Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents BLOOD GROUP COMMITTEE (A91)

Minutes, correspondence and papers. 1951-72.

The RAI organised a special meeting on ‘Blood groups and anthropology’ on 17 Mar. 1951 which resulted in the formation of the Blood Group Committee. At its first meeting on 18 May 1951, the Committee with Dr Fraser Roberts in the Chair and Dr A.E. Mourant as Hon. Secretary, decided to establish a Centre, its aims were discussed including the decision to make full use of the records of the National Blood Transfusion Service if possible. A Nuffield Foundation grant of £14,000 over five years enabled the Centre, as the Nuffield Blood Group Centre, 1952-61, to become operational on 1 Jan. 1952. In 1957 the Nuffield Foundation made a final grant of £14,200 over five years. The Medical Research Council then supported the Centre for five years from 1 Jan. 1962, commencing with a grant of £4970 for the first year. On 1 Sep. 1965 the Centre was incorporated by the Medical Research Centre in its new Serological Population Genetic Laboratory attached to St Bartholomew’s Hospital under the direction of Dr A.E. Mourant. The staff of the Centre, with one additional scientific officer, was transferred to the new unit which continued until Dec. 1973 when the Medical Research Centre ended its support. The major publications of the Centre’s staff with Dr A.E. Mourant are: The distribution of the human blood groups, 1954; The ABO blood groups, 1958; Blood groups and diseases, 1978.

Members of the Committee
A.C. Allison; Prof. C.D. Darlington, FRS; Prof. Sir Ronald Fisher, FRS; Prof. H.J. Fleure, FRS; W. d’A. Maycock; A.E. Mourant, FRS; J.A. Fraser Roberts; Miss M.L. Tildesley; I.M. Watkin; later members included: Prof. Ian Aird; N.A. Barnicot; Alfred Métraux; Prof. L.S. Penrose; R.R. Race; D.F. Roberts; J.C. Trevor.


AEM    Dr A.E. Mourant, FRS (1904 94), Hon. Secretary to the Committee and Hon. Advisor to the Centre

NF        Nuffield Foundation

MRC    Medical Research Council

MHRF    Mental Health Research Fund

 1/    Inaugural Meeting Mar. 1951

  1    ‘Blood groups and anthropology’, Special meeting at University College, London, 17 Mar. 1951 (printed leaflet). 2 copies

  2    Summary of address by Prof. R.A. Fisher (mimeo.)

  3    Ibid. by C.D. Darlington (mimeo.)

  4    Ibid. by J.A. Fraser Roberts (mimeo.)

  5    Ibid. by I.M. Watkin (mimeo.)

  6    Ibid. by A.E. Mourant (mimeo.)

  7    Report of the meeting (tpc.)

  8    RAI to A.C. Allison, C.D. Darlington, Prof. R.A. Fisher, W. d’A. Maycock, A.E. Mourant, J.A. Fraser Roberts, J.C. Trevor, I.M. Watkin, 11 Apr. 1951 – on acceptance by Council of report of the meeting, the appointment of a committee, and invitation to serve (tp.)

 2/    Nuffield Foundation 1951-64

  1    Draft of letter to the NF appealing for funds to establish a centre, [30 May 1951] (mimeo.)

  2    ‘A proposed survey of the British Isles’ (mimeo.)

  3    Draft memorandum on a blood group research and reference centre (tp. and tpc. with annotations)

  4    ‘A blood group research and reference centre’ (mimeo.)

  5    Previous application: C.D. Darlington to the NF, 31 Mar. 1948 (tpc.)

  6    Application to the NF – A proposed ABO Rh. blood group survey (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. (/5-6 above) (mimeo.)

  8    NF to RAI, 15 June – application sympathetically received; wishes to discuss some points, principally the time limit for the grant (tp.)

  9    Ibid. (mimeo.)

 10    RAI to NF, 22 June – names for meeting suggested (tpc.)

 11    Circular letter from AEM announcing the grant from the NF and appealing for offprints of relevant data, Sep. 1951 (mimeo.)

 12    Draft press release on establishment of the centre for Nature and the Eugenics Review (tpc.)

 13    Ibid. for the Lancet and the British Medical Journal (tpc.)

 14    Report to Council (tpc.); see Minutes, 22 Apr., BG/81/2, Item 4

 15    Notes for the Hon. Treasurer (tpc.); see Minutes 29 Oct. BG/82/1, Item 2(a)

 .1    Report on the Centre by W.B. Fagg (autogr.)

