Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Anthropological Index A141 ANTHROPOLOGICAL INDEX (A141 05 of 07)

See also A114/16

An Index to Current Periodicals, a quarterly index to articles appearing in journals received in the RAI Library, was first proposed at a Library Committee meeting on 24 Nov. 1961 (see LC/1/1, f.2.) A specimen issue, covering periodicals received between Jan. and Mar. 1962, was distributed in the summer of 1962. The Anthropological Index was then published between 1963 and 1994 in annual volumes, each comprising four quarterly parts and an author index. In 1976 the RAI Library was transferred to the Museum of Mankind by Deed of Gift, and the Index then covered the periodicals taken in the merged library. In the 1980s and 1990s production of the Index was gradually computerised, and the index eventually went live online as the Anthropological Index Online in 1998. Volume 32 (1994) was the last volume to be produced in hard copy. See also A77/16

Editors of Anthropological Index were as follows:
Vol. 1 (1963)–Vol. 14, Part 2 (1976): Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian, 1948-76 (BJK)
Vol. 14, Part 3 (1976)–Vol. 17, Part 2 (1979): Judith Higgens (JH)
Vol. 17, Part 3 (1979)-Vol. 20 (1982): Kenneth A. Forrest (KAF)
Vol. 21 (1983)-Vol. 22, Part 3 (1984): Judith Morris (JM)
Vol. 22, Part 4 (1984): JM and David M. Jones (DMJ)
Vol. 23 (1985)-Vol. 24 (1986): DMJ
Vol. 25 (1987)-Vol. 31 (1993): Karen Godden (KG)
Vol. 32 (1994): Hon. Editor David Zeitlyn, Dept. of Social Anthropology, UKC (DZ); Co-Editors Janice Archer (JA) and Damaris Dodds (DD)

The Index was published by various firms over the years: Lithofax Ltd. (1963-65); Smethurst (1967-68); Unwin Brothers Ltd. (1968-71); Mansell Publications (1972-80); L & T Press Ltd. (1980-85); Chameleon Press Ltd., Wandsworth (1985-94). Typesetting was done by Light Touch, Chepstow, from 1988. Printers’ brochures from Unwin Brothers Ltd, Headley Brothers Ltd, The Invicta Press, Ashford, Kent, and Mansell Publications have not been retained. Estimates, invoices and other correspondence from these and other printing firms, 1962-96 (Richard Madley Ltd., London; F.J. Parsons, London; Avon Litho Ltd., Stratford-upon-Avon; Clarke Doble & Brendon Ltd., Devon; The British National Bibliography, London; William Clowes & Sons, Beccles; The Blackmore Press, Shaftesbury; Sasor, London; Henry Ling Ltd., The Dorset Press, Dorchester; G.K. Hall & Co., Boston, Mass.; Olivers Printing Works Ltd., Battle; L & T Press Ltd., Luton; Echo Press Ltd., Loughborough; Norman W. Hardy Printing Group, London; Doppler Press, Brentwood, Essex) has been selectively retained.

Various documents relating to Anthropological Literature, published by the Tozzer Library at Harvard University, have not been retained, viz. photocopies of:

Anthropological Literature – Journals Indexed (to end 1985)
Volume 11 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1989)
Volume 12 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1990)
Volume 13 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1991)
Volume 14 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1992)
Volume 15 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1993)
[Volume 16] List of Journals Indexed (1994)
Series Indexed in Anthropological Literature, May 20, 1998
Journals Currently Reviewed for Indexing by Anthropological Literature, May 20, 1998.
Journals Currently Indexed in Anthropological Literature, June, 1998.

Photocopies of articles, or extracts of articles, as follows, have likewise not been retained:

Margaret Currier, ‘Problems in Anthropological Bibliography’, Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 5 (1976), pp. 18-19

Richard Harris, ‘Will a new way of transcribing make Chinese any less inscrutable?’ The Times, 27 July 1977

David Henige, ‘Taking Arms against a Sea of Scholarship: Serial Bibliographies and Indexes of Interest to African Historians’, History in Africa, vol. 10 (1983), pp. 114-15

Carol Joiner, review of AI in ANSS currents, Vol. 7, no. 1 (May 1992), pp. 3-7

Deborah Lynne Wiley, ‘From Print to Internet … Can the traditional abstracting and indexing service survive?’, Database, December 1994, pp. 18-24

Ellen Sutton and Lori Foulke, ‘Coverage of Anthropology by major electronic indexes: a comparison’, Reference Services Review, vol. 27, no. 2 (1999), pp. 134-57


