In 1900 the RAI presented petitions to the Government of South Australia associated with the Aborigines of Central Australia and, with the Folklore Society, to the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies on the condition of the indigenous people of the Transvaal and the Orange River Colony (see A10/3/3/1-2)

Another petition was presented in 1908 to the Right Hon. H.H. Asquith, Prime Minister requesting an annual subsidy from the Government to establish a Bureau of Anthropology within Institute; a further petition was presented to the Colonial Premiers at the Imperial Conference in London in 1911; no assistance was forthcoming (see A56). Sir Richard Temple suggested a school of applied anthropology in 1913 (see Man, [Nov.] 1913, No. 102). From the time of the resolution of the XVIIth International Oriental Congress in Aug. 1928 to approach the Australian Federal Government and the State governments ‘to organize the study of the native languages of Australia’ the RAI took an active concern in the welfare of the Australian Aborigines and other indigenous people. However it was not until 1937 that Council appointed a Sub-Committee on the Anthropological Implications of the Transfer of Territories which met on 23 Feb.; its report was received on 16 Mar. (see Council minutes, ff. 300-1). The first meeting of the Committee on Applied Anthropology was held on 23 Apr. 1937. Council received its report on 25 May and approved the draft letter to the Colonial Secretary on 15 June. Those present at the meeting on 23 Apr. were Dr H.S. Harrison (in the Chair), H. Coote Lake, Dr R.W. Firth, Dr Audrey I. Richards, Dr Lucy P. Mair (Convener). Dr Mair was appointed Secretary and Prof. B. Malinowski was invited to be Chairman. Dr M. Fortes succeeded as Secretary at the end of 1938 and continued until the final meeting on 16 June 1939. Regular reports of the Committee were published in Man, July 1937, No. 139, Feb.-Aug. 1938, Nos. 22-46 passim, Jan.-July 1939, Nos. 6-96 passim. See also A56, Imperial Bureau of Anthropology and A58, British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research.

1 General correspondence, 1936-40
2 Australian Aborigines, 1928-32 including funding for the Dept of Anthropology, University of Sydney
3 Districts Officers’ note-books, 1934
4 Advance of science and the life of the community, 1934
5 Transfer of Territories, 1937
6 Shortage of Native farm labour, 1937
7 South African Protectorates, 1938
8 Bride-price, 1938
9 Correspondence relating to the Transfer of Territories, South African Protectorates, and Bride-price, 1937-8
10 Australian Aborigines, 1938
11 Land tenure among the Ngoni, 1938
12 Soil erosion in East Africa, 1938
13 Anthropological research in the British Colonies, 1940, 1943
14 Anthropology in post-war reconstruction plans of the Government of India, [1940]
15 British anthropological research in the reconstruction and development of Burma, 1937, 1944-7
16 Australian rocket testing range, 1946
17 Application for funds for scientific education, 1960
18 Agenda, minutes, discussion meetings, 23 Apr. 1937-16 June 1939 (shelved with quartos)

GCT Dr Gertrude Caton Thompson, FBA (1888-1985), RAI Vice-President, 1943-6, 1960-3; Council member, 1930-60 passim; Huxley Medallist, 1946

WBF W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dept of Ethnography, British Museum, 1969-74; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1936-56; Hon. Editor of Man, 1939-56

RWF (Prof. Sir) Raymond Firth, FBA (1901-2002), later Prof. of Anthropology, University of London; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1935-9; President, 1953-5

JHH Prof. J.H. Hutton, ICS (1885-1968), William Wyse Prof. of Social Anthropology, Cambridge University; RAI President, 1943-5

EJL Dr Ethel John Lindgren (d. 1988), Hon. Editor, 1938-47; RAI Vice-President, 1947-50

LPM Dr Lucy Mair (1901-86), later Prof. of Applied Anthropology, London School of Economics; RAI Wellcome Medallist, 1936; Hon. Secretary, 1974-8; Vice-President, 1978-9

JLM Sir John Linton Myres (1869-1954), Wykeham Professor of Ancient History, University of Oxford, RAI Hon. Secretary 1900-03, President, 1939-40

ARRB Prof. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, FBA (1881-1955), University of Sydney, later Prof. of Social Anthropology, Oxford University; RAI President, 1939-40

FS Miss Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary, 1941-52

HNCS H.N.C. Stevenson, OBE, Burma Frontier Service; Hon. Director of Ethnography, Governor of Burma Camp, Simla, 1945; author of The economics of the central Chin tribes, Bombay, [1944]; later Managing Director, Scottish Television Ltd

TT Sir Theodore Tasker (1884-1981), OBE, ICS

A43/14/    Anthropology in post-war reconstruction plans of the Government of India, [1940]

  1    Letter from JHH to the Secretary, Government of India in the Department of Education, Health and Lands, New Delhi. 4 leaves (tpc.)