 16    The coding of postal addresses by J.A. Fraser Roberts (mimeo.); see Minutes, 15 Oct., BG/83/1 Item 4

 17    Draft Report to the Council (mimeo.); see Minutes, 29 Apr., BG/83/2, Item 3

 18    Circular letter from AEM on the dates of future meetings, 14 Jan. (mimeo.); see Minutes, 11 Nov. 1954, BG/84/1, Item 6

 19    Statement made at the time of the establishment of the Blood Group Centre (13 Nov. 1951), 8 Mar. (tpc.)

 20    Preliminary planning and the request for a further grant, c. Oct. 7 pp. (mimeo.); see Minutes, 20 Oct., BG/85/1, Item 4

 21    Circular letter from AEM on the revised draft of the memorandum to be submitted to NF for additional funds, 21 Dec. (mimeo.)

 22    Publications to which the Centre contributed, 1952 5 (tp. with autogr. addition)

 23    RAI to NF, 6 Feb. – covering letter to memorandum on activities, future plans and application for a further grant (tpc.)

 24    Memorandum enclosing list of Committee members for 1956, List of publications, 1952 5, Hon. Treasurer’s statement of past expenditure to 31 Dec. 1955, Hon. Treasurer’s detailed estimates of the annual sum required. 12 leaves (tpc.)

 25    Ibid. /23 (stencilled)

 26    Ibid. /24. 15 leaves (stencilled)

 27    NF to RAI, 27 Feb. – a final grant of £14,200 over five years offered (tp.)

 28    Ibid. (mimeo)

 29    ‘Action Minute’ sheet, 22 Mar. (tpc.); see Minutes, BG/85/3

 30    Report to Council (stencilled); see Minutes, BG/85/3 Item 6, f. 38

 31    Ibid. with additional financial details (mimeo.)

 32    ‘Suggestions towards the inauguration of a human biology group’, 20 Mar. (mimeo.); see Minutes, BG/85/3, Item 8, 22 Mar., f. 38

 33    AEM to RAI, 28 Mar. – notifies formally the Committee acceptance of the NF offer (tp.)

 34    Draft reply to NF (tp., with autogr. amendments by W.B. Fagg; additions by secretary)

 .1    Statement of income and expenditure, 1 Jan. 1952 31 Mar. 1956

 35    RAI to Lord Raglan (President), 17 Apr. – reply to NF for signature enclosed (tpc. with additions by secretary)

 36    RAI to NF, 18 Apr. – offer of grant accepted (tpc.)

 37    RAI memo. to AEM, 28 Sep. – note of action needed arising from meeting of 27 Sep. (tpc.); see Minutes, BG/86/1

1957    [Correspondence relating to salaries not retained]
 38    NF to RAI, 5 Feb. – asks how they would like the grant paid (tp.)

 39    RAI to NF, 22 Feb. – asks for a policy similar to the first grant (tpc., annotated)

 40    NF to RAI, 27 Feb. – first cheque enclosed (tp.)

[Correspondence relating to the despatch and acknowledgement of cheques, 1957 60 not retained]

 41    AEM to NF, 25 Nov. – discusses publication difficulties of the distribution of blood groups; refers to the use made of the Centre; informs them of the MRC grant from 1 Jan. 1962 for five years (tpc.)

 42    Report for 1960

 43    NF to AEM, 23 May – informs of £900 grant (£400 to permit a clean balance sheet in 1962; £500 towards publication) (tp.)

 44    AEM to RAI, 9 June – sends copy of above letter which he has acknowledged (autogr., with autogr. notes)

 45    Statement of income and expenditure to 30 Sep. 1961 (mimeo.)

 46    NF to RAI, 12 Dec. – encloses cheque for £400 (tp.)

 47    NF to RAI, 29 Oct. – grant of £500 still outstanding; inquires about publication of blood group survey (tp.)

 48    RAI to NF, 4 Nov. – no definite information on publication date (tpc.)

 49    NF to RAI, 7 Oct. – refers to letter above (/47); notes survey has been published; assumes grant no longer required (tp.)

 50    RAI to NF, 14 Oct. – preliminary account only published; hopes for publication in 1965; suggests £500 should be held in a blocked account if accountancy problems arise (tpc.)