1 Correspondence etc. 1962-69

2 Advertising 1965-66

3 Correspondence etc. 1970-74

4 Correspondence etc. 1975-79

5 Correspondence etc. 1980

6 Correspondence etc. 1981

7 Correspondence etc. 1982

8 Correspondence etc. 1983

9 Correspondence etc. 1984

10 Correspondence etc. 1985

11 Correspondence etc. 1986

12 Correspondence etc. 1987

13 Correspondence etc. 1988-89

14 Correspondence etc. 1990-94

15 Correspondence etc. 1995-96

16 Correspondence etc. 1997-2001

17 Appeals for Voluntary Subscriptions, 1998 & 1999

18 Funding: British Academy Grants 1973, [1981, 1985]

19 Funding: British Library Board Grants 1975-80

20 Funding: other sources

21 Museum of Mankind Library Committee

22 AI and AIO Sub-Committees

23 Software etc.

24 Retrospective conversion

25 Miscellaneous

Abbreviations – general

AI: Anthropological Index

AIO: Anthropological Index Online

AL: Anthropological Literature [TL publication]

BA: British Academy

BL: British Library

BLB: British Library Board

BM: British Museum

LC: RAI Library Committee

MoM: Museum of Mankind, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum

TL: Tozzer Library, Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Harvard University

UCL: University College London

UKC: University of Kent at Canterbury

Abbreviations – people

JCMB: Jonathan Charles Mackenzie Benthall, RAI Director 1974-2000

HRB: Prof. H. Russell Bernard, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville; chair of Commission on Documentation set up Nov. 1979 under auspices of IUEAS (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences)

DMB: David M. Boston OBE, Director, Horniman Museum 1965-93; RAI Council 1963-6, 1969-72, 1975-7, Vice-President 1972-5, 1977-80

DRB: Dr Don R. Brothwell, Principal Scientific Officer and Head of Anthropology at the British Museum (Natural History) 1961-1974

JB: Joan Burridge, Library Staff May 1970-75; sometime AI Advisory Editor

MC: Max Carocci, AIO indexer and editor (1997-present)

AHC: Anthony H. Christie, RAI Hon. Sec. 1961-70

ADC: Miss A.D. Crews, BL

JD: Prof. John Davis, Head of Dept. of Social Anthropology, UKC

AVSR: Anthony V.S. de Reuck, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1970-73

BD: Dr Brian Durrans, Deputy Keeper, MoM, from 1979

BE: Beverley Emery, Assistant to Hon. Librarian, Library Officer 1983-2002

EE: Edward Evans, Librarian, TL, 1985-88

WBF: W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum, 1967-74; RAI Hon. Sec., 1939-56, Honorary Editor of Man, 1947-65

AG: Audrey Gregson, Librarian, MoM, retired Apr. 1996

RGH: Dr Robin G. Harvey, Chairman of LC 1970-78

JLF: Jean La Fontaine, RAI President 1985-87

ERL: Prof. Sir Edmund R. Leach, FBA (1910-89), President, 1971-5, Council, 1946-67 passim, Vice-President, 1964-6, 1969-70, Chairman, Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee, 1945-9, Chairman, Executive Committee, 1948-55

RL: Prof. Roland Littlewood, RAI President 1994-97

STM: Sheila T. Mackay, Library staff from July 1966; sometime AI Advisory Editor

SM: Sheila Mackie, Librarian, BM Dept. of Ethnography

MML: Malcolm McLeod, Keeper, MoM, 1974-90

CRM: C. Roger Moss, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1973-84

SP: Sara Pimpaneau, Editorial Assistant, appointed Sept. 1995

RMP: Dr Robin M. Price, Chairman, LC, from 1980

MJR: Dr Michael J. Rowlands, Dept. of Anthropology, UCL

NSM: Niel C. Sebag-Montefiore, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1989-2004

JS: Mrs Jill Swart, Secretary to LC from 1979

SW: Sally Williams, Acting Librarian, TL, 1984-85

A141/12/    Correspondence etc. 1987

  1    Jennifer B. Chandler, University of Kentucky Libraries, to RAI, recd. 2 Jan. 1987 – enquires whether DA is included in subscription to AI (tp.)

  2    Jean [Fairweather?] to BE, 5 Jan. – on journals in backlog for indexing (autogr. note)

  3    EE to JCMB, 8 Jan. – has reviewed notes of meeting in Philadelphia [CM/86/5, Minute 5, ff. 124-8]; asks whether he sent copy of notes to HRB; on funding possibilities; encloses short history of TL’s journal indexing activities to be used in announcement. 2 leaves (wp)

.1    Description of AL, referred to in A141/12/3. 2 leaves (wp)

  4    JCMB to EE, 17 Jan. – RAI has agreed enclosed statement; asks him to publicise it; asks him to inform JCMB of any changes required (wp)

.1    Jan. 87 – joint announcement by RAI and TL of feasibility study with a view to possible merger of AI and AL; includes brief description of both publications. 2 leaves (wp)

.2    nd – notes on Financial Implications of merger with TL. 2 leaves (tp.)