  2    Government of India, Home Department, Ethnographic Survey of India in connection with the Census of 1901 - extracts from various documents. 9 pp. (printed)

15/    British anthropological research in the reconstruction and development of Burma, 1937, 1944-7

  1    ‘Languages of Burma’ by L.F. Taylor (Indian Educational Service, retired), letter to The Times, 12 July 1937 - appeal for assistance for the continuation and completion of the Ethnographical and Linguistic Survey of Burma; see also /15/67

  2    Council agenda, 13 July 1937 heavily annotated by H.J. Braunholtz, President, 1937-9 including note on The Times letter (mimeo.)

  3    ‘The case for applied anthropology in the reconstruction of Burma’ by H.N.C. Stevenson - lecture at the RAI, 10 Oct. (printed card, annotated on verso)

  4    FS to JHH, 17 Oct. - on meeting, 31 Oct. of officers and others arising from HNCS’s lecture (tpc.)

  5    Ibid., to HNCS, 18 Oct. - Burma is on the agenda for next Council, 24 Oct.; suggests he should be available; mentions publication of his lecture in Man (tpc.); see Council minutes, 24 Oct. 1944, CM/74/2, Item 6

  6    Ibid., to JHH, 26 Oct. - Council decided the officers, Col. J.H. Green and HNCS should see what action could be taken over Burma (tpc.)

  7    Ibid., to HNCS, 27 Oct. - on meeting, 31 Oct., of officers, Col. Green, JHH, and Dr Phyllis Kaberry (tpc.)

  8    Minutes of the meeting on 31 Oct. ‘to examine in what way anthropology could or should be used to assist in the reconstruction of Burma’; present:  JHH, WBF, HNCS, Col. Green, Dr P. Kaberry (tp.)

  9    Ibid., as amended by WBF (tpc.)

 10    JHH to FS, [early Nov. 1944] - encloses draft of memorandum for Council by HNCS and himself; not satisfied with it but will serve for a start (autogr.)

 11    Draft memorandum by JHH and HNCS (autogr. by JHH)

 12    FS to WBF, [early Nov.] - encloses copy of draft memorandum (/15/13); notes points recommended but omitted (tp., annotated by FS)

 13    Draft of memorandum to Secretary of State, Burma. 2 leaves (mimeo., faint annotations by WBF)

 14    Draft of memorandum to Secretary of State, Burma, retyped. 3 leaves (tpc.)

 15    JHH to WBF, 23 Nov. - his The Times letter not published yet; with HNCS has drafted letter for Burma Office; does not feel the Joint Committee need be involved; British Association might provide useful support if necessary (autogr.); see also /15/35

 16    FS to JLM, 29 Nov. - outlines developments; encloses notes on talks on 31 Oct. (/15/8-9) and JHH and HNCS’s draft memorandum; neither she nor WBF think it is satisfactory; hopes he will have time to amend the draft; asks if he thinks the Joint Committee should be involved (tpc.)

 17    JLM to FS, 30 Nov. - has redrafted the memorandum (/15/18); thinks the Joint Committee should be convened or the memorandum circulated to members (autogr.)

 18    Redrafted memorandum by JLM. 3 leaves (autogr.)

 19    Ibid., 3 leaves (tp.)

 20    FS to HNCS, 6 Dec. - outlines revised memorandum (/15/19) (tpc.)

 21    HNCS to FS, 8 Nov. i.e. 8 Dec. - encloses revised draft with some suggestions; urgent as Burma’s future will be discussed in Parliament next week (autogr.)