 51    NF to RAI, 20 Oct. – misunderstanding arises from New Society cutting; no accountancy problem arises (tp.)

 3/    National Blood Transfusion Service 1951, 1955

  1    Dr W. d’A. Maycock, Lister Institute to RAI, 8 Nov. – encloses draft of letter (/2 below) to the Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health asking for cooperation from the National Blood Transfusion Service (autogr.)

  2    Draft letter to Chief Medical Officer (tp.)

  3    ‘A proposed survey of the British Isles’ (tp.)

  4    RAI to Sir John Charles, Chief Medical Officer, 19 Nov. – requesting cooperation as above (/1) (tpc.)

  5    RAI to Regional Transfusion Centre, Manchester, 16 Mar. – disappointed that no data has been received from Manchester; an important anthropological dividing line passes through the region; without this data there would be a conspicuous gap; hopes for cooperation (tpc.)

  6    National Blood Transfusion Service, Manchester to RAI, 28 Mar. – regret assistance has not been forthcoming due to increase in work; additional information required makes for difficulties including some resentment by donors of questions asked; records always available for statistical analysis (tp.)

 4/    Mental Health Research Fund. 1957-8


  1    MHRF to RAI, 24 June – agrees to method of claims (tp.)

  2    MRC to RAI, 20 Sep. – on printing of punched cards (tp.)

  3    RAI to MHRF, 8 Nov. – apologises for delay in rendering account (tp.)


  4    RAI to MHRF, 6 Aug. – on payment for coding and sorting of cards (tpc.)

 5/    Medical Research Council. 1960-4

  1    AEM to RAI, 6 July – notes on their discussion enclosed (/2 below) (autogr.)

  2    Notes on meeting (tpc. reversed)

  3    Ibid. (photocopy)

  4    RAI President to MRC, 27 July – documents in support of application for financial support enclosed with signatures of the special sub-committee (/5 below) (tpc.)

  5    Signatures of special sub-committee (tpc. with autogr. signatures)

  6    Enclosures listed (tpc.)

  7    Memorandum: (a) History of the Centre; (b) Plans for the scientific future; (c) Financial provision for the future. 8 leaves (tpc.)

  8    Brief summary of the organisation and activities of the … Centre. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  9    List of members of the Committee, 1960 (tpc.)

 10    Publications to which the … Centre has contributed, 1952-60 (tpc.)

 11    Hon. Treasurer’s statement of past expenditure, 1957-9 (tp)

 12    Hon. Treasurer’s detailed estimates. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 13    MRC to RAI, 2 Sep. – memorandum acknowledged; curriculum vitae for staff requested (tp. with autogr. annotation)

 14    RAI to AEM (in Tokyo), 7 Sep. – informs him of MRC reply; asks him to check details (tpc. with autogr. annotation by M.W. Smith)

 15    Draft reply to MRC, [7 Sep.] (tp.)

 16    Draft curriculum vitae (tp. with autogr. annotations by M.W. Smith)

 17    AEM to RAI, 16 Sep. – makes suggestions for details in reply to MRC (autogr.)

 18    RAI to MRC, 20 Sep. – encloses curriculum vitae (/19 below) and details of estimate for salaries and superannuation [not present] (tpc.)

 19    Curriculum vitae of staff. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 20    MRC to RAI, 28 Oct. – willing to provide financial support from 1 Jan. 1962 for five years; comments on the low salaries; prepared to increase grant to cover additional amount (tp.)

 21    RAI to MRC, 1 Nov. – expresses pleasure in the grant; to be reported to Council (tpc.)

 22    RAI President to MRC, 4 Nov. – reports Council pleasure; Sub-Committee available to discuss details (tpc.)

 23    Draft report on a meeting between representatives of the MRC and the RAI, 2 Mar. (tpc.)

 24    Report of a meeting ibid. (mimeo.); see Minutes. 23 Mar., BG/90/2, Items 2-4

 25    MRC to RAI, 28 Apr. – outlines details covering matter discussed on 2 Mar. (/23 above) 3 leaves (tp.)

 26    RAI to MRC, 1 May – acknowledges letter of 28 Apr. (tpc.)

 27    MRC to RAI, 3 May – on rates of pay for scientific and clerical staff (tp.)

 28    Ibid., 14 Aug. – requests details of salaries (tp.)

 29    RAI to MRC, 17 Aug. – salary details sent; comments on superannuation increases (tpc.)

 30    MRC to RAI, 25 Aug. – further salary details required; comments on additional sum for administrative expenses (tp.)