.3    nd – draft of terms of reference for joint venture with TL (tp. with autogr. notes)

 4    nd – comparison of subject coverage and selection of AI and AL. 2 leaves (photocopy)

  5    BE to Jennifer B. Chandler, 26 Jan. – answers her letter [A141/12/1] (tpc.)

  6    10 Mar. 1987 – notes for discussion on ‘Journals Currently Received and the Anthropological Index’ (tp.)

.1    STM to KG, 12 Mar. – cover note attached to A141/12/6 announcing meeting on 16 Mar. (tp.) [similar note to BE not retained]

  7    JCMB to EE, 11 Mar. – DMJ has resigned; KG the new editor; has not had a reply to his letter of 17 Jan. [A141/12/4] (tpc.)

  8    Ibid., 1 May – unlikely that he can put proposal to Council in time for meeting on 1 July; question of funds; possible computerisation at MoM (wp)

  9    Ibid. to WBF, 13 May – commiserates about his injury; negotiations with TL decelerating for various reasons (autogr.)

 10    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, 29 July – on computer problems; on cost of installing a new, better system (photocopy)

 11    Ibid., 2 Dec. – encloses report on computer by Gustaaf Houtman; on purchase of new computer (wp)

 12    30 Nov., – ‘Report on Computing Problems at the Index’, [referred to in A141/12/11]. 3 leaves (wp)

 13    SW to JCMB, 11 Dec. – brings him up to date with TL activities relating to merger; has sent summary describing project; has sent proposal submitted to National Endowment for the Humanities [NEH] seeking funds (tp.)

.1    ‘Summary proposal for the Index to Anthropological Literature’ [referred to in A141/12/13]. 2 leaves (photocopy)

.2    NEH application [referred to in A141/12/13]. 39 leaves (photocopy)

 14    BE, KG, AG, 14 Dec. – notes from meeting held 11 Dec. to discuss report by Gustaaf Houtman [A141/12/12]. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 15    JCMB to SW, 22 Dec. – thanks her for letter [A141/12/13]; will meet in Jan. (tpc.)

 16    Ibid. to Index Advisory Committee et al., 22 Dec. – on RAI/TL negotiations. 2 leaves (photocopy memo)

 17    HRB to JCMB, 29 Dec. – on returning money to Wenner-Gren; sets deadline for commitment on merger (tp.)

/13    Correspondence etc. 1988-9

  1    STM, 4 Jan. 1988 – notes on house memo of 22 Dec. 1987 [A141/12/16] and TL communications [A141/12/13]; on how the MoM library will be affected by change of publication. 3 leaves (tp.)

  2    KG to JCMB, 8 Jan. – on financing of the index merger (tp. memo)

  3    JCMB to MML, 11 Jan. – on new computer in Students’ Room; on arrangements for WBF’s old computer (tpc.)

.1    Ibid. to WBF – covering note sent with copy of A141/13/3 (autogr.)

  4    BE to JLF, 13 Jan. [wrongly dated 1987] – encloses copies of correspondence and TL application for funding; on staffing; on computers. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  5    15 Jan. – ‘Comments on the proposal for the Index to Anthropological Literature’ (tp.)

  6    18 Jan. – ‘Notes on the implications for the British Museum of the current RAI/Tozzer negotiations’. 3 leaves (photocopy)

  7    Notes for Council Meeting 20 Jan. [see CM/88/1]. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)

  8    JCMB to HRB, 28 Jan. – on SW’s fundraising efforts; asks whether remainder of Wenner-Gren money could be used for market research. 3 leaves (photocopy)

  9    SW to JCMB, 22 Feb. – on her visit; on JCMB’s visit to Harvard in June; on change in methods of production at TL. 2 leaves (tp.)

 10    JCMB to BE, KG, 26 Feb. – on Wenner-Gren funding for feasibility study; ref. to memo of 24 Oct. 1986 [A141/11/76]; financial data. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 11    Ibid. to SW, 26 Feb. – on Wenner-Gren funding; on start-up funding (tp.)

 12    BE to WBF, 29 Feb. – encloses ‘depressing communications’ from JCMB; on nature of the feasibility study; other details (tp.)

 13    JCMB to SW, 4 Mar. – on possible grant from Ford Foundation; on subsidising institutions for a year or two. 2 leaves (tp.)

