Deacon, Arthur Bernard “collection” (MS 92)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Deacon, Arthur Bernard “collection” (MS 92)

Glossaries of native terms, compiled from A.B. Deacon’s notes by Camilla H. Wedgwood, 193?-

12 gatherings. 8 x 18 cm.


Each gathering consists of loose leaves tied together in blue paper wrappers, except MS 92/12 which has been provided with new wrappers. Some leaves have text on verso.

? Presented by Camilla H. Wedgwood

/1 Bagasa, Malekula. 130 leaves

/2 Big Nambas. 24 leaves

/3 Mewun, Malekula. 54 leaves

/4 Laravat. 21 leaves

/5 Lambumbu. 326 leaves

/6 Seniang, A-L. 456 leaves

/7 Seniang, M. 326 leaves

/8 Seniang, N-W [incorrectly titled O-W]. 281 leaves

/9 Seniang: ceremonial terms. 339 leaves

/10 Lagalag. 50 leaves

/11 Unidentified. 68 leaves

/12 Miscellaneous. 169 leaves