 22    Revised draft amended by HNCS (tpc.)

 23    Ibid., amended by JHH and with notes by WBF (tpc.)

 24    Memorandum on Reconstruction in Burma by WBF - covering note for Council on 19 Dec. (autogr.); see Council minutes 19 Dec. 1944, CM/74/3, Item 7

 25    Revised draft with amendments for Council (autogr. by WBF)

 26    Covering note for Council (mimeo.)

 27    Draft of memorandum (as /15/25) for Council (mimeo. with Council amendments by WBF)

 28    JLM to FS, 22 Dec. 1944 - regrets enclosed draft memorandum (/15/29) too late for Council; thinks draft should be circulated to Joint Committee members (autogr.)

 29    Original draft (/15/11, /13) with amendments by JLM. 3 leaves (tp., heavily annotated by JLM)

 30    Draft letter by WBF to members of the Joint Committee to consider the memorandum to the Burma Office (autogr.)

 31    WBF, Hon. Secretary, Joint Committee, to members of the Committee, 4 Jan. 1945 - requesting consideration of the enclosed memorandum. 5 leaves (mimeo., autogr. corrections by WBF); see Council minutes, 16 Jan. 1945, CM/74/4, Item 5

 32    Note by JLM hoping that the Joint Committee will adopt the memorandum (autogr. on envelope)

 33    Letters from members of the Joint Committee received in support of the memorandum 8-13 Jan. from: a) Charles S. Myers; b) National Institute of Economic & Social Research; c) Grahame Clark, Prehistoric Society; d) R.E. Enthoven, Royal Asiatic Society; e) Sir Arthur Keith, Royal College of Surgeons; f) Louis G. Clarke, Royal Empire Society; g)Miss M.M. Green, School of Oriental and African Studies; h) R. Kerr, Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society; i) Prof. F. Davies, Dept. of Anatomy, Sheffield University; j) University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge; k) Prof. R.D. Lockhart, Dept. of Anatomy, University of Aberdeen; l) Prof. W.W. Jervis, Dept. of Geography, University of Bristol; m) Prof. E.O. James, University, Leeds; n) Miss Kathleen M. Kenyon, University of London, Institute of Archaeology; o) Prof. H.J. Rose, University of St Andrews; p) Alexander Farquharson, 24 Jan. - hopes general approval secured; letters of acknowledgement (not retained) from: Nuffield College Colonial Research, Oxford; University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff; University, Glasgow; University Registry, Oxford; see Council minutes, 19 Dec. 1944, CM/74/3, Item 7; and the decision to forward the memorandum, 16 Jan. 1945, CM/74/4, Item 5

 34    WBF to JHH, 14 Jan. - on his unpublished letter to The Times (see /15/15); gives views on suggested conference (autogr.)

 35    Notes on memorandum by FS (autogr.)

 36    FS to HNCS, 19 Jan. - encloses draft memorandum (tpc.)

 37    FS to Harrison & Sons Ltd., printers, 19 Jan. - encloses typescript of memorandum; should be printed ‘in the most dignified and impressive manner’ (tpc.)

 38    Memorandum. 4 leaves (tp., annotated)

 39    Harrison & Sons Ltd., 26 Jan. 1945 - estimate

 40    Ibid., delivery slip (autogr. carbon)

 41    Draft covering letter by WBF, 9 Mar. (autogr.)

 42    Ibid., (tpc., with added paragraph)

 43    FS to JHH, 12 Mar. - note to covering letter now ready for his signature (tp.)

 44    Covering letter to memorandum signed by JHH; with paragraph on linguistic problems added (tp.)

 45    Note from Miss M.M. Green regretting inability to stay for Council discussion; her colleague, Prof. Stuart thinks a linguistic survey should be undertaken at the same time as the ethnographic survey (autogr.)

 46    FS to JHH, 16 Mar. 1945 - memorandum ready to be sent; covering letter received with his signature; refers to Miss Green’s note on linguistic survey of Burma; memorandum already printed; WBF has drafted a paragraph for possible insertion in covering letter; asks for his views (tpc.)

