Alan P. Merriam

Home Archives & Manuscripts Obituaries Alan P. Merriam

We record with regret the death of Alan P. Merriam in an aeroplane crash near Warsaw on 14 March. Merriam was one of the founders of the Society for Ethnomusicology and helped to establish the interdisciplinary programme in ethnomusicological study at Indiana University. The 25th anniversary meeting of the Society for Ethnomusicology will be held as planned at Indiana University on 20-23 November 1980.

This obituary first appeared as: RAI News. 1980. ‘Obituary’. RAIN, No. 38, p. 10 Reproduced with permission.


To cite this article:

RAI News. 1980. ‘Obituary’. RAIN, No. 38, p. 10 (available on-line:


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