 14    KG to JCMB, 5 Mar. – on size of index entries. 3 leaves (autogr.)

 15    BD to JCMB, 7 Mar. 1988 – study undertaken by Royal Society of Chemistry to be called ‘distribution’ study; asks for terms on reference (tp.)

 16    JCMB to BD, 8 Mar. – on aspects of the distribution study (tp.)

 17    Ibid. to BE, KG, SW, HRB, 21 Mar. – estimates of printing costs of merged index. 2 leaves (wp)

.1    Draft of [some of] A141/13/17 (wp)

 18    SW to JCMB, 1 Apr. – on printing costs; on prices; on lists of periodicals received by TL (tp.)

 19    Ted Neville to BD, 6 Apr. – on software; AG note, 25 Apr., added (photocopy)

 20    JCMB to SW, 19 Apr. – Council will decide on 4 May about distribution study etc.; RAI loth to rush into decision (photocopy)

 21    Ibid., 6 May – sets out position as a result of Council meeting; happy to continue discussion; on start-up funding; on the distribution study (photocopy)

 22    Gustaaf Houtman to AG, BE, STM, KG, JCMB, 12 May – on new computer in MoM (tp.)

 23    KG to JCMB, 13 May – on computer problems; on progress of issues of AI. 3 leaves (wp)

 24    Gustaaf Houtman, 17 May – ‘Interim Report on the Index Computer’ (wp)

 25    SW to JCMB, 17 May – proposed award of $38,000 from NEH if some revisions made to application; mentions other funds in hand (tp.)

 26    Ibid., 17 May – sending separately list of TL Periodical Titles [not retained]; HRB will keep Wenner-Gren funds for sponsoring meetings (tp.)

 27    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, 17 May – recommends that Council ‘firm up’ commitment to merge with TL; other issues relating to merger. 2 leaves (tp.)

 28    JCMB to BD, 23 May – Council to decide on 29 June whether or not to pursue merger with TL; on position of MoM towards AI; seems that position of MoM has changed; asks for clarification; on keeping indexing function based in London. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 29    BE to WBF, 23 May 1988 – encloses copy of contribution from library for Annual Report [not present]; she has prepared paper ahead of Council meeting; BD had been asked his opinion (tpc.)

 30    Roy Rappaport, President, American Anthropological Association, to JCMB, 7 June – understands that AI and AL might merge into single journal; urges this merger (photocopy)

 31    10 June – ‘Paper on a Proposal for the Joint Publication of an Index to Anthropological Periodicals by the RAI and Tozzer’. 7 leaves (tp.)

 32    WBF to Prof. Michael Banton, RAI President, 10 June – encloses copy of memo dated 19 Nov. 1986 [A141/11/88]; offer of financial support for subject index for AI still stands (tpc.)

 33    Prof. Michael Banton to WBF, nd – answer to letter of 10 June [A141/13/32] (autogr.)

 34    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, 15 June – on funds raised by SW; embarrassing to break off negotiations without strong reasons (wp memo)

 35    MML to JCMB, 16 June – MoM values AI highly; hopes AI will continue to be produced (photocopy)

 36    JCMB to WBF, BE, KG, 21 June – invitation to Council meeting on 29 June (tp. memo)

 37    BD to JCMB, 22 June – Tozzer option is not a merger to form single journal; Prof. Rappaport should be corrected (tp.)

 38    BE to Council, 27 June – ‘in response to subsequent information from the Director’ (photocopy)

 39    JCMB to SW, 30 June – decision whether or not to continue negotiations with TL main item for discussion at Council meeting; if a quick decision is needed, then merger cannot take place at this time; spells out reasons for this decision. 3 leaves (photocopy)

 40    Anita Garey, University Library, University of California, Santa Cruz, to RAI, 6 July – asks for cumulative list of periodicals indexed (tp.)

 41    KG to JCMB, 7 July – encloses invoices for printing costs from Chameleon Press Ltd. [invoices not retained]. 2 leaves (wp)

 42    BE to WBF, 9 Aug. 1988 – encloses copy of JCMB’s letter to SW [A141/13/39]; on new computer; on pressing on with subject index; on the £5000 he offered (tp.)

 43    KG to all subscribers, Aug. – apologises for delays in production of AI (wp)

 44    SW to JCMB, 8 Sept. – disappointed with RAI Council’s decision; TL had raised funds; major obstacle seems to be relation between RAI and MoM; encloses draft statement of postponement of negotiations. 2 leaves (tp.)

