Dominy, Michèle D.

Home About Committees Anthropologists and the Environment Dominy, Michèle D.

Name: Michèle D. Dominy

Affiliation: Bard College
Professor of Anthropology, and Environmental and Urban  Studies
Director of Environmental and Urban Studies

Contact details:

Statement of interest: I have conducted long-term field research in the New Zealand high country on land, culture and identity, with a focus on place attachment, land contestations and sustainability in mountain lands. Fieldwork in Australia focused on alpine cultural heritage in NSW and Victoria. Current research projects in empire and ecology explore cultural and natural heritage conservation and botanical anthropology in the British diaspora with a focus on ecological restoration, the anthropology of plants, and the culture of orchid hybridisation.

Geographical/topical area of interest: New Zealand, Australia, Anthropology of Place, Conservation Anthropology, Botanical Anthropology, Mountain Lands, Invasion Ecologies