 31    Sun Life Assurance Society to RAI, 29 Aug. – pension scheme outlined (tp.)

 32    RAI to Hon. Treasurer (Sir George Beresford-Stooke), 4 Sep. – gives details of additional premiums (tp. autogr. annotation by Hon. Treasurer)

 33    RAI to MRC, 6 Sep. – gives revised payments for premiums (tpc.)

 34    MRC to RAI, 10 Oct. – on salary increase (tp.) [additional correspondence on salary and superannuation increases not retained]

 35    Circular to the Committee announcing the MRC grant (mimeo.); see Minutes, 19 Oct., BG/91/1

 36    MRC to AEM, 6 Nov. – on the title of the Centre and suggestions for change (tp. copy)

 37    RAI to MRC, 29 Nov. – the Committee wishes the MRC to nominate a representative (tpc.); reply of 16 Jan. not retained

 38    MRC to RAI, 1 Dec. – two representatives nominated (tp.)

 39    MRC to RAI, 9 Jan. – first-quarter’s cheque enclosed; gives procedures to be followed in submitting applications (tp. with autogr. annotation)

 40    Ibid., 17 Apr. – quotes block-grant figures for 1962 (tp.)

 41    AEM to MRC, 7 Aug. – on proposed visit to the Belfast Blood Transfusion Centre by Dr A. Kopec (the Centre’s statistician) to inspect their records and the Committee’s request for funding (tpc.)

 42    MRC to RAI, 10 Aug. – suggests the proposed visit to Belfast should be funded by savings from the existing grant; prepared to consider an increase later in the year if this is not possible (tp.)

 43    Ibid., 27 Aug. – preparing revised estimates for 1962/3 etc.; asks if any revision is required and proposals for 1963/4 (tp.)

 44    RAI to MRC, 23 Oct. – sends quarterly statement; no revision of grant required; will recommend same figures for 1963/4 (tpc.)

 45    Estimate of expenditure, 1 Apr. 1962 – 31 Mar. 1963 (autogr.)

 46    Statement of income and expenditure to 30 Sep. 1961 (mimeo.)

 47    MRC to RAI, 25 Oct. – notes letter of 23 Oct. (/44 above) (tp.)

 48    Draft report to Council (mimeo. with autogr. amendments by AEM); see Minutes, 28 Mar., BG/92/1, f.72

 49    Report to Council (mimeo.)

 50    MRC to RAI, 4 Sep. – preparing estimates; requests details for 1963/4 and 1964/5 (tp.)

 51    RAI to MRC, 11 Sep. – confirms no change for 1963/4 estimates; in view of likely increase in MRC salary scales submits figure of £5300 (tpc.)

 52    MRC to RAI, 30 Apr. – confirms grant of £5300 (tp.); reply of 1 May not retained

 53    Ibid., 12 Aug. – preparing estimates; requests details for 1964/5 and 1965/6 (tp.)

 54    Note on AEM’s discussion with MRC on estimates, possible reorganisation of the Centre, and an extra member of staff (autogr.); see Minutes 20 Feb., BG/93/1, Item 4 on the incorporation of the Centre in a new unit for Research in Serological Population Genetics

 55    RAI to MRC, 4 Sep. – provisional estimate of £5300; salary for extra member of staff excluded; suggests plans for reorganisation should be settled first (tpc.)

 56    Note on conversation between AEM and Hon. Secretary agreeing on a Committee meeting after the next MRC meeting to discuss further action (autogr.)

 57    MRC to RAI, 15 Feb. – acknowledges final account for accommodation; considering ways of making a contribution to redecoration (tp.)
 6/    General Correspondence. 1951, 1954-72

  1    Rockefeller Foundation (RF), New York to AEM, 16 July – on application to the Foundation and NF application (tp. copy)

  2    AEM to RF, 20 July – acknowledges letter; application to NF under consideration (tpc.)

  3    AEM to Dr M.C.K. Tweedie, Laboratory of Human Nutrition, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, 30 Oct. – on new Centre; outlines specification for a statistician and requests his help (tpc.); similar letter sent to Dr I. Sutherland, Institute of Social Medicine, Oxford

  4    RAI President (J.P. Mills) to Hon. Secretary (W.B. Fagg), 24 Nov. – MRC uneasy at AEM as an employee being called Hon. Director but suggests Hon. Advisor or Hon. Scientific Advisor (autogr.)

