Jan. 1966 – encloses cards; number of author entries approx. 18,000 (tpc.)

 56    J. Smethurst to BJK, 2 Feb. – thanks her for letter of 31 Jan. regarding Author Index; quotation for 500 copies, £515 (tp.)

 57    [BJK] to AHC, 2 Feb. – gives details of relative costs of Index from Lithofax and Varityper; reports on quotation from Smethurst for Author Index (tpc.)

 58    Ibid., 21 Nov. – Mr Collison, Librarian of BBC and Vice-President of Society of Indexers, suggests asking Mrs Tagg of London Union Catalogue to give a report for a fee of £5.5s; asks if she may go ahead (tpc. with AHC autogr. reply)

 59    Jill Tagg to BJK, 27 Jan. 1967 – sorry not to get this [report?] to her on ‘Wednesday’; encloses two spare numbers of BNB; is waiting for more quotations from printers (tp.)

 60    27 Jan. – estimates from Unwin Brothers Ltd, sent to Mrs Tagg, for Index–Quarterly; and Index–Cumulative. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

.1    Jill Tagg to BJK, covering note accompanying A141/1/60 (autogr.)

    [It was decided by the LC on 23 Feb. to use Unwin Bros. as printers, beginning with Vol. 6 (1968). See LC/6/2, f. 23, Minute 4c]

61    ‘Suggested Methods for the Compilation and Production of a Five-yearly Index to the Quarterly “Index to Current Periodicals Received in the Library of the Royal Anthropological Institute”’. 7 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions) [report by Jill Tagg?]

.1    BJK to AHC, 30 Jan. 1967 – note accompanying A141/1/61, the ‘five year index to the Index’ (tp. with autogr. additions)

 62    ‘Suggested Methods for the Compilation and Production of a Five-year Cumulation of the “Index to Current Periodicals Received in the Library of the Royal Anthropological Institute”’. 9 leaves (tp.)

.1    Jill Tagg to BJK, covering note with A141/1/62 (autogr.)

 63    BJK to Jill Tagg, 31 Jan. – thanks her for report; shall be glad to have quotations in due course; other points (tpc.)

 64    Ibid. to Mr Harper, RAI, 1 Feb. – requests that payment be sent to Mrs Jill Tagg (tpc.)

 65    Ibid. to H.J. Rengert, 1 Feb. – mentions author and subject index to first five volumes of Index; Mrs Tagg has suggested him as interested in such indexing work; details about the work; his fee (tpc.)

 66    BJK to Messrs Unwin Brothers Ltd, 3 Feb. – is interested in their estimate; discusses options; asks for further estimate for 500 copies of straight author and subject index to Vols. 1-5 (tpc.)

 67    H.J. Rengert to BJK, 4 Feb. – thanks her for letter; regrets he is unable to do the work due to other commitments (tp.)

 68    BJK to C.R. Raper, Hon. Secretary, Society of Indexers, 6 Feb. – mentions author and subject index to first five volumes of Index; details about the work; asks what an appropriate fee would be (tpc.)

 69    C.R. Raper to BJK, 12 Feb. – describes different types of indexing and minimum fees for them; Society maintains a panel of indexers; encloses a leaflet about the Society (tp.)

.1    Society of Indexers information sheet (tp.) [enclosed with A141/1/69]

 70    BJK to C.R. Raper, 14 Feb. – thanks him for letter and information (tpc.)

 71    Jill Tagg to BJK, 17 Feb. 1967 – thanks her for the cheque (tp.)

 72    [BJK] to ERL, King’s College, Cambridge, 3 Mar. – on funding for author and subject index; asks his advice about approaching Social Science Research Council (SSRC) (tpc.)

 73    [AHC] to the Director, Wenner-Gren Foundation, 10 Mar. – describes index to current periodicals; describes cumulative author and subject index; costs given in appendix; asks whether Wenner-Gren could provide grant (tpc.)

.1    Appendix giving breakdown of costs of cumulative index (tp.) [enclosed with A141/1/73]

 74    [AHC] to the Director, SSRC, 10 Mar. – describes cumulative author and subject index; costs given in appendix; asks whether SSRC could provide grant (tpc.)

.1    Appendix giving breakdown of costs of cumulative index (tp.) [enclosed with A141/1/74]

 75    Michael Young, SSRC, to AHC, 29 Mar. – acknowledges his letter of 10 Mar. (tp.)

 76    Jeremy Mitchell, SSRC, to ibid., 30 Mar. – SSRC unable to provide grant; SSRC will be reviewing its policy but funds will not be forthcoming in near future (tp.)

 77    AHC’s secretary to Jeremy Mitchell, 3 Apr. – acknowledges his letter of 30 Mar. (tpc.)

 78    [AHC] to Dr H.T. Hookway, Director, Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), 4 Apr. – describes index to current periodicals; describes cumulative author and subject index; costs given in appendix; asks whether OSTI could provide grant (tpc.)

