Site Structure

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This site map contains a list of the categories and pages of the site. As there are many thousand posts, it is not possible to show a list of all post in front end.

Posts vs pages
Pages tend to have static content, and/or be generic. Pages often contain lists of posts or child categories, or child pages. A hierarchical list of pages can be found here: List of pages

Parent pages and categories
On this site pages can belong to categories, and they can also have parent pages. Here, category name and parent page title should correspond with each other, and be assigned upon creation of a page, unless the page is in root, such as Home, or the generic Conferences page.

Posts are content items which are more transient, repetitive, or of temporary interest. Note that on this site,  all individual conferences are posts, as it makes the conferences easier to display.

Events posts are excluded from this site map and can be found here: Events

There are parent and child categories.  The creation of new categories must be in the structure of the rest of the site, carefully planned. Each category should have a corresponding parent page. No info is added to category descriptions – as these are very limited in layout options).

Sidebars and sidebar menus

These were created post-structure as a design feature and do not reflect the real structure of the site. The display of items in the sidebars is decided by sidebar menus .