  5    MRC to RAI, 5 Dec. – MRC prefers AEM to have title of Hon. Advisor; understands this is acceptable to RAI and AEM (tp.)

  6    AEM to Committee members, 4 Oct. – on suggested dates for meetings in Nov. (mimeo.)

  7    Memorandum on the Centre for the Sieff meeting, 21 Dec. (tpc.)

  8    AEM to RAI, 30 Apr. – on revised report for Council (autogr.)

  9    AEM to RAI Hon. Treasurer, 27 May – draft of minutes of last meeting sent; asks for his criticisms especially the financial sections; would like a copy of his financial statement (tp.)

 10    Nominations to the Committee, July – Oct. 1956

 .1    RAI to British Empire Cancer Campaign (BECC), MRC, Royal Society, World Health Organisation (WHO), Geneva (similar letters), 19, 20, 19, and 27 July respectively – outlines work of the Centre; invites the nomination of a representative (tpc.); BECC letter only retained

 .2    BECC to RAI, 28 July – pleased to nominate a representative to the Committee (tp.)

 .3    Ibid., 12 Aug. – Prof. Ian Aird nominated (tp.); RAI letter of welcome to Prof. Aird, 15 Sep. and reply, 22 Sep. not retained

 .4    MRC to RAI, 2 Aug. – unclear if AEM as MRC representative would meet requirements (tp.)

 .5    RAI to MRC, 6 Aug. – feels sure AEM would prefer someone other than himself; will consult him on his return (tpc.); letter to President on the nomination not retained, 6 Aug.

 .6    President RAI to Hon. Secretary, 8 Aug. – agrees AEM and Dr Fraser Roberts expected someone other than AEM; has notified MRC (tp.)

 .7    Royal Society to RAI, 26 July – invitation acknowledged (tp.)

 .8    WHO to RAI, 2 Sep. – expresses great interest in the Centre; for legal reasons regrets it cannot nominate a representative (tpc., copy)

 .9    RAI President to Secretary to the Officers, 18 Sep. – has noted WHO letter; comments on BECC nomination and unwelcome alteration of Council dates (tp.)

.10    AEM to RAI, 12 Nov. – Committee unanimously agreed Dr D.F. Roberts should be nominated (tp.)

.11    Ibid., 1 Oct. – Ibid. Mr D.H.F. Wilson (tp.)

 11    Wellcome Trust: Minutes of meeting between Sir Henry Dale and Dr F.H.K. Green of the Wellcome Trust, and AEM held on 17 Oct. 1956 at 24 Harley Street – possible sources of financial support after the final NF grant discussed; Trust asked to be kept informed; official approach suggested if no substantial grant had been obtained within two years (tp.)

1958    [correspondence on change of date for the Oct. meeting not retained]

 12    AEM, St Saviour, Jersey to RAI, 10 Aug. – urgent request received for information on the Centre; difficult away from his papers (autogr.); RAI reply, 13 Aug., not retained

 13    AEM to RAI, 4 Nov. – lists names of those appointed to sub-committee to negotiate with the MRC on the future; asks for Council to give its approval (autogr.)

 14    RAI to AEM, 6 Nov. – Council approved appointments to sub-committee and gives it authority to act; all decisions to be finalised by Council (tpc.)

1960-4    [correspondence on Committee resignations and nominations and on equipment not retained]

 15    AEM to Anthony Christie (AC), Honorary Secretary, 30 Mar. – asks that Dr. Kopeć be reimbursed the fee for attending study group on medical data processing; notes delay in payment to Dr. Kopeć of expenses for British Association meeting last year (tp.)