 47    JHH to FS, 21 Mar. - deprecates mention of linguistic survey in memorandum; agrees WBF’s ‘formula’ if necessary (telegram)

 48    President, RAI to Rt Hon. L.S. Amery, Secretary of State for Burma, [22 Mar.] - covering letter to memorandum

 49    ‘A memorandum on British anthropological research in the reconstruction and development of Burma’. 2 leaves (2 copies) (printed)

 50    Lord Hailey, Colonial Office to JHH, 11 Apr. - thanks him for memorandum; proposals in accord with policy adopted for Africa (tp.)

 51    L.S. Amery, Secretary of State for Burma, 17 May - acknowledges memorandum; greatly appreciates interest; cannot give full reply at present as memorandum under consideration (tp.)

 52    HNCS, Governor of Burma’s Camp, India, Simla to FS, 14 June - asks about memorandum and for information on other points (tp.)

 53    Notes by WBF and FS. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 54    Burma Office to FS, 3 July - passes on HNCS’s inquiry about memorandum and bibliography for Burma (tp.)

 55    Capt. R.E. Stanner to FS, 4 July - returning to Burma for war service; wishes advice on anthropological documentation (autogr.)

 56    FS to Capt. Stanner, 5 July 1945 - sends encouragement; sends copy of HNCS’s lecture; suggests he should call (tpc.)

 57    HNCS, Simla to FS, 10 July - hopes she received message from the Burma Office; appointed Hon. Director of Ethnography; asks advice in obtaining grants for the Burma Survey and possibility of Horniman Research grants; inquires about Burma bibliography (tp., annotated by FS)

 58    FS to Burma Office, 11 July - on reply to HNCS and bibliography (tpc.)

 59    Burma Office to FS, 12 July - on message from HNCS (tp.)

 60    FS to HNCS, 17 July - glad he has found copy of memorandum; bibliography not ready; response to memorandum satisfactory; present plan to produce a plan for an ethnographic survey; much to learn from African survey though very different (tpc.)

 61    FS to Lord Hailey, 17 July - thinks his advice would be helpful for planning a Burma survey; RAI representative would be glad to discuss the matter (tpc.)

 62    Lord Hailey, Colonial Office to FS, 18 July - doubts if preparation of African survey would help with Burma survey; suggests getting in touch with the International African Institute (tp.)

 63    FS to TT, 21 Feb. - sends note from President and memorandum; plans for ethnographic survey of Burma; encloses HNCS’s paper (/15/64) (tpc.)

 64    ’The case for applied anthropology in the reconstruction of Burma’ by HNCS; communication to RAI, 10 Oct. 1944, Man, Jan./Feb. 1945, No. 2

 65    TT to HJF, 23 Feb. - cannot attend meetings before March; agrees JHH should attend meeting (autogr.)

 66    TT to FS, 6 Mar. - has asked the India Office whether he can see someone about the memorandum; asks her to obtain JHH’s views (tp.); postcard, 16 Mar., on delay meeting official dealing with Memorandum not retained

 67    Lt Commander L.F. Taylor, RNVR to RAI, 22 Mar. - on his work on the Ethnographical and Linguistic Survey of Burma started in 1926 with RAI support; 1939-45 war intervened; now wishes to restart his work; asks for RAI support again (autogr.); see /15/80 for reply; see also /15/1-2

 68    Ibid. with extracts from Council minutes, Jan.-Oct. 1926 tp.)

 69    JHH to FS, 24 Mar. - no grounds for modifying TT’s submission of Dr B.S. Guha’s name; stresses Dr Guha’s integrity (autogr.)

 70    TT to FS, 8 Apr. - no word from Burma Office; Committee for Cultural Relations with India will meet; requests JHH’s view on Dr Guha (tp.)

 71    FS to TT, 26 Apr. - gives JHH’s opinion on Dr Guha; stresses his integrity (tpc.)

 72    TT to FS, 15 May -comments on change of normal time for Council and lecture meeting; asks if there are other papers on Burma showing what its government is doing (tp., annotated by FS)

 73    TT to FS, 16 May 1946 - Treasury approval for appointment of an anthropologist in Burma; sets out salary and conditions; asks for RAI help in suggesting names (tp.)

 74    FS to TT, 17 May - HJF will be available on 18 June; asks if he will dine with him; no direct communication with the Burma Office; HNCS now in charge of scheduled areas in Burma (tpc.); FS to HJF, 21 May on TT’s letter (/15/73) and necessity of acting quickly not retained

 75    TT to FS, 21 May - delighted to dine with HJF; hopes JHH can attend too; does not know name of Canadian candidate [R.F. Fortune, RFF](tp.)