.1    Draft statement [mentioned in A141/13/44] (tp. with autogr. notes)

 45    JCMB to Michael Banton, KG, BE, 25 Sept. – encloses copy of letter from TL [A141/13/44]; on WBF’s offer of £5000 (tp. memo)

 46    Michael Banton to WBF, 26 Sept. – asks if he might confirm offer of £5000 for subject index (tp.)

 47    JCMB to SW, 27 Sept. – acknowledges letter of 8 Sept. [A141/13/44] (tpc.)

 48    WBF to Prof. Michael Banton, 6 Oct. – confirms his offer (tpc.)

 49    Prof. Michael Banton to WBF, 7 Oct. – thanks him for letter (tp.)

 50    JCMB to SW, 11 Oct. – gives considered reaction to her letter of 8 Sept. [A141/13/44]; on funding; sorry that discussion ended so unsatisfactorily. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 51    SW to JCMB, 22 Nov. – answers his letter of 11 Oct. [A141/13/50]; on finance. 2 leaves (tp.)

 52    List of lapsed subscriptions, 1987-88. 10 leaves (printout)

 53    JCMB to WBF, 19 Jan. 1989 – informs him of MoM Library Committee meeting on 13 Feb.; work about to begin on subject index (autogr.)

 54    Ibid. to JM, 26 Jan. 1989 – on her preparation of a ‘subject index thesaurus’ of AI; on payment (photocopy)

.1    JCMB to WBF, 26 Jan. – compliment slip accompanying copy of A141/13/54 (autogr.)

    [A copy of the thesaurus, which in a modified form was used as a basis for the 1992 Subject Index, is held in the AIO office, c/o Anthropology Library and Research Centre at the BM]

 55    KG to JCMB, 15 Mar. – informs him of meeting on ‘Friday’ [17 Mar.]; WBF had a fall so will not attend; encloses sample of typeface [not retained]; matters for discussion (wp with autogr. note)

 56    JCMB to Dr Franklyn A. Thomas, President, Ford Foundation, 17 Mar. – refers to Ford Foundation’s offer of financial assistance [see A141/13/13]; asks if the Foundation might help promote sales of AI in less developed countries and in Eastern Europe (tpc.)

 57    Ibid. to Prof. Adam Kuper, Dept. of Human Sciences, Brunel University, 17 Mar. – on exchange of advertisements with Current Anthropology (tpc.)

 58    KG to WBF, 23 Aug. – informs him of progress on AI; clearing backlog of journals; improvements in typesetting (tp.)

 14/    Correspondence etc. 1990-94

  1    KG, 12 Jan. 1990 – on backlog of articles to be indexed; on regaining subscribers; on keeping costs down. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    JCMB to KG, 18 Jan. – Council considered KG’s report; conclusions of Council; Index Advisory Group to write report (tp.)

  3    Ibid. to MML, 23 Jan. – on assistant to help clear backlog (tpc.)

  4    KG to Index Advisory Group, 11 May – on reducing size of Index; list of journals to be indexed selectively; list of journals which may no longer be indexed. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)

  5    KG, post 14 May – list of journals to be indexed selectively; list of journals which will no longer be indexed. 2 leaves (tp.)

  6    13 June 1990 – Memorandum on BLPES International Bibliographies; further discussions with the Museum of Mankind/RAI. 7 leaves (wp.)

  7    KG to JA, JCMB, BE, AG, BJK, STM, 29 Oct. – notice of meeting 19 Nov.; schedule of issues of AI (wp)

  8    Jeff Cabrie, Light Touch, to KG, 4 Feb. 1991 – confirms that he will act as consultant to try to find suitable database package; states some of the difficulties; attaches proposal for consideration (tp.)

.1    Proposal and proposed fee [enclosed with A141/14/8] (tp.)

  9    KG to JCMB, 19 Feb. – encloses Jeff Cabrie’s letter and proposal [A141/14/8] (autogr.)

 10    Ibid., 10 Oct. – on periodicals list; on other work done on AI; on her own salary; on faulty printer. 2 leaves (wp with autogr. PS)

 11    AI Annual Report for 1991 (wp)

 12    AI salaries for 1991 (autogr.)

 13    JCMB to AG, 16 June 1992 – on buying computer terminal for AI (tpc.)

 14    Ibid. to KG, JA, 16 June – on AI finance; accounts for 1990 and 1991; budget for 1992. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 15    KG, 24 June – report on present position of AI. 3 leaves (wp with JCMB autogr. note)

 16    KG to JCMB, 22 July – proposes items for discussion on ‘Monday’ [27 July]; on new machinery; on backlog; on increasing staff time; on software. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. note)

 17    JCMB to KG, JA, 27 July – confirmation of matters discussed at meeting; increased staff hours; new computer equipment (tp. with autogr. note)

 18    KG to JCMB, 29 Sept. – AI Subject Index; on difficulties with keywords. 3 leaves (wp)

 19    nd – summary of costs of Subject Index. 3 leaves (wp)