 16    AC to AEM, 31 Mar. – has given Dr. Kopeč a cheque for expenses (tpc.)

 17    J.D. Whittaker(JDW), MRC, to AC, 13 Apr. – refers to AEM’s application to MRC for support for programme of research in serological population genetics; proposal accepted in principle; AEM to resign directorship of the Blood Group Reference Laboratory to take up the new venture to be known as the Serological Population Genetics Laboratory; St Bartholomew’s Hospital will accommodate the laboratory work; asks whether RAI can accommodate the statistical work; AEM has proposed Mrs Kopec, Mrs Sobczak and Miss Wasung to undertake this statistical work; they would become members of MRC staff; on their transfer the MRC grant to RAI for the Anthropological Blood Group Centre would cease; accommodation charges would still be met 2 leaves (tp.)

 18    [AC] to JDW, 20 May – discusses changes to the superannuation schemes of staff of the Anthropological Blood Group Centre when MRC takes over; staff have schemes with Sun Life Assurance Co. linked to life policies; suggests deferral of transfer of staff until after the end of the insurance year on 31 July; wonders whether staff would like to continue to contribute to present policies (tpc.)

 19    Ibid., 31 May – encloses official reply to JDW’s letter of 13 Apr.; is disconcerted by the negotiations; stresses importance of the date mentioned (tpc.)

 20    Ibid., – thanks him for letter of 13 Apr. which has been discussed by RAI Council and Blood Group Committee; while anxious to assist AEM the RAI urgently needs more space; it was the RAI’s understanding that AEM’s plans would include accommodation for the statistical section; RAI not able to accommodate Dr Kopec and her colleagues beyond 31 Dec.; in the opinion of the Blood Group Committee most unsatisfactory that AEM’s new organization should be separated in the way implied (tpc.)

 21    G.A. Leeper, Secretary to JDW, to AC, 1 June – acknowledges his letter of 31 May (tp.)

 22    AC to JDW, 3 Jun. – returns personal record forms in respect of Dr Kopec, Mrs Sobczak and Miss Wasung; raises certain questions relating to their pension schemes 2 leaves (tpc.)

 23    A.C. Kopeć to AC, 18 Aug. – wishes to continue her payments to Sun Life Assurance (tp.)

 24    J. Wasung to AC, 18 Aug. – wishes to surrender her policy with Sun Life Assurance (tp.)

 25    K.D. Sobczak to AC, 18 Aug. – is joining MRC superannuation scheme; wishes her policy with Sun Life Assurance to be treated as fully paid up and frozen until her retirement age (tp.)

 26    AC to Sun Life Assurance Society, 24 Aug. – confirms that Dr Kopeć, Mrs Sobczak and Miss Wasung have transferred to MRC; therefore their pension/annuity schemes will not be renewed; summarises their wishes in relation to their schemes; returns the forms in respect of the policies (tpc.)

 27    AEM to AC, 5 Aug. – has had long talk with the staff about their affairs; they wish to come under MRC administration and take part in health service insurance scheme; their previous insurance affairs need to be settled; summarises their respective wishes (tp.)

 28    AC to AEM, 1 Sept. – has delayed answering letter of 5 Aug. until affairs of the statistical staff had been settled; believes that this has now been done; insurance company has been instructed of their different wishes (tpc.)

 29    AEM to RAI, 13 Oct. – lists names omitted from the Committee in the Annual Report (tp.)

 30    Royal Society to RAI, 29 Dec. – Dr J.F. Loutit appointed to succeed Dr R.R. Race as the Society’s representative (tp.)

 31    Manager, Sun Life Assurance Society Ltd., to Mr Harper, RAI, 4 Nov. – encloses form of discharge in respect of Mrs Sobczak’s policies; asks for completion and return of the form (tp.)

 32    AC to the Manager, Sun Life Assurance Society Ltd., 5 Nov. – encloses form of discharge signed by Mrs Sobczak (tpc.)

 33    Manager, Sun Life Assurance Society Ltd.,8 Nov. – has received form of discharge signed by Mrs Sobczak; encloses cheque in settlement (tp.)

 34    D.G Metcalfe, MRC, to AC, 9 Dec. – confirms that MRC staff will be transferred from RAI on 1 Feb. 1966; is sorry that this is a month later than AC would have wished; difficult to find alternative accommodation; premises need to be redecorated; thanks AC and RAI for tolerance and consideration (tp)


 35    AC to D.G. Metcalfe, 11 Feb. – encloses final account for accommodation of the Blood Group Centre; asks for a contribution towards the cost of redecorating the accommodation used by Dr Kopeć and her colleagues (tpc.)

 .1    Anthropological Blood Group Centre, Final Accommodation Account, 10 Feb. (tpc.)