 76    HJF to FS, 22 May - suggests names for Burma appointment (autogr.)

 77    FS to TT, 24 May - on names for Burma appointment (tpc.)

 78    FS to HJF, 24 May - Ibid. (tpc.)

 79    FS to JHH, 24 May - Ibid. (tpc.)

 80    FS to L.F. Taylor, 25 May - will present his letter before President and Council (see /15/67)

 81    JHH to FS, 28 May - comments on possible applicants for Burma appointment; not able to take on Man (tp.)

 82    TT to FS, 4 June - Burma Office has informed him the Canadian has accepted the appointment (tp.)

 83    Ibid., 4 June - on (Prof.) C. von Fürer-Haimendorf and his time in Hyderabad (tp.)

 84    Ibid., 20 June - RWF appointed; returning to UK; he should meet HJF before flying to Burma; Burma Government very short of funds and unlikely to implement the memorandum in full; RAI willing to help wherever possible; HJF and JHH did not appear for dinner as arranged (tp., with autogr. note)

 85    FS to HJF, 2 July - RFF will be in London a few days; suggests a meeting (tpc.)

 86    FS to TT, 2 July - on meeting with RFF and HJF; hopes he can attend; comments on failure of HJF and JHH to dine with him (tpc.)

 87    TT to FS, 3 July - regrets cannot attend meeting between HJF and RFF; suggests she draws the latter’s attention to (Prof.) Haimendorf’s books; failed dinner engagement enabled him to fill in another engagement (tp.); FS to RFF, 7 July passed on TT’s message (not retained)

 88    Mrs Eileen M. Fortune to FS, 20 July - husband had no time to reply to her letter; is grateful for information (autogr.)

 89    FS to JHH, 9 Aug. - HJF and RFF had discussion; RAI to draw up draft plan for an ethnographic survey of Burma; proposed that he and TT should provide first draft; RFF and HNCS would then amend it (tpc.); similar letter to TT, 9 Aug. not retained

 90    JHH to FS, 15 Aug. - has difficulty in formulating any plan; depends on who and what funds are available; regrets RAI is committed to drawing up plan; Burma Office unlikely to agree to proposals; hopes to meet TT (tp.)

 91    TT to FS, 20 Aug. - does not think he is the right person for the draft; not an experienced anthropologist and does not know Burma or NE India; makes suggestions (tp.)

 92    FS to JHH, 28 Aug. - sorry to read his letter; will put it before HJF on his return; feels a draft plan should be put up (tpc.)

 93    JHH to FS, 4 Sep. - has heard from RWF; is trying to teach forty new recruits to the Foreign Service; if each works in a different area with RWF co-ordinating a scheme could be drafted (tp.)

 94    Note of conversation between FS and HNCS, 12 Sep. - HNCS undertook to draft plan; coverage noted; suggests should be under RAI auspices not the government (tp.)

 95    Memo dictated by HNCS after meeting on 12 Sep. with HJF, WBF, HNCS, FS - statement for RAI files on bankruptcy of the Burma Government and proposal in the light of lack of finance (tp.)

 96    HNCS, Burma Office, Whitehall to WBF, 14 Oct. - will speak to Karens about talk for RAI; suggests Dr Karl Gustav Izikowitz (author of Music and other sound instruments of the South American Indians, Göteborg, 1935; Lamet-hill peasants in French Indochina, Göteborg, 1951) should get in touch before making firm plans to visit Burma; keen to support such efforts but others disagree (tp.)

 97    HJF to Dr Henry Clay, Warden, Nuffield College, Oxford, 15 Oct. 1946 - refers to HNCS’s hopes for Burma survey and for independent researchers to work there; RAI is helping with a Horniman scholarship for this purpose; HNCS anxious to meet him (tpc.)

 98    Dr Henry Clay to HJF, 16 Oct. - will be pleased to see HNCS; doubts that he can help (tp.)

 99    C.E. Coffin, Burma Office, Whitehall, 26 Oct. - accepts invitation to Saw Tha Din’s lecture on the Karens (tp.)

100    HNCS to WBF, 9 Apr. 1940 – includes his ‘Note on extending the use of museum collections’. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 .1    Ibid. (tpc.)