 20    KG to JCMB, [13 Oct.] – note on buying PC; short note for Council. 2 leaves (wp)

.1    13 Oct. – note accompanying A141/14/20 (autogr. pc)

 21    KG to Dr John Mack, Keeper, MoM, 17 Nov. 1992 – on new computer for AI; on new member of staff; asks to use MoM’s ‘WordPerfect’ software. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 22    KG to JCMB, 11 Dec. – reports on meeting with Christopher Doutney, manager of the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences ‘current awareness’ journals. 2 leaves (wp)

 23    List of lapsed subscriptions, 1992. 3 leaves (printout)

 24    KG, 27 Jan. 1993 – reports on new hardware and software; explains why AI behind schedule (photocopy)

 25    Christine Bellan, GARAE/HESIODE, Carcassonne, France, to [AI], 8 Mar. – encloses questionnaire [not present]; preparing a survey of ethnological articles. 2 leaves (tp. in French)

.1    Flyer for ‘Au miroir des revues’, accompanying A141/14/25 (printed; in French)

.2    Information sheet about GARAE/HESIODE, accompanying A141/14/25 (printed; in French)

 26    KG to subscribers, Mar. – circular letter; on new list of periodicals indexed; on reasons for being behind schedule (photocopy)

 27    16 June – publishing details for AI 1983-93. 3 pages (tp. with autogr. notes)

 28    KG to JCMB, 17 June – on staff holidays; on schedule. 2 leaves (tp.)

 29    KG to MoM library staff, 23 June – intends to keep staff in touch with AI schedules; on journals; on subject indexing. 2 leaves (tp.)

 30    8 July – AI Business Plan, 1993 budget (tp.)

 31    KG to JCMB, 13 July – on acquisitions policy; on coverage of various areas; comparision with AL. 3 leaves (tp.)

.1    Charts showing coverage of various geographical areas, volumes for 1984-92. 9 leaves (photocopy)

.2    Charts showing schedule for volumes 30 and 31. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 32    14 July – AI Business Plan, 1993 budget (tp.)

 33    KG, 14 July – Estimate of size of subject index (tp.)

 34    KG to JCMB, AG, BE, BD, BJK, 21 July 1993 – on ceasing to index American Journal of Human Genetics (photocopy)

 35    Christine Bellan to KG, 2 Sept. – thanks her for letter of 11 Aug. [not present]; asks for addresses of publications (tp.)

 36    KG to MoM library staff, 3 Sept. – on progress of recent volumes; on locating journals (tp.)

 37    JA to Christine Bellan, 13 Sept. – thanks her for letter of 2 Sept.; KG away; asks for further details (photocopy)

 38    René Piniès and Christine Bellan, GARAE/HESIODE, to [AI], 14 Sept. – information about their research programme in ethnologogical periodicals; mention questionnaire. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 39    JCMB to Dr John Mack, 5 Oct. – asks about redecoration of space where index staff work (tpc.)

 40    4 Nov. – notes of AI meeting; on current schedule; on circulation; on meetings; on staffing and finance; on timetable. 3 leaves (tp.)

.1    Draft of A141/14/40. 5 leaves (tp.)

 41    KG to JCMB, 11 Nov. – notes from meeting of 4 Nov. (tp.)

 42    Ibid., 1 Dec. – on computer problems; on delays with Light Touch; on subject index. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. note)

 43    KG to BE, nd [Dec. 1993?] – index schedule

 44    Ibid. to JCMB, 14 Jan. [1994] – lets him know informally that she will be resigning soon (tp. with autogr. note)

 45    Ibid., nd – encloses calculations from STM of how much work she has done for AI (tp.)

.1    16 Jan. – notes from STM on her work for AI, enclosed with A141/14/45. 4 leaves (photocopy)

 46    KG to JCMB, 17 Jan. – notes for report to Council on library computer system (tp.)

 47    Jeff Cabrie to KG, 19 Jan. – encloses updated copy of Raidex; some points relating to it. 2 leaves (tp.)

 48    Jeff Cabrie to JCMB, 11 Feb. 1994 – on Raidex programme; on takeover of Light Touch by Database Engineers; suggests production of a list of outstanding work for AI; encloses invoice. 2 leaves (tp.)

.1    List of personnel of Database Engineers, enclosed with A141/14/48 (tp.)