 36    D.G. Metcalfe, to AC, 6 May – agrees to make a contribution to redecorating the accommodation used by Dr Kopeć and her colleagues (tpc.)

 37    AC to D.G. Metcalfe, 25 May – expresses gratitude to MRC for their help (tpc.)

 38    RAI to AEM, 6 Jul. – agrees to storage at British Museum of record cards collected 1951-61 in preparation of ‘The distribution of the blood groups in the United Kingdom 1970’ (tpc.)

 39    AEM to RAI, 31 Jan. – asks for the balance of funds to be transferred to the Medical College, St Bartholomew’s Hospital for the Serological Population Genetics Laboratory (successor to the Centre); outlines current financial constraints 2 leaves (tp.)

 40    Proposals for research and publication by AEM and staff. 7 leaves (photocopy)

 41    RAI to AEM, 10 Mar. – assessing the Centre’s account has caused delays; cheque for £668.47 (tpc.)

 42    Financial figures (autogr.)

 43    RAI to AEM, 31 July – final cheque for £38.98 sent (tpc.)

 44    AEM to RAI, c. 3 Aug. – acknowledges cheque; gives new address (autogr.)

7/    Publication of The ABO blood groups

  1    RAI memo to AEM, 30 Oct. – reports Council’s approval to apply for grants from the Royal Society and the Wenner Gren Foundation (tpc.)

  2    Royal Society to AEM, 13 Dec. – notified of £250 grant from the Wellcome Trust (tp. copy); AEM acknowledgement, 17 Dec. not retained

  3    AEM to RAI Hon. Treasurer, 17 Dec. – reports grant from the Royal Society; unsure as to whether the grant should be collected now or next year when the book is published (tp.)

  4    Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, New York to RAI, 2 Mar. – reports grant of $700 (£250); transmitted to Hanover Bank, London (tp.); RAI acknowledgement, 9 Mar. not retained

  5    Hanover Bank, London, 8 Mar. – currency transaction (tp.)

  6    RAI memo. to AEM, 15 Oct. – suggests the book should be published as Occasional Paper, No.13 (tpc.)

  7    AEM to RAI, 12 Nov. – has spoken to the President and the publishers (Blackwell Scientific Publications) about publication as an Occasional Paper; neither can see any objection; sends proposed contract; profits to go to the Centre; assumes Council will have to approve contract (tp.)

  8    RAI to AEM, 18 Nov. – thinks the Officers or Council should see proof of note on the publication as an Occasional Paper; draft contract accepted by Officers (tpc.)[AEM’s acknowledgement, 19 Nov., not retained]

  9    AEM to Blackwell Scientific Publications, 21 Nov. – returns draft contract; explains financial position of the authors in the Centre; hopes the position can be accommodated in the contract (tpc.)

 10    AEM to RAI, 25 Nov. – sends revised contract; suggests minute should record Council’s agreement that royalties should be payable to the Centre (tp.)

 11    RAI to AEM, 26 Nov. – acknowledges revised contract; makes some suggested alterations (tpc.)

 12    AEM to RAI, 27 Nov. – has returned revised contract; copy of alterations also sent (tp.)

 13    Blackwell Scientific Publications to RAI, 7 Nov. – reports corrections not received (tp)

 14    RAI to Blackwell, 10 Nov. – RAI’s cheque sent; lists institutions to be sent copies (tpc.)

 8/    Statements

  1    1 Jan. 1952 – 31 Oct. 1954 (tpc.)

  2    Ibid. to 31 Mar. 1955 (tpc.)

  3    Ibid. to 31 Mar. 1956 (tpc.)

  4    Ibid. to 31 Mar. 1957 (tpc.)

  5    Ibid. to 30 Sep. 1957 (tp.)

  6    Ibid. to 31 Dec. 1958 (tp.)

  7    1 Jan. to 30 Sep. 1959 (mimeo.)

  8    31 Mar. to 30 June 1960 (autogr.)

  9    31 Dec. 1959 to 31 Mar. 1961 (mimeo.)

 9/    Minutes

18 May 1951-26 May 1965, BG/80/1 BG/94/1 (complete)
5 Nov. 1965 – agenda only

See also A142/1/5 for cash book of Blood Group Centre

W.B. Fagg Papers combined with RAI files.