101    Press cuttings on the Karens, Aug. - Dec. 1946: The Times, 8 Aug.: Letter to the Editor; 24 Aug.: A Karen mission; 4 Sep.: A new phase in Burma; 4 Sep.: Burmese perspective: need for reassurance on British intentions: tasks facing new Governor; 24 Sep.: British guidance in Burma: Governor’s consultations with party leaders ...; 4 Oct.: Karens in London; Daily Mail, 7 Dec.: British are kind but so queer (says Saw Tha Din); 24 Dec.: Saw Tha Din toasts 2686 ...

102    WBF to the Editor of The Times, 12 Feb. - letter on ‘Frontier areas in Burma’ (tpc., signed by WBF)

103    E.R. Leach (later Prof. Sir Edmund Leach) to HJF, 29 Mar. - has not heard result of the Horniman meeting; HNCS has written advising him against going to Burma at present; has now accepted Colonial Office’s offer to go to Sarawak; has written to the Burma Office (autogr.); Burma became independent on 4 Jan. 1948

104    Notes by HJF covering E.R. Leach’s proposed Burma visit; Prof. Jiri Kral; lunch with E.J.H. Jones; memo., public value of anthropology; should be prepared to move to South Kensington; possible submission to Herbert Morrison (autogr.)

16/    Australian rocket testing range. 1946

  1    President, RAI to the Editor of the Glasgow Herald, 15 Oct. - states RAI’s concerns regarding the effect of policies on pre-literate people; making inquiries regarding effect of bombing ranges on the Aborigines (tpc.)

  2    Donald F. Thomson (DFT), Dept. of Anthropology, University of Melbourne, 31 Oct. - has heard he is concerned about effect on the Aborigines of proposed rocket range in Central Australia; asks for help in bringing pressure on the government (tp., annotated by WBF on verso)

  3    Draft letter by HJF (autogr. with annotations by WBF)

  4    Draft letter from WBF to DFT and Prof. A.P. Elkin, University of Sydney on RAI’s concern and requesting the views of Australian anthropologists (autogr.)

  5    Ibid., 9 Nov. 1946 (tpc.); similar letter to Prof. Elkin (/16/7)

  6    Draft letter from WBF to DFT, [9 Nov.] - on developments since speaking to DFT’s brother in Cambridge; RAI wishes to hear more from Australia before considering any statement; mentions (Sir) Gilbert Murray’s correspondence in the press, and draft telegram. 2 leaves (autogr.)

  7    Ibid., 9 Nov. (tpc.)

  8    WBF to Prof. Elkin, 11 Nov. - as /16/5 (tpc.)

  9    Statement by the Prime Minister of Australia, Canberra, 19 Nov. entitled: Defence - guided projectiles (tp.)

 10    Draft letter from WBF to the Office of the High Commissioner for Australia, London, [22 Nov.] - RAI notes proposal for rocket-testing range and voices its concern for the protection of the Aborigines; asks whether the High Commissioner could supply information; press reports have been inconclusive; wish to make a balanced decision (autogr.)

 11    Ibid., 22 Nov. (tpc.)

 12    ‘The position regarding setting up of guided missile range and a supporting development establishment in Australia’ - statement by the Minister of Defence in the House of Representatives on Friday, 22nd November 1946, [Canberra]. 5 leaves (mimeo.)

 13    Prof. Elkin to     WBF, 22 Nov. - acknowledges letter of 11 Nov. (/16/8); keen interest in range by anthropological and missionary organizations; some assurances given by the government; Director, Native Affairs, Northern Territory appointed to see the welfare of Aborigines is not jeopardized; thinks these steps satisfactory; main protests from the Presbyterian Missionary authorities whose mission at Ernabella is in the range area; gives the Missionaries reasons; pleased to hear the RAI has asked for information from the High Commissioner; autogr. notes his views on DFT (tp. with autogr. note)

 14    Australian Deputy High Commissioner to WBF, 26 Nov. - official details not yet received; letter forwarded to the Prime Minister’s Dept., Canberra (tp.)