.1    Appendix giving breakdown of costs of cumulative index (tp.) [enclosed with A141/1/78]

.2    BJK to Barbara Bentley, 4 Apr. – note of Dr Hookway’s address for application for grant (tp. and autogr.)

 79    B.J. Perry, OSTI, to AHC, 9 May – thanks him for letter of 4 Apr. to Dr Hookway [A141/1/78]; has discussed proposal with other agencies; suggests meeting to discuss (tp.)

 80    AHC to B.J. Perry, 10 May – thanks him for making enquiries; suggests dates for meeting (tpc.)

 81    BJK to E. Gaskell, Librarian, Wellcome Historical Medical Library, 16 June 1967 – encloses specimen page [not present]; details relating to Unwin Bros; details of number of items per page (tpc.)

 82    E. Gaskell to BJK, 19 June – thanks her for specimen page; will adopt the idea (tp.)

 83    Jeffrey Curtis, Unwin Bros., to BJK, 19 June – thanks her for passing their name to Mr Gaskell (tp.)

 84    Licosa, Libreria Commissionaria Sansoni, Firenze, to RAI, nd – asks for details of their publications for advertisement in periodicals catalogue ‘Periodici Esteri 1968’ (tp.)

 85    BJK to Licosa, 27 July – sends details of Index to Current Periodicals to be included in catalogue (tpc.)

 86    J.C. Gray, Deputy Director, OSTI, to AHC, 1 Aug. – OSTI prepared to offer grant of up to £800 towards cost of cumulative index (tp.)

.1    Details of OSTI grant; half to be paid at end of compilation, half on publication; final claim to be made by 31 Nov. 1968 (tp. with autogr. comment by AHC)

 87    AHC to J.C. Gray, OSTI, 2 Aug. – thanks him for letter; confirms that RAI glad to accept terms and conditions of grant (tpc.)

 88    R.J. Hallin, OSTI, to AHC, 7 Aug. – thanks him for letter of 2 Aug.; encloses claim forms [not present] (tp.)

 89    BJK to C.R. Raper, 17 Aug. – refers to correspondence of Feb. [A141/1/68, /69, /70]; asks for names of indexers; asks about rates of pay (tpc.)

 90    Ibid., 20 Sept. – refers to letter of 17 Aug.; would be glad of reply as soon as possible (tpc.)

 91    John M. Shaftesley, Society of Indexers, to BJK, 25 Sept. – apologises for delay as Mr Raper has resigned; suggests names of two indexers; on fees (tp.)

 92    BJK to John M. Shaftesley, 27 Sept. – thanks him for letter and names (tpc.)

 93    Ibid. to Mrs M.D. Anderson, 29 Sept. – her name suggested by Society of Indexers; describes the work on cumulative index; asks her to get in touch if she is interested (tpc.)

 94    Mrs M.D. Anderson to BJK, 30 Sept. 1967 – thanks her for letter; unfortunately she does not have time for the work; suggests that the work could be divided (tp.)

 95    BJK to the Editor, Liaison, 3 Oct. – encloses advertisement for Oct. issue (tpc.)

.1    Text of advertisement (tpc.) [enclosed with A141/1/95]

.2    Draft of A141/1/95.1 (tpc. with autogr. corrections)

 96    BJK to the Advertising Manager, Times Literary Supplement, 4 Oct. – includes text of advertisement (tpc.)

 97    Ibid. to Mrs M.D. Anderson, 4 Oct. – thanks her for letter [A141/1/94] and suggestion of splitting the work; would like to keep in touch with her on the matter (tpc.)

 98    Letters of application for indexer post from:
 a    12 Oct. – Miss K. Ghare (autogr.)
 b    ibid. – Miss Louise Head. 2 leaves (autogr.)
 c    ibid. – Miss Margaret Bright. 2 leaves (autogr.)
 d    ibid. – Rosemary Devine. 2 leaves (autogr.)
 e    13 Oct. – Patrick Fetherstonhaugh (tp.)
 f    15 Oct. – F. Alam (tp.)
 g    22 Oct. – Mrs Iris Pyves. 2 leaves (tp.)
 h    17 Oct. – Miss M. Robins, enquiry for further details of indexing post (autogr.)

 99    BJK to AHC, 18 Oct. – on applications (tp. with AHC autogr. reply)

100    Ibid. to Iris Pyves, 27 Oct. – arranging date for interview (tpc. with autogr. note dated 13 Jan. 1970)

101    Ibid. to Patrick Fetherstonhaugh (tpc. with autogr. notes)

102    Ibid. to Rosemary Devine (tpc.)

    [Letters of rejection to Miss M. Robins, F. Alam, Miss L. Head, Miss M. Bright, Miss K. Ghare not retained]

103    AHC to Patrick Fetherstonhaugh, 3 Nov. – offers him post of indexer; details of appointment (tpc.)

104    Patrick Fetherstonhaugh to AHC, 4 Nov. – thanks him for letter; details of payment etc. (tp.)

105    [BJK] to AHC, 6 Nov. – on draft agenda for LC (tp. with AHC autogr. reply)

106    Ruth Jones, International African Institute, to BJK, 7 Nov. 1967 – asks for copy of Index to Current Periodicals to display at conference in Nairobi (tpc.)