 49    JCMB to Jeff Cabrie, 16 Feb. – invoice has been passed for payment; on further charges (tpc.)

 50    KG to JCMB, 19 Apr. – thanks him for letter of 28 Mar. [not present] offering pay rise (tp.)

 51    JCMB to KG, 16 May – on Index printing bills (tp.)

 52    KG to JCMB, 24 June – on length of subject index; encloses sample pages [not retained] (tp.)

 53    DZ to JCMB, 1 July – asks to be considered as consultant to prepare Development Study on future of AI (tp.)

 54    JCMB to DZ, 4 July – invites him to meeting on 19 July, further to his offer to undertake development study (photocopy)

 55    Ibid., 22 July – working party would like him to undertake the study (fax)

 56    Ibid., 5 Sept. – Fagg Trustees have agreed to give £2,500 for the study; they wish to make some changes to terms of reference; paragraph enclosed (photocopy)

 57    DZ to JCMB, 8 Sept. – some points about amended terms of reference; will draft an open letter to be published in AT (tp.)

 58    Ibid., 23 Sept. – asks to see accounts for AI; asks to see previous correspondence with TL (tp.)

 59    JCMB to DZ, 28 Sept. – encloses draft agreement, to be ratified on 19 Oct.; asks for comments (tp.)

 60    Draft of agreement relating to development study [enclosed with A141/14/59]. 2 leaves (tp.)

 61    DZ to JCMB, 30 Sept. – makes some amendments to draft [A141/14/60] (tp.)

 62    [KG?] to DZ, 3 Oct. – thanks him for letter of 23 Sept. [not present]; answers questions contained in that letter (tp.)

 63    JCMB to DZ, 10 Oct. 1994 – suggests they meet as soon as Council has agreed the offer to DZ; suggests he looks through file of TL correspondence; encloses letters, including one from The Library Corporation dated 10 Feb. (tpc.)

.1    Letter from The Library Corporation [enclosed with A141/14/63]; describing their global information retrieval system. 4 leaves (photocopy)

 64    JCMB to DZ, 19 Oct. – confirms that Council would like DZ to undertake development study of AI; terms of reference. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 65    DZ to KG, 8 Nov. – on computer programme (Qbase) for finding ‘run numbers’ (tp.)

 66    DD to KG, [21 Nov.] – questions from DZ: on list of periodicals on exchange; on Mirabilis (autogr.)

 67    KG to DZ, 23 Nov. – his questions both difficult; no list of such periodicals; Mirabilis files are missing; some difficulty with Qbase (tp.)

 68    DZ to KG, 24 Nov. – response to hers [A141/14/67] (fax)

 69    KG [to JCMB?], 14 Dec. [1994?] – on schedule through to 1997; on publicity. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. note)

 15/    Correspondence etc. 1995-96

  1    Sandy Macmillen, Serials Librarian, MoM, to Rodica Raliade, Institutul de Etnografie si Folclor, Bucarest, Romania, nd [1995?]– on exchange of several journals (autogr. draft)

  2    KG to DZ, 3 Feb. – encloses copy of subject index 1992 [not present] (tp.)

.1    Flyer for the Subject Index 1992 (printed)

  3    KG to JCMB, 9 Feb. – on salaries and overtime (tp. with autogr. note)

  4    JCMB to Christine Patel, 10 Feb. – on salaries and overtime (tp.)

  5    [KG] to MoM library staff, 14 Feb. – on location of journals; on publication schedules (tp.)

  6    KG to DZ, 27 Feb. – detailed analysis of the time taken to produce the index; reasons for backlog. 3 leaves (tp.)

  7    JCMB to KG, 1 Mar. 1995 – comments on first subject index; on costs; on subscriptions; other points. 2 leaves (tp.)

  8    KG to DMB, Peter Gathercole, NSM, DZ, BE, Mrs Catherine Fagg, Mrs Angela Rackham, 3 Mar. – encloses copies of Subject Index; reasons for shorter page length than AL; believes editing of AI superior to that of AL. 2 leaves (tp.)

  9    Ibid. to DZ, 6 Mar. – encloses note sent to Fagg Trustees with subject index; on need for extra staff (tp.)

 10    DMB to Mrs Catherine Fagg, 10 Mar. – he is impressed by the subject index; glad to see references to support from Fagg Trust (photocopy)

 11    Ibid. to JCMB, 13 Mar. – Mrs Fagg in agreement with his comments (autogr.)

 12    KG to ibid., 15 Mar. – on the effect of overtime worked; on schedules (tp.)

 13    DZ to KG, 20 Mar. – encloses two character sets [not retained] (tp.)

 14    KG to Ms Jean Rankine, Deputy Director, BM, 28 Mar. – hopes that AI and subject index could be circulated in BM; encloses copies (tp.)