 15    Ibid., 30 Dec. - encloses copy of the Prime Minister’s statement (/16/12) (tp.)

 16    Press cuttings, Aug.-Dec. 1946: Melbourne Herald, 11 Oct.: Rockets will doom Aborigines by DFT; Daily Mail, 6 Sep.: Rocket experiment alarm; Manchester Guardian, 9 Aug.: Rocket-testing in Australia: danger to Aborigines; 3 Sep. letter to the Editor; 4 Sep.: Work on “guided projectiles”: Australia’s efforts; 6 Sep.: Transfer of industries to Australia; The Times, 10 Aug.: Rocket tests in Australia: safety of Aborigines; 2 Sep., letter to the Editor from Sir Gilbert Murray; 10 Sep.: ...Aborigines safeguarded; [c. 11 Sep.], letter to the Editor from Sir Gilbert Murray; 3 Oct., letter to the Editor from Charles Duguid, Adelaide; 5 Oct.: Cost of rocket-testing in Australia; 11 Oct.: Rocket-testing range in Australia; 15 Oct., letter to the Editor from Guy Pentreath; 22 Oct.: Rocket ranges in Australia: possible sites; 25 Oct.: Australian Aborigines and rocket tests; 21 Nov.: Rocket-test plans in Australia: 3,000-mile flights

17/    Application for funds for scientific education, 1960

  1    Summary of a discussion held on 27 Jan. 1960 to advise on a possible memorandum to the government by Audrey I. Richards (1899-1984), RAI President, 1960-1 (mimeo.)

  2    Memorandum by Dr A.E. Mourant, FRS (1904-94), Hon. Advisor, Blood Group Centre and Secretary, Blood Group Committee, Feb. (mimeo.)

  3    Ibid., by Dr Marian W. Smith (1907-61), RAI Hon. Secretary 1956-61, Mar. (mimeo.)

  4    Notes on a talk with Dr D.A. Smith, Assistant Secretary, Overseas Research Council, held at the Ministry of Science, 3 Mar., by Audrey I. Richards (mimeo.)

  5    Notice of a meeting on 6 Apr. (mimeo.)

18/    Committee on Applied Anthropology - Agenda, minutes, discussion meetings, 23 Apr. 1937-16 June 1939 (shelved with quartos)

  1    23 Apr. 1937 - Agenda: Plan of future work; Draft statement ... proposed modification in the status of colonial territories. [3] leaves

  2    Ibid., Draft statement. 2 leaves (annotated)

  3    Ibid., Constitution of Applied Anthropology Committee; Proposed letter to the Colonial Secretary.  2 leaves (annotated)

  4    23 Apr.        Minutes
21 May        Agenda: Plan of future work; Draft letter to the Colonial Secretary. 5 leaves
  5    3 Dec. 1937. Minutes: Constitution of the Committee; Procedure at meetings (annotated)
14 Jan. 1938. Agenda: Future of Australian Aborigines; Royal Commission on closer co-operation between the Rhodesias

  6    25 Feb.            Agenda: Co-operation with the Aborigines Protection Society; Transfer of the Protectorates to South Africa; Memorandum on Bride-price

  7    18 Mar.            Agenda for discussion meeting on Public     Health Administration in Kenya with reference to Local Native Councils; speaker: Dr A.R. Peterson

  8    29 Apr.            Ibid., on Some problems of indirect rule in Northern Rhodesia; speaker:  Sir Alan Pim

  9    27 May            Ibid., on the Australian Aborigines; speaker: Dr Donald F. Thomson

 10    25 Nov.            Agenda: course of lectures on applied anthropology; fund for publications; expansion of Committee’s scope; discussion on Lord Hailey’s African Survey; speaker:  J.L. Keith

 11    16 Dec.            Agenda: business meeting; discussion on Land and the Native in South Africa; speaker:  Senator Rheinhalt-Jones

 12    24 Feb. 1939    Agenda: business meeting; discussion on Some problems of Native education in Africa; speaker: H.S. Scott

 13    12 May            Agenda: business meeting; discussion on Native peasant economy and production for international markets; speaker: Dr Charlotte Leubuscher

 14    16 June          Agenda: elections; discussion on Problems of culture contact and Colonial administration in the Dutch East Indies; speaker: Prof. B. Schrieke