107    BJK to Patrick Fetherstonhaugh, 9 Nov. – looks forward to meeting him on 20 Nov. (tpc.)

108    Miss M. Robins to AHC, 10 Nov. – surprised to hear that indexer appointed, as she received no reply to her enquiry for further details [A141/1/98h] (autogr.)

109    Nov. – text of title page[?] of cumulative author and subject index (tpc.)

110    1967[?] – OSTI, conditions of research grant. 5 leaves (photocopy)

111    1967[?] – text for notice to subscribers of changes to Index beginning with Vol. 6 (1968) (tp.)

112    19 Mar. 1968 – claim form for OSTI grant (printed with rough autogr. entries)

113    [AHC] to Alan Macgregor, OSTI, 13 June – with regard to the cumulative index, likely to take twice as long as expected; asks whether OSTI grant could be carried forward into coming year (tpc.)

114    AHC to the Accountant, 19 July – on Patrick Fetherstonhaugh’s salary (tp.)

115    M. Yelland, Library Association, to [BJK?], 19 Aug. – asks for information on research projects for inclusion in Library Association Year Book. 3 leaves (tp.)

116    A.N. Macgregor, OSTI, to AHC, 9 Oct. – confirms that grant cannot be extended beyond 28 Feb. 1969; asks how far advanced cumulation will be by end of the year (tp.)

117    M. Yelland to BJK, 15 Oct. – as he has not had a reply to letter of 19 Aug. [A141/1/115], asks again for information about Index to Current Periodicals (tp.)

118    BJK to AHC, 25 Oct. – on proofs for AI, Vol. 6, Part 3 (tp. with AHC autogr. reply)

119    AHC to A.N. Macgregor, OSTI, 13 Dec. 1968 – has delayed replying to letter of 9 Oct. as he has been trying to get a final view from compiler; compilation likely to be complete by July 1969; therefore RAI unable to comply with OSTI agreement [see A141/1/86.1, /116]; suggests they speak about this (tpc.)

120    BJK to Dr Audrey Butt, Pitt Rivers Museum, 13 Dec. – is preparing new list of journals received; asks whether Timehri is still published; asks about Caribbeana 1900-1965 (tpc.)

121    Dr Audrey Colson, Pitt Rivers Museum, to BJK, 31 Dec. – notifies change of name; Timehri no longer published; Journal of the British Guiana Museum and Zoo published instead; does not know anything of Caribbeana (autogr.)

122    BJK to Dr Audrey Colson, 6 Jan. 1969 – has deleted Timehri from list of journals but has retained Journal of the Guyana Museum and Zoo; has noted change of name (tpc.)

123    R.J. Hallin, OSTI, to AHC, 6 Jan. – on submitting claims for expenditure (tp.)

124    BJK to AHC, 10 Feb. – on Index proofs (tp. with AHC autogr. reply)

125    ERL to AHC, 10 Feb. – has seen correspondence between A.N. Macgregor of OSTI and S. Yasin of SSRC; Macgregor has pleaded for further support for RAI; SSRC cannot award funds retrospectively; suggests that RAI approaches Mr Yasin (tp.)

126    A.N. Macgregor, OSTI, to AHC, 10 Feb. – confirms that OSTI willing to waive some of the conditions set out in letter of 1 Aug. 1967 [see A141/1/86.1]; willing to pay RAI total grant of £800 if application is made by end of Feb. 1969; cannot offer further financial assistance (tp.)

127    post 10 Feb. – claim form for OSTI grant (printed with rough autogr. entries)

128    BJK to Jeffrey Curtis, 19 Feb. – encloses cards for cumulative index (tpc.)

129    R.J. Hallin, OSTI, to AHC, 21 Feb. – asks for claim forms (tp.)

130    AHC to A.N. Macgregor, OSTI, 21 Feb. – thanks him for letter of 10 Feb.; very grateful for his help (tpc.)

131    Ibid., 25 Feb. 1969 – encloses application for period ending 28 Feb. 1969 (tpc.)

132    nd, notice of entry in Ulrich’s Periodicals Dictionary (printed and tp.; BJK autogr. note)

133    nd, circular letter to librarians enclosing complimentary copy of Current Periodicals and subscription form for AI (tp. with BJK autogr. note dated 6 May)

134    BJK to Mrs Nussbaum, 17 July – Prof. Schapera to receive complimentary copies of AI (tpc.)

135    Ibid. to Patrick Fetherstonhaugh, 16 Sept. [wrongly corrected to 1967] – asks if he will continue to read the proofs for AI (tpc.)