 15    DZ to JCMB, 31 Mar. – encloses draft of his report; asks him to suggest alterations (tp.)

 16    ‘Report on the Future of Anthropological Index’. 16 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. notes) [final version of this report is at CM/95/2, Minute 7, ff. 133-53]

 17    JCMB to KG, DMB, RL, NSM, BE, Robert Ray, Catherine Fagg, Angela Rackham, BD, Peter Gathercole, 3 Apr. – encloses copies of draft report [A141/15/16]; sets out timetable for responses and submission of final version (tp.)

 18    Ibid. to DZ, 5 Apr. – gives his comments on draft report [A141/15/16]. 3 leaves (tp.)

 19    NSM, 12 Apr. – gives his comments on draft report [A141/15/16] (tp.)

 20    KG to DZ, 18 Apr. – gives her comments on draft report [A141/15/16] (tp. with autogr. note)

 21    DMB to DZ. 19 Apr. – gives his comments on draft report [A141/15/16] (photocopy)

 22    KG to JCMB, 20 Apr. 1995 – on publicity mailing for AI. 3 pages (tp. with autogr. note)

 23    JCMB to KG, 21 Apr. – draft budget for publicity drive, for her approval (tp.)

 24    Ibid. to DZ, 21 Apr. – further comments on draft report [A141/15/16] (tp.)

 25    Peter Gathercole to DZ, 24 Apr. – his comments on draft report [A141/15/16] (photocopy)

 26    BE to DMB, JCMB, NSM, 26 Apr. – on periodical subscriptions 1994; savings made in 1995. 2 leaves (tp.)

 27    JCMB to DZ, 3 May – thanks him for draft report [A141/15/16]; corrects small error in budget (tpc.)

 28    KG, 3 May – report for Council; schedules (tp.)

 29    JCMB to KG, 9 May – on grants from W.B. Fagg Trust (tp.)

 30    KG to JCMB, 12 May – asks for labels for advertising campaign; encloses copy of schedule [not present] (tp.)

 31    JCMB to Linda Monaghan, Distribution Centre, 15 May – orders labels for subscription lists (tp.)

 32    KG to RL, 8 June – on importance of electronic publication; RAI should embrace it. 2 leaves (tp.)

 33    AG to JCMB, 12 June – her comments on draft report [A141/15/16]. 3 leaves (fax)

 34    12 June – list of AI subscribers 1987/8, 1992/3. 23 leaves (wp)

 35    DMB to RL, 14 June [1995] – further thoughts on the ‘Zeitlin [sic] Report’. 4 leaves (photocopy) [some seems to be missing]

 36    JCMB to RL, DMB, Michael O’Hanlon, MJR, NSM, 5 July – on KG’s resignation; encloses draft copy of minutes of Council meeting on 28 June and letter tabled by Michael Day [see CM/95/3, Minute 7, f. 183]; on options; on implications for AI. 3 leaves (tp.)

 37    BE to RL, JA, JCMB, DMB, DD, NSM, DZ, MJR, post 10 July 1995 – on possible cancellation of East European journals; encloses survey of articles indexed under ‘Archaeology’; encloses letter from Sandy Macmillen on East European archaeology acquisitions. 2 leaves (tp.)

.1    Chart of articles indexed, showing number from East European journals [enclosed with A141/15/37] (photocopy)

.2    Sandy Macmillen to JCMB, 10 July – on East European journals [enclosed with A141/15/37] (photocopy)

 38    KG to JCMB, 12 July – sorry she can’t attend meeting on 13 July; on division of labour between DD and JA; encloses draft advertisement for typist [not present] (tp.)

.1    nd, ‘Division of Workload and Responsibilities’ between JA and DD (tp.)

 39    JCMB to DMB, NSM, MJR, DZ, KG, JA, DD, BE, 19 July – agenda for meeting on 25 July (photocopy)

 40    26 July – notes of management meeting on 25 July; aims etc.; establishment of Management Committee; on staffing etc. 2 leaves (tp.)

 41    JA to BD, AG, SM, Anne Alexander, BE, 18 Aug. – on departure of KG; DD and JA to be co-editors; on death of Jeff Cabrie; schedule; on location of journals. 2 leaves (tp.)

 42    JCMB to RL, DMB, DZ, MJR, NSM, JA, DD, Jean Fairweather, 30 Aug. – notice of management meeting on 7 Sept.; on working with Kate Cabrie; agenda for 7 Sept. (tp.)

 43    DD to Jean [Fairweather?], [Aug.] – on publicity campaign; labels for leaflets (tp.)

 44    DD to JCMB, [Aug.] – on publicity campaign; attaches draft letter [not present] to accompany copies of subject index; on addresses for mailing (tp.)

 45    List of members of Management Committee [formed Sept. 1995]

 46    7 Sept. – notes of meeting of Management Committee (tp. with autogr. notes)